Sadullah Khan – Commemorating The Life and Legacy of Imam Abdullah Haron

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The legacy of Imatt Benioff, a man who was either a social activist or a legacy legacy, is discussed. The importance of history and the cultural legacy of the Im bullet movement is emphasized, along with the struggles of Islam's leaders and their actions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The importance of activism and empowerment for society is also emphasized. The conversation touches on the legacy of Islam in Africa and its impact on the political and political leaders of its generation. The speakers emphasize the need for people to remember the lessons of the past and participate in the ceremony for the upcoming public landmark.
AI: Transcript ©
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All the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al

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hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he was early he'll

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put up you know pour it in. While I was heard the Hillman to JB

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nawala Jamia MBA will mousseline call Allahu Taala Quran Majeed

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim, la caja Arsalan Russo Luna

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Wonsan Muhammad Al Kitab al Misa Anna Leah Kuhlman, Nurse Avila

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crystal. So the Kola hula de la the McAllen B Habib Al Mustafa

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Salah to La he was at morlais. He were either early beta he was IRB,

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Al Muslim either Karna Mohan Lucanus or yes beautiful either

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either home, Hiram in the Muslim under the law you hold the

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printers while yes beautiful.

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Oh come our call. So Dr. Yara Seul Allah,

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in the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful, all

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praises due to our Creator, our cherisher I will nourish and

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sustain Sustainer we bear witness, there's none worthy of worship but

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Allah, we bear witness who believe in all the prophets, and we bear

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witness it Prophet Muhammad, Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa, he was happy he was the is the final of all the emissaries

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of Allah.

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That asserted elders or Allama who fall, teachers brothers and

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sisters, mistreated youth, I greet you are the Islamic universal

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greeting of peace. May the peace the mercy and the blessings of

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Allah be upon each and everyone present. A salam Wa alaykum wa

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Rahmatullah heeta Allah Baba wabarakatu.

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Today, exactly 50 years ago, on the 27th of September 1969, Imam

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Abdullah Harun was killed.

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He was picked up at his home as he was preparing to leave for his

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mobile number we program at Jamia mosque, where he was the Imam, a

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mosque which is further down this very Road in Claremont.

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And then he was held incommunicado for 123 days, meaning he had no

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access to lawyers, to doctors, or to any members of his family for

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that period of 123 days.

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his lifeless body was returned to his family with 27 bruises on his

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body, severe internal bleeding at the base, I'd be I'd be

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severe internal bleeding at the base of his spine, and his seven

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throat was broken.

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The brutal apartheid forces felt that they had to eliminate him.

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And the excuse they said was he fell down a flight of stairs in

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And so our nation lost a man who was an exemplary figure, a

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community leader, a social activist, sportsman, teacher, and

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an imam.

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And though there were 30,000 people at his funeral,

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the largest possibly in Cape Town. His dear wife Halima was left was

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left. She was left as the sole protector and provider for her

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She was committed to the survival in the rearing of her three

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children, Sharmila Muhammad and Fatima. That was after the death

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of the central figure in the household. her beloved husband and

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the children's father, Imam Abdullah Harun

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sister Halima suffered tremendous pressure from the state. And with

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almost no support from the larger community.

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She had to go in work for a tailor, as she was a dressmaker.

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And of course, she cannot inherit from a husband as the police said,

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The marriage was illegal, and it was not recognized by the law. And

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so she had to leave her home and then restart with the family.

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Build a home where she's still living in today.

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But by but brick by brick, supporting your kids, and reading

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them virtually by herself.

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unsung heroes things like these are often forgotten, and

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conveniently ignored.

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Just like the story of Karbala.

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The score of a man per se v says primarily through his sisters Aina

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whom will Messiah is the one who went through all the trials and

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tribulations. So brothers two sons and nephew

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Whose cousin has been killed, and then they heads taken on a spear

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from Kufa to Syria on a spear. And she was the one who conveyed the

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story of choice. Masala Eve, the person the mother of all trials

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and tribulations because of the hardship she went through.

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So to the legacy of Maha rune cannot be separated from the

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patient forbearance of his wife, Halima Harun, who is at the moment

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virtually invalid. At the age of 93. She's still alive, may Allah

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make it easy for

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you. For the past few months, numerous events were held to

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commemorate the legacy of Imahara.

