Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Masjidus Sunni (14 June 2024)
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I showed you it no more
last one go
ha Along
Although we lose some ilardi Minnesota on your rajim Bismillah
AR Rahman AR Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Solly what was suddenly more solid and what Tasleem and
elocon up more CAMI me real be your email mail more saline
Why should you work in law who will you solve the pain?
Well I shall do Anessa Yojana when a beginner while demon our heavy
burner Mohammad Rasool Allah
call Tim will be evil Mussolini
saline Lahoma was selling robotic Isla has been a big deal I mean
he was so hot but he he really made mean about
do you want to see me to sit on what I didn't come to LA he
your cooler Sheriff
Isla out of tin Sanam de the Verdun
will show can be a bit more heavy burden
for her the more calm dua, Daddy
you Jabu for mood Dooley or have been here
you bet he'd become Rob Bukom facade
well he NZ Lu yes smart rule Poulan leader
for Hulu do move to Burton
well Kulu attain que Rolla
while Kulu attain que Rula
Normally we begin our football
with an idea
and it's number
followed by a hadith
of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam that is what
we are going to do now in explaining the words of the poet.
Why started with these words because this is how
I'm feeling right now.
And those of you who have been gay would also be feeling and
inshallah those of you who haven't been there to make the intention
to have that feeling
out of fat
two out of
cinema, we're gonna go tomorrow
well short, call will be better and the love of the one who loves
and longing. In fact, he says was Shocked. Shocked literally means
And the longing of the heart of the one who loves
is now laid Bay
has now become manifest.
And what longing is that?
It is the longing
of the one who loves Allah to meet the Creator. gelada fear Allah
when Allah
have billows you
man carry Khalifa Allah, carry Allah Who
ever longs to meet Allah
and whoever loves to meet Allah.
Allah loves and loves to meet that person
and whoever dislikes to meet Allah
Allah dislikes to meet that person.
May Allah make us of the former and not have the letter M in your
So it's on this day human Teruya
the entirety of the ledger
on the day of the janazah
you will see all the judge
they are like um what
the eight days like the Janaza
In fact, I just came from a Janaza
you it shows inshallah the brother shall be buried
after Jamal the salah to Janaza will be at Castle Town road Masjid
Al Hajj Ismail assemble.
A good brother Russia.
Inshallah, we'll make dua for him, after our Salah beetelite Allah.
So today,
for the hijab is like the janazah
they're all wearing what
they're all wearing the cover.
They're all wearing the burial shroud.
When they went
into that forbidding state of your firearm this morning
after they performed this a little soldier
they went into that forbidding state. Remember we said Haram is
not the clothing. A Haram is the state in which you're going to
wear that clothing. That clothing that symbolizes
the medium.
That symbolizes
the burial shroud, the clothing that the mayor will wear
on the day when the souls have already departed from the bodies
and returned to Allah subhanaw taala
that is Yama Sami.
Along with Samuel hedger, he saved the day of
the day of refreshment.
They are going to go to the Valley of MENA
in preparation
for this standing
for this standing
in front of Allah, on the day of OOF waka yaki foo
it's literally what it means to stand.
Leone howdy.
Yo male kupuna Sunni Arab Pilla anime
Do they not think they're gonna be ready
erected for a great day,
the day when they will all be standing on
the Day when they will all be standing up.
And looking on
the satin cutter in the grandest courtroom
a madman How come and Isla in front of the highest judge? Allah
subhanaw taala
So today he's the janazah
it's the pre run for death for the judge. And tomorrow
is the mock trial
of human hisab.
Merrily Kiyomi de
17 times a day we remind ourselves of that trial
17 times a day we remind ourselves that we are all going to have to
Imam and Malik
Imam Al Malik,
Imam Al Shabaab
amomum jakim
a moment ago for rain.
David, we're all going to have to stand in front of the Compeller
the mighty
the one who takes retribution
and the one who is oft Forgiving and most Merciful.
