Safi Khan – Soul Food for College Students The Du’a Series Class 9
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The importance of sincerity towards Allah is emphasized in Subhan conversions, where people desire their doors to be answered, and desire their shoes and clothing removed. The segment highlights the actions of Subhan conversions, including people who want their doors to be answered and people who want their shoes and clothing removed. The segment also highlights the importance of self awareness in Islam, including not going back to sin and not returning to sin, and concludes with a Q&A session.
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all right sha Allah
Okay, this one lol hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah
well, either early he was Hobi he urged Marian sodomite ecomark Not
Allah who are better caltopo Charlotte everyone's doing well
we are inshallah going to continue on with our dua series.
We are in Sharla going to plan to finish the series hopefully by
like mid summer. So like around like the maybe beginning middle of
June or July, we're going to try in shot line wrap the series of
because there's a couple of more really important things to touch
base on regarding dua, okay, of them being things like how does
affect the idea of, you know, predestination? How does it affect
the idea of the decree of Allah subhana wa Tada
and, you know, things that are supposed to be watched out for in
terms of avoiding during the door, I know, we touched about some of
them, you know, in the in the in the beginning portion of the
series, but as we kind of continue on, we're gonna get more and more
and more detailed as we go inshallah. So
today's theme that we're going to be covering is heavily focused on
the idea of dua, and how the heart impacts it, okay. And we'll tie
every single one of these points back to the heart some way
somehow, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
mentioned in a sound narration, he said that there is a part of your
self a part of your body. And if it is,
right and upright, the rest of your body will be upright. And if
it is corrupted or ruined, then the rest of your body or the rest
of yourself will be ruined. Allah will heal calm, and this is your
heart, okay? Which proves to us that the heart is an extremely
important vessel within the body, right? It's not just something we
believe is just kind of by accident there. It's just a
physical means of who you are knitted into the heart spiritually
is the central nervous system of the soul. Right? That if your
heart is intact, then your limbs will also be intact. We're going
to talk about a narration today in sha Allah, that's going to teach
us Subhanallah so much about how when a person's heart is aligned
with ALLAH SubhanA, WA, tada, the rest of their body actually follow
suit, the ears, the eyes, the limbs, they all begin to find the
things that Allah subhanaw taala loves to be easier for them. And
when a person's heart is misaligned, when the heart is
something that is off, it's not pointing to his true north than
the rest of the body, the limbs find it that much more difficult
to abide by what makes Allah subhanaw taala pleased, right? So
if the heart is not aligned properly, you'll see that the eyes
have a harder time looking at things that Allah loves, right? If
the heart is corrupted, the ears have a harder time listening to
things that are pleasing to Allah. And so the heart is truly
something that's so central to our entire existence spiritually, more
than just obviously physically. And so, today Inshallah, we're
going to go over some of these elements, okay, factors that aid a
person's do in being answered. So the author he says, there are
certain factors that assist a person's due to being accepted by
Allah. These factors are explicitly meant
In the text of the Quran and the Sunnah as being factors that
guarantee or greatly increase the chances that ones do as you're
accepted. And one of the things I want to preface by saying here is
that really nothing is guaranteed unless ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada has
guaranteed it, okay? Nothing in the world is guaranteed unless
ALLAH has guaranteed it. So one of the things that we need to
understand before we even dive into any of these elements, is to
understand that Allah is the ultimate decider of everything
that happens in our lives, okay? People ask these questions all the
time, right? Like, oh, if I do this, will I get into heaven? If I
do that? Will I go to *? If I do, this will not happen to me.
And my answer to all of these hypothetical questions is, you
know, as much as I cannot guarantee anything from my point,
I can't speak for Allah subhanaw taala himself. And so there are
things that are done that increase the value and the quality of what
somebody does. But that doesn't guarantee anything, right. And
understand something one of my machines has taught me this is
very powerful lesson. He said one time to me that whatever you
observe, is from your own point of view, so don't make that a
definitive claim. So for example, if I see someone being pious,
right, I humbly law say to myself that Well, I saw that person
showing a moment of piety. That was my perspective, but I don't
actually know the true nature. i From what I know of them. That's
why it's very, very, very wise. By the way, whenever somebody asks
you about a, you know, an account of another person, oh, what are
they like, right? What did you see from them? From the other of a
person that's, that's a believer, they say, Well, from what I have
seen, it seems to me that they are this and this and this and this
Hamdulillah, right? Because at the end of the day, the heart conceals
a lot, right? The body can do certain things, almost
performatively but when the heart itself is not in line with it,
like we talked about, it's merely just lip service, or, you know,
just merely action. And there's no Eman and no heart actually
involved with it. Okay. So, he says, although some of these
factors have already been mentioned, there'll be listed
again here for the sake of benefit. So the first thing that
he mentions is the idea of a loss, okay? That if loss is the number
one thing that actually elevates a dua to Allah subhana, Allah to
Allah, okay. And he gives the example of pondering over the
story of Yunus it has said, I'm in the whale, which we've gone over
several times. We spoke even about, you know, extensively about
this particular moment right here, darkness covered with darkness,
the darkness of the whale's belly, along with the darkness of the
sea, along with the darkness of the night. All of these things
were almost encompassing the difficulty of the predicament that
Eunice Alehissalaam was in. And amongst all of this, Allah
subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, Fernanda field lumati and
La ilaha illa Anta Subhana QCCA in Nico Tumino body mean, he cried
out to Allah subhana wa Tada with this beautiful, beautiful dua. And
so what was the response from Allah who heard him from the
depths of the ocean, inside the stomach of this whale? Allah
subhana wa Tada. He says, First Jabba na Allah who we responded to
his call, okay, and saved him from the distress that he was in. And
likewise, we do the same to all the believers who follow in this
tradition, right? So when a believer finds himself in a in a
tough predicament, like I said last week, don't always say, oh,
woe is me. Why am I in this predicament? Look at it as a
challenge from Allah subhanaw taala. Allah has put me in a
