Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Purification through Self Evaluation) Night 26

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The concept of naughty actions and the importance of self-reductions and critical self-reductions in improving one's behavior is discussed. It is emphasized that knowing oneself as a man is essential for men to determine their own worth and get to know themselves. The heart of the woman is also discussed, as it is associated with love and belief. The concept of love from the heart and how it affects one's behavior is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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kolomela in another in volition, the role model and the center

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team. They learn it

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Amen and what the Serban the what do you learn Katie?

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All the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al

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hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he was early he was

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a big Marine. They are the Tom keen on masala Hikmah mineral

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Quran Al Karim knights of empowerment, parables and wisdom

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from the Glorious Quran.

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After the longest series of oaths, sometimes Allah has raised one

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oath, and then he brings to our attention something.

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In this case, there is a series of eight oaths, the longest series of

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Allah in the Quran. And normally after the oath Allah evokes our

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conscience, either with a question or the statement. In this case,

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we're gonna see what the HA HA well commonly that Allah when the

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hurry that a series of eight oaths by the brightness of the sun, and

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the subsequent moonlight, that follows and by the daylight, which

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makes everything conspicuous, and by the night, which obscures and

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so on. And then the point comes, when let's see what masa for Allah

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Maha Fujimura, what Taqwa consider the human self, and how it is

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fashioned in proportion, and how it is innately imbued with the

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capacity to distinguish wrong from right.

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Then Allah says, Africa Hammonds

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worker the herberman successful indeed is the one who keeps the

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self pure and purifies yourself. debase is the one who corrupts the

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self. Now this notion of knifes in the Islamic text, the concept of

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knifes or self is used synonymously and interchangeably

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with the spirit which is the rule, a time to the heart which is the

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In other words, the faculty of reasoning, Faculty of

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intelligence, faculties of emotion and so on of alcohol. And

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therefore, when you speak of purifying or improving the self,

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we talking about a holistic development at home this world to

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the hereafter to the next is one yo Mulayam for Omar, goon Ilam.

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And at Allah be colbyn Salim, those who meet Allah with a pure

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in sound art and the other one, Allah Allah will balloons Xena to

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hayati dunya, will Bhartia to solve the heart, the permanency of

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good actions, pure art and the permanency of good actions. But to

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do to Ischia to do this purification, it must begin

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somewhere before that there must be a starting point. And the skill

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requires what you call Maha Sabha. And that is what I want to focus

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on here. Bahasa Allah says in the Quran, a Hasib a nurse who a youth

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Raku a young man, whom Allah you have to know do you merely think

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you will say you believe and we will look test, you know? So the

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idea is there will be a hisab there'll be an evaluation of you

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as a number radiola I'll say ha Cebu, Kabul and Taha Cebu evaluate

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yourself before you are evaluated but Allah so we find here,

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reference to Maha Sabha and Maha Sabha means introspection,

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critical self evaluation, a self inventory, where am I what am I

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doing? And under self analysis, or self appraisal, if you wish. And

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why is this Maha Sabha so important? Because on the one

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hand, it helps in appraising our lives and our deeds. It also

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allows for a SWOT analysis of the self looking at our strengths or

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weaknesses, and of course, the opportunities we have to work on

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the tasks that need to be done and so on.

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So, it is for SWOT analysis, but also an appreciation of what we

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have and what we require, whether it be physically, whether it be

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intellectually, whether it be ideologically over the be

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spiritually and also, Maha Sabha is a stepping stone to self

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a stepping stone to self correction and personal

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So this idea of Maha Sabha and be very careful not to be negative

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when we look at some of these terms, it it implies self

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criticism. But self criticism does not mean self contempt. It doesn't

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mean you hate yourself. Many people mistake humility with

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humiliation, you know, and then the idea of criticism with

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condemnation or contempt. We have to draw a careful balance between

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working at our own self improvement and on the other hand,

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feeling useless or worthless on those issues we find we may be

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So self criticism, and this idea of Maha Sabha should be looked at,

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as in positive act, an act of appraisal, an act that can be

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empowering, that can teach us how to advance ourselves and from

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which you can learn is not a tool for mortification, no for self

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degradation, and for undermining yourself. Always remember that

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Islam, as I mentioned, promotes humility. It never promotes

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humiliation. It is through Maha Sabha that we truly get to know

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ourselves. And we realize, as the wise ones have said, men out of an

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officer who for

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those who get to know themselves, they get to know their creative.

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And this notion of maarif of knowing is absolutely essential.

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It's a human is incident that occurred, talking about knowing

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the sound because a person got into a airport in Cincinnati

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airport, and he there was a queue of people and you want it to be

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helped. And he told the lady, please help me the lady said, Sir,

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so long line of people, they're all going to the same destination,

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please stand in line with the rest of the people. And he said, Don't

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you know why? She ignored him? She continued to please stand in line.

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Again. He said, You know, why? Do you know why?

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She ignored him. Third time he said to a lady, I don't think you

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know, why. Do you know why? So the lady took the mic. And she

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announced, she said, Please, on the intercom system, please. This

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person here does not know who he is, can please someone come in

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Who am I?

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You see, we've gone to great heights. If climbed the highest

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mountains, and to the depth of every ocean, we've been to the

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moon and also send missions to Mars. But we have conquered all of

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this outer space. But yet

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we know very little about ourself despite knowing everything about

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everybody else.

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If you do not know who you are, and what you are, you will not

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know why you are here.

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So how will you really know what to do or why you do what you do?

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And this notion of knowing this type of knowledge of the self is

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very, very important.

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Malefor is essential even for five as the scholar same hustle and

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bustle he said Eman ma refer to mill calm will discern what

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Eman is modified to will come to know the reality by your heart

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are among them and you acknowledge them in the sun, you pronounce

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your belief, but you manifested in your actions. Even therefore,

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faith is rooted in the Malefor is rooted in the heart. Now one of

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the important things to realize

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from knowing they can be love from loving, then we can have the you

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can worship a lord or a creator whom you don't love. And you can

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love someone whom you don't know.

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Many of us are lacking in Malefor. So where could they be my hub?

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Because from Malefor comes from a hub from the hub comes very bad.

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And that's why perhaps there is a shortfall in how our budget is

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manifested. It's called as I said, la you can tab with Mala to a boom

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it says you can't worship what you don't love. And you can't love

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what you don't know.

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Ma'am Java aside you love teaching mumble Hanifa said, Well, you that

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agenda Dr. O'Malley fulfilled for a hubba hubba lamb you must Allahu

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Ali. He said, If the splendor of the raise of knowledge of Madiba

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enters the heart, then there is love and when there is love, it

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will affect you in such a way that nothing else except Allah will

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affect you. This is like the heart of Robin.

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Oh Allah, somebody said why? You don't speak much again. Shavon in

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your lectures, you speak only about love Allah says Calbee Imam

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Lumia Billa for Angel makan Lucretia. Tom, my heart is so

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filled with the love of Allah. There's no place for anything else

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even to ha bomb and preoccupied with the love of Allah.

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Now, unlike the normal days of three points, I'm gonna give us 10

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points of Imam has no bursary, who advised us regarding this Maha

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Sabha and how it has a consequential domino effect. How

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one thing affects the other thing and insha Allah may Allah grant us

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to be able to manifest this in our own lives. When has he been if so

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who Robbie woman Kafala and her hustle, woman Netherfield our

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keeping ledger woman a thought AHA who our man Halima runnin woman

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half a Salim ammonia October episode, an episode of for him,

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woman for him or Alim woman early Marvel. Beautiful he says whoever

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analyzes himself will benefit. Whoever is neglectful in

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evaluating himself will lose whoever looks at his faults and

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rectifies them

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will succeed. Whoever gives into his lowly desires is weakened.

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Whoever is humble and forbearing is indeed rich and wealthy.

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Whoever is fearful of doing wrong, that person is safe. Whoever takes

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note has insight, whoever takes note of the reality of things has

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insight and whoever is inside understand those who truly

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understand they know and those who know they act upon what they know

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and do the best of what they know. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant

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us to manifest goodness in all that we do a call a call the other

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was tougher Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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