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From educational programs, to speech and poetry contest to

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sporting tournaments, as he was a sportsman very much involved in

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rugby and cricket, to the Empowerment Seminar that well,

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book shows to art exhibitions, lectures to cut me Quran. In fact,

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I want to remind you, the culmination of the series of

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events that took place for the past year will conclude these

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commemorative events will conclude in sha Allah, where 123 Hartamas

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was recited one for each day that he was incarcerated. And that

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conclusion at the bottom of all this will be Shalabi Sunday

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morning at stegmann Jamia where he was the Imam

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that will be from about living TOEFL inshallah. But who exactly

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was Imam Harun

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part of our community, part of our history? You see, we cannot reach

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where we need to be, unless we know where we are. And we cannot

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really know who we are, unless we know from where we have come.

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Imam habonim reflected the heritage of Muslims and of South

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Africans. This week on Tuesday 24th September was National

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Heritage Day, celebrating our nation's diversity and our

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heritage. I believe more importantly, besides the culture

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of struggle against injustice, is the spirit of Ubuntu of humanity

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to others. It's about implementing the golden rule of loving for

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others what you love for yourself and to Berliners imagine?

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What the Quran refers to as the manifestation of either an axon of

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justice and goodness.

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Our heritage is a legacy of struggle against oppression and

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injustice, which in a way defines our historical identity and lies

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at the heart of our moral well being.

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A struggle for which the conscientious Muslims have always

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been an integral part. From the time of check Use of through twang

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guru to the head of history of Imam Abdullah Harun.

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He loves his mother Aisha and infancy

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was revered by his loving aunt Maria was tutored in Makkah by the

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likes of Sheikh Abdullah al Maliki, studied locally under

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Sheikh Abdullah tamilgun And she is my unev among others, became

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half Quran at the age of 14. At 51. He became a young imam of Al

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Jamia mosque in stegmann Road in Clayman with a senior member of

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the Muslim Judicial Council of that time,

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and he was killed for his conviction at the age of 45.

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Imam Muhammad was a person who constantly loved to recite the

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Quran. He fasted every Monday and Thursday from the age of 16. When

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he promised the chef he would do so. As a matter of fact, he fasted

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each one of the 123 days that he was incarcerated and tortured in

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And to further corroborate that, when he was a top autopsy was

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held, they found there's absolutely no food in his stomach.

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The Quran therefore informed him hobbles spirituality, and imbued

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his life with clarity of moral purpose and was effected through

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his social engagement rather than withdrawing from society, as many

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religious people tend to do.

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Imam Muhammad was among those kinds of believers of whom the

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Rasul Allah Allah wa sallam said in a hadith documented in the

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Muslims of Imam Muhammad, and in a student of a Timothy Rasul Allah

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say, a Muslim, either can call it a nurse or your spirit or Allah

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Allah whom Pharaoh middle Muslim under the law you call it to nurse

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who Allah you must be

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a Muslim who engaged with people involving in society and patiently

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been the trials and tribulations of that engagement

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is better than a believer

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Who does not engage in social engagement with people in order to

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avoid trials and tribulations?

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Mm hmm. One's commitment to community and its engagement in

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Islamic Propagation are three hallmarks. There are three

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hallmarks of his legacy. I want to reflect upon one, his

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uncompromising stance when the government's group areas Act was

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threatening of Jamia mosque, by forced removals. And he boldly

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said at the time, the precincts of this mosque and quoting the

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precincts of this mosque are inviolable, and the building is

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sacred forever, forever. No mosque can be sold or destroyed. The

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mosque still stands there today, they move the community. But

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Joomla was held every week, and the advanced little goes off.

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It's so ironic that the fourth noble struggle, I will just inform

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that one of the massages in Phoenix there'll be no Joomla due

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to violence. So it was also reflect on noble struggles of

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people like these and are we betraying the legacy by the crime

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and corruption that is manifest in our society.

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Number two, besides uncover uncompromising and principled

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here, this passion to promote the deen his capacity to go into the

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townships just longer in younger and convey the message of Islam

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make Dawa to people who are most marginalized and most often

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neglected. He did it at a time where it was not fashionable to do

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so no politically correct to do so. No funding available, like

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they allow you to do so at the time that you face dangers.

