Riyadh Walls – jumuah talk 16 October 2020
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The transcript describes a variety of topics, including Kari wa wae's marriage, her mother, and her father. The importance of women in shaping society is emphasized, particularly in the face of fear and discomfort. The segment also touches on the use of volumes of Beloved Prophet Muhammad's universal message and the importance of treating women kindly. The conversation ends with a mention of a holiday nurse and a movie.
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Long Long
should one?
haven't deleted Europe Eli Lilly in
your review
of the New
York BMO Financial Group these are rich kuruva
you not have the high level to use the Kinect shot
or have them in your book
or have the handle your colleague Yuna
yeah how you remember Celtic
you have severe on your Celtic you're naughty from the Celtic
would have been the majority HELOC or give in dire condition
why should they want
Latin commands to Saudis
will represent a campaign to see
what is authority for dunya for kuleana beginners che che
che doing this at dinner whenever you get in a lousy minute Where
have you been Muhammadan rasul Allah but there's at least
one also huduma Akasha
which I had yesterday I hope that you have
had an attack with your team that we can barely catch up and deja vu
Gemma II. Jimmy up sorry he solved your IV
saliva compound
by putting the
woman at heaven and that was the probiotics Islam we were harassing
Elena yourself
today shall we proceed today? Jamar to see me
on this day of Joomla
let's again go back in time, to explicit time
and to replace it place
where the most places of creation is speaking
on the plane of are often
in the hospital without in the Farewell Sermon. And what is he
saying? Salawat Abdul Salam wa ala he's saying FIRPTA Kula have in
Nisa for in nakoma has to Munna be a manatee LA. Vie rewriting be
Amanullah was to Hello tomorrow Johanna B Kenny Mattila Okoma
Colin the BU Salah la vida he was a lemma
geometrical Serie
A beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
way when he stood on the planes, a lot of
giving his farewell sun set for them
Giving his Farewell Sermon
he said
and be mindful of Allah with regards to your wives
for indeed you have taken them as trusts from Allah
and they have been made lawful for you through the word of Allah
when we
on that special day
for those of us who are already married
a day that we all remember very well be delighted
we recited those words
and we took on the tax
Mita comes a lever
what a certain income and they took from you.
Mr. Thomas Oliva
Kalibo. Aisha Deegan
they took from you a heavy covenant
they took from you a solid promise
you know, is traditionally here in Cape Town in other parts of the
Muslim world, the Imam, or the windy or the word key whoever is
acting as the proxy
excuse me of the bride to be
and then he holds the hand of the bride groom that proxy
and he recites the words
now for them oh so and so
the meeting said can be my roof
I would definitely have said
this oh sound so I'm
not going to mention any names but I want to pick up anybody. Oh so
and so Fernando Nicola and so and so.
Oh, so and so I marry you in accordance with the laws and the
commandments of Allah subhanaw taala just stay together with your
wife on equitable terms,
to stay together with your wife with your spouse on good terms on
fair terms on just terms
or to party kindness.
Other words don't remain together in oppression
don't remain together with injustice.
And then after that, see the two Nikka the phrase of the occurred
the phrase of the contracts here for the which took a while to get
Falana be Mahatama day tomorrow I know he was up to my email enough.
Oh someone so I marry you to your fiance.
So presentation
and awesome. I marry you to your fiance. So on so the one who I'm
representing the case of the mom
the case of the father he will say my daughter
for that dowry that you are both pleased with and agreed upon. And
then what is the man do he squeezes the hand of the
bridegroom what does he say?
Probably took about two
to low asleep Bad Company. Getting married is not like buying a
What can we say? He said COVID Tunica ha ha lien FCP valid.
I accept
this is covered.
Except as promised.
I am making me
I accept her for myself her marriage, meaning
there is responsibility of,
of feeding
a will Kiswa of clothing
of a sukhna of giving a roof over our head
of protecting her of guiding
of advising and helping
and protecting your honor.
In other words,
Want to make sure that no man can gaze at her with an eye of lust
to make sure that she's in a protected environment, even at a
work I am responsible that she should be safe. Her ownership is
safe, the dignity should be safe
because I'm if I don't fulfill that responsibility, then
according to our beloved prophet Mohamed Salah turabi was set up,
such a person is at the use
called MBT from Allah Azza wa sallam Lyon to whom gender today
youth the day youth will not enter paradise.
