Riyadul Haqq – Silence Is Salvation

Riyadul Haqq
AI: Summary ©
The Bible is a source of pride and pride in the world, as it is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure, and it is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure, and it is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure, and it is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure, and it is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure, and it is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure. It is the only thing that is pure. It
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hamdulillah Robin alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah so you didn't really know how to Mina been

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Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim in the Commedia Majeed.

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Respected brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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season a verse of the Holy Koran, sort of Nyssa

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Law says, There is no good

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in much of their speech,

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except in the speech of one

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who enjoys good,

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sorry, who enjoys

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the giving of charity,

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or enjoys good

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or who enjoys reconciliation

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amongst people

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and whoever does this, seeking the pleasure of Allah and soon we shall grant him an immense reward.

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That's just a literal translation of the verse. What last panel hora de la seine

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is la Haider, fique theatrum in Madrid,

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there is no good in much of their speech, referring to mankind.

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Allah says quite categorically, when human beings speak,

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when they

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pop their lips, wag their tongues

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and utter something,

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then the rule is that they've got nothing good to say.

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They've got nothing beneficial or productive to say, there is no good in what they actually

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that's the rule

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in law, except

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in the speech of one

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who enjoys giving in charity.

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All enjoins good.

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encourages others to seek reconciliation between people.

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So the meaning of the verse says that when a human being man or woman speaks and utters something,

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Allah quite categorically say is that man or woman, young or old, they have nothing good to say.

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That's the norm. That's the rule. And there are only three exceptions.

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There is no good in much of their speech, except in the speech of

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a person who does one of three things. Number one,

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when he opens his mouth when he parks his lips, when he wags his tongue and actually utter something, if that person encourages others, to spend in charity,

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to be charitable, either in word or indeed or by wealth,

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then there is good in that person's speech.

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The second person

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is one who enjoys good

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so when he actually says something,

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he's saying something good, and he is encouraging others, motivating others, reminding others of their obligation and duty to do good. he forbids the evil and enjoins the good he instructs people to good deeds and prevents them from ill deeds. Then such a person speech is good and he

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His speech are an exception to this rule.

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And the third category of speech which is exempted from normal speech, is when a person speaks man or woman,

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in that conversation, in that speech in that utterance, they are seeking and trying to achieve reconciliation and peace between the people.

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These are the only three exceptions. Otherwise the last panel with Allah says right at the beginning of the verse, la Haider fique theorem in the drama, there is no good in much of their speech, when men and women when we as people, when we speak, when we pass our lips, we open our mouths, Allah tells us nobody else, that we have nothing good to offer, we have nothing good to say we have nothing good.

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And these are the only three exceptions, unless we are encouraging each other, reminding each other, motivating each other, and enjoying each other to give in charity, and to be charitable, either by word or deed. Or we are enjoining good, and reminding and motivating each other to do good and forbidding the evil, or number three, through our speech and our utterances, we are actually seeking a reconciliation and peace between people. Unless our speech consists of these three things. A law categorically declares that there is no good in our speech whatsoever.

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And that's why we want to sue the law. So the law Harley, who seldom says, could look alarm, LA, illogical law.

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Once every speech of man this is just part of the heavy, that every speech of man is a burden upon him

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and works against him, except for the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And those things that are related to the remembrance of Allah.

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The title of today's speech is silence of salvation. What does that mean?

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We are believers, because we seek salvation.

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We believe in Allah, and in the articles of faith, because we seek salvation in the hereafter with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And not just salvation in the Hereafter, we also seek salvation, and freedom and deliverance from many of the constraints and the problems and the calamities of the world.

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A pseudo la sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam

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has actually told us were in his salvation,

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both the salvation of this world as well as the hereafter.

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Safety isn't Silence. Silence, salvation is in silence.

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He who speaks less, will land himself or herself in less trouble.

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It doesn't cost anything

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to remain silent. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually imparted this advice quite forcefully.

