Sadullah Khan – Nights of Empowerment Parables and Wisdom from the Quran Night1

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The heart is crucial to achieving spiritual goals and is used in parables like the Parables of the heart and the concept of a heart's ability to produce energy and evil outcomes. The importance of the heart is emphasized, along with the need for a mixture of faith, actions, and deeds to achieve spiritual goals. The heart is crucial for achieving higher consciousness and the ability to do acts with their bodies, and actions and values are crucial for solving permanent consequences of the Earth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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On behalf of Islamia College and magickal Furqan. who wish each and

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every one of you your families and your loved ones, a Ramadan Kareem

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May Allah grant all of us uses different methods, different

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literary styles to convey its message. There are stories in the

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Quran commands in the Quran, promises in the Quran rewards

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offered in the Quran, warnings in the Quran. Among the styles the

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Quran, use the literary styles is also what you call parables, or

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similes that are found in the Quran. And Allah says, What Robina

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fee hurdle Qurani oh well, Robin gnarliness. We have the Quran even

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called the Master

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Gardener the Nasi, we have the Quran even called the muscle

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to the karoun we have provided in the Quran, every kind of parable,

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every kind of simile, in order that people may think may ponder

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and may reflect.

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Now a parable or a simile is a brief, concise, instructive story

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or a comparative statement, which serves as a means of instruction

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that plays somewhat of an educational role. And very often

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it conveys or illustrates a lesson of higher meaning.

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Our theme for this Ramadan inshallah is the yalla Tamkeen and

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Salma Hayek Mahmoud Al Quran, Kareem, Knights of empowerment,

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parables, and wisdom from the Holy Quran.

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We intend taking parables or similes or Proverbs, or wisdom

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from the Quran, gleaned from the pages of the Holy Quran, in order

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to gain some ethical insight, or to highlight some novel virtue or

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to illustrate a valuable principle or to obtain a moral lesson, any

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of which and all of which could inshallah enhance our

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understanding of Islam, as well as perchance increase our commitment

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to righteousness and inshallah improving ourselves.

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So let's begin with the heart.

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It is obvious that the physical heart is an indispensable part of

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the human body,

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the part that pumps the blood through the whole cardiovascular

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system, providing required nourishment, and necessary

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supplies, that they provide stability for the human body.

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And we look in the Holy Quran we found there are four particular

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terms that are used in reference to the to the heart, one is

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Southern barley sugar, one is for and the most popular and common

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one is called.

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And reference to the heart in the Holy Quran is 132 times.

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But when the Quran refers to the heart, is not referring merely to

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the physical organ that pumps the blood, but rather it refers to the

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confluence, that merging point, that meeting point between the

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intellect, the emotion and human consciousness. It is, if you will,

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a symbol of the spiritual dimension of the physical self. So

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early in Surah, Al Baqarah, Allah makes reference fi Kullu B

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Murghab. It begins with a heart, those hearts that have a disease.

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In here disease refers to corruption in the heart, or

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hypocrisy in the heart.

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And then also Allah provides a parable, a simile, comparing

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hearts to rocks, describing different kinds of different kinds

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of hearts, and those hearts in relation to the commitment to the

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faith. So they are those hearts as the Quran says, kill Hijra to shut

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their hearts that are like stone. In fact, some of them are even

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harder than stone hearts it up a level Calvin, devoid of healthy or

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positive emotions, hearts, alumina, follow her that are

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locked up hearts that are blind, to the reality of truth. That is

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the heart like the heart of Abu Lahab.

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Then their hearts filled with virtue filled with goodness, open

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to enlightenment and troubled hearts, hearts it had the

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potential for faith. But it requires to be cracked open like a

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rock, before water, or 15 flow from it, like said normal until

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you had experience with the system. And therefore Allah says

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we're in the MENA, the Maya Shaku for

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the crack open by some traumatic experience and then the faith or

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the water flows. And then they are May Allah protect us, the hearts

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of many people who may be in faith, purely out of fear. If I

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don't believe Allah will punish me. There's no love relationship.

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There's no obedience

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There's no servitude. There's no spiritual connection is purely if

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I don't do this, Allah will punish me. We're in Birmingham Alabama

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Yeah, Silla.

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We realize from all of this, that the heart is the essence. It is

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the excess of goodness and of the well being of ourselves. And

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therefore the last who said Allah Allah He was in a hadith

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documentary of Imam Al Bukhari, he said, Allah will interfere just

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the Moodle, either Salah hut. So

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what are the first the first they'll just do Kulu Allah wa

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he'll come in the body, there's a portion, if that portion of the

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body is good,

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the whole body is good. And if that portion of the person is bad,

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the whole body is corrupted. And that part is the heart. Not only

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that, lie is the chemo Eman or

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even the faith that we profess cannot be complete cannot be

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upright unless

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our hearts are correct. Lie is the chemo Eman often had ties to

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people who had it documented in the Muslim of Imam Muhammad and

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humble scholars went so far as to say last hour in the club. There's

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no Salah unless there's a presence of heart. So just going through

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the ritual is one thing, but the heart needs to be present. And as

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the proposed says you know do Sergio carnation Namazi, hottie

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digicon upper thigh, but it can be just bowing your head, the Salah

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is not done for it to be a bother. Your heart has to be present and

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engaged. And therefore we find

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we need to reflect the presence of heart is essential for a higher

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consciousness as to why we do the acts and the rituals that we do.

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From all of this we learn three points per chance one, our faith

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in deeds need to come from the conviction of our hearts, our

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faith, our deeds need to come from the conviction of our hearts. We

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do acts with our bodies and say words with our tongues. But do we

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intend what we do with the sincerity of our hearts? And

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that's why I'm hustling adversity to lie. Are they one of those who

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saw the Companions Fabian, who said in Eman Lisa Holly

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weatherbeeta Money In The Eman ma Cara Phil called me was the coal

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Amman. He said faith is not by sugarcoating of flowery words, or

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by mere wishing, rather faith is firmly rooted in the heart and

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manifested through good action.

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So one needs to be our deeds need to come from the conviction of our

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hearts number two is an important relationship between our hearts,

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our human faculties, our minds and our actions. They're not separate.

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And therefore Allah says in the Quran, Allah Mia see you Phil. For

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the Kunal home.

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Oh, yes my own

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for a

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while Wallach in Tamil kulula TV, so due to the nature of travel

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through the land, so that the hearts may be enriched, the hearts

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may understand and the ears may listen. In reality, it's not the

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eyes that is blind. Rather, there's a blindness of the hearts.

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So we need to be able to use our sensory faculties, apply our

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rational thoughts, to identify our deepest values and to let our

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principles motivate us to do what is good to motivate us to do good

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actions. Those actions that emanate from the sincerity of our

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hearts and the purity of our intentions. So gnarly Karim Allah

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wa just said in the life of the PRD in the delay, or the near

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we're in them in near T V hull Kulu. For the Kabbalah Mina Illa

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Mostafa was Saliba worktop, Allah has certain vessels receptacles

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containers on this earth, and among those containers or

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receptacles of vessels are the human heart and Allah does not

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accept anything from the human heart, except that which is done

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from purity and the heart to this table, and the heart can dictate

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the kind and gentle Sula therefore reminds us in Allah Allah Yun lui,

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la sua

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wala ki young Lulu Kulu become another word version. So we can

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one word Baba ki young Lulu Kulu many versions of Hadith, Allah

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gonna judge you by your physicality, by your wealth, by

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your position or your position. He judges you by the sincerity of

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your hearts and the actions that flow from it. And the third and

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final point, the Quran emphasizes the most valuable asset that we

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take from this world to have all the things in the wall. There are

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two things two things we take with us

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to solve the earth the permanent consequences

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Good actions, because whatever good you do,

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there is a reward for it, whatever wrong you do, you will be held

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accountable for that. So there is a permanent consequence for the

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good we do or the wrong we do. So, those most valuable assets we take

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from this world, one Alba PR to solve the permanent consequence of

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good actions, and secondly, those who come to Allah with a pure

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heart, as the Quran says, when we prepare ourselves for the

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inevitable Day of Resurrection for Allah to Zinio, Mokuba assume yo

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Mala young Pharaoh Magoun what are the noon at Allah be called means

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prepare yourself or people in such a way that you will not be sad on

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the Day of Resurrection. On that day when neither your material

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wealth, nor your position nor your position nor your family ties know

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your status will benefit you. But rather what will benefit you man

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at Allah Have you called in Salim? Those who come to Allah with a

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sound heart Akula kolyada Pastor Phil Allah wa salam aleikum wa

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