Sadullah Khan – Judging intentions

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a culture where people act in a face-to-face manner, but the ultimate aim is to avoid mistakes. The culture is centered around the Prophet's teachings, and the speaker describes a culture where people act in a face-to-face manner, but the ultimate aim is to avoid mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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All the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while early hippo

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hit in our last Herbie. He was Jamia MBA will mousseline.

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We know that people do things for different reasons.

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And while we are familiar with perhaps some of the reasons that

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may motivate people to act in a particular way,

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we as human beings cannot accurately determine the motives

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of other people.

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And unless we have specific evidence that indicates why a

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person did something, we can only assume and our assumption can be

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correct, or our assumptions could be wrong.

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And therefore, we have to be careful that we do not judge the

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intentions of others, thinking that we can somehow read the

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hearts of other people and in the process, we may misjudge their

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We reflect on two instances in the spirit of the Rasul Allah Allah

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was telling them as part of our gurus, Army communist spirit in

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Abuja, profound lessons from the life of the Prophet salallahu

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Salam, the guarding the meta of judging the intention of others,

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and both of them are documented. In the survey of Imam Al Bukhari.

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There was a combatant on the battlefield fighting against the

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and then a companion by the name of Osama bin Zaid, engage him in

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battle and this person was fighting on the battlefield

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against the Muslim people. And in fact, this person had the edge

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over quality of the Muslim people it seemed until Osama engaged him

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and summer with your Lavon subdued the person and then the print the

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person pronounce the Shahada. When summer subdued him he had the

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Shama assume that the person said the shahada just as an attempt to

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perhaps spare his life. So, Oussama killed him anyway.

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When the news of this incident, reads the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet said, a cultural architect who

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works at the Shahida Allah Illa Illa Allah, He you kill that

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person, in, in spite of him professing testimony in the belief

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in Allah, that he read the Kalima?

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The person said your lawsuit Allah in nama father file of Ehrlich to

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that person, he said the shahada just out of fear, he just said it.

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And they're also saying Allahu alayhi wa sallam responded for

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Hala, Shakta and Calbee Did you cut open his heart? To find out

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whether he was sincere when he said the Shahada?

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On another occasion,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was dividing some wealth

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among his followers, some thing that means it may have received

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and he distributed amongst the companions. One man rudely said to

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the Prophet, implying that the prophet should not be unfair. So

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should the Prophet it tequila. Be careful Be conscious of Allah, but

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not just a tequila be conscious of Allah. The hadith documented there

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was no rude manner, almost warning the Prophet Don't be unfair. It

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The Prophet didn't say anything sunrise

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and Sahil Buhari documents that after the man had left, one of the

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companions Khalid bin Walid, approach the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam and said Allah Audrey baroka Shall I cut off his

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neck? Let's drop him off. Shall I kill him? In other words,

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and the Prophet La La La Hua Yi Hakuna. Usually? No, perhaps he's

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a man who does good deeds, like praying, for example. Khalid said,

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will come in Mussolini, Your call will be the son he made he called

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me how many are people who pray? But they say not what is in the

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hearts and the prophets. Allah Islam responded he said in the LEM

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umara, an uncle, Uncle OB nurse, were a shockable pony. He says, I

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have not been commanded

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by Allah to cut open people's heart while I should.

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And I have not been asked to check what is inside their hearts. In

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other words, you cannot judge the intentions of people. The man says

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something to the Rasool in his face, implying something negative.

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And the Prophet in turn, said well, this is an error on his

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part, but he does other good things. For example, He prays the

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Prophet almost found an excuse for the person. How far is the

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prophets reaction and his attitude from the common practice of

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today's followers of that very same prophet Sal?

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While while he was in them, we do not hesitate to harbor negativity

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towards each other. And we rarely see good in each other. Whereas,

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we must realize what without is not always correct and without,

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rather than give the benefit of the doubt in the la sal Allahu

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Allah wa salam in his expression of mercy, forgiving, loving,

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finding an excuse, but never judging people. What is in the

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hearts? Only Allah knows. May Allah subhanho wa Taala guide us

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and grant us to be of pure hearts with good intentions. Inshallah.

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Akula. Kali Harada was to create Allah wa salam aleikum wa

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