Sadullah Khan – Topic End of Crucial Decade in Human History
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The speakers discuss the negative impacts of COVID-19 on the global society, including the decline in physical and mental abilities, the rise in anti-arian sentiment, and the shift in leadership from a traditional pre-crisis agenda to a digital agenda. They also touch on the devastating effects of climate change on people's lives, including the loss of their lives and the devastation of their homes. The segment emphasizes the importance of empathy and faith in achieving success in life, and the need for action and time use for personal fulfillment. The pandemic has also impacted people's lives and created challenges for everyone.
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Salam Alaikum Could you kindly as the people in the back to kindly
come forward if possible a lot of people to come in as well as the
ladies there's a niqab ceremony after do masala so even the ladies
kindly make space in the left hand side where you are sure we can
hear and see me so kindly fill the spaces
so that we have less interruption once we started human shall
also be lying in a shape on the regime Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al
Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he will he'll
put up you know, tuck it in.
While I was happy he or Elijah me Island BIA evil mousseline call
Allahu Taala by all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim will also
be in null in CERN and a fee who's ill Alina Armen, well I saw your
hurt, but also will help. What a while so be sober. So doc, Allahu
Allah, Allah you owe them in the name of Allah, most Gracious, most
Merciful. All praise is due to our Creator, our cherish our knowledge
and our Sustainer we bear witness, there's none worthy of worship but
Allah. We bear witness, we believe in all the prophets, and we bear
witness the Prophet Muhammad. Abdullah Rasul allah sallallahu
alayhi wa, he was happy he was setting them is the final of all
the emissaries and messengers of Allah.
The elders, brothers and sisters,
just for the use of visitors from outside
I greet you with a Islamic universal greeting of peace, may
the peace the mercy and the blessings of Allah be upon each
and everyone present here at this auspicious hour of Juma Assalamu
alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
In the Holy Quran, Allah swears by the token of time, by the passage
of time, while also
and that time by which he sways is a witness, a witness to life and
death, a witness to what has passed in human history, a witness
to the successes and failures to the rise and fall of individuals
and communities. It is a witness to beginnings and to endings.
And as time marches on, we are constantly losing the capital of
our existence. And what is the capital of our existence is the
minutes, the hours, the days, the weeks and the years
that we exist on this earth.
The greatest luxury is the luxury of time for like health.
It's among those things that money cannot buy and it's why the
results said about both now Ramadan Moon fie Hema cathedral
millionaires of Sahara. Well, first off, there are two things
that people most neglect, yet they are valuable, but people are most
heedless of two things, your free time and your health.
So as we look,
these moments that pass by can never be retrieved from the stream
of the past.
spiritual awareness as time goes by may or may increase.
Our material potentials, however, decline, while our physical
abilities and our mental abilities fade away.
And despite our martial law, technological advancement of which
we are proud
after swearing by the token of time, Allah says, in the insanity
humanity at large, it seems nonetheless lost in a quagmire of
restlessness, of insecurity, of uncertainty, of hostility, of
loneliness, of strength, of faithlessness and of
But life as we know is a test of ecological mode tal higher Leon
welcome. So we are tested, but we are tested within the ambit within
the arena of time, because we are born in time
We live in time and we die in time. And Allah reminds us in the
Quran of Allah.
Usefulness equal the army mod Ratan Omar retain some Maga to
guna was a homie of the karoun. They're not away our people look
away, that they are being tested year in, year out.
And despite being tested year in and year out,
people do not seem to deflect to take critical self evaluation to
repair the wrongs they have done. No, they learn lessons from what
they have experienced.
We are in the last week of 2019.
We are also in the final week of this decade. It began on the first
of January 2010. It ends on the 31st of December 2019. a
tumultuous decade indeed. And we have witnessed events that
impacted on the cause of history.
If you look at the world, politically, authoritarian regimes
are in power. And many countries in the Western world.
We find a very alarming and distinct rise in anti Muslim
sentiments, xenophobic, racist, bigoted leaders, and we find the
rise increasingly or prejudicial political parties.
