Riyadul Haqq – Abundance Of Good A Tafsīr Of Sūrat ʾl Kawthar

Riyadul Haqq
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the importance of honor in a tribal society, where individuals were either part of a larger or smaller family. The discussion also touches on the historical context of the concept of honor, including the importance of women being given a second chance to make a decision and the historical context of the Prophet sallali wa sallam's teachings. The discussion also touches on the struggles of a foreigner named Luca vichara to achieve his goal of being the spiritual father of the entire world and provides resources for accessing educational resources.
AI: Transcript ©
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In horn stuff little horn over here want to talk about it.

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When are we learning and should audit and cinnamon so yeah, the Atma dinner I mean you have to hit level for that

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one want to shed on the home of the Navajo Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Baraka was seldom at the Sleeman Theatre in

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a mob Agatha was a bit lurking in the shade on every gene similar

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solara he was telling me a lot

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later I learned

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a lot from Nevada * humidity wa

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tada Ibrahim Juana

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moving on to the next order. It's very brief. The previous order to this and the next order moving backwards from the

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end of the Koran is suitable

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in its last panel with Allah says, Nana Rahim in Napoli inocle Goethe out of Southern Europe because somehow in the shanika who will?

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Indeed smilla rahmanir rahim in by the name of Allah the Most Gracious the merciful in our play narco Goethe or indeed we have given you

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a casa

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abundant good

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for slowly Lyrica one.

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Therefore, pray

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for the sake of your Lord, or pray to your old

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one, and sacrifice IE for your Lord in the shanika, who will, indeed your detractors,

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or the one who hates you in the Shani and indeed the one who hates you, who will, he is the one who is cut off.

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Again, the surah was revealed in Macedonia karma.

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And it's a Moroccan surah though some scholars are of the opinion that it was a Madani, sorta, but most agree that it's actually a macam saw. And that's shown by the backdrop to the revelation of the verse

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of the soul.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a victim of jibes and taunts and insults throughout his life, and especially in muckety muck around

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where these taunts and jibes weren't simply hurled at him in his absence, but rather to his noble face.

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Because these were the early days in Makkah,

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one of the insults hurled at him

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by more than one person

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such as allow signal while

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another person was optimal, be more I.

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Another one was more gentle. And another was actually is uncomfortable lab.

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One of the insults hurled at him was that he was tailed us,

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without lasting progeny, without surviving children, one who is cut off

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young without firm roots that will survive after him.

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And before I continue, we have to understand the mentality of the community and the society and the environment of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in which these words were delivered.

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The Arabs

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as I've said, on many occasions, I explained this in detail last week.

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The Arabs were a tribal society.

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There was no central authority, there was no government.

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It was a very primitive tribal society.

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an individual could not survive in that hostile, natural environment of the desert, as well as the hostile Society of the time. One could not survive as an individual. One had to be part of a larger group.

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In order to survive, otherwise, one was easy prey and victim.

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And that large group was not just one's immediate family, or a group of friends, even friends didn't matter.

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One had to be backed up by a very powerful group and one had to belong to a very powerful group. And that sense of belonging is universal, and eternal.

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Even today,

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everyone needs that sense of belonging, and that identity and that protection, although the nation has replaced the sense of belonging and identity, and the sense of protection from a tribe, in those days, there was no government, there was no state, there was no concept of a nation per se. People were unable to survive on their own, there were parts or they were part of a larger group. So each member, each individual was a member of the immediate family. That's where they drew their strength and their protection from and even that honor belongs to the family. So the family honor, there was no such concept of individual honor. Individual honor was family honor family, honor was individual.

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And the owner of the family was the owner of the clan and the owner of the clan was the owner of the family. And the owner of the clan was the owner of the tribe and the tribes honor was the owner of the clans, and so on.

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Maybe this is one of the reasons why the concept of honor is misunderstood.

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In any case, so the Arabs depended on their families, the families depended on the larger family, extended relatives, the extended family depended on the clan and the clan depended on the tribe. This meant everything.

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And only when we understand this, will we be able to appreciate some of the verses of the Koran even in this context?

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Well, last week's of making people

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a lot quotes some people in the Quran who speak about having

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more people, more sons boasting of sons.

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One thing, son,

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and this was a reason because the Arabs felt in a tribal society, that daughters could not protect them. In a violent society,

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where there were raids and battles,

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walls, endless feuding,

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where people carried weapons with them all the time.

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And where dishonor could only be avenged by battle,

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where a person's life, wealth and property could only be protected by violence.

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It was a violent society. And in that society, again, being dependent on other people, for protection, for strength and for authority, when it came to the individual individual, first of all depended on the immediate family and in the immediate family, for both wealth, income, and especially for physical protection, one depended on one's brothers

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and sons.

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And this is why the Arabs began to consider daughters a burden. And they prayed for hope for

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and aspire to male sons. For them, that was their pride. And this has condemned in in numerous verses, we don't have time to actually go into it. But we have to remember this context, that the Arabs valued sons over and above everything else, to the extent of expressing grief and shame, and actually hiding out of embarrassment, at the birth of adult because for them, a daughter has to be considered a bird. That's a boon.

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worthless, someone on whom they would have to spend and spend and spend only for the adult daughter to marry and then go and live and serve someone else.

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So this is why the practice of infanticide of burying their daughters alive became

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well, that this practice was known to the Arabs. It wasn't that widespread. It wasn't that common, but amongst some of the tribes, it did happen. And the Koran condemns that. And in fact, in some of the verses as a latsis way that was shut up.

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Vanilla, which was what the wahaca lien is about amin, amin, Sue, Mr Boucher de Cicco, who are the huning amidu, Soho Fedorov, Allah says

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that, when one of them Allah describes us, the scene very vividly when one of them is given the glad tidings of a daughter.

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The Birth of a daughter, the lover to whom was swept in his face darkens, waka viene, whilst he represses his angry grief, yet, while I'm in the home, he hides from the people and sue him I will share a bit because of the disaster of the news that he has been given. Are you sick water hooning thinking to himself, should he hold on to the girl

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to the newborn with disgrace and used to forfeit throb?

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Or should he thrust her into the ground?

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But as my mood lightens reverse by saying, low evil indeed is the judgment they make about their daughters.

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And then another verse

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31. Law belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, your local nyesha he creates what he wishes. Yeah, believe in your show in Africa. He gives to me He wills girls, were humbled to me a shell of the court, and he gives to whom He wills, sons, always origin for granted know what enough. All he gives to them both girls and boys.

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And then the lions reverse by saying

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and he makes him ever he wishes Baron.

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So this is a last choice and gift girls, only boys only girls and boys are no children at all. We don't possess the capacity with our feeble minds to understand the decree and the wisdom of Allah. But

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having said that, and in that environment in that context, look at the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married meaning Khadija Harold the Allahu Allah.

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And then

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his first daughter was Xena. The first child was adult.

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And then,

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according to a number of reports

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well he had four daughters, Zina, Rocha,

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and Fatima

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and, at some time in between

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afters a number of the alarm rang her and possibly before or after a failure and between your mobile phone

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and possibly thereafter, but definitely not after a faulty model the alarm on her in those early years in Makkah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had at least two boys two sons

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was a first

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and this is why the

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Konya have Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was able to pass and father of us. And his first son was caught in born after Xena but not before. So his first child was a daughter. And when our son was born,

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our son died in his infancy.

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And then late

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when his next son was born,

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Abdullah who was also known as by hidden blieb, when Abdullah was born

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again he died in his infancy

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and thus the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was left only with daughters.

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And in that primitive tribal society, which valued some for protection, and for carrying on the family honor, and for carrying the family flag in that kind of society, the chieftains of the orange, some of them were many sons. They actually chose this point also to towards the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to say of him that he had only daughters, and he had no male sons that survived, and that both his male sons died in infancy past him and Abdullah also on a slide and

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so they actually use this as a taunt, which they hurled against the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he has no sons. He has no sons, who will carry on his mission. He has no sons, who will continue with his family honor. He has no sons who will carry the family

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flag. He has no sons, who will convey his message after him. He has no sons who will continue

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His family tradition and lineage after him and that his daughters will disperse into other households and that his progeny, his life, his line, his bloodline will come to an end.

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And at the same time, many of them have been blessed with strong, sturdy warrior like sons numerous.

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So, this is what they said of the messenger. So Lola Riley who sent them and as I said, it wasn't just one person who taunted him because of the

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his lack of

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male children surviving males children will gel taunted him

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taunted him,

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allow signal while taunted him, or the chieftains of the rage taunted him.

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In fact, we learn from various narrations that some of the chieftains of

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the motherly

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populace that was against him, also taunted him because of the lack of his male surviving sons.

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So in answer to that, a lot comfort to them.

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After all, the prophets was a human being.

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And he did greed. He was saddened.

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He was at times overwhelmed by the opposition.

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because of his human nature, he was saddened, he was grieved. He was hurt, he was pain.

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But again and again, Allah comforted him granted him solace and strength. And that momentary human suffering of pain of grief was always overcome by the power of Revelation.

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Indeed, everyone agrees that social capital in which we just discuss

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was revealed in Makkah. In the early years, there's no disagreement about that.

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And although I didn't mention this at the time, to speak about the strength of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was calm. He never spoke loudly.

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He wasn't loud or violent, all the ciphers in his speech. He wasn't aggressive. He wasn't forceful. He wasn't forthright. He wasn't overbearing in any way.

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And he stood alone.

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he fathered own he had only daughters, undoubtedly.

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He had no brothers, no sisters,

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was born without a father, in the sense that when his his father had passed away, during his mother's pregnancy, and when he entered when he came into this world, he came into this world in such a state that his father wasn't there.

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I don't mean he was born with something someone actually suggested. But

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when I say he was born with that, Father, am I speaking of its of unimac immaculate conception of a virgin birth, no.

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Muslims do not believe that. But the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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His father had died and left this world during his mother's pregnancy. And when he was born, his father wasn't there.

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That's what I mean when I say he was born without a father.

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No brothers or sisters and his mother died when he was six years old. That's how he grew up. And even now,

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no brothers, no sisters, no parents, and only daughters no sense.

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And in Makkah, he stood up with a message.

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When he proclaimed that message, of the oneness of worship of the oneness of Allah, he was opposed.

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The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at that time wasn't a leader. He wasn't even the chief of his clan.

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And his immediate family consisted only of his wife and his daughters, and an adopted son, as even the hardest. And a son, who he had looked after, but who was actually his cousin brother.

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That was his immediate family.

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It wasn't even that he was only the head of that family. It wasn't the chieftain of the of a clan, or even of the tribe, might even have a clan. And yet when he stood up with this message, imagine his strength. He spoke softly, calmly, never vociferously and totally non violent.

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Yet when he stood up,

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he told or Ah, he told the whole of Macau

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He told him that your worship is wrong.

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Your idols are helpless. Your idols are not worthy of worship of your devotions.

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They argued with him, they contested.

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They debated with him. They offered him compromises. And when they offered him a compromise, have

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you worship our gods for one year along with us, and then the year after, we will collectively worship your God?

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What was his reply?

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Apparently being so weak, the head of only a family having only daughters, no sons, no brothers,

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the son of Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up to them and in reply to the offer of compromise, he said to them, all Yeah, are you Hello, Garfield, say, oh, disbelievers.

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I do not worship what you worship and you do not worship what I worship. And I am not wanting to worship what you worship, and You are not ones to worship, what I worship for you is your religion for me is my religion does that spike of weakness.

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So, he wasn't weak at all.

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And the sign of strength is not marked by the number of symptoms.