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In one ad, related by 7am to light armor or the alarm, recorded by a man determined to lay in his son.

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He says that a suit of law subtle Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, and this Hadeeth consists of only three words.

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Normally, Hadith and verses are quite long, but this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the saying of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is actually only three words long

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and delighted number of the Allahu anhu says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Manzanita Naja. He who remained silence

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was safe.

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He who remained silent is safe. That's all he said. He who remained silent is safe. And that's a very comprehensive, all encompassing, and very eloquent statement. It refers to the safety and the salvation of both this world as well as the hereafter. How often is it that we speak

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and only a few moments later, we actually regret what we have just said. In one Hadith. A man asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yasuda, Allah advised me and part of the advice that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam imparted to him was do not say anything.

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thing today that you will have to apologize for tomorrow.

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Do not say anything today that you will have to apologize for tomorrow.

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So this is where we actually draw the meaning of the title of today's speech that silence is salvation. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has beautifully taught us that both the safety of this world as well as the Hereafter, the salvation of the hereafter the art, as well as this dunya lie in remaining silence in choosing one's words very carefully, only speaking as and when necessary.

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Furthermore, sees an upward on the armor Leola horn, the famous Companion of the sort of loss of the law Harley, who was seldom

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amounted to La La relates in a Sonam also

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sees an opportunity, the Illa horn approached the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said to him the words of Dr. Rasul Allah, manager.

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Mohammed says that I asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam all prophets of Allah, what is salvation? manager? What is salvation?

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied by saying, I'm sick and eagerly Sonic, while your soccer beat will gather for the attic. He gave him three words of advice saying that this is salvation. Army said oh prophets of Allah, what is salvation? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, number one, I'm sick. I deaconess Anak Hold your tongue unto yourself.

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guard your tongue.

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Number two, what are your soccer betook let your home encompass you and confine you.

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And number three, what Ganapati attic, weep over your sins. In these three things, lies salvation.

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And the meaning of life is number one, awkward? middle the 11 who said oh prophet of Allah, what exactly is salvation? How does a person attain salvation? How can a person save himself from the displeasure and the wrath and the anger of Allah and the punishment of the alpha?

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What is salvation? Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said number one, I'm sick I legally suck God your tongue and hold on to your tongue. With Hold your tongue.

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guard your speech. Do not say anything which is unnecessary.

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Number two will your sack of a duck. Let your home encompass you let your home confine you.

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Meaning a person is often safe when in the privacy of his home. Of course this was true before when there were no distractions. And there were not many opportunities to commit sins inside one's own home. And it was often safer for a person to remain in the privacy of one's home,

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behind the veil, in shame, rather than venture outside and become involved with all kinds of people in all kinds of activities, and in all manner of places.

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And number three, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said salvation lies in weeping over your sins. Remember your sins and weep over your sins IE repent.

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Remember your sins and repent and weep over your sins in these things like salvation. So we we infer and draw the meaning of salvation. From these a hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has advised us that remaining silence is an act of Salvation and safety. One attain salvation by guarding one's time by watching what one says by being careful with one speech by refining one's words, monitoring one speech very carefully.

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And this is exactly what the pious people of the past used to do. See, what got us the vehicle the alarm, the most beloved friend of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the first Khalifa of Islam and the greatest Muslim after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once say that the alarm visited say that it will look at us a vehicle of the alarm

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in his home when he entered, say that

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your loved one grabbed onto his tongue he held onto his tongue and pulling it he said, Oh Ronnie hadn't worried that this tongue of mine has led me to disasters.

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This tongue of mine has led me to disasters

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to problems. If a person as pious as prudent as

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cautious as wise, I see that

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a loved one could declare about himself that this tongue of mine has led me to disasters

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has led me to problems.

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Then where do you and I stand and how do we fare?

