Riyadh Walls – Sunday Talk Masjidus Sunni (2 October 2022)
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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah and akhmedov who understand you know,
and who want me to be here on a telco alley? When I was with the
matura and phocoena I will say Marlena Maria de Hila falafel de
la la Who am I up to Fela de la? When I should Oh Allah Allah
illallah wa la sharika when a shadow under Muhammad Abdul Rasul
Salawat Robbie wa sallahu alayhi wa ala early was heavy on da vida
ote la young teen another Brothers and Sisters in Islam salaam
aleikum wa rahmatullah to Allah look at
All right, today, inshallah we're going to start we started a series
the Quran and Sunnah. Okay, I think I did one or two Potsie and
today we're going to start a series on Islamic law,
introduction to an introduction to Islamic law. Because I feel Maybe
was too, too much nice to start with the Quran and Sunnah. And
I'll give you a background
to what we mean, when we exclude maybe Imam Shafi, Abu Hanifa,
whoever else there is, of the great scholars.
I think I needed to put that into context.
What is Islamic law? What is Islamic jurisprudence? What is
fic? What is solo fit? I think maybe we need to understand and
also the history of law, how did the law develop.
And we ultimately have this law that we practice actually, of
course, have been extracted from the from the force of law by Imam
Shafi. Hanifa, Imam Muhammad, Muhammad, anybody in the family
so I'm basing this talk on you can see this is very, this is not
cuneiform writing. This is still English. But it's a lecture which
I attended. On Sunday, the 16th of January 2000, in Pietermaritzburg.
And I kept the notes, there's just the notes, doesn't get decided to
keep the notes. So this is how important it is to keep notes,
it's extremely important to note you must have a little notebook
with you. Otherwise, of course, now you have the advantage,
because you can go listen to it if you forget anything.
But it's important also to keep notes, why is it important to keep
For one fundamental reason, and that fundamental reason is on the
Day of Judgment, all these records that you have recorded will appear
in front of Allah. And it will attest to the fact that you have
sat in a lecture and this is this difficut your certificate that you
wrote, which is the notes
when everything good will appear in front of Allah, everything
good, everything you said everything you did everything you
wrote down. So sitting and writing down is not just writing down.
Even if you just make notes, even if you just write words down with
pay, that you may
want to use again for another time. So this lecture was given by
one of our professors at Islamabad University professor Muhammad
Rasool, Allah, Muhammad, Allah Grantham, Jana is a great scholar.
Again, one of our scholars that we lost, we lost a great scholar now
in the shape and form of Dr. Khan going on.
Probably one of the great scholars of the century in the world.
He was not only a scholar, but he was also a politician. He was
spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood. And for that he was
to exalt Saudi Arabia. I mean, we thought Rabia also fell out with a
brother moody to finally seek refuge in Qatar. We passed away.
Allah grantee Jana *.
All right. So today inshallah is an introduction mainly, it talks
about the talks about the dynamics and dimensions of Islamic law, may
Allah grant him the reward for me, having made these notes and are
able to teach you so and he of course, will get rewarded for
every word that I say, and also for keeping
alive what he had said on a particular day. All right, so we
have three books that the Quran refers to. And these two books are
the Torah, which are given to Nabil Musa Elisa to Sarah. And the
word torah means the law. The law means the law.
So the Torah is a book of law.
The Avendano, Avondale
or the gospel of Jesus, Alisa,
Alisa, Alisa to Sarah.
And then we have of course, we all embracing word for the Quran. And
that is that which is read that which is read, it means that the
Quran will be sent
to the centuries where people would be able to read reading
wasn't very widespread is a tablet of Nabil Boozer, or the eraser, or
Mr. Salatu Salam. But of course, now we know it's become extremely
widespread everybody, it is 90% of the world's population, I assume,
is able to read
nobody So just as a note, which he made, of course, I'm just
repeating what he said what I could write down. He said that
nobody came to,
to swatch I think the word is a swatch swatch in English to make
to take away the harshness of the low of the, of the engine.
if we look at and both these documents are basically spiritual
documents, no sorry, the legal documents, they say the Jews
cannot do this, they cannot do that. It's all about the Jews, of
course, the Torah was sent to the Jews. And the Injeel of the babies
are also sent to the Jews. So they receive two books.
But amongst legal systems in the world, among legal systems, you
know, we have a legal system we have a constitution, we are
constitutional constitutional democracy can be very common.
Amongst the legal systems, there is no parallel to the Quran. There
is no parallel to the Sharia.
The Quran
when it speaks about legal issues,
it raises up those legal issues
in spirituality.
So everything the Quran says there is a every burst of Quran you read
in the Quran. If it's illegal verses about voodoo or salah or
inheritance, it is always followed up by praising Allah or referring
us to the Quran or referring us to the NIV salsa and so forth and so
on. So, the Quran the whole Quran is enmeshed in spirituality.
All right.
the Quran
is less than a quarter of the Bible. The size of the Quran is
less than a quarter of the Bible.
The Bible you can put in your pocket. Bible you have to cut in
your hand I found that when people go to church, you see them getting
the big Bible deprecated in their hand.
The Quran you can put in your pocket.
The Quran is memorized by 1000s of people every day in the world.
Yet despite its smallness, despite its smallest 6600 rather 6600
it caters for every eventuality in life. It caters for the whole of
your life.
Okay, this fella, the past life, your place in life. And of course,
the stress in the Quran is on your future life, if life after after
all these 6600 verses how many verses deal with law and legal
issues. The whole torah was a legal book. The whole of the
interior was a legal book
and the Quran of the 606,006
100 versus only two, maybe maximum 300 deal with our canvas law, they
deal with criminal law, the law of inheritance, so many other laws
that we will shall touch upon.
And these laws that the Quran touches upon covers the whole of
the spectrum of laws that mankind needs to live on.
The Quran doesn't leave out any law that is
relevant to our lives in.
So, if you look at the a hadith are the enemies of Allah Salah
Melissa the Salah. So that is the Quran.
Quran of course starts with a word that Edie read. So
reading is therefore, the foundation of our spiritual and
physical life in this world touches everything. We know that
the first thing our children do today's before they can even walk,
they start reading.
They look at the phone and they know how to where to touch. The
thing switches on and then they can switch it off and on. But they
can't speak. They can't speak. I have a granddaughter who can't
speak. She's only about maybe over a year.
But you give her the phone she will do that to the phone to be
able to as you start walking around.
Oh, all right. So let's look at the collection of a hadith. There
is the biggest compilation of a hadith is 50,000 Hadith.
Somebody who had collected 50,000
of the 50,000 Hadith, how many deals with legal matters only
about 3000 deal with legal matters. So you can see that legal
is not an essential part but it covers everything.
3000 deals with
legal issues. Then there's Bulu
Almirante Hassan Al as Palani
which consists of 2000 Hadith
then they show Kenny Imam show Kenny you know I'm sure Connie is
the last judge did Yemen Yemen in which I did the road on solo
Hotjar he collected you know the Hydra Escalade is very very famous
heroes what what is this famous What is he famous for?
naturalist Alon is famous for the
he is famous for
writing the commentary on
give you some behind
Yeah, he he wrote the famous
Tafseer on Buhari
and then he has a member of by the same name.
Al hates me
I'm not going to tell you why his father gave him this name.
Even though I don't mean son of a stone, son of stone. There's a
story behind that. Why some they are of course some of the children
son of stones.
But with that
so there's even a hazard I'll ask Kalani famous one.
The Internet interpreter there's another word
of the Hadith. Imam Bukhari
al-hazmi is the second one if the hazard or a semi Ashrafi he was a
Sharpie jurist on the great Shafi.
in western law, the two things that distinguishes Islamic law
from Western law or from manmade law, the first is that in even a
democracy, that we have an all the laws that we have.
If you see somebody committing a crime
you are witness.
But you cannot go and report that crime to the police. You cannot
say I saw somebody being robbed.
So I'm making the case for that person.
But then in Islamic and
So it is your duty to report crimes yourself. If you see
something, somebody doing something wrong, you go to the
police and you make a case. Okay? So no
crime gets excluded.
Because today, there are lots of crimes that take place. And the
statistics that we read says, Oh, 3000 of this happened, but
actually 6000 10,000 of that happened actually is 20,000.
Because 10,000 of the people didn't report the case. But in
Islamic country, you are, you are bound by the law to report every
single time you see somebody breaking it, you should report it.
And so the second thing is that in a democratic system, or any other
law, any law, any law, any crime that is committed, for which there
is no law, there is no punishment.
If the law says nothing about it, then it falls outside the realm of
law of that country.
So if a country for example, doesn't say anything about,
about men and women getting married to a man and Amanda
getting married, then they fall outside the law.
Do what you want, unless there is a stipulation to that.
But in Islam, everything falls under the law. There is nothing
that falls outside.
And Charlotte, maybe that'll be my second lecture. When are we
discussing? Every act of a human being has got a value? Every act
of a human being has got Hohokam, what is the outcome of Salah it is
what is the hokum of haram, you can't commit it. And if it's
something you can eat, you can eat it, et cetera, et cetera. It means
something is boba it is allowed. Somebody can play soccer, you
could play rugby a complete cricket, because the thing is,
does not gonna get any reward for it. In this dunya Yeah, sorry, but
you're not going to get any reward in the ASEAN I haven't seen any
place where say that cricket or rugby or get some reward for it or
maybe 10 reward scoring a goal or anything like that. So but you can
do it complete dominance.
Long, of course, you don't do it in the during the court that you
have to make Salah.
a lower than and fit is not the same. I just give you two
examples. We last expanded to include everything
in an Islamic state or phobia slips. So
Lloyd Islam can loosely be translated as fixed. So when we
say the law of Islam, we can say the fit of Islam
Feck of Islam and what is the word stick mean?
Fixed it means on the surface,
it means understanding.
It means understanding so that the seller or seller may do alpha,
even Abbas Robbie held them like this and a visa to Allah maphack
to 15. Oh Allah give him an understanding of the deep
understanding of the deen the understanding doesn't just mean
superficial understanding. When the Prophet MedWatch was given, it
meant the real deep understanding. Therefore a lot of their Hadith
from above is considered to be
And a lot of his fatawa that he gave was accepted. And he's tafsir
of the Quran is the first stuff written tafsir
because eBay tafsir of the of the whole, not in the way we do it in
three or four volumes or big volume now, once more than
the seerah it's a nice tafsir takes you back to of course
everything he writes in there was what the prophet received.
Everything he wrote, in the words with the Prophet said, there is no
interpretation by someone else, even to ask the Prophet what does
it mean and he will write it down and he would record it.
So law is given by a sovereign or by Parliament.
Whereas law in Islam comes from the law given the Sharia. Who's
the Sharia the law given Islam?
Was the law given Islam who makes laws in Islam?
Log is Allah subhanaw taala every single law in Islam must be traced
back to the heart.
Every single law in Islam must be traced back to the Quran. Of
course, the Quran says nothing about it that in the hadith of
Muhammad Sallallahu Are there
any Islam all the laws
have a personal jurisdiction.
For example, if Allah so Allah says, Make salah, no police is
going to tend to come next Allah will lock you up if there is what
is called the law of personal jurisdiction, you yourself are
answerable, responsible for that fasting, giving us a car, nobody
comes along, there's no tax man and say that says, you know,
where's your your submission now for the year 2020 Or 2020? Or
2021? No, that's all personal jurisdiction, then of course,
there is what is called, so that in Islamic State is your own
business, then there is called territorial jurisdiction, or the
jurisdiction of the place that you're in, for example, if you're
in a Muslim country, then you fall under the laws of the country as
well as the laws of Allah was pioneer who's
coming back to the question, just very quickly, on how is it
possible for the Quran
to include all the laws of inheritance in the Quran?
When if you study inheritance or African of inheritance, you get a
shelf like that right up to
full of books on inheritance in accordance to the law of South
African law, about this and about that, but then they add to what
they add to it. But in Islam
how many Surah Surah Do you think deals with the law of inheritance?
Alright, how many lines of the Quran you do you think deals with
the law of inheritance
in order lines, from that cover to them from that side of the page to
the side of the page.
And I told you this before that it was in the time of
one of the presidents of America I told you this
when he wanted to learn about Islam,
President doesn't candidate somebody else. I think it was
Nixon. He wanted just an overview of Islam. What is Islam? Because
he was gonna go to Saudi Arabia and the Arab states and you want
and just to know what Islam is about?
he was particularly interested in the financial side of Islam, what
does Islam say about the heretics?
So eventually, the equation landed up at the desk of one of the
professors of Harvard University's a professor on inheritance,
American inheritance.
he went to the Quran to make research
on what the Quran says about inheritors
and became Muslim Professor became Muslim. How did you become Muslim?
What happened? What happened when you read the Quran, they became
Do you know
what is so
wonderful about the verses of inherited in the Quran?
The verses of inheritance is found in Surah two,
which is the fossils
on women Surah
verse 11, and verse 12, two verses
18 line
1818 118 lines,
two verse, verse 11.
Please record read it when you go home.
It deals with everything about inheritance in Islam.
And this professor was amazed
that 18 lines could embrace everything a Muslim need to know
about inherited things like who gets what.
So that tells you
the divine nature of the
now, we were familiar with. There was this Hindu law, the Jewish
There's a law of Hammurabi, those of us who went to high school and
about Hammurabi, there is Roman law. Our law of course in South
Africa is based on Roman Dutch law. We've got a mixture of Roman
Dutch law, they mix Roman law, and they basically outlaw US South
Africa no on those two laws, now.
Hindu law
all these
History all these Hindu new Jewish law Novermber Robbie Roman law on
which our law is based. There is no jurisprudence in Hindu law. And
I'll tell you what the disappearance means later. There
is no jurisprudence in
Jewish law, no in Roman law, no in the law of Hammurabi, knowing it.
It took Roman law in which our law is based, it took Roman law 1300
years to develop jurisprudence of law. What is the jurisprudence of
The jurisprudence of law is a system of being able to develop
the law according to rules and regulations.
Today, how is our law mind blown within a Western country, people
sit in a parliament and they scream at each other shout at each
other for years and years and years. And then eventually they
say, well, there's the law.
completely manmade. They don't follow any system. They don't
follow any rules don't follow any regulations. They don't have to
consult any other book.
For example, there's nothing LGBTQ and and all that stuff. This all
the knows how to do it that is generated in Parliament. So
generated in going back to the Bible, or going back to the Torah.
No. But in Islam, it took only one century to develop
methodology of extracting law from the Quran and Sunnah that's why
outgrow it comes from the source and will remain to, to come from
that is what is the source of the of our law? Allah subhanaw taala.
The Sharia laws Fontana is the law giver is the lawmaker is the
parliament is the legislature. Everything comes from a long span
of time. And from there it goes to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and of
course we have the other there are many there's quite a few
sources of law, which may you haven't heard of Colas or hobbies.
Also sources know that which is a hot word, which as a hobby same
can also form part of the sources of law we know of course pay us is
the source of law analogy, the source of law and Iijima, which of
course is the consensus of opinion of scholars that lived in a
certain age.
For example, scholars, let me give an example of Imam
consensus in our age.
In our age, the alarmist reached consensus on the fact that you
cannot present any profit in a movie
all the scholars, whether the Shia Sunni, whatever they are, all the
scholars of the world have agreed that that is haram you cannot
portray the face or the figure of a prophet. It's an example of each
So they didn't come from the Quran, nor from the Sunnah, nor
from any other previous source that came from the source code
each and each bar has been with us for a very long time
All right, now now now now.
So the Quran has provided an ion framing
the stages from where I'm sitting right up to the time the Quran was
revealed. Or if I change
everything that I say here when I sit here has to be connected right
up to Revelation.
Everything that I say must be they must be connected with ICA about
Islam and the deen that goes right back to the Quran and Sunnah. Or
one of the other sources of law. I cannot create anything new. If I
create anything new, what is it called?
It called vida. If I create anything new, it's called Buddha.
I'm not allowed to do that. Why? Because all law must start at the
Quran. Then the Sunnah. First Allah then is Messenger, then the
Sahaba then the tablet until we go down, and that's the chain.
So the Quran is also part of the change because the Quran was
revealed in Episode Seven verbally, nothing was written
down. And he had been verbally given it off. And so it was that
even up to today, despite the fact that we have a written Quran we
still transfer the call
Run by word of mouth and memorization, and this will go on
until the end of time
so this chain
has also been implemented in other fields of, of Islam for example in
law. Let's look at some of what happened in law. Let's look at Abu
Hanifa Hanifa was the first of the four hula hula Rashidi of the four
Imams of Muhammad.
The Hanafi mother was the first one. The second one was.
Second one was Imam Malik. All right, where was Abu Hanifa
basically, you were based in Iran in Iraq. And Imam Malik was based
way in Medina.
Imam Shafi I was based in many places eventually settled in
Egypt. He died, He settled he died. But he was he traveled, he
spent lots of time in Yemen. Lots of time in Makkah, lots of time in
Medina. In fact, at the age of 15, he was studying in mud in Makkah,
and he was given, he was he was, he was allowed to be a judge at
the age of 15. He was so brilliant, the age of 15. Now,
that's Baca was not like, you know, he came to Lansdowne when he
came to Cambodia, you know, they appointed him, the Mufti of
he was 15. Living in a city where most colonists lived was Carlos
lived in Germany. So, that shows you the brilliant man that you
know Sheffield's. Then the last one was ivam.
was the top student of Imam Shafi.
He was a top student you know Shafia.
So one day another student of Imam Shafi came to me and said to him,
you know,
just take it easy man. You know, when our when our teacher, Imam
Shafi is riding on his donkey, you should leave him alone, man, now
you're gonna walk next to him and ask him questions all the time,
all the time.
So the students by the city, if you
stood on the other side of the donkey, you would not be a donkey
You would have learned as much as I learned from our stars panela
not even a minute they would leave him alone, except of course when
he's sleeping, but that is house to denture students who are eager
to, to learn from the from the teachers.
So let's look at the chain Abu Hanifa collected a group of
disciples at about 120 quantified about 100 220 students who studied
for the years that he studied
how old How long was he? How old was he when he died? I know you
corrected me was it 7575? What Yeah, once 175 to 250 is a
delivery from
180 to 150 8180, that 7080 to 170.
All right, 70. So even if I got along
with 120 students,
and collectively
they contributed.
This is a big number 1 million issues that I discussed about Dean
in his classes.
In fact, he was such a brilliant Master of Teaching, that he also
had a subject called future studies.
future studies
what is future studies?
future studies will tell you that the mambo Hanifa not only knew the
fic or the hottie.
EBO Hanifa looked at but you know, Euphrates River and Tigris River,
hold on through the
end he had
one day say to students,
what will happen if these servers dry up? If we got a contingency
plan? If we're going to plan can you can we assemble the
engineers of Baghdad, let us call the seminar to look at what we
could contribute now the right questions asked about the
of Iraq at the time.
It is that just waste barn wind.
Of these billion issues. Only about 90,000 came down to us
90,000 came down to us in writing. We had a very famous student
Abu Yusuf is the one very famous one he became the judge of, of
Baghdad, and the other one was Muhammad.
Muhammad as you,
Mohammed, a shaman, very important is a great, you know, great
scholars, you have to remember the names. You know, I didn't if I was
gonna ask you, what was the question you're asking, you
know, don't ask is not part of that it's not part of it. But
still, it's good to remember. It's good to remember for your
children, or you're in a discussion to talk about the great
scholars of Islam and Imam che Barney
started recording or recorded all these issues that we'll discuss in
the class, you know, don't give any class.
And that was in the second century.
How many centuries ago was
We are now in 2020.
This was this Yeah. signals into retail sorry, Mafia. So how many
how many centuries?
Two half centuries.
You know, two dozen books, 24 books, recording every single
question that was discussed in the class in Abu Hanifa.
This 24 books,
was reduced to oil coffee, for oil Halophila. Somebody came along and
said too much to read. He said he's gonna condense and take the
same book and condense it. Then somebody else came along. And
finally, in the 12th century, in the 11th century, the final
commentary was written on the original book of habita Shava.
But it was based on that book, and only on that book came right down
for 10 centuries. They wrote commentaries on what a che Burnett
recorded as a student of Imam, Abu Hanifa. So the change, you see the
nobody came to none of his students came along and said,
Well, if I'm going to pick up I'm going to be the new Abu Hanifa.
I'm going to start writing now. They took all this stuff and 14th
century Suhana, can you imagine that you could make research on
one man to work for 10 centuries.
this thing is the legitimacy and the validity that other systems of
law don't have. They don't have that connection.
They break new laws all the time, brand new, brand new, brand new,
they change it all the time. But Islam you must have that change.
You break the chain, as I said,
you committing
This year sound
alright, so
there's no other system of law that has this. And many law
systems collapsed. And it's out of sync nowadays, it doesn't even
exist anymore. Because of that. Some
people who made laws made laws to change everything, they just want
to change everything. Then the other countries and other
Parliament's that want to retain they want to remain
in the time of Queen Victoria don't change that don't change
don't change.
So some legal systems lost a lot of the law because they wanted to
and others didn't want to change and both fall into the same trap.
They got lost along the way and they lost their laws. Except in
Islam, Islam could hold the balance, da mon harmonic balance
between permanent and change.
Some says if a new situation comes up, you're allowed to apply your
UHT had you apply your mind brain to extracting new laws for the new
situation was not a new situations arise. As I said, for example, the
situation of Can you can you have a face over offer of a newbie in a
fillip? Nope. So what am I to apply their mind and came to a
decision? Something new or other new things people say well you
smoking weed is not haram because Prophet didn't say It's haram nor
does the Quran say anything about so where's your proof? He says I
smoke weed but now Where does it say God's nobody told me the
Hadith will show me in the Quran. I can't change what I can check
what I can do is I can tell him that everything that intoxicated
is haram
everything that intoxicated everything that has the same
effect as Hamas, Tara
So that is an analogy I use that I have, and I base my answer on that
there are of course areas.
And this has to do with a little bit of deeper insight into the, to
subject of pseudo fake, which deals with a methodology of how to
how to how to bring about law. So there's there are things which
has, where there is room for application of the mind,
we can apply a mind to them to follow, finish,
to, to the car, or to anything else in the show. It is part of
the Sharia, that is cast in stone.
But there are things that we can
there are Hadith we can look at and say, what does that word mean?
For me, if I look at that, what does that mean something and for
somebody else, it would mean something else. Let me give you an
A baby one came to the Prophet SAW Salem and he said, Yara Salalah
we live in a country with scarcity of water.
Isn't it?
Saudi Arabia, scarcity of water?
How do we determine if we find water in the desert? How do we how
do we do find water anyway? How do we determine that that water is
clean to take orders?
Or to take
profit and to answer all questions
and the profits questions will be broad.
When He gives us His answers will be broad. So what is the profit
say Allow all Kathy Rue La you're not just who Shane
mentioned the person asked Is the water trigger unit five words. You
don't tell him now go contest the water, put something in the water.
Don't first don't drink the water, no poverty.
Allow Cathy's a lot of water. Property, a lot of water cannot be
made impure. A lot of water cannot be dirty.
That was his answer. He said a lot of water is clear.
He didn't say a lot of he said a lot of water. You cannot even
purify What is it with them looking for
contaminate or coughing? You cannot contaminate a lot. So now
the question arises, what did the Prophet mean by lot?
It's a question open for determination by any person. Any
person who's on brain you can say well, my experience is that this
is the profit man. A lot of water mentors, a lot of poor, automated
and we find that Abu Hanifa for example.
The Judas had the different views because they all came from
different places
and so forth.
So Abu Hanifa said if you fell upon
15 feet long by 15 feet wide by two
feet deep, two feet deep 15 wide 15
anything nothing can
nothing can contaminate that water.
Mr. Malik says
Evan jars. Evan earthen jars that the word made of clay. He said if
we take two of the biggest earthen jars in Medina and we fill it with
water, then those two even put it together
then it cannot be
And what is the man who shot the
Imam Shafi talks about to
come on Muhammad you should know this word is old word. Good
collect a color. Two colors.
I didn't I didn't make a note of how much water that is. But it's
also a lot of water.
But what I'm trying to say is that in the Sharia
although Allah Swami raised the dough giver, but Allah so Allah
sent His Prophet also to allow the Muslims to apply their minds
depending on where they are. So different people will say
something different to ask a person in Cape Town what is what
is that you would? Oh, yes, provided provided everybody agrees
provided that the smell and the taste and the color of the water
doesn't change.
So if you look into a wall
Water of so much water and you see looks like water, face like water
as the color of water fine you can drink it you can take to do with
it you can do whatever so those three particles will also be
so this thing is the room that is this for for each day
but remember it's your heart must be based on what comes from Allah.
So Allah has found that for example uses the word in the Quran
the waiting period
of a woman
when she gets divorced
is three curule three Kuru Allah's harder used to it Kuru
now, the word color which is the singular
a period
what bleed bleeding Okay
it means a clean period.
So a woman after divorce must have three clean periods before
the divorce becomes final.
So an important thing to note about divorce is that when a
husband says to his wife, I divorce you they still married
when the very important is extremely important when a husband
says to his wife, I Talaq
they're still married. Why are they still
because he can the next moment and say I take back the Talaq
then what is what is remain what is still standing there,
the marriage that is still there.
So, so he has three mental cycles in which to reconcile with his
wife. That's the reason why he's still married, they still married.
So she must awaring in the in the period. And she is a married woman
like she was before. But now, she doesn't like wear socks three
times thicker than when she wore before.
Whatever, no life case, or at least her husband makes it all to
She's still married.
So two reasons why this and the two reasons why they enter for
divorce. One is to see whether she's pregnant, and the other one
is to allow the husband to take away his wife.
Because people say I was 50 years old, you know, why must you got to
go into she's she's not pregnant, I know she's not pregnant.
So it's not a total reason. So those are the two reasons. So of
course, then means clean period, but it also means a menstrual
cycle has two meanings. opposite meaning. The Arabs use this word
like that.
So now what do we do? We have a word in the Quran and many other
words like this, we there's two opposite meanings. You apply both
meanings. So Abu Hanifa chose the meaning of
menstrual cycle. So when a woman starts a third period, the
marriage is over.
If a woman starts the third period, according to Abu Hanifa,
the marriage is
now Shafi says no, no, no, she has to wash she has to take a bath
first of the third period before she can marry anybody else.
right. So it is not like we in a in a cage
that we can't move. We say Well, that's the law. That's the law.
And no, no, no, there is also room for application The only thing is
not that is not allowed is to bring innovation
to bring new things into Islam.
And the new thing that we're going to celebrate this week that we
brought into Islam
is the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
I'm not gonna give a lecture on this my time is
but I just want to say two things.
One is that
the listen carefully because I will have to repeat the same words
in front of Allah and the deaf.
Alright, and I'm very conscious of the fact that
Prophet SAW Selim never celebrated his birthday.
Why not?
Abu Bakr because we say yeah we love the Prophet. We mo nevermind
who says what could we do it because we love the Prophet
you love the Prophet more than Abu Bakr put up your hand
Abu Bakr will be the first person to enter Jannah after the nebi
you love him
I'm out
didn't even fast the problem fast on the day that he was born, they
did fast on the day the profit was
so neither the profits
profit faster on the day it was
on a Monday,
not on the date he was born because he didn't know when he was
The data reveal oh well it's pure speculation because
the Quran refers to the prophets Burton says he was born when?
The year of the elephant that's all we have. We only know he was
born in the Year of the elephant. What day what date? What month?
Nobody knows. He also doesn't know. But he knew he was born on a
Monday somebody said on a bad day.
But not Monday, the second of October.
But we know when he died.
We died on the turf
somewhere along the line somebody wanted to make to make it sound
Number two
Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Abu Hanifa
didn't celebrate the birthday of the
Imam Shafi. The Million Mom that you follow did not celebrate the
birthday of
Mr. Malik Rahim Allah who lived in Medina and died on in Medina
didn't celebrate the birthday
did not celebrate the birthday of the Prophet sallallahu.
Now, Imam
Al Bukhari did he celebrate the Prophet member of Imam Bukhari
hadith is next to the Quran is in authenticity, isn't it?
If you if you want to know where to go after the Quran, where do
you go to find the most authentic hadith? You open up? So here
is the one Hadith talks about the birth of the prophet
from this great scholar of higher neither any one of the other five
said anything about celebrating the birth was the 6666.
So why not?
They didn't mention No, they didn't talk about it. They didn't
discuss it. Minimum. Shafi was a great scholar he did discuss it
and even never discussed.
Buhari never discussed it even with his friends.
So from the time of the prophets of Salaam.
So when did this discussion take place the first time
this discussion took place the first time in Cairo.
What was happening in Cairo, in Cairo, the fatty meats were ruling
Cairo 600 years after the hijab.
So the first time this topic came up was 600 years after the Hegira
How much
is it not a bit
if you introduce something into into the deal after 600 years,
what are you doing?
And why? Because the fatty Miss was Shia and they ruled Egypt at
the time.
And they want to get closer to the Sudanese because the she has to
celebrate everything. We celebrate her son's birthday, presents
birthday, say
40 Mom's birthday. All the people that they feel they wanted to
celebrate they celebrated and as soon as they didn't celebrate
anything that time
in Asia.
So the shears thought how can you keep the sin Sunnis also to
celebrate? What is it that we can invent?
To bring the Sudanese closer to us. So they discovered that they
could introduce celebrating the birthday of Muhammad Sallallahu.
Of course, unlike us
Sunni said hello
to SoundCloud this This of course was against the scholars wall
against the Imam nawawi anybody else?
So that's where it started
and how many years ago is that
800 to 800 years ago started
so I'm not telling you that you mustn't celebrate moment I'm
telling you what I'm going to tell Allah I told you on this day in
this machine
because questions going to come up this question is going to arise
way at the house
what is the what is the place to be pond of water
on the day on the day I
definitely last year
and this will mark all of us will stand in a row the cube
the profit will be handing out the water. So we will the profit
and all of us will come in and those of us who
brought new things into the into the deen of Allah into the sun
soubry will stand in and that person will come and the Prophet
will want to give him water and you will also know
Mohammed No no, don't be remote, super visible whatever we don't
give him water.
Here's what I thought of my own mind.
says Don't give him so he said why?
Ask why? She variable say because he invented and practice the new
things and brought it into your deen which Allah gave us a pure
Deen which came from the Quran and from your son. He changed
That's how important it is to know what you're doing. And that's how
important it is for me to say this to you but to tell you.
I'm not saying I'm not condemning it.
I'm doing my duty. It's all I'm doing.
And it's for you to take this further. If you don't believe me,
go to your alim. Go to your Mufti ask him these questions did Imam
Shafi celebrate? Did Abu Hanifa celebrate? Did the Prophet
Did Abu Bakr celebrate Oh, there we go. Sorry about the Prophet
having fasted on Monday. But then why didn't I put bucket following
Walmart on smart
street strange, the following every act of the Prophet they walk
like the Prophet, they dislike the Prophet, the ape like the Prophet
Subhanallah by wonderful, the most important thing would have done
was to celebrate his birthday.
is no reflection on our love for the Prophet sallallahu.
Any person who tells you don't love the Prophet, because you're
the big
time brother.
This has got nothing to do with my love for the prophets. In fact,
Allah talks about in the Quran I'll repeat the verse where Allah
was hydrolases
tell them 100 souls, Allah talk to the provinces. Tell them tell them
what in contrast to Hey board Allah, if you say you love Allah.
Allah says to the Prophet, tell the Muslims
tell the Muslims preparation for the idol worship, tell the Muslims
in control. If you say you love Allah, because who says they love
The coloration of idol worship, per se.
We say
so what is Allah say? Allah says, O Muhammad, tell the Muslims who
say they love Allah.
What must they do? In fact?
Tell them they must follow you.
For w o ne. Follow me.
Follow up, tell them follow me. What will happen if they follow
Muhammad? What does it mean follow him it means follow the Quran and
the Sunnah.
What will happen to you if you follow the Prophet Cecil
your biblical Allah Allah
where Phil comes, and he will forgive your sins
in the lack of
more than that,
More than two seconds
this is also
a heads up as they say to the heads up for us to look at
everything that we do
to scrutinize everything that we
profit do this
profit do this. It's hard
I've been making all about it my grandfather made mold my father
made mold. Maybe before then they made mold.
Easy for me to
I lost half my family because I save it
I lost three quarters of my friends because I said
we now the bid ask this for Shaban Oh these things which was never
celebrated by the enemy so awesome. I have to tell you this,
I can't prevent you. I can't force you.
But my conscience was be clear that I told you and now if you
still think that you still have to do it
ask us
where it is in this town lot of Murphy's
laws further guidance we are lost Hunter
make us firm on the Quran and Sunnah.
This is our jihad in the time in which we live for a long time
Allah Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa taala.
They may not be class next week, I don't know yet. But if there's not
of course, if you have a name on our books, then we will, you'll
get a you get a whatsapp to say. There's not a password. But I'm
not sure if I'll only know by Friday, so I'm telling you