Saad Tasleem – Eclipse 2024 – What does it mean

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The speaker discusses the belief thatiting a signs symbolizes the birth or death of someone important, and that the signs are from Allah's words. They explain that praying for the signs is a recitation of the prayer, and that the recitation is a sign of Allah's ultimate power and control. The recitation is a reminder for those who want to turn to Him and seek forgiveness.
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In pre Islamic times, people used to believe
that eclipses mark the birth or death of
someone important, but the prophet
told us this belief and beliefs like that
about eclipses
are wrong. It just so happened that the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam's son Ibrahim
passed away on the day that there was
an eclipse.
And some people started to say that the
sun was eclipsed for that reason.
The prophet
said, the sun and the moon are two
signs from Allah, and they do not become
eclipse for the death or birth of of
anyone. If you see it, an eclipse,
hasten to remember Allah and to pray. Also,
Allah informed us,
Among His
signs are the day and the night, the
sun and the moon. Do not prostrate to
the sun or the moon, but prostrate to
Allah who created them if you truly worship
Him alone.
So, as Muslims, what do we do when
there's an eclipse?
We pray.
Specifically, we pray what is known as salat
al khusuf
or the eclipse prayer.
This is in the time between the beginning
of the eclipse and the end of it,
not before and not after. As I prayed,
informed us that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
led the people in the eclipse prayer. It
was 2 rak'ahs, but different than what we
are used to. He started the prayer with
the Takbir, Allahu Akbar, and then recited Surat
Al Fatiha and a long Surah. Then he
went into a long lukur.
And he stood up like normal saying, Now,
instead of going into sajdah,
he remained standing and again recited Surat Al
Fatiha and a long surah, but not as
long as the first. Then went into a
long little Quran and then he stood up
like normal saying, Then
he went into the 2 sides of this
like normal.
This was the 1st raka'ah.
The 2nd raka'ah was done in the same
way as the first, and after that he
completed the prayer as normal
with the teshahood and the sada.
So that's how it's prayed. Preferably it should
be done in congregation,
but if you can't you can pray it
by yourself as well. It is sunnah for
the imam to give a reminder after the
The point of this reminder is that the
eclipse is a sign of Allah's ultimate power
and control.
Don't become negligent in your piety and your
obedience to Him.
Take this as a sign from Allah to
seek forgiveness,
and turn to Him.