Sadullah Khan – Life Lessons from the stories of The Prophets Part 2

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses three types of hearts and rocks, including troubled ones, which are essential for avoiding punishment and achieving the best possible manner. The importance of faith and belief in Islam is essential for avoiding harms and misperceptions, and identifying one's values to avoid harms and misperceptions is crucial. The interviewer provides three lessons on the traumatic experience leading to a hater of Islam caught and witnessed, and gives advice on what to do to achieve success. The interviewer also discusses the importance of faith and being in faith for achieving success, and provides three lessons on the incident and advice on what to do in order to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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progression on the Senate in the law heater.

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Amen and the Serban the was your headline Kenny. Isaiah one

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala

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Rasulillah Well, Allah Jimmy imba will mousseline a Salam aleikum wa

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rahmatullah wa barakato.

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We continue our theme for this Lavon de Rowsell higher middle

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classes in Umbria vikita Billa. Life lessons from the stories of

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the prophets in the Quran, incidences from the lifetime of

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Prophets, peace be upon them, gleaned from the pages of the

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Quran, with the aim of reflecting on the wisdom that we find in the

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stories and incidences to take place in a time of these profits,

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and the lessons we can learn

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and which you could implement in our daily lives. Tonight we focus

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on lessons you learn from my particular incident occurred in

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the night in the lifetime of the Musa alayhis. Salam, an event

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is so significant that in fact Surah Al Baqarah. The second

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chapter, in the clear logical order of the Quran, is titled

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after it.

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In this particular incident, Musa alayhis salam, his people had some

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issue in the society and the wish to have some crucial meta

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Salam instructed by Allah as the verse is what he called a Musa,

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and they call me in de La Jolla, Moroccan Interborough Baqarah.

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Remember when Musa alayhis salam told his people that Allah has

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commanded you to sacrifice a cow

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or a turkey Dona Hua, the people responded to Musa and said, Are

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you making a fool of us?

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Now Musa alayhis salam would never make a mockery or take lightly the

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Command of Allah. And certainly he would not take matters affecting

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the community for which he was responsible to guide and he said

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Carla beliee, an akuna minal Jaya, he, he said to his people, you

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know, I seek refuge in Allah from such kind of ignorant behavior,

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where I would make a full on such an important matter.

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Basically, the people of Lusardi salaam did not want to follow the

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Command of Allah, as was conveyed by him. So he started to

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procrastinate by getting technical in some way. And using sarcastic

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remarks, and engaging Musa by asking him

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what kind of cow is it?

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What age was the cow? B? What kind of color was the cow? B, what

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shade of color was the cow? B, all this was part of a delaying

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tactic. Eventually, radioactively sick sacrifice the cow, without

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the hearts being engaged in that action. And the Quran says further

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but who were massacred if they did it, they did sacrifice the cow.

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But they did it almost as if they did not do it. In other words,

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they did not really want to do it. Though they perform the act.

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They understood in their minds, what was being commanded by Allah

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through Musa but they did not feel in the hearts, the desire to

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fulfill and follow that command with sincerity. And Allah alludes

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to this when he says at the end of the verse, where you recomb it

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he'll talk,

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the talk and you will remember, we show you our signs and provide you

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these verses.

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That you may think that you may reflect so it means you may use

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your intellect you may use your reasoning, you may use your mind

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immediately after saying about talking about the mind the next

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words that follow through

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Whoo, whoo coming back Italica for Java to do customer, Allah makes

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reference to the mind and immediately goes to the heart.

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After all of this, your hearts have become hardened, your hearts

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have become hardened, and they become like rocks. And then it

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goes on to describe different kinds of rocks, which I will

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elucidate upon.

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So Allah says, Your hearts will become like rocks. In fact, some

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of your hearts are worse than rocks, and he gives three

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categories of rocks. And we shall reflect upon that.

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Some hearts are like rocks. And this simile creates a particular

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imagery in our mind of a thought provoking image. These rocks are

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somewhat symbolic of hearts. In the water, it says we're in the

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middle jollity that might affect our each of these rocks, or two of

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them. Allah speaks about water flowing from that. And these rocks

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are therefore symbolic, some Allah might say, of hearts, obviously.

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But the water that emanates from it may represent the potential for

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faith, and the potential for goodness. So let's look at the

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three kinds of hearts and the three kinds of rocks. Allah says,

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The first kind of heart is the kind of heart filled with

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goodness, open to five

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rocks and hills, from which water springs forth. You find water

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flowing from it. We're in nominal IGRT lomaia gentleman who

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rocks from which water flows, you find water flowing there. This is

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at the heart of Seda Khadija who will need to accept Islam on

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healing of the first revelation, and believe in the Prophet even

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been before he announced his prophethood

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she did no debating. She required no argumentation.

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No convincing, she witnessed the truth. And a heart overflowed with

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the fountain of faith, as well as a fountain of goodness. And as you

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know, there are so said about Khadija and it be it covered a

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nurse is covered to be a nurse, or wha certainly if you Maliha either

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Harmonia nurse. She believed in me when no one believed, she assisted

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me but everyone refused to help.

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She needed no inspiration or motivation. She witnessed the

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truth, and she embraced it. The second kind of heart is a troubled

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heart, a heart that has the potential for faith, but only

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comes to faith after some kind of a disaster, or some kind of a

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traumatic event.

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And this traumatic event may bring the person to the realization of

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truth. We're in the mean ha the Maya Chicago for your Corojo

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middleman. The second kind of rock is the one that cracks open, it

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first opened by some force, and then you find water flowing

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through it. And this kind of heart is like the heart of the companion

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of rasool Allah through mama, from Allah, who thought it was a well

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known King, powerful Arab ruler, and challenge King,

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to whom one of the keys to whom the prophet sent a letter

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to embrace our to invite them to Islam. He was one of those kings,

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the Roman king in the Persian and he Gyptian and one of them was

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through mama, and he had the intention of killing the Prophet.

