Sadullah Khan – Jumuah 15 Jumada AlAkhirah 1445 29 December 2023
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The history of the Bible is discussed, including the use of propaganda to de moralize Muslims and suppress their actions, the use of media and political activism to suppress actions, and the history of the Industrial agenda, including the use of propaganda to impress Muslims and other groups and the use of media to influence political parties to gain power. The use of propaganda to strengthen human rights and promote false information is highlighted, and a talk on the J bills is announced for the upcoming week.
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In the name of Allah most gracious most
all praise is due to our creator, our
our nourisher and our sustainer.
We bear witness there's none worthy of worship
but Allah.
We bear witness, we believe in all the
prophets who came throughout history in the line
of divine from Abraham,
Moses, Jesus peace be upon all of them,
Ibrahim, Musa,
Dawood and culminating
in the mission of the final Prophet, the
final Messenger,
recipient of the final revelation,
prophet Muhammad
Beloved brothers and sisters,
I greet you with the Islamic universal greeting
of peace
at this auspicious hour of Jum'ah
in this beautiful house of Allah,
and to those of you from outside
in this most beautiful city in the world.
The brutal aggression
against the Palestinian
unleashed as we are speaking
has exposed the vicious
brutal nature
of the apartheid state
that is attacking them.
And it's unveiled
the callousness
of unethical
and captured media outlets
that have been enabling
such atrocities
over the years.
An open genocide is even perpetrated
in broad daylight
with a well financed propaganda machine
continuing to perpetuate
biased news,
news that reaches people all over the world.
interspersed with lies and misinformation
that dehumanize
and seek to justify
the brutalization
of civilians.
This information
that portray
as defensive the aggression
of 1 of the world's most well armed
and well financed armies
against an unarmed
occupied civilian population.
A Palestinian population
2 thirds of whom
are either women
or children.
And while the
propaganda has been used to justify
violence against Palestinians,
a well funded
and highly backed
by powerful sources mind you,
this propaganda
we should realize,
as vicious as it is,
is nothing new.
There's been a tool used by oppressors
throughout history.
Even prophets, peace be upon them,
have been victims
of malicious propaganda
and those
who opposed the prophets.
And therefore you'll find in Surah Anam makes
reference to this,
how the malicious propaganda and whisperings
circulated among the public
elegant words of deception,
sounding golden
but false in reality.
The most referred to prophet in the holy
Quran is Musa
one of the
one of the 5 senior prophets if you
will in the Quran,
central figure to the
Judaic tradition,
Also central
somewhat to the Christian tradition.
And of course
a prophet,
in the Muslim tradition.
One of the most repeated stories in the
or stories
related to any particular person, the most stories
you find in the Quran relates to Musa
alaihis salaam
and more particularly his confrontation with Iran.
And when one reflects on the oppressive
pharaonic regime,
one finds
that its powers rested
on 7 pillars,
and we need to look at that. Quran
makes mention to each of the 7 pillars
and how it is well manifested
in today's
and medias
and how it influences people
and manifests itself in wars through armies and
so on.
In the case of Firaoun, Allah makes reference
to 7
of this propaganda
and how
it justifies
its aggression,
its humiliation, its dehumanization
of others
then legitimizing
the brutality and war against them because once
dehumanize them you try to legitimize
your brutalizing of them and you attack on
In the case of Musa alaihis salam
was in, we have a dictatorial tyrant, Firaun,
who believe that he possessed
absolute authority over the people.
Then you have the clergy, the high priest,
the approving
those who give all their and
decrees in order to please
the king.
Haman is referred to in the Quran.
Then there is
collaborators those who are in parliament.
wealthy financiers
of corruption like Karun,
the deceptive manipulators of reality
like the Sahara,
the magicians,
the media and the propagandist
like the Hashirim
and then of course, Junudahun,
the armies
and the soldiers.
The tutorial Firaun,
approving clergy,
influential collaborators,
wealthy financials,
deceptive manipulators,
media and propagandists
and then of course
the army.
And these 7 pillars that Firaun used
all referred to by the way in the
Quran have continued to manifest
in some way throughout history
as part
of the propaganda strategy
of oppressors,
imperialists and certainly of the colonialists.
And today these pillars are embodied
by wealthy corporations,
powerful media outlets,
corrupt politicians,
government paid clergy
and people of influence such as celebrities and
so on who endorse or remain silent
in the current genocide
against the people of Gaza.
