Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Program (22nd Dec 2023)

AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases from various speakers discussing the history of Islam, including the return of Jesus, the return of the Red Sea, and the return of Islamists to their former countries. The conflict between the Arab and British forces is discussed, as well as the importance of providing temporary temporary (Speaker 1) temporary (Speaker 2) temporary (Speaker 3) temporary (Speaker 4) temporary (Speaker 5) temporary (Speaker 6) temporary (Speaker 9) temporary (Speaker 11) temporary (Speaker 14) temporary (Speaker 15) temporary (Speaker 20) temporary (Speaker 21) temporary (Speaker 22) temporary (Speaker 27) temporary (Speaker 28) temporary (Speaker 30) temporary (Speaker 31) temporary (Speaker 32) temporary (Speaker 31) temporary (Speaker 31) temporary (Speaker 32) temporary (Speaker 31) temporary (Speaker 32)
AI: Summary ©
Hey y'all
ha ha ha?
I'll send me the honey minute show your turn or rajim Bismillah R
Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Salatu was Salam wa salatu 10 Water Sleeman yearly corny be my
commie me real be in Mill mursaleen
watershed Illa Illa Allah Who will you saw the screen? I shall do
Anessa year then whenever you know all demon our heavy burner Mohamed
and also long
term will be more selling.
So Linda Hama was selling whether Rick Isla has in be healed. I
mean, what, Lee he also Huberty he'll really mean bad
assuming the cinema alikoum rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
todo lo Tabata Quwata Isla if he kita belies us but I don't always
believe him you know show your tone your Raji
cada lotman cobbly Come soon. For see you Phil are different Douro
que fucka and pivotal mocha DB had biannually Nursey will Huda
pain. Em says Come Korhan Fukada muscle calm Makoto MyTheo what
typical A will have been a nurse will Yalom Allah who
will your turkey the mean Come Shuhada hola hola. Yo, golly mean
what do you match this Hola Hola, Dena Manu well yum How can you
care feeding me able to and
so the colada the
verses that we are familiar with,
versus that we have spoken about.
But after 77 days
and almost 30,000 Shaheed
over 20,000 Which we know about and more than 8000 Still under the
uncalled under the rubble
that Allah subhanaw taala except the shahada, Amin European Allah.
Allah subhanaw taala bring comfort to those in fear and anxiety.
Allah subhanaw taala healed those who are injured feed those who are
hungry grant wounds to those who are cold and gone victory to the
Omar Mohamed Salah Salem over our enemies Europe anatomy
we have to go back to the Quran.
In the huddle Khurana yet the letter here
indeed this Quran, it guides to that which is most abrites
We're not gonna find out answers anywhere else.
Besides the Holy Quran
and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Faisal anon Salah
turn up your cinema Hello, this is an orbital with lamptey Sameera.
This is the indestructible rope of Allah subhanaw taala. We hold on
to the Jaina we're gonna make it to Chara, we let go of it. We're
gonna drown Hashem, Allah Subhana Allah make us of those who hold on
to his indestructible rope. I mean Europa Alima.
Well, you've assured him meaning Olivia Yama, Luna Solly Hardy and
then agilon Kabira
and discord and gives glad tidings to those who believe
and work righteous deeds.
That for them they will be an immense reward.
So we have to go back to the Quran.
What did the Prophet says Allah Solomon said Ali asked him after
he said, Set Hakuna fitna. He's going to be a great trial
said what did he say? He asked many mascara do you mean Hi yah
rasool Allah. For cotton for Colin abuse Allah Allah Allah Salam kita
what is going to be the escape from these trials and
tribulations? He said the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala fee Never
mind can akubra come in it is the information of those who came
before you will have Rama Bader common information about those who
are to come after you will be in a committee is the book that you you
used to rule amongst you who will force a laser Bill hazard? It is
clear cut there is no Jason man Taraka homing Jabarin customer
hula woman ever it above the hula
it is that book
that is clear cut there is no Justin it ever turns their back on
it of a tyrant Allah will destroy them.
And you ever seeks guidance in anything but it Allah will send
them astray.
What will happen Allah in Mateen it's the indestructible rope of
Allah. Well who would think couldn't Hakeem it's the wisest
remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala well, who was sera told Mr.
Kim, it is the straight path of Allah subhanaw taala
walla as
no matter how many people recited incorrectly, the Quran remains the
No matter how many people try to quoted out of context, or to
corrupted the Quran says the Quran
no matter how many times you read it, you'll never get bored of it.
The older mind never get the feel of it, and you will never be cease
to be amazed by it.
Who will let the LEM entail will let me let me tell you, it sent me
in some Yeah.
It is that book that even when the jinn heard it, they could not say
but indeed we've heard an amazing reading. And we've believed in it,
that which it guides to that which is most upright and we believed in
it. mancala b He said that the Quran is spoken the truth.
whoever lives by the Quran, be greatly rewarded. Oh man, how can
I be here? I did and whoever rules for the Quran. They ruled with
Justice woman da la he hoodia, illustrata Musa Kim, and whoever
calls to the Quran will be guided on a straight path of Allah
subhanaw taala.
So we have to go back to the Quran.
Well now forgotten, I think it means we haven't left a single
thing out of the book,
the cliche,
well, who does
not mean?
And we have revealed this book to you, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as
an explanation for all things, all means all.
All means all and as a guidance
and as a mercy and as a bearer of glad tidings for people who
believe may Allah make us of the true believers.
And subhanAllah these verses Surah Al Imran 137, to 140 to 137 to 140
to go home and ponder over these verses Wallahi they will enter
your heart burden was salam,
Cooley and peacefully
and then we know with your cane with certainty,
that nothing is lost.
That we must not lose hope
that we will come out on top, top top top, In Kuntum meaning if he
are believers, oh Allah make us of the true believers.
soltana Allah begins verse number 137 called the halal covenant come
Indeed there has come before you soon. Soon and the approval of
sunnah but you will not speaking about the Sunnah of Muhammad Salah
Salem, which is acquired who have Allah Takahiro to His words, His
deeds and he's tested approvals. We are speaking about the Sunnah
of Allah. And what is the Sunnah of Allah and Allah has Sunon not
just one sunnah, he has many Sunon
it's all parts of the same,
the same program,
sentences of code, if you like.
Think that tuna Shneiderman. Now, sequential if statement, loop,
balanced line algorithm.
For those of you who have done a bit of programming,
it's all part of the same program. It is the order of Allah it is the
system of Allah will intentionally Sunette Allah, Allah
and there is no exchange for Allah system
will intelligently
will then digitally sunnah Tila he will
neither can you even find an alteration or a change for the
system of Allah, except by Allah.
That's what we call a miracle card if
it breaks through what is considered natural. But nature is
that the order of Allah when Allah wants to break his order the two
letters mean thoughts about from above the seventh heaven, I'll
coffee we're known
for your entities. It's only worth that command that the order can be
changed or altered.
But in as far as
we as human beings, what we are feeding into the system, what we
feed in is what we get out
today are the prophets say salaam salaam do whatever you like what
you do, will be done unto you.
So when I was wanted to anuses for the colored mean company come
sooner known
for see rueful art,
indeed has come before you Sunon almost like the tracks on a vinyl
What goes around, comes around, exactly.
Almost like the tracks on a vinyl record.
Fun guru K for Qurna archaebacteria McKenzie been so go
out into the earth, and see what was the result? What was the
What was the consequences that befell those who be lined the
signs of Allah subhanaw taala who disbelieved in Allah who rebelled
against Allah and transcripts, these boundaries, gender theory.
And we don't need to go for
we look at South Africa
in the dark days of apartheid.
Many people didn't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
Nobody thought that the
the military prowess
and might have the South African defence force
as well as the security apparatus
could ever be defeated
by the people of this country.
And yet Allah subhanaw taala brought it down, without even one
shot being fired. And I mean, that in the sense of a war,
there was an armed struggle,
but in the sense of a war
not what what like what we are seeing our brothers and sisters in
Palestine, have been doing for the last at least since 1956. Why?
Because that was the the Arab revolt against the British
Palestine has been occupied. The Holy Land and or the Mikado said
the place it landed. Arden Baraka has been occupied since 1917.
So it's at least 106 years of occupation.
Many great nations have come before
us want to tell reminds us about Phil
Olam, Tara kafer, father of Buka, behind Eromanga Tillery. Merge
allottee. Lemieux Calaca me through Halfhill beloved with a
will fit around as he
speaks about to add into mood I want to concentrate on right now.
We'll feed our own otet
and filled out
the position of pigs. What does that mean? firmly established in
the land?
Human is mighty army.
At that time, they had the greatest empire, the strongest
in otard alladhina taco Ville village,
what did they do?
They tyrannized the people of the land.
They transgress the boundaries of Allah subhanho wa Taala
they killed the boys and kept the girls alive.
Well acceptable fee *, federal fee * for cert, spreading much
mischief in the land.
For sub binary he Mirrabooka soltara them in narangba cannibal
Mirasol saw God.
Allah subhanaw taala brought down upon them the wisdom of his
The whip of his punishment
At one time Iran What did he say?
What did he say about Musa and Bani Israel when they were trying
to escape from him?
What did he say about them?
He said
call Allah Tabata Quwata illa
Billahi Min ash shaytani of regime in Ha hula Illa shield Zima tune
Kowloon Bay nothing but a small band.
