Safi Khan – Soul Food For College Students Prophetic Prayers #03

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The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues' leagues"
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In the name of Allah and praise be
to Allah Peace and blessings be upon the
Messenger of Allah and upon his family and
companions Peace and blessings be upon you So
everybody was enjoying a day, a couple of
days off of classes and work and whatnot
So alhamdulillah, inshallah, everyone enjoyed that You know,
you always get the rush of like, even
though you guys are older now You still
get the rush of like, oh my god,
is it going to be snowing today and
all that stuff And so, as soon as
we knew, we got excited, mashallah, for everybody
So, alhamdulillah, so that's why we took a
break last week Inshallah, the game plan is
to actually, a little bit of a small
kind of announcement Is that we want to
try and do soul food through Ramadan, inshallah
Because, you know, usually what we do is
we do Ramadan nights in Ramadan Which is
like that huge program that we have, inviting
guest speakers And so, we're going to pair,
inshallah, that with our soul food series on
Thursday So we have a cool one-two
punch for college students on Thursdays and Fridays
That's going to be really, really cool, inshallah
So we're looking forward to that, inshallah Everyone
say ameen, Allah allow us to reach Ramadan
So, we are going to be continuing on
with our prophetic du'a series, our prophetic
prayer series Last session that we did together,
we did the du'a of Prophet Adam,
alayhis salam, right?
The du'a, I like to call it
the du'a of accountability The du'a
in Surah Al-A'raf, where Prophet Adam,
alayhis salam, he mentions to Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala That we are the ones who
wronged ourselves, right?
That we are the ones who made a
mistake And if you do not have mercy,
Allah, and you do not forgive us, ya
Allah Then, lakunana minal khasireen Then we're surely
going to be in a utter loss, right?
So, this Thursday, we're going over another du
'a of a prophet, a great prophet, okay?
And his story, just like I mentioned by
the way, in every du'a that is
ever made, right?
Any du'a that is made, whether it's
a prophet, whether it is a regular person
like you or me The secret behind du
'a is that there's always a story, right?
There's always a story, there's always a context
as to why that du'a was made
And why it was made in that way,
And so, the du'a that we're going
to be going through today is the du
'a of Prophet Musa alayhis salam Prophet Musa
alayhis salam's story is one that is mentioned
in the Qur'an More than almost every
other prophet that is mentioned, okay?
His story spans so many different surahs, so
many different chapters And there's a rightful reason
as to why There are so many elements
behind his life, his childhood, his growing up
as a young man His life as a
newly married person who lived in another city
Then his life going back to Egypt, his
life as an early prophet, his life as
an elderly prophet There were so many stages
of the story of Musa alayhis salam And
so when you think about the du'as
that Musa alayhis salam, he made There are
several for you to choose from And each
one of them, they have their own unique
kind of approach When it comes to what
is being asked of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala And the current state of life that
that person is going through So today, subhanAllah,
the du'a that we're going to be
going through Is a du'a that will
resonate with anyone who's ever gone through any
sort of anxiety or stress, okay?
It's literally the du'a of stress or
anxiety Why?
Because it is a time in the life
of Prophet Musa alayhis salam In which he
was told by Allah ta'ala to go
and approach and face Fir'aun finally After
all these years of being away from him
So giving you a little bit of a
context to where Musa is right now in
his life Musa alayhis salam is a fully
kind of middle-aged man He has been
married now for like a decade Some of
the narrations mentions that he even has children
So he's kind of like gone through like
the middle stages of his life He went
and worked in a city called Median In
the city of Median, he was like a
shepherd who took care of a flock of
animals for another person Some narrations mention that
it's Prophet Shu'aib alayhis salam Another great
prophet that came before Prophet Musa alayhis salam
And so some narrations hint that this man
was his father-in-law even And he
actually gave one of his daughters in marriage
to Musa alayhis salam We'll talk about that
whole du'a about how that came into
fruition next time But now we're going kind
of backwards So Musa's kind of accomplished all
of these different things in his life And
now at this point, Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala, He says وَهَلْ أَتَاكَ حَدِيثُ مُوسَىٰ Has
the story of Musa reached you, Ya Rasool
Allah is talking to the Prophet shu'aib
alayhis salam One thing I want you guys
to do, right, from here on out, from
today This statement in the Qur'an هَلْ
أَتَاكَ حَدِيثُ مُوسَىٰ Has the story of Musa
reached you?
هَلْ أَتَاكَ حَدِيثُ مُوسَىٰ That's what it translates
out to Has the story or has the
account of Musa reached you?
We all know that clearly, obviously the Qur
'an is Allah talking to the Prophet shu
'aib alayhis salam Right?
But when it comes to you and me
When it comes to us When we're reading
through these ayat We are reading it as
though Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is talking
to us Okay?
هَلْ أَتَاكَ حَدِيثُ مُوسَىٰ يَا خَدِيجَا يَا إِبْرَاهِيم
يَا بِلَٰل يَا مُحَمَّد يَا عَيْشَ You know
like, I want you to kind of translate
it as that Why?
Because it makes the word of Allah that
much more real for you It's no longer
kind of like this third person You're kind
of like watching a conversation between A and
B You are actually the recipient And it
makes the Qur'an that much more real
for you And when Allah says هَلْ أَتَاكَ
حَدِيثُ مُوسَىٰ Now when you read that you're
like, oh man Like, do I know?
Do I know what happened to his life?
And then you continue to read And Allah
says in this portion of his life إِذَا
رَآ نَارًا فَقَالَ لِأَهْلِهِ أُمْكُثُوا إِنِّي أَنَسْتُ نَارًا
لَعَلِّي آتِيَكُم مِّنْهَا بِقَبَسٍ أَوْ أَجِدُ عَلَى النَّارِ
هُدًى So he says that when he was
traveling with his family He was traveling at
this point from Medina Now he wants to
go back to Egypt Why did he want
to go back to Egypt?
Because literally some of the narrations mention that
he missed his mother And he missed his
brother His brother Harun was still in Egypt
His mother, the mother that we all know
That famous story who floated her son down
a river When he was an infant This
is the same mom And so after years
of being away from his family He missed
them I think we can all relate to
this The family you try to get away
from And then you're like, oh man I
kind of miss that guy Your brother, right?
Oh, I kind of miss her She's his
sister You miss your parents Even being away
from them for a period of time Even
after complaining about how much space you need
from them You're like, I kind of miss
those people Right?
And Musa Alayhi Salaam felt the same way
He wanted to go back to his home
And on the way back to his home
All of a sudden Musa Alayhi Salaam He
says إِذْ رَآءَ نَارًا He saw a fire
He saw a fire from a distance And
when you're traveling in the middle of the
desert And you're traveling And some of the
narrations mention That it was a very cold
evening A very cold evening And it was
a difficult travel And it was not easy
And so when he saw a fire in
the distance He saw a light in the
distance Immediately he thought to himself Well, this
is great for me and my family I'm
going to go see what that is And
so he tells his family He goes, stay
here I'm going to go see what this
fire is all about And I can bring
you back some firewood Or I can bring
you some sort of guidance It says here
at the end He says عَلَى نَارِي هُدَى
I can bring you back some sort of
guidance From whatever I'm going to This fire
over there And so he says That when
he went close فَلَمَّ أَتَاهَا نُوْدِيَا يَا مُوسَى
When Musa Alayhi Salaam He came to the
fire He was summoned نُوْدِيَا يَا مُوسَى Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala summons him This is
by the way Why Musa Alayhi Salaam Was
called the one who spoke to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala Or the one who Allah
spoke to directly He was called by Allah
When he went to the side of this
mountain Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala literally called
him يَا مُوسَى And Subhanallah It's actually really
really fascinating You can see here what Allah
exactly says to him He says إِنِّي أَنَا
رَبُّكَ فَخْلَعْنَا عَلَيْكَ إِنَّكَ بِالْوَادِ الْمُقَدَّسِطُوَى Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says here He says
I am your Lord إِنِّي أَنَا رَبُّكَ I
am your Lord, ya Musa Now you want
to know something fascinating?
So some people are wondering They're like well
you know If Allah is speaking to Musa
What does that sound like?
You know?
Ever thought of these?
Like when you're reading Quran You hear that
Allah is speaking to a messenger Speaking to
a prophet What does that sound like?
Is that like an intercom?
Is that like a Lord Voldemort situation in
Hogwarts in the 7th movie?
Like what is it?
How does that sound?
And Subhanallah Some of the narrations mention That
instead of Musa hearing Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
'ala with his ears He said that he
felt him From every possible feeling So it
almost resonated with Musa On a divine level
That Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala was speaking
with him And you know There's a narration
that mentions that Musa Alayhi Salaam He called
out to Allah Ya Allah Are you speaking
to me through a medium?
Like who?
The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Right?
When the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was given
the Quran Who was the medium?
It was Jibreel Alayhi Salaam Right?
He was giving the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
Quran And he was giving it through Jibreel
Alayhi Salaam And so Musa asked Ya Allah
Are you giving me this message through an
angel of yours?
And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says No
Musa It's just me and you It's just
me and you I want you to think
about what the loftiness of that moment must
have felt like You're like Is this through
like another message?
You know like You know when you receive
like a text And it's kind of like
chat GPT a little bit Right?
Like you know it's not personal It's like
It's gone through like four different Like kind
of ways to filter it And then it
got to you And then you see a
text message This is like That person just
typed it up I know they did I
saw the little kind of icon of the
three dots popping up You Android users May
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala relieve you of
your punishment Like you don't know what that
feels like Okay?
When iPhone When us iPhone messengers You know
we see that You see the three dots
You know you see that person's replying to
you right away It's like you know somehow
there's a personal touch to it And so
Allah says No Musa I'm speaking to you
directly And so he says Inni ana rabbuka
Fakhla' na'alaik Take off your shoes Ya
Musa Innaka bilwadi almuqaddasi tuwa You are in
the holy valley The sacred valley of this
place called Tuwa By the way There are
a few locations in this earth That Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has sanctified We know
the haram of Mecca The haram of Medina
The haram of Quds And also now we
know the haram of this Tuwa This area
called Tuwa Right?
And specifically in this area This valley There's
a mountain called Sinai Right?
And this is where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
'ala spoke to Musa And then he says
to him He says Wa anakh tarutuka Fastami'
lima yuha He says I have chosen you
Ya Musa This is the first time Where
Allah Ta'ala is giving Musa direct intel
That he's being chosen for prophethood He's being
chosen for prophethood He is being selected by
Allah That you are going to be serving
me As a messenger and a prophet of
mine And he says here Fastami' lima yuha
So listen to what is being revealed to
you Fastami' lima yuha Now, I want you
guys to think about something Fastami' lima yuha
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is saying I
want you to listen to what is being
revealed What the way that I want you
guys to think about this command is How
do you react when you hear the word
of Allah?
Fastami' Listen, this is a command of Allah
When the Qur'an is being played Listen
to it Lima yuha You know there's this
conversation of like Just playing Qur'an in
the background You know, it's just nice You
know, like we're kind of like Talking it
up and hanging out We might be playing
like a board game And there's this Qur
'an in the back Mishari, you know, Minrash
al-Affasi is reciting in the back You
know, Sheikh Yasser Dosri is reciting in the
back That famous TikTok Qur'an verse That
everyone uses as a sound for some reason
It's become a thing Being banned all of
a sudden Right?