There are numerous dialogues
regarding Musa and Firaun
and the dialogue of Musa and Firaun
give insight
into the tactics
that the oppressors use
to justify violence
and oppression
against the subjugated people.
For instance, and there are numerous stories, I'll
only use 1.
When Musa alaihi salaam confronted and exposed
and the society of false ideology
of corruption and oppression of killing innocent people,
he was met with a wide range of
to suppress his message.
And, of course, the cabinet of
The cabinet said, are you gonna leave Musa
to do what he's doing here?
He's causing corruption in the land. That's kalimullah
to whom Allah spoke.
He's causing corruption in the land says the
oppressor and his
parliament. And the political elite
who always benefit from the spoils of war,
who benefited from the violence and corruption of
accused Musa and his people
of causing corruption
in the land.
And the irony is it was actually these
people who accused Moses of Musa
of causing corruption in the land who were
the ones who had set up and sustain
a corrupt social order that allowed for oppression,
murder and enslavement of the Bani Israel.
They were the ones who caused the corruption
by tormenting,
killing of children,
sparing the women in that case which is
not happening by the way in Gaza at
the moment.
Yet these corrupt
mischievous courtiers of Firaun
accuse Musa and his followers of being guilty
accusing them of sowing a corruption
or trying to delegitimize
the authority
of those who are in power
But Musa alaihis salam,
by accusing them of
the falsity of the message and of the
means of operation,
They tried to undermine
the counter attack
of Musa alaihi salaam
and they used the tactic of blaming him
and they said
the people who are following you,
they are the ones who are the corruptors.
And he said
in his proclamation
He legitimized what he was doing by saying
we are subjugators over them.
We are subjugators of these people.
Because we are the civilizing force like how
the colonialist
European mentality.
Very often, unfortunately,
imperialism manifest itself through a colonialist who ruled
part of the Americas, who ruled much of
and who ruled much of the Far East.
You see it's a sick mentality.
It's a mentality
which is not only racist and supremacist,
it is also somewhat in the case of
Africa in particular
a theology and a philosophy
and an ideology
that is white supremacist almost western so to
European supremacy.
Therefore, you find for example,
in 1652,
6th April, discovered
Cape Town, discovered South Africa. He didn't discover
South Africa. It was always here,
but the history begins. I learned in school,
you learned in school that our history began
on the 6th April
Christopher Columbus
has a day named after and they have
a public holiday in October for Christopher Columbus
in America.
Columbus never set foot in America.
He insisted
to go to India via the west. He
ended up in the Indies and he called
it West Indies.
He went 4 times, mind you. Four
times to that part of the world. He
died believing he went to India and up
till now we still say West Indies.
They said Columbus.
He never set foot in any part of
When he left, where he left, he didn't
know where he was going to.
When he got to where he got, he
didn't know where he was. And when he
returned, he didn't know where he had been.
But this idiot,
he's a hero
and is a public holiday
after him.
This is the mentality.
As kids, you watch movies you have in
The hero in the jungle, Tarzan, blonde hair,
blue eyed, swinging in the trees of Africa.
They couldn't find a non white guy who
could swing in the trees in Africa. Even
Tarzan was white
and so too was Jane.
no fault
of religion itself but of people. When they
came to Africa,
they brought the image of Christ
and told the indigenous people about Christ
but in a distorted manner.
That image of Christ, blonde hair, blue eyed.
His mother was African.
Was of African descent. I mean,
his mother Mary was of African descent.
Superior of all women in the world.
And yet
when they look at the slave master, they
saw a white face and they look at
the image of Jesus in their mind,
if the son of God is white, God
must be white too. And God looks like
these people here.
A white theology was introduced.
A white philosophy was introduced. Even a supremacist
mentality of even God being white was introduced.
There's a tremendous amount
of racism and white supremacy particularly in Africa
when it comes to how the colonialist and
and their propaganda and how they
manipulated the truth.
We find
Musa Alaihi Salam
as a person who took on the forces
of Iran,
a central figure in Judaism.
And falsely in the name of Judaism,
the Israelis are perpetrating what was done to
Moses and his people
in the land of Palestine to Palestinian people
saying that Palestine never existed.
There were no such thing as Palestinian people.
We came to a land without people for
the people without land.
