Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Friday 24 June 2022
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will mount a mail for you
if I can only wala Nene at email anything Medina Do you want Ghana
Ghana Abu Humam slowly hands down a book at
the Eldorado who can ever know more
stuff Freejack
method middle of big woman fell to one Emery then he got that Queen
oh man cuz
he saw the whole well yes and Annika
name on sat through Ali
who the call in
there been a while know what Eva Shem Seiwa does a little goofy I
am Jaime
de Bella
Delphi the fee him for
of us often was people who may or may not
be here you want people who are there
what ma'am and Emma No I mean I'll slowly
fella who
warming me Nina you're slow
shims you want to
see for
further help honor the Malla day for the law
been sent to anyone
email mobile
phone lady in Georgia Georgia and we'll see dawn I feel
like a home Jana
All American Navy he'll be
in only the ones in Agile Boehner
Tony's Obi Wan howdy How
are you this out sound ouabain or Slovenia ball
either gyla
Ball ankle knee all three of
as I want to stop all and hone in
the the E they're
gonna be gyla who they
what can I do all of the help for what else Never Alone Neoma easy
module fee about one oh feel healthy slowly for Gemma. Gemma
myoma he can fit in our ball. Alena can
feel it all in the key one can hula still be Jonas Amma FSC
anybody meet
me only
memory caffeine. No Zola.
Serena Mala? A lady in your home feel higher.
The dunya
scene owners will now
be mourning all the heavy a lot
of the moolah Romeo Malaviya Matthew was
movie maca photo what was oh it was only was
one evil Swan he had he can
tell us he knows Rolla Paulina fee
he wanna
homie then luckily Matthew have been NFE there will
be one OG NaVi Miss Li Hema De
Luca mu ha
Isla Isla
Femen canaille joining for fee friendly
slowly How
was she one I was sneak behind
me a Honda?
All the videos simula I'm gonna show you Tanya regime and
Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim
Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen
What will suddenly what will suddenly masala 10 What Tasleem
and Yolo County Bhima kami me real Ambia you are Imam Al mousseline.
I shall do a
long law who will you Salehi?
what I shall do Anessa udana when a beginner of the Mana Wahhabi
banner Muhammadan rasul Allah
ha term will be even more saline.
Saline Lahoma was selling whether the caller had an OB GYN I mean
Well I knew he was so Huberty Hilger really my Amin
Rubbish rally Saudi well you're certainly a MIDI well hello
awkward the terminal discerning you have cold calling
to come see me the cinema alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Corolla Tabata, Kota Isla de kita Ba La Aziz
Badawi the biller he may not show you Tanya regime.
Here a human nurse Khadija at como tu mera become
where she will be Murphy's to do
War Two little more meaning.
So the kala Alavi
Do you want to see me I've chosen a few
to speak about today from
Surah Eunice.
la sera,
Nabila unicyclists citizens
and I'm going to go through them one by one instead of giving you
all the ayat in one go
I'm going to go through them one by one
and excuse me if I seem a little bit off today I'm actually not off
I don't know whether I should be happy or sad.
Whether I should express joy
or whether I should cry
but inshallah to answer those questions, the answers the two
will become apparent for myself and for you as we go through these
ayat is delighted.
So the first verse first number 57
of Surah Yunus
here Are you a nurse all mankind.
Khadija at Como Isla
there has come to you.
And admonishment.
Now a more
a more advice for the believers.
It's like a gentle warning from Allah subhanho wa taala.
That we should take this warning and then shield ourselves
from falling into that
which will be detrimental to us in this life.
And which would cause us well, biller to enter the Hellfire on
the day of your Makia Allahumma ajuda Mera naam Allahumma Agera
nomina na Allahumma jitna Manila
so all mankind
has come to you an admonishment and exhortation from your Creator
and your sustainability. Not from anyone else. This is from Allah.
And how to rub
the truth.