He sent out messengers to the different towns and cities that
Musa and Vanessa in might pass in order that he should know where
they aren't catch up with them and sees them. Actually just a small
little band
we're in the home learner love or Yvonne and indeed they are
enraging us the smaller to band they are enraging us
and so what did Allah subhanaw taala do?
Allah subhanaw taala opened up the Red Sea
and that was one of the Allah saved.
Nabi Musa Elisa to salaam, WA and Jaina Musa woman Maharaja marine
and we saved Moses and those with him all together.
Let me Musa listen to Sam and Bunny. So it was saved on the
opened up the Red Sea for them.
And once they crossed the Moroccanoil after in then We
drowned the others
and explains it in other verses
hotter either
until drowning overcame him
when basically when filled out when he saw medical mode
What did you say?
called a meant to know who La ilaha illa led to behave and who
is ill Muslim in.
He said I believe
in the God of the children of Bani Israel
or in the children of Israel, I believe in their God and I am of
those submitting and surrendering to Him.
Allah subhanaw taala asks
cheese to ellipse. Basically, Hamza
and Hamza have an urn which is now so means now question mark. Now
you want to repeat after you've seen the Angel of Death. Remember,
what is the point of no return for Lola Isabella turtle
that's the place in the throat by Natasha
calla Isabella Taraki between the two collarbones so he sold had
already got to the point of no return he so mad he can vote, and
that's almost one of Dallas is now
a couple and you were disobedient before were called terminal move
And you will have the Mischief Makers. File Yeoman in a jeep can
be virginica Peter Cunanan Hilfiker IRA in Nicosia, Ramona
Nursia and Tina the half moon
now you want to repent and you were disobedient before and you
have the Mischief Makers. So on this day we shall take your body
from the ocean and save it preserve it
if you go to Egypt now and you go to the Egyptian Museum The
National Egyptian Museum you will see him lying there Ramses
attorney but um sees the second the fifth one of the time of Nabi
Musa he's lying there
and the whole world coming to visit him
ever since they discovered him I don't know perhaps even 100 years
ago don't exactly when they discovered him but then also on a
dialysis we're in the cathedra Mina nurse yeah and Tina love
often known but most of mankind he just about sighs
most of mankind are heedless of all sides.
Follow Yo man, you know Jacob, the buddy Nika Lita coonelly Man.
We shall save your body from the ocean today and preserve it so
that you can be assigned for those who come after it.
And indeed, most of mankind are heedless of our science.
So go out in the earth on the seas and see what Allah subhanaw taala
has done to those who belied His signs to those who rebelled
against Him to those who disbelieved in him.
He has destroyed many of them
hola mero come tabula Hinman, Carmen Makkonen Phil rd, Milan
Barcelona summer RNA him
Utah Jazz and heritage Tatem Lucknow whom beaten Obi Wan ship
Nam In bad to him Kernan
that circle and
verse number six Alison autolysis. And how many
a people do you see that we have destroyed before them
that we established firmly in the earth. We gave them wealth we gave
them power. And now a craft carriers and F 16 and F 30, fives
and big armies.
We've established him in the earth in a way that we did not establish
And we sent down rain from the heavens and we let the rivers flow
underneath the feet. And then we destroyed them because of the sins
and then we brought after them are the generations
we'll come looking at a couple of homing cordoning homes, a shed to
mean home Natasha for NACA, Bofill Billard Jaime Mahi
and how many a generation before them did we destroy who were great
to them in power? Who were greater them in power
and have explored right throughout the lands?
Is the any place from which they could escape? Meaning when the
punishment of Allah came?
So this is the Sunnah of Allah. This is the order of Allah. Come
out to Dino to dawn.
oppression. Allahu Akbar. Two sins are punishable under dunya. Before
the era, the one sin is oppression. The other sin is
the mistreatment of parents. They will first be hit here before they
are hit there.
And that's almost 100 reminds us well, Allah ha ha fill in volume.
Do not think for one moment that Allah is unaware of what the
oppressors are doing. In
Leominster SHA Soufeel Asad. Allah is only delaying the punishment
for a day when the next will be stiffened. And the eyes will be
bulging out out of fear for Allah subhanho wa Taala every single dua
that is being made right now in Gaza, and wherever the Muslims are
being oppressed, or by any oppressed person,
even if they're depressed person via disbelief or did you know that
fraud and abuse and Malala Silla
bloom for in the hamster Java will know by Dehaene Willow can occur
if you don't find one.
Be aware of the dua of the oppressed person.
For 30 days after the killing of 70 of the busy, most illustrious
Companions of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam of the
symptom to go and teach the disbelievers about Islam. It was a
trap. They set a trap for them, and they killed him 70 of the most
illustrious companions of a beloved prophet Salah Salem for 30
days of Beloved Prophet Salah Salem made dua and he named he
mentioned the tribes that partook in the murder of the companions of
our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah.
