Riyadh Walls – Maghrib Talk 13-08-2024
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The Quran provides verses for each event, including Surah Al Saad, hadith, hadith, and conversation, and it is a reflection of pride and desire. The speaker emphasizes the importance of pride and humility in avoiding disaster, and the benefits of organic soil for plants. They also discuss the pride of worship, vanity, and pride when compared to their father Adam, and the benefits of organic soil for plants. The speaker discusses the differences between Abba and Istigbar, as well as the benefits of organic soil, including the ability to harden clay, and the potential for harm to animals. The importance of worshipping Congress and the Jinn is also highlighted.
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So, actually, 3 places.
This event,
this hawar,
this hadith,
this conversation
is taking place
in 3 places in the Quran.
The first one was Surah Al Saad.
I'll give you the verses.
So starting with verse number 75,
for this 75 and 76
and then so to Hijal,
which is
and 33.
75, 76.
and then
verse number 12 and number 30.
Verse number 12.
I've got verse number 11
and verse number 12.
So in these 3 places the same event
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
and this is this goes
for most of the stories of the prophets
in the Quran,
where the stories are told piecemeal,
and often the same event
is repeated,
but with a slight difference.
A little bit of detail here
and more comprehensive there.
And as we find in tafsirur Quran in
the Quran,
that which is made comprehensive in one part
of the Quran is
explained in more detail
in another part of the Quran.
So without repeating anything that we spoke about
last night,
I want to go
I want to go back
to Surat Asad,
and I want to take it from
from verse number 76.
So as salamu alaykum wa ta'ala is asking,
Is it because of your pride? Are you
looking down on others? What is kibbut?
It's to reject the truth when it is
told you, but kibri forces you to look
down on others. In fact,
what is the father of kibri? Of pride?
His 'Ojib is vanity.
And Ojib, Abu al Kibri.
Vanity is the father of pride.
Vanity is when a person takes it onto
it doesn't necessitate pride because a person can
be on a deserted island
and they can think a lot of themselves
whether it's their looks,
or their strength,
or their wealth,
or their status,
or their
or their tribe, or their nation,
they can think a lot of themselves, on
a deserted island, with nobody else around,
but as soon as you put that person
in a society, and they start comparing themselves
to others,
then their object, that vanity turns to pride,
and they start looking down upon others.
So Allah SWARTA is asking Ibelis,
it because
of your pride? Are you looking down? Are
you thinking a lot of yourself and looking
down on Adam?
You know of the Italian inscription of Adam?
Fa'alaf Anahu ajluf.
So he discovered that he was Muslim,
Fa'alaf Anhu layatamalik
and realized
this is a creation that cannot keep desire
at bay.
So, after His inspection of our father, before
life was blown into Him, when He was
just a hallowed clay shell,
salsa and purfahkar,
potter's clay, sounding clay,
of inspecting
our Father before life was blown into Him,
did He
now make a comparison
between himself
and Adam? And because of his vanity, because
of thinking a lot of himself,
was he now looking down upon our father?
And for that reason he refused when Allah
commanded him?
When he was worshiping Allah in the assembly
of Al Balakatibukarabeel,
archangels and those angels
of the most highest ranking angels,
He was in there assembly, and they all
prostrated and he refused?
Was it because of that pride?
Like Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,
You cannot cleave the earth.
That's why we must walk like,
And the servants of the Most Merciful,
they walk on the earth gently.
They don't
stop with their feet because they go.
They walk on the earth
And you said our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam, he used to walk upright but as
if he was walking uphill,
so with a slight incline.
with humility.
Okay, so layman, it's a difficult one
to combine,
Nobility with humility.
That was our beloved Prophet
He was noble, at the same time he
was humble. He didn't stop on the earth,
He walked gently on the earth with nobility
and with humility. He
cannot cleave the earth, meaning no matter how
hard you stop, we can't cleave the earth.
Can you reach the heights of the mountains,
no matter how high we stick our noses
up in the air.
In the other verse
don't walk in the earth instantly,
you know.
With a Kabiri filled with pride.
Allah loves not the Allah
loves not the person who thinks a lot
of themselves, and then as a result looks
down on other people.
So Iblis is setting himself up for disaster
here. Number 1 with his vanity,
and now when comparing himself to Adam, he
is now filled
with pride and he's looking down,
he's looking down on our father Adam.
you elevated yourself to a position
whereby you feel
that you can
disregard and disobey
Literally disregard because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says
in the Ayam Suratul Baqarah, Abba,
He refused.
He refused what?
He refused to obey Allah's command.
So there's a difference between
Abba and Istigbar.
Istigbar is the pride that he felt
in his heart
that he's better than Adam
and therefore he's looking down on Adam
but other to refuse
the Surah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala means when he
says, amkuntum bilal aali,
do you feel you're above
being obedient,
being an obedient servant to Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala, when He has commanded you, He who
created you,
and has commanded you to prostrate before
this creation
that Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la created from the
earth, from the dust of the soil?
So this is the question that the Surat
Al Aqsa poses to Iblis, oh Iblis, what
prevented you from prostrating
to that which I created with my hands?
Are you filled with pride or are you
insolently disobedient?
What's his answer? Qala alaqaylum minhu,
I am better than him.
The UHlaqaylum
Allah says,
He's the first one to make an analogy,
saying? He Because what is he saying? He
says, I'm better than him, you created me
from fire, and you created him from clay.
He's he's mind is so limited.
He's thinking, who told him that fire is
better than clay?
In actual fact, it's not. Yes.
You know, in order to,
to harden clay, we put it in the
fire, yes.
And the fire we used to cook our
but fire is also extremely destructive.
I remember saying
that I learned in school that it takes
1 tree
to make a 1000000 matches. Remember that? Did
you learn that?
And it takes
1 match
to burn down a 1000000 trees.
That's a joke, you know? Simple.
And when you really get down to the
science of it, I mean soil is far
more beneficial then.
And finally,
I mean without soil,
that nutrient rich soil, that organic soil from
which we've been created. That's why it is
hamayimbasnu, mas,
what is that?
That is black altered clay. Why is it
black? Because of the organic material in it,
that when it decomposed, it turned the mud
black, and then when it dried out it
became like potter's sounding clay.
We've been created from nutrient rich soil,
Without nutrient rich soil, there is no vegetation.
There are no trees to shade us from
harmful rays of the sun,
and there is no
fruit and vegetables and everything else
and it sprinkles from the birth from which
we eat.
Also, there's no
or grasses on which the animals can graze.
So, soil is far more, it's got far
more if you want to get down to
the science of it.
But it wasn't for him to even think
about it. As I mentioned last night it's
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
And establish the pray for the declining of
the sun,
salatul Dhuhr lamasatkalayal
until the covering of the night including Dhuhr,
Madrim and Ishaq Waqur Anil Fajr and the
reading of the dawned prayer.
Indeed in the reading of the dawn prayer
or the dawn prayer is indeed witnessed
when it is performed.
What do you say? We still say, oh,
but, you know, I've got a heavy schedule.
I've got so many business meetings.
You know, I've got my, my gym.
I don't go to gym, but I'm just
using it as an example. Some people say
they've got to go to gym. Some people
say, no. No. But they've got,
you know,
they've got other activities. Maybe they're playing soccer
or playing cricket.
You know? So
We hear and we obey.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commands something, we have
no choice. We don't have a choice in
the matter.
It's not for the believing man or the
believing woman,
that if Allah and His Messenger have decreed
a matter
that they should have a say in the
day after,
and whoever disobeys Allah in His Messenger have
indeed gone manifesting astray.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala commanded the malaika including
Iblis to prostrate. They had,
of course, the malaika being created for the
same purpose of worshiping Allah, automatic.
For them it was automatic.
But Iblis kalimile jinn, being of the jinn,
like ins.
Like ins. We are the only 2
creations of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Al jinn with ins
that have been created with
the ability
to either obey
or disobey.
But as long as Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is commanding us, we have no choice in
the matter.
I have no choice.
Allah is not
or disobey those commands. Inshallah, we'll take it
till then, and we'll continue tomorrow