Safi Khan – Soul Food A Journey to Allah 14
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All right, let's Mullah Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala
Rasulillah what are the early he was happy he Ultramarine so I'm
working with Allah here, we've got a character who everybody
hamdulillah salah, hopefully everybody had a really good
break. Hopefully everybody had some good time off.
sha Allah, if you got rust, great if you didn't, I'm sorry.
Hopefully, the good thing about the good thing about fall break or
Thanksgiving break is that you're really in this weird limbo between
you know, this break and the longer break that's about to
happen in three weeks. So even if you kind of missed out on an
opportunity to really gain some rest, you inshallah should not be
too far away from another opportunity. Also, everyone's on
cruise control. Right now, everyone's on cruise control. It's
like when you put your car on, like, this kind of like self
driving mode, right? And like, you know, that you're heading towards
this, this massive, massive end of semester. You know, hiatus? Insha
Allah. You guys were super close to that. All right. Well,
inshallah get started.
And I wanted to start today's session, specifically, just
saying, Alhamdulillah
we are so fortunate, we are so blessed to have what we have in
life, y'all Hamdulillah
I think everyone, especially nowadays should begin each day,
just showing immense gratitude to Allah subhana wa Tada for what
they have.
It is not a given that we have the blessings that we have in our
lives right now. And y'all can see that from all of the
trials and tribulations of the OMA right now.
I'm sure a lot of us have seen, you know, moments in the past
month and a half, almost two months at this point of people
losing loved ones, people losing homes, people losing their sanity,
because someone is taking it away from them. And so, you know,
whoever has these blessings in life, should be very active about
the blessings that they have. Don't just passively be consumers
of blessings, be active, you know, be active worshipers of Allah
subhanaw taala that actually acknowledged the blessings that
Allah He gives us. So just wanted to share that there was a really
amazing actually, I don't know if anybody remembers this probably
about an hour, probably five, six weeks ago, we actually covered it
in one of our sessions, where there was a man who used to
worship Allah for like, 5060 years. And he, like, did
everything right on paper, right? He used to pray fast, gives
everything that you can imagine that like a Muslim has to check
off their list, he would do it. And so Allah, he responded to this
man's life, okay. And he said, You know, I have given you my
forgiveness, or you have earned my forgiveness and the man he kind of
arrogantly, you know, proclaim to Allah. He said, What do you mean,
I've earned your forgiveness is usually reserved for people who
are mistaken. I've done things the right way, my entire life, I've
done everything seemingly right my entire life, you know, why would
you address me as a person who needs to be forgiven? And so
because of that statement, ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada actually
inflicted a really severe pain on the like neck of this person. And
because of that pain in his neck, you know, some of the scholars
they mentioned that it was like a nerve. So it was said that he
couldn't pray properly anymore, and he couldn't sleep properly
anymore. And so after a period of time, the narration mentions that
an angel came to him. And Allah commanded the angel to relieve
this man of the pain that he was going through in his body. And the
angel says, like, Do you have any need, alright, after he relieved
him with this pain, and the man started to complain, he goes, You
know, this pain was so awful, it's the worst I've ever felt in my
life. And so the angel he tells us, man, he says that, if you
think about it, so how Allah just Allah relieving you of that pain
is more substantial than the 50 plus years of worship that you
engaged in, meaning that like one of the blessings of Allah is worth
more than your 50 years of actions. So we can never be too
proud of the actions that we commit you know, I'm saying that
you know, one blessing of Allah subhana wa Tada is so much better
than any action that we engage in. Right? So we always think to
ourselves that you know, the good that Allah has given us even the
trials that Allah has given us, our means of of His mercy, right
means of his, his his favor upon us, even if they are bad, or we
deemed them as
that, right? Because if it wasn't for things that we would deem as
bad, we would not have opportunities to observe things
like patience, right? Imagine if nothing ever bad happened to you,
or nothing, you know, difficult to ever, you know, had befallen you,
you would never have even an opportunity to prove your sublet
or to prove your patience, because every moment is easy, right? So
even through moments of trials and difficulties, Allah gives you
chances to kind of gain reward. And we all know those narrations
about how any moment of difficulty or trial is a means of Allah
cleansing your sins, right? And there's a hadith that literally
says that a person will be walking upon this earth, and they will be
tried so much to the extent that Allah will have wiped them clean
of all of their sins and mistakes by the time that they pass away.
That's the point of trials and tribulations, y'all. The one of
the biggest benefits of trials and tribulations is that Allah
subhanho wa Taala is quite literally causing you to shed your
sins every single time that you're tested. And so that's something
for us to always keep in mind. And he said, even like the prick of a
thorn, does not, you know,
befall a believer except that which it removes sins from his
body, right? So we're very cognizant of this, we're very
aware of this reality that we're not just going through difficult
times, because it's just random versus a coincidence. There's
purpose and reason behind everything that ALLAH SubhanA wa,
tada does, even if it transcends our own reasoning, right, this is
a part of being a Muslim. Okay, let's inshallah move on to our
chapter for today. The chapter that we are going to engage in
today is called Islam Eman and axon. And there's gonna be a lot
of beauty to today's session, because we're going to be kind of
divulging into the depths and the layers of our religion. It's no
longer surface level, there are things that we can like unfold
that will help us access different layers of our deen. It's almost
like when you play a video game, right? Like, you don't even know
what you're missing out on when you can't get past a certain
level. Right? Like you think that like the end of this entire game
is just like at the end of level two. And then you find out that
there's level 30 And you're like, oh my god, like what's in level
three? I don't even know what level three looks like, what does
level 30 look like? And so Islam is the same way where Islam is not
just a surface level Deen. Islam is a deen that requires us to
unfold the next level the next layer, how can we get deeper and
deeper into our religion? And you know, for a person who has any
erotica, any desire, any yearning to seek a further relationship
with Allah, they will want to seek those next layers. They're not you
know, like, and this is like the, you know, you know, there's greed,
that's bad. And there's actually greed, that's good. Greed that is
bad is greed. That's anything related to dunya. But greed, when
it comes to Deen can actually be beneficial for a person that when
a person learns how to, you know, say the Arabic alphabet, the next
thing that they want is to connect the letters together. And when
they connect the letters together, they want to be able to read the
next line. When they read the next line, they want to be able to gain
fluency. When they gain fluency, they want to start memorizing, and
when they start memorizing, they want to preserve their
memorization. And then when they preserve their memorization, they
want to learn about the meaning of it. I mean, there's always
something to unlock, right. And I'm sure everyone in here has
actually witnessed that reality, which is that you want to continue
to do more and do better. So when as a Muslim, we kind of get
stagnant, and we stay at the same level, we unfortunately are
actually robbing ourselves of an experience that we can be having.
Right? And so our goals as Muslims are to try and unlock that next
layer of our religion. Right? We have been going through this text
for now the past like two and a half months at this point that we
had shook Omar come in and share his reflections with us. And we're
just unlocking new levels. We're unlocking new chapters and so
we're broadening our depth to this. This this beautiful Deen
that Allah has given us the privilege of being a part of right
that once you taste salah, you want to connect to something more
than just your obligatory is right. You pray Fajr the harasser
Maharaja. Now you want to engage in your sunnah once you engage in
your sunnah. Now you want to try your your hand at waking up in the
middle of the night and praying to 100 What does that feel like?
Right? I know what it feels like to pray in the morning before the
sun rises. But I wonder what it feels like to wake up at 2am and
offer like to like our four raka of knuffel prayer? What does that
feel like? Right? So we always are curious. We're almost greedy in
that way. And that type of greed is not bad. In fact, it's
something that allows you to get closer to Allah. So he begins this
chapter, and he says in this dunya the straight path the set
autosomal stuck theme comprises of three levels, three different
levels. He says Islam EMA
And then okay, if I were to ask him you to translate the word
Islam, how would you translate it?
Submission? Okay, good. The idea of submitting to God, right.
Anybody else? How would you translate Islam? So submission? We
got that one down. What else?
Anyway? Peace Okay, peace through submission possibly. Okay, good.
What do you think of when you think about okay especially when
you look at these three words Islam, Iman and Exxon what what is
it about Islam that makes it Islam? And the other two that make
it the other two Islam is referring to your A obligatory
he's right, like what makes you a Muslim? Like what do you have to
do in order to be Muslim? And obviously we know the pillars that
come along with this this word right? And so he says Whoever
remains on the level of Islam until they pass away will be saved
from an eternity in the fire and he must enter paradise even if
before this, he is punished in the fire for a period of time. This is
really interesting, right? It kind of opens up this this interesting
conversation about you know, will Muslims enter Hellfire ever?
Right? And if you're in hellfire, do you stay there forever? Or can
you leave after a period of time? Right? And there are differences
of opinions about this. By the way, there are certain people who
say that if you are going to hellfire you will be in their fee
ha Carlina fee ha. Right. Allah mentioned that in the Quran
several times, Holly, Dina fee her Abba, that they will be in there
forever. But we also know that there are narrations of the
prophets of salaam where he says that Allah subhana wa Tada will
actually free people from hellfire, like they may be in
there for a small period of time, but because of the immense Mercy
of Allah, Allah will free you from there. And so he says here that a
person who has Islam, okay, they have Islam, they will be saved
from an eternity in the hellfire, and they must enter Paradise, even
if before they were they tasted punishment to a certain degree.
Now, this is interesting, right? Because there's a Hadith of the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam where he says that there will come
a time okay, either Johanna Mirza Manon don't feel a boo boo ha
Elisa fee ha ha don't Weatherly Cabana, Adama yerba yell Beth Luna
fee her Bob, he says that there will come a time when the doors of
hellfire are blown open they are basically completely wide open,
and there will be no one left in it. And this will be after a
period of time. So Subhanallah I want you guys to think about this
that there is a Hadith of the Prophet SAW Salem, where he does
mention that there will come a time where a Hellfire is doors we
blown open, and there will be no one left in it. Like it'll be
vacant, it'll be empty. So certain scholars they say that the
tremendous Mercy of Allah is that eventually eventually, someone
will in sha Allah leave Hellfire if they're even even if they're
punished, right? So he talks about the first level which is Islam.
Now, this entire thing comes from a really cool story of the
prophets loss of his life. Okay, and I want everyone to really kind
of like key in on this this is beautiful. This story had happened
in the very latter time ladder kind of years with the Prophet's
life. Some of the scholars they even say that it was about 70 to
80 days before the Prophet saw some passed away. I want you guys
to think about that. So happened very late. And the story happens
just like a lot of other stories happened in life of the prophet
where he was sitting surrounding a lot of his companions while the
Allahu Anhu Ultramarine and they were sitting just like this I want
you guys to think about this like you know when we look at the
Hadith the Prophet saw something sometimes we think about very like
profound settings right? We're like, Oh, brother, oh, hood,
right? When you think about like Hydra Oh, moving from Mecca to
Medina, it had like these grand settings. But there were a lot of
narrations in the life of the prophet system that started just
like this. Like he was sitting. And there were a lot of other
people around him that were sitting talking to him engaging
with them. And something really fascinating happened, right? And
so in one of these situations, this was the setting in which this
particular story takes place. And, and literally I'm gonna have
Barbara Lavon he actually literally says it he says, bayonet
my neck no julu Sonia endo Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam that Yeoman. He says that we were sitting with the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on this random date. We were sitting
with the Prophet so some on this random date. And he says, if Allah
or Elena Raju don't shut in on biography AB, he says that all the
sudden, all of a sudden, this man appeared out of nowhere. He
appeared out of nowhere. It's not like they saw him like arriving
coming from a far distance. He literally it says that he appeared
in thought of it.
like he appeared upon us out of nowhere. So I want you guys to
think about like soul food right now y'all are sitting here.
Imagine you know that scene from Harry Potter or like Hermione just
shows up in classes and she uses like, we're time turner thing and
she just no one ever saw her coming into the room, right? But
she just randomly appears when they look over. I want you guys to
think about that. Like, what's the difference? The difference is when
you see someone walking to you from a far distance, you can
almost think about like an origin where they came from, oh, they
parked their car, right in that parking spot. They walked up the
sidewalk. They walked through that door, they put their shoes over
there. Then they came in had a seat next to me. I can see where
they came from. But when a person says it fala Alena Rajan, a man
appeared out of nowhere. It's like, I look back, he wasn't
there. I turned forward and then look back again. He was sitting
next to me. Like, where do you come from? There's like, there's a
mystery around it, right? And he says,
Sure, do not bail the fleet.
On Marathi Hola, hola. And he says that his dress was extremely white
appealed. Like, it was very white. Like, he looked like amazing.
Like, His clothing was awesome. Very, like, when you looked at him
the way that he dressed. It was like, Wow, this man just like went
to the dry cleaner before he came to Holika tonight, you know, like
that man, like, definitely just washed that entire like garment
before he showed up to Joma that day, right? So he says that he was
dressed and in complete white. But then he says show do you do so the
shout out? And he says his hair was like completely dark, black.
So he was not old. He was like a very, very striking, man. Okay.
And he says law Euro ie he thought was suffer that none of us saw any
like traces of travel on him. Meaning that like, it didn't make
sense. Like we didn't like I don't think he came from anywhere far.
But then he says wala Yadi who who may not have done. But the weird
part about all this is that none of us recognize who he was. So it
was like a catch 22. If somebody recognizes a person, that means
that they're local. But if we didn't recognize him, that means
he's from out of town. But we also said that he had no traces of
travel on him. So how's that possible? Something's not adding
up to the story. And remember, he says that Hector Julissa either an
abuse of Allah, Allah who said them, and he sat right in front of
the prophets also, right in front of him. Like he came into the
middle of this modulus. And he came and sat in front of the
Prophet. I want you guys to imagine that like someone had soul
food, or HEartwork or Imam, Sheikh mica, it was Wednesday. halacha.
Like usually the people that show up a little bit later. What do
they do? Are they sit there like in the back, right? They're trying
to sneak in really quickly. Maybe they grab a drink from saba. They
go sit on that bad green couch over there trying to like make no
noise to capture any attention. Now there's like a whole different
level of confidence when homeboy walks through the front door, sits
right here and just stares. Like, what's what's going on? I don't
you know who this guy is right. But this confidence is like
exuding from him. So he says Hatta Giada De La Nabi SallAllahu
sallam, he sat in front of the Prophet SAW Salem, for us, not a
rock but de la ropa. De he will water our cafe here other day, and
he put his knees to the knees of the Prophet Sall Allahu Allahu wa
salam. So I want you guys to imagine how close he was right?
Like, I know, I give you guys an example of a person coming and
sitting right there. But imagine a person coming like I'm sitting
here, right? Now, imagine if he came and he sat right here. And
like, all of you guys are like, I'm gonna help.
And you're like, writing this down. You're like, Oh, my God,
where's he going? What's he gonna do next? Like, it's a miracle that
no one tackled him. You know, I'm saying, look, it's a miracle. No
one took him down. Because if someone got that close to the
prophets of Salaam, usually it's like,
like, is that his, like, long lost cousin that like we haven't heard
about, like, Who is this guy?
So everyone's just like, shocked, right? And this man, he puts his
hand well, well, the ICAFE here, I definitely they. And he puts his
hand on the like the the knee of the prophet like the thigh of the
Prophet. Like he kind of like rests his hand on the profits of
Saddam. And this is like, really, like, close, like, really close
quarters, right? And he starts talking to the Prophet, he says,
Yeah, Mohamed Buitoni Islam. And what's what's another like? Weird
kind of code giveaway that he's not a normal person. He calls him
Cause him.