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Despite the dangers he face. He did what he did, because his

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integrity and commitment outweighed his fears.

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Imam Harun therefore was a living embodiment point number three of

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boon to humanity to others, consciously caring, compassionate,

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deep understanding of the real needs of society. His deep sense

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of Islamic values committed him to the Humane consideration of

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freedom of honor of dignity of respect and tolerance for

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everyone. He was committed to uplifting the education of those

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around him. His desire from an informed improved society made him

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envision a nation that could be free from discrimination from

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racism and injustice. His international travels connected

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him with freedom fighters and liberation movements worldwide.

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And he is impartial engagement with people who are not from his

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faith, not from his cultural background, yet he embraced them

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with an embrace of common humanity in that spirit of Ubuntu. When he

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Reverend Bernie Ranko Anglican priest faster 67 days at the

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comet, the in Signal Hill demanding bring awareness to the

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larger community about Imam Abdullah Haroon, who only knew

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about him somewhat because the evening he died, there was an

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And I'm not relating the two, but I'm saying is I remember that

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event. And this man went in publicized and fasted for seven

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days demanding a commission of inquiry, which inshallah now will

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be opened.

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He was the person the first person for whom a church service was held

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in the Cathedral in London, because of his recognition of his

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struggle for freedom for all people. For the first time a non

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Muslim was honored in that way.

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Imam Harun thus connected with all segments of society reach out to

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all irrespective of color of gender of age or creed. And so

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much of what he did was remarkable and exemplary. Is he?

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Luckily, Bible Eman, villainous many of us forget this. We are so

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preoccupied with our religiosity of how we look and how we dress so

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preoccupied and judging those who don't dress like us who don't look

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like us who don't have our mother route from our school of thought

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or our thinking. The essence of reasoning after accepting faith,

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Vera Susa Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, the word

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is love for all of humanity. What is denial, fame and to be

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committed to do God Illa Koulibaly you have to do good to everyone,

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irrespective whether those people are good people are not Muslim or

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So he's deep sense of Islamic values, committed him to these

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human consideration and he was connected, and so much of what he

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did was exemplary. His primary focus on empowering the youth

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many, many of the shoe has Hanif Merson, people are students of his

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he's concerned for the well being of society. His capacity for Dawa

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in areas most abundant and ignored his ability to reconcile his NT

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did X activism was his duties as an Imam, his capacity to break

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down racial barriers, his efforts at securing aid for families of

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freedom fighters, which was indeed the most dangerous thing to do,

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and his unique grace for creating interfaith understanding and

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connection. All of this was remarkable Indeed, even by today's

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Imam arrows activism personified the ethical message of the Quran

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that he had memorized, bearing witness. shahada is the foundation

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of the Islamic value system bearing testimony the shahada is

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the foundation of the Islamic value system. Imam Abdullah Harun

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love the shahada to his tell his last breath, dying with shahada as

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a Shaheed Inshallah, in the estimation of Allah.

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And he certainly perpetuated the command which we eat every week

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and alpha in Allah yet mu B largely were eaten in kuruva.

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While ha Anil fascia you will mocha Certainly Allah commands

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justice and goodness and magnanimity to near ones Allah

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forbid evil, corruption and injustice.

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If a man had the courage of conviction to speak the truth to

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power, even at the cost of his life, this is the true nature of

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struggle is our beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa

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sallam said of the Luigi had killed him in the salon in Jarrah

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Hadid, documented in the Muslim of Imam Muhammad, the humble manager

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at NSA, the best jihad is to have the courage to speak out for

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justice in the face of an oppressive leader. He spoke the

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words that he spoke, he did the deeds that he did, where it was

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definitely not easily easy, and certainly not convenient. He did

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so the risking arrest, detention, torture, exile, or even death, but

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he realized that the ultimate accountability is only to Allah.

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And therefore I say, Isn't the man from our community. So we engage

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in undermining each other making everybody cough and everybody bad?

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False. We don't celebrate our great ones. And our children will

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forget us too. Because you know what, there's nothing to

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celebrate. Some of us will even be shy wise, we're gonna be bumped

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the lagoon. Why not speak about something but we'll do something

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we must celebrate. We must commemorate. We must remember.

