Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Program Masjidus Sunni (25th Aug 2023)
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The transcript discusses various popular media coverage and its impact on the media, including news stories, movies, and books. It touches on the concept of "theological collapse" and its potential impact on the media. The segment also touches on the success of famous speakers in various media, including Richard Bryan, Steven Steven Coolberg, Tina filling alpha, and Steven Steven Weinberg. The importance of giving children opportunities to learn about Islam and the genetic code of their DNA to detect the presence of Islam is also discussed. The transcript describes a group of speakers discussing various topics, including a potential new film, a potential new movie, and a potential new series.
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Alhamdulillah Juran Pillai lemme
what will suddenly what will suddenly Musala turn water Sleeman
early colony be more calming me it will be your Imam in more saline
I shall do Allah Allah Allah Akbar who will you saw Levine Why should
you under say udana when a beginner while all the men our
heavy burner Mohammad Rasool Allah ha term will be it will more
saline. So Linda Houma wa salim Rekha Allah has an every year I
what Lee he also has Bertie Hill Road railway I mean, a mother
or a bishop roughly Saudi while you're certainly Emery Okada to
Melissa Lee of Cali Juba to see me the sudden what are they kumara
Monica to La he overcoat
God Allah Tabata Quwata Allah if he kita he lives his bar there
would have been him in a show you Tanya Raji
call or a tomb in Cana me nine on delay some form to movie man or
men who were saying she caught him buried
salary him Tina Phil
Wolfie foresee him had
janela home and the whole hug
I will let me activate a beaker and know who couldn't be che in
in know whom female yet in Milica Europe be him
in know who will be called Alicia in Morphe.
So the Kamala hola howdy.
Tomato Muslim in
Surah facilite
Surah facilite
vs number 5253 and 5452 53 and 54.
Allah subhanaw taala
in verse number 52, he says, Say to them Oh Mohamed Salah Lawson,
asked him
do you see our items?
That if this Quran
had to be from Allah subhanaw taala
so rhetorical question,
try to Encana mean and dilla if this Quran has to be truly from
Allah subhanho wa taala.
From mocha for coffee, and then you deny it.
It's from Allah. It's the truth from Allah
maharatna Phil Kitabi mi che.
We haven't lifted a single thing out of the book Allah subhanaw
taala says, When Zona Allah killed kita, but to be equally shy,
and we revealed this book to you on Muhammad Joseph as an
explanation for all things. So if this book
be truly from Allah subhanho wa Taala and then you have denied it,
you have disbelieved in it.
Who can be more astray.
Man of Gulu man who officiate Cochem Berry, who can be more
astray, then those who have gone too far in opposition to the
Who can be more strange than those who have gone too far in the
opposition of the truth?
To think that is actually a movement out there.
Called the new atheist movement.
It really saw a revival in the early 2000s, notably 2007
the personalities of the likes of
people like
Richard Dawkins,
and Sam Harris.
here, I've got him in front of me here.
Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss,
Stephen Hawking, I mean, he was,
you know, one minute he was
imagining that there was a God and next minute he was trying to
disprove it going out of his way,
going out of his way,
because he's the one that came up with the idea of the singularity.
Did you know that if we really go back to the origin of the universe
zero volume infinite density, then the universe must have a beginning
but then he tried to explain it away with with quantum mechanics
went out of his way, oh, Stephen Hawking.
Richard Dawkins is probably the most famous atheist, you know, he
wrote his book, The God Delusion,
La ilaha illAllah.
Lama Abu Dhabi, Huck Finn illAllah.
And he produced a
documentary called The Story of God that God just the story, just
a made up story. So Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, Stephen
Bill Nye
and Steven Weinberg, Steven Weinberg,
the first three minutes he calls it, Bill Nye undeniable, he calls
all bestsellers.
They went out of their way
to deny the existence
of an essentially existing Creator, Allah subhana wa Tada.
Allah says, Who is who can be more strange,
who can be more strange than those
that go too far, and go out of their way to deny the truth.
Then also wanted to Allah continues.
Salary him, Tina fill alpha, we shall show them Our signs.
On the horizons
that's the plural
horizons with as much as one horizon. And if you standing at
sea level, and you're looking out to the sea, you can only see for,
for 11 kilometers, not so before the curvature of the Earth
makes it impossible to see any further. The higher you go up, of
course, the further you can see.