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In fact, current research and you can go and look up look this up, actually suggests that

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men who are

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resilient and strong

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often produce often father, daughters, girls

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and the mention

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soldiers, leaders.

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Those who are highly driven, highly motivated, high achievers.

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Just one of those things, go and check it up.

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haven so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was considered weak.

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Tail us that was the term of the tail us without surviving progeny. Without surviving children, someone whose bloodline is going to come to an end and this is what they used to taunt him.

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So, as I was saying earlier, before I mentioned sort of Garfield once again, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a human being, and he was at times he was pained and grieved and hurt by these insults, jibes and taunts. But he was always comforted and consoled by Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala said to him when his enemies spoke ill of him by taunting him about the death of his sons, or the lack of surviving sons, and that he will never have surviving sons and that his mission His prophets heard his claim, his message, his family, his lineage, his bloodline, and his family will all come to an abrupt end, because he is cut off he is tasteless.

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When they turn to them, this Allah consoled him with the words in their outline, nurgle colfo, or prophets of Allah, indeed we have given you abundance, we have given you good in abundance, so much. A gospel means good in abundance,

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abundance good

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and that includes everything does not lie say to him in sort of the way

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that we found you an orphan, and we gave you shelter, we found you in search and we guided you.

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And we found you in need, and we enriched you.

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Allah gave him so much.

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All of that was from a golfer the abundance good that love bestowed upon him. Allah granted him a golfer abundance good in the world, as well as abundance good in the Hereafter, and the abundant good in the hereafter. In fact, Allah says to him,

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Well, a sofa erotica, Boca Fatah, soon Allah will give you until you are content

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until you are content, Allah will continue to give

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and Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not want in the world, what he wanted was in the hereafter for his ummah.

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Allah says we have been given we have given you abundance good and part of that good in the Hereafter is

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the river of

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mammals Muslim and Mr. Hardy and so many others what a man Muslim bracket and luckily, what we learn from him, Muslim many other howdy that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has told us

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is a collective meaning of all of these authentic narrations that Allah has granted him a river

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a river in the hereafter. That river

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is known as El Gotha.

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he's described it in many ways one of the famous descriptions alone in his own words of the river of Gemma which which will be like a pump.

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And as wells, and watering holes, and large palms, and even rivers, where people leave their containers in order to collect the water and drink. So he repeats again and again in a number of Hadith. And the two who gathered in ojou sama, that the cups of the river of Gotham, are equivalent to the stars of the heaven.

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And in other how the earth authentic how the earth is described the river as having a gulf or as having banks, of gems, pearls, the

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soil, and the riverbed of golpo, is a fragrant musk.

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the taste of that water is sweeter than honey,

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and the pebbles over which the water of Golgotha runs, creating that unique and soothing sound. The pebbles themselves are emeralds and pearls, very elaborate description. This is all from authentic hadith. In any case, this Gautham indeed, it's his it's been colder Gulf or it's been called the river of gopher. And in one of the prophets of Allah hiding, some says that

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people will approach a gopher and the angels will pull them out, they will be dragged out, away, pushed away from our gopher and I will say to the angels These are people of my own. And the angels will say to him in reply, they are not of your mama, you do not know what they did after you. So

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I'll go there is indeed a river of gentlemen. But a golfer is actually a part of the overall abundance good which Allah has given him. So I'll go through doesn't just mean the river. The river is part of the abundant good that Allah has bestowed upon him. So in our in our culture, indeed we have bestowed abundance good on you. So in gratitude for suddenly Arabic 100 pray for the sake of your Lord and sacrifice for the sake of your Lord. Quite simply, again, he's been told, make your worship and your sacrifice distinct to the worship and the sacrifice of the pagans, the pagans, what was there

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manner of praying Allah describes it

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in sort of blown file, or Makana salado in debate in the mocha Amato Slayer and their prayer around the house of Allah, the pay the prayer of the pagans around the house of Allah was nothing but whistling and clapping. That would actually dance. When they did the laugh around the Gaga. It was a strange combination of circumambulation of performing the wire from circling the garba along with whistling and dancing,

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and hooting and wailing,

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very undignified

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sort of last panel horadada. So in contrast to that for suddenly the Arabic prayer for the sake of your Lord, and that's why the and the I and they would sacrifice for the sake of that idols. So Allah says, sacrifice for the sake of your Lord. And indeed, this is something when we look at the

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the serenity and the dignified posture and composure of believers standing in Salah. Just that site in itself is soothing.

