Riyadul Haqq – Benefits of alt & Salm

Riyadul Haqq
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The speaker discusses the importance of listening to people who are distressed and distressed to avoid causing harm. They also mention the historical context of the Prophet sallama's teachings and the importance of following the instructions of the Prophet. The speaker emphasizes the need to address distressed people and avoid causing harm.

AI: Summary ©

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			Sometimes when we are distressed, we we just want someone to listen to us. That's all. We want to
get it off our chest. We want to share
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			the details of our misery misfortune with others, we just want a shoulder to cry on a shoulder to
lean on, someone to talk to someone who can listen to us. They don't even have to say much. But just
for them to lend an attentive ear, make us feel worthy, valuable,
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			cherished and important. And if they actually do utter a few words of solace and comfort, then
that's a bonus imagine, no matter how great our burden, and how acute our pain, one person's kind
words can do so much to repair and rectify the situation. And that's just one of the human beings.
Imagine how tranquil and how serene a person can feel, if loss of Hannah who were the other showers
His blessings is tranquility has serenity, his Skeena and His mercy on that individual.
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			Now, in light of that, listen to what the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam says, you're almost done
with the law. He says in a hadith, man salah, Aliya wa Heatherton sallallahu alayhi wa,
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			whoever sends one summer, just one solar upon me Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam says, Whoever
sends one solar upon me, Allah subhanho wa taala, Allah will send salah upon him 10 times.
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			So we say once for the prophets of Allah, honey who send them
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			in his words, Allah subhana who were to Allah will reward us with 10 salah.
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			And this is another unique point about this verse.
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			In the verse of surah Taha, which I began explaining at the beginning, in the Lahore Mala Attica who
Salone Alain Nebia Johan livina, Armando solo Alejo, Sunday mood sleep.
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			Verily Allah and His angels confer and shower their benedictions and salutations upon the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa salam O believers, you do it to
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			the message, the lesson the instruction isn't that we need to do this for the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam therefore you do it to
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			us all Allah had he has said Arthur was Saddam is no need no need whatsoever. of our Salat and salah
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			in fact,
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			Rasul Allah had a Serato Salam is in no need of the Salawat of the angels.
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			Because when ALLAH SubhanA, who with the Allah primarily, first and foremost, sends his Salat, and
salam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, is there any need for the angels to do it? Or for
the creation to do it? Is he in need of anyone Salah after the Salawat of Allah? Is he now? So why
do the angels do it? The angels do it by the command and the instruction of Allah and to follow what
Allah subhanho wa Taala does. So when Allah tells us Oh believers, you do it to Allah, He's not
asking us for a favor to the messenger. sallallahu alayhi wasallam No, Allah he's asking as I did
it, my angels do it because of me. Would you like to join for your sake?
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			And that's why the Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, Whoever sends one salah upon me, Allah
Allah sent 10 Salawat upon him 10
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			And there are many Hadith about this, not just one I just quoted the most famous hadith of Sahih
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			And in that same Hadith in Sahih Muslim which I quoted earlier about what we should say after a than
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says when he when you hear them or other than repeat what he
says and then say
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			and then since the Latin Salam salah upon me, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,
mon salah, Aliya Salatin, Sall Allahu alayhi, Bihar Ashura for whoever sends one salah upon me,
ALLAH SubhanA who would that and I will send 10 salah upon him. And that's in that same Hadith about
so every time we send one Salah to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah
showers 10 Salawat upon this
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			10 instances of mercy of tranquillity and it's not just one for 10. In a number of Hadith I won't go
through all of every single Hadith in detail. But collectively, what we learn from reliable
authentic hadith is that when a person sends one salah, upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wa
salam, Allah subhanahu wa to Allah sends 10 salah upon him. Allah forgives 10 of his sins, Allah
subhanho wa Taala either elevates him 10 ranks
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			for every Salah 10 sins are forgiven 10 He has elevated and raised by 10 ranks and Lawson's tensile
upon salons