Like, so, you know We almost try to
like use it as a background Like, oh
yeah, it's just fine Let's play in the
background But Subhanallah, the command of Allah is
فَاسْتَمِعْ لِمَا يُوحَى Listen to what is being
revealed It's not just anything that we're telling
you to listen to فَاسْتَمِعْ لِمَا يُوحَى It's
a revelation It's not just something that anybody
can tell you It's not something And I
need you guys to kind of internalize this
Sometimes when we think about listening to Qur
'an We've started to kind of culturally, traditionally
Kind of, we start to think of it
as like Oh, it's just reading from a
book Right?
But then you realize When you're reading the
Arabic from the Qur'an You're actually reading
the word of God And it kind of
hits you All of a sudden Like when
you recite الحمد لله رب العالمين You're not
just reciting some random like Verse that some
random person wrote أَلِفْ لَا مِنْ قُلْ أَعُوذُ
بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ Like these are not just random
ayat They are literally the speech of Allah
SWT And when you recite them The way
that we pay attention to it It's as
though nothing else in the world Matters at
that moment And if we have to do
something else Then do yourself a favor and
pause it It's not good to kind of
like Double up on Qur'an like that
Like yeah, I'm just gonna like Knock out
this phone call And in the background I'm
just gonna be like Kind of playing the
Qur'an on my phone Like no, no,
no Don't do that Why?
Because it's not like other things That you
can multitask, right?
You can sometimes multitask other things You can
like listen to a podcast And it's like
your 8th hour Listening to Joe Rogan You
heard that dude yap On his like 3
hour episodes of his podcast It's not like
that This is Qur'an We want to
make sure that we do it justice Right?
فَاسْتَمَعْ لِمَا يُحَبْ And then Allah says إِنَّنِي
أَنَا اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنَا فَاعْبُدْنِي وَأَقِمْ
الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِهِ He says I am Allah, I
am God There is no other God except
Me فَاعْبُدْنِي So worship Me وَأَقِمْ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِهِ
And establish prayer لِذِكْرِهِ What does that mean?
Pray so that you can remember Me What
is Salah supposed to be?
It's a form of remembrance That's the way
you retie yourself You tether yourself to Allah
SWT Sometimes subhanAllah People they ask questions like
Man I feel distant from God I feel
distant from Allah I feel so far away
from my spirituality How do I get that
How do I reconnect with that?
If the answer isn't five times a day
Then we're missing the actual diagnosis You're taking
pain medication For a bacterial infection You're just
scratching the surface of a symptom You're actually
not getting to the bottom of it You're
not taking your antibiotics You're not taking the
actual thing that will kill The bacteria within
your body You're just taking the thing that
will suppress the pain So when a person
says like Yeah I want to get in
tune with Allah I want to become more
in line with Allah SWT What can I
I'll tell you what I'm 100% being
honest with you guys You can listen to
as many podcasts as you want You can
listen to as many lectures as you want
You can scroll on as many motivational tiktok
videos as you want But unless at the
end of that video Or at the end
of that podcast You stop, you put your
phone down And you pray to Allah There
will be no significant change These are all
just like These are all just means to
get to an end The end has to
be your Salah There is nothing Because guess
what When you're watching that video of Shaykh
Omar No matter how amazing he is, right
It's Shaykh Omar trying to motivate you When
you step up on the Musalla And you're
praying to Allah directly It's you and Allah
alone Just like when Musa asked Allah Allah,
is this you and me?
Or is this you, me, and then someone
else in between?
Allah would tell you No, no, no Khadijah,
Aisha It's just you and me And there
will be nothing that replaces that experience And
when a person accepts that وَأَقِيمَ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِي
They understand that prayer Goes from being a
burden And it becomes a Almost a priceless
form of therapy for them I cannot miss
my prayer, why?
Because if I don't pray The rest of
my day gets thrown off It no longer
is a task I have to check off
on my list Rather, everything else is a
task I have to check off on my
list And, my prayer is my therapy My
prayer, my Asr, my Dhuhr, my Fajr, my
Maghrib, my Isha Those are my things that
I look forward to in my day I
can't wait to be done with class So
I can go do my Asr real quick
I can't wait to be, you know Done
with my kind of hangout So I can
go and I can pray Isha Better yet,
pray Isha with my friends This is what
Salat becomes لِذِكْرِي It becomes a form of
remembrance, okay And then Allah ﷻ continues on
And He says to Prophet Musa ﷺ That
إِنَّ السَّاعَةَ آتِيَةٌ He says that it's going
to come The hour is going to come
Though I keep it hidden أَكَادُ أُخْفِيهَا I
protect it I keep it hidden from everybody,
okay He says لِتُجْزَى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ بِمَا تَسْعَى
He says, for each soul will be rewarded
For بِمَا تَسْعَى For what it did For
what it worth, okay And so Allah continues
And He says يَا مُوسَىٰ Do not let
anyone who does not believe in it And
follows his own desires Distract you from it
And so bring you to your own ruin
What an amazing advice from Allah He says
to Musa يَا مُوسَىٰ Do not let anyone
who does not believe in it Allow it
to drag you down And cause you distraction
yourself If you have people around you Whatever
they're doing Don't think that you also have
to be distracted You have your goal You
have your objective And your objective must be
met يَا مُوسَىٰ You're not like everybody else
You're different than everybody else If everybody else
in the world walks one direction Are you
just gonna walk in that direction Because that's
what everybody else is doing Or do you
have your own personal goals in life What
did I tell you guys about The crux
of this dua is going to be It's
about stress and anxiety It's about someone who
thinks that This task in front of me
is too large for me But Allah begins
Even this interaction with يَا مُوسَىٰ Don't allow
yourself to be distracted Sometimes our anxieties Are
moments in which we allow ourselves To get
distracted by things that do not matter to
us My anxiety is about what What might
they think My anxiety is about what Am
I going to be able to No, no,
no Don't think about that Think about what
Allah has Tasked you with Allah has given
you a task, a goal Now work towards
it Don't let the people around you That
are distracted Don't let them bring you down
There's a common question by the way In
a lot of college settings about What do
I do if I'm trying to get on
my deen I'm trying to be better with
Allah But I have friends around me That
sometimes kind of challenges They challenge that kind
of That kind of That himmah, that desire
in me To get closer to Allah Like
what do I do if I have friends
That are trying to take me away from
that And I tell people all the time
I said look A person at the end
of the day On the day of judgment
Allah will not ask you If you saved
every friend of yours And I know as
harsh as that sounds Because a lot of
us Like I know people in here Where
a lot of us are people who Like
to kind of help and save other people
Like no, no, no I want you to
come with me I want you to do
this with me And although that is a
great intention It is a great intention for
your friends For your family Whoever it may
be At the end of the day Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Will ask you Did
you do it?
