Sadullah Khan – 2016 04 08

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the struggles of life and death, including the negative impact of corruption and the importance of living in a constant environment. They emphasize the need to use the current time to deal with realities and avoid suffering, and the importance of finding ways to contribute to social and psychological change. The speakers stress the importance of learning to accept and love life's dynamics and finding ways to help others, and emphasize the need for individual accountability and accountability in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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upon the regime's Nanda Rahim Al hamdu lillah

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Allahu wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah he was up in Nepal he

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was the he was Jamil you will mousseline.

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Shere Khan regime under the motor will hire

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he was heard he was

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saying Shabaab

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will enact a couple of athletic, who hire a couple of multicol Come

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on, so that they are a sort of lump

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in the Name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful. All

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praise is due to our creator or tradition or narration or

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Sustainer. We bear witness this man worthy of worship but Allah

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will be a witness up with all the prophets who came in the great

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line of divine And we bear witness the Prophet Muhammad not the law.

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allah sallallahu alayhi wa, he was hardly he was, is the final of all

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the emissaries of Allah. Because

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scholars, teachers, educators, students, elders, brothers and

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sisters, I greet you with these universal greeting of peace, may

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the peace the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon each and everyone

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present here in this beautiful house of Allah on this auspicious

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time of Juma.

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My scene for today was going to be about facades and about

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And this was in view of the Panama Papers that have been leaked and

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indictment on the preparation to this country in the whole notion

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of facade and corruption.

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Specifically regarding leadership.

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We had a tremendous tragedy.

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The entire family virtually was wiped out in an accident.

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And two of our students passed away.

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Two of them have survived.

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And they lost both their parents in the accident.

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quite a few of our friends that we know

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are critically ill.

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And then upon pondering, I thought, we rather reflect upon

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how to deal with the challenges of life. We can always speak about

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corruption some of the time.

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Life is a roller coaster ride is never smooth. It was never meant

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to be smooth.

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Life is a test. The Baraka the bat Hill muku

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Olivia follicle moto hayati,

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life is a test

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of the

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death is a reality.

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And as we acknowledge that life is a kaleidoscope,

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inescapable situations, there is

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also death. There is health, and there is invasiveness, there is

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joy, but also sadness. There's games at time, at times a loss.

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There's laughter and sometimes there are tears, there's joy and

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damage their grief, the whiskies an inescapable reality of life,

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whether people or people of faith or otherwise.

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So we live in a universe of cause and effect,

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the consequence of which also inescapable.

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disease will affect in fact, time will, the persons Janz will

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destroy water will drown these facts are realities but also have

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moral and social implications. And all of these are realities which

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we have to contend with. It is how we are able to deal with these

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realities how we are able to respond to these realities to

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determine the cause of our lives.

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A wise person once said, Life is not the way it is supposed to be.

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Life is the way it is.

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It is how you cope with life that makes a difference.

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We know from the Quran

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the inevitable reality

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couldn't do enough sin, desire to know each and every living thing

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must face death.

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the only thing unchanging, affected

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is the countenance of

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everything else, everything else must eventually fade, and

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everything will sometime come to an end.

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So there is no avoidance of birth or death, we're not born without

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Utilize the individual in the interval between birth and death.

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And to use that time effectively, and that time is the distance

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Allah subhanaw. Taala refers to, we must also realize, make this

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world a permanent place. This is a temporary world, and everything

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here is finite. And all things have a time limit. Nice, good

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things forever. No other bad things eternal.

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I spoke about the previous family, a father Muhammad, his wife for

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the year, died in the accent accident

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we are working on the muffle engine.

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So I

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was the students at our school, they'll log on impatience.

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One of our dear friends to the smell surgical, extremely you

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just received news this morning, one of our ex students Mohammed

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had been diagnosed with cancer.

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Another person in the community well known the pharmacist,

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also very, very critically ill.

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So you reflect upon these realities of life and death and so

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These are realities of life, but also the nature

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and training itself carries a tremendous power, power to cause

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grief, but also power to cause more morning bow to conciseness.