So do not be afraid to say Lana Tila here as a volley mean. May
Allah curse the oppressors and all those who support the oppressors.
And so tomatoe Muslim in
the Sunnah of Allah subhanaw taala we are seeing playing out again
Atari who you are easy enough so history repeats itself.
History repeats itself lovely mana.
Iran for those who are ill anatomy tonight. Well, lumen TV on here Do
I like why in the law hilum tenoning.
The poet says, Do not oppress if you cannot be the consequences of
your oppression. Because the consequences of your oppression
will end up in bitter regret. Your eyes go to sleep at night, while
the oppressed person is awake, cursing you and the eye of Allah
never sleeps.
I have Allah never sleeps. Coca Cola company comes sooner known
first you fill out the form verrucae For current people to
McKenzie been, indeed, the order of Allah has played out before.
It's exactly what Allah is saying.
So go out in the earth and see what happened to those who
rebelled against Allah to those who oppressive and transgress the
boundaries of Allah. Hi, that biannually nurse, this is clear
evidence for mankind, meaning clear evidence for the kuffar
clear evidence for them that this is what's going on.
What happened to them? Those who have pressed Allah is going to
destroy them.
Even if he gives them respite before they destruction. Do not
think the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is giving the oppressor
respite that he will escape.
Well, Allah Subhanallah Dena Cafaro and Noma normally, I'm
pushing him in the man whom Leila whom he has daddy Eastman will
let the disbelievers not think for one moment that we give them
respite that we give them rope.
That we give them respite for their own benefit, we only give
them respite, that they might increase insulin,
and for them will be a humiliating told me.
So this is clear evidence for mankind in general and it is a
guidance and a gentle admonishment for them.
For those who are conscious and mindful Allah, Allah that the
must not do what
in quantum meaning,
it's an admonishment for those who are conscious of Allah.
that don't have the wrong thoughts about Allah.
This is a time Jamar to Muslimeen we we must and no sin of hon Allah
must have the best thoughts about Allah Connor Connor Rasulullah
Salallahu Salam kala lo Tana And Vanya appdb Phil you're gonna be
Mr. Shah is gonna be in gonna be Sharon fellow. I am to my servants
they think of me. So let them think whatever they want of me.
If they think good of me, then they will have good if they think
bad of me. They will have bad
so let us have the best thoughts about Allah subhanaw taala Allah
tahini, don't lose heart.
Don't be sad. We spoken about one we spoken about.
The people of Gaza have removed her hand from their hearts if we
have the dunya here to promote the love of the dunya and the hatred
and the fear of death.
Well Allah You cannot defeat the people who are not afraid to die.
Dr. Bryce Brighton, Dr. Brighton
he was a doctor in the British regiment that marched from Kabul,
to Jalalabad.
This was in the 1850s when an entire regiment of the British
army was wiped out by the Afghan resistance. They saved the woman
and the children but they killed all the men except for one doctor.
I think was Richard brighter, Dr. Richard brighter.
Anyway, he arrived in Jalalabad, and they asked him how is it
possible? At the height of the British Empire? The cream of the
British army could be defeated by these ragtag mountaineering
Ruffins. You know what you answered them. He said, How can
you fight the people who see paradise through the barrel of
your gun?
Has no leanness or who
are alone, don't lose heart.
Don't be said you will come out on top you will be victorious
with a caveat
be showered with the conditions in content. Meaning if you are true
believers make use of the true believers. Well, life is one two
hour we should be making nowadays. Here Allah make us of the true
Em says Concur one
forgot the muscle of
myth you if you're injured,
then indeed
others who came before you were also injured.
Do you know that during the horror of Saudi Arabia during the
Crusaders, between one and 3 million Muslims were was
slaughtered by the Crusaders.
I visited Martin Norman in the province of Idlib.
I visited and Medina Kadima, the old model to Norman, where a
massacre took place at the hands of the Crusaders before they
entered Jerusalem on the 15th of July 1099, where they cannibalize
the inhabitants of battle to normal.
And then when they entered Jerusalem on the 15th of July
1099, they put the entire city to the soul. They burned the Jews
alive in the synagogue. The chroniclers of that time said that
their horses waited up
Been Denise they up to the bridles in blood.
Other words the blood bath was to the extent with blood splashed
Then after the Crusaders who came the Mongols and the king discard
his son Agha die, and he's three grandsons Hulagu by two and coupla
14 million people were killed.
And the bulk of those 40 million were Muslim.
were Muslim.
we fast forward
and we see how many millions were killed in Algeria.
Rodolfo Graziani, the Bucha of Sarah Nika, which is eastern
killed half of the Libyan population
at the beginning of this new millennium, killed half of the
kitchens in grace