And if you didn't do it Then what
was the point of you Trying to kind
of gather All the other people around you
to do it I always have this statement
And it's thrown around With a lot of
my kind of circles Of friends and teachers
Where we say that A person who is
malnourished Cannot nourish other people If you want
to nourish Other people around you You have
to have a constant Constant source Of nourishment
yourself If I'm getting distracted By the people
around me How am I supposed to even
help them?
I have to be super solid Super locked
in on what my objective is And then
I can start guiding other people Because I
know that Even if there are distractions from
them I'm not going to be swayed away
Okay And so then Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala In verse number 17 Begins to kind
of show Musa alayhi salam These signs and
miracles He says وَمَا تِلْكَ بِيَمِينِكَ يَا مُسَىٰ
وَمَا تِلْكَ بِيَمِينِكَ يَا مُسَىٰ He says Ya
Musa, what's in your right hand?
بِيَمِينِكَ يَا مُسَىٰ What's in your right hand?
And Musa alayhi salam And subhanAllah Look at
how conversational The rhetoric between creator and creation
is Right Allah is literally talking to Musa
Hey Musa, what's in your right hand?
Can you imagine Allah just asks you You
have like a weird Matcha strawberry hybrid Right
Whatever you guys order Allah is like Yeah,
what's in your right hand?
تِلْكَ بِيَمِينِكَ What's in your right hand?
And Musa at that time Used to hold
a staff So he says قَالَ هِيَ عَصَىٰ
He says This is my staff He says
this is my staff And sometimes I use
it to lean on it Sometimes I use
it to To help me with my He
says عَلَى غَنَمِي With my With my cattle
and my animals And also I have other
uses for it Ya Allah And Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala He says قَالَ أَلْقِهَا يَا
مُسَىٰ And he says Throw it down Musa
And Musa alayhi salam He throws it down
And we see the famous narration The miracle
That it becomes Like a snake That's moving
in the desert And then Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala He says قَالَ خُذْهَا He says
Pick it up ya Musa Pick it up
وَلَا تَخَفَ And don't be scared Subhanallah I
want you guys to think about Something in
your life Right Sometimes There are moments In
which you know What is right and what
is wrong Sometimes in life You know what
is right and what is wrong But sometimes
there is a fear Of doing the right
thing There's a fear I don't know if
I can do it I don't know if
I'm cut out for this I don't know
If this is the right decision I think
it's the right decision I don't know what
the repercussions Are going to be If I
make this decision At this point Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala Is telling Musa Ya Musa
Pick it up وَلَا تَخَفَ And do not
be scared When you make a decision With
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in mind I
want you guys to know something You will
never be disappointed When you look back at
it I'll tell you what is a disappointing
situation When a person Does make a decision
Without Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in mind
And then they go back and think about
it And they think to themselves Should I
really have done that?
Should I have put more thought Into what
Allah would say about this?
Those are the regrettable moments But never has
a person Made a right decision With Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala in mind And they
go back and they regret it Why?
Because even if that good decision Brought about
some dunyawi challenges Those dunyawi challenges Wallahi they
probably brought about More good than harm They
probably brought about More good than harm Look
at the example Of last week with Prophet
Adam He told Allah Ya Allah I made
the mistake رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَمْ تَغْفِرْ
لَنَا So he makes this dua And everybody
is like man Now he got kicked out
of heaven Now he's on earth Great What
did your honesty do man?
You should have just been quiet And just
been like yeah It wasn't me right?
Shaytan did it He was honest Told the
truth And Allah sent him down to the
dunya But even then What did Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala Label him as?
A Allah labeled him as a prophet Because
of that honesty So yeah sometimes Your right
decisions may They may come with certain repercussions
Like right?
Like if you like Do something that your
parents Specifically said not to do And you
go back home And you're like Your mom's
like Why?
And you're like Let me tell you honestly
And your mom still gets angry You're like
wait I told the truth Why are you
No no no Truth doesn't mean that People
are going to be angry at you Truth
means that You're going to be okay And
you're going to be Within your heart for
yourself The anger of others will They'll go
away after a while They'll be extinguished after
a while But what is not extinguished I'll
tell you guys Is the guilt of a
person Knowing that they Disappointed Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala That stays with people Until the
end of their life Okay?
