Sadullah Khan –

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is highlighted, including the importance of peace and justice, the historical struggles for justice, and the significance of justice in human development. The shaping of the nation's culture and the legacy of theero-leaning culture are also discussed. The importance of history and embracing the shaping of the future of Islam is emphasized, as well as upcoming events and programs. The shaping of the nation's culture is emphasized, as well as the loss of the Shula's legacy and the shaping of the future of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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My God, we'll call you honey Hamid. Here you're Latina Amanu qu

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a Wamena de la he shows

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while he remained a commissioner no Comilla Allah Allah ta de Loup

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ARD Lu who accountability Aqua taco in the LA hubbie rhombi matar

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Maroon. So the Allahu Allah Allah you love him.

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We're calling be Habibollah Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa

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Liberti he was Harvey. Of those you heard Kalama to harden

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Oklahoma to Huck, and this will Todd injure you.

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So Dr. Yar rasool Allah,

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in the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful, or our

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Creator, our cherisher, our militia and our sustain.

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We bear witness there's none worthy of worship but Allah. We

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bear witness who believe in all the prophets, who came in the

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great light of divine And we bear witness of God the law Rasul Allah

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while they were sending them, the final of all the emissaries of

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mistreated Allah, ma elders, brothers and sisters respected

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youth, I greet you are the Islamic universal greeting of peace. May

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the peace the mercy of the blessings of Allah be upon each

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and every one present here and all of those who are listening on

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radio 76 and viewing this on the television, agreed to a salam Wa

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alaykum warahmatullahi wa wa barakato.

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This year, we had to hit every month of Muharram flow into the

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calendar month of September. And this flowing together this

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confluence of September brings to mind the historical struggle for

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When we consider the notion of justice in Islam,

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we immediately reflect

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on the mission of prophets throughout history.

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Peace be upon all of them has always been in the hands of an all

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embracing one.

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They came as guidance in the king as models of excellence, where the

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caliber has

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matured Rasul Allah Waje, tenable tahu hood. Indeed within every

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community, there was raised apostle

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entrusted with the message, worship Allah and shun the powers

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of evil and the forces of injury

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for the purpose of developing faith

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of reforming society became for the upliftment and moral

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development of human beings and also for the implementation of

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social justice.

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We are reminded of this responsibility that they brought

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and which we are supposed to continue every

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in our hub in Allah yet Maru, beloved level, yeah son will eat

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he will. When her annual fascia he will Moon carry was buggy, he

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either come look into the Quran every week, we are reminded of

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this, you know, Allah says, surely Allah commands Justice, Allah

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commands justice and goodness and generosity and kindness to near

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ones. Allah forbids evil. He forbids corruption, he forbids

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injustice. And He admonished us as you. He warns you advises you so

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that you may be reminded

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in Islam,

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justice is a moral virtue that creates a state of equilibrium, a

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balance in the distribution of rights and that of duties of the

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and justice is central to the Quranic value system.

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And if he's among the primary mission of Prophets, Allah says,

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Allah Rasulullah billbergia Not once. Muhammad Kitab al Meezan,

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Leah kumin, Nashville priest, Allah sent prophets throughout

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history with a clear guidance and clear guidelines and the balance

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in order. The Justice may be established among human beings.

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Among the attributes of the Divine among the attributes of Allah

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among the names is 99 Names of Allah in the Quran is Aladdin and

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ship, the justice and the dispense of justice.

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So justice is of paramount importance in Islam. And so much

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so that neither the religion of a person nor even our hatred

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can excuse us from moving away or serving justice. Yeah. Are you a

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Latina Aman Kulu Awami in the Rila issue?

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Oh, you proclaim faith, stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses

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to Allah.

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Whether an adverse was on another part, whether allowing for even

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against your own self. And in this verse while I remain the

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commissioner and coming toward you, that even not your dislike

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for people cause you to swell from justice

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will be just

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Taqwa for that justice is the closest expression to piety.

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And therefore, this notion of Taqwa

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this pinnacle of human development we do so far i bada Koulibaly QCL

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look into the attainment of Taqwa that is closely linked and aligned

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with the notion of justice.

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I didn't know who actually Taqwa be just for that is a closest

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On the other hand, so abhorrent and hateful is injustice to Allah,

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that Allah has forbidden injustice upon himself.

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He has further forbidding us from perpetrating injustice against one

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another in

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a 40 of your global

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female year we already know who called a report Rasul Allah is for

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what was inspired to him by Allah, Hadith he puts you see ya eBuddy

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in Harlem to lumada let's see what you owe to who by Rama for that of

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Allah Moo Hadid document in the summary of my most Oh my wishes, I

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injustice for my

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and it among you. So avoid being unjust to one another.