Allama Friedlander the Lumina
Well, cafe Tina whatever
so tomato Muslimeen
hutches is much more than just logistics
and moving from place to place,
performing some rituals. I've done my hedge I'm going home.
In fact, tomorrow
for the judge
is going to be the first day of the rest of the lives.
Just waiting for the final departure.
Just waiting for that moment when Allah will take the souls
and return them to Himself Chela. Fiona
This is what the Hajj is all about.
Illa Arafa things are number
two out of four we are going tomorrow
we'll show you be better. And the longing of of the heart of the one
who truly loves Allah has now become manifest
for her either Mocambo dua lady,
because tomorrow when we are standing on alpha
this will be the station of Doha
after we've performed our
and our Salah classes, according to majority of scholars
shortening them both to two
and bringing us forward to make it with
and from then
from that time
until the soldier Assadi that is
the limitations of alcove
from after the walk out of the hole until true dawn on the
morning of the 10th of the hijab.
The Hajaj must stand well,
even if it is for a moment.
In fact, for those of you who have already been there, you will have
seen helicopters flying over.
In many cases, these are sick people that have literally been
placed on a stretcher, put into the helicopter and flown over for
them to get the hatch
for them to get the hatch.
In fact,
being in that state and performing Hajj, they must feel even closer
than those who are strong fit and healthy. Standing on the plains of
alpha Yuna June calling out to the Creator Allah subhanaw taala.
So your Mustermann normally Janaza
ha he's like Digenova and the ninth day. This is like the Day of
Account. How are we going to plead in front of Allah on the day of pm
You know what?
Layup tickled me
tomorrow to hijack you're gonna have a lot to say one line you're
gonna have a lot to say I speak about myself
every time I've stood on Arafa Allah had a lot to say
you and I wouldn't be able to speak
lawyer to Kalamoon
will call us Alaba there luckily
nobody would be able to speak
except the one that Allah gives permission to speak and they will
only be able to speak the truth
in fact they
will be witnesses against them
your Allah make our tongues witnesses for us and not against
your mustache
at him
today when they tongues and their hands in the feet will be witness
against themselves.
The Deaf Kiama no witnesses
y'all love
us, Brother Mohammed or brother or brother chalet man if they saw me
in the masjid or if they saw me giving charity or if they saw me
doing this or if they heard me saying that no such thing.
Our tongues and our hands and our feet will speak for ourselves.
And by the way, is a big sign is a big sign I'm saying this
is big sign outside the courtroom of Allah know what it says no
No lawyers to defend us. No need
kufr be enough she can
read your own book. For you are sufficient as a reckoner against
yourself understand
Tsujimoto Muslimeen
in the actions of hedge
and especially standing in Rokoff on the day
of a coup woof on the plains of Arafa mistake the opportunity
to speak to Allah and to make dua
as well as as those of us perhaps less fortunate
that are not going to be able to stand on our for tomorrow that we
also make dua and please let's not get into a debate about fasting
tomorrow or the next day fast both days.
Fast both days inshallah Gita Baraka
especially considering that if we attained the ninth if we attained
the nine
Allah will forgive you the previous year of sins and the
future year of sins minor ones automatically and major ones with
Illa Arafa
so nom de la
show can be called will be better for had more calm would do in
Nigeria the station of
this is the station of Hello Amma Allah seclusion with Allah.
When you standing in an alpha and you see
men quickly fetching from every distant path ravine and valley all
different shapes and sizes, colors and languages and outfits and what
have you, okay, same outfit,
same cover.
All Allah subhanaw taala bringing us all together
and extending out our hands, you Jabu for mood to layer of belief.
This is the station of dua, which is accepted,
which is
Al Imam Abdullah Mubarak into into the tent of Al Imam Soufiane
on the day of will cough on the plains of Africa and he asked him,
man, Mina Nursey, as well how can Allah
Who of mankind standing on these plains of Africa is the worst
in terms of conditions, who's in the worst condition in the eyes of
And Al Imam Sophia thought he was literally sitting there and he was
When he looked up and he said, the one that asks Allah to forgive
them, but believes that Allah will not forgive them. This is the
worst person on the planet.