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Going back to the verse of the Holy Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala has spoken about speech in many places throughout the Koran. And before I continue, I just like to say that one of the reasons why we should view this topic as being extremely important is that unfortunately, at times we allow ourselves to restrict and confine our understanding of sins. When a person mentioned sins,

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we often associate sins with more serious crimes, and more serious and grave acts of misdemeanor such as

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gambling, alcohol, wine, drugs, violence, theft,

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but or eating,

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drinking heroin.

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But the truth is, in Islam,

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the perception of sin,

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the perception of vice and virtue is not dependent on culture and convention.

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The perception of vice and virtue stems from the words of Allah and His apostle sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We do not view something as being wrong and wrong

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and contemptible.

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If society at large people at large of convention and tradition in general, all view this thing as being reprehensible.

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And it's and

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we don't,

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we can't accept a virtue as being a virtue. If Allah Han is a resourceful Allahu alayhi wa sallam have declared that thing to be advanced.

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I say this because in many communities throughout the world,

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we even as Muslims, we view sins as being those sins that have always, traditionally and conventionally been regarded as sins.

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it's customary to accept that eating harm drinking, Haram, stealing, adultery, gambling, alcohol,

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theft, violence, murder.

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All of these things are sins.

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But in Islam, the concept of sins, the perception of sins, the determining of vice and virtue is much wider, much more comprehensive.

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And in traditional convention, often, the sins of the flesh are regarded as being as vices, but the sins of the tongue and the mind and the heart, especially the sins of the tongue, they are not regarded as being vices, they are not regarded as being sins, even though in Islam, at times, quite possibly, the sins of the tongue, are far more lethal, far more dangerous, far more damning, than any sin of the flesh.

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To give you an example, you might even no matter the way to La La relates the thinnest of seed from Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says

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er Yakumo Yakumo lever for in a hurry, but

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beware of backbiting for backbiting is a graver and more serious sin than adultery.

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Beware of backbiting, for backbiting is a grave and more serious sin than adultery.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continues to explain. When an adulterer, repents and turns to Allah and seeking forgiveness. If Allah wishes alarm, I accept his repentance and turn to Him in mercy. But the one who is guilty of backbiting another Allah does not forgive him until the his victim of back bites and forgives him first.

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And sort of sort of last on the law it will send them says at the beginning of the Hadeeth beware of backbiting for backbiting is a more serious sin than even adultery

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and it's very true. There are countless example

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just sticking to this topic of how serious the sin of backbiting is, which is a sin of the tongue.

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imamo de la has related Hadith in his son

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that once a companion came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and confessed to committing adultery.

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prophets a little, it's very long Hadith.

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He was punished.

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He died.

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On that occasion, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam overheard two men speaking to one another.

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One of them said to the other, look at him.

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He committed a sin, and Allah concealed his sin, but his soul did not let him rest

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until he had to confess his sin. And thus because of his confession, he died the death of a dog.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam overheard these words, but he didn't say anything.

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Later, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was traveling,

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and he passed by the carcass of an animal

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by the roadside. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stopped, and he turned around.

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And he looked to the others had not known that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had overheard them, and now they realize, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turned around and said, Where are those two men who spoke to each other this earlier?

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they both came forward. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said dismount

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both of you dismount and eat the carcass of this animal.

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a dead animal. He said, both of you dismount and eat the carcass of this dead animal. So they both explained all prophets of Allah. Do you want us to eat the carcass of this animal? How can we be expected to consume the flesh of this dead animal to consume this carcass? The sort of last on the law Harley who seldom said what you consumed of the flesh of your brother earlier on was a worse devouring them this and even now by Allah. I can see him diving into the streams of gentlemen.

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So Pamela, someone who has committed adultery of him Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Even now I can see him diving into the streams of Jimena. But those who merely spoke ill of him. Those who merely spoke ill of him Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to them both of you dismount and eat the carcass of this animal. And when they explained their surprise and their horror Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said, You are horrified at the consumption of the flesh and the carcass of this animal, what you consumed of the flesh of your brother earlier on by backbiting him, and speaking ill of him in his absence, that was a worse devouring than this.