No one would dare call him that.
Right. Anyone who's a companion of the Prophet Salam would never ever
address the Prophet SAW Selim by his name and would always call him
Nabil, ALLAH, Rasool Allah. This man he comes in and says Dr.
Mohammed, he's like addressing him as equal. And he says, a bitter
knee and Islam. Tell me about Islam.
So the Prophet of Islam takes him to school.
He takes him to Sunday school level one, and he goes, Al Islam.
Okay, he says Islam and Dasha and La ilaha illallah wa Ana Muhammad
Rasul Allah. He says, Islam is a simple man. It's not difficult.
Islam is just you telling yourself and believing and testifying, that
there is no God except God and that I'm the messenger of God. And
then he says, What to claim a Salah what to do. What Asuma
Ramadan? What's a hygiene bait? Inna? It's the latter. I lay here,
Sabina. He says that it's the five pillars. Simple. How many of y'all
raise your hand? If you know the five pillars? It's not a trick
question. Okay. Hamdulillah, right, you guys pass the test. I
mean, like, if you know, the five pillars, it's like you pass like
level one of Sunday school. Hamdulillah. Right. Like you get
it, you get the pillars of this religion is built upon. And so
then, you know, the funny part of the story is
it says here, that
this man, he says, So doctor,
because yeah, you're right.
And so a lot of the time he goes for algebra, Allah, who, yes,
Alou? Who were you, Sudoku, he goes, what the? Why is the dude
that's asking the question, the one who was like, Yeah, you're
That means two things. That either means that he already knows.
Right? Like he's just here to reconfirm something that he
already knows. Or number two, which is he's being a little like
sarcastic, right? Like, he's being a little bit of like a sarcastic
guy here. So I'm not his ears like perked up. Okay. And so the
prophets will Salam, he literally answers this question of what
Islam is, as
if you just fulfill those obligatory E's.
Think about it, guys. How many of you all just think about in your
own heart? How many of y'all have said I shall do Allah Allah,
Allah, Allah, Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah in your lifetime? You took
care of that first pillar. How many of y'all have engaged in your
prayer? That's your second pillar right there. How many of you guys
have fasted in the month of Ramadan? There's your third pillar
right there. How many of you guys have given us a QA I mean, maybe
maybe not. Some of y'all are struggling but inshallah you'll
get there right? I'm just kidding. This is like guys obviously upon
people who can pay it right there have the wealth that they can pay
Zakat, and then obviously Hajj the prophets are some he even says in
this hadith, he says that it's, it's obligatory for a person who
has the means of doing it, right. So but let's say hypothetically,
everyone has the ability to do it, they would do it, right. And so in
this book, right here, y'all can see it. A person who just fulfills
those five, Allah even if Allah allows that person temporarily to
taste the Hellfire aid, he will enter he must enter Paradise after
a period of time. Okay, so that's the first thing. The second thing
he says, Whoever remains on the level of E man until he dies.
Check this out. What's a man? You want to hear what Eman is. So this
man he asked the Prophet he says vernia annual Eman and the Prophet
saw some he says until you know Billa he will Mala Iike he will go
to be he will also be William will actually what to me know what took
me not because he said he was Shafi Eman is believing in God,
believing in who Allah is, knowing who Allah is believing in His
Messenger, believing in His angels, believing in his books,
believing in the day of judgment and believing in what I say what's
called the real anyone know what it is?
Yeah, like divine decree. That whatever happens to you, it's
something that is within the folds of Allah's wisdom. So there's
nothing that happens to you the Allah does not know about
how many of you guys be honest, let's get like a little bit of
feedback here. How many of you guys receive some sort of comfort
from that statement? That whatever happens to you, Allah has known
about it. It gives me a lot of comfort in my heart. like
nothing's random. You know, like, the idea of coincidence sometimes
gives people anxiety. Like, oh, what like what I know, like this
wasn't supposed to happen, like why this happened? Like, why? What
like, I plan for something totally different. Once a person is able
to believe and confirm in their heart, that whatever is happening
to me, is something that Allah has allowed to happen to me.
Oh, there's comfort in that. How many of you guys, you guys saw
that video of that man this week in Palestine? The grandfather who
had that granddaughter named Kareem, y'all heard that story
this week. super famous one
Michelle law now. I mean, he was holding his granddaughter Kareem.
And he kept on saying to her, like, Allah, Allah is protecting
you, Allah has you, Allah has you. And he even took like an earring
that she was wearing. And he was talking to her as though she was
still alive.
He was literally looking at his granddaughter in the eyes, even
though she was no longer there. And he was speaking to her as
though she was still in front of him. And she goes, Can I take
this? Asking her permission? Can I take this and he takes your
earring, and he puts it on his like, he puts it on like his
pocket right here. And he goes, I wear this like a badge of honor.
I wear it like a badge of honor. Because I'm her grandfather.
Like, I'm hers, she's mine. He kept on saying the ruler had
ruler, right? Like, she's the soul of my soul. Like me and her
together. You know why? By the way, Subhan Allah I kind of like
looked into it further as watching a few more videos about why he
said that specifically. And there were comments in Arabic that were
basically saying that he said that rule had rule because
she was his daughter's daughter.
