Riyadh Walls – Sunday Talk 1443 Sunday 10 April 2022

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the foundational principles of fasting, including the importance of restraining oneself and avoiding distractions, as well as the benefits of fasting for overall health and well-being. The speakers emphasize the importance of fasting for overall health and well-being, including physical and mental benefits such as expanding spiritual consciousness and reducing health risks. They also highlight the emotional and psychological benefits of fasting, including the release of the concept of time and the ability to be conscious of time. The segment encourages viewers to continue pursuing their spiritual journey and build up the spiritual shield.
AI: Transcript ©
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He will soppy women who are living with that.

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rubbish. Rubbish roughly Saudi way Sidley Emery, aka the terminal

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listen carefully, to what was seen As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi

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Call Allah Tabata Kubota Isla FICKY Tabby Hilah Aziz Bada bing

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builder he may not show you Tanya regime.

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You Hello Dina, I want to talk Allah. How could you Kati Willa

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tomo tuna illa Anta Muslim?

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We'll call it Allah. Yeah, even you know I'm an ACQUITY by Ali

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camassia mahkamah katiba Allah Nadine Amin Kamala Kamala, Allah

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calm. Tata taco. So the colada

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you want to Muslimeen in continuation.

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We started last week

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looking at what is the definition of sound?

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And we said that linguistically it is a limb sack

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it is to restrain oneself.

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In the case of

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say the Maria, it was restraining herself from speaking

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when they came to ask her about the baby Teresa,

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Allah salatu salam.

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So that's the linguistic meaning of some

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means to restrain oneself.

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And because I gave the list of the 10 foundational principles of

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every science, one of the brothers afterwards said no, and we're

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going to hear about the other nine.

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So inshallah we'll try and go through, go through them all the

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delay to Allah.

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Today, I'm going to concentrate on the fruits.

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If we go back to what the poet said, in Namibia coolie funding

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Ashura. Al had dual mode, Euro Samba Samara.

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He said, Indeed, there are 10 foundational principles for every

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science, or science that we are studying is the science of, of

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soul fasting. I've had the definition, well, we'll do the

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subject matter.

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And there's a range of topics that we can put under that the subject

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pertaining to our discussion is, of course, some Ramadan.

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And all the outcome and all the rulings, the foreign aid and the

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Sunnah, and the compulsory acts and the optional extra acts that

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we can engage in in the month of Ramadan. But what I'd like to

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speak about today is the third foundational principle and that is

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a thumb IRA, and HUD do well Maduro thumb, Maasai Mara, what's

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the benefit

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of fasting?

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Because I think this is something where we really fall short

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is focusing on why we are doing something

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instead of just doing it because everybody else is doing it, and

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focusing on what we hope to get out of it.

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Because they are so many benefits with this act of fasting. Remember

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the Hadith of the prophets, Allah Salam, Aleikum, Bassam for in

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Allah and Allah

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fast because there's nothing like fasting

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in terms of its benefits, nothing can come even close to fasting for

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the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And while we are speaking about cm

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Ramadan is because this is the only compulsory foster days

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and it's out of His mercy Gela fear Allah, that he has made it

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compulsory because if it was optional, how many of us would

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have fostered it

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and thereby not benefiting from it?

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the first aspect I want us to look at today of the benefits of

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fasting is, of course the physical benefits of fasting, and I'm not a

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doctor. So I just did a quick Google

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and just to name a few.

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Number one, it says, your body will enter into a fasting state

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approximately eight hours after your last meal. When your gut

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completes the absorption of nutrients from your food.

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Fasting is an excellent means of detoxing.

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Must remember the hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad

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Sallallahu sallam, he said Ma Mala

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Ibu Adam, we are

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a sham in bacne. Mankind is never filled the vessel more detrimental

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to themselves than the stomachs.

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This is where all the elements come from, what we are putting

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into the stomach.

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In another Hadith, he says

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take fee Luca Hema Lokomat you came up here salvo

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a few morsels is enough to make his backstraight

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a few more so

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which is enough to keep mankind to keep his backstraight are the

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words for him to survive? Like we say, we eat to love we don't love

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to eat.

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When can Allah Buddha mean but if you must have a solid meal if you

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must have a solid meal so a few morsels is enough

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like it's Hadith could see the manga Camilla Creek on top Luma yo

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Drake lobby Colin Tekna alarming cathedral Toshiba is a content

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more often FIBA Denecke Amin and facility, hang the cocoa to yo

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make the cut Hazet Lika dunya bajada philia Oh mankind you have

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that which is enough for you. But you want that which is going to

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send you a stray, you're not satisfied with a little bit.

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Neither are you happy with a lot you always want more. If you have

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your health

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and you have your refuge, your safety and security, your home

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Dacor your cup and you have your daily provision to keep you alive.

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Then you've attained the dunya and everything in it, Allahu Akbar.

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So at the end of the Hadith says we're in Canada put them in so if

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you are going to have a solid meal, instead of just a few

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morsels to keep your back straight, for full of the Holy

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bomb, then 1/3 for food.

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Well full of the Holy shut up and 1/3 for drink 1/3 of the Hulan

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nevus and 1/3 for air

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and the 1/3 for a there's a lot of Hikmah behind that. Because what

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happens if you go and visit philon in the office, your cup of tea?

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You say no, I've just stuffed myself.

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I wouldn't be able to drink delicious tea.

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So you might as well see me this month of Ramadan is truly a

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restraint in terms of

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the way that we live our lifestyle, which is comparatively

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speaking, we eat too much.

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We overindulge.

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And so month of Ramadan is an opportunity for us to restrain

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ourselves to keep that stomach empty that we are it's the Prophet

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said the most detrimental vessel to mankind is his stomach. And

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they by detoxing ourselves. And I believe it has such a good effect

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on our sugar levels. And it has a good effect on the heart and

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inshallah you can go and google yourself. We don't want to spend

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the majority of our discussion today speaking about the physical

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benefits, but the physical benefits of guaranteed Bismillah

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to Allah.

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For those of course that don't have chronic illness, for those

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that have chronic illness and the Muslim doctor tells them that they

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cannot fast than they must and fast

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and they can pay the fee do.

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So that is the physical benefits. Let's move on from there.

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Then we have

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the spiritual benefits which I touched on last week. And it's not

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going to be our main focus for today. But just as a reminder that

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the spiritual benefits

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is building or

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is summarized in the building the renovating the restoring of the

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shield of taqwa, that shield that we wear on our hearts

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that we shield or with which we shield ourselves from the

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displeasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and how that works is quite

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simply this

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How long does it take to make Salah roughly speaking, five

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to eight minutes 10 minutes

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how long does it

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even whether it be

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any form of every burger?

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If you look at the difference in terms of time

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is has a long duration

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let's stick to the comparison between Salah and Sia. So Salah

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What did you say what is Salah? Hi Barbara and Hara Curtin was second

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earthing tip Daddy will be turbidity but it will be teslim.

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Salah is an expression of movements and stillness is which

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begins with Allahu Akbar and ends with a Salam o aleikum wa

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rahmatullah Beshara atma Souza with specific conditions between

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like a brother says between five and eight minutes

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how many hours brother Salima we fasting now that 14

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Anybody know?

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Is it easy first

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12 hours as you name children

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know when you are

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of when you are in Salah when you in that state of haram because

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your first idea is to grow to the Haram when you're in that sacred

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state speaking to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that took Veera

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actually keeps you focused and conscious of Allah subhanaw taala

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for the entire duration, you're not turning out of the Qibla

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you're not looking at anybody else, you're not speaking to

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anybody else. You focus solely on Allah subhanaw taala you are

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conscious, or at least we try and be conscious of Allah subhanaw

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taala in that duration, when you are fasting, you are attempting to

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be conscious and mindful of Allah for the entire duration of UCM.

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So somebody comes to you and offers you something to eat. Or do

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you say, I'm fasting? And of course for Allah. You like

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something to drink? Can I have your cup of tea?

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Thank you, but I'm fasting. Somebody wants to argue with you

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fight with you. We're in Serbia who are

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in Imran Simon. And if somebody wants to fight with the fasting

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person, if somebody insults the fasting person or wants to fight

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with them, says the prophets Allah Salam, then let them say I am

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fasting. So it's literally an exercise in consciousness.

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You're constantly in awe and concerned

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about your behavior whilst you're fasting. What did we look at the

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other day? A Soma junda Mala Mia Rika fasting is a shield. As long

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as we don't break it, what breaks it a messenger of Allah. He said

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Al Heba backbiting. So, we are careful, what we are looking at,

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we are careful what we are listening to, we are careful what

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we are speaking, because we are conscious of Allah subhanaw taala

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during that period of 12, or 13, or 14 hours from true dawn until

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sunset for 29 or 30 days.

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So this has an incredible effect on our spiritual state.

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And bringing that Allah consciousness, increasing it,

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making it stronger, so that in future posts Ramadan, before we do

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something, before we say something, before we look at

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something, before we go somewhere,

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we first ask ourselves, Is Allah going to be pleased that

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consciousness is awake?

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It's vibrant, it's alive?

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And if the answer is yes, Bismillah The answer is no. May

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Allah forgive me for even thinking about it in the first place?

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And then

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one of the main benefits of this month of Ramadan is the socio

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economic aspect, sugar, the physical benefits of fasting,

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we've got the spiritual benefits of fasting, and we've even got the

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socio economic benefits of fasting. Why?

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What did

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he say? Well, Hamble Zhu, Li unabIe, he wrote Calbee. He said,

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I love

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hunger, because when I'm hungry, my heart is softened.

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When we are feeling those pangs of hunger,

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we feel even for a moment, we feel what it's like to experience

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hunger. It's not starvation. But it's a taste of what the hungry

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person is experiencing every day of their lives out there. And so

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what happens, we develop more empathy. But how does that come

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about? That fruit of empathy for the poor? Where does it come from?

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It comes from the fact that whilst we are building up the shield of

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taqwa, besides shielding ourselves from bad words and bad deeds, we

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are even shielding ourselves from bad

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actions, attributes and spiritual diseases that plague the heart,

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namely, a shock,

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a shock

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and inherent disease that everybody is actually born with.

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It's a big test from Allah. So Allah says, we'll have data till

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Every soul has been given its portion of greed.

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Every soul has been given its portion of greed.

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Like first thirst is natural, you get thirsty, you take a drink, you

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know under this advert or buy your first.

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Now imagine, and this is what's happening in the world today.

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People are not just obeying this Thursday obeying the greed.

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The world is plagued with greed.

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And the Prophet wonders Iacob Tama phenol Fackrell howdy B way of

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greed because greed is immediate poverty.

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If you're not satisfied with what you have now, no matter how much

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you attain in the future, you will never be satisfied because you

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will always want more Let's greet immediate poverty the eyes of

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Allah subhanaw taala so

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Whilst we are building up the shield of Taqwa we are also. It's

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like installing antivirus on your computer. All you have to do is

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install it. Once it's installed it does the job for you.

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So we fasting Ramadan, building up the shield of Taqwa. And what does

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Allah say? Well, may you wash your hand FC, and whoever is shielded

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from the grid

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for Hola, Iike homomorphic, then they and they alone are the

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successful ones.

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Because one of the primary ingredients of taco is what

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said daddy said, a taco. I'll hold for a minute jelly. Taco means

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taco is to feel the punishment of Allah that keeps us away from

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Well, I'm going to return zeal to implement the revelation of Allah

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subhanaw taala. To do what you must do and stay what you must

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stay away from.

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Number three, we're riddled with colleagues, to be satisfied with a

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little bit.

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We remove the love of the dunya from our hearts, we are satisfied

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and contented with the little bit that we have. And it makes it so

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much easier to then go and spend in the path of Allah subhana

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Huhtala and that's why in that hadith of why they've been 11,

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which you mentioned, in one of the Juma has.

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When the prophets Allah Salam got to the part about Psalm he said

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was so Medina, was sadaqa to Theo, I'll help you come up with my

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honor. Say that fasting is a shield.

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Fasting is a shield, shielding us from our greed,

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making us satisfied with what we have, because we feel what it's

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like to be hungry. So we develop empathy, and we spend of our

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wealth in order to make it easy for the poor and the needy that

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are out there.

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And then immediately talks about sadaqa and fasting is a shield and

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charity will wipe away your sins, just like the water puts out the

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And Hamdulillah that is what is happening in this month of Ramadan

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can enjoy the nurse, the Sahaba sin of the Prophet Salah Salem, he

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was the most generous of people. What can I do my Hakuna Ramadan,

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and he was the most generous in the month of Ramadan.

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Whenever you are spending in Ramadan, you're getting 70 times

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what you would have spent in the path of Allah outside of the month

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of Ramadan. So alhamdulillah there we have it. These are some of the

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fruits that are ripe for the plucking.

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Let us benefit from the

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from the physical benefits. Let's take the physical benefits in the

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justice the car like a hawk for articulate the hurricane hackle

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every person's body has a right over them. So give every possessor

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of a right it's right. It's the right of our bodies that we should

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fast and not just in Ramadan. But that's another topic for another

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time. It just plucked the benefits of this Allah consciousness and

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all we have to do is to keep renewing that intention, your

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Allah and fasting for your sake and for your sake alone, your

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Allah, I know this fasting I can't show fasting so it's only for you

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you're Allah excepted from me. And you will see that Allah

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consciousness will increase and also make the DUA that your Allah

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cause this fasting to be a shield from any form of greed or the love

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of the dunya that I might freely put my hands in my pockets and

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spend in your path your Allah your beloved me for indeed we know.

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Allah says the hadith of courtesy and for

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the poor and my dependents will often hear over color, and the

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wealthy are agents for either Bucky locally or yearly. So if my

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agents are stingy with my dependents as Octomore, barely

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winner or barely, then I will strike them with my punishment

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that will not concern me. May Allah subhanaw taala truly causes

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to benefit from this fasting of the month of Ramadan. Guide us on

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the Serato Mr. Kim Illa Jannetty nine well after that, why not? And

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in hamdulillah Alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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