Riyadh Walls – Sadaqah
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I'm here to pay my debt,
and we continue
to keep in our hearts and in our
minds all those shuhada
that Allah has chosen, that Allah has taken.
May Allah
accept the Shahadah,
and may Allah
grant victory to the Muslimen over their enemies,
and cause us to witness
the liberation of Al Adul Maqaddesa, the holy
Baytul Maqdis,
Ursaalim, Jerusalem,
and Masjid Al Aqsa, and grant us to
make salah in Masjid Al Aqsa.
And it is liberated and sanctified
and consecrated.
Today, inshallah, we are going to
continue with our Hadith,
is to be found
in the Sahihain
of Al Imam al Bukhari and Al Imam
the hadith of the 7 types of people.
This is where we really need to be
is that what can we send forward,
especially considering
the difficult times that we are living in.
We need to be busying ourselves
with as many good deeds as we possibly
can, especially those deeds
that are going to save us
on the day of your mukhiyama
and afford us
the forgiveness
and the ultimate reward of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. What did the prophet say
Make haste in doing good deeds. Why? Because
there are
trials and tribulations
coming like a dark night.
And why dark night?
For those of you who might
have been driving,
I don't know, somewhere between the 3 sisters
in Beaufort West
in the night, not an advisable thing to
do, by the way, but I'm just saying,
go to a place where there are no
electric lights, and
especially if it is
at the beginning
of a lunar month
when there is no moon,
and you will experience a dark night. It
will be so dark
that as Allah
describes the abyss in the Holy Quran,
In that abyss which is a 1000 meters
and below,
if a person had to take out their
hand and put it in front of them,
they would hardly be able to see it.
I experienced this in Somali land, and only
then did I understand what the prophet was
speaking about.
Make haste in doing good deeds. Why? Because
there are trials and tribulations coming like a
dark night.
That even at that time, there will be
may Allah not make us of those Muslims
that are so ignorant of their deen,
so ignorant of Allah, so ignorant of Rasulullah
that they won't be able to distinguish
between truth and falsehood,
between right and wrong,
between good and bad, between lawful and prohibited.
And then the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he
that what can happen to that Muslim, yusbihaajalu
mumminan wa yumsi kafiran, they will wake up
as a believer and go to bed as
a disbeliever.
Oh, go to bed as a believer and
wake up as a disbeliever.
If Allahu say iman and say, Slap, Ma'adullah.
Can you imagine that?
And then at the end he says,
They will sell their religion
for a small price of the dunya. Allahi,
we can see it.
We can see it amongst
those munafiqeen
and those khawana,
those who have betrayed the Ummah of Muhammad
and stabbed us in our backs,
the deen for a small price of the
In the other way of the hadith,
the Prophet gives us a glad tidings.
He says, illaman ahiahuallahu
except the one whom Allah revives with knowledge.
And that's what we are doing here.
We are we are attaining knowledge.
That is at least once a week we
to the masjid
to attain knowledge,
to get a reminder and I'm reminding myself
first before I'm reminding anybody else,
and then we go and practice it
in the hope that insha Allahu Ta'ala,
we might be saved from these trials and
tribulations on the dunya,
and we might be shielded
from Allah's punishment on the day of Your
So back to the hadith, Saba'atun.
7 types of people.
And then, skipping the one that we're going
to do today, just to speak about that
which we've already spoken about,
inni akhafullah.
And then the one for today, which is
number 5, not number 6. I said I
owed you 2, I actually owe you 3.
So far we've covered the just leader,
we've covered the person that spends their youth
in the path of Allah,
We've covered
the 2 Muslims that come together, brother to
brother, sister to sister,
love each other for the sake of Allah,
express that love for each other, and they
part on that love.
And indeed, they love for each other what
they love for themselves. That's the fruit thereof,
Allahu Akbar.
And we also did the person,
the person that is invited to an act
of promiscuity,
of fornication and adultery,
and they say, Inni akhafullah.
They say,
Indeed I fear Allah,
and I seek the refuge and protection of
And then the 5th person or the 5th
type of person,
a person,
a person that gives a charity.
With such sincerity,
so much so,
They hide that tzedakah to the degree that
the left hand
does not know that which the right hand
has given.
No. This topic
of sadaqah, Allahu Akbar.
I can never do justice to it in,
what's it now? 5 to 1?
Push it. 20 pass for the latest.
I can't do justice to this topic in
25 minutes.
So Insha'Allah, just a loop, loop, loop, loop.
Let's just go to the core
of what it means to give sadaqa.
Now, before we say anything else,
for akfah, you said, and they hide it.
Does that mean you have to hide it?
It's obligatory
to hide your tzedakah?
And if you don't hide it, then you
are sinful. No, we know that. Many times
in the Quran Allah speaks about,
Those that spend their wealth in the day
and in the night,
or in the night and in the day,
in secret and in the open.
So it is permissible
to give one's
to give one's wealth in the open,
but it's better
it's better to give it in secret, just
in case.
Like you say, okay, I'm gonna give my
wealth in the open, but don't give it
in the open unless you are sure that
you can maintain your sincerity.
Because remember what, Al Imam Sufian authority he
said, he
He He said, never ever have I
tried to heal something
more difficult to heal within myself
than the sincerity of my intention
because it's always fluctuating.
it is permissible
to spend in the open
as long as it is for the intention
of encouraging others to spend.
But if there's a fear
that sincerity is going to be eroded,
is going to be negated
by now instead showing off
for that which we have spent,
then rather don't do it in the hope.
That's why it's always better and safer
to do it in secret.
I refer you to Surat Al Baqarah,
verse number 270,
gives charity
or vows
to give a charity,
surely Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows,
and the wrongdoers will have no helpers.
If you give charity publicly, it's good.
It's good to give charity publicly but only
only for the intention of
encouraging others.
Like said Northman,
said Northman,
I think it was for Hazrat Tabuk,
but Sid Nothman brought a 1,000 camels,
a 1,000 camels to Medina
in preparation for the Battle of Tabuk.
And so,
all of the
I was going to say merchants, but that
can have a it's ambiguous.
All the businessmen of Medina,
all the businessmen of Medina, they came out
to meet said no Uthman,
and they said, You, Usman,
for every dirham
these 1,000 laden camels,
camels laden with goods,
For every dirham that they are worth, we'll
give you 2 dirhams, we'll give you double.
So said Nohman looked at them and said
to them,
Allah has offer,
He said, lakadzadani
He said, there are others besides you,
besides you, there are others
that have
given to me or that have
promised me
10 times what these goods are worth, Ten
So they looked at each other and they
said, Yeah, Usman,
There are no other business people in Medina
besides us.
So who bought these goods from you?
He said, Nofman, he smiled and he said,
have sold them to Allah
and His Messenger. Did He do that riyaan?
Did He do that showing off? Laa, Allah.
Laa, Allah. He did that to encourage others
to do the same
because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has promised minimum,
minimum when we spend,
minimum Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is prepared to
times it by
by 10.
does one good deed, whether it's sadaqah or
any other good deed, Allah
will times it by
by 10.
And that's why I said, Nali,
I said, Nali and Fatima to Zahra, RadiAllahu
ta'ala, and huma waarda huma.
They'd fallen on hard times.
They didn't have much money,
and Fatima was sick
and said, Nali asked her, mother, tish tahine
you Fatima,
what would you like? What do you desire
so I can make you feel better,
can make you feel happy? Said Nali is
a wise man, Allahu Akbar.
She says, Ashtahi
I would like her akhranat apple. Is that
right in Africa? Akhranat apple. A pomegranate.
she said. She loved pomegranates.
So Sedna Ali goes to the market,
and he only had money, he only had
enough money to buy 1 pomegranate.
And so he bought the pomegranate, and while
he's walking home,
he sees a poor man
in the street begging,
and he can see he's poor.
