Riyadh Walls – Masjidus Sunni Jumuah 30 July 2021
![Riyadh Walls](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/riyadh-walls-150x150.jpg)
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses various topics including news stories, political events, and references to god or beast. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on the favor of Islam for personal health and safety, wake-up to the reality of death, and the return of Islam's guidance. The segment also touches on personal and political events, including the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the return of the
AI: Summary ©
Sit on YT kumara Allahu
Hey Aaron
Hi Aaron
hamdulillah Europe Bella aalameen
You're a beer setter Are you a poster Are you Obinna, your appeal
of the Nubian citizen Obinna. You're a BM of original Kuru
before rich Karuna.
You want to be here or be who you will be thinner, Sharona Hammond,
Amana buck or help them in your head book will have the
amillennial Caribbean Illa
yeah aluminum be healthier for beer on behalf PICCHIO Latif and
will have been a majority Bayhill mercadien in Nicaragua coalition.
Well I shall do what the
Tala he Lohana shall factor.
Alpha Minal our me
low ash low Anna shell photo op de
la salmonella, our Mia Malika Amory,
LLC then fee hubby Kulina fee certain
human fi hub in Yama, de la actory his Sycamore rotten color Kola,
burly Maha Makana, hada Kulu mean and UFC Pima BT a Willie
should do and so you didn't know where to begin or what are the
minute Where have you been a Muhammad and Rasulullah Bella
Manasa Hello OMA Akasha Fulham Bucha had the villa haka jihadi
had utter holy again Bella Bella Allah become li Kashia deja bjm
early Ultima Jimmy OH, he saw it he saw Lou earlier he were early
Salah Alec Allah Who yeah LML who the Mohabbat in NASA. Well Marina
had a kill hammer in my bag Sofia, Homerton Islam you were harassing
Illa any acidity Quran is my Alma Isla Makalu Mowlana Tabata Kosmo
Viki Toby Hill Aziz, are there. Od biller him in a show you Tony
rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Well, Doha was daily sagia
ma Karim Bukoba caller Well, hello to Corolla camino. Gula well, so
for your dream car Rob Booker for Toro law. Allah Mujica your team
what we call ball down for Honda. What would you do?
For us I'm Malia, tema, fala taco how? Well I'm Miss Ella Fela tun
beanie Marathi are a big Fahad, this. So the Allahu La Vie Juma to
Allah subhanaw taala
in a very famous Surah
a surah that perhaps most of us know.
And if you grew up in a Muslim home, perhaps you learned it when
you were very young.
This is a Surah that we should all be pondering over and thinking
about in this dark hour that we are living in.
For indeed our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam also found himself in a dark hour, found himself where he
was, perhaps, for a moment, unsure,
as to how Allah subhanho wa Taala was looking at him
as to whether Allah subhanaw taala was pleased or displeased with
And so Allah subhanaw taala gives him the glad tidings and makes a
customer and says what Baja
by the breaking of the daylight.
Well lately either soldier
and by the night that covers up the light of the day,
ma our darker book, our male caller.
Your Lord has indeed not abandoned, you know, has he
belittled you or humiliated you?
Well, that's all for your tea Cara Booker for Tara. And indeed, your
Lord is going to give to you
and you're going to be pleased
to hire Hula, hula Wallah Sofia Utica Buka photographer. What does
he say before that and indeed the here after
Kira to Pharaoh look him in the yard after it's far better for
Then the first meaning the dunya
well, so for your ticker of Booker for Tara and indeed your Lord is
going to give to you and you're going to be pleased
now D'Amato Muslim in the Surah Mufasa rule they differ as to what
was the seven new Zulu what was the cause for the surah coming
In one rewire
it is that our raw been to help
OMO Jamil that was her Konya Jimmy
xojo to ozone ju a biller hub.
The wife of a biller hub but Murata who hum Mala tal hub, the
one that was carrying the carrying the firewood
and putting it in the path
and setting it alight.
So that our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and his
companions couldn't pass
that she one day she came to the Prophet Salah Salem and she said
to him,
she said, Yeah, Muhammad
in Nila Arjo a Hakuna che Athan Luca Tareq.
Well Amara whoa Cara Baca, Mundo Leila tiny.
She said, Oh Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
she said to him.
I hope
that your demon to stoke fear Allah loves him. This is the wife
a biller hub.
She says I hope that your demon has abandoned you meaning Gibreel
either is salatu salam,
for indeed, I didn't see him coming near you for two or three
The words the prophets, Allah Salam had not come with any new
that he was
giving over to his companions in Makkah and she had heard of
They were always
trying to get to fucka dune trying to find out what is going on what
is Muhammad saying? What is he calling towards?
In another rewire
the Jews
had asked our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam
about a row, the soul, the coronation, and as horrible calf.
The Jews had asked him about these three things. And he said, Sir,
Bureau come gada
he said, I'm going to tell you tomorrow, Willem, you're calling
sha Allah. And he didn't say If Allah so wills.
And it is for this reason
that it is believed that the way the revelation stopped
again, the order might differ. even huger, he says for 12 days,
if not Abbas, Rajala and Houma. He says for 15 days, I'll McCartan
Rahim Allah to Allah. He says for 40 days.
The revelation stopped gibril never came to him. La salatu
And so beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam started getting
worried getting concerned.
Is Allah angry with me? Is Allah displeased with me?
And so Allah subhanaw taala took him out of this
dark hour in which he found himself
and Allah subhanaw taala gave him the glad tidings word to her.
Well, lately either soldier, by the day when it breaks in by the
night that covers the dead.
It's like we are,
we are in the night at the moment. We are in the dark, the Prophet
said, fit to non
Muslim to get to come trials and tribulations like a dark night.
Do can
he described it as as what he described it as fog. As smoke is
People are confused about most things.
I mean, now we see all this confusion about
this virus, and confusing about the vaccine and confusion about
wearing masks and confusion about who is infectious who's not
infectious. So much confusion just from one aspect. And there's so
much other confusion going on
about the socio economic conditions in the world about
climate change.
We are certainly in a time of fitten
trials and tribulations like a dark night.
But like to say
Muhammad Allah Laolu Fela budem into luring fajita
Muhammad Ali Allah,
for Allah budem in the holy
no matter how long the night is, the day must break.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train.
And no matter how long we live,
no matter how long the night is, the day must break. And no matter
how long we live
one day we have to enter the cover
for the Buddha mean to hold.
This is the question that we need to be asking ourselves, what have
we prepared for that?
For that moment,
for that certainty
when we leave this world and are entered into that Kaboosh What if
we prepared for that? Because if we prepare well,
then you don't need to worry about us you know to
come in and ruler why because just like Allah Subhan Allah Allah says
in surah Taha to our beloved prophet Sallallahu sallam, that
the year after is better for you think the dunya in this life.
The life of the after, is better for you than the first life, the
life of this world. And Allah is going to give you and you're going
to be pleased
Is Allahu Akbar.
It is said that when the people of Jana May Allah make us of them,
may Allah make us of them, that Allah make us of them. I mean
neuropil Alamy she's when they intergender
Allah subhanaw taala will ask them are the two are you happy? Are you
pleased? And they will say, que phala nada wakad The outer eternal
Kula shave, how can we not be pleased and you've given us
everything we could have ever dreamed of, we could have ever
wished to hope to desired.
And then Allah subhanaw taala will remove
the 70,000 veils, as to the exact number Allah Allah.
Allah will remove all the veils between him and his servants.
And as our beloved prophet Salla Salam says that hadith
little better. And then you will see Allah like you see the moon,
on the night when it is full, are the words clearly
would you we are eating now the Euro
Elara Bihan. Now the euro.
Allah make us have them on the day, those true believers, Allah
make us of them.
Their faces will be illuminated and they will be looking at the
countenance of the Lord. Allahu Allah for Allah.
Allah so for your ticket Apocrypha, let me adjudicate your
team and for our Do you not find you as an orphan, and he gave you
Allah Mujica your team and
the Cabal.
And He found you lost and he guided you right?
What would you take her island for Alana and he found you
impoverished and you need to? familia team of Takahara. And as
for the orphan to not be overbearing.
Illa fella, turn her, the one who asks to not rebuke them under
being mature or become Hadith. And as for the favor of your Lord,
speak about it.
recall it, think of it, focus on it.
And that's what we have to do.
And I start with myself, focus on what we have, even in this darkest
hour, that we find ourselves in. And I say darkest, knowing very
well that there are even darker clouds, gathering on the horizons.
But if we have Allah
then we have everything.
And if we don't have Allah, we have nothing.
So that's all we have to focus on now. Focus on the favor of Islam
and Iman.
Focus on the favor if you have your health Allahu Akbar. If you
have your health,
to Terjun Allah Olson or say Hala euro in LA Martha, a wise man once
said, you see the health is a crown on the heads of the healthy
that only the sick people can see.
So if you have your health, if you have your iman, you have your
Islam Hamdulillah you have your health Alhamdulillah
you still got a bit of wealth.
Even if it is just go to your MC like the Prophet said SallAllahu
Sallam he said it's a container half anti badnik I mean official
academia behind their failure.
If you have
if you have your health in your body,
and you have your safety and security in your home
and you have your daily provision in your stomach, then you've
attained the dunya and everything in it.
You know, in this time of, of pandemic, you can still hear
people you can still see people they are still chasing the dunya
that people are dying around them. And all they can think about is
the next deal.
The next purchase
the next sale.
We need to wake up to
we need to wake up Okafor Bill multiword on your hammock, or at
the Prophet says Allah Salam. He said death is sufficient as a
Warner of a hammer.
To Allah ma say two things.
If they don't change your people, nothing will
the Holy Quran
and the reality of death. You tell me for as long as you've been
alive. I don't care how old you are for Islam.
Unless you've been alive Have you ever known death
I believe since the beginning of this month alone in our Muslim
community in the Western Cape, I stand to be corrected Doc. I'm not
sure. But I was told 600 Genesis in the Western Cape since the
beginning of July.
If that's not going to wake us up,
if that's not going to cause us to repent and to return to Allah
subhanaw taala and to ready ourselves for our final departure
from this world and nothing will
out to becoming hola que la luna de la cama Hana, Hana madrasa to
Mohammed in Salallahu Salam, your colouful Habibollah Mustafa Al
Bertola blur with them Bula Yun, sir but Dr. ngulia mode to come
out to dinner to Dan or your Kool Aid or could lube in the Mahato
cradle Hopper in October boo
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Shangri La Ilaha illa Allah who will use all the green
eyeshadow Anessa you didn't know when to be you know what Haldimand
or have you been a Muhammad Allah sort of law or thermal MBA even
more studied
under that for you only Muslim or Sikh community along with the
numerator wouldn't be tacos
because the call Allah Tabata Kota Allah vikita Vilas us but I
wouldn't be learned him in a show you turn the regime. Here you will
live in toquilla Ducati whether to move to a lower anti Muslim mood.
Well call the caller Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
tequila Hi toma country.
Al Hassan atta tam Hua, Harlequin sob Hello kin, Hassanein.
Tomato assuming
somebody was telling me that in strength alone in the strength
they have on average six to seven Janaza year in the strength
since the beginning of this year, they've had 85 Genesis
that is in the standalone.
But you see, the thing about the Koffler.
The thing about heedlessness
is that we only realize the reality of something when it
Instead of thinking about being conscious of it and preparing for
it before the time.
That's why our beloved prophet Sallallahu sallam said he said, a
serial woman has similar things, a lot of the destroyer of pleasures.
Think a lot about death.
Think a lot about it. Say the honorable Abdul Aziz. He had a
special minister, not the Minister of Finance or Minister of Home
Affairs or minister of education. No, he had a special Minister I'm
speaking about
what was the job of this minister? His name was Ahmed Ibrahim
And he said to one day, oh, Amara son of Elmo hajus
If you see me going astray
for whose image my sob thing grabbed me by the scruff of my
throat and shake me and say to me, Oh, I'm gonna send them Abdulaziz
fear Allah because you're gonna die.
You would ask this man to remind him every time he saw him doing
something that you know, was maybe going off the path, fear Allah
because you're gonna die.
Tomorrow Muslim Muslimeen
we have lost many.
And there are many that are sick.
Just in our area alone, I know of three families
that are ill. I don't know how many members of those families but
in particular, because I'm asking you to make special to offer them
a special do we make dua for all our sick but special to our for
our, our beloved brother and Hajj
and his daughter
and also for brother Ahmed, the Egyptian and I know there's one
other family the other family are still being tested. So I don't
want to make any mention of that they haven't got their test
results back yet.
But Allah subhanaw taala grant him Shiva, Ben Kalita and for our
deceased Allah subhanaw taala grant him all genital Fritos,
Allah Allah.
I made mention of a poem in the first cookbook and I'm going to
translate it and inshallah we are going to conclude the hotpot of
today of this Joomla hobby the lighter the poet says
no, I shall Fatah feed daddy. If a person was living
in a time in their lifetime
I will fundamental our me Maliko armory for 1000 years.
A good life.
Meaning in control of all the affairs Mattila didn't see Happy
Enough visa to enjoying every material luxury and comfort.
But to not even fear being Yamaha city
enjoying all the
gadgets and all the amenities that the time in which they live in
might offer them.
They never get sick one day.
color will be belly. No they even worried about anything on any day.
At the end, he says, he says
he says none of this 1000 years of all this so called success and
health and wealth. It will not prepare you, calla Makana had a
coup looming and your fee Bhima btw Oh Willie, let him fill
carbery none of this can prepare you for the first night in the
Let's get our priorities straight. Let us return to Allah. Let us
hold on to the indestructible rope of Allah, the Holy Quran and the
Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. Even if it as our
beloved prophets, Allah Salam said, so yet Dr. Lena Salman al
Kabita, Allah de COVID, Allah gemvara is going to come a time
when a person that's holding on to the religion will be like a person
holding on to a hot call. May Allah subhanaw taala make a
Allah subhanaw taala. Grant us faith is unshakable. Allah
subhanaw taala grant has tongues and always remember him hearts
that are always mindful of him. Allah subhanaw taala grant
assistance that is lawfully in abundance, may Allah distance us
from all that is unlawful like his distance to East from the west.