Nothing comes from Allah, the Creator, cherish, nourish,
sustainer, manager, controller, owner and ruler
of everyone and everything in the heavens on Earth, nothing comes
from Him Gela fear Allah except the truth.
So there has come to you from him and exhortation and admonishment
was Shiva only Murphy's to do and the healing
for that which is in the chest,
meaning for the ailments of the heart, whatever ailment it might
from doubt,
to confusion, to worry, to anxiety, to malice, to avarice to
envy to jealousy,
all the elements of the heart this marinara, this Quran
is a Shiva is a healing for all those ailments.
Well, who don't worry,
and it's a guidance
and it's a mercy
Lindbergh meaning for the believers.
What more do we want
Alhamdulillah Allah Allah and Yamato Islam
behind me
All Praise and thanks is due solely to Allah for the favor of
Islam and in our favor. It is with us
Kenny according to be useful, Allah says
what are the two hours that he used to make the most in his life,
thanking Allah for the favor of Islam?
If we go on to verse number 58
call before Lilla
will be rahmati
say oh Mohamed Salah Sangha
by the favor of Allah and by His mercy
Furby Delica failure with that, this favor of Islam,
this favor of iman, this favor of Quran this favor of sunnah
being of the Ummah of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam for be
with that be overjoyed.
That is the thing that we must feel such joy every morning when
we wake up.
And we say Alhamdulillah Yanni. But Adam
praise and thanks is due solely to Allah Who gave me life off the
coast my death the small death would you sleep of course.
So he's given me another day as a Muslim with Islam with iman. He's
given me another day to be of the Ummah of Muhammad Salah
be delicate, fully be overjoyed with
who will fade on my own.
It's better than all that you accumulate
it's better
than all of your wealth.
It's better
than all of your certificates that might be hanging on the wall.
It's better than all those trophies that are sitting on the
shelf or any of your achievements.
This fever of Allah this fever of la ilaha illa Allah
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu spitta will lie this is better
and everything
and anything that we can attain on the dunya
first number 59
Hola Hola. como de risking for two men who have ramen wahala and
a man Allah He toughed.
It also natalensis Say, oh Muhammad,
do you consider the system and said Allah sins Don't you
have your own accord out of your own whims out of your own fancies,
you have declared some of them
lawful for you.
And you have declared some of them unlawful for you.
Now, again, the greatest
challenge on the day of Joomla is time.
And so, I'm not going to go into the details of the context of this
about the euro, and EBA,
wall sila, and hammer.
But I will just say to you that what kufr Quraysh used to do, they
used to select certain types of animals.
And they used to either set them free, or they would sacrifice them
or they would give them a certain task
in worship of the idols,
sacrificing for the idols
and the one who began with this shield. In fact, the first one
I've mentioned this before, I'm not even
who brought the idol of huben the first idol to be brought to
Makkah, he brought from the Moabites in northern Arabia.
That was the first idol. And by the time whenever Prophet Muhammad
Salah Salem a few 100 years later
they were 360 idols in and surrounding the Kaaba.
So they used to have that which Allah had given them, they would
say no, no, this is
For idols haram for us
and in that which Allah has prohibited, they will say no this
is halal for us
call Allah who
say to them Oh Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, did Allah give you
permission for this?
Allah He Tarun or are you speaking lies against Allah.
Allah Allah, he
almost wanted to Allah in another verse, he says, they speak lies
against Allah.
Because that is what people are doing. When they are saying
something that Allah has made unlawful, that it is lawful,
or something that Allah has made lawful, it is unlawful.
And according to some of the full QA if this is done, I'm done.
In fact, some say that there is each block there's consensus on
this ruling, that if a person knowingly make something lawful,
that Allah has made it unlawful or vice versa, it takes them out of
the fold of la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah, that's how
dangerous it is.
And we live in a society tomato Muslimeen, where
the lines have become so blurred
as to what is lawful and what is unlawful.
Even for the things that are unlawful when people do them
a lot of the time they even get away with it.
But we live in a society of permissive society
people want to gamble they can gamble. People want to phony cake
they can phony get
people to commit adultery.
