Riyadh Walls – Taraweeh Talk ‘ A night of forgiveness

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the seven most productive clothing and behavior during Islam's nights, including the seven major trafficking of major trafficking, and the importance of forgiveness and avoiding sin. The segment also touches on the importance of forgiveness and avoiding sin, as well as a woman who was infamous for reciting a Bible and found her in a bath. The segment also touches on the importance of forgiveness and avoiding sin, as well as a woman who was killed by Jesus during a prophets' nightly charges and accusations of bribery.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah early he was

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a happy woman who Allah I'm about to Michael Messina Salam alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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i shutaura de la vie I'm gonna call it call to your Rasulullah

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are eight in Ireland to a year late in Laila to Padre Morocco

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lluvia kala Kohli Allahumma in Macau foon to hibel Alpha Ferragni

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this hadith narrated by eyeshadow Dlo Tabata, Kota, so difficult to

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pin to Sadiq, she said O Messenger of Allah, if I had to know what

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night The Night of Decree really Trochanter if I to know what night

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little cuddle is, what should I say during it? So our beloved

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Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam said, say, Kohli Allahumma in

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Krakow foon. To humble alpha, for me. Oh Allah, indeed, you are the

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Forgiver you love to forgive. So forgive me.

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Is tomato Muslimeen. Tonight, being the 27th night is one of

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those nights that we even more specifically are going to search

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remember, we do not know for sure. So we are searching the last 10

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Nights, more specifically in the odd nights, and more specifically

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the prophecy for Manyata Holla Holla Holla Holla let us a very

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machine and whoever is searching for it and let him search for it

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on the 27th night. So, if it is tonight,

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what would she What would we be busy busying ourselves with under

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What should we be saying on the site?

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And I've titled this talk

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a night of forgiveness, because this is what we should be aiming

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for in this night.

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When we turn to Allah subhanaw taala and we say Allah Houma in

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the cow foon to herbal alpha for me, you see if Allah subhanaw

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taala gives us the Alfia of the dunya that means all of us wanted

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to Allah will envelop us in His mercy and enriches of His favors,

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and save us from His punishment on the dunya and if He gives us His

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Althea, if he gives us his awful in the Hereafter, then inshallah

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Tada as we spoke the other night would attain that ultimate success

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from 100 and in nerdy what would you kill a janitor packet The

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first is saved from the fire and entered into paradise then they

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are successful.

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So, tomato assuming no long talks tonight. This is the night way we

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should be standing for the night salah.

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We're making salata tarawih then inshallah maybe if you want to

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take some sleep thing stand up for Salah tahajjud and stand in front

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of Allah subhanaw taala and beseech the Mercy of Allah

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subhanaw taala beseech the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw

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taala Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam says, Man, chama

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Leila tell Kadri Iman and 47 or COVID Allahumma taka demean them

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be whoever stands for the night pray

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on little other

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Eman and work discernment with true faith in Allah seeking reward

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from Allah, then all the past sins will be forgiven Allah and which

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sins of course, the minor sins automatically.

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And the major sins the cardinal sins with Toba, the cardinal sins

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with Toba. Of course, we know that

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in accordance with the authentic hadith the role of a prophet

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Muhammad Salah Salem which is denoted by both le Mojari and Le

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my Muslim sorry Hi Nina ba Salah Salem and no call each Tinubu a

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sub l mobile caught Yanni and mulaqat stay away from the seven

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cardinal sins in fact, a mobile card means I'll Malika the

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destructive sins

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Mahonia rasool Allah what are the destructive sends a messenger of

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Allah kala shoulda coulda Allah to associate partners in the wish for

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Allah. That's number one was Sir Blackmagic Pocket enough's Lydia

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Hara Mala 11 Huck and to take a life except with a just cause.

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Like for example, in the case of somebody committing a murder and

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get taken into the court and eminence is produced. And Accardi

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asks the family of the victim if they want the compensation to be

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paid and they say no they want

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the sauce when a conflict associate well welcome Phil Kasasa

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hire to near will adverb indeed in life for a life there is life.

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So it's under these circumstances then it is permissible for the

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murderous life to be taken. That's what is meant here by Elavil Huck.

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So what are the possible Ubercart the seven destructive sins,

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Association of partners in the worship of Allah, black magic,

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taking a life unjustly accused robber,

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consuming interest, a camellia team

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taking the money of an orphan, what one law what a worldly

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Yamazaki and running away from the battlefield and cultural

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mercenary, Rafi let me not and also falsely accusing chaste woman

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of promiscuity, of a deed of adultery or fornication. These are

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the seven most destructive sins of seven cardinal sins, even our

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Bearss that in terms of the major sins,

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if we are to separate them into two categories, the minor sins in

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the major sense in terms of the overall number of major sins, He

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says they are a crop. And Johan acabo is a severe and he says

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they're closer to 70. Now because we have things like, you know,

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gambling and sugar hammer consuming and toxic guns, and

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stealing, and you know, so there are many, in fact, you know, take

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the time, look up the cardinal sins in Islam, you will find there

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are sites that will give you the will number them 70. In fact, in

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one rewire, even versus Illa, Serbia, you know, to 700 So, don't

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just take it there are only seven major sins, these are the most

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destructive of the cardinal sins of the major sins, but there are

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more major sins that we must be that we must be careful of. And if

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we can stay away, I mean, Tonight is a night of forgiveness. And

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if anybody has committed any of the major sins, we know that

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the show root of October the conditions of repentance are for

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three between us and Allah and one between us and and the creation,

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three between us and the creator. I declare I need them to stop it

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has been doing wrong, let them type to regret having done it, or

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the majority lady and and to make intention not to do it again.

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Those were those three conditions. Allah subhanaw taala is prepared

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to forgive us for any sin. But Major and Minor minor sins have

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forgiven automatic like on this night, my innocence automatically

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forgiven. In fact, minus sins.

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If we look for example,

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our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem says in a hadith that

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from from one Ramadan to one Ramadan from one Salah to another

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Salah from one Jamar to another Jamar. He says cafardo to Lima by

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Norma is a penance for all the minus sins for all the minuses

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that come in between

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here's the Hadith in Sahih Muslim or Muslim Allah be ready to Rajala

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to barakaatuh and he will call Hello Rasulullah sallallahu

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Salawat to comes will Juma to either Giamatti or Ramadan Ramadan

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mocha FIRA to Medina Hoonah either to Neva Tilka if he says that the

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five daily prayers from one Salah to another Salah if you if anybody

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had to make a small son in between

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the Salawat then the by the next when they make the next Salah and

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that sin is forgiven in the light and also the dynasties in the

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Hazara to use him to say it indeed good deeds wipe away bad deeds

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or whatever profits are someone who says what are the Vinny gerbil

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to Yemen as a party as a judge in his or her limb as a teacher? He

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said to me I'm what? Tequila Hi sama could Wilds be mindful of

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Allah wherever you are. Seattle Hi, Senator Tom haha, and follow

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up a bad deed with a good one. It'll wipe it out. There's the

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minuses, you know, good deeds wipe away minor bad deeds. But if it's

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a major sin, then Toba, Tennessee, Ohio, I'm going to Illallah

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Hilbert and for those of you will believe, repent to Allah sincere

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repentance when it's over tender, so how to stop what you've been

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doing wrong to regret having done it and to make consistency

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intention not to do it again. That's the three conditions

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between us and the creator.

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other condition between us in the creation if we have hurt somebody,

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either you know emotionally psychologically physically we've

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taken something from somebody who says right rightfully belong to us

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then we have to ask that person mask my mouth and return that

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object to its rightful owner unless one metallics prepared to

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forgive us all our sins. So

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in order to be forgiven for all lessons on the site

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or as we've been searching, you know, for little color in any of

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these last 10 Nights, then we should make the new year of

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October to NASA, if we have committed any major sets of

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minuses inshallah automatically will be will be forgiven when

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comma Ramadan, Iman mon sama Ramadan, Eman and rocky seven

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Micklefield Allahumma taka Demeter The same applies for the fasting

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it will foster Ramadan with true facing the world from Allah or the

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Parsons will be forgive automatically the minuses.

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Man When karma Ramadan salata, Roy, man, karma Ramadan Iman Irati

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seven goofier Allah hamata cardamomum Somebody, whoever

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stands for the night pray in Ramadan with true faith seeking

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work from Allah, or the past sins will be forgiven the minuses

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automatically. And then little cutter man come on a little cadre,

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Imani 47 Rufina Lahoma, tuck them in the stands for the night pray

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with true faith seeking word from Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will

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forgive all the parcels. So hamdulillah the minuses are going

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to be you know, wiped away automatically, most important that

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we make near for October 10 NASA and if you make that near Allah,

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you know, I think of the story of fidelity Marriott who used to be a

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highway robber Allahu Akbar. And he was infamous in Baghdad and the

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Khalifa of the time it put a price on his head and all that

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further, should be captured dead or alive.

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And he was a master of disguise. And one night he was on his way to

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run the view with his with his sweetheart. And the you know if

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one is busy with one type of haram, it's easy to busy with to

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be busy with another type of Hara. So he was going to visit his

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sweetheart and he climbed up on the wall. He was going to jump

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over the wall into the garden to meet her. And as he was standing

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on the wall here an old man sitting in the road reading Allah

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Mia Nila Deen, Tasha Kulu boom. Lizzie Karela he will Manasseh

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laminal Huck. Willa Yoku, Luca Latina O'Toole Kitab Amin, Kabul

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fatahna, Allah human eMod focus at coloboma, cathedral minha sipo,

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it's one of the analysis has the time not come

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for those who believe

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that their heart should submit and surrender to the remembrance of

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Allah, and to that which has been revealed of the truth. And they

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should not be like those

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who were given a Scripture before they procrastinated in repentance

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in the October and their hearts became hard. And most of them are

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When he heard this idea in his heart, like a lightning bolt and

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threw him into the street, 100 logs into the garden, three back

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into the street. And immediately, you know, he picked himself up and

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he said,

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The time has come the time as time has come, and he started to cry.

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Because he knew in Colossae, he cannot procrastinate anymore. He

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cannot carry on with his life that he's been leading, you know, this

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life of crime, this life of sin, the slice, I mean, major services

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are cardinal sins. And so he decides that he is going to make

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Tober. And he's going to look for the caravan that is going to

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Makkah, and it's going to join up with a caravan and he's going to

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he's going to make his way to Makkah, and go back Tober in front

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of the tuber.

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And he hears this a caravan who is hiding, in fact, in some ruins

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just outside of Baghdad, and, in fact, they were hiding from Fidel

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and his gang. And so when he comes there, they

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they see him

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and they know him. And they are afraid. And he says, Could I mean

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for me for documentary? Or will it mean he says, Be at peace be safe,

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I for the Limni yard and repenting and returning to Allah. So he

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joins them and he goes off to Makkah. And the closer he gets to

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the more fearful he is that is also going to forgive him. Now of

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all the wrong that he's done all the bad things that he's done. Is

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Allah going to forgive him?

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And the closer he gets to the Haram, the rich, the hills sham of

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NACA, and his suffering is crying. As he goes through the door of the

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Masjid Al haram. Here's another man sitting by the door reciting a

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verse from the Holy Quran. Collier Eva de Alladhina Surah for either

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unforeseen Lautoka tumor Rahmatullah in

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Hola Hola feroza Nova Jimmy I'm in no one California Rahim say to

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them Oh Mohamed Salah Sana are servants of mine do we have

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transgressed upon themselves do not display in the Mercy of Allah

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indeed Allah forgives all sins he is off to giving most merciful and

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immediately you know that i It's unlike the first I was like a

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lightning bolt stream off the wall. This is entities that was a

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lemon Cooley and peacefully and immediately did and they he knew

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that Allah subhanaw taala had for you and for the liberi for the

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EBRD became one of the most pious and greatest scholars of Islam. In

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fact they called him arbiter Haramain because he used to

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worship by the two harems. If you are looking for Fidel even if you

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will either find him in the Haram in Makkah or the Haram in in

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Medina and became one of the most pious scholars of Islam to ever

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walk the face of this earth. So tomorrow I'm assuming

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it was never ever display and especially in this night, you

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know, in fact the pope in in fact the provinces he says it's a

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Kaffir admin kazoo, for the we have immediate in Philadelphia

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Leyland was limo. We're not talking about thomna MURAMATSU

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driver in Nova Cano to come in Harmon Jota Jaco. If your sins

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become Mini, then cause the sins to be wiped away in the night, and

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then it stock, you know, especially you know, in these

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nights, this time is the third portion of the night. So if you

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take from my trip to further the Saudi, you divide that time up

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into three, the third portion of the night, it's the best part, the

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best part for me, you wake up, and you stand in front of Allah and

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you recite the Holy Quran and you beg and cry in front of

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philosophy, the time

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the policies, we're not talking to the Rahmatullah. And when you're

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standing in this dark part of the night, in this third part of them

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and when the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala descends. Bows want

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to tell is asking, you know, who is there that is asking for

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forgiveness that I might forgive them, who is making told me that

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I'm going to accept the repentance, you know, who is

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requesting them? I drag the requests.

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And he says, while talking to me Rahmatullah do not display in the

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Mercy of Allah, for indeed for you to display in Allah's mercy,

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especially on such a night would be a biggest sin in all your sins

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put together, Allahu Akbar.

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That woman that

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she committed Zina, she was pregnant. She went to the Prophet

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Jasmine said, You are a sort of a humbler Zina, I am pregnant, you

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know, through adultery and fornication. So the prophets or

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something, the one that he why he ignored her three times, but

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eventually, you know, she insisted she came along and had she I want

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to, I want to receive the, the punishment the head, you know,

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which the dunya is turning.

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If it's, if it is my son, if it's somebody that was married,

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or even an unmarried person that committed adultery with a married

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person, then it is it is stoning. If it is to unmarried people than

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it is

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in his mid agenda, then it is 100 lashes.

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And so this was adultery.

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And she said Akima Leia had, I want to receive the punishment,

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which is this stoning, but death by stoning. So the prophets are

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some called her guardian, and he said, don't take care of her. And

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when she gives birth, bring her after she has given birth to a

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child and bring her and when she had given birth, The Guardian

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rotor with a baby and he said right now go in with the child,

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and after the weaning, period, then bring her

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so this was a lengthy period. And then afterwards, she came back and

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she gave herself over to the profit and loss on the profits or

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some audit that garments be fastened on her. And she was

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stoned to death and then the prophets proceeded to make solid

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charges on her.

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say no, I want to be exception you said to suddenly Allah Ya rasool

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Allah Colcord Zenit, you're gonna make a little generous on this

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woman and Jesus committed Zina. So the prophets Allah Salam said,

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October October 10, Lucia by the severe enum and El Medina, la

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facto. So she has, she is, she has repented a repentance that if that

00:19:07 --> 00:19:11

repentance had to be distributed amongst 70 of the people of

00:19:11 --> 00:19:16

Medina, it would have sufficed it would have covered them, you know,

00:19:16 --> 00:19:17

and then,

00:19:18 --> 00:19:20

and then afterwards, he said, Salah Sullivan, who is better than

00:19:20 --> 00:19:24

the one that comes by themselves to Allah subhanaw taala wasn't

00:19:24 --> 00:19:28

that somebody heard that, you know, something was going on and

00:19:28 --> 00:19:31

in the present, there was an investigation and an interrogation

00:19:31 --> 00:19:34

and a confession. No, she came by and such ultimately I had

00:19:36 --> 00:19:38

so Gematria Muslimeen

00:19:40 --> 00:19:43

do not display in Allah's mercy.

00:19:44 --> 00:19:49

Say the honorable hotdog, rhodiola Tabata and who are the the second

00:19:49 --> 00:19:53

greatest person to walk the face of the earth after the Gambia.

00:19:53 --> 00:19:57

Why? Because the greatest person after the Gambia is a worker in

00:19:57 --> 00:19:59

the land and then after Bobak Amaravati, Alon

00:20:00 --> 00:20:05

said the armor, lift his home that day, but the location, the safety,

00:20:05 --> 00:20:10

you know, with his, with his, with his sword attached to his belt.

00:20:12 --> 00:20:13


00:20:15 --> 00:20:16

one of the

00:20:17 --> 00:20:20

people found him on the road and asked him, Where are you going

00:20:20 --> 00:20:24

with your soul? You know, attached to your belt? He said, I'm going

00:20:24 --> 00:20:29

to kill Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam Can you think of a worst

00:20:29 --> 00:20:32

crime and killing the Beloved of Allah, killing the beast of all

00:20:32 --> 00:20:34

creation? SallAllahu wasallam

00:20:36 --> 00:20:40

was certainly this would be, you know, the greatest crime after

00:20:41 --> 00:20:43

associating parties in the worship of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:20:45 --> 00:20:46


00:20:48 --> 00:20:52

so this man said, Will you first go and sweep before your own door

00:20:53 --> 00:20:56

referring to his, his sister,

00:20:57 --> 00:20:58


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And so say no mercy. What do you mean? No, she's embraced Islam,

00:21:05 --> 00:21:10

the man said. So he went there. And he found her and they were

00:21:10 --> 00:21:14

reciting Quran. And we know the story that

00:21:15 --> 00:21:21

he hit is still at Sr. And then he picked up the parchment that you

00:21:21 --> 00:21:24

first told him to go, wash. And then he went to go and wash and

00:21:24 --> 00:21:29

then he took the parchment and he read TA and Zillah Alikum. Khurana

00:21:29 --> 00:21:32

liters got elected. kereta Lima Yasha ha ha we haven't revealed

00:21:32 --> 00:21:34

the spirit you as a burden.

00:21:35 --> 00:21:39

Man, Zelda alagille coronial, elated. kereta Lima Yaksha. Except

00:21:39 --> 00:21:40

as a reminder, for those who,

00:21:42 --> 00:21:46

who fear Allah subhanho wa taala, who, who are mindful and conscious

00:21:46 --> 00:21:48

of Allah subhanaw taala. So immediately went to the prophets,

00:21:48 --> 00:21:51

Allah Salam, and he came there and

00:21:53 --> 00:21:54

it was at the total outcome.

00:21:55 --> 00:21:56


00:21:58 --> 00:22:01

so the Hamza was there. And when he looked through the window, and

00:22:01 --> 00:22:03

he saw, said normal,

00:22:05 --> 00:22:10

he said, Well, if he's, if he's come here, for bed, then I will

00:22:10 --> 00:22:10

have him.

00:22:12 --> 00:22:19

And then he knocked on the door, and he was allowed in. And he

00:22:19 --> 00:22:23

said, I shall do Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah or Anika Muhammad

00:22:24 --> 00:22:27

Rasul. Allah said, I testify that is not worthy of worship besides

00:22:27 --> 00:22:30

Allah, and that you have Muhammad Salah son or the Messenger of

00:22:30 --> 00:22:35

Allah and he embraced Islam. So what is the moral here that nobody

00:22:35 --> 00:22:39

is too bad to become good. And also nobody's too good to become

00:22:39 --> 00:22:42

by this will never be too sure of ourselves. And I said, Dhamma went

00:22:42 --> 00:22:46

from that, from going on his way to to kill the prophets, Allah

00:22:46 --> 00:22:48

Salam, to be

00:22:50 --> 00:22:53

the words of the Prophet SAW Salem. Aunty Suraj Urgenda Yama,

00:22:53 --> 00:22:57

you are the light of the people of Jana Rama, now cannot be embodied

00:22:57 --> 00:22:59

economically, if that you have been a prophet after he would have

00:22:59 --> 00:23:02

been on the words of our beloved prophet Sallallahu

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so we must never ever, never ever despair.

00:23:08 --> 00:23:11

We ask Allah subhanaw taala except us on this night, except our two

00:23:11 --> 00:23:15

hours especially, and it busy ourselves. We began with it to say

00:23:15 --> 00:23:18

the Aisha when she asked the Prophet you know if I if I take

00:23:18 --> 00:23:22

this night, if I find this night, what should I say my call here?

00:23:22 --> 00:23:26

What should I say in this night? Caller Cooley say hola hola in the

00:23:26 --> 00:23:31

car food to Hibbeler 4510 Allah, you are the forgive. You love to

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forgive. So forgive me. I was gonna tell her forgive us for all

00:23:33 --> 00:23:38

our sins understand. It just make our near for Toba Suha if we have

00:23:38 --> 00:23:42

committed any major sins, and let us in sha Allah, whatever we are

00:23:42 --> 00:23:45

doing, do it sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala

00:23:45 --> 00:23:48

remember minus ones are forgiven automatically and the major sins

00:23:48 --> 00:23:51

of the busy lie to Allah will also be forgiven. And through the

00:23:51 --> 00:23:54

chilla we will come out of this night Can you hear me when I don't

00:23:54 --> 00:23:58

know Maha tuna like the day when our mothers gave birth to us?

00:23:58 --> 00:24:02

Allah subhanaw taala grant us that inshallah of the building upon

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shield of Taqwa that in this month of Ramadan Allah Allah

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comfortable, that inshallah we can maintain that shield of top of

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that shield of Allah consciousness, shielding ourselves

00:24:11 --> 00:24:14

from his displeasure until the next Ramallah monotonic grant has

00:24:14 --> 00:24:18

many more leisure to others and many more Ramadan's. I mean, in

00:24:18 --> 00:24:20

Europe anatomy I'll leave you on the prediction of Allah

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hamdulillah with anime or Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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