difficult position. But Allah subhanaw taala is also giving me a
chance to prove my sincerity here. Right? Allah allowed me to, you
know, go through that tough semester in school, because it was
he was giving me an opportunity to prove my gloss, my sincerity. It's
not it's not all doom and gloom, right? This is actually something
of beauty. And this is why the prophets lie. Selim, he also said,
the case of a believer is a Jeep, the word that was used was
actually a jeep. It was strange, it's mind boggling. Why? Because
when they're in moments of happiness, they're grateful. And
when they're the one they're in moments of distress, they're also
grateful for what they have. I mean, how many people in the world
can claim that, that they're the same in both moments of distress
and moments of happiness? And again, it's not easy, right? This
is not something that's standardized for every human being
that they can do simply, but the believers heart should be catered
towards the idea of being being in the same mindset of loving Allah,
no matter what state that I'm in, right? Whether I'm going through
good or I'm going through difficulty, okay. So, here
obviously he says that, you know, they make dua to Allah subhana wa
Tada what the rue Who meclizine Allah Who Deen they make dua to
Allah subhana wa Tada sincerely for him, to to him in this
religion, right. And Allah mentioned this in several other
parts of the Quran wallmount when we do it earlier, Abdullah
meclizine Allahu Deen. Allah tells us that there's one objective you
have in life which is to worship Allah and to be sincere to Allah
and your deen. When it comes to your deen. Make sure to check
Your sincerity every single step of the way. And what that means
is, there are dunya the actions that you will take in your life,
right? For example, things that are very relevant to this world,
you know, getting a job or you know, spending time socially or
spending time in leisure or whatever it may be right, catching
a nap, whatever it may be, right? And you can have dual intentions
when it comes to those things. But when it comes to literally Allah
and Allah alone actions that are only for Allah, and I'll give you
an example of this fasting, fasting, right? The reality is a
fast is dictated by the intention behind it. How many of y'all have
ever had to explain the idea of some of fasting to a non Muslim?
And some of us were like, Yeah, well, it's like a really good like
way to like cleanse your gut and like, oh, you know, like, you get
super healthy, right, like, and then you have to explain the
awkward statistic of Muslims gaining weight and Ramadan. For
some reason, you're like, well, the stats aren't really like
solid. Yeah. So so when you try to kind of explain it to them in a
way where it's kind of, yeah, it's a really great way to watch for
your health, or even the very famous one of like, oh, yeah,
it's, it's a way where we can sympathize with those who have
less than us. I mean, that's true. However, that's true. That's
always going to be tertiary. It's never going to be the primary, the
primary is always going to be that a person stops themselves from
doing things like eating and drinking and intimacy during the
time of daylight. Why? Because they want to focus on Allah
subhana wa, tada, right. And subhanAllah you know, when a
person looks at things that way, they look at the things that that
are relevant to their to their spirituality, only, they will say,
okay, you know what, I can't have dual intention when it comes to
this. I can't pray because I want to impress that person. And please
Allah at the same time, I can't give sadaqa because I want people
to call me generous, and at the same time, help contribute to
something that's, you know, a needy cause, right, I can't go to
Hajj because I need to get like a Mex points on my credit card, but
also fulfill a pillar of Islam like this is not how it works.
That will never be how it works. When it comes to things that are
strictly for the sake of Allah, they must be for the sake of Allah
subhana wa Tada. But the beauty and this is the beauty of
spiritual maturity. When a person begins to develop spiritually,
they not only find Sunny, excellent intentions in merely
spiritual things like prayer and fasting, but they also start
making dunya intentions also spiritual as well when it comes to
dunya actions. So now I don't only go to school because I want to get
a degree. I make a dua every morning that when I go to school,
oh, Allah be pleased with me because this is a means to be
taking care of my family later on in my life. Right? When I spend
time with my friends, I say, oh, Allah, I'm spending time with my
friends. Yes, I'm enjoying it socially. But also, I know that
these friends are people who remind me of you Yala. Right? This
is called spiritual maturity. When a person grows in their
spirituality, they learn to onboard these character traits
that are beyond just the traits of the average person, right? And
this is literally what spiritual maturity is, right? They don't
only look at prayer and fasting and DUA and Zeca as worship, but
they could also look at getting a job and going to work as a form of
pleasing God. Right? It's an incredible, incredible mindset to
have as a person grows through their life, okay. So sincerity is
number one. And this is why he quotes a scholar scholar here by
the name of an athlete, Al Henneberry. Who wrote it is said a
door is never responded to quickly, except for a person who
is sincere. And then he says in the latter half or a person who
has been wrong, but obviously the first one that was mentioned is
sincerity. All right, the second to expect the best from Allah
subhanho wa Tada. Okay. And the author he says this point to has
been discussed previously, but let's talk about why it's been
repeated, right? There's always a reason why something's repeated
things are repeated for the sake of emphasis and benefit. So he
says one of the strongest factors that aid a person's due art and
being accepted is that he or she expects in fact, that Allah will
assure to respond to his or her dua, when they expect the best of
Allah subhanaw taala then Allah treats them the way that he
expects and this is from the perfection of Allah's nature and
from the descriptions of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Okay, and one of
the examples I wanted to share with you guys here, okay, is the
idea of this particular Hadith of the Prophet slice LM I'm gonna
highlight it for you guys so you guys can Sharla see it. So it says
here, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah
said so this is like a this is a Hadith Bootsy right Hadith glitzy
is something that is that is given to the Prophet so some that was
not in the Quran, but it was stated by the prophets are some
words Okay, so the prophets lie Selim, he says that Allah said, Oh
My servants, okay. Oh my servants, if the first of you and the last
of you, if the Jinn of you, right, those who are unseen, okay. And
the humans of you, meaning like people who are accretion that's
apparent in creation that you can't see. We're to all stand in
one area and ask of me, and I gave every single one of you
what they wanted, then all that wouldn't, and all of that giving
would not decrease anything from my kingdom. And then he gives the
example because for us, sometimes Allah's Greatness is difficult for
us to actually conceptualize, right? I mean, you think about it,
right? Allah Allah, Allah, Allah who will, how you will assume
Latin, who who Sen and what are known when you read AYATUL kursi.
