Riyadh Walls – Masjidus Sunni Ramadan 14392018

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The importance of acceptance and finding the right companionship is emphasized in life, as it can lead to discomfort and anxiety. A speaker discusses the need for parents to ensure the right path and the importance of choosing the right path in life. The segment also touches on the negative impact of some leaders on society and the importance of building a strong Islam foundation.
AI: Transcript ©
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spindown hamdulillah are Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah on early

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he was happy woman to Allah and Jamal Muslim in a cinema Alikum

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warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah I will present things to you solely

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to Allah subhanaw taala another night of Salah Tarawa, Allah

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subhanaw taala reward her first and grant him two strings to

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continue with a good work in Elijah Allah.

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Allah Allah one the data says in Surah Nisa

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verse number 27 and 28 Alesana dialysis Wallah who you read a

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tuba Alikum

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it Allah subhanaw taala he wants to accept your repentance,

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connecting to what we spoke about last night. It Allah subhanaw

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taala is just waiting for us. And just wanted to add a loves us to

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make Toba to always return to him to always repent to Him in the

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hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam about

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the man who goes into the desert with his camel and his food and

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his drink. And then He lives down to take a risk. And when he wakes

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up, he's Campbell in his food and his drink is gone.

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And he starts looking for the camel. And after three days he

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realizes he's going to die. It's in the middle of the desert is no

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vegetation, there's no water, there's nothing

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and he lives down to die. And he passes out. When he wakes up

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again, he finds his camera and his food and his drink standing over

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him. You know whatever Prophet Muhammad says is the writing the

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story to the Sahaba at the end he says, love Allah He Offeror habito

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batil Abdeen Mortmain Minh has been our highlight key that Allah

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is happier with the repentance of his servant. Then this man is with

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the return of his camel and his food and his drink. So also

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Nautilus is waiting for us. Well, so Natalia says will Allah who you

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read a YouTuber Aleikum, Allah wants to accept your repentance

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almost wanted to know who wants to forgive you. Allah subhanaw taala

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is telling us to believe us, Allah make us of the true believers. I

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mean, while you read to live in a TV or on a show Hawaii and TAMIU

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mela nauseam

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but those who follow the lusts and desires, they want you to go

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completely astray.

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And this is why it is so important for us, and especially as parents

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for our children, to make sure that we have the right

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companionship that we have the right friends. Because our beloved

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prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Al maru, Isla

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de Nikoli

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a person is on the way of life of the friend fell younger a habit

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Come on, you heard him, select every single one of you watch out

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who you take as your friends. Why because in the day of Yom Okayama

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if we have gone with a friend, Allah wants to accept our

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repentance. Allah wants us to be forgiven by him. He wants us to

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walk the straight path. But if we're going to choose the wrong

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friends, then there's not going to be time for Toba. There's not

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going to be time for returning to Allah is only going to be time for

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walking away from the straight path of Allah subhanaw taala and

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Allah subhanaw taala describes that person on the day of your

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Makia Yo my outdoor zali more Allah day,

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the day when the oppressor and he is speaking about the self

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oppressor, the person that has transgressed upon themselves by

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disobeying Allah, yo me on the volume or Allah day, the day when

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the person who has transgress the boundaries of Allah, they will

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bite into the hands out of regret. Your corner you're late honey,

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you're late and it took us tomorrow. So Lisa Vela, he will

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say, If only I take in the path of the messenger, your way later,

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later Neelam a turkey, fallen and kalila you say Woe be to me.

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If only I hadn't taken so and so as my friend, Luca, Ebola Nia and

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zycus body is journey. Indeed, he caused me to stray from the

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remembrance of Allah after it came to me.

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What kind of shale tonally in sunny cazuela and shale turn is

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ever deceiving of mankind?

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So, we have

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one of two paths to choose from in this life. waha de now who Nadine

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you know it's a Nadine and Nadine if I can use an example

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Arjuna scene Do you often drive to Pretoria

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Fly. Allahu Akbar. Have you ever driven? You have driven Of course.

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So when you driving on the in one,

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and you see that the road dips down into a valley, would you ever

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take a chance to overtake? No, because you can't see what's

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oncoming. And likewise if the road is flat, and it's on a hot day,

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then you will see the road is very hazy. But if the road is going up

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a mountain, then it's very clear, isn't it? That's one of the last

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one metallic speaking about when he sees her her day now who Niger

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Dane that Allah has shown us what her Dana he Shane as also dialysis

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and DPF shown the two clear paths, the path of right the path of

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wrong the path of good the path of bed the path of lawful the path of

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prohibited the path of truth, the path of falsehood, these are the

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two paths, and they are like those inclines and nudge Dane nudge to

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mean something which is more defer something which is elevated. So

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these two paths are clear or her Dana who nurture Dane. So we don't

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have an excuse. That's almost one to two analysis with regards to

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believe la ikura 15 Cut to be in a rush to mineral Ray. There's no

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compulsion in religion, you can't force somebody to believe

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something the right path has been made distinguishable from the

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wrong path.

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When Neff see Wilma so well, and by the soul, and the one you

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proportionate for I'll hammer half would you Raha for Toccoa. I was

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trying to tell it's given us that Islam, that we have this built in

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consciousness, of being able to differentiate between that which

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is good, and that which is bad, that which is right, and that

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which is wrong. So Allah subhanaw taala He wants us to choose, he

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wants us to use that world that he has created within us that Qudra

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to choose the right path, and not to go with the one that is calling

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us to follow a whims and fancies, Allah send desires. Then also the

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dialysis you read Allahu Allah you have the fancam Well, who do you

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call encircled lifer? Allah wants to make it light for you.

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And indeed, mankind has been created weak. That's why there's

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nothing difficult about this Dean. As somebody who grew up for 18

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years of his life without knowing La ilaha illAllah Muhammad

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Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and I grew up pretty much make it up as

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you go along.

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happy go lucky. Live and let live.

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No real boundaries, yes, my rules and principles they were there.

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But no real boundaries in terms of what you can what you cannot do.

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And Islam is not difficult. In fact, there is nothing which even

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causes discomfort in Islam was one that Allah says in Surah Surah Al

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Hajj Wilma Jalla I like confit Dinniman. hemorrhage. hemorrhage

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means discomfort. You noticed somebody makes a garage on you.

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That means they made you feel uncomfortable. Nothing in his DNA

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even makes us feel uncomfortable, let alone feel burdened, or feel

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Like you can be Allahu nevsun Illos Oh, Allah will never place a

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burden on us so that we should cannot bear. So let's hold on to

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Allah wants is for us our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu

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sallam. He says in a hadith a dean who uses the religion is easy.

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Call a sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bless you to Allah tuna Pharaoh.

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Yes, siru alectris hero, he says give glad tidings. And that's so

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important in the way that we portray Islam, that we portray it

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in a way within the bounds of the Quran and the Sunnah of our

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beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that is inviting

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for other people, not chasing them boy. Why? Because there is nothing

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extreme in Islam. He has zero Allah to ask you to make things

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easy, don't make them difficult, again within the boundaries that

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Allah subhanaw taala and our beloved Prophet Muhammad

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Sallallahu Sallam has set for us. It is said of a beloved Prophet

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Muhammad Salah Salem authentically narrated by one of the companions,

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may Allah be pleased with him. He said, ma Hui Yura Rasulullah he

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bina ambrane Illa Ouattara in Surah,

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Houma never ever was our beloved Prophet Muhammad, Salah Salem

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faced with a choice between two things, except that he chose the

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easier of the two again within the bounds

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He can't say no no but the Haram ways, easy way, no actual thing.

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The haram way is the difficult way. Because there is nothing that

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Allah subhanaw taala has enjoined upon us, except that it is for our

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benefit. And there is nothing that Allah subhanaw taala has

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prohibited us from doing except that it is to save us from

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And that's why our last one analysis in the Holy Quran

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and I call it the butter poll. This is truly the butter poll.

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When Allah subhanaw taala says that it might be that you dislike

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something Eisah and tuck crochet or whoever

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it might be that you just like something but it's good for you

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well as and to hit Bucha and also a shout welcome and it might be

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that you love something but it's bad for you and what's the bottom

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line? What's the butter pull? Well law who Yeah, Allahu

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Allah Tala moon, and Allah knows and you don't know. And coming

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back to our theme what is our theme?

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Building the shield of Taqwa in that lies all is and that's what I

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want to dialysis. When a tequila here Jaya Allah whom in Amity he,

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your surah the one who is mindful of Allah, the One who is careful

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for Allah, careful for for displeasing Allah shielding

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themselves from Allah's displeasure, Allah subhanho wa

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Taala will make their entire matter meaning their whole lives,

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Allah will make it easy for them. May Allah subhanaw taala make us

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of those middle always mindful of him, make us of those that are

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always careful of his boundaries, staying well within them. And

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through that, that Allah subhanaw taala grants us the ease to make

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it through the test of this life to be entered on the day of Yama

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piano in the company of a beloved prophet Sallallahu Sallam Feagin

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to name our hero Dawa Anna and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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one minute to go

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