If we look at the global landscape in the last decade I'm talking
about it seems that everywhere elites just kill the Crown's it
may seem promoting racism and xenophobia are taking over the
reins of power for from Donald Trump in America, but a Johnson in
England now Linda Modi in India, Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi
Matteo Salvini Italy, Viktor Orban in Hungary, Benjamin Netanyahu in
occupied Palestine, Abdel Fattah El Sisi in Egypt, if you look at
all this, Jay Bolsonaro, in Brazil, all of these
Marine LePen in France, Nigel Farage in Britain, all of these
a clear indication of the shift in the leadership of the world
towards a colonialist agenda, an imperialist agenda and agenda that
could negatively impact the nations that they are in charge
of, or in control of, but also impact the world at large,
negatively, and perchance in an irreversible way.
We witnessed the Arab Spring, the start of Indonesia,
which was a series of anti government protests, uprising in
armed rebellions, that spread across much of the non Muslim
world as a response to oppressive regimes, low standards of living,
unemployment, lack of opportunities, and we should learn
from this. Just saying Islam and because we are Muslim, doesn't
mean he's gonna solve problems. Just putting a chair on a molar
line chart will look to dedicate your issues, just quoting Quranic
verses, will not be a solution to the problems, look at the reality
identify what they are, take people who know what they're
doing, we've experienced in what requires to be done, put those
people in charge, if we can. It seems Is that happening? Because
you will democracy is not really working.
So what this events from the beginning of the liberating
Arab spring to the ongoing devastating wars in the Middle
East, which has made in the past decade, 50 million Muslims
homeless, from the destructive killings of the Rohingya Muslims
in Myanmar and Burma, to the disturbing incarceration of Uighur
Muslims in China and the debilitating undermining of Muslim
Rights in India, which we are still witnessing, as we are
speaking. We find images etched in our minds that defined our
perception from climate change to environmental crisis. Images of
floods in parts of the world and dismal droughts in other parts of
the world proceed from there okay for Karnataka, let me look at
what's happened to the people before you learn lessons
and see what devastation has been brought about by the hands of
people. Snowfall, you can Makkah and Medina and raging fires still
going on today in Australia. Images that suck the world in the
past decade of Muslim refugee children washed up ashore on the
shores of Europe and gunmen attacking mosques in New Zealand
at the time of Juma.
We have memories that cannot be raised. Yes, we said farewell.
Old to Nelson Mandela and to people like Muhammad Ali. But do
we have to deal with people like Donald Trump and President Zuma?
This year, we commemorated 50 years of the passing of an icon
of a noble hero of a struggle.
Noble hero of the struggle of industry and a man after whom this
road his name in which the mosque is mama Abdullah Harun 50 years
since the martyrdom of Imam Abdullah Haroon, while
simultaneously we witnessed the Zonda commission dealing with
issues of state capture and corruption in the corridors of the
highest offices of power.
South Africa, brothers and sisters is facing a challenge of the
legitimacy of his political and social economic system, a growing
number of our citizens are being left behind. And this is a recipe
for evolution and disaster for those who think they are
beset by a plague of violence, of poor growth, 34% of employed,
employable people in this country are unemployed. What are we doing
about that?
What are Muslims doing about it? are we addressing it in our
forums? Is it part of our Alumni Council meetings, people are
We fighting about means of making wudu and Hanafy will do and Shafi
will do and there are people who have water to drink. While we have
the luxury of debate debating about secondary issues on
focus and attention.
South Africa is plagued by violence, poor growth, a legacy of
state capture rampant corruption, we are facing a deepening crisis.
In the past decade, we also witnessed a massive wave of change
called the fourth industrial revolution that has fully landed.
It introduced a phase in human scientific development, surpassing
all technology of the past, altering the realities of the
present, and defining aspects of the future.
Technology hungry,
we have now the ability with CRI s. PR as I came in, and I saw
three four doctors coming in. So I hope I'm missing the finger wrong.
By the way. It's a bacterial immune system whereby they're able
to do powerful gene editing, where they can change the color of the
baby in the womb of the mother. They can deal with gender issues.
It can of course, assist in eradicating major diseases, but
can also be used to edit human for reproductive purposes. And it can
open the doors to many ethical question and to many moral
This decade you also witnessed for the first time ever, a direct
image of the black hole in space in the galaxy 55 million light
years away, is how connected we are.