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In Islam, the sins of the tongue at times outweigh the sins of the flesh. And this had he chose as earlier on the third, beware of backbiting, for backbiting is worse, and a more serious and graver sin than even adultery.

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And it's not just about backbiting Sins of the tongue in general. It's very, very easy to spoil our Eman to corrupt our faith, to spoil our good deeds to render our reward null and void and meaningless by a few stupid utterances.

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This boneless wonder, this tongue it's it's only one small piece of flesh, boneless, flexible and yet this can lead a person to disaster or lead a person salvation when we have How do we know that a person is a Muslim? He or she will utter the testimony of faith a Chateau a la ilaha illAllah with this tongue? How do we know a person is not a Muslim? How do we know a person renounces their faith? If they blaspheme, they blaspheme with the same tongue.

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Mr. Mohammed Abdullah here they relate to the youth in history, so does the man Muslim and many others. Listen to the following words are Sol La Sol Allahu alayhi wa sallam says

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A times A servant of Allah.

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Law says one word, not two words.

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In the lab the later column B kalama. tiene la de la bella

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yeah we be happy Jang

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soo la sallallahu Sallam says, at times the servants of Allah at times a servant utters one word, not two words and not a sentence, but be kalama one single word. At times a servant utters one single word, to which he attaches no significance whatsoever. And yet, because of that one single word alone, he shall fall in the depths of jam.

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He shall fall in the depths of the fire, because of one single word.

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That's why Allah and His apostle sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam have told us to guard our tongues to watch our speech, not to be guilty of the sins of the tongue, as well as the sins of the flesh.

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And the sins of the tongue may possibly be far more lethal, far more dangerous, far more destructive and damning than the sins of the flesh.

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last panel with Allah has reminded us in various verses in the whole record of the obligation of speaking good, avoiding sinful talk.

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There are many verses, the verse which I recited in the beginning, which I began this discourse with la Haider feek theorem in the dwell, there is no good in much of their speech, except in the speech of one who enjoys to charity, or who enjoys good or who enjoys reconciliation between people.

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We do the total opposite when we speak, rather than encouraging each other to be charitable, both in terms of spending wealth and money, as well as be charitable in deeds. And in words, we are guilty of the opposite. We encourage others to do the opposite.

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Instead of fulfilling our religious obligation, of enjoying good and forbidding the evil, of correcting and writing wrong, wherever See, wherever we do see wrong, and reminding ourselves and others

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good deeds. We remain silent over sins, we remain silent. When it comes to our duty to enjoying the good and forbid the evil. We remain silent, merely out of self interest and self preservation.

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We say that, why should I spoil my name, I don't want to get involved. And even if we see suffering, injustice, wrongdoing, we see blatant sins, we remain silent. Even though we every one of us by the text of the arm has a religious obligation and duty to enjoin the good to encourage two people to do good to dissuade people from evil.

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And number three, probably the most serious one.

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Allah says, when you speak, you should only be speaking to reconcile people to bring about peace between people.

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When we speak,

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we are often guilty of saying things that only inflames the situation that only adds fuel to the fire.

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We don't speak in order to extinguish and douse the fire. We don't speak in order to scroll and settle the situation, in order to defuse the situation. We speak adding fuel to the fire to increase the fitness to increase the enmity.

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In fact, in Islam

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, it's permissible

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to speak a lie in order to bring about peace and reconciliation between the people.

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And the meaning of that is one shouldn't expand this unnecessarily. Its meaning is that if two people have had a misunderstanding, and they fall them out,

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and there is bitterness in the hearts towards each other.

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There is rancor and malice.