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And an incident occurred where he was going towards pilgrimage from

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Yemen. And there was an altercation with people who

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happened to be Muslim, and in an altercation, he was caught, and he

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came as a prisoner to measure the number we're Sharif where he was

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held as a prisoner in the masjid of Rasulullah. And then he

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witnessed how Muslims behave, this enemy who wanted to kill the

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he witnessed the behavior of the companions and the family of the

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restroom. And you witnessed the benevolence and the compassion of

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the Rasul. So when you will set him free, he went for a distance

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and he came back. He said, No, I want to embrace this faith.

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He came to Islam through a traumatic experience, a hater of

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Islam, one wanton killing of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi

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wasallam, but a traumatic experience like imprisonment. He

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saw the reality and then from that rock, which is cracked open, they

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float the faith. Then there's a third kind of heart and many

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people have that. They may be in faith purely out of fear. We're in

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the MaHA Lama. Yeah. Shatila that if you don't believe in Allah,

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they don't do certain things. Allah will punish them. So to

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avoid the punishment, they worship in the pray, but there's no deal

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maybe faith coming from them. There's no Eman flowing really

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within them. Of course they are Muslim. But this is a different

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kind of heart. So remember that we believe in Allah's reward. We

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believe in Allah as punishment is part of our belief. We should have

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the faith because we genuinely

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in Allah subhanho wa taala. And we do good, because it's good and the

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right thing to do not because only of reward what is required is the

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opposite of that kind of heart. And the opposite of that kind of

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heart is the heart of Robbie, Elijah we are basally who said

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Ilahi ma but to kick off a monadic welcome Onfi jannettek Bell what

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it took,

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but took Allah I did worship your to fear for your *? No, do I

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worship you out of desire for your paradise, I found you worthy of

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being worship. Therefore, I worship you

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know who's one of the other points can hijack it or should do casa,

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there are people whose hearts besides these three are worse than

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rocks harder than rocks. And these are the hearts of Abu Lahab. And

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Abu Jamal, uncles of the prophet who knew their nephew, who called

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him by himself, Assad, Al Amin, the truthful and trustworthy, yet

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neither the minds nor the hearts were open to the truth. And there

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is an important relationship here between heart and mind. Because we

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need to be able to identify our deepest values. And then those

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values, guide our actions and then be influenced by rational thought.

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What are the lessons we learn? From what we've heard so far?

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Three points. Perhaps we can reflect upon

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three lessons from this incident related to Musa alayhis salam and

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his people, one.

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Don't procrastinate. Don't delay if something needs to be done, do

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it. If you have to do some things do what needs to be done, as soon

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as it can be done in the best possible manner. Hadith of

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Rasulullah and Mr. Muhammad have been humbled in combat.

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Where fee for sila to fully agree Sir, if you have in your hand and

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see to plan and the trumpet goes Akiyama, you still have to plant

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the seed.

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Because why we must acknowledge the reality that living is

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the certainty that life cannot be too long. The possibility that

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life may be shorter than we anticipate. And all of this should

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motivate us to action.

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Do what needs to be done, as well as you can do it as soon as

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possible. If not, we will have too many missed opportunities in life,

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which we may eventually regret. Number two, some of us get so

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technical in matters religious or otherwise, they'd be forget the

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essence of why we do what we need to do. We get so technical,

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specifically in religious matters.

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That we forget why we do what we need to do. From looking at booths

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as people there the choice of slaughtering any girl any girl

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dakara Allah gonna specify lady can technical, what kind of cow

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how old must be what color must be? And eventually, they found it

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almost impossible to find out. And when they did it, the kind of cow

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they were asking about. And eventually, they did it half

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heartedly or no heartedly. Why? Custom Enos and because of the

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excessive questioning. That is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam one Hadith documented saya Bukhari and Sahih Muslim man he

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took my gopher just unable to convey to me who must have taught

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him what I forgot you stay away from it completely. What I ordered

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you to do, do it to the best of your ability.

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Then he said, For innama

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publikum Khasra Tomasa any him worked in our home, in the people

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before you will experience annihilation and destruction

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because of the extra questioning and because of the argumentation

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with the prophets. And there's another Hadith it's

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in Allah Korea confer Latin ki lover call what are the

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three things Allah does not like? Killing tails kilo Akkad. He Said,

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She Said She Said he said, getting stories. Secondly, the misplacing

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of wealth. In other words, unnecessary spending, and the

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third one is unnecessary, excessive questioning. And the

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third lesson we learn from the simile of the rock and of the

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heart, we learn the importance of having a good and a sound heart.

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In fact, the Quran emphasizes the most valuable asset we take from

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this world to the next about Dr to solve the permanent consequences

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of good action. The good actions you do is never wiped out the

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permanent consequence of good actions that flow mean carbon

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saline from a pure heart. So I leave you with the message of the

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third point. Always be is good

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but do it with sincerity from the bottom of your heart. Otherwise,

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it does not really count as the prophets Allah Allahu Allah was in

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a hadith documented in the salary of Imam Al Bukhari said in Allah

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Allah young guru la sala de Kooning, Anwar lickin wala ki

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young guru la Kulu become Malik. Allah does not judge you by your

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physicality, no by your position nor by your possession, but rather

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by the sincerity of your hearts and the actions that flow there

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from a cold call. The Hydra was tougher Allah wa salam aleikum wa

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