And so
said N Ali, he looks at the pomegranate,
obviously thinking about Fatima,
but he sees that the need is greater
And so not only does he give the
pomegranate to the poor man, he actually opens
it up and feeds the man.
And he gets back home,
and I can imagine how he's thinking of
the excuses.
But he gets home, I mean this is
Fatima al Zahra, Allah Allah
radiAllahu anha.
And so he explains to her,
and of course she accepts.
And little after that, a little while after
there's a knock at the door, and who's
standing at the door? Sidna Salman, Salman al
Salman al minna aal bayt. Hey, hey, hey,
hey. The Prophet said Salman
Every taqeed, every person that lives in awe
of Allah and is conscious and mindful of
Allah is considered to be the family of
our beloved prophet, Muhammad salallahu alayhi.
With regards to
specific akham,
now then it's
it's more narrowed down and focused to Bani
Hashim and according to Ali Mawmashafi,
Bani al Muqtalib.
Bani Hashim and Bani al Muqtalib.
So, Sid Nas Salman is standing in the
and he's got like a tabak
on those big plates,
and there is a,
like a covering over the plate.
And Sirdna Salman says,
I bring to you
from the Messenger of Allah,
from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
and that this is for you.
So, he pulls back the covering,
and he sees there are only
9 pomegranates
on the plate.
Said Nali says, no.
If this had been from Allah,
there would have been
10 pomegranates
on the plate.
Sedna Salman, he pulls the 10th one out
from his sleeve, and he says,
Indeed, You have spoken the truth, O Ali.
Whoever brings one good deed, Allah multiplies it
by 10.
And and this what we need to understand,
why is why is sadaqa called sadaqa?
Why is sadaqa called
it is a proof
of believing in Allah.
That's why the prophet said salallahu alayhi wasalam
was salatunnoosh,
salah, a salah to Noor
that salah is a light.
I mean
what else could it be when you're speaking
to Allah?
And he said, a
Was sadaqah to burhan and charity is a
was sabrudiya
and patience is illumination.
That's why salah is a light, like the
because it's reflecting the light of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
You're standing in prayer, speaking to Allah, connected
to Allah, mean a silah. The word silah
means connection. That's where the word salah comes
Was sadaqah to Burhan, and sadaqah is a
proof for your belief in Allah.
Because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has promised that
when you spend, youkhilifu.
He will replace it.
He will multiply it.
He will reward it in this life and
in the hereafter.
The prophet guarantees, he says, salam alayhi salam,
that charity will
never ever decrease your wealth.
Giving charity
will never it's impossible.
It's like
a sunnah
of sunanillah. We spoke last week about
The sunan of Allah.
The order of Allah.
What you do will be done unto you.
You reap what you sow,
etcetera etcetera.
This is a sunnah.
This is something built in,
pre programmed
into the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
It's impossible to give charity
sincerely for the sake of Allah
and for it to diminish your wealth.
You know what does destroy wealth?
Yes, yes, yes,
yes, arriba
Allah says it in the Quran, with the
strongest You cannot find stronger words.
You cannot find
stronger words in the Quran
than when Allah speaks about
Allah says, yam hakullahu
Sorry, I didn't mean to burst your eardrums
there but that is how
intense this word is,
how destructive it is. Allah says, yam haqq.
Yam haqqallahu riba.
Allah annihilates
riba. In other words, any transaction
in which there is interest, Allah annihilates
every drop of barakah. There's
no barakah in that one. And then what
does he say? Wayur be sadakat
but he multiplies charity.
So you really want a good business?
You want a business with,
with a good turnover and a big profit?
Give charity.
Spend in the path of Allah.
min mali. Sadaka will never ever decrease a
So going back to
the going back to the verse,
Surat al Baqarah,
verse 271,
Whoever gives charity in public, it's good, but
just make sure that you can you can
the sincerity of that
of that intention.
It's very interesting.
Allah says, waladhinasabruw
those who are patient and persevering
and do good deeds.
Many of them of Asireen, they say that
what this means is that you first have
to persevere in getting your intention right.
You first have to persevere
getting your niyyah.
Like they told me when I embraced Islam,
I said I was like wondering how am
I gonna fast? I embraced Islam 2 weeks
You know, it didn't make sense to me
but it makes sense to me now.
You know, make an intention
wa amilasalihat,
and they do
actions based on that
sincere intention, which is what?
They have not been ordered.
None of us have been commanded to do
anything except that we do it.
for the love and for the sake of
Allah and for his sake alone.
And then in other words,
excellent is the reward
of those who do good deeds.
Allatheena sabru, those who are patient and persevering
in maintaining
their sincerity,
right throughout that good deed.
And when it comes to charity,
even after you've given the charity, you still
have to maintain that sincerity.
Because what does Allah
excuse me, Allah
don't render your acts of charity
null and void
with injury
and reminders.
*, but I helped you out last week.
You're telling me you can't help me out
You know, I gave to you when you
didn't have?
When you were hungry, I fed you.
When you were naked, I clothed you. When
you were out on the street, I gave
you a roof over your head.
All null and void, zifthzolch,
all of that charity down the drain.
So when it comes to
any good deed, but especially sadaqa, there has
to be ikhlas, there has to be sincerity
before we give.
There has to be sincerity
while we are giving.
Mustn't change, it is an opportunity to show
Oh, Allah, cleanse our hearts of hypocrisy and
our actions
from show. And then even after we have
spent, we have to maintain that sincerity that
we don't go and injure that person that
we gave to and remind them of what
we've done for them.
To give charity publicly is good, but to
give it
to the poor privately
is better for you.
And Allah will absolve you of your sins,
Allahu Akbar.
Allah will absolve you of your sins.
Sadaka will put out a sun,
will erase a sun,
will extinguish a sun
just like water extinguishes fire.
So what does it mean?
If there's one thing we should be doing
every day,
or maybe you do it once a month,
but you divide it up into 30 days,
let's say. You know,
however many days there are in the month.
Maybe you're helping a poor person,
and poor doesn't necessarily mean a person who's
got nothing, can even be a meskin. In
fact, there are 8 categories.
That's not the topic for today, the different
categories of zakah,
but there are 8 categories
of the people who we can give our
zakah to,
and tzedakah is over and above that.
But you can give to a faqir, a
person who's got nothing, and you can even
give to a miskin, a person who is,
a person who is needy, person who doesn't
have enough to fulfill their needs.
So let's say you're giving to somebody,
you know, R600
for the month,
every month, and you make your intention that
it's R20 a day.
Make intention to give something every day. You
know why?
You know why?
When we go out in the morning, when
we leave our homes in the morning, there
are 2 angels.
The one angel comes down and he says,
Oh Allah,
the one that spins,
replace it with Mawya Allah.
O Allah,
the other angel says, O Allah, and the
one who holds on to their wealth,
destroy their wealth for them.
That's what Allah
means when He says,
don't throw yourselves
towards destruction
by your own hands.
Don't throw
yourselves towards destruction.
What is it I have to do with?
There's another verse for that, walahtakatulahamfusukum,
don't kill yourselves.
This ayah has to do with being stingy
and holding on to your wealth.
Don't throw yourselves toward destruction with your own
Instead, give with excellence.
Allah loves those who give with excellence. Ihsan.
What is Ihsan?
To give?
Well, Ihsan is to do any action.
To do any action,
as if Allah as if you can see
Says the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to us.
What is your son? To worship Allah is
if you see Him. And if you don't
see Him because we can't see Him,
verily know that He sees you, like say
the Aisha,
As Siddiq Atubint As Siddiq, listen to this.
She had many nicknames. As Siddiq Atubint As
Umul Mu'minin,
the mother of the faithful.
One of her nicknames was Umutib,
the mother of
the good fragrance,
and not because she was wearing perfume, Ma'adullah.
It's not permissible
for a woman to wear perfume that a
strange man
can smell that scent. For a husband, yes,
So why was she called Umaktiv?
Because she used to fragrance
her pennies of charity.
She used to take them and put them
into musk.
Take the pennies of charity.
I'm just thinking you know, when when a
knocks at the door.
Akima Appomani.
You know, Inukhi it's kokho.
Say that Aisha used
to take her pennies of charity and put
it into mask.
Before she would put it into the hand
of a poor person. And they asked her,
Oh, mother of the faithful, why do you
put your pennies
of charity into mask
before you put it into the hand of
the poor person?
So you know what she said?
papala an abo'aha
She said, Because I put it into the
hand of Allah
before I put it into the hand of
the poor person. Meaning,
she was giving that
sadaqah with such Ihsan
as if she was giving it directly to
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And then the poor person would make du'afa,
May Allah reward you. And she would say,
And may Allah bless you and reward you.
Many people will say, but why are you
making dua
for that person?
They're making dua for you because you gave
them a charity.
You know, very often we very quickly when
we give something,
and then a person thanks us, pay shukkurana
ji. You know, thank you very much, and
then what do we say? Make Dua. Make
Make Dua for me.
You know what Shidaisha used to do? She
would when they made du'a,
she would make the exact same du'a for
them. And then when they asked her, why
do you do this? She said,
She said, in order that my du'a
should equal their du'a,
and the charity should remain purely and sincerely
for the sake of Allah.
throw yourselves towards destruction by your own hands,
by holding on to your wealth, by being
stingy. No. This doesn't belong to us.
And spend out of that which Allah has
made you trustees of.
Allah has only placed it into our hands
as an Amanah,
as a
trust. Give to them of Allah's money that
which is given to you. Like the lady
in Damascus, I know I've told the story
before. The lady with a baby, remember?
And, we used to walk past her
by the Maqam of Abi Darda,
which is on the left hand side
of Sukh Al Hamidiyah in Damascus.
when we used to walk past her, she'd
literally grab us,
grab you,
and she will say,
People thought she was crazy, but you know
what? She was actually speaking the truth.
She said, give to me of Allah's money.
Give to me of Allah's money.
You know, actually it gets like quite eerie
because you know Allah has put this person
on the road for you.
You know Allah has put this person here
to test you. Give me of Allah's money.
She's spoken the truth.
And because we believe that Allah will replace
it and even with more, and reward us,
and forgive us,
And we're speaking about the 7 types of
people that will be in the shade
of Allah on the day when there is
no shade except his shade.
This is the one action, sadaqah, where there's
a specific hadith for this protection.
The prophet said that a person will be
under the shade. You know, the sun is
gonna close to the Earth. People are gonna
be drowning in this sweat.
A person Yomul Qiyamah, the Prophet said. A
person will be like an umbrella,
like an umbrella.
Sadaqa, he says, is a protection, like an
umbrella on the day of your mukiyama.
The person will be under their sadaqa, under
the protection of their sadaqa until people are
divided up.
InshaAllah, hopefully that person now will go with
their brolly, with their umbrella, to the muttaqeen,
to be chauffeured to janatul nayeem.
We must spend.
Don't tie your hand to your neck.
Wala tabusutukulalbast,
and don't give everything away.
Fur taq'udamaloomin
masura because then you will end up blameworthy
afwan. The first says, you will end up
and blameworthy.
Actually, no, malumon, malumon is blameworthy. You'll end
up blameworthy and insolvent.
Why so? Because
if a man gives all his wealth away,
he's gonna be blameworthy first by who? By
the wife.
Like a man in China who was a
billionaire, he gave all his wealth away,
and, I think
at his death at his death, all his
of his wealth went to charity, and his
wife and his children went hungry. So
Allah says, don't tie your hand to your
neck. Don't be stingy.
And don't give everything away
you'll end up blameworthy,
and you'll end up insolvent.
And those that when they spend, they're not
They don't give everything away.
At the same time, they are not stingy
but they find a path in between.
Wallahi, we can always
Every single one of us can give something.
Don't wait for the rich just to give.
Yes, they've got a bigger
they've got a bigger
Amana. They've got a bigger weight on their
That's why
that's why for Dayri bin Nayyad he said,
be careful what you wish for.
A person that wishes for a lot of
Pesah, khal, miren,
wishes for a long court case in front
of Allah on the day of qiyam.
faqta. Your money, where did you get it
from and how did you spend it?
So the more we have, the more we're
gonna be answerable for. But money is not
the root to all evil.
It is the love of money.
Says Al Imam Sufyanathuri.
The love of the dunya is at the
head of all era because when we allow
the dunya into our hearts,
our 2 things cannot be joined into
into the same heart.
You Musa, Ma'a hapani man hapadinunya.
Fayinhu layasawqalbunwahhidun
abadah. O Musa, he does not love me
he who loves the dunya because the love
of me and the love of the dunya
cannot be joined together in the same heart.
Keep the dunya in the pocket and,
under the pillow,
whatever that might be,
or in the bank, whatever the case might
be, inshallah, not
accumulating interest,
but know that it is only there in
order to be spent after we have seen
to our needs
and the needs of our dependents. We are
not supposed to hold on to our wealth.
And that's why
our sisters, those who are home executives,
those who are
home executives, let's give the proper titles here,
they love this hadith,
where the prophet said, sallallahu alam,
The best coin that a man can spend
is a coin that he spends on his?
On his dependence,
and then on his relatives.
He still got more? On the poor, and
the needy, and the wayfarer, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
But we are not supposed to hoard our
As for those who hoard up their gold
and their silver and don't spend it in
the path of Allah,
Warn them of a painful torment.
Give them the tidings of a painful torment.
The day when they and their wealth will
be thrown into the fire and
then it will be melted down and it
will be cast into a branding rod.
You know like the, when they brand the
that'll happen on the day of Qiyamah, in
All that wealth will be cast into a
branding rod, and then they will be branded
on their foreheads and on their sides and
on their backs.
This is what you hoarded up
for yourselves on the dunya, so now taste
what you hoarded
up. Allah has only given it to us
that we can look after ourselves, fulfill our
needs, the needs of our dependents, and the
rest we must spend in the path of
heal your sick with charity.
As we heard, charity
is a protection for us in the day
of your mukiyama.
Charity puts out sins
just like water puts out fire,
And we can go on and on and
on and on with the fadail,
with the virtues of giving sadaqah. Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala make us of Al Mutasadiqinawal
Those that show and prove our belief
that when we spend in the path of
Allah, we know that Allah
that Allah will replace it, Allah will multiply
it. Allah will put baraka in it. And
more importantly,
it will save us
even half a day.
Shield yourselves from the fire
even if it is with half a date.
May Allah make us of those who spend
in the path of Allah. Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala make us of those
who spend
especially where it is needed. Look what's happening
to our brothers and sisters in Gaza.
Our brothers and sisters for how many years
now have been living in refugee camps in
places like Syria.
Our Rohingya brothers and sisters
who have also lost everything
and are living in one place in Bangladesh
on a little island
in in squalor and and abject poverty and
many other parts of the world.
Let us prioritize
that insha Allahu ta'ala,
we can give something.
I end with this hadith.
1 dirham is worth more than a 1,000
Sahaba says, How is that possible, O Messenger
of Allah? He says, A man came, he
only had 2 dirhams.
He gave 1 dirham away and he kept
one for himself and his family.
And the other man had
a treasure of daraiyam.
He had lots of money in other words.
And he only gave a small amount
which was a 1,000 dirham. That 1 dirham
is worth more in the eyes of Allah
than the 1,000 dirham. Allah
give us the tawfiq to give what we
and let that tadaqa be a benefit for
us on the dunya
and be a means of attaining His forgiveness
and His Jannah on the day of your
Muqtiyah. Wa akhludawanaanalhamdulillahrubillahumalamin.
Wassalaamu alaykum Rahmatullahi