So the Hajaj, they must believe
that when they stand in front of Allah,
and they renew the covenant, and they promise with Allah,
remember, we will all on in the world of the souls.
And now Allah has brought us back to renew the covenant that we made
in the world of the souls, and that promise that we made in the
world of the souls
bunny Adam into him to reach
And Taco Bell, chiamata, in Hakuna and others off.
And call to mind when your Lord took from the backs of the
children of Adam the progeny. So you can imagine, when Adam and
Howard after being lost in the wilderness for 40 years,
they found each other with
an alpha telephone, which means to acknowledge to know. So they knew
each other, they recognized each other and they came together on
our offer. And then Allah,
He took all the souls of mankind he unpacked them.
He took the souls of the children of Adam from his backpack,
and the children from their backs, and the children from their backs,
and the children from their backs until the entire Benu Adam, was
assembled within the precincts of autofunnel. In the world of
assaults, don't try and imagine it physically, it was something
And then it was one of the other says,
alleged to have become, Am I not your Lord called? Bella
Shahidullah? They say Nay, certainly, certainly you are nay,
because in Arabic, if you ask a question in the negative in order
for it to make it positive, you have to answer it in the negative.
If I ask you a lay psychedelic, you can't say now is it not? So
you can't say yes. Because if you say yes, and you say yes, it's not
so fun,
unless to be Rubicam, Am I not your Lord?
Am I not your Creator and Sustainer God who Bella, we will
can you remember? will lower low country member, but we were all
there. And we all said Bella Shaheed
they certainly you are a creator and sustainer your Allah we bear
witness. And then at the end of the verse, Allah says unto Kulu,
you're welcome.
In other words, why am I telling you this?
Why is this in the Quran?
list you should say on the Day of Judgment, your Allah we didn't
know about this.
So Allah is telling us we already believed.
And what is that? This is the fitrah. This is the inherent
disposition with which Allah has created all human beings. So we
come into this world as a test
to renew the covenant with Allah. And if we get the opportunity to
physically go back to the place where we made a covenant with
and to renew that covenant, and to renew the promise, what's the
promise even Ibis radula and he says that, after we said Bella
Shahidan, they certainly you are our Creator and Sustainer we bear
with him.
Then Allah said, Ijebu meaning are to obey me. And we all sit
and that we repeat, five times a day, after every Salam Allahumma
Anta Salah Well, Minca Salam, Tabata Tirza Jelani when he could
send me
we renew that promise every every time we make our Kalama shahada,
we renew the covenant
and every time we say some Yep, now
we are renewing the promise of covenant to worship none but Allah
and our promise to submit and surrender and to obey a loss of
like we say in the opening to our of our Salah in new ejector which
a yearly live Uttanasana what you will, just like Ibrahim Ali said
to Salam, Honey
Honey fine tuning away from the worship of everyone and everything
besides Allah, perfect monotheism, Muslim and submitting and
surrendering obediently to Allah subhanaw taala the Hajaj are going
to our for tomorrow.
To renew that covenant, and to renew that promise to do it
as the ultimate preparation
for meeting Allah subhanaw taala, for standing in front of Allah on
the day of your Matsuyama
they can be no greater preparation, then going to perform
the monastic of hardship. But what about the person that cannot get
Because we know that he
is a pillar of Islam with the five pillars of Islam, for who man is
La vida, for the one who is able to buy the means to do so. So what
happens if a person is not able to buy the means to do so? I mean, we
are more than 2 billion.
I mean, 2 million alone in Makkah, and the Messiah
is a lot.
About 10 million 20 million 100 million, is
almost impossible.
I don't want to say impossible, but almost impossible.
So what about those people?
And this is why there's a dua that we must all keep alive,
you in our lives,
before we are no longer alive,
and we cannot come back.
