Sadullah Khan – Ramadan2016 09

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the life of famous Iranian entrepreneur, Mohammed Silva, who was a leader and later sent to Greece before becoming a successful entrepreneur in Afghanistan. The transcript also describes a woman who talked about being a Nassima and how she talks about being a woman. The transcript emphasizes the importance of being spoken to by various people and moments in one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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rajim Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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We continue our series on

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a noble ones around the chosen one.

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We take any notes and inspirational aspects of the lives

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of great people who are in the company of Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam.

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And tonight we turn our attention to a companion by the name of

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alien different from shorting, by the way, shy is a prophet in the

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Quran. And of course, in the Bible is called Jethro

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wasn't sure he was an Amazon

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So he was a governor in an area which is now part of the city of

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He was the son of the famous sinner and

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was appointed by the

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as the governor of will is now part of what is now

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and she grew up in the house of dignitaries, he grew up in the

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house of the corridors of power. And he grew up in the lap of

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luxury and privilege

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was on a royalty thing, so to say, in the village of a tiny

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he was with his mother and other siblings,

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by the vice dean or the Greek soldiers.

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And the soldiers whose families to be split up, the property was

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seized, and prisoners were taken.

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slave markets are the Byzantines in Constantinople, what is now

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called Istanbul in Turkey. So the son of a covenant

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of luxury, ended up slave in a foreign country, in what is now

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Turkey, of Constantinople, Istanbul,

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he spent most of his youth in what was controlled, not what is Greece

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now, but controlled lands. And therefore, he was able to speak

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Persian, which was all language, Greek, as well as Roman. And of

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course, eventually also, Arabic

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is bondage. And when he was able to secure Arabia, with the Wall

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Street and so on, he escaped. He was one of the traders and he was

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able to go to Libya. And he ended up in the city of Makkah.

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She became a very notable person.

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And he was leaving a person here the sponsorship

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was very influential man in Denmark as well.

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He was

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because you could speak your own language and complexion look

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European, we'll call him show him the Roman. That's why he's known

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and became quite prosperous in Hungary.

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On returning to Makkah from one of these trading journeys, so he was

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informed by people among them was

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remember the first time

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the first time

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you'll see

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that these this Mohammed Silva, who's part of the family of the

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bourgeois ruling, power, is calling towards a new faith is

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going to be one God is commanding them to be just do good deeds,

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from all forms of sinfulness and make them aware of the

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accountability in the hereafter.

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So inquire who this Muhammad was, and he was told he could meet the

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Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad

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he say documents

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was going the father was going to listen to the prophet in the

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secret house.

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So he was there together and therefore some people say, embrace

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Islam together with a family of

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we went to the Prophet Muhammad. And we were explained

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to us what Islam and we're convinced by his message, and then

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we embrace the faith.

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He was one of the seven people

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who declared themselves Muslims openly. And among

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was a family of years. He was one of those people was dressed in

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armor by the police leaders and left to burn in the sun.

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So people eventually migrated to Medina eventually. So I also

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decided to migrate.

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So he was received behind. And remember,

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he left his alley behind

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Quranic verse,

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namely, the two of them, the second one of the two was

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the sodium says

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he would have been the salad

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because of his mouth or three links, and because of his roles,

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and because of his collections, the mechanisms allow him to leave.

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So he would have been with us

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as part of those three people who left

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due to the fact that he was really profitable in his trade, he was

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extremely honest. And eventually

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he was prepared to leave

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a data

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a mess.

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And you lose the citizenship now because of being with us, and now

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you're cutting yourself off from us, by yourself and your wealth,

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nonetheless, that allows you to migrate on condition that he left

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everything behind all his business, everything

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that is showing, but this is a very important lesson to look at,

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the person does.

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So he was taking from his rosy beans and he

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was nothing

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for his parents

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was nothing

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was nothing.

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New Medina welcome demon said.

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You know, you have made a profitable deal, or Father of

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Yoga, and the following verse.

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And this verse, woman, a Nassima, yesterday, and if so, but

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among people,

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of people, among people, there are those type of people who give

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everything of their life to the pleasure of Allah. Allah is Most

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kind to the sevens.

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In Medina, he was among

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these were companions, who spent most of the time part of the time

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or particular portion of the day.

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It was a few years ago,

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which also obviously,

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he says,

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for the people who were specifically acquiring knowledge

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and dedicating themselves to the understanding of the face, and

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he's had to go somewhere, they were the ones who will send to

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teach the face

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joins us.

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Congress, he was

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and he said,

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what he said, Whenever

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Whenever he was attacked, I was working in every branch I was

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present in every school, I was in any grade.

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The earliest ones, I was either on his on his left.

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I would go to the front.

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I would go to the hour and protect the profit, never profit, but I

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came between him and the enemy.

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He said

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until the profit matches load

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he was also known for his words.

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was a dear friend of sleep. And once it also,

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I feel you give so much charity that you know you're bordering on

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experience with your charity. Charity that it's

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so he responded

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he said, I heard your source in the midst of you, as also feed

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Not only was this an

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incident and this also indicates the light hearted moments in the

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walls between the prophet in the people

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infection in the eye.

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And he was was eating this. So he also said

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he said are you eating and you have an eating I

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responded with? Well you must see

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behind him

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he says no problem

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there a famous quote normally

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in Russia and Africa

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how remarkable is the case of a believer, there's always some good

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lesson to be learned for a believer. If he goes through

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hardship, he patiently perseveres and patience is good for him. And

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when you go through a good times, you are elated and thankful. And

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Thankfulness is good. This hadith was

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is narrated by

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but look at the

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son of a governor, son of a governor

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in the bison Empire

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he worked his way to financial prosperity.

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In the process, he never became materialistic.

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He was

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he became an esteemed company professor of law while he was

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revered member of the group of Muslims. So

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Ava Rooney

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died at the age of 75. In this case here after he lives in

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Artesia machi, near the prophets of Allah while he was

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here again, we see how we appreciated those who are on the

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prophet, but the more interesting group of people, but a wide

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variety of people from different backgrounds, but not only that, he

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was also a multilingual person who could speak many languages and a

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variety of skills,

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their own experiences, their own hardships, their own privileges,

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and it was good to be with a

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speech to people about something and he says to people

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you must remember you're speaking to a group of people all the same,

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they were different and different things meant different things to

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different people. But the message was nonetheless the same and

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through them.

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We have received Islam we have given

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the highest place in Paradise

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