Sadullah Khan – Responsibility of Leadership in our Country

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The importance of witnessing Islamist movement's story is emphasized, along with the need for leaders to act like leaders and hold accountable for their actions. Leadership is a responsibility for personality, including elevating the people, alleviating racism and human rights. The democratic era in South Africa is discussed, including the need for morality and a focus on practicality. The importance of leaders in modern times is emphasized, including the need for empathy and a focus on practicality.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sir Mr. Padilla here Marketo

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it is indeed an honor for me to introduce our speaker for today

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the CEO Augustana College, she said without further ado we call

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upon she.

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Ministry upon the regime Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al Hamdulillah

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Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while we have

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been talking for hours Harvey an integer de vida Jimmy Ivan BIA

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evil will serene Cara la Jota ILF Al Quran Illuma je de Waal for con

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Ali Lamanna Sheldon urgyen here for Allah Lincolnville Latina

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de la Hui my Tama guna hadir. So that Allah Allah Allah you're all

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the recording maybe have you been on Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallahu alayhi wa callibaetis Beatty. He was hired. couldn't

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look more I couldn't look on my spoon under a Yeti. Oh come on car

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so that they are a soul Allah.

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In the name of law, most Gracious, most Merciful. All praise is due

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to our Creator, our cherisher how nourish and sustain. We bear

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witness is not worthy of worship but Allah. We bear witness we

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believe in all the prophets who came in the great line of divine

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And we bear witness the Prophet Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah Rasul

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allah sallallahu alayhi wa. He was happy he was alone is the final of

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all the emissaries of Allah.

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Elders, brothers, educators, Allah, there is

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a good theory Islamic universal greeting of peace with peace,

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blessing, the blessing of Allah be upon each and every one on the

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crucial time of Juma in this beautiful house of Allah. On this

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glorious Friday. We are Lagonda de drops of rain may fall upon us and

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bless us with his Rama and Baraka agreed to a Salam Alaikum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh barakaatuh

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hola hola. musky NaVi some reason. Maria Maria

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Baldwin Gillian Raver, Arjun

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Yesterday was quite a historic day in the history of our country.

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But also an indictment in some way that in the past

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three leaders we had in a country with such a noble struggle.

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The two of them were able to fool

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for the turn.

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And of course, we find that one of the Presidents the last one had to

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in that the new president was

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And in his introductory speech, Cyril Ramaphosa

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said something

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he said, among other things, is the leader of the people, is the

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servant of the people.

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And this is in fact, the echoing of the sentiments and the words of

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa, he was the Hadith documented by

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the Asaka. Whether a soldier

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say you do come ha,

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the leader of the people serves the people. And those colors

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question the degree of authenticity of this narration.

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Nonetheless, it's an integral part of Islamic thought and ethics,

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that the statement is considered as part of the Islamic tradition,

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the leader of the people serves the people and the one who serves

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the people qualifies, then only to lead.

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There are two primary roles of leadership.

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responsibilities are many but the roles there are two primary roles

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of leadership. And this is a lesson for people in political

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leadership, but also in religious leadership, whether it be heads of

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an institution, whether the principal for the school, whether

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it be heads of department, whether you're a prefect, with the head,

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prefect at the school, no pressure

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or whether you are

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the head

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prefect of the school or the prefect in your class,

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whether you're a manager unions on your business or institution, or

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workplace, those are people under them, they have a degree of

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responsibility for that position is an Amana is a trust for which

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we're specifically held accountable as a result it

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will come look

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at each and every one of you is

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a shepherd, so to say a guardian of things, so to say. And each and

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every one of you will be held accountable for whoever and

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whatever is under guardianship, whether it be health, whether it

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be other people, whatever it may be, you will be held accountable

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to Allah for that which is under your protection and under your

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guardianship. And therefore, the demand is the company in relation

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to the President being elected which we speak about, and also the

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lessons we learned from that because that to tax upon our

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entire society,

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the leadership will determine the direction of the country will

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determine our freedoms

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will determine with our fat fiber ation is being realized or not

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being sold out, as it was done in the past few years.

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So two

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rungs of leadership responsibilities are many, but two

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ways in which any form of leadership you find yourself one,

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the servant leader, who wants to say, and through sailors acquires

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authority, which becomes manifested, due to the person's

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involvement in the concern for the welfare of the people being led.