This is see dualistic father. Make this two hour every night before
you go sleep that you effect is a Hadith
which has been recorded in the compilation of a hadith of Imam al
mundo, the Riveter heap
incentive systems but he determines what is the incentives
he gives his to make two records of solid October every night.
And to make the dua of Satan is the father.
And if a person dies in the sleep, then they will meet Allah like the
day when the mothers gave birth to them that sound familiar? Sound
Because the hedgehog when they stand on Alpha tomorrow, if they
do it
if they do it with good behavior, so I always tell the people don't
think you're going on * alone.
I'm here to do my hedge my toe off. My sorry, my salah don't
bother me. Don't want to talk to anybody. No.
I've never seen anybody going around the Kaaba alone standing on
Alpha alone, going between Safa and Marwa alone making a beat and
was deliever alone.
It's an idea that he's done collectively.
And they accepted hatches what hatch Alhaji mob rule the well
mob rule means
well behaved I mean I'll be I'll be rehearsal Hello
righteousnesses good character.
So 100
The Prophet said some Muslim man had to follow me or
whoever performs Hajj without any lewdness, obscenity, tea,
or vulgarity
without any argumentation or confrontation
scalar ray or nada. If we're losing Eman, can you imagine?
Miles Allah, my Allah, whoever performs Hajj without obscenity of
all guarantee without any argumentation
or confrontation. How do you mean to be
heard? Mean?
The tree like taking off a jacket they will they will exit from the
sins the sins will be like a jacket that they will take off and
they will leave it leave it on. Courage I mean Do not be Kiyomi
well at home, it's getting hot anyway.
They will exit they will leave out of like the day when the mothers
gave birth to them.
They mentioned you can achieve that every night
by saying what
Allahumma and terapii
article one article must
also be commissioned
a public opinion
well probably done before fiddly for Inula yeah
what did I just do?
I just renewed my covenant and my promise to Allah. Oh Allah
You are my Lord, you might create and sustain. There is none worthy
of worship but you've created me and I am your servant.
And I am on your covenant.
And you promise
just like I made in the world of the souls and we all together, in
front of Allah made in the world of the souls.
And I am on your covenant and on your promise as I'm able to. I
seek refuge in the from all the evil that I have perpetrated.
I acknowledge that all favours are from the
sun familiar with the bacon long Mala bake
the bacon, Sherry color Caleb bake in Alhambra when
laka molk
Shari Kolak here I am Allah here I am. Here I am Allah Allah. You
have no partner. I'm only here for you.
Indeed, Oh praise and thanks is due solely to you. And all favors
come in originates from you. And I and everyone and everything
belongs to you. You have no partner I'm only here for you.
Ebola kabhi gametic eylea I acknowledge that all fevers are
from the
well Ebola we Dombey and I acknowledge that my sins are from
All my favorites are from V. And all my sins are from me for
infinity so forgive me for in hula
for indeed nobody forgive sins per
se you do this too far. And you show a lot of people on Arafa are
also going to be late.
So they're going to be physically there.
They're going to be spiritually there.
And inshallah Allah subhanaw taala is going to accept that. Allah
subhanaw taala granting all had JimBob Laura was sorry and mascara
was number four. Why man and Solly Hatton. mokopuna.
What did Jonathan lamentable and the profit that never dissipates
out of the first day of the rest of your life?
Hola Hola.
You Jabu for Moodle? Europe Pilliod you Jabu for Moodle,
Europe pelea the station of dua that is the station of Arafa
for Moodle, so extend out your hands
to Allah subhanaw taala call in Abuja SallAllahu Sallam in Arab
Docomo Hi, Yun Kareem, indeed your Lord is most shy, most generous.
How can I let me shine?
You're referring to your day or your DOMA cifran Hi Bethenny.
Allah is so shy, that when he sees his servant
stretching out their hands into ah, Allah is too shy to return
those hands, empty handed and disappointed. I imagine
it's normally whenever we make to imagine, you buy here become
Murghab bukem facade do
what it's doing when we standing. You back is boasting, boasting to
His angels, you become
facade. So be happy.