People want to be LGBTQ i A plus. Nobody can say anything today.
That's according to the Constitution. That's according to
the law of the country.
And he spoke about this two weeks ago, not last week, but the week
we came to the understanding lacantina Coppelia deem you to
your way
and meet to mind,
as mostly mean that is what we have to say.
We don't live in a country that is ruled by Sharia. We wish we could.
We hope we can we pray that one day we can, wherever that might
wherever that might be.
But we do not we do not live in a country where the constitution of
Allah is being implemented.
So we're not allowed to interfere with people
in terms of what they choose to do.
And we can't force anybody to do anything.
And this is the choice that Allah subhanaw taala has given mankind
in general.
For Mantua of a human woman shall affiliate for whoever wants to
believe. They will believe and whoever wants to disbelieve, they
will disbelieve law karahi. Dean is no compulsion in religion, to
be in a rush to
the right path has been made distinguishable from the wrong
path. And when it comes to living in a country where the laws of
Allah are not being implemented, we can't even force people to obey
the Sharia.
But what we will not allow,
whether it be non Muslims, and very sadly, even Muslims, to tell
us as Muslims who believe
in this murder, I believe in this exhortation in this revelation in
this Quran
and follow the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah
some cradle. We won't allow anybody to scratch with our deen
we won't allow anybody to say no, no, that which Allah has
prohibited, it's now 2022 It's okay. This is not the Church of
This is not the Catholic Church.
This is not the Jewish reformation movement.
And just to be fair, there are lots of Christians that are trying
to hold on to the laws of the Old Testament, and the Jews as well
Orthodox Jews that are trying to hold on to the laws of the Torah.
But we see as the years go by,
they become less and less as even their own institutions are
As the scriptures have been corrupted
but Alhamdulillah
we have a revelation that can
Hamdulillah, Allah
Allah subhanaw taala reminds us in the Holy Quran
in surah to curve
no crookedness
can come into the spoke,
nobody can corrupt. Why because it is protected by Allah in.
In Allah Hoolahan
we have revealed this revelation
and we are the protectors They have
almost wanted to Allah says what's Kalima? Because she took
and the words of your Lord have been completed.
was true through through through through through and they have been
completed with justice.
they can be no exchange for the words of Allah subhanaw taala
what is also Natalia saying suitable calf Alhamdulillah Allah
De Anza Allah Allah al Kitab
Oh praise and thanks to Sony to Allah who revealed
this revelation to the servant.
And you will find no crookedness in this book.
In fact, you won't even find contradiction in this book. Well,
I can I mean, I'm delighted Illallah want you to feel the love
and Kathira if the book had been from anybody, but Allah, you would
most have certainly found contradiction in the book, but
it's from Allah. So there's no contradiction there is no
Lee Hill bought him in benei a day you
know falsehood.
That famous Hadith that we've quoted so many times in this
When the Phaeton come,
there will be a great trial to the prophets. Allah knows
what it said. Now, Allison Sensei, he said,
rasool Allah, what will be the escape from the Greek trial and
tribulation, Kala Kitab Allah He said the book of Allah, fie
nobleman cannot Kabbalah.
It is the news, or the information of those who came before you and
the news of those who will come after you
will have a map
and it is the book that you use to rule amongst you. Who will
fossilize the bill Hazzard. It is clear cut.
It's clear cut.
Lace The bill has little chested
man Tara Coleman Jabari customer Hola. Whoever have a titan turns
his back on it Allah will destroy them while my neighbor
whoever seeks guidance in anything but it Allah was in demonstrate
what will happen on Lahemaa team. It is the indestructible rope of
Allah. Well who was the current Hakeem and it is the wisest
remembrance of Allah. Well who was sirotkin was stuck in it is the
straight path of Allah who will only live to see you
know, whims or fancies
can corrupt his book, the Quran, no matter who says what about this
book, even the understanding of this book is protected by Allah
and that's why it's so important for us to know the Sunnah
because the prophets are some his life is an explanation for the
that's why she said kind of Quran
she said kind of Quran and Yom she barely knows he was like a walking
that's why these people are coming now with any Yun they say no we
don't accept Hadith you only follow Quran How do you pray
with you get your number of regard.