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This is one where we have gone

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are we going in the right direction. The Imam was neither

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defeated, nor was he conquered by his captured his or his tortures.

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They killed his body, but his mission is still alive. They

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silenced his voice, but his message continues to inspire. His

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body lies vary. But the spirit of sacrifice still lives on. It lives

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on in every person he taught and helped with a young or old male or

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female. It lives in every poor home that he visited, whether it

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be in Melbourne, or in London or in younger in every life he

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touched, whether it was Muslim or not.

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And therefore, through commemorating his life, we also

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salute all those who fought for justice, all those who die in

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Among them are people like Sulayman or the called Bob Lazar,

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Luigi Solomon's. Luigi was thrown out of the police headquarters

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building seventh floor to His death on nine September 1964

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Bahama, Timo was tortured to death and thrown from the top floor of

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the John Foster square building. Steve Biko was severely tortured

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and pointless but and then they transported his naked and shackled

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body for 1190 kilometres to a black prison hospital in Pretoria.

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He died in the cell also drafted Timber 1977. So this week,

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Islamia College unveiled a special commemorative board. And if you go

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outside, on the left hand side, as you go look to the left, there's a

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special board, I want you to have a look at it.

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Which is a specific significance for three reasons. One,

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it is the first public landmark in our country that displays all the

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names of the 117 people who died in detention under apartheid

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police to it is Islamia College, which is located by the way on

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Imam Abdullah Hassan Imam Irun road. And thirdly, we did it in

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the week. The 50th anniversary of the killing intention of this

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community leader and political

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Mamula role. Recognize that we as people of faith should always be a

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voice of conscience, activist for freedom and justice. And we are

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supposed to reflect the mission of the prophets of which Allah says

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look at ourselves. Rasulullah

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Wenzel nama Amil Kitab will mishandle the humaneness of your

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indeed sent messengers throughout history to guide humankind with

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clear guidance and the balance in order that all of humanity may

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live with justice. Imam Harun embodied that message.

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Mr. Harun was indeed a fearless and courageous undergoing

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incarceration, torture and pain, separation from his loved ones,

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all due to his selfless principled stand for freedom and justice of

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the people of his land, the confluence of September in

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And this being mind this coming together of these two months,

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brings to mind the confluence of people throughout history who's

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fought for us for justice and truth. From the example of Libby

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Musa alayhis salam before the error of our suits sal Allahu

00:20:49 --> 00:20:52

alayhi wa sallam, Musa alayhis salam who took on the despotic fit

00:20:52 --> 00:20:56

our own. And through the time of the companions of Rasulullah were

00:20:56 --> 00:21:00

his grandson, saying, stood up for justice against the oppressive

00:21:00 --> 00:21:04

forces of his time, and in our times in our community here at the

00:21:04 --> 00:21:09

southern tip of Africa in our town, that legacy of fighting

00:21:09 --> 00:21:12

injustice, injustice and corruption through the life of Mr.

00:21:12 --> 00:21:14

Harun, who stood up

00:21:15 --> 00:21:18

against the repressive forces of apartheid. He was indeed a

00:21:18 --> 00:21:20

fearless and courageous man.

00:21:21 --> 00:21:25

And such dedication cannot emanate from anyone other than someone who

00:21:25 --> 00:21:29

has tremendous moral conviction and spiritual strength. He was

00:21:29 --> 00:21:34

indeed, Imam Abdullah Harun a guaranteed hero from the Muslim

00:21:34 --> 00:21:34


00:21:36 --> 00:21:39

and is part of our historic struggle against injustice in

00:21:39 --> 00:21:44

South Africa, an outstanding specimen of altruism of caring an

00:21:44 --> 00:21:48

icon in our liberation movement, a humanitarian, a religious leader,

00:21:48 --> 00:21:53

a spiritual guide, a teacher, a youth, motivator, an activist, a

00:21:53 --> 00:21:57

visionary, a revolutionary, a philanthropist, and above all, an

00:21:57 --> 00:21:59

exemplary Muslims.