She was his daughter's daughter. So his daughter is his soul. And
so she's the soul of his daughter. So that's why she's, that's why
his soul is her soul. And she's from him. Like what an amazing
man. I mean, like, so how about y'all see the other video that
came out a few days ago about him talking to the other girl who lost
her leg or her arm he was speaking to another person this man is like
become like, this man's like become like an incredible like
Imam and huzzah right now. He's basically speaking to this girl
who had her limb amputated because of like, the like one of the
airstrikes going off. And she basically got her limb like harm
to the point where the doctors had to remove it. And she was
obviously this young kid. She's like, seven, eight years old. And
she's asking all these questions about like, why why right? I'll
never have like this arm ever again in my life, or I'll never
have this leg again in my life. And he was sitting, you know what
he said to her? So, think about this statement. He goes, your arm
beat you to paradise.
He said that straight to her.
He goes it beat you to agenda
like it's gonna be it's gonna ask where you are once you get there.
Like Allah has given it like a headstart.
So you'll have it back when you get to Jana, and you'll be
rejoined with it when you get to Jana. And there was like this like
this, like small, very subtle smile there broke out on her face.
And like, Man, this E man, were the prophets or something. He
says, what to me in a bill Kaduri Heidi he was Sheree.
That belief Eman is believing in Allah's plan. Fady he was
shattered he it doesn't matter whether you think right away is
good or bad.
You just know that it's Allah's plan. Because how many times have
you ever said in your life that oh, this thing is good. And you
ended up finding out years later? That was really bad?
Worse such bad assessors of things in life? Do you guys agree with
that as human beings, that we're very poor assessors, we always
think that certain things are true when they're not true, or certain
things are this way, and they're not that way. Well, that oh my
god, like, this is the best job I'll ever have in my life. And two
years later, you're like, can't wait to go home right?
Two years ago, you're like, Oh my God, this friend is like the best
human being I've ever met in my life. And two years later, you're
like, Yeah, we don't talk anymore. You know, like we're such bad
assessors of things.
So one of my teachers he told me he is you ever want to believe in
the color of Allah just think about how many times you've been
You'll start believing in Alaska real quick. If you just go back in
your life and think about how many times you miss called something or
you miss like a call you miss like a like a like an observation in
your life, you will be reminded about why Allah is Allah and you
are who you are. Right. And so he says for the people of Eman
Whoever remains on this level until they die will be prevented
from entering Hellfire altogether because the light of Eman
extinguishes the blaze of Jahannam to the point where Jahannam itself
it says oh believer, ya Minoo Oh believer go on your way Get out of
Your light has extinguished my fire You're ruining it.
So the Hellfire will literally say to a person who's a movement
like there's no spot for you here in fact, you even coming close to
me is like taking away what I am.
It teaches you a couple of things that teaches you number one that
Hellfire is not like a place only it's a living breathing thing. You
understand that? A lot of times when we talk about like Jana and
Johanna, we think about places right like you learn
Didn't like English grammar that there are nouns nouns or what time
place or whatever, right? Like that's what nouns are. And we all
whenever we think of Jahannam, we think of place. We think of place
we think of, oh, this is a place where something happens. No, no.
Jahannam is something that moves Jahannam is something that sees
that speaks that hears. So Jahannam will tell a person who
has Eman in their heart, get away from me, go on. He goes, your
light is too strong for me. And this is why he quotes here that
Imam Muhammad he's put in his must not that the prophets was on he
said that there is no righteous person or center, except that they
may taste Hellfire for a little bit. But it will be a source of
coolness and peace for the believer, just as it was for
Ibrahim to the point where the fire itself will raise and cry at
its coolness. This is the legacy of the people who are muhabba they
are Habib Ibrahim alayhis salam,
like imagine Subhanallah a person who is so enlightening that their
light illuminates the room that they walk in spiritually.
They walk into a room and Subhanallah people can't help but
like, feed off of their energy. There are people like that, by the
way in this dunya I know you know these people, there are people
probably in your lives that embody this, this teaching that when you
see them, they almost like have this neutrino when they say like,
Oh, you have this note on your face. You have this light on your
face. What does that mean? It's not a light that like physically
is like shining on their face, but it's a light of EMA and you can
tell it's on them.
You can tell it's on them. Their proofs of this by the way and
Hadith where the Prophet SAW Selim, he says one time that I'll
be able to recognize the people of my ummah, on the day of judgment
by the traces of Gulu on their body.
You can't see the traces of will do on your body right now.
But you will be able to see it on the Day of Judgment.
Like like whoever has made will do today inshallah you did. Hopefully
we're not people who like have will do for like four days
straight. It's kind of questionable. We'll do it right.
The brother Yeah, we'll do it. Yeah, man. I did it like a week
ago habibi. So how am I gonna be around this guy super pure Mr.
Thought over here. So like, you know, but like the will do that a
person makes Yeah, you might not be able to see it here. But you'll
be able to see it on the hereafter. Imagine like how many
people in the Day of Judgment always think about this, like this
imagery in my head. I think about sometimes, like, on the Day of
Judgment, imagine the people who are close to Allah, like you can
see them like as being like beacons of light. And like that
plane of judgment, right? Like you have like these, like only on the
Day of Judgment, like a lot of us are gonna be like super just like
regular normal people. And then you'll have a few people every 10
or 15 people, there's the lighting of their room. Like their light is
so bright, it will be wrong lighting up their entire row. And
this is what it Bilal Raja he's talking about here. And he
continues and he says, Now, whoever is on this level of Sn,
now we talked about Islam. And we talked about Eman, and now we're
going to be talking about accent. Now let's talk about what accent
is. How many how many guys know what axon? Is anybody? confident
enough to know what axon is? Raise your hand? sign something? Yes.
it's a step further than Iman. Okay, good. Anybody take a shot at
Okay, good. Getting close excellence, right. F son. As the
Prophet described it. He says, Son, and terrible doula can Nikka
Tara who for inlanta Contura HuFa. In New York, he says, Son defined
is worshipping God, as though you can see him.
That's what axon is. It's like a person who prays there. I want you
guys to think about the levels of these three levels, right? A
person who's just they embody Islam. They have, they'll pray.
But they're praying because yeah, it's obligatory I gotta do this
thing. Right. And then you have people of Eman. They pray because
when they step up once that prayer rug all they can think about is
who Allah is. And they think about the Prophet. Y'all ever thought
about like what you're supposed to think about when you pray? Anybody
in here looks at my suppose like imagine like this picture? What am
I supposed to do? Right like especially when the carpet in
front of us like super super like aesthetically pleasing you're
like, oh my god like muck? Well look at that, right? Unless you're
at the bottom and you see blue and gray and you're like, oh, wow,
cool colors, right? Like, we're inshallah gonna be changing that
don't worry.
Like you. You know, like, what are you supposed to be thinking about?
So the people of Eman they might be thinking about Allah, they
might be thinking about who Allah is.
They might be thinking about who the prophet is. They may be
thinking about the Quran that they're reading, right? They may
be thinking about the Day of Judgment. They may be thinking
about what happened to them this past year. Those are people of
iman. And subhanAllah. A moment of kind of, I'm not trying to gas you
all up, but a moment of like, you know, look like a little self
confidence. How many of y'all have done that in your prayer? You sat
there in your Salah, and you thought about like your life? What
you went through this past year? What you went through just
yesterday, what you endured this past month.
That's Eman. That's thinking about clowder.
Have y'all ever stepped up on the prayer rug and thought about Jana?
Yeah, that's Eman, right there. belief in the Day of Judgment,
belief in the hereafter. Those are people of the men. But now,
there's another level. And the Prophet says that the highest
level is a person who when they pray, they're acting as though God
is in front of them.
Because you know, even when we're thinking about, you know, jhana
we're thinking about our past month, we're thinking about, you
know, we're thinking about certain things. Sometimes, like we lose
ourselves in our prayer, we forget where we are, we kind of like rush
through it a little bit. But imagine a person who prays as
though Allah is in front of them. Now, what does that person's
prayer look like? That person's prayer is like, it's like they're
on a security camera.
They're thinking about every step they take a law who about
they're not rushing? Subhanallah arrabiata how many of us when
we're saying Subhana Allah, we're like, Yes, from Harvard Law School
humbler? Sometimes we just get back up. This person they're
praying as though Allah is in front of them. And what is the
prophets See, for inland token Tara, who, and even though they
can't see him, for in who Yurok they know that Allah can see them.
They function in life with the knowledge that Allah is watching
every single thing that I do, and so this is why he quotes right
here in this particular ayah in the Quran, he says Lil levena.
Samuel Hausner, was he, that's when for those who do good is the
best reward and in addition was Jada. And I'll tell you guys what
to see other means check this out. Let's get we're gonna this is
going to be deep deep today inshallah actually, you know what,
anyone want to read this, this is super deep. I want someone to read
this. What's a read? Anybody gonna go ahead, go ahead, the authentic
hadith mentions
mentions when the people of paradise, paradise of color will
announce people a paradox Allah has given you a promise which he
wishes to fulfill, they will say what is that has he not made our
faces whites has he not made our scales heavy, has he not granted
us entry into paradise and save us from the fire. So he will remove
the veil and they will look at look on at him. And by Allah you
will not have granted them anything more than more beloved to
them than this and there will be nothing that gives more pleasure
to their eyes in this spot Allah
so little Avena axon Husna was the other the zyada is looking at
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada directly.
This is a greatest reward anybody can ever hope for in our
So literally Allah will ask these people in paradise yeah has an
agenda. Because Are you happy? And think about it, right? Like you're
like living in like your eighth palace of the day. You just move
Palace hopping, right? And you're eating your like eighth like, you
know, favorite food of all time for the day you're drinking like
your 10th bottle of like, whatever and you're just kind of like
chillin hanging out. You're enjoying like the cool breeze,
right? And all of a sudden Allah asks you, Hey, are you happy? Are
you good? And a person will respond Allah, how will you feel
on my good? You see me? Like I'm, I am the happiest I've ever been.
I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life. You've made our faces
radiant. You have, you know, you have saved us from a terrible
punishment. How can you how can we not be happy. And then Allah will
let me give you something even better, and he will remove a veil
and they will be able to look at him. And by Allah, He will not
have granted them anything more beloved to them than this.
And at this point they've been Rajab, he continues. And he says
he talks a little bit more in detail about this. He talks about
the people on in the
After who will be looking at ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and the time that
they will be spending with him, right. And so he says right here,
all the inhabitants of Paradise will have a share of this vision,
but they will differ as to their closest when seeing him. And then
the number of times they see him. So the people of Jannah will be
able to see Allah, but they will differ in terms of their rank in
paradise. So the higher up you are in paradise, the more frequently
you will see Allah subhana wa Tada. So all of the people of
Paradise will see him on the day of Juma. So Friday, so how can
they I want you to think about that, right? The day of Jamaah in
Jannah, will also be significant. It's not just like Joomla is a
thing in this dunya Joomla. And the ask that I will also be a day
of remembrance of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. The difference is in this
dunya your, your relationship with Allah is just based off of your
belief, your relationship with Allah in the hereafter on Joma
will be one where you will see him, okay. And I want you guys to
see one thing that's powerful, powerful here, check this out.
There's a scholar who said that the Allah Allah have all agreed
upon, that Allah cannot be seen in this world.
Like Allah, one of the challenges of faith is that you cannot
physically see God in this world. Okay? Not with the eyes, nor can
they see Allah with the heart, except through the perspective of
Yaqeen of certainty, right? Like, you know, Allah is there, that's,
that's your extent of your relationship with Allah in this
dunya he says, this is because seeing sight is from the greatest
of blessings. And such is befitting that it only appears in
the best of places.
I want you to know how many of you guys can see, like, 2020 vision,
anybody? 2020 vision Subhan Allah, Allah has challenged the OMA
Allah. Okay. Obviously, I don't need to speak much, right. So,
like, I want anyone to think about it when you get up and you're able
to see
you don't realize this, but those of you who are like four eyes like
me, some of you I was like six sighs bifocals. I don't know.
Like, you, you know that you would do anything to be able to wake up
in the morning and see without putting a pair of glasses on? You
know that yearning feels like Right. Can you imagine like my
wife, sometimes she like, when she wakes up in the morning with me,
she's like, you know, you have these like, intrusive thoughts in
the morning, right? You wake up and she like, looks at me one time
and I put on my glass. She's like, how's it feel? And I'm like, How
did you feel? Right? Like, and she's like, I was like, do you
mean 100? Because so like, what can you see when you wake up and
we have like, a phantom of our bed, right? So I'm like, I can see
like a circular thing. And I can see that it has like six, like
things sticking out of it. And she goes, you can't see like, down
like the room. You can't see like that the thing over there. She was
like, I'm like, heavy. Like, I'm sorry. Like, I'm not like you
okay, like, I can see, it's like a huge blessing man. Like you don't
realize how blessing how much blessing looks eyesight is, you
don't realize it right? So the scholar he says that sight is one
of the greatest blessings that you can have in this dunya one of the
greatest ways you can have this dunya. And so the scene of Allah,
physically, is supposed to be reserved for the best place that
you can imagine, which is John. That's why you can't see Allah
Tada with your own eyes in this life. Okay. And so he says
that for people of Exxon, the generality of the people of
paradise have their provision given to them twice a day, in the
morning and in the evening, where as the people of Hassan, see him
in the morning in the evening, neither palaces can make those who
are pious forget their beloved, nor can running rivers quench
their thirst. One of them used to say, when I am hungry, remembrance
of Allah is my food. And why not when I'm thirsty, witnessing ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada is my gratification.
And this next one is powerful. He says, one of the Rice's was seen
in a dream, and he was asked about the condition of two scholars, to
which he replied, at this time, I have left them before Allah,
eating and drinking and enjoying bliss. And he was asked, what
about you? And he says, He knows my lack of desire for food. So
instead, he allows me to look at him.
So looking at Allah is better than all of the rewards of paradise.
And I wanted to end today's session with a little bit of an
I want you to think of how every moment in life, every blessing in
life is only there because Allah allowed it to be there. I want you
guys to think about that. So when you think about the things that
you have in your life, ask where that originated from. Remember the
story I told you guys about that man who worshiped for 50 years,
and he was very proud of his actions.
So when Allah gave him that pain in his body, he was unable to pray
he was unable to sleep, he would not have been able to worship for
50 years of Allah subhanaw taala didn't give him the help to
worship Him. I want you to think of anything in your life that you
consider a blessing.
Think about your parents. Think about your health. Think about
your time, think about your ability to rest. Think about your
sanity in mind. Think about anything that you have in your
life that you consider a blessing.
And I want you to go back and trace the origin of that blessing.
Where does your time come from?
Where does your family come from? Where did your health come from?
And this is why he continues on he says, the people with the lowest
rank in Paradise will look at their dominion for 2000 years,
seeing the furthest end of it as he sees the nearest end of it. And
he will look at his spouse's and his servants.
Meaning that the lowest rank in paradise, it's like a dream in
this dunya like a person who has a lowest hierarchy and Jana will
seem like the King of kings and Paradise. But the person who has
the highest ranking in Paradise will look at the face of Allah
subhanho wa Taala twice a day.
And he said this is why the messenger of allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam he used to recite, would you when Yom even no
lira, LOL Rob be Hannah lira. The day
faces will be pleased, looking at their Lord while pleased. I want
you guys to think about that.
