Sadullah Khan – Heartchanging compassion
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All right bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Rahmani Raheem
we continue our theme for Ramadan. The Rose army communist spirit in
Abuja profound lessons from the life of our beloved prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi. Wa early he was seldom
when the Muslims were settled in Medina, after having migrated from
Makkah and the persecution suffer in Makkah, don't forget, some of
them already migrated to Abyssinia in Ethiopia.
So when the Prophet was settled in Medina and the Muslims are moving
in control and in charge of things in the Rasul was seen as a leader
in Medina, he made an agreement in a pact with the people of Medina.
And he made a covenant that all of them work together to support one
another different faiths and I'll speak about that some other time.
But when the Muslims were established, and so on, the
prophet sent letters to various rulers in Kings in the surrounding
areas, even up to Rome,
invite inviting them to Islam. Among the leaders to whom there
are Sushil Allahu Allah was sent him sent a letter was a powerful
chief of the bonobo Hanifa tribe, in East Arabia in an area called
Al yamamah.
Now this person whom He sent the letter to was, was referred to as
Sayed min Sadat in Arab, he was referred to as even the honored
ones among the royalty, not only was your royalty, he was
considered among the honored ones of those who are Royals, his name
was to mama. So when So Mama received the letter from the
Prophet Muhammad inviting him to Islam, he was consumed by anger,
who is this man, child of an orphan poor background, who's he
to invite me to a new religion, and so on and so forth. And he was
very upset. And in fact, he outright rejected
the message.
And in fact, refused to entertain its contents or discuss it with
anyone. And more than that, he expressed an open desire to
obliterate this new religion, and to kill the founder, or the one
who brought the religion in other words, he intended to kill the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, and thereby obliterate
him, and Islam. In pursuit of that nefarious design, some of the
Sahaba who happened to have gone to that part, or traveled for some
work, when he found out the these people were Muslim followers of
this Muhammad, peace be upon him, he had them killed.
So now through mama became a wanted man
to mama and now became a wanted man by the Muslims. Not long after
that, for Mama decided to go to Makkah on pilgrimage to sacrifice
something for the idols and so on. So he left your mama for Makkah.
On the way again, he met some Muslims, and then a skirmish took
place. And lo and behold, he was taken captive, for Mama was taken
captive. But the Sahaba did not know that he was through mama
beluga, the chief of the of the, of the Hanafi tribe.
when they brought him to Medina, they tie this tie the people to
the either by the door of the mosque, or to the pillars of the
mosque, in the mosque. So they tied him to one of the columns in
the mosque. And when the Prophet SAW Selim saw him, he said,
according to the seed of ignition, after the rule of thumb, do you
know who you have taken captive yet? They said no. He said he had
to mama been Posada Hanafi X, he knew
Issara In other words, this is from Abu salah, Hanafi and make
sure that you treat him with respect and you treat him well.
And as always, the prophet instructed the Sahaba when these
prisoners are being taken, don't tie them too tight. We know that
we keep them as captives, but they are called Osama atta Kulu let
them eat what you eat.
He was held for 72 hours they in Medina in the mosque.
And while he was there, he observed the hub of Muslim
activity because the mosque was the center of activity. And he
noticed how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam engaged the people
in how prayers held in consultation and so on and so
Within three days, the prophet set him free and let him go.
When he left, he went to Berkeley, which is a cemetery as you know,
if we went to Medina just nearby, he went to Bucky cemetery and he
fought for a while, took ablution or washed himself and he came back
he entered the mosque and he said, I should do a la ilaha illallah wa
shadow under Muhammad Rasulullah.
He took testimony and then he told the prophet will La Jolla Mohammed
Magana, the watchman abhava eladia. Minh watching there was no
face more despicable, despised by me more hated by me than your
face. For cut as a humble watch. Aelia now your face your
countenance is the most beloved to me.
Wallahi Maka Anna Dean about ilium indianic For us, Medina, Medina,
Leia, your religion your theology, which you brought was the most
distasteful to me the most disliked by me. And as whoever
Allah it has become the most pleasing to Me Wallahi Maka and I
mean blood in abodo ilium in Bella Deke, for us, bahala amble Bella
Milla delay, remember this is Medina La Mancha, by the way was
on the way to go. He said, I swear by Allah, that the city of yours
was the most disliked by me. And now it is the most liked by me.
The point here about this snapshot in the Prophet's life. For three
days, this food Mama boufal, was treated with the utmost respect,
with dignity. He was given the same food as a prisoner as a
captive that the people who captured him were eating.
So when he sees this kind of compassion, and this kind of
generosity of spirit, his heart open to Islam, sometimes you see,
it's not the preaching is not the teaching is not the proclamation
is not the boasting is not about the numbers isn't about how much
looks isn't about how nice we read, but sometimes is the
benevolent, kind hearted example that may attract people. And in
this case, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gifted him his
independence in three days. That same was the same for Mama, who
openly threatened to come and kill the Prophet. His animosity was not
defeated by religious debate. By religious argumentation by the
Muslims Konkani him, his animosity was defeated by the compassion of
the Prophet and those around him. salat wa salam Wallach Saedi era
Salah shukran was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah