Sadullah Khan – Profound Lessons from the life of the Prophet (PBUH) Night 1

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of fasting to improve one's understanding of Islam and pursue a spiritual journey. They also give advice on how to handle pride and deeds in a gentle manner. The segment ends with a mention of a spiritual journey and a woman named Akula wa tu ma.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are older bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Li was a big mine.

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We but each and all of you Ramadan Kareem as we enter this auspicious

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month of Seon, this month of PM, this month of all Furqan it is the

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month of the Quran after all, in which we fast from dawn to dusk

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and increase our prayer night. I look into the phone, to enhance

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Allah consciousness and to pursue Taqwa to attain Allah Rama, His

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mercy, and his MA Farah His forgiveness and also for chance to

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improve ourselves as individuals. And to achieve this Allah subhanho

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wa Taala says in the Quran, pull In Kuntum to humble Allah feta

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beer ONLY. You may become Allah via filicudi Nuba con wala who

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have a photo Rahim. If you want Allah to love you follow the way

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of the Prophet, Allah will love you. He'll forgive you your sins,

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for surely Allah is Most forgiving, Most Merciful.

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So our theme for this time avant, is Drew Shamika when a serial

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kidnapper, Ouija, which is profound lessons from the life of

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the prophet sallallahu alayhi, WA early he was sending them every

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night, one incident, one reflection, one snapshot from the

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illustrious life of our beloved prophet, a snapshot that could

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enhance our appreciation of the prophet that could provide

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exemplary lessons for us to improve ourselves and perhaps help

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us to pursue taqwa, which after all, is the objective of our

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fasting. So for tonight,

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we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Holy Quran wama

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Allah Allah confit Dinniman, Harajuku Allah did not make

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anything in the deen complicated, anything overbearing, anything

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So on an occasion, three companions of the Rasul Allah

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Allah He, while he was telling them, became overzealous about the

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practice of the faith as documented in Sahih al Bukhari.

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One of them decided to fast every day, every day of the year, and

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the other one decided not to sleep at night, but to pray the whole

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night all night every night, and the other one said, he'll abstain

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from intimacy with his wife from his spouse. When the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was informed about these three

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companions, may Allah be pleased with them. Those who vow to engage

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over enthusiastically in such an obsessive behavior, religious

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behavior but obsessive and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said will lie in nila shockula What kakula lacking me

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assume will have the will suddenly you are good at what you need from

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a rocky monsoon that he Falaise. I mean by Allah I am the most

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conscious of people to Allah, and most obedient and dutiful to

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Allah. But I fast some days and some days I don't fast, I pray

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part of the night, but I also sleep and I fulfill my marital

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obligations. That is my way who does not follow my way is not from

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So what we learned from this, remember, even in doing our

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religious obligations, which we have to fulfill, if you lie, you

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can live Allahu nevsun in Laos, aha. Allah has never placed a

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burden upon us beyond what we can be.

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at the same time, we need to realize besides the fibroid,

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anything we do in addition to that, do it with moderation and

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you awareness if you are accustomed to getting two or three

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juice every day to restart but it intends us on one day, because

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though you may start over enthusiastically, but you may soon

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burn out and not reach completion.

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And here we may reflect on a beautiful simile a beautiful,

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competitive example, given by the Soula sallallahu alayhi. Wa he was

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documented by emammal by their associate

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dean and Mateen. This deen is indeed profound for all hilfi

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heavy lifting wala to bargain Ilan FC Kariba that Allah for Engleman

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batalla Algon Catan Walla Walla and Abba car, this religion is

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very profound. So approach it, deal with it in a gentle manner.

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And do not be do not make the worship of Allah. You don't make

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your a bother or your religious obligations and duties the way you

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can eat out. Don't make it burdensome. Do not make it

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distasteful or dislike to yourself, because the traveler who

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does not allow his right

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Rest, the ride will not be able to continue and the terminal will not

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reach his destination.

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We therefore should take heed of the prophetic advice and advice,

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which reflects the prophetic dimension of moderation when

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fulfilling our religious obligation. The Rasul said

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it left him in Allama Lima to the goon for in the halal Amelie at

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one more hour in color, performed deeds, as much as you are able,

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for the best of deeds are those that are done consistently, even

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if they are done little by little Akula kolyada was tougher Allah wa

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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