And then when you eventually leave the atmosphere, and you can see
it's a little bit bigger than what I thought.
It's like, when you seek knowledge, you know, it's it's
literally like
taking a little boat and getting into that boat and rowing out into
the ocean.
The further you get away from the coastline, the bigger the ocean
gets. Now what happens if you if you literally leave the ocean, and
you leave the atmosphere? And you go out into open space? And you
look around? And you see Oh, but now you know I was just a speck in
the ocean. And now I see the Earth is a speck in the solar system.
And the solar system is a speck in the Milky Way in the Milky Way is
a speck in its Group of galaxies. And its Group of galaxies is a
speck in its cluster and its cluster is a speck in a super
cluster and it's super cluster supercluster is a speck in the
known universe in the known universe is a speck in the Unknown
Universe and was one of the atlases we'll see I could show you
some our tool art
that the kursi extends over all the heavens we just think about
the first heaven
was a young this summer a dunya Pema Sabi, we have ordained the
heaven of this earth, the first heaven with light
meaning that known unknown universe, it's all part of only
the first summer, summer dunya
What about the other six summers?
The other
summer worked.
And then I just wanted to analysis that he's cool see, extends over
all the heavens in the earth.
And then our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,
And the cool see in comparison to the hours
is like a ring thrown out in an open desert.
Now you can say, Allah Akbar,
Allah is greater than everyone and everything.
Oh, after the truth has been revealed, yet they still deny it,
who can be more stressed. And this is having a huge impact because it
is this movement that is in control of most of the
universities around the world, especially in the in the Western
And when we send our children
that's why it's so important to give them a good grounding with
knowledge. They must know They mustn't just believe there wasn't
just be Muslim because you muslim.
And because your parents are Muslim.
Also metallocenes
ilaha illallah you must know that there is none word
view of worship besides, you must know believe with certainty,
with certainty, knowledge on a scale of nought to 100% 0% What do
we call that? Jahad ignorance 1% to 49% What do we call that?
Illusion 50% SHUT DOWN 51% to 99% one speculation, do we speculate
that Allah exists?
Do we doubt it? Allah exists Harsha, we seek refuge in Allah
from there we have the again
we have certainty about the existence of Allah subhanaw taala
de la sharika he alone without any partner, gender Viola.
So I was going to talk.
First he says that
this is the greatest form of misguidance is for a person to be
exposed to the truth and then go out of their way to disprove the
And yet Allah subhanaw taala has fooled the horizons
with his science
out in the macrocosm
as well as in the microcosm. That's Allah Tala says Buffy fusi
him Buffy unphysical.
And within yourselves don't you see
in others what Allah He uses it to but in the third person on a
sauna, dialysis, salary him i, Tina, Phil alpha, we shall show
them our horizons. Because often we shall show them Our signs on
the horizons and within themselves
includes both the macrocosm and the microcosm,
we shall show them Our signs on the horizons.
And within themselves.
They have now discovered that
the genetic code
of the DNA each cell,
they say is about six feet, plus minus two meters off of DNA and a
human being has an average of about 10 trillion cells.
So that means
60 trillion feet,
or 20 billion miles
of DNA in one human being
the distance from the from the Sun to the Earth is only 93 million
isn't one human being what about in 7 billion human beings and we
think that just a human being and that's just planet Earth.
That's just Planet Earth.
You actually can't even imagine how many books of genetic code you
would need, because the DNA takes the amino acids and produces the
proteins for the different cells and make up the different organs
just for the human eye alone.
Just to calculate how many books of genetic code will be required
to make a human I
will fee fusi Him we shall show them Our signs on the horizons and
within themselves.
And then also on at the analysis
our lemon yuck Phoebe Arabic And know who are either cliche in
Shaheed Is it not enough that your load is a witness of all things.
Have you ever heard the double slit experiment
that when they shoot
electrons through two slits, as long
as those electrons are not being observed, they will produce a wave
pattern on the wall or on the surface to which these electrons
are being shot through these two splits.
I mean, we would think that
if the electrons are being shot through two splits, that they
should be two lines on the wall or on the surface of that thing to
which we are shooting them.
But what they discovered was that there's only two lines, if it is
being observed.
If the experiment is being observed, and you put a camera
to observe the experiment, then you see two lines.
