Sadullah Khan – Life Lessons of The Stories Prophets

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is a learning experience for students and Muslims, with the Battle ofying and the Battle ofying being the two most significant learnings from the history of the fight against Muslims. The importance of these lessons is emphasized, including the importance of the Battle ofying as a learning experience for Muslims and the need for faith and support from faithful leaders. A clear mindset is also crucial, and letting the wrong strategy happen in leadership situations is crucial for success in a fight against Muslims.
AI: Transcript ©
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Thank you Allah

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hola hola

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Hola Hola

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hola hola

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Rahmanir Rahim Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam

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Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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We continue our theme in sha Allah de Russo hiermee Casilla mbf

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Nikita Billa life lessons from the stories of prophets in the book of

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Today is a historic day in the history of Islam. It is the 17th

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day of Ramadan that passed by.

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And 14 138 years ago on this day, an epic battle took place, the

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monumental battle of battle.

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It was the first major battle in Islam, and a turning point in the

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history of the Ummah, a day on which the truth was victorious,

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and falsehood was defeated. And the Ben Benner of Islam was raised

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in jubilation, and in victory.

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The Battle of other is one of the few battles explicitly discussed

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in the Quran.

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A distinguishing day in history, a day mentioned by name in the Quran

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Yambol for Carniola culture man, Allah makes reference to this day

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in Surah, and file a day of criterion, a day on which the two

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parties the two armies met.

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The Battle of buzzer provides complex lessons on so many levels,

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at the social, at the political, at the spiritual at a military and

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also at a humanitarian level.

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And there are so many phenomenal lessons that we can learn from

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this battle.

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But we will focus on five significant points. But before we

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do that, just remember, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam his family and his companions, the Sahaba had hardly

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migrated from Makkah to yesterday to Medina, a few months while they

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were there, the first fast by the way, was under being undertaken.

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When this battle took place. Within a few months of leaving

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Mecca, they make an army of approximately 1000 well armed

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seasoned fighters came to annihilate the Muslims. five

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lessons which I want to reflect upon, among the many, one

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for the first time, permission was given to take up arms physically

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documented the surah Hodge, who is in a real hurry that you caught

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the holy Moon we're in Nevada Allah Allah. Allah Kadir, only

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Julian Dr. Ian be right in

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Allah, permission now is given to fight against those who are

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fighting against them because of their faith, and they have been

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wronged and surely Allah is Able to grant victory to those who are

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fighting in defense of the faith. First lesson, Muslims were

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peaceful, did not take up arms, but after 15 after 13 year

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As in Bucca, under Qureshi persecution, and almost 15 years

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after the first revelation, so most students have undergone in

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Makkah persecution, ostracization, victimization, exclusion,

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oppression, prescription, there was property confiscation,

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dislocation of the families, attempted assassination of the

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and now a war of

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declaration that Muslims had to defend themselves. And a verse was

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revealed for Muslims to take up arms. Second point.

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As the battle was about to start, he also said Allahu alayhi wa

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sallam brought down the Muslim forces 300 of them.

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They came to a valley called yell, which is where the buzzer field

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is, and the army of the Quraysh were to meet them somewhere. He

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initially chose at a particular route to stop. And then he said,

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the army must settle there, one of the companies

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today Allah man, as the prophet ya rasool Allah, you are saying we

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must stand at this Well, here is this revelation from Allah,

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because it is a revelation, we don't move one step forward, no

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one step back, or is this purely a matter of your opinion, that are

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socialist who said, but who are writing will help Google Makita?

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He said, this is only my opinion. And remember, whoa, is strategy.

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They said, Yeah, that's fine, the harder they said that could be

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Manziel. If that is the case, strategy, then this is the wrong

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place. Don't fight here because they have another Well, then let's

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go to the boiler well, so they have to defeat us to get to the

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water. So so and he said to the army, let's move off, according to

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what Bob said. But we learned from this, the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam, recipient of divine revelation, consulted and

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did not hesitate to consider alternate perspectives, and to

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take an informed decision based on a better opinion than his own,

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that someone else had offered, pursue or did. So Bob suggested.

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Third point. In any leadership situation, we find the leader, the

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followership and the situation in this case that us will have all

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the Sahaba in the battlefield. For the leadership to be effective in

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any arena. You need the right leader, for that particular sake

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situation with dedicated people. And Muslims are fighting a well

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trained army three times this eyes, and the odds were stacked

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very heavily against the Muslims as we can imagine, and it's easy

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to lose heart and to become despondent. 300 equipped,

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untrained people are getting 1000 well equipped army. That's what

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Allah took his 313 member army and the great Sahadi MC da Bharani

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originally from Yemen, is it ya rasool Allah, so the people were

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looking at big army instead Iago Shula in dilemma Iraq Allah for

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Latin mark or Rasulullah. Go in the direction in which you want to

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go we are with you will

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look at

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the Musa is have untolerable Kapha Cadila in

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order so Allah we are not going to say to you what Moses followed

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said to him, you and you're going fight, we will watch you and sit

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down. He said while I can Nicole will have until Rebecca Katella in

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Kakuma, Makati, we say to you, you and your Lord going fight and you

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will fight find us fighting beside you and with you. Listen, nothing

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is more empowering than faith and the support of the faithful,

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especially in the darkest hour, when things may seem hopeless. The

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most valuable lesson that we get the most valuable things at times

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of difficulty is to have the assurance of those who are near to

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you. And the best of friendlies are those who do not betray you in

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times of difficulty, but rather are they to support you and how

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few friends they are in the world today. Fourth point when the

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better start in those days. You bring out the top guy from your

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side and they beat the top guy from their side. So each one says

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you bring your man remember Dow and

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Dow it was no big I'll go forth. So they challenge one bring your

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best person forward. And Rasul Allah Allah was took three people.

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He took members of his own household from his own family.

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His uncle, the name of Allah homicide, in the Abdullah Hamza,

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Abdul Muttalib then his nephew,

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his cousin, and other cousin Obi do lab in Hadith obey them in

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earth. hadith is also one of the uncles of our soul, and obey that

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was also a cousin of the Prophet Alexei gnarly, but Obeida died on

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the battlefield. He was the first person to be martyred on

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The battlefield and he was he passed away there on the battle at

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the Battle of buzzer what is the lesson we learn? Do not expect

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others to do for you. If you yourself and your own family and

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your own dear ones are not prepared to stand up and get

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involved yourself. So many people will tell other people you do that

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that you should do that you do for the Ummah What are you going to do

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non telling what you must do now? There are so said yep, so does do

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not expect others to do things if you and your dear ones are not

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prepared to get involved yourself. And the final lesson among so many

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others is quality. Always comes quantity. 330 min. at the Battle

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of buzzer the truest heroes of Islam overcame 1000 people and

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Allah says in the Quran will occur in Surah Al Imran will occur the

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nasaga Kamala will be badly want to

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Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah helped you a better when you are in significant number. So be

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conscious of Allah, that this may be a reflection of your gratitude

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lesson. The Battle of Brazil is a great example from our history

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that teaches us that victory does not depend on numbers. And as

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Allah says in the Quran, come in Fiat in Colombia in relevant fear

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10 cathedra can be if Nila Allahu wa soybean, how often has a small

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group overcome a mighty force by the permission of Allah and Allah

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is with those who patiently persevere. May Allah Gon, the

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highest status, even among the Sahaba the highest status are

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those who often badger May Allah grant him the best in paradise.

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Aquila call the worst of it Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Louis Glover

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so what do you do

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so next year

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