Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Positivity of Forgiveness) Night 21

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The importance of forgiveness in addressing issues and empowering others is discussed by speakers, who emphasize the need for forgiveness as a commitment and a way of empowering others. They acknowledge the difficulty of forgiveness leading to regret and resentment, but emphasize the importance of practice and forgiveness as a gift for oneself. Consistent with this importance, forgiveness is seen as a sign of humility and generosity.
AI: Transcript ©
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Then they will join you look at Isaiah version just to announce

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inshallah Monica Tony will ever programming also immediately off

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the suicide Allah and also at alperstein Munakata annual our

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program and we will come on and like attorney in ailments I don't

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know certainly the more than there's a whole lot going on

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big marine

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we continue our theme layout at Tom keen on Sol Hackman in the

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Quran Al Karim knights of empowerment, parables and wisdom

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from the Glorious Quran.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala informs us in Surah two Shura

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from our od two min che Informatica Allah hieratic dunya

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Rama and Allahu Akbar calling Medina Manu Allah Robbie him yet

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our Kowloon

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whatever you are given here in this world is better convenience

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for this life.

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But that which is with Allah is better and more lasting for those

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who believe and those who put the trust in Allah and diverse

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conclusion of course, when the vena Eugenia buena kabaah isn't

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well for Aisha either ma hottie boom yoke Pharaoh, those who avoid

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major sinners, we find reference to the opportunities of this life,

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a life which is of course a temporary life and temporarily,

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and much less significant in relation of course, to the

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afterlife in the Hereafter.

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And diverse goes on to define the characteristics of those who are

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truly reliant on Allah, those who make the work cool. And among the

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good category, characteristics of people like that are they are

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those who avoid the major sins and impropriety and they have the

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ability to forgive, even when they're angry.

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Now, the capacity for compassion, and the wisdom to forgive one

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another, perhaps, or past wrongs or hurts, almost understandings is

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one of the greatest attributes that any human being can possess

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an exercise, but of course, over Ramat Lacava Ponyo Allah, Marathi

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hollybrook Ebola Nuala Lucy, but Maria rocky calm and voila apne

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per acre Hunka Nuala for kilo como jadore, for our people would speak

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somebody prophet, but he brings about the capacity for compassion

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for Goodwill, for the well being of those around him the capacity

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to forgive, to manifest mercy.

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And this is part of the nature of those who are righteous, and those

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who have the capacity

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for spiritual depth, and manifesting their spirituality and

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the nobility of their spirituality in their behavior.

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Now, we live in challenging times, wherein we tend to focus on

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competitive goals more so than ever before.

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Such as quick wealth and public image

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expectations that are too high pressures that are too much

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because of our connectivity today. Nowadays, everyone knows anything

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about everybody.

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We are constantly stressed with experiences that can easily offend

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us, you can easily reach the whole world within a second. And we can

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be offended in so many new ways now. And perhaps that is why

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forgiveness in our times, is increasingly essential, but

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increasingly difficult.

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You see, forgiveness is not so much an act.

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As much as it is a commitment.

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It's not a deed. As much as it is a choice. You don't have to do

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something to forgive someone you forgive.

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You may not need to do anything to forgive, you merely choose to

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The offender may still be as guilty of the harm or the hurt or

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the injury or the insult. They have given you or coded you. But

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when the offended person forgives, it cuts off the shackle that ties

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the offended person in chains of resentment. Many people are caught

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up in chains of resentment, they angry and they carried with them.

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Even the children carried it with them because they had some problem

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with their brother or cousin and families don't speak for decades,

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because the chains of resentment

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is still with them.

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That is why the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa early he was hard he was

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limited commended in cordata and twos be our tongue CLAS if you

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call because he hadn't filed it documented. Materiality if you are

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able to

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On a daily basis to remove any rancor, any bitterness, any

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resentment from your heart towards anyone. When do so

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wise ones have said that forgiveness is Allah's way for

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coming to terms with a world in which, despite people's best

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intentions, people do wrong each other people do hurt each other.

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Allah began by forgiving us, and He invites us all to forgive each

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other. Allah began by forgiving us himself, and he invites us all to

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forgive each other. And his way of forgiving is the model for our

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forgiving. And we should remember that seeking forgiveness is a sign

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of humility. When you've heard for the Matoba to Allah is one of the

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big nights tonight. May Allah grant us to get the baraka all the

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nights of Ramadan. Whenever the great moments may be Allah knows

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best. But seeking forgiveness is a sign of humility, and forgiving

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others is a sign of magnanimity and generosity. The Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a hadith documented by MALBA in

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Schawbel. Eman he said Salah summon Karuna fee our hula if he

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can be

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when nationala here hello FEMA kita lumen rasool Allah for Carlos

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and Allahu alayhi wa early he was he was a

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man either or OT a chakra, what is our cause Kedah refer by either

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Habiba Fattah that also said, if people have three qualities or

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habits, Allah has benefaction Allah's patronage, Allah's

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protection, will always guide them and protect them and cover them.

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Allah will dispense for them from his mercy, and enter and embrace

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them in his love. Someone asked, Who are such people Yara, will

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Allah and the Prophet replied, whoever is thankful when he

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receives whoever forgives when he is in a position or an authority

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to punish and the one who can control his temper when he's

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In the final analysis, forgiveness is not merely a set of behaviors,

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but is rather an attitude. It is a great attitude. It is a positive

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attitude. In fact, it is the attitude of the Divine himself.

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Allah is so far, the forgiving and the true Allah says, we're in

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tough who, what as far as what the Pharaoh find Allah have a folder

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or even if you pardon, if you reconcile, if you forgive the

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know, surely Allah is Most forgiving.

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point for us to ponder, when we must keep in mind that as much as

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we need Allah's forgiveness for our own sins in our own mistakes,

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we must also practice forgiveness towards those who may have wronged

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us to in life, we frequently get what we give, and we often reap

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what we sow.

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Forgiveness is our clemency to others, but also a gift to

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ourselves. Because in forgiving in forgiving others, we are setting

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ourselves free from the feelings of eart of anger, of bitterness,

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and of resentment. And thirdly, we realize, of course, that when we

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do forgive others, we may not change the negativity of the past.

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When we forgive others, we may not change the negativity of the past,

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but certainly we can affect the future in a positive way. May

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Allah grant us the capacity to forgive one another. And may Allah

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forgive us for our sins. Insha Allah, that of ours, our teachers,

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our parents, and all our dear ones. Akula kolyada was tougher

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Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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