Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Why you do what you do) Night 22

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The concept of hesitation is viewed as a positive step in achieving spiritual health and success, as evidenced by the success of Islam. The fourth action is a rob of a bank, which is a good action, but not a bad action, and the fifth action is to do a good action, but it is not a good action, and the sixth action is to do a bad action, but it is not a good action. The importance of good intentions and good actions in rewarding one's actions is emphasized.
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they serve and they carry us

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all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

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are hungry La Habra Bilal Amina wa Salatu was Salam ala Shefali

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Mursaleen. So you didn't want to be no more than Muhammad wa ala

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alihi wa sahbihi marine layer that I'm keen on Tharwa Hikmah Hamid Al

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Quran Al Karim nights of empowerment, parables and wisdom

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from the Glorious Quran.

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Everything that comes into existence in the universe begins

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with Iran and intended desire.

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In fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Yaseen in nama Umrah

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who either are or the Cheyenne, a year old Allah who can pay

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for he says Be and it is, there is a wool for that thing to happen.

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And therefore, we say erotica,

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or the desire is activated by a creative power, the creative power

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of Nia or the power of intention.

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And Nia is a directed impulse,

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a directed impulse of consciousness or a desire of the

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heart, or an aspiration of the soul that motivates us to do

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whatever we do.

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Nia is a significant means whereby worthiness of inaction is valued

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and judged. And of course, Allah is the ultimate judge. But the

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notion of Nia and the motivation and the desire why we do what we

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do, for example, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, you are keen to come

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be Marchesa.

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Allah takes you to task for what your hearts have conceived in

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earnestness, what you really want in your heart, Allah looks at

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that. And therefore it also said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam, in the

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most famous saying, documented in the Sahih Muslim. In the Malama

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lupini yard. We're in nama. Luckily, man, our actions are by

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intentions, and for each one, according to what he or she

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So we say, as your intention is, so is your action.

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As your intention is, so is your action. So let's evaluate that.

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One is you can have a bad intention for a bad action. You

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can have bad intention for a bad direction. And this is never

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acceptable in Islam. It's abhorrent, and in fact punishable.

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Example of that.

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Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari sahih al Bukhari and by Imam Muslim

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Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said either the word Muslim

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man is a femur for kala who Muhammad ali na, for cotton

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Walmart to deliver high cotton Yaga Sula, for marble Mattoon for

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Collison, Allahu alayhi wa early was called in the order

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in the who are either Cutler Sahibi the soul was said to some

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people, when two Muslims fight, intending to kill one another,

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both of them are in the fire.

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So the question as Yara should Allah we understand the one who

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wants to kill is in the fire. But why the Muslim who got killed, he

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said because he was desirous, intending to kill the other.

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This makes us realize

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how important it is that you cannot have a bad intention and a

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bad action and accept it to be acceptable to Allah. bad

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intention. Bad action is never acceptable, then you have bad

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intention. For a good action. This can be very deceptive. For

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we know that true belief and true or Ibadah is done with sincerity.

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For example, if you take prayer, we need to know whatever we do,

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but the utterance of the mouth we can say lie in Allah, but it needs

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to come from the heart. Whether we pray ritually up in downs one

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thing may Allah accept from us, but coming from the heart is

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something else. Last Allah in Labradoodle club, there's no Salah

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without the presence of the heart. It's very important. Since you

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carnation Namazi Adana Yachty deal dukkha and apartheid a bar that

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killed a rollup said, just bowing your head doesn't make it sujood

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doesn't make it a bother your heart is to be pleasant for it to

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be in a bother. So it needs to be something that manifests or

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emanates from our Wirkkala Phil was at the coal as from hospital

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bossley said emanating from the heart. In other words, the

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individual's heart and attitude. There's goodness emanating from

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it, motivating the person to believe

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Lin's are to goodness, and therefore in the Quran, the notion

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of unconscious worshipping or worshiping with the aim of

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impressing other people. This is condemned. In other words, you

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have a bad intention. I want to show off. I want people to notice,

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but I'm doing a good deed. I'm pretty clear so everyone can

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imagine how good I lead. Why give charity deliberately in front of

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other people. Nothing wrong with giving in public, but with the

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idea that people will notice me all makes Allah so everyone knows

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and then when you do that, the action is good, but the intention

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is bad. And that's why Allah reprimands even in the Quran for

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where you will mousseline and Nadine Oman, Salah Ahimsa Hoon

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Alladhina, whom you

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want to those who are making salah, but those aren't making

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salah, Shame on those who are making Salah will make Salah to be

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seen by people. But regarding the social consciousness really

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supposed to help the neighbors and those around them. They hardly do

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that in another verse about the munaf Willis talathi,

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calm Musala Euro all in us, what do I include? Hola, hola. kalila,

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the hypocrisy stand in prayer, very listlessly, for the stand to

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be noticed by people.

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But regarding the remembrance of Allah, which is the essence of

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prayer, they hardly remember him much. This is directly from the

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Quran. So it's very important to realize, here you have a good

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action, but the intention was to show rather than to pray, then you

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good intention for a bad action.

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And this is how many of us rationalize our wrongs. I mean,

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well, for example,

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you can say, I'm going to rob the bank, in sha Allah,

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say Bismillah before you say it.

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And then if I robbed the bank, I intend to donate half of the

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money, which I still have to the mosque. I don't see what the other

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half but half I'll give to the mosque. You see, you can have a

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good intention for the bad action, and see, but Allah says, Allah

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judges you by your intention, it doesn't work like that, in

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Albania, is another Hadith in our team. Actions are also judged by

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the consequences. So a good intention for a bad thing does not

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make the bad thing good, because the intention may be seemingly

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good, but not really good. The fourth one, good intention for a

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good action. This is the prescribed combination for all our

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activity as people of iman.

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And if the intention is sincere, and the action is beneficial, then

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indeed, that counts as a virtuous deed as the army who saw the good

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deeds, but so significant and so impactful is the good intention

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that precedes a good action. So impactful is the good intention

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that precedes a good action. Hadith Rasul Allah Allah wa

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sallam, both in Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim Rasul Allah said,

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from an Hammarby has nothing for them Yamaha cutterbar, Allah in

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the who has an AKA Milla that even if you intend to do something

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good, but you couldn't do it for some reason, Allah will reward you

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because of your intention. That's a good intention for a good

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action. The reason we do what we do, therefore, is fundamentally

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significant. The reason we do what we do is fundamentally

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significant. And it's important for us to live up to the standard

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of Rasulullah and the guideline of Rasulullah as documented in the

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Muslim of Imam Muhammad in a humble way, there are social

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Allahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam said, Africa when a class Allahu

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Allah Hulan Eman was your Allah Kalba who Salima while he sang and

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saw the talk when asked to whom Allah in Mohali KATUSA Akima.

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Successful indeed are those who by the Grace of Allah are sincere in

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faith, whose hearts are pure in the intention, whose tongues are

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truthful in speech, who have inner contentment and whose character is

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Let us realize the following one, a conscientious person of faith is

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expected to harbor good intentions, to have a clean heart

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to have a positive attitude to have an endearing personality,

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while manifesting exemplary behavior to in essence, purity of

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intention supersedes our two actions, because they could be

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some show or some degree of ostentation, in an outward action,

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outward action. Therefore, I'm a loose Alia or righteous deed is

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always good intention for a good action. And thirdly,

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we should introspect and check on why we do what we do. For that

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determines that too.

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Quality and the value of our actions Akula Kalia the first step

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for Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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