Have the pistols about Allah and the abitibi I am to my servant as
they think of me in London
in London who run forever you say think good of me. They will have
good if they think bad of me and that's what they will have.
You better hear
Allah is boosting to his mana. Yeah, man. Hey,
buddy, I Tony show.
Oh, my angels look at my servants. They've come to me. Dusty and
he's coming to America. By Squawk Box, here it
His Haram is full of tea is a bit of food stains, dusty is no
But in that state, that humbled states
that stepped up to jump rope of being stripped off of wealth and
status and position or equal in the eyes of Allah indeed humbled
state, ALLAH turns to his angel and he says, Oh, my angels look at
my service.
They've come to me dusty and disheveled. I take you as my
witnesses. Will she do
that I have forgiven them all.
I have forgiven them all.
You bow he become a book confessor I do.
Smell cooler NIDA and Allah descends in a way that which is
befitting to His Majesty and His glory.
And he listens to every single DUA and mentioned that.
For whom?
To button. So let the tears of regret flow in repenting and
returning to Allah.
While Kulu attain chaos and the ruler will Kulu attain Allah and
say, We have come to you, your Allah almost exalted.
Oh most Hi.
This is out of
May Allah subhanaw taala accepted
from all the Hajaj
on the day of alpha.
The prophets, Allah Salam said to Bilal, ja Bilal uncertainness,
obey Allah, make the people listen.
So Bilal called all the people
and the prophets, Allah Salam stood up and said that indeed,
Allah has sent salons
and he gives you the glad tidings that he has forgiven
all the people standing on Arafa
all the people standing on Al Masha meaning was delivered.
Well don't even Tabby and all those moving in between.
said no, I'm gonna put up his hand. He says Ya rasool Allah, a
heel in the hasa is this only for us? We may special hedge, hedge.
The only hedge the profit ever performed SallAllahu wasallam. Is
it only for us? A lady would say no, I'm not allowed to borrow
talent. And
so the Prophet said you said Muhammad
Well, Iman Jha
should it is for you. Oh, she's for all of you. Or it is for us,
all of us. They had to weather at the federal pilgrimage. And it is
for everybody that comes after us until the day of Yamaki ama said
no. I'm gonna say Kathrada Hey, Rolla. Cateura federal law he will
pa he said how great is the goodness of Allah? And how
beautiful and purity standard
smell was wanted to Allah make easy for the judge. It's very,
very hot. Tomorrow, it's gonna be 45
I looked up.
In order to avoid dehydration. A person needs to drink at least
three liters of water.
So Allah Spano, Tala, Granta could judge the health and the
strengthening of Allah subhanaw taala except him on Arafa
encounter Mala hjem of Rura and for them to live out of like the
day when the mothers gave birth to them. Amin Europa Alameen wa salam
ala Sydenham humbled by their early WASAPI will Bertie
personally working with Darwin and even handed lot of
some announcements Salah will be on Monday the 17th of June 2024 at
8am Inshallah, tada
you should always tend to eight so we will give 10 minutes grace and
then we will start to solid ha inshallah. Then Saturday 15th to
June this Saturday out of a program at 9pm
Karima J DeFries. Caramel bean pakka and
they will also be a short talk by brother yard inshallah
it was anything else
I can't see so clearly here what is happening? Oh, yes. Okay, so
our previous caretaker was special still with us. I just want to
grant him long life and Elizabeth once he is moving into an
accommodation he lands down he asked if there's any items to
donate for his space, he would appreciate it a cupboard
is needed just Solomonic.
I'm Jana Sean
how do they learn Europe biller island in
Europe via set Tarun Are you still to reopen Europe via of the new
bill fear is a new winner.