Right, when you read it, of course, it's a very fascinating
IO. Why? Because you're thinking about all these concepts that are
so normal to you, right? Allah Who La ilaha illa, who will how you
will presume he is the one who is the most powerful the strongest,
right? Let's see who the WHO Senator what are known. Fatigue
does not take over him, nor does he need to sleep. Right? He does
not have children. While Aamir Khan, La Jolla, California had
there's no one like him, let him yell at what amulet, all these
things that are so normal to you and me. It's hard to conceptualize
how this is possible. Right. And this is why by the way, people who
deny God, this is the kind of a personal like thought that I've
had, as I've kind of gone through my studies with that people who
deny God, of course, there's like a layer of arrogance to it. But
it's actually a layer of not being able to understand at a deeper
level, you're just not there yet. Intellectually, you're not there.
It's like, it's like, it's like expecting a third grader to
understand like trigonometry. Like, you're not going to be there
yet. Right? It's like asking like a, like a second grader to
understand and master calculus, like, you're not you're not there,
you're not thinking of that level yet. Because you're still thinking
from a human being, oh, how is that possible? It's not possible
for me. So how is that possible for anybody? Well, that's the
reason why we worship Allah. If Allah is as great as we claim he
is, then Allah does not need sleep. Allah does not need a
family, Allah does not does not need rest, he does not get
fatigued, okay? And so to make this hadith, super powerful, Allah
gives the analogy he says, it's like the example of a needle that
is dipped in the ocean. And whatever remains on that needle is
or whatever drips from that needle or remains on it is whatever
somebody has asked for, in comparison to the rest of what
Allah subhanaw taala can offer someone. So you look at the
example, right? You take a needle, and you put it into the waters in
the ocean, and you lift it back up, whatever it remains on that
small little pin. That's all Allah says. That's, that's what you
asked me for in terms of like, what I can give. It's nothing to
me. So expect the best of me. You know, one of the reasons why we
have trouble asking people for things. How many of y'all raise of
hands have trouble asking people for things? Because you're like,
Yeah, I don't want to bother people. Anybody like that. That's
100%, that's me. It's actually it's me to a fault. I do that to a
fault. I'm like, I don't know how to do this, but I'm gonna figure
it out. I'm not gonna ask a mechanic. I'm just gonna break my
car further.
I'm gonna try to do this on my own right? I'm not gonna go to a
doctor, I'm gonna diagnose myself, you know, because I'm a little bit
of a doctor, right? So, you know, we all have some of us have these
personalities where we don't like to burden or bother, right? I'd
rather not ask my friend for I'll just like, I was getting over. I
don't know, you know, it makes me feel weird, right? I don't want to
burden anybody. So that stem, that stem of not wanting to burden
somebody. This is a very human thing. Right? It's a very human
thing. And I mentioned this to you guys, unlike the first session of
this entire series that your relationship with Allah cannot be
the same as your relationship with other people. And we have to be
able to differentiate that. If someone is unforgiving of you
don't ever think that Allah is unforgiving? If someone has not
forgiven you for a mistake that you've made in the past, I've
never forgotten about that you did that thing. Don't attribute that
to Allah. Right? When when you don't want to bother somebody for
a favor. When you don't want to seem needy to another person.
Don't assume that Allah subhanaw taala will get annoyed with you
because of your neediness. In fact, Allah quite literally loves
those who are needy. But that's one of the requisites of dua, is
that you're in a state of need, okay. And so don't ever feel like
you're bothering Allah. I mean, subhanAllah how that is such a,
you know, we never want to feel that way that Oh, I don't want to
ask Allah because I'm bothering Allah. Allah does not get bothered
by us. Allah does not get bothered by us. In fact, the only
relationship that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada through the Quran over and
over and over again, gives us any sort of like an analogy to of His
love for us is the love for parents towards children. Right?
We'll call the auto Buka Allah taboo. Illa Iya. Will Bill Wiley
Dany Sana, okay? Be good to your parents. He says that to you.
Literally after he tells you what called our Buka Allah to Abu Allah
year that you've been decreed to worship Allah alone. What does
that mean? Why, why are those things so close together in the
Quran, worship God Be good to your parents. There's a reason it's not
random. The reason is that there is a tie with those to Allah wants
you to know that these two things are important. Being good to your
Oops, and we'll talk about that in just a second inshallah. Okay, so
ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada without any sort of hesitation, okay. And
then you know Subhanallah you know, there was a, there was a
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful story here. The Companions
understood this concept expecting the best from Allah, and hence why
only the Allah who are unsaid, I'm not worried about whether my dua
will be responded to, but rather I am worried about whether I will be
able to make dua or not
Subhanallah look at the state of the Sahaba, the state of the
companions were there were not concerned about getting what they
wanted. They weren't concerned about getting what they wanted.
They just enjoyed the process. Y'all know that, that that entire
statement, right? It's not about the destination, what is it called
the destination, but it's about the journey, right? Sometimes the
journey is sometimes even more special than the destination,
right? Like you're on this road trip with your friends, you're
going down like seven hour drive, everyone's losing their mind
somehow, for some reason, like, there's like Cheeto Puffs all over
the seats, you got that one from the back who's just there for the
good time, right? There's the one that has anxiety in the front seat
that refuses to drive like you have every person in the friend
group, right? And, but But somehow, someway, at the end of
those seven hours, you get to your destination, you're like looking
at this beautiful scenery, whatever you're looking at, but
then you realize, man, subhanAllah, that that was a
really special seven hours of bonding. You know, that was a
really special seven hours of bonding. sometimes think about
your own memory. Sometimes it's more about just like the process
of doing something than the actual destination itself. Like, wow, we
worked all that way to just get here. Cool. You know, like the
whole, like, it's time to go home now. Like, it's time to go home,
let's go home. Because why it's the actual car ride is what we
enjoy. Right? So do ah, sometimes we focus too much about the end
result than the actual blessing of being able to make it
the conversations that you have with God, isn't that special? Is
that something that's so unique to the OMA of the prophesy Salem, it
was written by the way by the scholars, that when like the idea
of dua came to the prophets or slums OMA through the Quran and
through the Hadith, it fascinated people. Because for so long, do I
was something that was customarily kept for like piety, right? And
you can see some of those traditions actually leaking into
some of the other religions in the world now, right? Like, Oh, you
gotta go to Confession Wednesday, Oh, I gotta go talk to some random
dude to tell me to absolve me of my sins, right? I don't even know
who he is. Can be some weirdo. I don't know. You have to pray
through this person. Right? You have to ask that person and that
person will ask God for you. Look at them the the mode of
communication that Allah makes accessible for us.
I was having Subhanallah you know, I was I never get into debates
ever about religion, because I don't think that ever they do any
benefit. But I was talking to this kid last night. I teach this
Wednesday night, tafsir class and a masjid in South Lake. And this
one young man came up to me afterwards and he sat with me. And
he was like, you know, I wanted to talk to you about something. And I
said, What's up? And he said, You know, I just find that certain
other religions are just, you know, more logical than Islam. I
said, Oh, okay. Well, pretty heavy claim. Let me let's talk about it.
Right. I mean, no, no, no issue. Let's talk about this. And he
said, Yeah, well, you know, the idea that, you know, you know,
there's like a heaven and a * and you have to do this and this
and this to get there and whatnot. And, but, you know, the idea of
Christianity with, you know, a person dying for your sins, what a
what a mercy, right. And I said, Well, that's okay. But I mean, I
don't wanna go into that entire debate. But I said, What about the
aspects of Islam? Where Allah literally tells us through the
Quran and the prophets, awesome tells us through the Hadith, that
literally your deeds can only take you so far but your relationship
with Allah, you asking for forgiveness from Allah will
actually take you the rest of the way. Isn't that also a mercy?
Right? Isn't that also mercy isn't also a mercy that ALLAH SubhanA wa
Tada does not need you to go speak to somebody else on their behalf
on your behalf to reach him. Isn't that also a mercy? Isn't it mercy
that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada tells us through the prophets of Psalm
in a hadith, that there are 100 parts of My Mercy and 99 of them
are with me for the Day of Judgment only 1% of My Mercy is
given to the dunya and from that 1% of mercy you see mothers being
merciful towards their children. Isn't that also mercy Subhanallah
when you talk about this idea of this relationship with Allah, know
that you know, Islam emphasizes this your direct connection with
Allah there is no one who is too sinful to communicate with ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada which is something by the way that you'll be you'll
be shocked to learn is sometimes common and other methodologies and
other religions right. Oh, you're not you're not you're not pious
enough. You can't talk to God right? No, no, you gotta like you
gotta level to like level 20 Islam before you can make that dua
heavy, right? Like you're like down here. No, no.
Any Muslim, any Muslim? Can Make dua to Allah subhana wa Tada. And
we even covered this last week, by the way that Allah sometimes even
answers the door of the non believer
cuz, hey, how merciful is a god? Subhanallah how merciful is a God
who literally who literally continues to sustain people who
don't even believe in him?
Can you imagine? Imagine if you're in a position of power, you're in
a position of power. Somebody says, Yeah, I don't really don't
believe this guy at all. You're like Alright, cut that Newsline
off like
mercy shown to the people that are my fans, right? Like
Allah, Allah could easily say, okay, you don't believe in me. No
more life for you no more food for you no more family for you no
more, no more oxygen no more, no more, no more air for you.
But people continue to defy Allah to deny his existence and Allah
continues to give them food. Allah continues to give them risk. Allah
continues to give them money, Allah continues to give them life.
Why? Because Allah's Mercy supersedes his anger or his wrath,
his punishment. Okay. incredibly, incredibly profound here. Okay.
Another scholar here stated the author mentions he said, I do not
have any example to give for the believer and his hope for response
except that of a person stranded in the middle of the ocean,
clinging on to a wooden plank, crying out Yara BRB, hoping that
Allah might save him. This is the the mentality of a believer.
Number three. Number three, another thing that aids in the
answering of Dr. Oz is doing good deeds. This one is very, very
powerful. And I'll explain why because it needs a little bit of
explanation. It's not as simple as people think it is. The prophets
or something that actually illustrate in this hadith, the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said one time, make the
orphan come close to you, meaning be good to the orphans. Why? Y'all
ever read the sutra or at a lady you can see will be Dean for the
Africa lady. Earlier team. Right? What are your family Miskin? So
it's describing people who reject God? Right? One of the
descriptions of those who reject God is those who are dismissive of
orphans. With their heart, their heart is completely hard. They
don't feel anything, when they see people who need from them. Right.
And so the Prophet Solomon Subhanallah, you always think
about this, man. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to all
meet the prophets. Listen to everyone say I mean, the prophets
of salaam was an orphan himself. Right? He lost his father, before
he was even born. Right. His father notably passed away a few
months before the Prophet was born. His mother passes away when
the prophets lie, Selim is about six years of age, right? So the
Prophet SAW Selim was an orphan, right from his parents. And then
from that Allah, you know, Allah gave him his grandfather, Abdullah
manipulative. And after Abu Matata passed away, he passed him to the
caretaking of Abu Talib, his uncle, but the prophets I send him
when he tells people to be good to orphans, there's a little bit of
his own experience in that advice. Right? Like, I know what it's
like, I know what it's like, I know what it's like to lose your
family. I know what it's like to lose your mother. At age six. I
know what it's like, like to not grow up with a father, you know,
subhanAllah some of the you know, I think very hard about this
sometimes, you know, some of the stereotypical judgments that we
make in Islamic communities and Muslim communities. Now, it's so
so sad. We look at people of you know, single parent homes in a
certain way. We look at single mothers, single fathers in a
certain way. We look at children that may have grown up in a, you
know, not so great family in a certain way we judge them,
unfortunately, are either Billa but only if these people ever
opened up any sort of Quran or any sort of narrations of the previous
prophets and they would see, the Prophet was an orphan.
Prophet Ibrahim had problems had had had, you know, issue with his
own father, Prophet Musa was literally sent down a river to be
protected by his own mother, right? Adopted by the Federal own
and the wife of fit our own right. The use of it has Saddam was away
from his father, the majority of his life. I mean, you look at the
stories, guys, I mean, this is not some random coincidence. Islam
teaches you that you have no right. You have no right to judge
people circumstances.
If a person like the Prophet, slice alum, who lost his parents
and come out and be fatal Hulk, the greatest of all creation, that
How dare somebody judge a kid or a person for being a single mother,
Madea Madea has set up. The mother of an ISA the mother of Jesus was
a single mother.
She raised her son without a father.
Does anybody ever think about that? How what a powerful,
powerful analogy into our deen
and she came back from, you know, having her child at ESA and when
she reached her community
Anyone know what they said? Oh, money? Um, how could you? How
could you I thought you were a good person your father was Emraan
your mother was a good person. They called her the sister of how
goon descendent of Harlan, how could you do this? How could you
do such a such such a horrible thing? What do they imply that you
had this child out of wedlock right? Societies haven't changed
Subhanallah you know, societies haven't changed. But a look at
look at the child that he gave. Look at the child that ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada gave money MIT has set up
because of the, the challenge of raising a son by herself. She
Allah gave her
profitably Saudi some a prophet of God.
You know, we know it was SubhanAllah. There's a narration
that mentions that the mother of the prophets lie Selim, what was
your name? Anyone know? I mean, right. So there was a narration
that mentions that Amina, one of the things she said that I mean, I
want you guys to contextually try to take this and she lost her
husband, two months, until she gave birth. Can you imagine
thinking for seven months? I mean, look at look at parents who are
expecting children now. Like the father plays a role the mother
plays a role. The family plays a role everyone's like gearing up
for this kid, right? And imagine six, seven months in the father
now is lost from the picture.
There are stories of mothers expecting mothers losing their
their their minds, understandably, because of this challenge.
But you know what I mean, I said, she said the one who got me
through my pregnancy was actually the one who I was burning. He was
so easy on me, Allah herself to set up the birth of the Prophet
saw something was actually something that was that was
peaceful for her how rare how, how incredible is that? So you know,
you always look at these people's panel and you think to yourself,
like, oh, wow, like Allah, you know, made this person like this
or like that. And then or No, Allah has taken care of these
people. Trust me. Allah has taken care of these people in ways that
you can never imagine. So he says, Make the orphan come close to you.
Be kind to them Be kind to orphans, wipe their heads, meaning
like, be generous to them, right? be overly parental to them, like
take care of them, and feed them from your own food. Take your own
food and feed the orphans that will cause your heart to be soft,
and your needs to be fulfilled.
What does this hadith mean? The hadith is talking about an
incredibly good deed, what is the good deed being good to orphans,
okay? But what's the outcome of the Hadith he says, if you do all
of this, this will cause your heart to be soft.
This will cause your heart to be soft, and your needs to be
fulfilled. Which now I will share with you the meaning of good deeds
in Islam. Good deeds in Islam are a means to an end.
They are a means to an end. What do I mean by that? The reason why
good deeds and Islam are a means to an end is.
Anyone can do good deeds. Y'all ever heard the argument? Why? Why
do we need to believe in God? Why can't we just be good? People
never heard that before? Yeah, why do we need God? I can be generous,
right? I can be I can be kind, I can be respectful. I can be good
to my parents. I can be good to my neighbor. Why do I need God to
tell me those things.
But as a Muslim, you don't believe that those are the end all be all.
You do those things so that Allah will soften your heart to grow
closer to Him. That's why you do those things. Because there will
come a day, there will come a day where you will not want to be good
to your parents. There will come a day you will * you will have a
fight with your parents, you will have a fight with your mom, where
you're like, oh my god, like I'm going to roll my eyes at her. I'm
going to scoff at my father. I'm going to say something rude to my
siblings. I'm going to not treat my neighbor properly. I'm not
going to be generous. There's gonna be days where that happens.
And in those days if you purely focus your intentions on your own
logic, yeah, I'm being good. Why? Because I want to be good. You're
logical fail you on day, your logical failure on day. Why do
people say for the sake of Allah,
I love my mother for the sake of Allah. I love my neighbor for the
sake of Allah, I'm donating this money for the sake of Allah. I'm
moving these, the these chairs for the sake of Allah. I'm making
these people food for the sake of Allah. Well, just for the sake of
Allah mean for the sake of Allah means that I'm doing it because it
defies my own logic. I'm doing it for a greater reason.
So those moments where I do not feel like being good to my
parents, I don't do it for my own reason I'm doing a further reason
of Allah.
I'm not doing it for my own sake. I'm doing it for the sake of
Okay. So this is further elaborated. He says once on this
of nomadic was asked by someone to make dua for him. And he replied,
verily dua is raised up to Allah by good deeds, indicating that the
questioner should strive to do good deeds, if he wants us to ask
to be answered, will have been Manabi. He said, the example of
the one who makes dua, without doing any deeds is like the one
who tries to shoot arrows without a bow.
It's like a person who tries to shoot arrows without having a bow
on them, the actual utensil itself is gone. And you just have the
arrow and you're trying to like shoot it into the air. Oh, your
arrow will go. I mean, think about it, right? Like, logically think
about it with your own strength. If you just shoot an arrow with
your own arm strength, it'll move, it'll move, right. But you're
missing something that could take it like three 400 feet further.
Right. So the actual deeds, the actual deeds is almost like the
string, the rope that allows your DUA to reach Allah subhana wa
Tada. And why? Because you're doing things that please Allah.
You're doing things that please Allah, I want you guys to think if
there's anyone that's ever been a friend or a family member, whoever
has asked you for something, they asked you for a favor. But before
they asked you for that favor, they did something that was really
pleasing to you. They did something really pleasing to you.
Does it incline you to give them something more? Right? Doesn't it
incline you to like be a little bit more generous to them?
Like for example, like, you know, one time I remember,
there's a funny memory in my head. I don't know why I remember that.
But I remember that there was a kid I was watching this kind of
like 667 year old kid, it was in the masjid. And, you know, he was
like begging his mom like for this like gift I forgot. I think it was
like, it was like 10 years ago, so it might have been like a ps4 or
something like that. So he's like begging his mom for like, you
know, I want UPS rolling ups for and the moms like No, no, no, not
now. We talked about this in the car. Not now. Okay. And the kids
like, you know, pouting kid anybody like nephews or nieces?
Like just pouting, right? Just petty. And so this kid goes into
the masjid. And he prays, okay, he prays, he praises like everybody
else prays. And then he goes into the kind of like the back of the
masala and he sees like some trash. He chews on the trash like
in the area there's like cups and lids and maybe there was like an
event earlier that day. So on his own without being asked, he goes
and he begins to like pick up like these pieces of trash, you know,
papers, you know, paper towels, cups, plates, whatever. And he's
just putting in the Trash Can I shift my mood with stuff Muhammad
mashallah is gonna be our new teachers and it routes you know,
and later half of the summer, he calls me a he calls me a noticer
is like a weird word. He's like, you notice things. And so So
literally, my noticing like kind of tendencies kicked in, like
sixth gear. And I looked at the mom, as that kid was picking up
trash, and will lie. I wish I could have described her face to
you guys. I've never seen a person more proud in my life. She was
sitting there and she was looking at her son. And she was like,
beaming from from cheek to cheek.
And afterwards, the kid fully expecting to kind of like just go
home. Normally she goes, Let's go to the store.
Let's go to the store. Let's go pick up that thing that you
And subhanAllah think about it. Right? That kid was not even
expecting it.
But the mother seeing something that was so pleasing to her that
she loved, felt so soft in her heart, that she now wanted to give
this child something that he desperately wanted. What does that
mean for our daughters? When we make do hours and again, I'm
giving you a human example. So don't think that you don't have to
expect from Allah subhanaw taala because it is wrong to do favors
and expect return from human beings. We don't do that. Right?
Nobody Musashi has said I'm taught as this right? He made that do out
or be in Neelima and delta l am in heightened filter. The entire
story is about how he did something nice for two people that
he didn't expect any return he made this dua to Allah and Allah
because of his sincerity. Allah gave him literally a marriage and
a job for 10 years. Long story short, you can read his little
clusters if you want to. I was like, wait, what? Tell me what I
want again.
So that's what happened to him. But with Allah, you can do things
and expect the best from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah I'm
praying Allah I seek your generosity Allah I hope this Salah
is pleasing to Ya Allah. Oh, Allah helped me in this moment in my
life. Yeah Allah, it's okay to expect from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
especially after a person does righteous and good deeds. Okay.
Number four, fulfilling the rights of parents.
This is incredible that this is actually a part of this chapter.
If you want your do us to be answered by Allah, fulfill and be
good to your parents.
Subhanallah you know there the story is powerful here as well.
The prophets wasn't he shared this story he says, There will come to
you. And he was talking to a group of people this indicated in store
a story of always a carny, who among the Tabori has the highest
status of all, an armored truck
Bob Narita that I heard the prophets or some say that there
will come to you a man by the name of always Adnan Alana, okay? With
some people from Yemen. He is from the tribe of modern, okay? He was
afflicted by a disease that affected his skin all over his
body, except for one part the size of a Durham, okay small little
quarter size area that was untouched by this disease. He has
a mother to whom he was very dutiful. If he were to swear by
Allah, Allah would fulfill his oath. And if you're able to ask
him to seek your forgiveness then do so. So when I'm going to have
Bob heard this, he waited until always came to Medina and then
asked him to make dua for him. Why? Because the prophets Islam
said, this is a person that you want to make dua for you, because
he was good to his parents.
Subhanallah How many of y'all have ever witnessed your friends being
really good to their parents? And you're like, Wow,
that's pretty nice. I wish I want to replicate that, you know, like,
subhanAllah you know, I actually, one of my own friends influenced
me in my life to start saying, I love you to my parents.
Culturally, growing up, we just didn't do it. I'm sure a lot of
you guys are cringing. Just hearing it. You're like, really?
You got to do that? No, like, I was in the same boat for a long
time. Two decades of my life. I was literally like, from birth to
like, 20 years of age. I was like, Yeah, said I'm gonna come by
right. Like, I'll see you when I see you. And then I remember I was
going to one of my friend's houses, Michelle, they still close
to me. And I remember every time he he left his house, he would say
he got in he was Palestinian. Mashallah, as Palestinians are,
like, so beautiful, there are words. So he would like say, like,
you know, a mess Adama. So I said, I wanted to come. Yeah, Mama, and
he was like, I love you to the moon and back.
And like, she just like, you know, subhanAllah nowadays, brothers are
too busy saying that to people that actually don't love them. And
say to your mom, man,
say to your mom, that girl didn't feel that way about you? Is that
reciprocal? Okay? At least not yet. And shallow one day.
You know, say it to somebody who men if you say that to them, Oh,
her heart is just melting.
You say you love your mother to the moon and back, your mother's
heart will melt into a puddle. I'm telling you, my daughter today.
She has to she has no idea what she's doing. But she, she's she's
two. She gave me my Father's Day card today. And, and I was sitting
with her before I came to class and I was sitting with her. And
she gave me a card and she picked it out herself. And she finds
weird things fascinating. So she goes to target and my wife was
like, you know, I tried to pick out a really nice card for you.
And but I wanted to pick this one. Okay. And it was a one it was one
that had two turtles on it a dad turtle and a daughter turtle. And,
and, and she goes, I wanted to sign it for you. And so she opened
it and it's like some random scribbly jibley Whatever it is.
And I immediately I actually like literally like tears, swelling
like welling up in my eyes.
And I'm like, You didn't have to do anything. I know you don't, you
don't even know what you just did.
But you just even and she came and handed it to me with her hand. And
I said, Well, look, I love this.
You don't have to do anything more.
Parents, I'm telling you right now and take it as a father now like
myself, my daughter doesn't have to do anything to gain my love. I
love her like, with like, there's no comparison to my life.
Even small, tiny little things, I'm thinking about it for the rest
of the day.
So imagine leaving your parents with like an I love you. Or how
are you let me sit with you. Let me let you know let me let me grab
you some water, some tea, you know Subhanallah this type of stuff is
something Subhanallah That is unbelievable. And then he quotes
here at the bottom of the story of the three people that were trapped
in the cave and how one of them was good to their parents and you
know through the goodness of his parents Allah subhanaw taala
removed from hardship from him. Number five, making dua at all
times we've kind of went through this a little bit. We don't need
to go through too much longer. We can kind of glimpse by this one in
sha Allah because I wanted to get to the final couple of ones and
the final couple of points here so number six is to do extra
voluntary acts after the other after the obligatory ones. This is
very very powerful here, right? That a person who wishes their
device to be answered by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will now spend
extra time with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada on top of the bare minimum,
right? The font of Salah hamdulillah got it but now I want
to spend extra time with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada okay, this is
something really really incredible and it's you know, stated in this
hadith the Prophet so I said, okay, there are several examples
of this by the way guys, people who are ever close to Allah, there
are people who thought about Allah subhana wa Tada in times where
nobody else was thinking about Allah subhanaw taala right. They
spend time thinking about Allah in the most random moments, right?
They were at work in their cubicle on their like, Hola, right. How
beautiful like, honestly like how incredible right when the rest of
like the friend crew was like, out taking pictures on like, you know,
on Santa mon
Like a pier, right? That one friend is like looking at the
ocean, they're like doing some sort of Vickerman. I mean, this is
really, really unique behavior, okay? You don't have to do it, but
because you did it, Allah will give you that level of reciprocity
in terms of the beauty of the relationship. Okay? Number seven,
repenting from previous sins. This is one I really want everyone to
note down, okay. A person who aims and who aspires to have their
doors answered is a person of accountability and self awareness.
Okay? Sins are one of the factors that prevent a person's due off
from being accepted. Therefore, one of the ways that a person can
increase the chances of his or her door are being answered is by
repenting to Allah, this must be a sincere repentance for all of the
previous sins that he has committed. Okay? And I'm gonna
give you guys literally the the goal of repenting right here in
sha Allah.
She is a here on the next one.
Okay, it might be the next one, but there's like a beautiful four
step. Oh, no, this is actually it right here. Yep, this right here.
I want everyone to kind of just like highlight this and take this
down. This is done by having sincerity towards Allah, feeling
guilty for the sins that they have performed, asking Allah for his
forgiveness, making sincere determination not to return to
that sin. Okay, this is the four step plan of Toba. Number one,
sincerity towards Allah. Number two, feeling guilty for the for
the sins of they've committed. Number three, asking Allah for
forgiveness. And number four, making a sincere determination not
to ever go back to that sin. And number five, he actually adds in a
very additional beautiful point here. He says Additionally, if the
sin involved involves transgressing the rights of
others, that is required to return those rights or an equivalent
amount of good to the person who it was taken away from. This is
why by the way, just kind of like a word to the wise here. This is
why the AMA they say that hook Luka Larry Bird. The rights of
people are sometimes even more sensitively discussed in Islam
than the rights of Allah. Why? Because when a person infringes
upon the rights of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. Allah is Allah foto
Rahim. Right? When you repent, you repent to Allah. But when you make
a mistake and take away the rights of a person, not only do you have
to ask Allah for forgiveness, but now you have to ask that person
for forgiveness as well. Right? So making sure that we remember that.
All right. So, last couple of ones having a humble appearance. This
one's a really, really interesting one. I will kind of summarize this
one, by the phrase of making sure that you are not too attached to
this dunya
don't be too attached to the dunya Don't be a person who relies on
the dunya for everything. Like you make dua to Allah subhanho wa
Taala but at the same time, you're like, Yeah, you know what, like, I
like my car and my clothes and my all inner it's okay to like those
things, but don't be obsessed with them. Right? Mr. Orban or mayor or
the Allahu Taala and who was a man who left he was the wealthiest kid
in Mecca.
One of the wealthiest teenagers in Mecca. The Prophets was on we used
to say I used to know Musab in America their shoes that he wore.
That that drip is nuts. That's crazy. My man was leaving puddles
behind the nose and it literally like it's Subhanallah right?
That's how the Prophet knew him Mossad. Oh, yeah, his shoes, his
clothes. I mean to the nine this guy was dressed, okay. And when he
the narration of his death in the Battle of
Mossad did not even have one sheet to cover both his head and his
feet at the same time.
The clothing or the cloth that he was shrouded in was it was too
small to when they pulled it up over his head, his feet would be
exposed and when they pulled it down over his feet, you would see
a part of his head being exposed.
But look at how much closer he got to a lighting he would ever return
all that and go back to the way he used to live. Absolutely not Not a
chance. Okay, so do not have this. You know, love for the dunya right
he says that it's possible that a person who is dusty and disheveled
wearing only two course garments will be responded to by Allah. If
he swears by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada meaning that they're humble in
their appearance and they're humble in the way that they carry
themselves. Number nine making dua in holy places know where you are
self awareness right? If you're in a masjid uptick, that dog count,
right? You're in the house of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. uptick, the
dog count in places in which Allah's remembrance is, is there
frequently, right? This is why like, you know, Subhan Allah, if
anyone has ever been blessed to go to Mecca, Medina
you know, the feeling, you know, the feeling, you step in front of
the Kaaba and you cannot think of anything else in the world besides
It's physically overwhelming, actually. Right? And for those of
us who have not gone May Allah subhanho wa Taala invite you to
his home and invite you to the house of the prophets. I said
lemon Medina, right. Shameless plug go with me in a sudden Murphy
in December. It's a good time from
Look. And then finally, the last couple of ones I wanted to kind of
go through this. And if anybody wants to take a picture, this is
actually really, really powerful. He actually kind of gives a
summary of all of the,
the factors that help a DUA, in its quality right here and this
was compiled by a scholar by the name of YBNL. Claim, Josie, Allah,
who listed out these following ones that you see in front of you
right here the presence of the hearts making dua the times a
response, a meek heart that is broken and humiliated in the
Presence of Allah subhana wa Tada facing the fibula in a state of
vado. raising hands to Allah starting the DUA with praise,
following that up with Salah to the Prophet preceding the DUA with
repentance pursuing the dog giving some charity and finally entering
in upon Allah subhana wa Tada being persistent and asking ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada for the best. Okay, so in sha Allah next week,
we'll kind of continue on with this chapter, chapter 10. Now
we're at we'll continue on with that. So as we do now, I'm going
to Inshallah, open up a little bit of q&a for everybody. This is
where we're going to stop the live streams here. We didn't get to do
this last week, because there were too many people walking around. So
in sha Allah, what I want everyone to do is I want everyone to open
up the, the webpage, and you can punch in the code that you
see up on the screen, and Inshallah, I'll go ahead and begin
answering some questions for you guys in sha Allah.
I'll give everyone like, a couple minutes in Sharla to