Sadullah Khan – Jumuah 02 Ramdaan 1439

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of fasting during the month of Ester to enhance spiritual development and personal relationships. They stress the need for people to practice fasting to reflect on their "we" and promote a culture of dialogue and listening to others' perspectives. They also emphasize the need to recognize the importance of activating the community and promoting a culture of dialogue. The speakers stress the importance of promoting a culture of dialogue and listening to others' perspectives to improve communities.
AI: Transcript ©
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Can the owner of the car see a

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702421 Please remove your car it's blocking the driveway Shikara

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Oh the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al Hamdulillah

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Al hamdu Lillahi wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Heba Ali

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hopefully you've been hearing what Allah has had to heal integer

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three Avada Jimmy imba will mousseline call Allahu Taala Maji

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they will for calling you honey. But I owe the bIllahi min ash

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shaytani R Rajim shahada Ramadan and Liddy unzila fie Hill Quran.

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Who then the nurse you have a unity minion who dabble for con

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summon Shahid Amin commercia Failure soon. So doc, Allah,

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Allah, Allah, you allow them in the name of Allah, most Gracious,

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most Merciful. All praise is due to our Creator, our cherisher our

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nourish and our Sustainer we bear witness, there's none worthy of

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worship but Allah. We bear witness we believe in all the prophets of

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Allah. And we bear witness Prophet Muhammad Abdullah Abdullah

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa he was hired, he was seldom is the

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final of all the emissaries of Allah.

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Elders, brothers and sisters, we have guests from Lebanon here as

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well. And all those who are from out of town who are visiting on

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this auspicious day of Juma this first Friday of the holy month of

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I say to you with Islamic universal greeting of peace, may

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the peace, the mercy and the blessings of Allah be upon each

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and every one as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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we are once again privileged and honored to witness the month of

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And those of us who are able to fast as the Quran says, from an

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Shahida will come with shahada for those who witnessed the month who

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are able to fast should fast in this particular month.

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But this month is not only about fasting, as central and as

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significant as fasting is to this holy month.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Hadith documented by an

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Desai. He said that that come Ramadan, Sharon Barak, furred

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Allah Harvey colloseum

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Rasul Allah Allah says it makes reference and reiterates what the

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Quran says about this being a blessed month, a month of fasting.

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And then he explains about the significance of this month

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fee relative and Fisher. It contains a night greater in value

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than 1000 months and this picture

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As for us trying to understand an indication of the magnitude of the

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month that one of his grand knights, the Knights of the

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commencement of the revelation of the Quran, will cover the one

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night is greater in value than an entire lifetime.

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To Muslims. Fasting is a mode of enhancing self discipline, and

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opportunity for regulating attitude and conduct for

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developing a better self, a self that focuses on the larger purpose

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of our existence as human beings on this earth. It is indeed an

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opportunity for spiritual rejuvenation.

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Importantly, who is in Taqwa are pursuing the road and the pathway

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towards piety?

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From an ethical and moral perspective, the activities of

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Ramadan that we engage in should make us contemplate the higher

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purpose of our lives, the deeper meaning

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of our existence, motivating us to live a life that is meaningful,

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balancing our physicality with our spirituality, and therefore,

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fasting and in the month of Ramadan is the ideal arena, the

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ideal place, the ideal opportunity for contemplation and for

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spiritual development.

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The very name Ramadan, the very nature of Ramadan, promotes a

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heightened level of consciousness.

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And we remind ourselves that we say, we are, we are pursuing the

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path of spirituality and spirituality for us as both an

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external as well as an internal dimension. Of course, internally,

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when we speak about spirituality, it refers to the purification of

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the self, from the evils of bad intention, from the evils of

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deceit, of hypocrisy, of selfishness, of cowardice, of

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elegance of prejudice, and outwardly, that spirituality

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becomes manifested in our positive attitude in our good behavior,

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reflected through a noble character inshallah.

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But as Ramadan unfolds,

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it behoves each and every person who is fasting, who is witnessing

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this month of Ramadan, each one should open a page from the book

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of Maha Sabha, from the book of critical self evaluation. We are

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so used to being critical of everything else. But Maha Sabha

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has he will come learn to hire Cebu critical self evaluation

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and to reflect on what is actually being achieved through this month

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of Ramadan, what actually is being achieved. We have fasted before

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and inshallah we may or may not be alive too fast the next month of

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Ramadan. But we have fasted before. ask ourself as we go

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through this month, through another month of fasting, another

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year of Ramadan, we ask,

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What benefits are being derived as this month unfolds?

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Which behaviors are being adjusted?

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What good practices are being adopted? Which bad habits are

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being relinquished? Or lift left out? How does my prayer in my

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fasting of Ramadan influenced my attitude and my perspective on

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things? How does it improve the relationship with my family, my

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friends, my neighbors, how much help increase consciousness in me

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have responsibility towards the poor, the needy and the destitute?

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How Islam about impacting upon my body, my mind and my spirit?