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watch a video

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with its recitation prayer with its recitation

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around the GABA in

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total silence.

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Heads lowered, eyes downcast

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multitude standing in humility in unison

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with total dignity, silence and composure

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And then the graceful unified bowing, rising and falling into frustration

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without any choreography

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five times a day and in Ramadan even more,

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all attentively listening to one recite, reciting for the sake of Allah, reciting the words of Allah the speech

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and compare that to other scenes.

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The dignity, the serenity, the composure, the calming soothing effect,

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in clear contrast.

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So, Allah says for solid Arabic 100, pray for the sake of your Lord and sacrifice, ie for the sake of your Lord, make your prayer and your sacrifice for the sake of Allah, just as Allah tells the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam again sort of done

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well in the Salafi wanna Saki or my Yo mama de la

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la sharika Obeidallah komeito muslimeen. Allah commands him that say, indeed, my Salah my prayer, when a Sookie and my acts of worship, which include sacrifice, or Maha yoga, Matthew, in my living and my dying, are all for the sake of the Lord of the worlds. He has no partner.

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And this is what I have been commanded to do. What an old one honestly mean and I'm the first of the Muslims of those who submit. So Allah tells him in gratitude for the abundant good, which Allah has bestowed on you, pray for the sake of your Lord, pray to your Lord, sacrifice only for the sake of your Lord, then Allah in this very short surah, of just three verses, with the words in the shanika, who will, indeed again, consoling him, the first constellation is that Allah has given you abundance good, therefore, show gratitude. And do not worry about these, towards these insults. His jobs, do not worry. They say that you are the one who will have no progeny. They say you are the one whose

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bloodline will come to an end, they say that you are the one who is cut off, who is tasteless, who will have no survivors.

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In fact, they would even say that his memory will come to an end. So Allah says in the shanika, who will be the one who hates you? He is the one who is cut off mochi.

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And that's what happened.

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The chieftains of the brush

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with their private guards and their private armies, and they're mercenaries and their wealth and their power and their influence, which extended to the courts of Byzantine wrong and to Abyssinian, and to Abyssinia and even Persia.

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These chieftains of the Rh perished. Today, there is no memory.

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And they're survivors if they did survive, where themselves were the followers of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu. It was something he had no surviving sons. And that's why Allah says of him in the earning sortable Azov, Magana Mohammedan about heading middleaged alikum. Indeed, Mohammed is not the father of any men amongst you.

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Indeed, he is only the father of surviving daughters, and even his daughters died during his life. Only one daughter survived, in fact, the model the loved one, and six months after he left the world she left to join.

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He saw death and bereavement throughout his life. So Mohammed is not the father of any of the men amongst you will argue rasulillah or have been, but rather he is a messenger of Allah, and the seal of the prophets.

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He did not have a one surviving son, he had billions

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does not Lastly, and maybe you're all having money in him and unforeseen was wired to home to home. The profits is closer to the believers in their own souls, and his wives or their mothers. He is if his wives are their mothers, by law, it's forbidden for them to marry them, but also his wives or their mothers. This makes him the spiritual father of the whole.

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And in fact, the sons and daughters of that loved him have always loved him and will continue to love him more than they actually love their own parents. And he saw that in his own lifetime. I'm delighted to say that all the chieftain of the hypocrites in Medina taunted the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his son Abdullah, the son of Abdullah have not even a single father and

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Some had same name is some Abdullah Abdullah nobody, even a son all came to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and actually said to him in a large company, he said, O Messenger of Allah,

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the words that my father has, has uttered

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about you

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have reached my ears, or messenger of Allah, if you wish.

