Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran Night 9

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The importance of water in various aspects of life, including religion, human health, and moral lessons, is discussed. The use of water as a purifying and life-saving agent is emphasized, along with its use as a therapy tool. The use of water as a source of life is also discussed, citing examples such as the transformation of life into a liquid state through cleansing, the use of water as a therapy tool, and the importance of water in shaping everything on earth, including its physical and mental benefits. Overall, the use of water is emphasized as a source of life, and its various forms and uses are discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Saying Kenny Ozawa.

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Older bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al

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hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. While he was a big

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Marine, we continue our theme Leanna Tom keen on the third

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Wagamama and Al Quran Al Karim nights of empowerment, parables

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and wisdom from the Noble Quran.

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We habitually tend to overlook the significance of the favours of

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Allah upon us.

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And we most often ignore the importance of the basic

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necessities of life, that we do have.

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Among the many blessings of Allah is the gift of life itself.

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And among the necessities of life, is water.

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They are constant references in the Quran, with numerous verses

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referring to Bahar to know her

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to be to ain these are rivers or seas or oceans, or wells to reign

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in the Holy Quran.

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And the deen of Islam ascribes the most revered qualities to water,

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as a purity for purifying source, as well as a life giving and a

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love, life sustaining source, a life giving and a life sustaining

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Water is the origin of life on earth. And the Quran emphasizes

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the centrality of water to life and to living when Allah subhanaw

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taala is what

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he called the che in high. And we have made every living thing from

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It is so common and so familiar. That water seems mundane to us.

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But in actual fact, it is extra ordinary.

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Everyday we drink it,

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we touch it, we wash it, we wash with it, we wet things, we cook

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with it, we boil it, we freeze it, we swim in it,

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it's not an ordinary substance. In fact, it is amongst the most

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extraordinary substances in the world. Despite its abundance on

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It is the only substance which naturally occurs in all three

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states of matter is the only substance that occurs in all three

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states of matter, as a liquid water, as solid ice, or as water

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vapor has gas. And it has a mind boggling range of benefits. From

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it's all important alive giving properties and vital importance to

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the mechanics of the human body. Each and every soul and every

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organ functioning in the body.

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Each and every part of our anatomy. Water is the primary

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sustenance in all of these organs in all of the cells in every

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living organism.

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But more than that, water is also titled it's pure, no evil. It is a

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purifying agent. It is pure in itself. And it is a purifying

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agent. And there is a tremendous moral lesson for us, because water

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is not corrupt in itself. But external forces corrupt it. Allah

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subhanho wa Taala always when he sits down the rain, whatever water

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may go go up when it comes down as rain will who will live he Ursula

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Rhea Bucha from beignet Rama de Wenzel nomina semi ma on por hora.

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It is He Who sends the winds in the clouds, giving good tidings

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from his mercy. And He sends down water through rain, pure from the

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The other dimension to the virtues of water in our faith, the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam amongst numerous other dimensions

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mentioned for example, and I mentioned on YouTube, that Allah

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subhanaw taala in the Hadith documented in the salary of Imam

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Al Bukhari, and in the salary of Imam Muslim, Allah wants forgave a

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lady of ill repute.

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And this lady was a sinful lady, and ALLAH forgive her who had

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passed by a dog who was painting with us near a water well

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and she could not stand to see the dog dying of thirst. So the Hadith

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document out of compassion, she finished

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for Osaka to become Maria, Fernanda Aquila, whom in Alma, she

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took off a shoe, tied it to a scarf and lowered the shoe into

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the well in draw water from it and gave the dog the water to drink.

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And Allah says are the resources for hoovering Allah Habib Ali, and

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Allah forgave her for saving the life of that dog with it water.

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Also sad in Oba Anna Hadid, documented in the pseudonym Nisha,

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he says, I went to the Messenger of Allah and he said, Ya rasool

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Allah, my mother has died. Can I give charity on her behalf? And

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the Rasul Allahu Allah was unlimited. Sure, you may give

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charity on our behalf. And he said, For a year sadaqa of the

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what is the best charity I can give you out of school Allah and

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the Prophet said, sack Ulema, in other words, provide drinking

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water for those who need water.

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Offering water is this considered a great act of sadaqa jariya, a

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continuous or perpetual charity, whether it be through evading

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water, or digging your well, bringing this vital source of life

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to those who need it.

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So whether saving a life with water helping people helping

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animal sustaining any form of life, with water and through

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water, we see that water permeates the life of a believer

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biologically, physically and spiritually. So as people of

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faith, we are exported in the Quran to use water to the extent

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of our need, without abuse or without wastage.

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And Allah advises us kulula shabu wala 234 in the hula Ebrill Muslim

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even eat and drink, but do not be excessive. Allah does not love

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those who waste three points for our reflection. One, water is

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tasteless, water is colorless, water is odorless, is no color.

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It has no taste, there is no smell. It is neutral. In fact,

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it may seem an assuming, but that disguises how crucial it is to

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life on Earth. Water comes it's a form of therapy. It relaxes, it

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cleanses. It purifies it revitalizes it energizes it

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consciousness, it sustains life. Water indeed is the liquid of

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Life is made from it and life is sustained by it. Water, the liquid

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of life to there is a tremendous spiritual lesson for us in the

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water cycle in the ayah that I mentioned, because water

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evaporates any water evaporates, dirty water clean water, seawater,

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tap water any water that evaporates

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whether it be polluted or clean, and then vaporization takes place.

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It is really transformed from gas state to a liquid state through

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condensation. And then like a process of Ischia.

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Nevermind what water goes up? When it comes down, it goes through

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cleansing. What we tried to do and Ramadan, a process to Ischia. It

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comes down clean, it returns to us ma on the hula, through drizzle

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through rain through snow, baraka and Manfra. A blessing and a

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benefit to everything on earth. Point number three, the metaphor

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in which water or the metaphors that pneumococcus were, or

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parables in the Quran, where water is referred to, it is often used

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to symbolize even paradise itself, or even righteousness, or

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sometimes the Mercy of Allah. But references to paradise in water

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are quite frequently the Quran, numerous places, and you can

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certainly deduce from that. That water, as we have noted, is an

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essential component of our life, but only of living on this earth.

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But what is also an essential component of the landscape of the

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gardens of Paradise. So we asked me May Allah make us of those who

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are deserving of the promised reward with Allah assures BUSHIRI

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Levina Amanu or AMILO Solea Hardy Anila Hoon Jannat in 30 Min Tatil

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an hour and to those who have truly attained faith,

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and those who manifest their faith in good deeds, give them glad

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tidings in the good news, that for them shall be gardens in paradise

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through which you find flowing water. A cold call Jada was stuck

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for Allah. wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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