Yet we are killing so many people in so many countries, people are
killing the citizens. Those who are in power are killing their own
citizens, even in Muslim lands. So connected with the outside world.
So connected with everyone gets so disconnected with our reality
within our homes. Much has happened that will have a
significant impact on the world forever.
Though South Africa won the Rugby World Cup shake his mind. So there
was something to celebrate. However, by enlarge, it seems
globally. It was a year of protests, a year of demonstrations
in Hong Kong in Spain, Iran, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Russia, India,
But it's also been a decade of high tech invention of devastating
conflict of global disruption and of political corruption.
So despite our technological advancements, and Masha Allah the
great achievements that we have, that we should learn and
celebrate, in in Sunderland,
human beings seem increasingly in a state of loss in a state of
insecurity, uncertainty, the state of loneliness in this illusion
and therefore the short Surah of the Quran Bourassa which by the
way, there are so used to read to the Sahaba when they should
separate they should read this as a reminder, because there's four
principles of civil salvation. I'm a New I'm a new solar hot water
Wasabi. Wasabi Sabra, having faith, binding yourself to the
ideology of truth, manifesting the faith in positive good beneficent
axiom promotion of what is right what is just what is true what was
to be the
promotion of what was obvious other helping one another to
persevere to be able to take on the challenges that are being
So three steps, I will remind us.
One is to engage the reality of the world we find ourselves in one
on one with the idea of Eman because Eman condition ties us
about eventual accountability. A person of human can never be a
person indifferent to the reality around him or around.
The question one needs to ask as a person of faith, if you say you
have those who believe, where am I in relation to myself in relation
to my Creator, in relation to my near and dear ones, in relation to
the key issues that affects the society where I live in? And where
am I? Where am I in relation to the world, the larger world, which
is increasingly becoming a village? What is my relation to
the larger world that we all live in?
Don't forget, the major practical issues facing the world are
hunger, global warming, water scarcity, oppression, was
disparity between rich and poor illiteracy, energy waste, gender
based violence and inequalities, depletion of money, resources,
lack of health care, destruction of national, natural environment,
which of these issues are fundamental issues to the common
existence? Remember, we are going to hire uma who collegiate
leanness, we are the best of people for the benefit of
humanity, which of these issues are on our religious agenda, on
our education agenda, which of these are in the minds of our
children in our youth, as they are going towards degrees for the
So when is faith that conscious entices us of our accountability
to and while I'm inside the heart, engagement through action, action
that is relevant to the challenges and the needs of the time. Be
aware of the reality around you know what is happening, take
cognizance of the impact of what is happening. Be aware of what the
issues are, realize what is required to be done, and decide
what is it that I can do in my small or in a big way.
A life of relevance is the life of impact. How many of inventions,
even the wars and who's been fight among themselves killing each
By arms bought by other people, because we drive across from other
people? What do we produce? Besides dates that come from
Medina, and coffee as we bring from Makkah, they're made in
China? What do we produce?
A life of relevance is a life of impact. It's a life of being
lived, to add value to humanity and to society. How will I come
from my action or my inaction in the face of challenges around me
in Elaina? So my inner Elena Isobelle, Allah says, to us is
your return and you will be held accountable upon your return?
In a world more interconnected than ever before? We ponder and as
we leave the old year, and move towards the New Year, we ask
ourselves, What have I done with my yesterday's? What am I going to
do with my tomorrows, we are commanded, as we always remind
ourselves in every year you are loving it, the law will come to
market dermaclara Oh, you proclaim faith be conscious of Allah and
carefully consider what you have set forth for tomorrow.
action is required
to study one of the mystics Persian mystics in the ninth
century. He said, a NASA Kulu motor in the Laurel AMA, with Alma
suka in harmony with early mean Kulu mcloon.
He said, All human beings are dead, except those fools who do
good deeds or deceive, except those who are sincere and
Do what needs to be done.
Do it with sincerity, with empathy with love. If you do what you do
with love, you will love what you do. And you will be loved for what
you have done. And if no one appreciates, at least Allah will
love you will ask you in the long run, will Marcin do good. Allah
loves those who do good.