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And this is I mentioned, in keeping with the perfect

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that say will conquer the leader of the people serve the people

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and also the other form of leadership. The other role is

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Guardian leader, Guardian leadership, which aims at

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protecting the community

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against oppression, against unfairness against injustice,

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against painless and pleases the primary responsibility of that

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leadership on the care of the people. That is who our scholars

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have said that the Hadith scholars have said, in the lions

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calf era, well is your volume, well, O'Connor, Amina, Allah will

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support a just authority, even if the authority is unbelieving,

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Allah will not support an unjust authority. Even the people in

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power are believers in Allah in some

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kind of copula.

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Because the responsibility of leadership is not so much the

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faith, but how the faith manifests itself in justice and beneficial

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action for those who are under your care.

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So each one is responsible for what is under his or her case. And

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therefore, leader in any positions of leadership has to have

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essential qualities and features of integrity. Maybe people are in

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a coma.

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Hikmah of wisdom, multi people have these, you can leave if you

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don't know.

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People, interesting insight,

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people understanding and a force

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pull for us.

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We look at our country, and many of our people died. We only met

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a man who gave his life for the struggle. This is

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a man who died for

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the freedoms that we have and we fighting for and some of which are

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being usurped and abused.

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So let me start started our democratic era with Nelson

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Mandela, and ended up with Jacob Zuma.

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We now have Cyril Ramaphosa, sworn in as our fourth president.

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You see the flow of leaders. He's an indication

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of the direction into which we are heading

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to Zuma, whose leadership was mired in corruption

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and decides the prevailing crime in our country of which each and

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every one of us is a victim of embezzlement and corporate fraud

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has, in recent years been pervading the country of each

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country. I've been to over 30 countries in my life.

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And I can tell you of all the countries if it was not for crime

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and corruption, safety and security. There is no country to

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make South Africa in its beauty in its people and its potential and

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its wealth

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and its future. If

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It was safeguarded from crime and corruption.

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Many government parastatals are virtually out of control, bloated

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and infested with fraud, deceit, cronyism, with friends in power

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and rich themselves.

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On this, while the masses are denied the basic needs, and those

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who are politically connected are increasingly losing the beauty of

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the souls in exchange for the perks that come with corrupt self

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He said leadership is about trust,

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leadership is a responsibility, but a responsibility with social

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and moral obligations.

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So we should be cautious when you choose leaders, whether religious

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or otherwise or political, who we choose as our leaders.

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Because sometimes we get the leaders we deserve.

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Leadership is not about people, and about personality, about

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people surrounding you, but about having the characteristics and the

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ability to elevate the people and alleviate the problems. Mr.

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Musharraf, I said it very beautifully. In Al Faqih, who will

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fucky who befall you, Razor fucky who may not be he or may call you

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the razor is to be called me he was early because he was running

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up Harley Race it was only up monkey will be muddy. If true

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fucking is not the one how well he writes in his mix. But how he was

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able to manifest the rules and regulations of the faith.

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summarize how many people are surrounding the leader, but the

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how much moral character he does he or she displays. Similarly, a

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rich person is going to how much roughly possess but how contented

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you are with what you have.

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So in deciding upon leadership,

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as increase

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in many Muslim countries, unfortunately, leaders are not

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chosen, they are imposed.

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So become so accustomed to separating politics, from

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religion, and all the wars are being fought by political

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authorities. And we are silent about it because we don't engage

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in politics, it directly affects our fight.

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So in deciding upon leadership asks, What does a new president

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Does he have the aptitude, the ability, humility, the honesty,

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the transparency, the integrity, and the capacity to lead us in the

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right direction? Or move us to a better place than where we are? At

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least there is a person have optimism or pessimism does he

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offer awkward display genuine change of cosmetic alterations?

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Will he alleviate the condition of the nation and elevate the quality

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of the lives of the people by addressing the basic concerns and

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championing championing the fundamental causes.

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The dominance of corruption has indeed tarnish the memory of a

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fantastic and noble struggle we had from the time of Tang guru

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to non Harun and beyond.

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And the scourge of corruption is indeed a spiritual, a mouth any

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social concern.

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It's an evident abuse of entrusted power is a violation of a

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fundamental Amana of trust.

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Nation of human rights when you put people in power and take the

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money which you pay your taxes and build their own homes, and feed

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their own friends and build homes in other parts of the world. It

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undermines human dignity

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and it needs to be arrested. By all means necessary.

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We do now the leader we have right now has experienced the poverty of

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Soweto was imprisoned for opposing the racist regime. We do know that

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you are an accomplished trade union leader who is now president.

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These are good credentials on paper of course. But this

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businessman who has amassed tremendous amount of love,

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multimillionaires ease has a lot to do still to prove that he

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currently has a genuine concern of the poor and the downtrodden at

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And the least we expect from leadership

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is to clear up the force in the scum in the parliament who

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profited at the expense of others, filling their pockets while people

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went and are still going hungry.

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For him to make truly a credible president. He must lead a

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government that cares about the Asian the young, the poor and the

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oppressed. And he must remain unapologetic about the obligation

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of the ongoing struggle and project of freedom and liberation.

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In South Africa, in Palestine as a part of the world,

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in his pursuance of justice, in the restoration of rights, in the

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returning of land of people who land had been stolen, standing

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firm on principles, demanding accountability from comrades,

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leaders, who have sacrificed the objective of the struggle at the

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altar of greedy, selfish self interest

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of one of the great revolutionary leaders, Robert Mongolia should do

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great who said at that time, let me repeat your view, oh lovers of

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my Africa, to carry with you into the world, the vision of you and

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the better Africa.

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But each and every one of us in particularly the youth, remember,

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the pathway to leadership be service and also the means of

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preparing yourself for any leadership requires

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that knowledge and skill you're out Allah Allah.

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Allah says Allah will elevate those who are faith, and those who

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have knowledge by degrees, and Allah is well informed about

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everything that you do.

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In a hadith, that also said Allah Azza wa sallam said

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Ma bingeable

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you must learn, seek knowledge and among the things in that hadith

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Devi aplomb and Vijan Phil Heidi cod

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Rasul Allah said, acquire knowledge for it elevates the

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people and through knowledge, Allah makes people leaders in

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righteousness, in model and in morality.

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So the Islamic

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perspective of effective leadership, the leaders may not be

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Muslim or Islamic, but the qualities we expect are universal

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values, leadership of moral authority, leadership with

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integrity and with credibility. Leadership providing people with a

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sense of worth, a sense of direction or sense of purpose,

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through inspiration through motivation, and through

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appropriate action.

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A genuine leader is going to position you find yourself in

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President or class president, head of state or head prefect of the

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school, head

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of a of an institution as a principal, or whether they be the

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head of a corporate company.

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Leader, a genuine leader is compassionate or spirit has a

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positive attitude.

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You must close the means of engagement for two words, displays

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empathic behavior,

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and from whose loving examples others can learn, and more

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importantly, who's prepared to learn from others, not so

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disqualified from teaching and those who refuse to learn from

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others, not so disqualified from teaching as those who refuse to

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learn from others. So in other words, for most living example, or

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risk can learn and he himself or she herself is prepared to learn,

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say now the Karim Allah wa just said, My NASA holiness Imam and

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Philip debita leave enough see a couple of times

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when they contact me but we'll be see rotti he publicly but

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whatever sets himself a task of leading other people, let him

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begin by correcting himself.

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Teach us what is right, and then do what is correct.

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A true leader is likable and lovable, respectable and

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respectful. So Sal, Allahu alayhi wa sallam, the greatest leader of

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all time, that could the con Allah con, fie Rasulillah hustler naman,

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can you average allah how valuable was that Kerala Kira? Surely in

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the perfect example of Allah, you have the ideal exemplar

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leaders. So Allah said about the good.

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He says, You're a boy who

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is one who loves the people and the people loves him. So a true

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is likable, lovable, respectable, respectful, must have the capacity

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to unite.

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Not divide must have the ability to simplify, rather than

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complicate must be practical, must be realistic. And my must be

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pragmatic, realistic, practical, and pragmatic. And if you look at

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the life of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam in

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various phases, where there's a press person in Makkah, or whether

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eventually is head of state of Medina, he displayed the qualities

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of excellence in every dimension, but the leader is an imam of the

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of the armed forces, or whether as a head of state of Medina, may

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Allah subhanaw taala grant, that we have leaders who will look at

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the interests of the people.

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And we have the courage of our conviction, to stand up and speak

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His truth and not be afraid to speak truth to power and maybe

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rise above party political affiliation to what is true and

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what is right now Allah subhanaw taala guide us, may Allah subhanho

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wa Taala bless us, and may Allah subhanaw taala grant, this

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beautiful country of ours is a noble history. This is a great

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struggle, and specifically the history of how people are in Islam

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in this country is indeed the most beautiful and fascinating history.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala that we as time unfolds in these young

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men and women who are here, may they unfold and perpetuate the

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legacy of twang guru of cardiac salah of Sufism, and of Imam

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Abdullah rune Aquila kolyada. Was the for Allah Salam aleykum.

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Selam Aleykum

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as Muslims, we should always

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