And within the context of the current situation
in Palestine,
it should be noted
that Islamic law condemns all killing of any
innocent woman. In fact, men and women and
In fact, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala were making
reference to this quotes from
the Torah.
We prescribe to the and Allah repeats that
in the Quran as a command also, but
also information
But Allah doesn't fail to mention we already
mentioned this to Israel.
Whoever takes a single life without justification, doesn't
matter if he's Muslim or not, whoever takes
a single life in the estimation of Allah
it is as if you are killing the
entirety of humanity and who saves a single
life is like one who has saved all
of humanity.
So within the
context of the current situation in Palestine, it
should be noted
that we believe that no innocent life should
be lost.
this calamity didn't begin on the 7th October
over 82, 83 days ago.
Because if you say that and you begin
the narrative, you begin the fun story in
the Columbus story.
You see? You ignore 75 years of oppression,
of theft of land, of violent against innocent
Palestinian people, citizens of that part of the
This very same media never batted an eyelid
when over 650,000
illegal settlers from Europe
settled in the West Bank and Jerusalem taking
over land of Palestinian people. And much of
this support for Israel comes from the
guilt of Europeans because of the holocaust.
There were no brown people involved in the
There were no Africans involved in the holocaust.
There were no Muslims involved in the holocaust.
There were no Arabs involved in the holocaust.
It was Europeans.
They committed the holocaust.
And this is their guilt and they're trying
to pay back but in the meantime, they're
committing a genocide and supporting a genocide against
another people which happened to be Muslim, Christian,
and Jewish Palestinian people.
The media never bothers to contextualize
the living conditions of people in Gaza
caused by 16 years of blockade.
70% of Gazans are refugees
even before this. 82%
living in poverty.
of them don't have access to daily water.
And before this,
over the past few years, 3,000 children have
been killed.
They don't mention they say some hostages were
taken on 7th October,
but they don't mention that 20% of the
Palestinian population
have been arrested. 20% of the population. 1
in every 5 Palestinian has been arrested at
some time since 1967.
All its 500 to 1000 Palestinian children are
still being held in military detention each year.
And currently despite the demonstrations all over the
we saw yesterday
that brother Ibrahim is here as almost
at least our government has been principled enough
to stand on the Palestine issue. There are
very few people who do that. In the
Arab world, you can't even wear a Palestinian
scarf. In for that matter.
83 days
Up to yesterday morning, 20,915
Palestinians have been killed.
children have been killed.
women have been killed,
displaced within the in in that narrow space.
people are missing under the rubble.
are facing starvation.
But undoing the propaganda
is willing to listen.
1st of all, to pass on the truth
and the facts,
not fallacy and false stories. Please be careful
of that. Just pass on everything you
Very very careful part of you being untruthful
is you pass on everything that you hear.
Make sure it's true.
Even against your
Even if you hate people, you have no
right to be unjust to them. There's a
Quranic verse.
There are people who listen to the facts.
In Rasulullah's time, the Muslims were persecuted and
the Jafar Milibut Talib and delegation went
to Abyssinia to Africa. The first place to
give refuge
to Islam was not in Mecca nor in
Medina. The first place to give was in
Abyssinia in what's now Ethiopia.
And a just christian king, Nejus, was told
by these who sent a delegation
under that time was not Muslim yet. And
he said, be careful these people, they are
Don't give them refuge here. They don't believe
in our our our gods. And by the
way, they don't really believe like you. They
don't believe Jesus is son of god. So
they also have a different agenda. Don't give
them place.
But, like
many principal people who may not be Muslim,
who are standing up and making their voices
heard all over the world,
Christian, Jews, Muslims, and the people of other
He said, no. I want to hear what
they have to say. And when he heard
what they said, he said, between my our
religion and your religion is as thin as
this line. You stay here as long as
you want. If anyone touches them, you'll be
held accountable
and they live there as long as they
want. Some migrated went back and came back
from Medina and went back and came back
again. Muhayrik was a rabbi.
Muhayrik was a rabbi, also businessman.
Was a rabbi in in Madina
in Madina.
the battle took place.
That will have worked
and it happened on a Saturday according to
the reports.
So his congregation said, yeah, you know, we
made an agreement with Muhammad and the Muslims
and so on but, you know, we can't
fight this Sabbath, you know.
He said last September, there's no Sabbath today.
We gave our word.
None of his congregation went.
None of his congregation went.
The Jewish rabbi, he said, no. He took
his sword. He said, I gave my promise
to Muhammad, and we must go and fight
because we agreed to this.
And he went and he fought, and he
died on the battle of. He died a
He left all his property for the Muslims.
He had 7 gardens in left also for
the Muslims as.
The first documented
in the history that we know of was
done by
which the Rasool Allah used at that time.
It's about religion only. So people have conscience
because they are people of our religion. Some
of them, many of them, we have no
conscience specific among our leaders.
So the current genocide in Gaza in broad
is a violation of every human right
and evident crime against humanity.
A blatant attempt at the total extermination
of the Palestinian people and the obliteration of
its history.
All this with the blanket approval
of most Western governments, not all, but most
Western governments
and they control
of course,
they co opted and captured media.
And of course,
those people whom they keep in power
like most of the spineless, selfish, self centered,
self serving lackeys who lead the Arab world.
those lackeys, they co opted clergy
We are quick to attack other Muslims of
are conspicuously silent. Conspicuously
silent when it comes
to speaking about justice even in the apartheid
time by the way. But even now, we're
silent when there's a terminal attack on the
You see, this propaganda machine
is not
about religion.
It's about power. It's about money. It's about
It doesn't care. The imperial agenda doesn't care
if you're Muslim or Christian or Jew.
We happen to be the targets here right
The American activist, Rachel Cory,
was killed March 16th
I think 2003
crushed crushed while she was trying she was
a Jewish person by the way from America
because they were part of the Palestinian support
group trying to say you cannot bulldoze the
homes, and they drove the bulldoze over.
Recently, a journalist was killed.
On the 11th May 2022 last year, a
journalist, a Christian journalist
killed by the IDF while she was wearing
a press.
It wasn't mistaken. She was seen as a
Palestinian or something. She was wearing the whole
press outfit with the mic and everything and
name written there with
TV whatever it was and they still shot
her. No consequences.
You see the propaganda machine demonizes
those who opposes
imperialist agenda.
Legitimizing the attack on innocent people,
irrespective of their faith and irrespective of their
age and irrespective
of their gender.
You see, mischief mongers,
troublemakers and corruptors,
whether it be captured governments,
profiteers of war or blatantly biased media,
they all try to operate under the veneer
of truth,
under the veneer of human rights.
Human rights for them according to how they
see it.
While using power,
to legitimize the spread of corruption and mischief
Undermining the basic human rights of all
those who they deem
inferior or less than themselves.
Quran makes reference to this very early in
the Quran.
These are people
when they are told
don't cause mischief in earth.
They said not me. No.
We are making we are making surah. We
are trying to resolve the matter. We're improving
things. We are bringing civilization.
They are the ones spreading corruption
and we as people of faith
and we as people of faith are always
supposed to be people of conscience.
We should remember,
we never
side with injustice.
We never side with oppressors whether Muslim or
non Muslim.
We side with the oppressed whether they are
Muslim or non Muslim.
Whether the whether the perpetrators are Muslim or
non Muslim. We support justice and truth because
justice is the closest expression to piety.
Oh you who say you have faith,
stand up firm for Allah as witnesses to
Never against whom it may be, even against
your own self.
not even your bias,
your prejudice,
your hatred cause you to swerve from that
path of justice.
Be just for that is the closest expression
to piety.
documented by Imam al Nisai.
He said the time
hour is coming. The hour is coming. And
before that hour comes,
find. False testimony
and misinformation
will prevail
and true testimony
and facts will be concealed. And our job,
Abdul Jihad,
The best kind of jihad that we can
do in our situation right here at least
is to speak the truth
against the oppressors.
Sheikh Sadullah Khan
for that, inspirational talk.
To grant us
the ability to take heed from what was
said here today and to implement what was
said here today in our lives. I mean,
we also ask Allah
to grant her the health and strength to
continue the good work that he's doing and,
to return to this masjid many, many more
Just one announcement. The Jumah talk for next
week, Friday,
will be given by Molana Soleiman Kathani,
and the talk will start at 12:30.
And then also, there was a brother that
lost the bank card this morning
the. The card is with cheeky smile, Isaac's.
So you can just collect the card, or
you can give him the PIN.
Please stand and fill up all the the
gaps from the front.
A long echo.
long echo.