So when we say empathy and compassion we mean to be sensitive
to the plight
and the dilemma, the predicament of others. I constantly mentioned
the hadith of Rasulullah when there are solutions that will
actually bother
The man at the woodland has the essence of reasoning after
accepting five history of love, compassion for humanity, why is
denial failed to do whatever good you can Illa Koulibaly offered you
irrespective of whether people are good or whether they are bad.
Empathy creates relevance. Why? Because it creates a deep
connection that brings people together. Why is once I've said
and some say the lawsuit is documented in the biography of
Charlemagne, okay, but Allah Allah, either a rod Allahu
Abdullah Hira, is Tamela, who Picabo how generous when Allah
which is good for a person, he grants that person the capacity to
be an instrument for fulfilling the needs of those around him.
So it is the end of the year. By the end of the decade, it is the
end of the end of a decade. It is a mistake to think that time is
going time isn't going anywhere, time is time, time is here till
the world ends. It is you that is going so you and I don't waste
time. You and I don't waste yourself for wasting time you're
wasting yourself.
It is you who grow old and die time does not die. So make best
use of time and times are not bad. It's people who do bad things in
time because times are bad number times are not bad. Sunday, Sunday,
Monday is Monday Joomla Joomla are not bad. People do bad things. We
have become bad if we are very good times will be good. So don't
say nothing I can do you know times are bad.
Now you lose a man and Imam Shafi said, Well, I will fina where they
said is a man in our
we blame time the times are bad, but times are not bad is will
become bad. Because time is no crimes except the crimes we commit
in time.
So it's not necessarily a bad world, that we become negative. It
is a different world. It is a challenging world. But after all,
life is a challenge. Life was a test that was meant to be
challenging. And the people were most challenged with the prophets.
Why did Allah make all the Muslim people in Makkah become Muslim,
while he blew Medina come back be removed, come back by what
knowledge is making me McAfee the Prophet you kill me become Muslim.
And then people in the world can follow the McCanns in martial law,
they all became Muslim, his own family by the way, at least the
family could become Muslim, his uncles.
So it's not necessarily a bad world. It is a different world, an
increasingly different world, a challenging world, an ever
changing world.
And though the world has always been changing,
the rate of change has never been as great as in our times. And in
the past decade, we have witnessed unprecedented acceleration in the
pace of that change. You look at this instrument, how it changed
from 2000 to now the whole world is connected only thing I can eat
it, everything else you can do with this.
The whole world in your hand in your pocket, but in my hand in
everyone and even the poorest person in the village somewhere
can afford it. We are connected.
So though the world has been changing, the rate of change has
never been as great as in our times and the past decade, has
seen an unprecedented acceleration in the pace of the change. So as
we engage the the realities of life around us, and as we reflect
on with us in the in Santa Fe, Who's in the lead in Amman who
among us all, as we reflect, we ask Allah may Allah grant us
vision. And it begins with that. Because if we are not connected to
one another, why should I care what happens to the world?
vision to see the good in people. We are too busy. Even in our
religious circles, who's coughing? Nobody's looking who's Muslim?
Everybody's looking who's coughing.
A vision that genuinely sees the good in people. Actions that
genuinely benefit the people. Irrespective
of whether they're Muslim or coffee.
That's their business. Allah will answer you do good because you are
So excellent is a genuinely benefit people empathy that
embraces all people, hearts that forgives the faults of people
minds that engender love for people, memories that remember the
best in people. Oh Allah, make us instruments of goodness. Aquila.
kolyada, was tougher. Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah
people. I need to ask you right now. Please. I would request that
all of you we see a gap in front of you and you stand up for the
dawn in the Sunnah. Fill the gaps. Please listen to it after Juma
after the call.
Not so fill the gaps immediately and inshallah and to the ladies on
the left hand side I know there are quite a few ladies
additionally today because of the of the of the reading and Nikka
after the after the Joomla or they will upstairs so just please
inshallah also do that to yourself as well inshallah shukran masala
Malik Morocco
is up and welcome to suicide Allah