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But at the same time, cause for cooperation, cause for reflection,

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cause for introspection.

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But if everyone experiences difficulties, what is the benefit

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of reading face?

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To face?

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you imagine not even grief, but face into perspective.

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Face provides a philosophy of living that emphasizes the

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realities of life and inevitability of death. But all of

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this in the larger context of a great existence, that we are part

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of a temporary world, which is a test from which we eventually have

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to graduate.

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That is why in this life, patience is so significant, and so strongly

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emphasize. And he's a mechanism for coping with trials and

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tribulations of daily living

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with chronic illness.

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She does psalmody Be rest assured that you will be tested, you shall

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be tested, tested, infected associate

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you will be tested with some form of some form of hunger, some loss

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of property, loss of life, loss of the fruits of your labor, and all

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of which can be borne by those who have the capacity for peace and

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perseverance and acknowledge the fact that

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is our eventual return.

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understand and acknowledge the fact that life

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how use friends, demons

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are temporary. The law may be there for a long time, that the

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relationship and in

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the end we come from Allah and beyond the journey back.

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Living in this world is a short phase of our existence. And there

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is an eternity that follows our status in this existence. beyond

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this life depends by the mercy of a wall on the good that we do.

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This patient perseverance is so significant that Allah says Allah

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Allah loves those patients who persevere in

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those patients who persevere and suddenly for Iman, patients is

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half of faith

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before us

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as we speak of illness of other people

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and we are going to face

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Often death is not so much a lesson from the dying.

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Somebody told me what people need to know when someone dies in Cape

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Town, that it turns into something. And talking is actually

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not so much for the deaf person. By the way.

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It's more to remind those who are ready someday you go through this

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When going to sleep, we do not know, as we said, the companion of

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the Prophet said, is

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hierarchically mounting, when you wake up in the morning, there's no

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getting to sleep tonight. When you sleep tonight, there's no

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guarantee you'll wake up in the morning, take from your life, take

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from your house, to benefit you to try to be in the best condition

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that you can. So that when you become ill

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only factors

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to make sure that avoid because it compounds

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are you unset or you eat

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in moderately.

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So take from your house what you do get sick, and take from your

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life for the benefit you

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and take from your life or benefit you and you die.

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The Sufis have a beautiful saying or the audio field if you wish.

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They say

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the human being sacrifices his health, in order to get

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busy living, earning a living or forget to live to the sources they

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say, the human being sacrifices his health, in order to gain

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He sacrifices his wealth, to recuperate his health.

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He saw heedless of the past, and so anxious about the future, that

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he does not appreciate the present. But is

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because he does not know in the present, knowing the future.

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He lives as if he's never going to die. And he that he has died,

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never having really lived.

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So having what you have

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a lower

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forever and prepare for the

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day tomorrow.

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As always, do what needs to be done. As a resource. If you have a

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CD in your hand, even if the company goes have to plan to see

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what you can do

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with things as if you always need to be here

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and prepare for the hereafter

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die tomorrow and put life into perspective.

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But that means we need to live life to the full.

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Because what matters is not the

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death of the life we do we live.

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And therefore there are people

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more in 20 years and some people live in 80 years. Because they

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don't just live they don't just survive. They live the life.

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Our responsibility as people as we look at this, we pray for the well

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being for the for those who are human for the recovery and shower,

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and for the patient perseverance of those who are experiencing

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hardship and grief. And for those who passed away. But we as people

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need to find more ways in helping and sharing the burdens of others.

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To make more life more pleasant.

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We must learn to forgive me for injuries

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and treat others the way we would like to be treated.

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We must be more cognizant of the fact

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that small things do matter to our smiles, our words of

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encouragement, our expressions, our support. Each of these can

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make a difference to someone somewhere who's wrestling with a

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misfortune or a challenge of life.

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On the face of history,

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and each and every life

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is a unique story and contribution to the larger story sometimes

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drives and become a temporary part of his lives and sometimes become

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a permanent part of each other's stories in part of the legacy.