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Then, a good deed and a noble and honorable deed would be for a person to go to one individual and encourage him or her to settle their differences with the other person and in motivating and encouraging them. Maybe dropping a few words that aren't necessarily true, for instance, to say things like the other person is also remorseful. The other person also seeks reconciliation. The other person also doesn't want to see this disputes prolonged and then go to the other side and say exactly the same thing. And by uttering

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A few

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harmless untruths, in order to encourage and motivate these two warring differing individuals to settle their differences and to reconcile their hearts and to be harmonious. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it's permissible to do so. We lie, but not to bring about reconciliation. We lie in order to divide people even fair, where there is absolutely no need. We will say to one person, yes, yes, indeed, he did say this, oh, yes, this is exactly what he believes. This is what he thinks we inflame the situation. And we will go to the other side and say exactly the same. So where we should be saying something in order to bring about reconciliation, we lie but not to bring

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about reconciliation, rather to inflame the situation and to exacerbate exacerbate the problem.

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These are three exceptions to the normal rule of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that there is no good in much of people's speech.

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There are many other verses throughout the Quran. In one verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says, what about the poor lady here in the shade ghanians albina

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and all prophets of Allah, this is the verse of the Quran, all prophets of Allah say to my servants, that they should say that which is the best say to my servants, that they should speak that which is the best indeed shape on seeks to draw divisions between them. The meaning of this verse is, all believers are servants of Allah, or prophets of Allah say to my servants, whenever you speak, whenever you move your tongue whenever you open your mouth, whenever you apart your lips, whenever you utter something and speak, then choose your words carefully say the best things only come out with the best speech, why shavon seems to draw divisions between you shape on waits for every

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opportunity, he waits until a person has spoken, and then he pounces on his or her words, and he takes those words and confuses the listeners, with those words, implying evil and undesirable connotations. To those words, he encourages and he whispers, undesirable interpretations and Miss constructions of other people's words in their minds. And in doing so, he brings about discord and disharmony and strife and enmity between the people so our last panel with Allah says shape arm will always be looking for this opportunity. The devil will always be lying in wait, ready to pounce on your words, to misconstrue them and to misrepresent them and to misinterpret them in the hearts and

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minds of the people and to whisper evil connotations and meanings to your words in other people's minds. So Oh my servants do not give the devil that opportunity. Do not give shape on that opportunity. When you know that this is what he does with your utterances and with your speech, choose your words carefully, or poorly rebar the key here and say to my say, all my servants say to my servants, that speak only that which is the best.

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Choose your words very very carefully.

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In another verse of the Holy Quran in Surah Al Jazeera Allah subhanho wa Taala says

00:33:26 --> 00:33:36

yeah you're Latina aminata Nacho flat to Nairobi. If more than one you might see it or soul what an Adobe builder what Taka, Taka la hora de lado Shalom,

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oh believers.

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When you whisper privately, and when you whisper and when you speak and converse privately between yourselves.

00:33:49 --> 00:33:50

Yeah, you

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forgotten our job, ethanol or the one then do not speak privately to each other. Do not converse with each other about sins, about transgression and injustice, and about the disobedience of the messengers of the law equals what an angel will build over taqwa. And when you speak amongst yourselves when you Converse between yourselves, then Converse and speak to each other about righteousness, virtue and the taqwa of Allah.

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And fear that alarm to whom you should all be amassed and returned. That's a clear statement from Allah azzawajal that all believers, the energy that an angel, hear me means when you speak privately between yourselves that means any conversation between two people or more

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in the privacy of one's home, in a private conversation anywhere, a normal social gathering, a family gathering, in effect, any speech which isn't a public speech, any conversation which isn't a public speech, any conversation, why the distinction because in private conversations, people are often more informed.

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They're a bit relaxed. They're not that guarded. In a public speech. Obviously a person chooses one's words very carefully. And it's very rare that a person will speak just spontaneously in a public speech. But privately people are more relaxed, more informal, less guarded, they drop their guard, they, they let themselves go. So even in such private conversations, whether that conversation is with one spouse, with one's children, one's parents, and most importantly, with one's friends, even in such conversations, Allah reminds us all believers, in your private conversations and in your private whisperings to each other, when you speak, do not Converse and do

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not speak about sin about one transgression and injustice, or the disobedience of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, very common people in their speech, they will swear they will backbite they will talk about other people. That's why it'll sort of last a little while even some of them say is, whenever a group of people gather. And then they rise from that gathering, having Converse between themselves, and even that conversation, they have not spoken about a law and is that a source of the law?

