Riyadh Walls – Taraweeh Talk Only (12th March 2024)

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The use of " gifts" and the concept of "poe's" or "The light of a d union" are highlighted in relation to the use of fasting as a means to achieve a potential. The use of light as a means to achieve a potential is emphasized, along with the importance of fasting for rebuilding our hearts and minds. The segment also touches on the use of light as a means to achieving a potential, and how it can be used to achieve a potential.
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I'm not mistaken Malena for Luke's father Idris Giri, Alhaji Idris
kitty, he passed away when
2009 So that is 16 years ago 15 years ago, 15 years ago and he
would have been 75 years old today and more or less mother who's
still alive, who is
anti Fatima. Anti fatty Mercury inshallah hamdulillah don't grant
her long life in others obedience and Allah grant Molina's father
and all our beloved disease. Allah subhanaw taala granting all a high
place in general I mean, I mean Europe inshallah we make dua at
the end of the hour topsy turvy in the light Allah.
This will lower hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah wa the
early he was a happy woman who will never back once again to
Santa Monica Morocco Tula here to Carlo to Baraka Isla Chiquita
disease, but I'm gonna show it on your budget.
Yeah, you heard ADINA, I'm gonna put diva Aliko Mercia, mocha
cookie by the lady naming publikum La La Quinta del sol de
Soto, back Baqarah verse 183. We heard this, I have been recited
tonight, and I in which we hear every year but maybe in sha Allah
to Allah we can look at it from a slightly different angle.
Remember, every night every night, we are going to keep our brothers
and sisters in Gaza and in a difficult Serbia in the West Bank,
wherever they might be suffering not just in Palestine but wherever
they might be suffering in the world. We are going to keep them
right in center, right in front of us and center in our lives. In all
our two hours. It Allah subhanaw taala bring an end to the
suffering and that in sha Allah Allah can witness the unity of the
Allah Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and the return of the greatness
that this ummah once represented, continue higher on
dialysis, you are the best nation raised up for mankind. Morona Bill
Maher Have you enjoyed the good or 10 Hona Animoca and you prohibit
the evil took me no no biller and you have faith in Allah subhana wa
Tada. So everything we are going to attach Inshallah, as we
introduced the topic last night that Allah is watching. That's our
theme for this year. Allah is watching in narangba, Kabil. Musa,
Allah sees everything that the servants are doing. And Allah
subhanaw taala if we don't make right, Allah is going to take all
of us to class. If we don't make right, if we don't reform, if we
don't do join the good if we don't stand up and speak the truth,
speak against tyranny and oppression and genocide, then
Allah is going to take us all to task, Allah subhanaw taala guide
and protect us all I mean, so this particular verse, Allah subhanaw
he says,
Oh, those of you who believe interesting the believers could.
Indeed fasting has been prescribed for you. Come by cookie, Valentina
and publikum, just like it was prescribed on those who came
before you. Learn the contact record, in order that you might
develop. taqwa. What is Taco, taco comes from the word with chi,
which means a shield.
Because a person who has Taqwa is a person who is in constant awe
of Allah subhanaw taala. A person who is taqwa is a person that is
constantly mindful of Allah subhanaw taala. A person who has
Taqwa is a person that is constantly being careful
of how Allah subhanaw taala sees this.
A person who has Taqwa is a person that is always placing between
themselves and everything that which would bring upon them
displeasure of Allah, they are placing a shield between them
and the displeasure of Allah subhanaw taala it's like, like the
poet when he says, are a darker dunya mafia family cannot see
posse her badania for laserLine FC
cure darker for the Aqsa ammonia for Nadira to Minca, Yasukuni wire
Emily fatale Illumina Yamuna dunya mafia,
he says, You being pleased with me Oh Allah, and like the Arabs they
say they are awful things are known by the opposites. So if you
are constantly shedding shielding if you start with myself, if we
are constantly shielding ourselves from Allah's displeasure, by
default we are only seeking His pleasure
So the poet's is your pleasure. You being pleased with me, oh
Allah is more important to me than the dunya and everything in it. Oh
ye who owns all the souls, the righteous and the righteous, the
righteous and the Richard. For indeed there is no greater goal
for any soul. Then attaining your pleasure. So one divine gaze of
your pleasure for another Dominica? Yes. Oh, the one from
whom I ask all my needs, while you're Emily, and oh, the one in
whom I place all my hopes for you lay him in a dunya mafia is more
important to me than the dunya everything.
Now what's one of the ways that we can attain this Taqwa?
What's one of the ways in which we can attain this shield of Allah
consciousness to be constantly in awe of Allah subhanho wa taala.
One of the greatest ways
is through the burden of so let me first say that all the burden is
full. It's always fun to dialysis. The beginning of Surah Baqarah we
heard this verse that was one of dialysis uns documented the
Halacha Mala.
Oh, mankind worship your Lord, Who created you and those who came
before you, in order that you might develop taqwa in order that
you might be conscious and mindful of him, in everything you do, in
everything you say, everywhere you go each and every single day. So
all activities are to develop Allah consciousness, but the one
act of everybody that is unlike all the other actors, and this is
what the Prophet said said listen, let me see if I can be so for
inshallah. Allah, fast because there's nothing like fasting. In a
hadith. The Prophet said, Salam Salam did Allah says,
for inner Hooli
all of the actions of mankind are for him, or for them, him or her
doesn't matter. All of the actions of mankind are for them to have
they have a party in for themselves. And they reflect on
this they say that what this means is that there is potential for
show in making solid this potential for show in giving Sucka
this potential for show in going on Hajj.
And we ask Allah subhanaw taala hamata Hill alumina min Anika
where AnnaLena winner Ria synthon MLK, O Allah cleans our hearts of
hypocrisy. And our actions have shown
the profits it's a loss in
the thing that I fear for you most is the minus share.
Sahaba was what is the minus shift? O Messenger of Allah, He
said, to show up in your actions, because what that means is on the
day of Kiama, when we go to Allah for our rewards for actions, Allah
will point us to the people that we showed off to go to take your
reward from them. Because when you worship Me, you worship me to show
off to them.
Not make use of those who show up. But there's one everybody in which
you cannot show.
It's not possible. I mean, did you see anybody going around to look
at pricing for that?
Nobody knows except a Lowe's. for it. No Who needs fasting is only
for me, and I am the one that regard that gives the reward for
the fasting person, and there's a problem and then the Prophet said
some Salam was so much and fasting is a shield. So fasting is that of
all the Ibadat that helped us to develop Allah consciousness.
Fasting is the best one. And why quite simply because from truth on
the sitting of the sun, we are in a constant state of the Chroma.
Somebody comes to you and says, Would you like a cup of tea? Would
you like it says,
somebody may wish to argue with you
in that same Hadith for either kind of younger so me I had the
in him, I saw him
and if any of you are fasting on any particular day of the fast,
then do not engage in any obscenity of vulgarity. And do not
engage in any confrontation or argumentation. And if anybody
insults the fasting person or wants to fight with the fasting
person, then let them say, I am fasting. So it's a perpetual a
burden. It's a perpetual and constant state of consciousness
Mindfulness and offer Allah subhanaw taala. And that is why it
has such a profound effect. And especially for 29 or 30 days,
every single year, it's an opportunity to renew and to
restore that shield of Taqwa.
And because remember,
fasting is not only connected with chocolate, but fasting is also
connected with some of
the profits. It's a loss. A Sabra Innisfil email, patience and
perseverance. This is half of all faiths. And in another Hadith, he
said, a sub
a soul.
That fasting is half of patience and perseverance. So that means
fasting is 1/8 of our entire faith.
But through fasting, we're going to be able to develop patience and
perseverance. Even in the most difficult and darkest of times, we
will be able to preserve our faith. Like we have seen our
brothers and sisters in
losing everything, all the loved ones. And right now, many of them
starving when a year to biller Allah subhanaw taala Allahumma Zhu
Amin Amin cofe era
will defeat them and give them drinking Grantham safety and
security honorable Alameen.
But to supper is the thing that is saving them was sabe Nina filled
back sir, you will
pass ole Kalinina Sadako.
Listen to this verse. Listen to this verse I was one of fantasies.
And as for those who are patient and persevere
during the time of poverty, during the time of ill health, and during
the time of war, they are those who have fulfilled the covenant
with Allah. And they and they alone are the Moutoku those who
are truly mindful of Allah.
let us take this opportunity to restore our shields of Taqwa that
cover our hearts and preserve our iman it has exercise patience and
perseverance in the obedience of Allah. Patience and perseverance
in abstaining from the disobedience of Allah and patience
and perseverance through this very difficult time that the whole OMA
is going through
and that we raise up our hands and with all our rebar and with all
our hierarchy with all our worship and with all our goodness yeah
Allah Allah Houma. unzila
early Philistine Rama Chicka
Wah gonna cut what nasaka nuts
but I mean, Allah subhanaw taala causes to see the Liberation of
Palestine and mercy in our lifetime.
Europe and Alameen wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad earlier safilo
vertical Salim
Al Hamdulillah Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam Wa alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh