Sadullah Khan – 21st Post Witr Talk Ramadaan 1444 2023

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The speaker discusses the importance of forgiveness and avoiding sin in daily experiences. They emphasize the need to be cautious and differentiate between forgiveness and sin. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and reminding oneself of past mistakes.
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We continue our theme
moral guidance from everyday experiences.
It is commonly said that to is human
and to forgive is divine.
And this is true
as is evident in the fact
that on the one hand
that all human beings
all human beings
of course the Hadith in the and
the best of those who and are those
who repent. But all human beings besides the
other than that everyone
sins and of course all human beings
On the other
is one who can forgive all sins
for he is the one who is ghafur,
is most forgiving, al raheem the most merciful.
So it's
true, you know, to is human to forgive
is divine.
And wise ones have said
that forgiveness is Allah's invention
for coming to terms with a world
in which
despite people's best efforts,
people do
and people do sin.
So Allah began
by forgiving us
and he invites us
to forget to forgive others.
Allah forgives us and he invites us to
follow the sunnah of Allah
in order to forgive other people as well.
As people,
and ourselves each one individually
and we know our shortcomings and Allah knows
even better.
It is very necessary
to be cautious
how we treat others when they are.
Sometimes we note
that in our daily experiences with people
how harsh
and vicious
we ourselves
could be to others.
There is an incident
that occurred in the time of the Sahaba
Allah be pleased with him, passed in front
of a person
who had committed a sin
and some of the people gathered around him
were yelling him, humiliating him, insulting him.
So he said to them,
If you were to find him in a
pit or in a hole, would you pull
him out of it?
They said, yes, of course, we will do
So he said,
He said, so don't insult him. Don't yell
at him. Don't
humiliate him.
But thank Allah that perhaps He has saved
you from the sin he has committed because
you may have committed other sins that people
don't know.
So perhaps forgive them for the sin that
he may have committed
and thank Allah that perhaps you did not
commit that sin.
And then the people said,
Should you not hate him? Should you not
despise him? To be enraged with him?
So he said, Abu Darda, the companion said,
He said, hate his action, dislike his action,
despise his action if you wish.
But if he leaves that bad thing that
he has done, then
he is your brother.
From this incident
among the Sahaba,
we note
how the capacity for forgiving people for this
and now at the same time I want
you to be very clear people mustn't take
disadvantage or take advantage of this,
of this situation.
It's important that you distinguish
that we must love people
and that they're human beings who are worthy
of being loved.
But at the same time
it does not mean that we condone wrongful
behavior and say, never mind you know he
said he did wrong.
Forgive him and forget about it.
Your responsibility and my responsibility
is if someone does something wrong to first
of all prevent it and if they have
wrong then
to guide them away from the wrong. So
perchance, they make tober and don't return to
the wrong. But very often when we respond,
we do it out of vengeance.
Some people find joy
specifically with someone you don't like or someone
not connected to you. So be very cautious.
So exert your best effort
in trying to prevent the person doing wrong,
and if he or she stops from doing
that wrong, then
have the capacity
to forgive that person.
You see Allah is not only Ghafoor, Allah
is Afu. Different between Afu and Ghafoor.
Gafoor is to forgive someone. I can forgive
you but I keep you in my mind.
Afoo means to expunge. That's why
Allah Why? We make the dua this time.
Allah must expunge the sins as if it
never happened.
So kafoor is to forgive you for the
wrong you've done, but I can keep you
in mind.
Hafoor is it's almost expanse from your record
as it never existed.
we know and Allah calls upon us. It's
a divine promise.
Allah is gafurraeem.
But Allah also reminds you, you also,
you also sin.
You also make mistakes.
you can pardon.
And you are able to reconcile
where possible.
And you can forgive.
In Allah then know for sure Allah
is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Because Allah is Most Forgiving
to those who are Most Forgiving to other
So therefore we ask Allah,
on this first night among the nights of
Laylatul Qadr,
The prayer of the Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
which he recited on this night.
O Allah, you are the one who pardons,
who expuns your sins.
So pardon us and forgive