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And they have not engaged in the remembrance of Allah or mentioned his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then when they arise, they actually arise from the carcass of a dead donkey.

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They rise from a carcass of a dunk

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that is no good in their entire congregation and come conversation.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala categorically tells us Oh believers, even in your privates, whisperings and your private conversations, do not speak about sin. Do not speak about injustice and transgression. Do not speak about the disobedience of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, rather, you should speak to each other and converse with each other about virtue and righteousness and about the taqwa of Allah.

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In surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you're Latina, Amano la Haku Colin Salida you

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were philippou Baku, la hora Sula, who, Malema.

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Allah azza wa jal says oh believers, Fear Allah. What guru Golden sadita and speak and uprights word.

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That means unbelievers, Fear Allah and speak an upright word. Say something good, say something balanced, say something responsible and upright, straight.

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If you do so, a law will reward you How will a law reward you? You say

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a law will make good and pious your deeds will philippou

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and Allah will forgive you your sins. Omega three la hora, Sula, Malema and whoever obeys the law, His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then indeed that person has scored an immense success.

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But this verse is very interesting, because Allah law rewards a person, not just with forgiveness and reward in the hereafter. But even now, immediately. One of the rewards of speaking well of speaking responsibly and speaking good and straight, is that Allah will actually make your deeds pious. Use Amala.

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If you speak well, if you guard your tongue, Allah will guard your limbs and your organs of the organs of your body from disobedience and say,

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you guard your tongue

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and protects it from the sins of the tongue. Allah subhanho wa Taala will automatically in reward enable you to protect an Allah will protect your limbs from the sins of the flesh.

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Protect your tongue from the sins of the tongue. A last panel with the Allah will protect your limbs, from adultery, from theft, from fraud, from violence from every haram deed, even from the consumption of horror.

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We all know everybody knows that the heart is responsible for the rest of the body in many ways,

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both in anatomy as well as medicine, but even in spirituality.

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In the famous had created by Mahavira LA LA and others are su la sala la Marley, who was alum says very long studies by see them and not man on the machine or the alarm towards the end of the Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says and are in the field of Jessa that are more than either Salah had said 100

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docu with the facade that facade, they'll just call La ilaha IL,

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that no, indeed, in the body that is a piece of flesh, which is pure, and the whole body is pure, which corrupts them, the whole body is corrupt.

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Know that that piece of flesh is the heart. And we all know that it's the heart is corrupt and impure, and the entire body will be corrupt and impure. But if the heart is clean and pure, and upright, and noble, then all the organs of the body will be pure in spirits will be will will be free from corruption, and they will also be pure and pious, and upright.

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this is only a partial understanding that the heart is responsible for the rest of the body, there is one more thing which actually governs the heart.

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And you know what that one thing is, the heart is responsible for the whole body, if the heart is pure, the whole body is pure. If the heart is straight, the whole body is straight. If the heart is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt. So we all say that we need to work on our hearts, which is very true.

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But this is only a partial understanding, we actually learn from the Hadeeth

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that there is one more thing, one more organ, one more limb of the body, one piece of flesh, which actually governs the heart,

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which is responsible for the corruption or the purity of the heart, and that is the tank.

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If the tank is pure, the heart is pure. And if the heart is pure, the rest of the body is pure. If the tank is corrupt, the heart is corrupt. If the hearts corrupt, the rest of the body is corrupt.

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Mia relates, Ethan is Muslim, that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Now is the theme of Mr. keema Calvo. What are you studying? Is the theme and Asana.

00:42:04 --> 00:42:15

Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, the faith that he man, the belief of a person of a servant will not be upright and straight, unless

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his heart is straight, and his heart will not be straight unless his tongue is straight.

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And that's exactly what this verse of the Quran means. Yeah, you're Latina, Amano, LA, oh believe a sphere La La kulu, Golden sadita and speak and upright and straight word. If you do so, what will allow Do you see, Malcolm, Allah will make good and pious your deeds.

00:42:43 --> 00:43:04

You guard your tongue alarm will ensure that the deeds of your body and your flesh and your limbs are straight, upright and thighs and virtuous. And the reverse meaning the inferred Converse meaning is that if you don't guard your tongue, the set the limbs of your body, your deeds will not be pious or pure.

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And there's even there's even a clearer Hadith. In these related by mom didn't mean to la hora

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de su la sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam says

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each morning

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when man rises every morning.

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All the limbs and organs of a person's body. They plead with argue with and remonstrate with the tongue. This is something that occurs each morning. Every morning when a person rises. Man or woman, that person's body, all the limbs of that person's body.

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They remonstrate with they debate with and they plead with the tongue.

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These are the words of the Hadith. And they say to the tongue, that means the hands the feeds, the ears, the eyes, the nose, and every the feet, every limb and organ of the body, even one's private parts. Every limb and organ of the body pleads with the tongue, same to the tongue, it tequila Safina for international big, famous the counter is to come now we're in our dish there which is not our tongue. Fear Allah regarding us for we are only as you are we stand as you stand. If you are straights we are straight. If you are bent we are bat.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:54

These are the words of the Hadeeth. Very, very clear. Each morning every limb of the body remonstrate with a person's tongue, same to the tongue or tongue, fear line in our regard fear law regarding us, for we are only as you all we only stand as you stand. If you are straight, we are straight. If you are bends, we are bends.

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That shows that yes, the heart governs that deal.

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needs of the body. But there is one thing that actually governs the heart. And that's the tongue. If the tongue is pure, the heart is pure. If the heart is pure, the entire body is pure. If the tongue is corrupt and sinful, the heart is corrupt and sinful. If the heart is corrupt and sinful, the entire body is corrupted.

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So before we speak about working on our inner spirituality, before we speak about reforming our hearts, and cleansing our hearts and purifying our hearts, which is all an obligation, undoubtedly, the first step towards reforming the heart and cleansing it and purifying it, is to purify the tongue to refine our speech to guard our speech.

00:45:49 --> 00:46:02

In a hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again he didn't mean the Ramadan lonely relates to the from Sophia McNab, the law, the law and he says, I said to the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or prophet of Allah.

00:46:05 --> 00:46:11

Give me some advice that I can adhere to give me some advice, that I can adhere to.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

00:46:17 --> 00:46:17

Amen to

00:46:19 --> 00:46:33

say, I believe in Allah. And having made that statement remains steadfast upon that statement. I then answer Fianna magdala says, I then asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all prophets of Allah.

00:46:35 --> 00:46:42

Ma, ha for LA. Are prophets of Allah? What is the thing that you fear the most for me?

00:46:43 --> 00:47:09

What is the thing that you fear the most for me? The sudo Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam These are the words of the Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam drew drew his tongue, drought his tongue, grabbed it with his fingers and pulled his tongue This is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he grabbed his tongue and pulled it and said this the most I fear for you is this the time

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this is the most I fear for

00:47:13 --> 00:47:18

and another Hadeeth very long later by say that I'm rather than a gentleman by the law in

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the suit of law, he says the law and this is recorded by ma'am Timothy as well as a man with a manager and his son and this is the wording of a manager

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say that I'm rather than a juggler the alarm or emphasize that one day I was riding with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So I saw an opportunity to go closer to become close to him. So I wrote it right next to him until my knees were touching his knees.

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My thighs were touching his thighs. And we roll closely. And I said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or prophets of Allah.

00:47:52 --> 00:47:54

Tell me one deed

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which will lead me to paradise

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and distance me from *.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:38

So say the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Omar, you have asked about a great thing indeed. One day that will lead you to paradise and save you from the hellfire. Indeed, you have asked about something great, but this is easy for whomever low wishes to make easy, make it easy. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a very long Hadees. He told him about Eman the Shahada, La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah about Salah about zecca about Hajj about fasting.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke to him about charity and about fasting again.

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And then he spoke to him about Salah in the middle of the night.

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And then right towards the end of the Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, oh,

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should I tell you one thing, which encompasses all of the above? What was the question then rather than the gibble with the love I'm asked him

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or prophets of Allah mulaney Allah Emily newtonians Jimena. We don't even have prophets of Allah show me one deed, which if I do, it will take me close to gentlemen will actually take me into gender and distance me from the fire Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, You've asked for something great. But indeed, it's easy for whomever law wishes to make it easy. And then he mentions all of these things. Eman, Shahada, La ilaha illAllah, Muhammad Rasulullah. prayer, fasting, Hajj, charity, fasting again, specifically the solar house in the middle of the night.

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And then right towards the end the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says, Omar

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Should I not tell you something now?

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encompasses all of this, all of the above.

00:50:04 --> 00:50:25

So the miners are gonna jump over the alarm said but I assume, of course our messenger of Allah, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam held his tongue. And he said, God, this, guard your tongue, Allahu Akbar. God your time this will encompass all of the above. So say that I'm Viola Juan exclaimed in surprise, Yasuda Allah

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will we be held to account for what we say and for the words that we

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say the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Omar, may your mother lose you? Don't you know? While you're coolness. Hakuna Safina Allah.

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Allah Hassan al Sen him, Omar, there is nothing. There is nothing else that flows that will throw people flat on their faces in the fire of gentlemen.

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than the harvest of their terms. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam termed it harvests

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that there is nothing that will be more responsible for throwing and flinging people flat on their faces in the fire of janam them the harvest of their tongues. And why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam use the term harvests? simple reason when when people harvest at the time of harvest, when people read and

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collect their crops and their vegetation, their properties, then the sifting and the distinguishing that all comes later, but at the time of the harvest, what do people do they reap everything, good, bad, ripe, raw,

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edible, inevitable. Everything comes in at the time of the harvest and only then is it all separated and the good is separately sifted from the bad. So the wisdom in using the term harvest is that this is what we do with our tongues, our tongues, harvest our words, reap our words, good, bad, polite, implant impolite, virtuous, sinful.

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And these will only be sifted and distinguished on the Day of Judgment.

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And therefore the best thing is for a person to God wants tongue God wants speech. There are many verses of the Holy Quran that continue with this topic. There are many Hadith also, and

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so many beautiful Hadith In fact, in one Hadith related by Steven Abu huraira de la Han, recorded by mumble mumble harinama Muslim Allah Halima both in so he pursued Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam says McCarney will be law who will Yami Earth him?

00:52:51 --> 00:53:12

Follow the Jara Omen Can you? Do me a favor for you cream lifer? Oman County, La Jolla Amil earthier for local Hayden Olia Smith Smith's okoma Palace, Allah love it, who seldom, Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, whether he believes in Allah, and in the final day, then lets him honor his guest.

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next sentence, whoever believes in Allah, and in the final day, let him not hurt and inconvenience his neighbor. And third sentence of wisdom, whoever believes in Allah, and in the final day, let him say something good, otherwise remain silent.

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There are so many other hobbies and so many other verses the holy What am I ended with this as it's time for Saudi Arabia. I pray that Allah Subhana Allah enable all of us to understand the words of Allah and is that a source of the law while he was making makers more conscious of our speech and about utterances, making makers amongst those who guard their tongues and who protect their tongues from the sins that Allah has mentioned in the Quran, slander line, backbiting, abuse, and all the other sins. Or Sullivan was in America after he bought a sword in the Vietnam hammered while he was beheaded main panic a lot more pemilik and shadow Allah Allah he learned in us the federal

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government at all.

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