For regional Kuru before reach Karuna Europe via Allah ml who
will be Kenosha Rama Homina welcome Mina. What as you're gonna
have back home and your family in your country buena Illa phobic
here I leave. For beer on basaltic yellow tea from Bissell kick
Oltorf Bina Bhima Jarrah to be healed Mercado de indica Isla
what I showed you were
in law, law or
law out of thin Sanam de Rajan will show bill more Higbee better
for more karma dua Ledi you Jabu for more duel Europe believe you
better he become Rob Bukom facade
smart oh, cool and nice. For Hulu Domo to button Waku attain que la
Rolla Baku attain the ruler Why should you under say you don't
know whenever you know what all demon our hobby burner Muhammad
Rasulullah Bella Amana when also Hello my worker Chevelle humba
which I had I feel like how could you have had utter who you again
Bella Bella Allah become early he could Shiva deja vu Giamatti Alma
Jimmy Yo, he's already solid. Early Salah la comme la jolla ilm,
Al Huda button nessa Wilma now Akel hammer in a
chromatic Islamic Rasul Aqeedah Allah alias edited Quran is
tomorrow night
Tamara Kosmo peaky Tabby Hilah Aziz
bIllahi min ash shaytani Raji el hijo Assura Maluma from ferrata V
Hindle. Had Jeff on our office hour for Soo Ji Darla Phil Hodge
will notify aluminum siding, Allah moolah, but as a Word will for
integrators dako what Cooney
we're calling the use of Allahu alayhi wa sallam man had Jeff
philam Your fourth Willem you have so called courage I mean to newbie
Kiyomi when at the tomb.
Oka Mikado, Nabil SallAllahu wasallam for nostril Allah Tala,
it took up the liminal for Judge. We
had Gemma brora was saying mascara was before our island Salia Hatton
mokopuna, Rama Tikka or hamara I mean, are you becoming who Naka
mean? Mina
Ilana Rama Rama Hana Hoonah madrasa to Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam yaku feel Habib and Mustafa Al habla with Dimboola
UNICEF but the yarn hula camel machine to come out to Dad while
your Kool Aid or coup lupini Mahato
in tow.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Illa Illa
Will you saw your hand? I should do Anessa you're done I want to be
in a world human our hobby burner Muhammad Rasulullah claw tumble
MBA evil mursaleen I'm about to you will mostly Moon we'll see
come on FCL mother Nebuta wouldn't be Tapachula Hello authority poco
de cada lotta either vikita Bill Aziz, but I would have been him in
a show you Tanya Raji. Yeah, you live in LA haka Ducati.
Illa Anton Muslim on the call and abuse Allah Allahu alayhi wa
sallam, tequila hyphema cuanto
al Hassan atta Tamaqua wahala kanessa Hello King hacer network
theory about Allah. You know Salatu was Salam ala CKD Wahhabi
Muhammad in a typical Pulu we were here where I have a Buddha and he
was Shiva when all of a Saudi what the Allahu Soluna ala Nabi.
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a slimmer
Allama Selia Allah Muhammad Ali Ali Mohamed Salah Tada Ibrahim
Ibrahim, well Berdych, Allah Muhammad Ali Mohammed Kumar Baraka
Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim A Philomena in Naka, Hamid Majid
what are the Allahumma annual qualifier Rashidun Abu Bakr Well
Mr. Wiseman well Ali, Hassan well Hussein or anybody will find
anyone Saudi early after you've been hearing what answer it is to
Huberty a Jew marine erotica or hamara. I mean, Allah Maricel
Islam well Muslimeen Well, Ali before before he could call him
and tell hockey with Dr.
Oliver Suri one an animal study I found if he loves Allahumma Juba,
I mean human health, Allah Missouri Juana al Mujahideen
vilasa Allah Muhammad
Allah Malaika Messiah and one woman Well, in normally you're
gonna Allahu Allah to have to go home higher. Willa Darfur Aloha
Mariah heard Masjidul Oxfam in AD him will order mocha.
Cola Hi, Bill Alameen
Allah was recorded Nafi Philistine with equally makan Europa Alameen
obod Allah in the La Jolla Marbella, arguably a sandwich in
Cordoba, and in fact Shia it will carry Will you come to that karoun
como la salatu Camilla hammock Kamala welcome Asana?