And in fact is a book by Dr. Mustafa Seabury Rahim Allah Allah
to feel free to feel
the importance of the Sunnah and its role in legislation. Somebody
actually contacted me two days ago they said no, they son. He was
raised in a traditional Muslim home but no he doesn't. He's the
reject of Hadith now. I said read this book.
The importance of the Sunnah and its role in Islamic legislation by
Dr. Mustafa
does evil be Hilah
no matter what anybody says above the Quran about Islam
pacifically speaking about the protection of the Quran, it will
not corrupt
Allah Hillels
You know, even if people mispronounce it
the Quran will Azali it stays one of darling it's flatter because
it's the only language with the little dot that as
after many how many times you read it you'll never get bored of it
Well, I used to omit
the alarm I never get the full of it and you will never be cease to
be amazed by it. Who will lead the Lovington to Elgin new is st send
in some Yeah.
Man call a
woman hacker maybe woman die.
He said the Quran is that even the jinn kind when they heard it. They
said we've heard an amazing reading.
And we have believed
he sent me to call you in
a rush they recognize and acknowledge that a guide towards
that which is most upright. And so we believed in it. And then at the
end of the Hadith The Prophet said Salah Salem, he said man column,
we have a coach the Quran is spoken the truth
and whoever lives by the Quran will be greatly rewarded.
And whoever rules for the Quran will be ruling with justice and
whoever calls to the Quran will be guided to a straight path of Allah
tomahto Massimino Allah we in the time of
we are in the heart of the fitna.
And we better hold on to that indestructible rope of Allah, to
feed the intimacy to be himer learn.
I refer you to things if you hold on to these two things you will
never ever go astray
the book of Allah and my way of life
as I see the second hand ticking and the time running out
I haven't even begun to speak about what has made me what has
disturbed me and made me so emotional, today Giamatti Muslim
and perhaps inshallah Allah, we can explore the details they have
next week. But I want to leave you with this. I want to leave you
with this. The hadith of Hodeidah, even though your man
probably allowed to Baraka Allah and
pen and nursery, yes, Aluna rasool Allah He Salla Allahu alayhi wa
sallam annual COVID Welcome to the show for de fora de la and he
said, I used to ask the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam
about above
all mankind, meaning a nurse means the Sahaba the Sahaba used to ask
the prophets Allah Salam about people used to ask the prophets
about goodness, the good, good.
And I used to ask him about the evil. Maha Phaeton. Are you driven
out to fear that it should overcome me or I should fall into
it? For call to Ya Rasulullah saw I said O Messenger of Allah.
In a corner fija Helia tiene washery a messenger of Allah, we
were in the days of ignorance, and we were involved in evil.
idol worshipping, gambling,
Xena was rife.
There were so many evils that were pervasive in the Arabian Peninsula
and in the world. When our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam
received his, his prophethood as the last messenger of Allah
subhanaw taala. For Jan Allahu Allah protesters goodness, there's
goodness with which you and I are overjoyed with it. Hamdulillah we
are Muslim in
dial Allah, Allah Subhana Allah in many million Muslims who is better
in speech than the one that calls to Allah does a good deed and says
I am a Muslim
so after we were in the days of ignorance and drowning in this
Allah synthes goodness to us the Quran and the Sunnah of Mohammed
Al Anam Salah Torah
for Karla for her by the hurdle, after this goodness is there going
to be evil?
Kala Nam he said yes. Well, he he
and they will be smoking
What is the dragon? This is how he describes the fitness
but it will be hazy it will be foggy, bad you will be seated
in the Hadith, the Casten doing good deeds because there are
trials and tribulations coming like a dark night.
People will be so ignorant of the deen they won't be able to
differentiate between halal and haram truth and falsehood right
and wrong is happening right now.