Otherwise, what you see you see these wave particles.
What does this mean?
That you have wave form and you have particle form off when you
have wave form and particle form.
So when it's not being observed, it's in wave form.
When it is being observed, it's in particle form.
And then you look at the universe.
You look at the universe,
in its particle form. Why does it exist? As such, Allah says,
because he's observing it.
Is it not enough?
I mean, out of we can stand here and we can talk for hours, about
these different signs of Allah subhanaw taala. Out there in the
macrocosm. And right here within ourselves in the microcosm, Allah
says, Is it not enough, that through the witnessing of Allah
subhanho wa taala, Allah observing this universe, Allah observing his
creation, it exists, if Allah was not observing us, we wouldn't
And the double slit experiment proves that.
Then also on a dialysis,
Allah in no one female yet in Europe, they are truly in doubt of
the meeting with the Lord.
They are truly in doubt.
Because he had they to believe that they can have to meet Allah
one day. And that's probably you know,
that is when you can actually bring
any topic with an atheist to an entity.
That no matter what
pseudo science he brings to try and disprove because,
scientifically, and I'm going to show that today we delight,
scientifically, everything points to the beginning of the of the
The empirical evidence points to the universe having a beginning.
And anything that has a beginning.
The first syllogism is anything that goes through change. Anything
that goes through change, has a beginning of
anything that goes through change has a beginning. And a change in
the whole, because I saw a change in a part equals a change in the
for example, if somebody delivers a pizza to your door, but he was
so hungry, on his way to delivering it, that he just took a
small nibble out of the crust of the pizza. But now, before you let
him go, you first want to check check, you know, is the pizza
still a hole? And what do you see, you see in the one corner you see,
you see a small little piece of the pizza, as the pizza changed.
Of course it has a change in a part equals a change in the whole.
So whether it's a change at the quantum level, if one Quark in a
Hedren is changing the Hadron being a proton or a neutron,
or whether it being something much larger, that is moving from point
A to point B. Even if it only moves a fraction of a millimeter,
that is a change. And a change in a part equals a change in the
hole. So the universe is changing. Anything that changes has a
beginning. Therefore, the universe has a beginning. But just go to
the next syllogism.
Anything that has a beginning requires an initiator.
Anything that has a beginning requires an initiation. The
universe has a beginning. Therefore, the universe requires
an initiate these are simple syllogisms. But yet, now today,
and especially in the last 50 or so years, in the last century,
because at the beginning of the last century, the steady state
theory was the dominant theory
that the universe has always been here
pre eternally. And if and if you can prove that, then you don't
need to believe in a God
and they went out of the way and still up till today. They are
looking for every single kind of loophole going out of their way to
disrupt prove the existence of Allah subhanaw taala.
But the empirical evidence, the signs, Allah says We shall show
them Our signs, on the horizons and within themselves, until it
becomes clear to them that this Quran is the truth
that this message from Allah is the truth. That the fact that
there is La Ilaha illa Allah is the truth.
And that Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was, is indeed
his last and final messenger.
Allah subhanaw taala has sent as one who suffices to be followed as
an example, the law in the way that Allah gave to him, for all of
mankind for all times from the time that he came until the last
hour, what more do we need
but the absence of such a belief
is cool.
was literally the wheels to come off.
We've spoken about this on many occasions. And that's not our
topic for today.
But the absence of belief in God just asked Alexander
Sol Sol
Sol Sol olam associate Mohammed. I remember. In fact, I've read his
book many, many years ago.
No, no, no, no. Sol Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. He spent
about 10 years in the Gulag. He was arrested
by Stalin's secret police in 1945.
And he eventually was released in about
1956. He spent just over 10 years in the Gulag. That's not like 10
years at Portsmouth
or San Quentin, you know, yes, we might have certain
certain jails around the world where you know, there are our
Billa We seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala
terrifying, brutal forms of torture.
The GULAG was tortured is just living in the Gulag was a system,
a prison system in Siberia, where, basically, you know, Stalin sent
anybody in actual fact, eventually their quota system to arrest
anybody, anybody, even comedians that make jokes about the
about the ruling party, would be arrested and sentenced to 1015
years in the gulag, hard labor, hard labor.
And what Solzhenitsyn Alexander Solzhenitsyn, what he writes in
his, in his book on the Gulag
is this was all because man forgot God, no other. I mean, started and
ended up during that period of time ended up killing between 20
and 40 million of his own people
20 to 40 million of his own people.
Solzhenitsyn says it's because we forgot God.
I mean, Man, forget God, what happens now? Sulla for answer home
facade, They forgot Allah. And so Allah caused him to forget
And that is why you see what's happening in the world. I mean, we
almost on a daily basis, we get these videos of people from Canada
and the UK and seeing what's going on. It's like these people, they
see if you're too open minded, your brain will fall out.
As demands a facade,
we would ask ourselves,
it's because they forgotten Allah and so Allah has caused him to
forget themselves.
So dramatically Muslimeen especially for the youth,
the youth that are being exposed to this movement of atheism.
We need as parents as educators, as to ad il Allah, we are all
supposed to be calling to Allah subhanaw taala woman asked me man,
da l Allah you know brother from from Makkah not too long ago he
gave us this verse that was one of dialysis and who is better in
speech than the one that calls to Allah well I mean a solid and he
does a good deed we'll call her in any middle Muslimeen and says I am
a Muslim.
We have to really work this job is on our shoulders. Like it or not,
but I can tell you is is a great reward in it.
Below because why done
Tala Tala he shops for one person to be guided at your house
says our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem is better than
everything that the sunrise is on
in the morning.
So nobody him Tina Phil. Coffee, foresee him had theater by
yellowhammer unknown how we shall show them Our signs on the
horizons and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them
that it is the truth. Allah He this Quran
is an eternal miracle.
How much time are we spending with this miracle?
How many people
are we sharing this miracle?
I was gonna try to predict six where you're living
on Zillow elite camera pika who will hack
Oh, well yeah de la sera, Tila Aziza Hamid and they will see
those who have been endowed with knowledge
that this book, which has been revealed to you or Mohamed Salah
Salem, from your Lord, they will see that it is the truth and that
it guides to the path of the Almighty, the most praised ALLAH
wa salam see me that was just the introduction.
Don't worry, we'll leave Inshallah, part two. For next
week. I'm going to go through the most important arguments against
the so called Philosophy, this new Atheism and how insha Allah Allah,
we can equip ourselves and equip our children and increase our
In normal mode, May,
Allah wa watching at home or either to near Taleem I add to the
tomb Imana watch him
without any exception, the true believers, they are those who are
They are those that when the name of Allah has taken
the hearts tremble.
and when the verses of Allah in fact back when the signs of Allah
when the signs of Allah are recited to them, they increase in
faith, and they put the trust in the Lord
into the words of the poet he says for one
kg for your son ILA. I'm here to do what he could
to do Allah
says Oh, amazing. Oh strange. It is
these people
how strange it is.
Pay for your son ILA. How can Allah be disobeyed
And how can a person disbelieve it him?
Well, if he couldn't, Leisha in law, who is everything there is a
to do you know who I do that points to the fact that indeed he
is the one and only creator? Allah subhana wa Tada Allah grant us
understanding until next week I leave you in the prediction of
Allah wa Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
so don't worry Cumbre Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
hey y'all
hey I Live
World Wide
hamdulillah Europe
you got to be are you
You got to be able to you know be able to feel as a newborn
you got to be Mo Farah gel Kuru will be fun rich kuruva you got to
be I laminate will you will be pinochle Rama Amana will have
What is not gonna help but in your handbook will help the analysts in
your career buena
Alima I'll pick
you also be around difficulty
Kiala tea from Bissell alto Mina Bhima Jura to be hit Moto G
in either couldn't be showing
what I showed you were the ALA long long
yeah I'm in between Yahoo stock
broker Rahul ml.
Elmo to your tables Tetun when Kerberos and do clamor
for what are German K for your son in law who Amir Jaffe do with
equal Leisha in law who turn to law Allah And Jehovah Well, I
shall do unless I get an hour whenever you know what Haldimand
our hobby bin Mohammed and Rasulullah but
we're also held on our cashify lumber wotja Fetullah How could
you heard he had Julio Kane Bella Hola. Hola. Become li Kashia deja
vu Jamali, Aldo much Jimmy up Solly he saw Luanda he de Sala la
comme la Huya ILM and Houda Mohabbat in woman now had a kill
hammer Biographia Homerton Islami Walker Rasul
Allah only sir to Quran is smarter humeri Carla who Mowlana Tabata
aka smooth picky Tabby Hill Aziz, but there would have been him in a
show you Tanya Raji celery him, Tina Phil.