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Why fasting of course,

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we are far more aware of the hunger of the poor and the

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suffering of the oppressed. And as always like to remind us Do not

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forget, the primary purpose of fasting is not to feel the hunger

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of the poor, because the poor also fast. In fact, some of them fast

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almost all the time. But at least it makes us conscious of being

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denied food or abstaining from food in some way. And the culture

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of Ramadan therefore, promotes a culture of what we call a spirit

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of Ubuntu if I if I made a culture of humanity to others, about the

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axon in a way, it's about consciously caring and sharing,

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about being compassionate about deepening our understanding of our

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society and the world around us, while simultaneously empathizing

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with the challenges faced by those

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Some who are living around us, it is about implementing the golden

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rule of loving for others, what we love for ourselves.

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This makes us reflect on the current situation. And I want to

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ponder for a moment on two recent events.

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One, the recent attack on a mosque in South Africa and the second

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one, the ongoing tragedy in Palestine. As for the first one,

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the mosque attack in Berlin. Whatever the details may be, there

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is an evident rising tide of fanaticism, extremism, and the

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preponderance of violence in the name of Islam.

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There's an increasing interfaith tolerance in some circles, which

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is indefensible in relation to our concept of Vasa Thea of moderation

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and non extremism.

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As Muslims, we must acknowledge the reality

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that differences the

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differences they have been and differences they will continue to

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But the positive attitude that a Muslim should have towards another

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is encapsulated perhaps in the deletion of Rasul Allah Allah wa

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salam, in a hadith documented in the Muslim of Imam Muhammad the

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humble way the Rasul Allah Allah wa sallam said, I will must remove

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all Muslim women who was who was who attack Taqwa Allah, while

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you're Shirou Illa surgery. Tell us, Mara,

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trust reasonability, brought

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up another bill, he neither oppresses him, nor humiliates him,

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no one was down upon him. And then he said, piety is here. And he

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pointed to his heart.

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Behind me, marine minister, a young, a young, Muslim, Muslim,

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among them, who were ma who

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went on to say, All things of a Muslim are inviolable, you cannot

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violate it in relation to another Muslim, his blood, his wealth, and

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his honor. In other words, his life, his honor, and his property.

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We should recognize the fact

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and the

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community, then it gets spread

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towards others. How would other people take our community

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seriously, when we must understand components of our own community,

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and then sometimes deliberately misrepresent ourselves?

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We should recognize that in submitting to Allah, building a

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wholesome harmonious community is one of our primary objectives as a

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community of faith.

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We should can confirm the importance of promoting a culture

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of dialogue within our faith community, you should affirm the

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importance of listening to differing perspectives so that you

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can value Islamic plurality as a factor that enriches our

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communities, but not deeds that will destroy our community. It is

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in the greater interest of the Almighty Raj, specifically at this

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most crucial, vulnerable and perilous stage of our history, to

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foster and promote conciliation rather than agitation, calmness,

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rather than incitement friendship rather than hostility. Let's focus

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on that which unites us and minimize our harping on that which

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divides us and ensure that if there are negativity, we

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neutralize it to the best of our ability.

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That is purge ourselves as Muslims even in our families amongst

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from grudges, purge ourselves from the grudges of suspicion, and in

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making rank and hatred. It is his oath to promote conciliation

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rather than education, calmness, rather than incitement trust,

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rather than suspicion, pursuing his law, rather than the love and

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Kyla, let us focus on the preponderance of that which unites

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us, rather than nitpicking on the things that divide us.

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And secondly, more important point.

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Look at the global arena. Look at the situation of our brothers and

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sisters in Gaza.

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As Palestinians mark the Nicobar or the catastrophe, commemorating

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way more than 700,000 Palestinians were forced and expelled from

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occupied Palestine in 1948.

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In that week, where people are protesting that Nakba, recalling

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that catastrophe.

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The US opens an Embassy in Jerusalem.

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And in the past week alone, people protesting more than 60

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Palestinians have been killed.

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and over 3000 have been injured.

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The indiscriminate killing and rampant brutality meted out to

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innocent civilians in Palestine by the barbaric, bloodthirsty forces

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of a racist Israeli regime goes unchecked by many world

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governments, and spineless Musqueam governments themselves

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are not impotently helpless, but a cowardly, silent, many of them

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are, with the exception of a very, very few.

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Have you all forgotten that both in western Islamic Western and

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Islamic law in Roman law and in Islamic law, a so called Allah to

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riba silence questions,

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is equal to acquiescence.

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It seems that our present versions of democracy for the Middle East

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could be defined not as governments of the people for the

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people, but rather governments, not necessarily elected by the

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people who serve the interests of his right in the West, in spite of

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the interest of the people,

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are these acts which we are witnessing on a daily basis, that

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of civilized people, in a civilized world in a modern era?

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Such kinds of democracy is an insult to our collective

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intelligence. How angry are people of conscience all over the world,

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mostly men otherwise, by the arrogance of the Zionist occupiers

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how disgusted by the Unashamed bias of much of the Western world

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towards Israel, how disappointed at the impotence of Arab rulers

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and many Muslim rulers, how dejected at the inability of the

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Ummah to rise beyond petty differences and work for the

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Commonwealth, of the global community of faith. Look at what

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we are busy with, and look at how they are busy with us. Look at

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what we have as you look at our faith our look at our what we are

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preoccupied with in our faith, and see what the world is doing to us,

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while the person with us while we are doing can shop for up beyond

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the winter, and the winter will be too and while we busy on that

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issue with your busy for the past several 100 years. Look at what

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they do to us. It is the height of stupidity, the height of

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blindness, not to be aware of this to prioritize the breaking of a

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window in the masjid while somebody's broke going down the

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mosque and you arguing who broke the window. That's what we are

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busy with who broke the window while someone is bombing the

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mosque, we want to look at who broke the window which student was

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it? We are busy with this kind of things were being destroyed and

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isolated, taken for a ride. In the meantime, we are busy with

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insignificantly bytes

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and not new ones, my own ones that have been resolved already.

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while so many of the righteous amongst us or the self righteous

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amongst us are concerned about the Akita of one another, when

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designers bomb us, they don't bomb a particular group of us, they

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bombed us with the she, the Sufi, the Salafi, the Hanafi, the

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The they bomb all of us, we are busy fighting among ourselves,

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building massages and massages and fighting and so on. Mashallah, in

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the meantime, they burn all of us.

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As we hope for peace, and as we realize there can be no real peace

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in the absence of justice. We pray that Almighty Allah subhanaw taala

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guides the hearts of influencing people of conscious people of

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conscience and people of conviction. people of conscience

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and people have conviction all over the world, whether they be

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Jew Christian, whether Muslim to work for the welfare of humanity,

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and the goodwill of all of Allah's creation.

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We are in the month of Ramadan.

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We can't come out of Ramadan, the same way we went into Ramadan.

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Otherwise, it may be a Ramadan wasted.

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I always remind ourselves those who first are referred to in the

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Quran in surah Tauba as a sai hone those who are on a spiritual

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journey at Hebrew in the lobby doing the army do your own rock

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your own. You don't

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even know who you are and you leak or what while haffi doolally do

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dilla Baba she will mean

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those who returned

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who commit themselves to Allah to the commands of the Divine who

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gratefully praise the Creator. Though Allah thankful to those

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fasting ones who are on a spiritual journey, who humbly bow

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and sincerely prostrate before Allah, who command what is

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universally accepted as good and who forbid that which is wrong.

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on all the while maintaining the boundaries set by Allah, for such

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people, Allah says, By Shil, meaning, give them the glad

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tidings as people of faith.

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If you are indeed spiritual wayfarers, if you are indeed on

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the journey, on the transcendent journey, towards the attainment of

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taqwa, the pinnacle of human development in a chronicle, and

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Allah had gotten the height, and none of us know of course, when

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we've attained them, only Allah knows. Only Allah knows that. But

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as we go on the transcendent journey towards the attainment of

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Taqwa in sha Allah, we must scrutinize

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Re is this journey currently taking me I'm in the second day of

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fasting and next week will ask and the week thereafter and then eight

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will come.

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Are we becoming better human beings, more considerate, more

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caring, more compassionate?

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Come in saw him how the human crme in laju Ouch. Rasul said Hadith.

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There are so many who fast and they achieve absolutely nothing by

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the fast except hunger and thirst. May Allah save us from being of

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those? Are we becoming better human beings that are human

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more considerate.

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You see many people that make more happen this year, very good. You

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will make more atoms on the better, but doesn't mean you

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become better human being.

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If only a quiet baraka and you work for yourself, it doesn't make

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you better.

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Are we becoming better human beings? more considerate, more

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caring, more compassionate? And before you answer yes, think

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yourself way. If I give you a page, if you give me a page, can I

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see where?

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For myself? Are we becoming better human beings more considerate,

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more caring, more compassionate? Are we journey from self

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centeredness? Worry about ourselves to social consciousness?

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Are we moving moving from self righteousness to righteousness?

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Where do we start in our journey? And how far do we intend to go?

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I conclude by reminding us that fasting is indeed an exercise in

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the pursuit of divine blessings of divine approval, and attempted

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manifesting the best of ethical values and moral practices a month

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of high intensity spiritual development of character building,

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and of the pursuit of that Taqwa. In chromic. Manga liath Kocoum. We

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asked Allah subhanho wa taala. To grant that we have in our hearts

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in our minds.

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A commitment to the truth,

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a desire for justice, a sincere attempt to reform ourselves,

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because each one of us

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requires repentance and guidance. Good looking at the Michael Powell

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good looking at them upon all human beings.

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They commit error in this and hydrocotyle iannetta baboon, and

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the best of those who repent. And the best of those who serve are

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those who repent. And part of repentance is to regret the wrong

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we do to analyze what needs to be done and to do what is best. A

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call kolyada was tougher Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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