00:22:00 --> 00:22:05

That is why commemorations are so important in keeping the lessons

00:22:05 --> 00:22:10

of the past alive, because we often overlook the rich legacy of

00:22:10 --> 00:22:13

those who went before us.

00:22:14 --> 00:22:18

And therefore, I conclude by saying, Imam Abdullah Harun was a

00:22:18 --> 00:22:23

man whose life we should know about whom our children shouldn't

00:22:23 --> 00:22:29

be taught, a personality our grandchildren should remember. And

00:22:29 --> 00:22:31

an icon our nation should never forget.

00:22:33 --> 00:22:35

Insha Allah the legacy lives on

00:22:36 --> 00:22:40

Bilotta Pulu Lima ukca Luffy Sabine rely on what but the

00:22:41 --> 00:22:45

goon those who are killed in the way of Allah don't say that they

00:22:45 --> 00:22:49

did they alive, though you may not perceive it. We asked Allah

00:22:49 --> 00:22:53

subhanho wa Taala to grant Imam Abdullah Harun the highest place

00:22:53 --> 00:22:58

in Jannah Allahu McPhee Allah who were humbled by the diligent of

00:22:58 --> 00:23:02

who you are hammer Rahman ALLAH forgive him, have mercy on him,

00:23:02 --> 00:23:06

elevate the status or most Merciful of those who show mercy.

00:23:06 --> 00:23:10

Why should women be enough was the DP in which you IDI masala in and

00:23:11 --> 00:23:14

raise him up on the day of piano among the prophets among the

00:23:14 --> 00:23:19

righteous among the pious amongst the martyrs Workfit Lena Wallah

00:23:19 --> 00:23:24

who Yoruba aalameen And forgive us and forgive him here Allah, Oh,

00:23:24 --> 00:23:29

Lord of all existence. Akula kolyada was stuck with Allah

00:23:29 --> 00:23:32

Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah just very three quick

00:23:32 --> 00:23:38

announcements is very sad to note that neither Mohamed nor Karim

00:23:38 --> 00:23:47

from giant was kidnapped, and it's a mark and a stain on the legacy

00:23:47 --> 00:23:50

of people like these in the struggle that we had to have this

00:23:50 --> 00:23:53

kind of thing being a common feature in our society. Where

00:23:53 --> 00:23:54

people are

00:23:57 --> 00:24:03

maybe kidnapped, Ransom ransom, held hostage, increase of violence

00:24:03 --> 00:24:05

against women or against people in general.

00:24:07 --> 00:24:09

crime and corruption is rampant.

00:24:10 --> 00:24:14

We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala as you empathize with the Mohammed Al

00:24:14 --> 00:24:16

Karim and family. Well Allah returned him safely.

00:24:17 --> 00:24:21

That the masjid way the Juma was cancelled when Imam Hassan villa

00:24:21 --> 00:24:24

is the imam in Phoenix due to violence in the area. May Allah

00:24:24 --> 00:24:28

subhanho wa taala, grantee Daya and may Allah Subhana Allah grant

00:24:28 --> 00:24:32

that the people in authority do things that can alleviate the

00:24:32 --> 00:24:36

causes of those kinds of violence. And may Allah subhanaw taala make

00:24:36 --> 00:24:39

us an ummah, conscious to play our role,

00:24:40 --> 00:24:43

like Imam Hassan did to address the issues that affect the larger

00:24:43 --> 00:24:47

community of which we are part and manifest our Islamic prisons in

00:24:47 --> 00:24:51

the most positive sense with Eman and with axon and I want to remind

00:24:51 --> 00:24:55

you in sha Allah on Sunday, they had no Quran at Stefan road. I

00:24:55 --> 00:24:59

would like all of you to attend if you can Inshallah, even you come

00:24:59 --> 00:25:00

from Lebanon o'clock we'll go

00:25:00 --> 00:25:04

or lunch, then inshallah please be there. It will be hard no Quran

00:25:04 --> 00:25:07

with a few words being said to conclude the commemorative

00:25:07 --> 00:25:10

ceremony that we had for the past year. Accord holy ha that was

00:25:10 --> 00:25:11

started Allah wa salam ala

00:25:29 --> 00:25:32

just asked others to stand before they can fill the gap see a few

00:25:32 --> 00:25:33

people standing outside

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