Now Allah subhanaw taala grant us good health.
And may Allah subhanaw taala keep us on the Shiratama stockin Illa
Jannetty name in Allahu Allah Ekata who you saw Luna Island
Debbie, here you will live in Amanu Sallu alayhi wa sallam with
a slimmer Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Ali Mohamed Salah to
Allah Ibrahim while earlier Ibrahim vertikalen Muhammad Ali
Mohammed Kumar Baraka Allah Ibrahim while early Ibrahim Avila
Mina indica Hamid and Majid what are the Allahumma annual Hall of
Famer Rashid Dinamo, baccarat miroir with the man where it won
it hasn't won per se everybody will remain well answered early
after you've been hitting one side it's a habit to hedge your mind
bureaux Motyka year or hamara Hamid Allah Marisa Islam when a
or ally we feel like you can tell hockey with Deen Allah Azza wa
Ana, if you follow steam or feel as a hospital neuropil alameen
Allah Muhammad Masterlock, Samir Desai, Anna Jakob Allah Grameen
amongst elements are required and understood if enough equally
mucker Allah was prima donna Allama shoe model Dinah Aloha
machinery model Donna what a hammer Alterna omoton Muslimeen
erotica here are hamara Jaime
in the La Jolla model will add the Williamson or Eater is incredible
in her and in fascia it will Moon Cody will buddy he either come
Lala come to the karoun como la sala to Camilla hammock Kamala,
welcome to Salah.
My lord was
on apologies for the poem and he's further along
Muhammad Rasulullah Salallahu Salam is still tied to a Serbian
USA common law
a law a court
in New Jersey
and infamously Manuel Manuel
bees will be Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillahi Juran Bella Mia or
Rockman Rahim in new Kiyomi de la Yong cannot Goodway yeah Kenna
stallion, Dino ser autonomous stepping Serato Latina and anti
lay him avoiding them of dough behind him one of dawn on me
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. Well, Doha was daily either surger
ma Karim Bukoba kala well
The funeral to communal oh, by the sofa you're eating caramel mocha
photo Allah
some Yamaha Newman Hamidah
Hola Hola.
Hola. All right
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen are
rock Nanea rockin in Luquillo MIDI
you cannot do it yeah canister
Do you not see your autonomous docking Serato Lagina and untidy
him volume of dough behind him one on on me
let me educate your team for our when we're GA countdown on down
Sahaja would you Dukkha
for our
for millennia Tina fella taco
fella John How
do you know Matthew Rob Baker Fahad this hola
so many of our handyman Hamidah
Hola Hola.
Salam Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa salam ala kumara athma to law are
still for the loan is still a federal loan is still a futile
Aloma and to sit down women consider them to borrow to their
jewelry with a chrome semiannual Altano from Nicaragua where they
can Massoud with a Hollywood Aqua to level the illegal audio or
another lambda and for Santa ilimitado fildena with 100 and
Hakuna numeral caecilian nomadic whatever can awaken have been
awakened merci Allama fildena The new beneva Coffee runner so you
know what to offer no matter what or allometry Madonna allometry
Madonna, Allah Masha Madonna
Allahu Musqueam colada na sobre la la the marble Arsenal Karima
Jezreel nos Alana them Robert La Silla Kareem as Shreya hum NUS all
a lot of them Robert Austral Karima? Yes fear him. Not plus on
a lot of the mobile OS will carry a use for your home. That's on a
lot of the mobile Asha Kadima. Yes for your home. Not all a lot of
the neurobiological kingdom as for your home not all Alana
immunobiological crema yes for your home. While she metadata
misdemeanor bureaucratically Yahama Rahman Allama stream main
colada Bismillah Hinata him Allahu Yoshi Bismillah Hiner T him Allah
He has free him Bismillah Hina T him Allah He has free him. That's
a loca Allah Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim alpha alpha Mara
Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim alpha alpha Mara Bismillah AR Rahman AR
Rahim alpha alpha Mara. When a Celica Allah Baraka disability
Fatiha this will lie who Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil
Alameen or Rahmani Raheem e Maliki omit the year cannot go do a year
kind of staring into you know SEER autonomous stuffy Serato Ladino
Ananda RNA him volume of doom yesterday him one of Dong Ling
Allah McDonough will often another clever jolly well Cuba Marina will
be ethical federal Afia to indica Allah coalition in Kaduna. Subhana
Bukhara Bella is at yamna uc phone was salam ala l Mursaleen. Al
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen