Riyadh Walls – Masjidus Sunni Jumuah 14 May 2021

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The title "Okings of the Unify" in the Bible is discussed, including its origin and use in various we'd we'd we'd, the "Okings of the Unify" title. The importance of protecting the Muslim community is emphasized, along with the upcoming election and the need for compassion and mercy. The transcript describes a woman named Missus Malra who is killed by a professional criminal and a woman named Edina who plans to live in a hot dog in a tow-b analytical laboratory.
AI: Transcript ©
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no no

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you're suddenly moved as he

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said down Why do you come to LA he overcut

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should I do

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Hi Jana

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Allah was the

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Alhamdulillah moorambilla al Amin

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Arabiya Sutter Hill Are you a booster Are you gonna be as of

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Thursday Newbill citizen Obinna Europe BM of original Kuru before

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rich Karuna Europe via Allah to UB pinochle Rama Homina welcome Mina

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aurizona Hogback Pahalgam in your head book bahagia amillennial

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curry buena de la Hogback Alamanda Celtic sob rhombi Celtic he

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allottee from the Celtic altar of Mina Bhima Jorah to the Hill

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mythology in Canada coalition in Kaduna, where I showed they were

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in a lot a lot of lemon Contempo cottage Iran for volume otology

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acaba who in anatomy term why NACA well move lumen Tebbe Hoon. Here

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do I like worrying Allah Helium 10 Me Why should you under so you

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didn't know when a beginner while demon our Habiba Mohammad Rasool

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Allah but Allah, Allah

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wa jal hydrophila haka jihadi hut utter Julio Qin Bella, become a

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cashier for deja vu Jamali, our ultimate Jimmy office Ali Sallu

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alayhi wa salam ala Kola Huya animal who the MaHA Bettina woman

00:11:25 --> 00:11:30

now has a kill Hannah in battle for your Homerton Islamic Ross and

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Aqeedah Allah India Salat Illa Aina sera till Curam is smart Omar

00:11:36 --> 00:11:37

Ilana kala Houma.

00:11:38 --> 00:11:42

vikita Bellagio is barder who below him in a show you Tanya

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Rajiv? Yeah, are you Hello Dina ominous karula Has the Quran

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Kaviraj was a bee who who booked curato I'll see. So the Kola who

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loves him too much honestly mean Allah subhanaw taala commands us

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as believers smell lawmakers as a true believers I mean, you're a

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banana mean. You're a you're Latina almond who Oh, those of you

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who believe was Corolla, the Quran quisiera remember Allah much.

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Remember Allah Allah.

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Remember Allah as much as you can, with some be hoo hoo boo curato

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sila and glorify him in the morning and in the evening. Colin

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Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Kalama attorney coffee for

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attorney analysen Habib attorney and the Rahman tequila tourney al

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Meezan superhard Allah he will be handy he Subhan Allah He la vie

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Javi our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says

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in this authentic hadith, two words.

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Two words, very light on the tongue,

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very beloved to the Most Merciful. Allah subhanho wa Taala and very

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heavy in our scale of good deeds of the day of your

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or to those two words Subhan Allah he will be handy he

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Subhana what is that mean? That is 10 Z meaning ALLAH is free of all

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won't be happy and all praises and thanks is due to Him. superhard

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Allah Hilah all the all glory and praise to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the almighty JELA fear Allah. So join me on this day of read

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let us glory for Allah subhanaw taala Let us remember Allah

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subhanho wa Taala because at the end of the day, Jamal Muslimeen no

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matter what our worlds in our problems, no matter what our

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struggles in our stripes, our trials or tribulations, the only

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one that can help us is Allah.

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And that's why we say husband Allah and Yamawaki

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Allah is enough for us. And what is the answer The DUA or call your

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husband Allah. When Yamawaki from kala boo Ilan Yama Tieman Allah so

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after they said that, the Sahaba they returned with what they

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returned with the victory

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and the fever of Allah Fung colorvu bin Yama teaming Allah he

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will 14 lamium system Su and no harm came to them.

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So inshallah with us fill this day with remembrance of Allah subhanaw

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taala. It just filled his day with gratitude and thanks to Allah

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subhanaw taala and let us know. And we send this message to that

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to that Zionist entity that continues to commit oppression

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that continues to murder in cold blood. I mentioned a few words

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from the poet. The poet says lovely manda Kuntum aka Tadiran Do

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not oppress if you cannot bear the consequences of your oppression.

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For those

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who in anatomy, because the results of your oppression

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will end up in buttery grit. Tonight your eyes go to sleep at

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as your if sixteens and your FA teens and your Apache helicopters

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and your Howard said tanks are bombarding and killing innocent

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men women and children you go to sleep at night your eyes close

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Walmart lumen TV one but the oppressed one is awake making dua

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on you and the eye of Allah never sleeps. The eye of Allah never

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sleeps. Whether tax evasion Allah Hafiz

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in Akira, homely Yeoman Tasha Sophie Hill

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do not think for one second says Allah subhanaw taala that Allah is

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unaware of what the oppressors are doing. He's only delaying the

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punishment for a day when they next will be stiffened and their

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eyes will be bulging out of a fear for Allah subhanho wa Taala in

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Allah Allah humilis dalim Hatter either aka the hula mu flee to our

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beloved Prophet salallahu Salam says, Indeed Allah gives the

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respite to the oppressor, but when he takes him, there's no escape.

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He's no getting away. So let us turn to Allah, the only one that

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can help us, the only one that can guide us, the only one that can

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protect us, the only one that can sustain us.

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The one and almighty creator cherisher nourish a sustainer

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manager, controller, owner and ruler of everything in the heavens

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on earth, Allah subhana portada it's turned to him on to stay. It

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has Inshallah, to Allah,

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in order that these two hours should be accepted. And in order

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that this Alma should be united, let us do a very important act on

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this day and this reconciliation. Whether it be with family, whether

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it be with our fellow brothers and sisters in Islam, if you can't see

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them, pick up the phone, phone them, reconcile, let's have the

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best relations. Let's have no empathy amongst ourselves, except

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the best relations with each other, less love for each other

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which we love for ourselves, then you're going to see the help of

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Allah coming. Then you're going to see the victory of Allah coming

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otherwise we're going to continue in this humiliation and

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destruction will area doubler what is the prophets of Allah Salam

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say, Allah Bureau can be often I'm interested to see him he was

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Salatu was Salam. Ala Rasulillah kala Islamorada Sylvain Fein the

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facade of that hill, Benny Hill Holika. Now,

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Danny Kadeem,

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he said, Do not tell you of something that is better in

00:17:19 --> 00:17:24

degrees, but Allah in reward by Allah, then praying, fasting and

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giving charity or can be better than that.

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Sahaba tell us on Messenger of Allah in detail us, he said, to

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reconcile between Muslims

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for indeed to cause dissension for indeed to cause dissension and

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disunity and enmity between Muslim in is the destruction except fact

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is it it is the shaving. He says I'm not saying the shaping of the

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hair, but the shaving of the dean. So may Allah subhanaw taala unite

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us on this beautiful day of Eid, unite us in love and compassion

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and mercy, not just for ourselves and our families and our friends

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and our neighbors and our close ones. But for every single Muslim

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in the ummah of Bahama that is saying La ilaha illAllah Muhammad

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Rasulullah Salah Let's be like that one body methylene more

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meaning if it were to him, method and mumineen efeito de matar

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Rahami without to him commercial just at the stock come in Nordwind

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Tada. Sir, it will just it will Eleni will humba with the

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rewriting mystery, the likeness of the believers in the love that

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they have for each other.

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And in the mercy and compassion that they show towards one

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another, and in the affection and the love and the connection that

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they have with each other is the likeness of a single body. If one

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body feels pain, then the whole body feels that pain in that fever

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with that part of the body. In other narration of the Hadith, if

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one body feels pain, it keeps the whole body awake at night.

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So let us insha Allah to Allah celebrate this eat. I know in sha

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Allah, everybody's tumbled Tamizha rumbling everybody's dreaming

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about Tamati poachy And, and the tongue and the boat and everything

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else it's on the menu inshallah. Allah subhanaw taala causes to be

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a day of, of happiness in sha Allah, keeping in mind, the

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suffering, keeping in mind the struggle that our brothers and

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sisters are having in Russia and everywhere else in the world, but

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insha Allah nated period say eight Mobarak coulomb onetoone betrayed

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our od becoming Hoonah kala Hana mama Adara comma Hana Hana Madonna

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Situ Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam your Kulu Phil Habibollah

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Mustafa I will be reliable with him Bula Yun sir but the Yamuna ml

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machine to come out Edina to Dan for your cooler able to live in a

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hot dog on a helicopter in a tow baboon.

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And Hunter hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa ala Ilaha illa Allah

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who will use solid green eyeshadow Anessa you did not want to be you

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know all the Manawa Have you been on Muhammad and Rasulullah hurt

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and Colombia it will mausoleum

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about fear you will Muslim who will see common elements nipa are

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going to be Takala to Allah thority poco de Kado lota and if

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you could tell he loves his brother would be La Mina shaytani

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R Rajim Yeah, you hold the denominator hula haka Ducati well

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now to move to LA and to Muslim on Coca Cola Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam it tequila hyphema Conte or activator

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sejahtera Hassan atom Hua Bacala kanessa Bihu looking Hassanein

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going forward Yamato Muslim. Let us take this we'll see you soon.

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Jamya all comprehensive advice that our beloved Prophet Muhammad

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Salah Salem gave to Mara Divini Jebel when he sent him to Yemen as

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a governor and as a judge and as a teacher, what did he say to me I'm

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What is it tequila? Oh my god have Taco for Allah. Something that our

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Hamdulillah we have replenished. Something that Allah has subhanaw

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taala has granted us the opportunity to maintain and

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maintain that shield of tuck on our hearts in this month of

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With our CL mana Okay, I'm going forward. Let's take this advice

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that the Prophet gave to my the beanie Devil or the Allah Tabata,

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Kota Allah and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said oh word be

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mindful of Allah wherever you are.

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With it in Ramadan or outside of Ramadan. With it is read

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with your with people or with you're alone with you're on a

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journey or in residency, whether it be in the day or whether it be

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in a night in tequila, and I stopped with myself, I stopped

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with my sinful self ODR to be mindful of Allah wherever you are.

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her and follow up a bad deed with a good one. It'll wipe it out

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minuses of course, major ones require Tober

00:21:37 --> 00:21:40

and what kind of tilba tilba tena Suha to stop what we've been doing

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wrong, regret having done it and make a sincere intention not to do

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it again. Allah subhanaw taala is prepared to forgive our sins

00:21:46 --> 00:21:49

kuliah Eva the Alladhina SIR for Allah unfussy la takana tumor

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Rahmatullah in the Lucha Libre Jimmy and in the who, who will say

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to them, oh, Mohamed, Salah, Salah, no servants of mine, that

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have transgressed upon themselves, do not forget to do that. Do not

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display in the Mercy of Allah Indeed, Allah forgives all sins.

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Indeed Allah is oft forgiving, Most Merciful. Oh Allah forgive us

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on the state. Oh Allah if we are to meet you one day and we all

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know that you're going to meet you one day. Let us meet you like the

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day when our mothers gave birth to us. Yeah, Allah. Allah is we lift

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the masala this morning after you had forgiven us going back to our

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homes upright your Allah continue that he died. That guidance and

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that Tofik for us to remain upright on your Scirocco. Mr. Kim

00:22:31 --> 00:22:32

Illa Jannetty nine.

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So tomato Muslimeen let us continue by placing the choices

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peace and salutations and blessings on our beloved prophet

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muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forgot Ameren Allah

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subhanho wa taala.

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Here are you headed Adina in Allah Homina Iike who you saw Luna Allah

00:22:51 --> 00:22:55

Nabi a un Latina Amanu Sallu Allah He was selling the Taslima

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Allahumma Salli. Ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad Kuma Selita Allah

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Ibrahim, Ibrahim Oh Bertie, kind of Muhammad Ali Ali Mohammed Omar

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Abdullah Ibrahim while earlier what are haemophilia Alameen

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indica, Hamid and Majid what are the Allahu Anhu holophone Rashid

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in Abu Bakr are manually while in Hassan for saying or anybody who

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will run anywhere in Saudi Arabia he'll tell you even after hearing