And so He tells Musa To pick up
the staff And he says That we'll return
it To its original state And then he
says Now place your hand Ya Musa Under
your arm And it will come out Glowing
white Bayda'a Min ghayri su'in Without
any sort of harm Okay?
And he says Ayatan ukhra And this is
another sign The second sign from me Ya
Musa And so he says We do this
to show you Some of our greatest signs
Ya Musa I'm giving you some miracles Ya
Musa So I can lead you To this
command In verse 24 And what's the command?
This is it He says He says Now
go to Pharaoh Indeed He has become A
person Who has absolutely Lost his mind And
tears Now I want you guys How many
of you guys Raise of hands Have ever
been given A seemingly impossible Task in their
Like You just thought You couldn't do it
In here?
Be honest Don't lie to me There's no
point in lying to me I'm not gonna
check up on you But like Like hey
Remember Like Think about Subhanallah Was there a
task given to you In your life Where
you felt It was almost like I can't
overcome this Like this is I'm not cut
out for this It's not gonna happen Right?
Like For some of y'all It's medical
school You guys were like In like year
two And like You're like Oh god This
is the worst I don't know how I'm
gonna do this Some of y'all Signed
up And you got into SMU Somehow Some
way And now you're like I'm not I'm
definitely not cut out for this And some
of you You know like There's so many
things Right?
Like I don't know if I'm cut out
for this I don't know if I'm good
for this At this point Allah says اذهب
الى فرعون يا موسى Go towards Pharaoh ya
Musa Go and correct him Now A little
bit of a background Who Firaun Actually is
to Musa alayhis salam Firaun was the same
man Who wanted to In the beginning Kill
Musa Because he was a Infant boy Remember
this Right?
And then Firaun Became who to Musa?
He almost became Like a stepfather to him
Because his wife Asiya Picked Musa up From
the river And she took care of him
And she nourished him And she raised him
So Musa grew up In the house of
Firaun And then what did Firaun become?
Firaun then became He then became the man
Who was Hunting Musa alayhis salam down After
Musa tried to separate A fight between two
people in Egypt And he was trying to
hunt him down So he could get rid
of him So he could execute him So
Musa's relationship with Pharaoh Is very complicated Y
'all ever had a complicated relationship?
Halal one?
Not a haram one I don't care about
that one Like a halal relationship That was
Like think about it It's not easy Right?
You're like yeah that one time Like no
no no I don't want to hear about
that one That one you can keep to
your tiktok I don't care about that So
like You know There are complications In a
lot of relationships Right?
I mean think about even family man Think
about family Family is complicated Right?
Mothers and children Fathers, children, siblings Grandparents, uncles
This is all complicated stuff sometimes And Firaun
was the same exact Kind of piece for
Musa It's a complication And he knows Well
the last time I saw this guy He
was going to try to kill me And
so now you want me to go And
you want me to confront him?
He's become like a tyrant?
What am I supposed to do?
Who am I?
I'm like this average joe I can't do
anything about this Right?
Isn't this a thought That crosses so many
humans' minds?
What am I supposed to do?
Subhanallah Look at the ceasefire of Palestine Right?
How many people 20 weeks ago 30 weeks
ago A few months ago Yeah it's never
going to happen And although subhanallah Ceasefire from
You know Unfortunately from the Zionists Doesn't mean
much But inshallah We can make dua Continue
to make dua Continue to raise awareness And
hope and pray That things will end up
Becoming better than they were Right?
But how many people lost hope?
There were literally people Subhanallah And I wish
I was making this up By the way
There were literally people In the past two
years That came up to me And they're
like Yeah I gave up praying Because I
just don't feel Like it's going to work
anymore Because look at what's happening In Gaza
And only if you held out For a
little bit longer Only if you held out
For a little bit longer Maybe something beautiful
Will come out of this By the will
of Allah Right?
That like Gaza will be rebuilt And Gaza
will be a free place Gaza will be
a place Where homes are rebuilt And families
are reunited That's their dream That's the prayer
of all of us Never give up on
that And think about the person Who says
well What am I going to do?
What role am I going to play?
Maybe it was Maybe it was your dua
That caused that ceasefire Seriously Maybe it was
the Random Muslim In In Sachse, Texas Right?
Sounds kind of funny Maybe it was like
The random Muslim In like Waxahachie I don't
know Like who knows Because it didn't Be
for you guys I don't know if someone
Was in Waxahachie from here So like You
know It could be something So random That
you don't think Is anything plausible But subhanallah
It's because of your tenacity And your And
your willingness To continue your prayers That Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Did something Maybe it
was because You went and spoke To a
few friends Maybe it was because You went
to your college And you Raised awareness About
what's going on In Palestine That Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala Has blessed us With a
little bit of relief After such Horrible torment
And so in Musa alayhis salam He says
Like what am I supposed To do with
How am I supposed To even combat this?
And so now We inshallah Turn to The
dua Of Prophet Musa alayhis salam Inshallah So
we'll go through this One by one Because
the dua itself Is absolutely Phenomenally beautiful Okay
So Musa alayhis salam He begins his dua
And this dua by the way Is And
don't get it Like kind of You know
Don't get intimidated by this It is 10
verses But the 10 verses are like Small
little half liners Right So it's very easy
To kind of go through and read So
Musa begins After Allah says Oh Musa Go
towards Firaun Musa begins And he says Qala
Rabbish Rahli sadri Okay He says Qala Rabbi
Oh Allah My Allah Ishraah li sadri He
says Oh Allah Expand Ishraah li sadri Expand
my chest Expand the bravery Within my heart
Ishraah li sadri By the way You know
There's another surah In the Quran That talks
about this When it comes to the Prophet
Sallallahu alayhi wasallam Right Alam nashraah laka sadrak
Wawa da'ana anka wizrak Walladhi anka zadahrak
So that surah as well Allah talks about
Alam nashraah laka sadrak Have we not expanded
your chest Ya Rasulallah What does Ishraah li
sadri mean What does this mean It means
That Musa alayhi salam Is asking Allah Subhanahu
wa ta'ala To give him the capacity
To be able to do What he's asking
him to do Ishraah Like Open it up
for me Li Sadri Open up for me
my chest Guys How many of you guys
Believe in this statement If there's a will
There's a way You guys believe in this
Subhanallah I have seen people Who are like
It's not gonna happen It's not possible I
can't And if there is a will Oh
my gosh Subhanallah That person becomes The most
The most Committed human being of all time
Out of nowhere I'll tell you guys what
Two things If you can do this Alhamdulillah
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Will open up
avenues Number one is If there's a will
There's a way And number two is If
that will Makes you make dua If that
will Facilitates for you Dua If you can
have those two things Your will Your tenacity
Your want of something And if that want
of something Promotes you to make dua If
you can do those two things Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala Will open up avenues for
you That you never thought were possible So
he tells Allah Oh Allah expand my chest
And not just expand my chest To bravery
But expand my chest to contain The message
that you want me to give To the
pharaoh, right How many of you guys subhanallah
Like a night before like an insane exam
You're like there is no way I'm memorizing
Even like a quarter of the study guide
You're like I am fried Like there's like
eight Like eighty questions on the study guide
I think I memorized like twelve How am
I supposed to do this And you make
dua Anybody have that miraculous kind of experience
Of like waking up the next morning and
for some reason remembering things from last night
It's weird Like last night you studied for
like four hours and you got nothing It's
like a net zero And you wake up
the next morning and you're like wait a
second What the mitochondria is the powerhouse You
just remember Like all of a sudden It
just comes to you right Guys subhanallah This
is a proof Of a person who is
Wanting Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala To help
them and asking for it So Musa he
says Oh Allah open my chest Open my
heart Open my ability My capability, my capacity
Then he says And make easy for me
Make easy for me The task that you
gave me The command that you gave me
What is Means To make easy for me
Can I tell you guys something honestly There
is a misunderstanding That in order to be
more religiously sound You always have to take
the harder route Oh I'll take the harder
route I don't want ease, I want difficulty
And there's a misunderstanding That some people actually
think That the more difficulty you go through
The more inherently religious that you are And
in fact this is not true This is
not true How many of you guys have
ever made dua For like shifa Like health
and wellness right Allahumma inni as'alukil aafia
Oh you ask Allah for aafia You know
what aafia is?
Aafia is complete wellness in every regard You
don't ask Allah for like subpar You ask
Allah for the best Why?
There's a narration that mentions That when a
person asks Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala They
should ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala For
ease because Allah can make The most difficult
things easy So if you don't ask Allah
for ease Then you're actually thinking in your
mind That Allah is not capable a'udhu
billah Of making something difficult easy for me
When in fact He absolutely is So there's
nothing glory There's nothing glorified About this idea
of like yeah I'm just gonna go I'm
gonna take the harder route No no no,
ask Allah to make it easy Don't tell
Allah Oh Allah you know make this taraweeh
20 rakaat I need it to be difficult
on me No no no, ask Allah for
it to be easy on you It can
be enjoyable But it doesn't have to break
you Right?
Make it easy for you Don't make it
difficult for you And Musa alayhis salaam he
asks it Make this task easy What's the
The task is going up to Fir'aun
That's not easy by the way And Musa's
asking ya Allah make this easy for me
Because you know That this is inherently difficult
Ya Allah And you know it's difficult but
ya Allah you're the one that can cause
Ease to take over my life And I
ask you for that ease When you ask
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for shifa Or
a'afiyah, you're not asking Allah Oh Allah
I have like a 103 degree fever Can
you like lessen it to like a 101?
Like I'm like dying But like maybe like
not dying But like a little bit dying,
like can you do that?
No no no, ask Him for complete shifa
Shifa kamilan, perfect shifa Why?
Because Allah Is capable of giving you perfect
health So ask Allah for perfection You know
another proof of this by the way?
Rabbana atina fid dunya hasana wa fil aakhirati
hasana When you ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala You're saying oh Allah I ask you
for the best of The dunya and the
best of the Akhira Why don't you ask
for something that's like super mid?
Because you know Allah Is capable of giving
you perfection So ask Allah for that perfection
And then he says He says and untie
This is a very poetic verse by the
way Untie The knot that is in My
tongue Now this is an incredible incredible verse
Musa refers to a Knot in his tongue
This by the way Subhanallah a lot of
times in the Quran You'll see kind of
like metaphorical Spiritual analogies That are made This
particular part of the dua Was quite literally
for Musa Something that was a little bit
physical as well Because in a lot of
prophetic narrations That is mentioned That Nabi Musa
alayhi salam He had a challenge with his
speech Like physically He was not able to
speak In a very like kind of cohesive
Very coherent manner He always had trouble Getting
his words together Especially when he was nervous
And you're all like I'm a little bit
of Musa myself right Like I've had that
before Like I thought I had it in
the bag And all of a sudden I
got in front of people And I'm like
uh You ended that khutbah within three seconds
Like Subhanallah And I want you to think
to yourself Something profound Musa One of the
greatest prophets that this earth has ever seen
Struggled With speech You know when we think
about Religiosity We think about like Man that
person's like Bars are like unparalleled Like they
drop this and that Oh my god it's
amazing Like they have no trouble in their
life with anything Anything they say are like
gems Musa alayhi salam literally asks Allah Untie
The knot that's in my tongue Because when
I get stressed And when I get scared
I'm not able to verbally Transmit what I
want to say He's asking Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala for this But why?
Subhanallah now check this out The second part
of this ayah is What I like to
call the check of Sincerity وحل العقدة من
لساني يفقه قولي So that they may understand
what I say Musa didn't say وحل العقدة
من لساني So that it looks good On
that Instagram real man Right there So that
when that person captures it it looks good
So that when that person talks about me
They say wow what an amazing speaker What
an amazing orator No no he says يفقه
قولي So that they understand what I'm trying
to say to them I need this knot
to be Untied because I My objective is
to Complete what Allah has tasked me with
That's why I'm doing it I'm not doing
it for any other reason When it comes
to y'all's tasks I want you guys
to think about this when it comes to
y'all's tasks Is it just that oh
you know what I'm trying to get it
over with I'm trying to just get this
done I'm trying to get this checked off
From my checklist So I can tell people
that I did this If that's the case
Allah will not make it easy for you
Allah will not make it easy for you
Ease Subhanallah Hamza why'd you do that This
is the easiest person to blame Because he's
like 6'8 So Subhanallah Am I doing
this for a sincere purpose Because if you're
doing it sincerely For a sincere purpose I'll
tell you what Allah will make Each and
every one of your tasks easy If you
tell Allah I want to go to roots
To learn To see Friends and pray with
them and have a good Evening of sohbah
and companionship Allah will make it easy for
you If you're on the way to roots
you're like Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and
get my little instagram Thing up for the
week Wallah you'll hit every red light I'm
telling you Right now it's gonna happen Allah
will make it impossible for you to get
there So Purify the intention and Allah will
Cause ease for you of whatever Roadblocks that
you see And then he says He says
Give me a helper From my Family Who's
that helper He says My brother What does
this mean What does this translate to Sometimes
you're not gonna be able to do your
tasks On your own Sometimes I need help
Be honest with yourselves How many of us
have a hard time reaching out for help
I'm gonna get this myself I think Guys
I'm telling you something right now There is
a fine line Between being resourceful And being
self sabotaging Like yes It's a great skill
to be resourceful To figure it out on
your own Don't be that one person How
do you How do you do that Right
You can probably just look it up on
the internet And figure it out to a
certain degree And then there's another person who's
like Yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna
do it on my own To the point
where I just do everything wrong I'm never
gonna ask for help This right here Is
the perfect balance in between What does Musa
ask for He asks for a help for
himself رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي وَيَسِلِّي أَمْرِي وَحْلُ
الْأُقْدَةَ مِنْ لِسَانِي يَفْقَهُ قَوْلِي وَجَعَلْنِي وَزِيرًا مِّنْ
أَهْلِي After all that I ask for myself
Now Allah I ask you for support Because
sometimes I won't be able to do it
myself I know that I'll need a support
system I know that I'll need somebody that
can Help me when I'm not at my
best A good friend guys وَزِيرًا A good
friend is a person Who is there for
you when you're not at your best They'll
be able to lift you up They'll be
able to Carry you when you need to
be carried And when they need to be
carried You'll be there for them This is
what وَزِيرًا is A person who can support
you A person who can be there for
you And you guys perform as a team
In a beautiful manner Whereas individually You guys
would not perform as well Because individually sometimes
I'm on my own, you're on your own
We let ego get in the way But
subhanAllah when it comes to this deen When
it comes to this deen There is no
like ISO ball Get the rebound man No
no no Get other people to come Get
together, pray together When you come to Roots
When you go to Qalam, when you go
to VRIC Go together, go with people There'll
be sometimes where you have to go by
yourself Because nobody's answering their phone Nobody likes
you right now It's okay, you'll go by
yourself sometimes But don't make solo mentality Just
like the end all be all Ask for
help sometimes when you need it حَرُونَ أَخِي
And he says Haroon is my brother Who
I want And he says about Haroon specifically
Increase my strength with him Okay أَشْدُدْ بِهِ
أَزْرِي Make me stronger because of him SubhanAllah
man Good friends will always realize That you
are never going to be Diminished by your
friend's strengths When you feel like Your friend
has like strengths And you're a little bit
kind of like weird by that There's a
lot of like work that you have to
do Within your heart Because now you're threatened
by what that person's good at And that's
not friendship That's called jealousy Musa Alayhi Salaam
he says Allah you've handed me this task
But I need my brother with me Because
my brother can fill in Spots for me
that I am actually Not the best in
And he actually mentions later That Haroon Is
the one who's better in speech Than he
is So Haroon can speak for me when
I Get like stressed Haroon can like kind
of He can catch my words But I
don't have any words to say And then
he says here That we may glorify you
So that we may glorify you more And
so we may be remembering you more He
says that you are Of us ever Ever
seen and ever watching Ya Allah This is
the end of the dua of Prophet Musa
Alayhi Salaam So a couple of lessons I
want to end inshallah with Everybody with today
inshallah So number one we talked about this
Is that even the prophets of Allah Were
tested with worry And stress sometimes in their
life Don't think of yourself that Because I
am a stressed person A person that sometimes
Has anxiety That has thoughts that are sometimes
crippling And difficult Don't think that automatically makes
you a bad Muslim That has nothing to
do with it actually Musa Alayhi Salaam had
these thoughts How am I going to face
Firaun How am I going to kind of
approach him And confront him about all the
wrongs That he's committing Even the prophets had
these thoughts How am I going to do
this What is the difference The difference in
people who have anxiety That choose not to
do anything about it Versus a prophet who
has stress But chooses to do something about
it Is that the prophet will ask Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala For that help If
you want help from Allah Ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala for that help Don't shy