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All our lives are part of story. So important question is how do we

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contribute to the largest audience? How do we engage

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this notion of social interaction that

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is the most the largest portion of our social interaction

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some activities

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element Allah knows best, so

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people in such a way that when you die, they cry for you. And when

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you're alive, they want to be in your company.

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We do know that each living thing must taste death.

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To note when

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you're on

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and through life, each and every one was somehow we tested was

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positive and negative realities of existence

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before we return to Allah, for individual accountability

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that is the call the admission

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in the

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someday you will die.

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Someday you'll be separated

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as you wish to realize that someday you will be held

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accountable and paid back.

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So we realize more than ever,

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that life will come to an end someday,

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existence in this world seems like a brief crack of light between two

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long periods of darkness, the death is certain and wherever we

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are in a magical mode, while quantum feeble.

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Wherever you are, this will come in fact your

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desk will reach you wherever you are.

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Even if you live in fortified castles,

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it will come and set you.

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In the therefore

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we are reminded of the Russell's words about the reality of life

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and how fortunes change and how things evolve.

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Value five things in your life before five other things may come

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to pass. Value your health before sickness comes.

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Before old age comes very you're free. Because before you become to

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occupy value what you have before it loses its value or before you

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lose it when you want to be met. And very low life before this

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and we need to realize it must realize Saudi documented in the

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Mohammed bin humba.

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must realize that every day is a day further from our birth. And

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every breath we breathe is a breath goes.

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A certain as we are

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so uncertain about this time, and we are

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social Allah Allah He, he was.

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There, whenever you do any action, even if you do prayer, pray as if

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it's your last prayer. Don't assume there'll be another prayer.

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We pray. Now Juma. Don't assume you'll be here faster.

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Don't assume you'll be here faster. When you live with a ton

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of consciousness, not in negativity, not in morbid, but the

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reality of life.

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Because someday you will make a prayer and the next to pray over

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your body.

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They will be none of us know. So they don't have a ticket for

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Sunday. So whenever you pray, pray that prayer is your last prayer.

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before this may come in this was

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in the Hadith documented in

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Kuta Yomi

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whoever wakes up in the morning this is appreciation.

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Whoever wakes up in the morning

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secure in his house because we are so insecure nowadays.

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Even saves in the teeth in our homes anymore with a burglar bars

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and the gods

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how relevant is that hadith of the Rasul 1400 years ago somewhere in

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Medina and repeating around the bush

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now 1400 years afterwards is more relevant now perhaps never ever

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before. But

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more often features in the

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forgotten the minds of

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the morning, secure in his bed secure in his own

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healthy his body sufficient permission to survive for the day.

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He is

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without even realizing it.

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That acute

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is what we must have. Because always when we are sicker, we can

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deal with somebody. And the sort of associate will put me in.

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Unique is the case of the believer, in any given situation,

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there's some benefit for him or

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when he has something good happening, he is grateful.

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And the gratefulness and gratitude is good for him. And when he goes

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through difficulty or hardship, he patiently perseverance and

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patience is good fun.

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We ask Allah subhanaw taala God mafia and Jana, to Muhammad for

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the Hadith. Students or kids hear their classmates have this from

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the bed. And then the grandfather at the mosque in

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the library janazah. And you were speaking to the Mufti who made the

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janazah and told them, he said, What can I say, I've come to bury

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my whole family. I come from another country to hear, and he

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I'm putting is supposed to bury me. And I'm building the whole

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family, children and my grandchildren. That is the reality

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of life.

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value what you have, value your family value, your parents value

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your your children, value what you have, someday, you may or may not

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have it, or someday, you may not be there to appreciate it. May

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Allah subhanaw taala grant massive engine for the impatient

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perseverance for courage in the students in our school. Classmates

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sitting here. May Allah grant him the capacity to be able to

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patiently persevere

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to facilitate them to be able to patiently persevere and help them

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wherever we can.

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But the smokers, Muhammad

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whatever is best for them in the condition to find

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relief. May Allah guide the hands of the surgeons and those who are

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dealing with them, the end result of everything be good, and may

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Allah forgive us for our shortcomings. Aquila was

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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