Como la dama dama de sama to
ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam is still Teddy
Ruth are also sorted hull suits have overcome the in atmosphere to
soften into masala heels in line shoulder touching shoulder close
Along with
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah Hyrum below me
on Rosh Murni of Rashi murli Kiyomi de Dean
young cannot a Broadway young kind of staring
did not see it all along was stuffy
Sirata Latina and
him voyeurism of those behind him one of dawn on me
this video I have Rothman your Robbie
the number of hours, had your co
worker arrive at Sohrab worker seven Do you have four layers
maroon Fe high level
mill Rob big doll and
some Yale Law Honeyman Hamidah
Allah hola
hola hola
all Oh
Bislett done here Rockman your Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil
Alameen or rochman Ibrahimi Murni Kiyomi de your cannot do any kind
of stereo Dino Sirata on stoking Serato leadin Anana Terra de him
ye realm of do vrna him one of the orderly mean
be some our team one of the women Bina, Houma rock man, lay em
Nikulin Amin who
Yo Yo como ro Hawaii manda eager to soft Qalamoun later can learn
Munna man Eddie no no rock man. Well por la Sawa hola
somebody Allahu Neuman. Hamidah
Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah. said Mr. Anil Kumar Rahmatullah.
Still feel alone is still futile done is still futile. Lahoma into
setup I mean, consider tomorrow to Legion early Willie kromm set me
For our Nicaragua illegal merci erotica or hammer rock solid
yesterday remind we're going to make dua for Alhaji smile. Sambo
who passed away last night we yesterday and is going to be
buried today inshallah to Allah. Allah subhanaw taala grant him
forgive his sins and grant him a high place in Jonathan for those
and put a Sabra Silwan patience and perseverance and contentment
into the hearts of his loved ones. It's not 100 Rahim Al hamdu
Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala shortfill Ambia
universally Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while
early he was happy he Jemaine Allama Fittler who were humble was
sick, you know Phil Jana Allama Fiddler who are humbler, we're
hopeful Jana Allama Fiddler who were humbled by the field will
Jana, but adjure was unsafe to Yorkshire Houma and the Wii U was
cidade de novo shahada it was Saudi he her husband that we know
got off here, early confab Lumina Allahu Akbar Fabula Halima
Allahumma. incana Marcin and fuzzy Divya Cerny in kanimozhi, and
Fatah was answer Yati Allama. Federico Wareham who were happy
what for? I knew were criminals Allah who was set by the Buddha
holla who was a silly Wilma, he was told you will Bharat
I went up to him in the know we will kotayk Marina cathedral Abuja
Domina Denis. Allah subhana wa salam ala Anna Willoughby tickle
when we're suffering will Moravec in Well was it people recover
Baraka? We can omit you say you didn't know Muhammad Sallallahu
wasallam Allahumma o sill hum Illa out of it, where Elon was
Where Isla tawaf Howell cabin was saved in a software will Marwa
Allah humma who we know that he was suffering with your animal,
llama and disciple for suffer well khalifa to Allah, Allah Hama in
dinero to becoming somewhat competent Mundo was so we'll call
it the film Earlywood
Allah azza wa jal Hi Jim Hi Jim Aurora was sorry I'm sorry mascara
was an Obama Ruben Mohamed Obama and Saleh attend mock Ebola, but
Ijarah Tom T Jonathan lenta Bucha new renewed? Ja legal Murphy
sudoers Regina Yola, yeah, who may not know was that Allah Allah said
no Muhammad didn't know me while early was very silly. Allama
Freeland has an Obinna a coffee Rhonda say Tina? What telephone
Emma Abrar Allahumma Antara de la isla Solokha 21 Wow now I have to
go I think our older becoming shorter him so not Ebola coming
out Michika Allah boo boo them be fiddly for Inula yo Feroz and obey
Allah and also Allah Allah said Muhammad didn't know me while
earlier socketable vertical Salam so behind Allah because Allah Azza
Tiama you see phone but Salah mana Island mursaleen well Hamdu
Lillahi Rabbil aalameen.