Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Program (10 Nov 2023)

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a video featuring multiple speakers discussing a promise made by Allah to return to being the truest and best believers. The promise is to return to being the truest and best believers, and the video is a retelling of a book and a series of tweets.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello Levine Munoz solidbody selling to slim Allahumma Salli

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ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad come oscillator Allah Ibrahim while

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early Ibrahim Berberich Allah Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Kamal

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Baraka Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim A Philomena indica Hamid Majeed, one

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of the Allahumma annual qualifier, Asha Deen Abu Bakr Omar worth man

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who won in Hassan well her saying that he will remain well answered

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early. I'll tell you when auto heating we're inside it's a

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Huberty Jemaine Bella from Attica. Here are hamara Amin Allah Azza

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Islam when was the mean will only be FeliCa Karitane they were Dean

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Allah was solid one enough you Philistine of it was a for certain

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Europe Bella Alameen Alana Surya Juana el Mujahideen feasability

00:00:43 --> 00:00:49

Allah monsoon with a bit Akadama hum era Bella Alameen Aloma taka

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shahada, Anna, Allah much goolka Serrana wash fish Johanna Allah

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whom Allahumma de Mille Sahaj in a woman well Allahumma Shanti Chema

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homophonic Gemma,

00:01:02 --> 00:01:06

Allah mon surah Allah mon sadhana Allah in Europe Bella Alameen

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Allah Mahara Masjidul aka Salman ADSI in and happy dean of body

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menial Majidi mean what is up Donna Salatin Phil Masjidul, aka

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Saharan Aziz Alameen about Allah in Allah here Moodle built

00:01:21 --> 00:01:26

in Cordoba Anil fracture you will Moon curry will buggy

00:01:28 --> 00:01:33

karoun como la sala to come your hammock Camilla Welcome to Salah?

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Como la dama de

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la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is

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still I tell you when you have a common law

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Bismillah R Rahman you're watching Al Hamdulillah done you're on your

00:02:44 --> 00:02:53

Bella Mia. Otter off man you're rocking. Murli Kiyomi

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young cannot do it. Yeah, kind of Starion Do you not see your

00:03:03 --> 00:03:12

autonomous stepping? Serato leadin Anantha Isley him well, you really

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have to be honoring him one on me.

00:03:28 --> 00:03:31

Bismillah R Rahman you're watching

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walau sitting in in Santa Fe hosts hos Illa levena Aman who last saw

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your heart you want to our soul will help the soul the soul Allah

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some Yamaha Newman Homido

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Allah hola

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hola Ong

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be sweet down here Rockman you right Rahim? hamdulillah Bella Mia

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Rahmani Raheem Imani Kiyomi Dean Yong

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Yong kind of Stefan. Do you not see it all tongue was stalking

00:04:50 --> 00:04:52

Serato leadin

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him while you will have him on up on

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Knee pain

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this with John you rock man you're rocking called

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being nurse Malik in Isla

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Cheb really was was

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a dirty us resume field so do it in

00:05:26 --> 00:05:28

mineral gene T one

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a long one

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Cemil Baja Neiman Hamid

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Allah hola

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hola como

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Sudan where I didn't come too long.

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I still feel alone I still feel alone is still futile. Allahumma

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into Siddha women consider to borrow to the general public

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chrome semi auto, Franciacorta, Bella Lake and Matsubara automatic

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AR our offering. What was you referring back to? I'll just one

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point I want to clarify. So I mentioned about the Promise of

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Allah to the true believers, that Allah will make the true

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believers, the rulers in this earth, established for them every

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aspect of the religion and and exchange the state of fear and

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anxiety into one of peace and security. So the question is, if

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Allah has made that promise, why isn't it happening? There's Allah

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break promises, love Allah in Allah Allah.

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Allah will never break a promise. What it simply means is that we

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need to question ourselves, are we the worthy recipients of those

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promises? And I make my intention today that you're Allah make me a

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worthy recipient of this promise, and make us as an ummah, the ummah

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of Mohamed Salah Salem, the worthy recipients of these promises, and

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that is to return to being the truest and best believers that we

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possibly can be. I mean, I mean, I mean, you're a boy Alameen wa

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salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad, while early wasafi Wilbert, it was

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salam Allama Freeland, alumina or Kofi renessa. Tina are too often

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abroad. Yahoo yaka ubermetrics Minister history when we began to

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study also the National inocula When attacking the Elan fusina

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When I had them in healthy Qatar fighter and in Europe Bill Alameen

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wa salam ala Sayidina Muhammad in the below me while early was happy

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with vertical Salam super Hannah Baker of Belarus that Yama is

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ephone masala Munna Allah mursaleen Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil

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this video

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