Hollow already they use your Rasul Allah who is the de youth
omission, Jama Allah
some Allah audience.
In other words, in English it doesn't sound so nice. Because so
let me see you see K H O LD.
That is the word for the youth in the English language. So they
asked the province of Santa Monica youth
who is the youth, he said Men love hiragana who the one who does not
protect the honor of his woman folk.
You see, when she was still in the care of her father
or who whoever was her guardian, they were responsible to make sure
for example, that when she leaves her home,
that she is coming from him.
And this is not something that he must take lightly tomato searing
has nothing to be backup she entered onto the profit someone
will send them one day wearing inappropriate clothing. He said
two years SMA is
hailed for now yesterday.
He said Oh, Asmaa if a woman reaches the age of puberty
when a girl becomes a woman, when she reaches the age of puberty,
which is when can be anywhere from nine to 15. If she gets her
menses, or height,
from the age of nine until 15, she still hasn't gotten by 50
automatically when she turns 15 Luna years, she is now at the age
of puberty.
If a woman reaches the age of puberty, then nothing should be
seen of her except this and he pointed to the face into the hands
and that's not something that has been invented by men
at Coleman article, when he sang it for me
or you need either hidden or hidden
also behind Allah commands, oh Prophet,
guy will say to you
say to your wives, and your daughters and to the believing
that they should cause
they should cause the
veils over the bushes. Now we can simply talk about the differences
of opinion and pay for food. However, scholars have differed in
what way they differ, but the bottom line is tomato Muslimeen
when we put all the idea together, when we put all the fruits from
the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Mohamed Salah masala and then we
find that if we are to take the most lenient school of thought
that a woman has to cover everything besides her face in her
hands, that is the minimum what we should cover everything designed
for face what is the face, you know, you know,
we we study for example, in the Barbie will do in the chapter on
ablution we learn what is the face and the face is described as mean
whenever the shot from where the hair starts growing or for many of
us we they used to grow
from where the hair starts crying and whenever to sharp, elastin and
second it take your thumb like if you put it under your chin.
So from where the hair comes up to under the chin, well my name and
between the two years
and between the two years that includes
the two loads
that face to face.
And then of course, the hands not up to them.
elbows into the hands of two. Alka Fein as Cafe is up to the
tourists. That was when he indicated to a smile he made like
this. And he made like this, pointing to the face and pointing
to the hands.
Tomatoes to me, please don't tell me that we have become like some
other nations that refer to the holy podcast overtake Mustaine
those old days combined, those are old days.
In fact, I had a debate with a family member of mine
who is that person
and they were trying to explain to me that
the reason why porque the flesh is trying was hovering in those days
because they didn't have features and freezes
tip a dealer because
it can be known exchange for the words of ALLAH SubhanAllah.
The jointer was to me last week we spoke about the important topic of
had and how Allah subhanaw taala has designated the man to be a
leader in his home, not a leadership of oppression, not the
leadership of Germany, not the leadership of insulation, but a
leadership of responsibility in the dunya to be responsible for
one's wife wants children
to implement the laws of Allah Tala firstly into our lives. To
set a practical example for them to follow. We discussed it last
week we were looking at the Hadith and Quran
that Amir Luckey raw and unless you
were actually really raw and
I know Yeti
all of you. All right. So what is Ally ally who would have done the
robbery is the one who is the caterer and the one to whom
something or someone has been entrusted like a shepherd. So you
often hear when this hadith is translated, you will hear the
people saying that the Prophet of Islam says that all of your
shepherds and all of you are responsible for your flock.
Literacy obviously, we will ship it survive middle herd of sheep.
So the word doesn't just mean Shepherd. Because a shepherd What
is he he's unhappy that he is somebody that is protecting the
sheep from the wolves are hungry wolves.
And he's protecting the sheep from fees from poachers.
And he is looking after that which has been entrusted to him.
Going back to those words on the whole love in return be mindful of
Allah with regards to your wives for indeed you have
always been trusted always to us.
That's something that you must take lightly. That kid like if
somebody trusted diamond to you, it's gonna lead a blind around how
are you going to to get the gospel published, make it shine, make it
bright, your
entire house
is a
Shadowhunter given our rocking machacas are in the beautiful
poem. He says
the mother is a Mudassar she's a university and oh my gosh, if you
prepare her well
meaning we are serious. Mothers and fathers we must be raising our
daughters to be that but also to be the university
for the future of the OMA is
Shaban principal Araki because it will prepare well to be that
progressive. Then you have prepared a nation of Woodstock,
you have prepared the future of the Ummah, Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, but it begins with customers, but as many with
us husbands and fathers
standing up
and fulfilling that heavy covenant that we have taken on when we got
I want to be coming to
your furusiyya Having Mustafa lb
Even Diabla was simpler with the camel machine to commodity
production where you're able
rely on
Shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah who will use solitary should
unnecessarily deliver the beginner one of the
mother in law her job will be you will know that moon will see
our meetup Allah Tala Tala call a low tide I think he
will add too many
tomatoes to me
I know you're not allowed to
call the column to view some memorial service is so soothing.
Murata wholecut mean delivering
wedding delight, allow
oh, we're in a fifth degree. But what do you say you allow the
interrupter to chemo cusato.
We're in Toronto.
Back here.
Ouch. Oh, come on. Colin, the use of volumes of Beloved Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he says Take my advice about woman.
treat them kindly
because indeed a woman and I know this is a Hadith that could be
controversial if misunderstood.
I can tell you this Huggies appears. It is hooked up on the
island to rewire that both Alleman Buhari and agree upon that it is
one that Buhari arranged by himself another one that Muslim
marriage by itself it can be found in several of the
six books of Hadith. It's an authentic hadith
where our beloved Prophet sallahu wa salam says in the documentary
why because the woman is
a Mother Hello. My name is Hawa
Shane height. Why isn't in our Amazon, because she was created
from something from something alive or fallen when
it is yellow, Cranky from a single soul and it creates a part that
sounded so cool that song
from what my father was she created. She was great. I
mean, he said something pejorative derogatory. He said something
negative other than listen to the hikma, listen to the wisdom of
another prophet Muhammad philosophy. And he says, Indeed,
the most crooked part of the of the room is its top part. If you
tried to straighten it, you will break it. And if you leave it, it
will stay crooked. First also be nice. So treat your woman kindly.
Do it was really I have long pondered over this Howdy. My
understanding is my weak and humble understanding is that our
beloved Prophet Muhammad also is telling us that women have been
created with a unique nature. Don't try to change that nature.
Just do what is your responsibility as a husband and as
a father and treat them kindly.
I watched a documentary once
about Muhammad Ali, ALLAH forgive him and grunting hypericin Jana,
the boxer.
And the question was asked what made him such a good boxer.
And they said, it wasn't that he could throw a good punch even
though he could. But there were other boxes that threw much bigger
punches than what he could throw.
Let's see what made him
Allah hola Isla, this contagious issue in especially about calling
some somebody calling themselves to greet us.
But nevertheless, as a great boxer. What made him a great boxer
is it wasn't that he could throw a good punch it was that he could
take your pick punch.
That's not to say that the woman was too touchy,
please. But what it means is that when a woman does get emotional
when she does perhaps antagonize or provoke
the treating good mom her from her husband is to pay with it, to
persevere in it
and love to give back whatever she gives
But to give that which is better, is the ability to give that which
is better to one in which there is empathy between you and then it's
like you become when you're happy Mama says that become a dubious
thing. Or you enlisted in a soccer but nobody will accept those who
persevere in Allah's obedience are you locked in
and nobody will attain this except those who are truly blessed
to have similar timings
May Allah subhanaw taala cause us to understand our heavy
responsibility that we have taken on and that we need to set that
example and inshallah Inshallah, next week we can speak as to how
that example should be followed
by calamity some Allah Azza wa sallam tequila hyphema contract
has an atomic will have a holiday nurse hassling
me no Salatu was Salam ala se give you a heavy duty tell me what
Wow anyway she felt here sorry. In the MaHA Mala
every year
a look at the camel camel Kemosabe Tada Ibrahim 100 come about after
while the Oklahoma and qualify Russia you are welcome
when you have
one so
we're excited to have you
along with assuming
you have to indeed
esteem because the house to me almost Allah Muhammad Rasul
Allah machine Rosana what happened general routine see me a lot of
fun I had a lot more fun a lot more fun
with it
function and you will carry with
korone como he also logical Muhammad Allah wa salam
wants to
fight you on the shoulder
by the Collar Comedy Show
can study
stuffy snot on
Sunday Allahu
so we have normally what have we learned
of all
Salam ra
set up
the need
for both video
as you go
friends are
still streaming