away You're not asking a person You're asking
the divine So don't think that just because
you have stress That automatically you disqualify yourself
as a person Who is spiritually in tune
Number two is that if there is a
worry in life You have asked the only
one that has the ability To relieve you
from that worry We sometimes seek therapy In
places that will not Give us the ultimate
fruits Of that therapy We reach out to
friends Alhamdulillah our friends are great And inshallah
if we go to Actual therapy it's beneficial
But they can never be Replacing The therapy
that you do when it comes to Your
relationship with Allah You have to ask Allah
To relieve you from the stresses in your
life And be as specific As you can
Lesson number three Admit which places you may
be struggling in وَحْلُ الْعُقْدَةَ مِّنْ لِسَانِ Do
you think it was easy For Musa alayhis
salaam to admit to Allah That his tongue
gets tied When he gets nervous No no
of course this is not easy To admit
any sort of deficiency is not easy But
it must be done If we want to
improve If we act like we're already perfect
people Then what is there to admit to
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala that we need
from him So admit to Allah Go to
Allah broken Cry to Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala Tell Allah ya Allah I struggle I
struggle with lying I struggle with backbiting I
struggle with slander I struggle with looking at
things that I shouldn't be looking at Ya
Allah I struggle with cursing and using profanity
Allah I struggle with all of these different
things Ya Allah I struggle with my salah
I struggle with laziness I struggle with so
many of these different things I struggle with
anger and jealousy I struggle with all of
these diseases of the heart If you don't
admit those struggles Then how can we ever
begin To take the first step into recovering
from them We have to admit And the
beauty of all of this admitting Is that
there is no stress related to it Because
you're not admitting to a person You're not
admitting to a person That can judge you
in the dunya Wow I didn't know that
person Had problems with lying Or I didn't
know that person Struggled with jealousy and anger
And I didn't know that person Has a
struggle with backbiting You're not admitting this to
a person You're admitting this to Allah And
if you admit it to Allah What is
the assumption of Allah's knowledge He already knows
about it So the admitting for you Is
more about you admitting it Can I lower
my ego enough to admit it But Allah
I'm telling you Why?
As Musa says So they may understand what
I say So for you it has to
be sincere Allah I want to Really kind
of Push away my jealousy and my anger
Because Allah I know That these traits are
not beloved to you They are ruining relationships
in my life With your help ya Allah
Expand my chest Allow goodness to enter my
heart And allow evil And vices To leave
and exit From the heart that you've given
me And then the last couple inshallah that
we'll go through Is ask Allah for strength
Through others Others may be able to help
where you fall short Don't ever hesitate to
ask for help Allah Ta'ala has given
you people in your life So that you
may ask for that help You know that
friend That you have That friend is not
just for kicks and giggles Sure it's fun
to send them Instagram reels here and there
But that person is more than that That
person is there for a profound Divine reason
To learn from them To be with them
To benefit from them And for them to
also benefit from you And then the last
is Understand that praising Allah And glorifying Allah
Is most imperative Especially after relief comes When
most forget him At the end of Prophet
Musa's du'a What is the last thing
that he says So that So that we
may be able to glorify you Abundantly So
that we may remember you abundantly Usually when
Allah Delivers people from their challenges That's the
moment that the majority Forget him But the
few who are special Will never forget Allah
Listened to my du'a And Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala answered my du'a And
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Helped me in
a time where I thought I was unhelpable
And Allah Saved me at that moment So
I will never forget Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala And I will never forget to praise
him Even after I'm through Some of the
challenges that I've had in life Okay Insha
'Allah that is the chapter of the du
'a Of Prophet Musa alayhi salam at this
time Okay, so insha'Allah we'll pause there
And we will Pick up next Thursday bithin
Allah ta'ala One small announcement Insha'Allah
We're going to start ramping up some of
the college programming at Roots Very soon insha
'Allah We have a couple of visits to
UTV coming up insha'Allah in February I'll
be going there myself Bithin Allah Also We're
trying to kind of roll out some more
social programs For college students so insha'Allah
this coming Saturday We have like a basketball
open gym Hour and a half for brothers
Insha'Allah this coming Saturday It's a school
in Frisco It's on the Roots Instagram page
already so if you haven't seen it you
want to come ball Insha'Allah please do
that It'll be from 10.30am to 12
so noon on Saturday You're more than welcome
to come insha'Allah It's free so y
'all can just come and kind of hoop
and hang out insha'Allah For sisters We're
going to be doing something really cool insha
'Allah For college sisters only in February We're
going to be doing like an arts night
Insha'Allah in February So we're going to
be having like a lead Go through some
kind of like really cool techniques of art
It's mostly going to be kind of like
using like watercolor and canvas So insha'Allah
it's going to be a bunch of that
We're going to be doing that Not all
of you guys getting excited about your watercolor
vela hijabs But you guys insha'Allah I
saw that person in the back she was
like Oh my god I've been making my
hijabs from now on So that's going to
happen insha'Allah In February so look out
for that insha'Allah On the calendar on
the graphics soon on Instagram You guys will
be able to access that insha'Allah Okay
Alright guys go over to the masjid To
pray isha' We'll see you guys insha'Allah
next Thursday Oh sorry by the way We
have a college semester kick off this Saturday
So insha'Allah come through We have like
a Q&A session planned out We're going
to invite some people to speak insha'Allah
It'll be Saturday evening from 7-8 Same
time as soul food insha'Allah But it'll
be on Saturday insha'Allah We'll see you