Wolfie fusi him hot tub en la home and the whole health
Sadhak Hola. Hola Aldi. We're calling the EBU sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam can Allah who were lemmya Konishi really are all to
become in Hoonah kala Hoonah raka Hoonah whenever the rasa to
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yaku Luffy al Habib and
Mustafa Al hablar with Dimboola Yunus but the Nula mode
to come out Dino to Dan for your Kulu a BA could lupini Adam a hot
dog on war cradle sometime in October?
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Shula Illa Illa Allah What do you
saw when I showed you Anessa you're gonna wanna be in a wild
human hour Have you been on Muhammad and Rasulullah ha term
will be even more slowly.
I'm not bad for you will Muslim or cecum when FC Alamos inhibitor
will not be Takala either worth it for the call Allah Allah Nikita
Aziz. Binda Jimenez shaytani R rajim.
De la haka, Ducati, when, in lower and honeymoon, Okada, Kala
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, tequila
al Hassan at the Tampa wahala canasa beho Lupin Hassanein what
the robot Allah means so that you were set on me I sent you the
Mohammed in Dubai
Abu Dhabi where she thought you have a noodle Apple sorry well dia
in hola hola Monica, who you saw Luna Island Nabi here are you? Mu
solido Allah he was sending that to sliema
Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohamed Salah to Allah
Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim Burdick Allah Mohammed Ali Mohammed Kuma Bharata
Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim Al Al Amin in
one of the Allahumma and in Philippi Rashid Abu Bakr, Omar
Osman wa Are you finding has
been a thought hitting one side so Huberty, igmi Nakamoto Yahama
Rahman, Allah Azza Islam a well Muslimeen Well, Ali before they
can tell you again. Hello Sinequan and if you follow Steen, because
of how certain Euro bloglovin Allah Muhammad saw an ad Sahaj in
a caramel acromion
Allama shimmer Dinah Warhammer Alterna moto Muslimeen hamara
Allah in the La Jolla Euro bill
but Eater is in Cordoba, and in fracture you will carry well Bobby
I'll look into that karoun como la Sarathi Camilla hammock Allah
welcome Asana
Still Can you still welcome
just knew that you're walking manual walking
and hamdulillah Hill villafana me in on off man he Maliki will meet
the man II I cannot avoid I cannot stop me and Indian also all
flooding was stealthy and soon all flooding levena and I'm down I lay
him why eating Mongul beyond him one on me knee pain
Bismillah him off man you're walking yes and Munna counting
how I asked levels
one out to you a lot how I saw that who in
me in
meno Naveen I either had to get all the la hora de la todo home
why either to Lea Tyler You him too who's that tune in man? Why
now don't beat him yet get
a Levina your theme now Salah one now's our call now whom you feel
you got mean on I have
left whom Darada to
be him in one fell swoop what is doing
send me all your holding on Hamida
a log
Allahu Allah
Bismillah Manu offI and hamdulillah Hill below me in on or
off Manuel ahi Maliki de D and E i cannot hold on one sec and
astounds me and
then I'll seal all flooding stealthy and sell all on the levee
and I'm down Island lay him while you're eating lunch move beyond at
him while on me
busy Bismillah here Walkman you're walking in either
and also oh he wants
In fact
while at NASA doorphone owner Phoebe Neela he
Bianca was the author in who can tell
send me all your linen Hamidah
along with
Scylla Wally who was looking for
Scylla Wally
still long and to sit women consider tomorrow God God when he
could arm semi
illegal mercy hold for too
long Robina over lambda and fusina illimitable fildena Water hunger
and Hakuna no matter how serine yarmulke liberal Kulu Kulu
Kulu Kulu banana article paraphyletic here are hamara I
mean person Allah Allah said no Muhammad and maybe Elomi while
early was October ricasoli alarm of Dalinar Bill was Timlin I will
say La Jolla Workiva Marina will be ethical Halal Afia to Kerala
coalition Kadir Allah Finland as Alumina nobuna Coffee runners,
Abrar Subhana Picarro Bellagio
serene well hamdulillah