00:23:14 --> 00:23:17

what I'm saying the Sahaba at a dramatic dramatic Al Hamra Hamid

00:23:17 --> 00:23:21

Allah Maricel Islam and Muslim in Allah Azza Islam are well Muslim

00:23:21 --> 00:23:24

in Allah muslim Islam are well Muslim in

00:23:27 --> 00:23:29

Allah Maricel Islam Muslim Muslim in

00:23:31 --> 00:23:36

the little comfortable Mushrikeen with them Mirada Deen almost 31

00:23:36 --> 00:23:40

and a few glasses of water the scene of a better mock this but

00:23:40 --> 00:23:44

difficult or via official morphine Yemen with the Libya of you must

00:23:44 --> 00:23:47

have a few Afghanistan Iraq of a man man with Soma with equally

00:23:47 --> 00:23:51

makan Allah on Sudan was a bit Akademia Abdullah Alameen Allah

00:23:51 --> 00:23:54

Miranda huddle Bella Allah ma fundamentally Bella dunya what

00:23:54 --> 00:23:58

other will ask Allah to believe in Allah mushy Madonna or Hamilton

00:23:58 --> 00:24:01

Hamilton Muslim Univera from Attica Yahama I mean about Allah

00:24:01 --> 00:24:05

in the La Jolla Morrow bill it will you eat it will CORBA or even

00:24:05 --> 00:24:09

handle fascia you will Moon curry will hear the cupola Allah come to

00:24:09 --> 00:24:13

the karoun como la salata Camilla hammock Kamala Welcome to Salah

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out what you will

00:24:49 --> 00:24:54

Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam still attached to a Serbian USA

00:24:54 --> 00:24:54

welcome Allah

00:24:58 --> 00:24:59

Allah Allah

00:25:02 --> 00:25:07

Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah Hiro Bella Domi Rahman

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Al Rahim Allah Kiyomi Dean, you cannot do I cannot stand if you do

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not see an autonomous stepping see your autonomy Latina and anti gay

00:25:20 --> 00:25:27

him. Well you really have to be either him or not on me

00:25:29 --> 00:25:34

Bismillah hir rahman al Rahim. But Dini was a tune well to the scene

00:25:34 --> 00:25:40

in Bella. I mean Dakka DAKKA lakanal in Santa Fe off Sanita

00:25:40 --> 00:25:46

going from Narada Donna who has fell as Afeni elderly. You know,

00:25:46 --> 00:25:50

Salah had you found a home at your own room. I'm known for my ukulele

00:25:50 --> 00:25:56

book about Adobe de la soapbar who we are Camille Hakimi. Hola Hola.

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Sami Allahu Neeman Hamadani Allahu Akbar.

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Allahu Akbar.

00:26:11 --> 00:26:12

Allahu Akbar.

00:26:15 --> 00:26:22

Alou Akbar Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil

00:26:22 --> 00:26:27

aalameen R Rahman Al Rahim Allah Kiyomi Dean, yer Kana

00:26:28 --> 00:26:33

Kana staring if you do not see your autonomous docking Serato

00:26:33 --> 00:26:41

leadin Anantha ie him, well, you will have to be either him or me.

00:26:44 --> 00:26:46

This will be Rahmani Raheem either.

00:26:48 --> 00:26:55

He was what I say yeah to Hulu Nephi de la he of wotja for some

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of the the Hamdi are on pika was still in now who gonna tell ya

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00:27:06 --> 00:27:09

somebody Allah Who Bahu naman Hamidah

00:27:10 --> 00:27:12

Allahu Akbar

00:27:15 --> 00:27:17

Allah Akbar

00:27:19 --> 00:27:20

Allahu Akbar

00:27:24 --> 00:27:26

Allah hola

00:27:31 --> 00:27:31

hola hola hola

00:27:42 --> 00:27:49

Sudan, where it even more Rama Rahmatullah cinema, not law. Mr.

00:27:49 --> 00:27:52

Fulani, still guru understood full Allahumma and to Sadam women

00:27:52 --> 00:27:55

because salam to one or two other jewelry when he Quran so me I

00:27:56 --> 00:27:59

thought I know of Rana Khurana where they can we'll see but uh,

00:27:59 --> 00:28:02

however Dakota in the villa Hilari Levin Robina Taco Bell Mina in the

00:28:02 --> 00:28:06

contest similar Halima to Bologna in the counter to Ebrahim Robina

00:28:06 --> 00:28:09

Taco Bell. Minos Salah tena, we'll see them in our clear manner. Roku

00:28:09 --> 00:28:12

Anna was to do dinner with us via Hana with me. I'm Melina Robina

00:28:12 --> 00:28:16

Taco Bell Minella Khalil was semi Hannah Bill Kathy. Willa to hidden

00:28:16 --> 00:28:20

a bit takasi Rama Tikka or hamara I mean, Allah was 31 Animal stood

00:28:20 --> 00:28:23

if enough equally makan Allama saw him with a bit Akadama Muira Bill

00:28:23 --> 00:28:27

Alameen Allah Masha Madonna our Hamilton and remote and Muslim in

00:28:27 --> 00:28:30

Europe from Attica your hamara Amin Subhana be corrupt Eliza

00:28:30 --> 00:28:33

Tiana se phone I said I'm gonna I didn't wanna Selena Al hamdu

00:28:33 --> 00:28:34

Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

00:28:38 --> 00:28:39


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a couple days

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