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I will present the head of my father to

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, do not say anything.

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And before he actually set up the line, or even it's all said, O Messenger of Allah, the people of Medina know that there is no son more devoted and more loyal to his father than I am to my father, but our messenger of Allah, if you as much as signal I will present my father's head to and he said,

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the enemies of the messenger who taunted him for not having sons saw their own sons go over to him.

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Unbelievable. mahira saw his first son.

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And although he didn't survive, to see his other son, Harley Davidson will either have the love and joined the prophets of Allah highly sent them. And that was the case with so many of them. their sons and their daughters went over to the messenger. So although he did not have mail issue of his own that survived, the oma in its multitude, became his children, spiritual children.

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So in the Shani alcohol chapter, and far from indeed, it's your detractor, the one who hates you, who will be cut off far from the memory of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being extinguished. A lot told him what a fan because they taunted him. They said, not only will his bloodline come to an end, his memory will fade. No one will remember Mohammed, the son of Abdullah, who was born an orphan who lived an orphan whose mother died when he was six who had no brothers or sisters. What no surviving male sons whose daughters dispersed and went up to different households.

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They said such a man, no one will remember him his memory will fade from his memory fading. Allah said to him in sort of what a fan like a thick rock and we have elevated your manche debris you came to him at his salon and said to him, O Messenger of Allah, when Allah says what a foreigner look at the look of the croc, we have elevated your mentioned, do you know what he means? The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no alayhis salam said to him, Allah has taken it upon himself, that never will his name dimensioned except that your name will also be mentioned in conjunction with the name of Allah.

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And we've seen that

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in Salah

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in prayer, in the

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Arabic beginning of the speech at the end of the speech, in gatherings, in prayer, in pilgrimage,

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coming into the world of Iran is given in the ear of the child.

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When a person leaves this world leaves this world Joseph has prayed over him salado janazah and even when he is lowered into the grave, Bismillah milliliter of sorella In the name of Allah and upon the religion of the messenger of

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being born, dying, marrying

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up moments of joy, sorrow, and in prayer every single day, we hear the name of the Messenger of Allah and even if someone chooses not to mention it, for even those who would want to defy the mention of his name, when the call to prayer goes out,

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even to those who don't wish to pray.

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The more I've been says Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allah but Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, a shadow under Mohammed rasulillah sugar.

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So what a foreigner Luca vichara, we have elevated your mentioned far from his bloodline coming to an end, far from his memory fading. Allah has made his mention eternal law has elevated it, and his no male sons may have survived him. But

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who is there who wouldn't want to be?

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Who wouldn't want to be called the son of the messenger of

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the sons of his tormentors and detractors went over to

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the daughters of his detractors went over to him and actually married him.

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Rama, the daughter of Abu Sufyan

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Sophia the daughter,

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and so on.

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This brings us to the end of sort of little gold. I pray the last panel enables us to understand the words of Allah

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sallallahu wasallam and after he was sworn in to be announced, that he will be here it means Chronicle love and welcome the commissioner will lay there La Land.

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This lecture was delivered by sheer abuse of rattle Huck, and has been brought to you by alkota Productions. For additional lectures and products, please visit www.ak store.com. We can also be contacted by phone on double zero double 4121 double 713 triple seven or by email via sales at ak store.com. produced under license by alkota Productions. All rights reserved for alkota Productions and the author. any unauthorized distribution, broadcasting or public performance of this recording will constitute a violation of copyright.

Following the death of the sons of the Noble Messenger SAW, the disbelievers taunted him saying he is without any lasting progeny. They implied his bloodline and mission had ended and thus he was weak without family honour and a memorable legacy. The Messenger of Allah was extremely saddened and grieved by these remarks.

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