And although you don't have that in this life,
although you don't have that in this life, I want you to think
about moments in this life where you can be pleased being in the
presence of Allah subhana wa Tada. Although you can't see Allah
physically with your own eyes, think about the moments you are
with Allah subhana wa Tada within your heart.
And don't rob yourself of those moments. Don't rob yourself of
those moments in which it's just you and God alone.
Because there will be time in your dunya where you will be with other
people, you will be with your friends, you will be at your job,
you will be there enjoying this moment of entertainment, whatever
it may be. But those moments that you have with Allah are extremely
Those moments that you have with Allah, when you're by yourself are
extremely special. Do not waste those moments you have with him.
It's like a friend that you haven't experienced within your
life. When you are completely private with them. And you're
having these moments in which you're engaging with them. You're
having conversations with them, that if you told somebody else,
they wouldn't get it. Y'all ever had those moments in your life?
Where you had an experience with somebody, and you tried to tell
somebody else what it was like you're like, oh, yeah, like, we
spoke about this, and we went there and we ate this food and
that and the person is like,
You don't get it. You don't get it. It's okay. You don't get it
I want those moments that you have with a lot of feel like that.
Those moments where your head is touching this edge,
and you're saying Subhanallah I'll be Elijah.
And you have that intimate moment with God. That's a moment that
should almost be indescribable through words.
And you know why sometimes we don't feel anything when we say
those words. Is because we're not really there.
We're rushing through it.
We're going through it like it's just like a it's like a chore. so
horrible. Allah Subhan Allah Allah subhanaw taala.
But imagine Have you ever seen those people who get lost in there
such that
they're down there, you'll oh my god, are they gonna ever gonna get
up? I want you to think about why they're, they're in such that for
so long.
I want you to think about why they are insensitive for so long. You
know, I will say I'm gonna I'm gonna show you guys. I'm gonna
show an intrusive thought with you guys. Yesterday when I was
praying. I remember this was the I shot last night. I was actually at
my masters in South Lake. And I was praying I shot last night. And
I went down in into my record position.
And you know, sometimes like when you do something so frequently,
you forget, like, the actual meaning of what you do. Like you
just, it's just a motion to you. Right? Up and down, up and down,
up and down. Sit, get back up, down, sit, get back up, down, sit,
so I'm sorry. That's it. When I was in Roku yesterday at OSHA, I
thought dawned upon me that I haven't thought about in a long
time. I'm bowing down to something.
I'm bowing down to someone.
I'll Exxon and Taboola aka Katara
I'm bowing down to Allah in front of me.
Have y'all ever bowed down anybody like you probably haven't. We live
in a 2023 You don't do that anymore. When
you bow down to somebody you're bowing down and our etiquette are
up and our prayer is that you don't look up because whoever
you're bowing down to is too great to look at at that moment. So all
you're doing is looking down here, but you know, there's someone in
front of you, that's worthy of you bowing down to him.
And I remember like one of the congregations like, you know, one
of the congregants, they came up to me after they're like, they're
like a mumps offering you, you were gonna record for like, really
long. And that second record, I was like, my bad dude.
I got lost. For a moment, I forgot
that when you're in your Roku, you're bowing down to your king,
that is the King of kings. You're bowing down to Allah and I just
wanted to be in that position.
I just imagine like Allah on his throne and you're bowing down to
Allah subhana wa Tada.
It's a moment that I felt very personally. And I didn't want to
end that moment.
And so we never want to rob ourselves of those experiences. We
ask Allah subhana wa Tada to protect us. And we ask Allah
subhanaw taala to make us of the people who never rush our moments
of being with him. And we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to allow us
to be people who never ever take for granted the opportunities that
He's given us. And we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to never take away
this Deen from us. And we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to allow us
to be people who appreciate and benefit from this deen and we ask
Allah subhana wa Tada to allow our deen to be that which takes us
into the highest levels of paradise, in which inshallah we
will be in his company as a gel. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to
relieve the people of Palestine from the occupation. We ask Allah
subhana wa Tada to end the oppression that the people of
Palestine are going through. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah
to end the genocide and Philistine and in all other parts of the
world, including Sudan, including the Congo including Burma
including the Uighur community in China, we ask Allah subhanho wa
Taala to relieve every Muslim who is going through oppression We ask
Allah subhana wa Taala to lift that oppression off of them. We
ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant the highest levels of paradise for
the people who have passed away in power in Palestine. We ask Allah
subhana wa Tada to allow them to be reunited with their loved ones
in the highest levels of paradise. We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to
replace their homes with palaces and Paradise. We ask Allah subhana
wa Tada to allow us to be in their company in Jannah We ask Allah
subhana wa Tada to allow us to benefit from their Iman and
there's dunya and we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to forgive us for
all of our shortcomings that we are so so susceptible to in this
life and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept any good that we
have done any type of higher that we have engaged in We ask Allah
subhana wa Taala to accept those moments from us. I mean, it'll be
hard I mean, he's talking about head on everybody. Thank you so
much for being here. hamdulillah Inshallah, we will continue on
next Thursday. We'll see you all then in sha Allah Tada, which is
somewhat akin to La Hebrew but a colorful
shawl if anybody has any questions, you can inshallah come
up to me afterwards and we'll inshallah chitchat a little bit
And the OSHA is at 815, by the way in the column prayer hall, so for
those of us who are here and want to pray OSHA, there'll be at 815