Especially with the LGBTQ i A plus story.
Which we're going to go into more detail next week.
Well man,
what is this smoke oh this fog
call Coleman Yeah, do not be
a people that are calling to others in my guidance
to reform in home or to care.
You will know some of them and you will not know some of them
call to for help.
now we'll see he doesn't
tidy for me in whom we're talking to for halberdiers alaka I'll say
the main shot.
caller number
two our tune
and after that, he said they will be callers calling by the doors to
Man a jawbone
call the full fee.
Whoever answers these calls is people that are calling to the
fire. They will be cast in the fire call to your Rasulullah Sif
or messenger of Allah described him for us for caller who mean
meaning they are from us. And this is what we are seeing even Muslims
calling to other than that which Allah has revealed in the Quran or
the future Beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem has spoken in
his a Hadith
from Mooney in New Delhi, what should I do is time should I
should be there when this happens. Color tells them with Mr. Tomasi.
Meanwhile, he said hold on to the group of Muslims and their Imam
go to for Ilam your canola home Gemma Allah Imam and it says don't
Gemma and there's no Imam
Khilafah and no more Khalifa
then stay away from all the groups
will be asleep. Even if you must go and bite onto the root of a
tree had a huge recovery mode until I until this comes to you
and you are like that.
They are the Hadith
they will he said Salah Salem they will come a time when excellent is
he who takes his family and goes and lives in the mountain. I don't
know if the time is here now. But all I know
we are faced with a fitna
we are facing a battle for our souls and the souls of our
children and if we are not going to hold them to the Quran, if
we're not going to hold them to the Sunnah of sallallahu alayhi
wasallam we are going to drown in this ocean of
living in the protection of Allah. We shall continue our discussion
next week but in the Lightoller accurate data and $100 Bill
Alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah you
no more
than one soon
I'm Jana, Sean.
Hi, Jana.
This is
so don't want equal
I should
I should go
I should
hi Jana
I met him he was
Hekmati he was a Barraza who inner if he were my YES SIR
for her domino effect I hope he will
who will be I want to shadow Allah. Allah was the hula she
was named Mohamed
Salah Toby was
a member
of Buena
Tenzin, but we know him in a shape on your rajim Bismillahi Rahmani
what call al Habib
duniya Ronan Murphy in medical law he one hour now who
will see C'mon F cinnamon Cassia rabita Paula
Paula hola Hema
in the Watson nation
in namanya tequila bottle
Allah and the dunya fan Yeah, when the two has
a head room, mud era Yamina her what she meant to her. What are
the two Jumilla to her
and the hula and
our hammock weather and several million Falcon Takala want them to
be headed higher to dunya Yeah.
They feel you wanna dear? Allah in Nell Karima ug boomin
what love betta
Bill God you and the family been
convenient at dinner? We'll come in
we'll come in
for either bullied
Allah Barak Allah Hoonah whenever I know what could have been a real
hacking in the whole Ballroom
in Alhamdulillah
horn has stuck with me to be here when it's
when we know him in short order and fusina women see Alina
fella moving
ahead the yellow when a shadow Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Shetty
when I need when I'm Athena Allah who when you happen in there who
are under Mohammed and say he then he then
Rasul Allah has some Allahu Allah you are sending them. So you
already know when FTTN Imam Amir
sallallahu alayhi wa that is where he had
been upon hearing why the Sahaba at the hill bordering Miami. Why
the Salafi Sani Hain why the condiment?
Behind and what Diana Gamitin Xena
shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim in Medina called
or a boon Allah who Mr. Farmer that Tennessee he will he get to
another half or
wherever she will be genetic let's come to one of the Allahu
Allah is Allah Allahu Allah He was in them Madhava ledger woman at
the ledger Bella Zalman Xena, in nursing at Allah Hill Alia in
Mesilla. Atala Hey Jana, and my bad about Allah. Allah.
Allah, Allah He in Kentucky
reserving in a three letter Diddy Bucky Fuller to half of his will
Allah Who loves him, but there was a pharaoh well who'd
been washed with guru who was somebody who who
won Allah subhanho wa Taala amount of Kentucky Derby and to salute
who there
he was sending them in Allahu Amana, who you saw Luna and then
maybe, yeah, you know, some new
steamer Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad, wa ala
Sayidina Muhammad
Muhammad, as word you say, Muhammad, why the SLF is solid in
why Rob Benny in
Lucene why
Jemaine Allahumma
worked in Bisoli Hathi madeleina Allah Houma from now we're gonna
benefit any boy here. Tina, Aloma Denali de Nica with Jana and Saad
on Nikita becau
are a hammer raw him in Allah humo African for judge the American
people will
go on he will help you and Nia to you in a philosophy well I'm an
Aloha mahalo home Sadie mean word the home Milan mean Bill agilely
with the love you will have all
American Peace visa vie Nika we're not the
we're to Ballina
Rahim Allah Allah here
you will
last stepping was still new
and hamdulillah Europe belied me in a Walkman you're watching me
money kill me. You're gonna boudoir ganas dying
then also
stuck clean seal off on levena anon Darlene
bogey on
on knee
debone can levy John F his
evil John John Fe is here on Joe
well one levy John and
the fact that 10 Lehman
he goes on all day
why don't
why don't rush man in leadin I am shooting out of the house
Why is
jogging on
the beach tonight tuna beam since John Doe
born on on a banner city fireman
in now I
can vote on
Semi long Neyman hamideh
Oh long like
as you don't in yellow below me on Walkman you're walking money
Kiyomi D in
Ghana starting
off on one more stonking. See sealed off levena A non
lawyer bogey on 18 one on me
yo can carry
the one I'm
gonna find that fee or use it in Masha
go back
to the moon
we're in gnarly Kamala Harvey Lena get on. Gotti been Yala Munna
gonna define goon in about on me. We're in John on Effie Jeff Amy
Sloane a young woman
woman woman belongs to me Well
Dean yo man act I'm going up soon enough
Samyang Longo Neiman Mohammedan
Allahu Akbar
a long way
sell them on a method or
a seller
wanting metal
still have a lot of them there's still a lot of him there's still a
lot of the Matoba I'm gonna be
three one or two like
But when I started with Toba total, Hirata II know what to do
about Rahim. I mean, we just like to set us up in the locker on to
chef Asa. Shaka, Isa is somebody very close to my heart book of
Allah, Raisa, we love you for the sake of Allah. Allah love us for
loving each other for his six
shades. Asa is originally from, from Algeria. And he's been living
in Cape Town for how many years now? 10 years my shoulder hollows.
In fact, he said in one of his lectures, he said that he's from
Algeria, and he married a Malay so he's children on the Algerians.
As we ask Allah Subhan Allah to bless you she'll say Inshallah,
you are still Imam day in North pine Sheikh is Imam in North pine.
We ask Allah to bless him in sha Allah bless his family, inshallah
guide and protect him always in sha Allah and grant him in all of
us the best of this life and the hereafter inshallah should make
you offers
Alpha Aloha Monica
Vita and now look at the river but Alhamdulillah Islam your annual
manual, Allah molucca arbeiten Kathira that Al hamdu Antara boo
Busaba you will have the woman Fill him alone masala was
certainly more barik ala Sayidina. Muhammad, early season and
Muhammad as well. He was happy to you know, Muhammad, Allah Muhammad
who was stood up and walked him beside the man and alumni out they
know that to him. No. Was he to know when to push? No kidding me
now when to him know what?
To Elena which I'll call the airmen in a house. Holly
certainly. What do you call Karen Alfia husband, era Bananaman
Allama Jana Minalima Boolean Allama Jana Amina Boolean Allama
Jana Bodeen was stuck.
Hameroff mean Robin Balbina in the Qantas semi to Ballina in the
world Rahim Subhanak picker