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You see, slavery was people can be free from economic exploitation,

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free from exclusion, free from social oppression, and free from

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all forms of injustice. And therefore, as Muslims in

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particular, we need to take a look

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at the foundational message of Islam and the foundational message

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of the Quran and the Sunnah, the exemplary lessons taught by

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Rasulullah through his life Elisa to salaam, and realize that our

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Islam, about the narrow confining of our faith, discussions in

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practices in our mosques and our institutions, but in the larger

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arena of our social

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our deen started as a civilizational force,

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a civilizational force which sparked the Renaissance, a global

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Renaissance mind you. Islam is not a doctrine designed to be

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relegated or limited or constricted to disputes among

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about secondary issues of argumentation and religious

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disagreements, which unfortunately, we are so often

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preoccupied with.

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Islam is life enhancing. Islam is socially uplifting. It neither

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promotes retrogression or backwardness nor encourage

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killings and destruction and certainly, it does not promote

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negativity and hatred.

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So I said at the beginning, we have the confluence of the lunar

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month of Muharram of the hegemony calendar, and gorean month of

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September Muharram flowed into September in this year. Muharram

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is the month in which we

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have the prophets beloved grandson, Imam Hussain, who

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challenged the tyrannical oppressive rulers of his day who

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are by the way,

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and reflect the same time on the struggle of Nabi Musa against the

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oppressive role of his time.

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And the legacy of Libya, Sudan and the memory of the Allah Allah

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continues to serve as a beacon of light to all faithful ones who

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struggle for freedom and justice.

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is everywhere in the world, whoever it may be, and wherever

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they are.

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The Lions

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are saying, provide for us and evidence of moral victory.

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The moral victory of right overall of virtue of a vise of principle

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over compromise of the oppressed, over the oppressor.

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The efforts was in fulfillment of a moral obligation, a moral

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as a universal message that has left a lasting legacy of struggle

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and resistance against all forms of corruption and against any

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and such kind of mystery, and also in history has always raged on in

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the world. In a corrupted world, mind you, as Allama, Iqbal says,

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moves out of your own Shapiro's eat into what is Hayato Ahmed

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deed, he says, ever since the beginning of time, there are two

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opposing forces always at war.

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And vice.

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Therefore Musa rose against with our own at St. Rose against his

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eid and

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in keeping with the prophetic spirit and directive of Abdullah

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Jihad Kalama to hawk or call him a 200 pound in jail, the best jihad

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is to speak out and stand up for justice, face of oppressive rulers

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as people have this beautiful land of South Africa, of Azania. We are

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in a nostalgic month of September, where we reflect on so many

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significant events in our natural in our national heritage and in

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our national history.

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September is the month in which some of those paid with their

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lives. Solomon salute G nine September 1964. Steve been to Beco

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drop September 1977. And oppose Imam Abdullah Harun 27, September

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yesterday 49 years ago 20 Sep. tember 1969 All of them paid with

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the lies for a cause greater than themselves, or victims of brutal,

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brutal, unjust and racist apartheid system.

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So yesterday was 49 years ago to the day that Imam Harun breathed

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his last

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game some other parts of the world or another.

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But well, who taught some of us,

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some of us in prayer, and who inspires so many of us even

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Imam, from our community, a family man, a man of the people who

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worked for the people, who empowered his people who was loved

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by his people. And among that kind of movement of who Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa, he was telling them said, Look, when you

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leave the

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U haul it to last what used to be the other other.

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Haul to nurse, but let me use me it's better for a believer to be

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engaged in the struggles of the people engaging people and maybe

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in your, in the process, then to remain safe by avoiding the people

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in the struggle of the people

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in Omaha, and with all segments of society, something which we have

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tend to lost because losing touch with ourselves. We are busy very

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much in the past year debating whether we can engage ourselves.

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Admin if you notice the trend is too far in others. It's rare that

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we can engage among

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and this is the lowest I think we've gone in our history.

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As far as human and social relations are concerned,

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particularly in the City of Cape Town, it's always incumbent on an

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all embracing

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Imam Harun connected segments of society, reach out to the specter

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of color of gender of age or of creed.

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His brother was on the empowering of the youth. He's concerned for

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the well being of society, his ability to reconcile his anti

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apartheid activism with his duties as an imam of the Masjid. His

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capacity to break down racial barriers, his efforts to aid for

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the families of those in need and even of the freedom fighters and

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his unique grace of creating interfaith connection. All of

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these are exemplary. And all of these are marks of a leader, the

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likes of which we haven't seen after that,

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in our community.

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He was a small man physical size, massive in marble statue.

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A valiant voice population of a racist apartheid regime. He risked

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arrest, detention, torture, exile and even

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on Monday, on to Saudi on Manu de 28th of May 1969. detained under

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the Terrorism Act, torture, kept for 123 days with no opportunity

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to see his loved ones and passed away on the 27th of September

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1969. Due to torture. It was said that he fell off the stairs. Why

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he died.

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The criminal security branch detained our people.

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You see some people don't want to speak about uncomfortable. If you

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don't know from where you come you don't know.

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If you don't know where you are, you can never know where you're

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going. It's very difficult for people that's why we try to wipe

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out the memory of our saying it makes cowards like us feel

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The camera security Breyer detained our people, diabolical

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group areas act moved our people. But here we are today at dismissal

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for all road

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on Mr. Harun Road, bearing testimony to the victory of Mr.

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Rule over his tortures, they killed his body.

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But his mission is alive. They silence his voice. But his message

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continues to inspire his body lies buried, parties participles on in

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every person he taught with a younger

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in every poor person and family he visited with a melon Burgoyne

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when it wasn't fashionable or safe to do.

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That we can do the least we can do is to appreciate the life of the

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one who gave his life for others.

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In the Name of Allah. You see, we do know as Russell said,

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koulamallah the noodle fitrah. Every person is born upon a pure

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natural disposition every person is born upon a pure natural

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disposition is a society in the family and the environment. The

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steers him away from that nature.

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In the fifth of

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all they are living according to the best of the nature, according

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to how Allah is designed you

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know that those who live according to the purest of the nature, they

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are always selfless, because nature itself tends to be

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selfless. Nature itself tends to be selfless. Rivers don't drink

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their own water.

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Trees don't eat their own fruit.

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Sun doesn't heat to itself. And flowers don't spread fragrance for

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themselves. living for others, is the rule of nature.

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Not only were you prepared to fight for what is right.

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But we're also willing to die for it.

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Not selfishness.

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Imam Haru reflected the best of that legacy of that nature, among

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our people, in our society, in the city,

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living by

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fight bodies just even of your own life. And people of faith. And

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people of conscience always support the legitimate aspirations

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of the oppressed, whoever they are, and wherever they may. It is

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our collective duty people of faith to perpetuation of the noble

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cause of life as liberators.

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And among their primary mission, as we mentioned, the acumen NASA

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cultists, that people may live with justice. We are the editors

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of that movement of the prophets by our curry Mao shahada, ourself

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to that legacy.

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But are we at this moment at the

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are we busy fighting over issues of halal and haram which are

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And how much are we involved in fighting for the rights of

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documented manifests

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and hence the scope

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will become disconnected and distant from our from the Bonpo

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is a consequence of the past

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and we can

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It'll be

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every tomorrow, possible Vision of Hope. It makes every memory of

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significance. And every tomorrow, a possible vision of

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Forget the past, we lose the anchor that keeps us getting away

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from the reality of history. When we forget the sacrifices made for

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our freedom, we start taking our freedom for granted. That is why

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we are where we are today, politically in this country. And

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we forget our local ones, we begin drifting from our roots. As a

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nation, we have to keep our history alive. We have to

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consciously ourselves as Muslims, to our collective past, not to

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harken back to an imagined golden age, but rather from our mistakes,

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and from our successes, to build confidence, confidence to shape

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the future and take inspiration from the past to build the future.

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We must the lessons we learn from our past

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relationships that have infused us, states that protect us

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weaknesses that may 1.

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Issues that derail us practices that strengthen us causes that may

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energize us diversions that distracts us motivate motivations,

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that compels us struggles that define us and leaders that inspire

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The commemoration of our Shula

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revolutionary legacy of Nabi Musa, every year serves to remind us of

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the sacrifices of the righteous throughout our glorious history.

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And this

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provides an ideal opportunity for us to think, to reflect and to

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When was asked, What are the characteristics of

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a person by the name of the hobby the Sajad was the son of Imam

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Hussain who survived Karbala.

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He said, Allah

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Allah will often Halawa was sadaqa. To feel killed, was

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sublime dill masiva. Alma angle was sin Grendel health, the mark

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of a believer five

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righteousness in privacy and in public generosity of spirit, even

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when needy,

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needy patients and perseverance during trials and tribulation as

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dignity even when we are emotionally upset and

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truthfulness, even in fear

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in the masjid, on Imam Hall road,

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and as we stand in this mosquitonix Mulholland road we

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confidently proclaim.

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Our martyrs did not spill the beans in vain.

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Our memories will not be pleased, and our heroes will never be

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forgotten. And those who died in the course of Allah, sufficient is

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Allah as a testimony for you, while our tax abundant material

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fees rely on water,

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but ended up being used for the heavy Murata whom Allah.

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Allah may have been we'll call him Allah hopefully will

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think of those think not of those who are slaying in the path of

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Allah. I think both of those was laying in the path of Allah dead.

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Finding the sustenance in the very presence of the Lord. Rejoice in

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the bounty that Allah provides for them. And with with regard to

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those who are left behind, who have not been them, the fact that

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and those who have passed on, on them this know and they have no

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cause to grief. Apolo kolyada was tough. Rula was salam aleikum wa

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Just two announcements that I've been asked to make. One is

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inshallah tomorrow evening, there is a program on Imam Harun taking

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place at the Islamia auditorium tomorrow evening. Commemorating

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the life is an annual

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