Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Friday 17 June 2022

AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the history and significance of Islam, including its impact on people's lives and the importance of praying for it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of protecting against attacks and the need for unity in protecting against them. The segment also touches on the return of Jesus Christ and the upcoming return of Jesus Christ.
AI: Summary ©
Hello Weida will the lucky devil fentanyl martini and I'm shooting
Murphy way up on wire horn on a la let's Anna Malley heavily kita
Vela, you will watch the use of Elan to
be authentic
well we're gonna do Mannino * with them all one
we're gonna
get the student only Adam FSCJ do
E's again I mean
it'll be efforts gonna
Dooney one whom left
this earlier Wally mean
to whom
you will have the one on one
foresee him woman Domotex evil movie Lena all the way Oh man Hold
on andorre Shawn
Levinas am to further our home fellow Mr. ajibola Homewatch
people will Ellenwood any morning
whatever father's on last name fee handle and messy polymethyl What
can a
don't funeral while still don't feel the home in
the home so
we have to hula hula woman obviously you don't move Selena in
mobile Shireen
The Dream Why would daddy
movie Bellini or the hill the hill how
woman of lemon
pizza I want
to see him out
the him making a photo of me anymore bottle. We're in the dome
Elan who then
even by the World Book and
lonely will
be maca several Hola. Hola. Hola.
Dooney hemo Isla what? All
The Ministry on your regime Bismillah hir rahman al Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
was solidly what will sell you more solar 10 Watt taslim and
your colony be more commie Ameerul Ambia Immerman, mousseline
law, who will be your Salin?
I shall do unless I get dinner whenever you know we're all demon.
What have you been more handmaiden rasool Allah her term will be you
will more Selena
Salinda Houma wa sallim wa barik ala heard in the beginning I mean
while he was so hot that he loved her real May I mean
a my bad tomato was similar cinema Alikum warahmatu Allahi wa
called Allah Tabata, Kota Isla de Kitabi Hilah Aziz,
he means shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Al Rahim
Kelco Atharva
for suddenly Rob Baker one how in Russia occur who will ever talk?
So, the Kola hula hottie
Throughout history mean
sewer telcos
Phil Jana
afinia Hyah T, how mobile workers
the Cozaar
is a river in gender
and at the end of it
there is a house. In fact in fact in fact, it is a river on the day
of your Matsuyama
on the day of judgment and at the end of it is a house it is a pond
to which the amount of Mohamed Salah Salem will go to drink from
in the Hadith
and this hadith is
Narrated by Abu Hurayrah de Allah to Baraka wa taala. And when
when our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam iPhone and
cinematic this hadith is narrated by who by NSE bumalik the one who
other than the BS of Allah, Maharashtra, cine who served the
prophets Allah salam for 10 years and what did you say from our
colony often cut he didn't even say two letters of disrespect to
me. Omar call Alicia in file Trillium of alto, well, Alicia
introductory metadata and you never ever said to me about
something that I did. Why did you do it? Or something that I left
Why did you leave it? Well, can I ask the nurse you follow call and
he was the best of people in character sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. So that all we hear is on Abu Huraira that all we hear is an
AC bumalik Rhodiola Tabata Quwata Allah and who are the Tala?
Bina rasool Allah He SallAllahu wasallam dirty Yeoman Bina of
Hoonah is an ephah.
The Prophet was sitting Salah Salem in our company one day, and
He dozed off
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was sitting in our company one day
and he and he dos dos sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, from Morocco for our testimony. And then after a while
you lifted up his head and he smiled.
Salallahu Alaihe Salam salam ala Rasulillah sallAllahu alayhi wa
sallam. The stingiest person is the one
whom the name of Muhammad is mentioned in front of them and
they don't put salutations upon him SallAllahu Taala he was
thermographer So who will protect the money for Khulna ma attacker
KR rasool Allah.
What made you smile or missing Joe Allah
Karla wounds Illa Allah
he said a chapter has just been revealed to the chapter three
verses, the shortest chapter in the whole Quran
that chapter three verses which Allah subhanaw taala challenge to
Kuffar to bring the light they have
to follow
and if you're not able to and you will never be able to
firstly gave them the challenge of bringing a Quran the life they
have. Then he challenged them to bring 10 chapters that like and
they weren't able to, and then he challenged them with three verses
or any chapter you can take the shortest chapter three verse Surah
Tokota and up to this very day, they haven't been able to produce
the likely offer.
So he said,
any fan so rotten for Cara Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim in
Taner can co author Pharsalia Rob Baker one har inertia occur who
will ever talk
to McCall
Do you know what is the cosine of the Prophet Dean said after he
read the surah to them the three verses he said
Do you know what is the cosa?
Khulna Allahu wa rasuluh
Sahaba whenever they didn't know something they said Allah and His
Messenger no better.
Did you want to lie to Elena Jimena, Allah Spano Tala, please
be pleased with all of the illustrious Companions of our
beloved prophet Sallallahu sallam.
So the Prophet answered salat wa salam ala for Enugu now, Ron, what
are the rugby as
I lay here how you don't Cassius? He said it is a river. What are
the knee rugby? That my Creator and sustain it
promised me.
I lay it on Cathy's, there is so much goodness on this river.
Who will? How don't
Teddy do either he
told him I say that the house the pond is at the end of this river,
which my Alma will come to on the day of Yom Akiyama, Teddy, Marti
Yeoman Qiyamah
my ummah will come to this pond,
the house
at the end of the river Alcocer from on the day of judgment,
and he had to do
to either
shed the vessels
to drink from this pond will be as many as the stars in the sky,
as many as the stars in the sky,
for your dollar domain
and then one of the ummah of Mohamed salah, Salah trying to get
to the pond will be will be turned back will be rejected
or not make use of them
will be rejected from the assembly
for a call the profit is speaking here so the last time you said so
I said
in no me me. He's from me. Yeah Allah,
the messenger speaking to Allah, Allah to Allah
he's from me he's from the Ummah of Muhammad Salah Salem.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala for your call, Allah will answer him
mad Ted edema.
Haggard keeps a one rewire.
In the other rewire
you don't know what he did after you
hear from your mom, but you don't know what he did off to the automa
they give a host of reasons why perhaps this person could have
been rejected from the pond. That's not our topic for today.
But they say you have to cut al Qaeda
committing cardinal sins
they do openly
and that they don't even acknowledge as being haram host of
different things bringing great false innovations into the deal.
Last week we spoke about a masala during the week I was doing a
little bit of research and I found it very disturbing that there are
even some duat
there are some propagators of Islam out day in some countries
I'm not going to mention any names but Allah subhanaw taala guide
them and all of us
that are trying
in fact they are coming with one opinion and then they are
contradicting themselves afterwards maybe they got he died
and now they are making Tober but they also need to openly show
regret for what they have previously said
about this matter of LGBTQ ai plus whatever the case might be. And
they are saying we are
not not not not against it politically but we are against it
voters rubbish and nonsense is that
they say they'll come early England looks odd.
What did Allah do to the people of
what did the prophets Allah send them say what should be done with
them in his lifetime we speaking of course in a place where Sharia
is being implemented you can do the research yourself
but in Islam we don't differentiate between morally and
in fact, especially politically manlam You can be my answer hola
el firstly Pune Valley Moodle cafiero ever does not rule by that
which Allah has revealed. They are the transgressors the oppressors
and the disbelievers.
So we as a especially if we are an A Kalia
it if we are a minority, and I'm speaking in terms of our numbers,
not speaking in terms of the heart, the heart is always in the
majority in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala. But in terms of
our numbers, if we are in a Kalia
we need to raise our heads harlot. Allah says woman,
amendment die and Allah who is better in speech than the one that
To Allah with wisdom and good speech,
can't force anybody
is no compulsion in religion
not interfering with anybody. But we must be able to stand with our
heads held high and say this is our deen this is what we believe
in this is halal This is haram.
You to weigh me to mind
without harming anybody without interfering with anybody
but we should not involve ourselves in seeking to make that
which is totally haram in the eyes of Allah Halal in order to make
in order to get support, political or otherwise.
The only support we need is the support of Allah.
So at
least we should be well, below we seek refuge in Allah from those
that are rejected from drinking from the hand of Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam at the house on the day of Yom Yom why because we
were playing with the deen we want you to change the deen
well, they said that I did come early after something is perfected
if you mess with it. You're only going to decrease it you're going
to make it imperfect leads to bad commodity elimination and this
deal is perfect
so well last one that Allah make use of those that shrink from that
not make us of those that are rejected from that point I'm in
So that is Alcocer inner container qualcosa.
For So Lily Rob beaker 100.
So pray to your creating sustainable Profit System was in
Makkah at that time.
And it was a time when the kuffaar Qureshi praying to other than
Allah, they were associating partners in the worship of Allah
and they were slaughtering for other than Allah. They were
slaughtering for the idols for the asana.
So Allah subhanaw taala
you know, if it's about coming to the point
and we know that every house in the Quran has a point.
I'm not speaking about the physical point.
But every house in the Quran has a meaning.
every house, every word,
every idea.
There is meaning in everything about the Quran.
What we know and understand of the Quran
is still miniscule in terms of its infinite meaning, but Allah
subhanaw taala but we stick with what we know. And if we don't know
ask those who know if you don't do don't speak things about the Quran
which you have no knowledge but colorfilled Quran
I'll be murder Yeah.
Ever says anything about the Quran
based on their own whims and fancies their own opinion
based on that which they do not know. Then they prepared for
themselves a seat in the fire. What did the Prophet says Allah
said we said, Tara, Phil Qurani.
Bureau he was an advocate who ever says anything about the Quran
based purely on Hawa
on opinion, and not opinion based on knowledge.
opinion based on knowledge at something totally different. But
to just say something about the Quran not based on any knowledge,
but by chance they are right in the earth. By chance they have
right then they've heard the prophets in South Africa. So be
very careful when we speak about when we speak about the Quran.
So Allah subhanho wa Taala says Pharsalia Rebecca one ha.
So pray to your Lord.
Now this mustn't take this lightly. You know, again, coming
to the point, three verses the Prophet sallallahu Sallam receives
from Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah makes the ultimate point
with three gods or summarizes comprehensively, how we as
Muslimeen should be connected to Allah subhanho wa taala.
And what should be the main pillar or the axis around which our
entire life revolves? And that is Salah.
when the people will call us into the fire
and they will ask most Seneca comfy soccer people of Jana asked
him what caused you to be thrown into the fire Kalu lambda
That could mean we didn't pray
lamb Nico man besides the first thing they're gonna say we didn't
a Salah I'ma do demon accom Africa Accommodation woman Tanaka Africa
Hadamard de Sala is the main pillar of this Deen wherever
establishes as established a dean whoever neglects it has lifted in
total Muslimeen how many Muslims even in Muslim countries
are not making Salah anyway.
I watched a clip the other day I
have a youngster
who was living in a Western country and he came back to his
Muslim country
because things had started changing.
And he was sitting next to his girlfriend and he was saying
If it wasn't for these changes that are happening in my country,
I would have stayed in England.
But here's my girlfriend, we are staying together in a hotel.
Nobody says anything to us. He then flashed his tattoos on the
one arm was written on Hurriya freedom
and another tattoo on his chest was written piece. He says that's
all I want freedom and peace. He said they used to make us pray in
the mosque five times a day.
But now they don't worry with us anymore. He says it was like
living under ISIS stuff.
He compares with praying five times a day to ISIS
we know what ISIS
ISIS killed more Muslims than anything else.
But but
look at the type of analogy that this youngster is using
compared comparing praying five times a day to total extremism.
And what what could be deemed as a fanatical cult praying five times
a day I've been saying for so many years if you pray five times a day
you're a fundamentalist. Oh in that case, we are fundamentalist
praying five times a day following the fundamentals of our deen we
all fundamentalists.
But extremists these nodes This is the minimum praying five times a
Can you can a person call themselves a Muslim if they're not
making salon? I mean, really.
And I'm not making fun of anybody. I'm not throwing anybody out of
the fold of Islam.
But we know what the fuck I've said. If somebody
Islam, anybody who says I don't have to pray when you for me for
I don't have to make Salah it's not compulsory on me, then they
are out of the fold of Islam. If a person doesn't pray out of
laziness, that something totally different.
They're considered to be for suck. Total transcriptions in the eyes
of Allah.
What did the Prophet say? Lizzie Urbino Urbino masala from and
Tanaka Africa tougher. The difference between us and them is
Salah, so ever leaves Salah Jaiden saying he doesn't have to pray for
them. They have disbelieved.
Salah is our connection with Allah without it there is no connection
for Salah Lily Rebecca one harsh
so pray to Allah and to Allah alone.
And look after your prayers happy to Allah Sana what was Salah to
look after your praise in the middle praise Allah Azza
wa Salatu was Salam.
O carnitine
and stand in obedience to Allah subhanaw taala in reverence of
Allah submitting and surrendering to Allah
for Sol Lily Rebecca one how in Shirley occur who will avatar and
sacrifice shoulder the highs coming? All get ready for our oto
we still got some time. We haven't started saving. Maybe we haven't
got money on the day. So let's save for that day. When I was
living in Morocco, Jamaica Muslimeen. In 1995, I remember the
poorest of people used to at least slaughter one sheep or one goat.
And I found it quite amazing. The actual you know, because they've
got trains in every room in the house. So like in the foyer of the
house. They just lifted up the carpet. And they
they made the Corbin there in the foyer and they've got this amazing
methodology of self of skinning the animal first they put a straw
they make a little incision in the leg and they put a straw and they
literally blow until
Literally the skin has been separated from the meat and then
they pull out that skin like a jersey, make a few incisions.
That's a jersey trick. And for the next three days we ate meat.
Allahu Akbar owns it.
I'll never forget that but a poor family I'm telling you in terms of
our understanding
of poor and middle class and wealthy a poor family, but they at
least slaughtered IBM. It's like
it's like a great shame
behind you don't slow down.
So maybe we should, and this is a suggestion, some advice. If we are
not by the means maybe we should make a fund at home.
Whereby we can save from the one year to the next at least so that
we can make one sacrifice in a day and I'd love to have
Pharsalia bigger one haha
establish pray for Allah subhanaw taala and slaughter and sacrifice
for Allah subhanho wa taala.
And there's so many things that we can speak about in terms of not
just sacrificing
sheep or goats, camels or cows or bulls.
But sacrificing our whims and fancies our lesson desires
in a shiny occur, who will
now Allah gets to the most important point of the surah. And
the reason for which the surah was revealed.
The reason for which the surah was revealed
you know, every you could just say it's because I've got a bad
memory, I don't know. Now let's monitor Allah strengthen all of
our memories, for good, good.
But every time I tell the story,
I have to go look up this person's name
because this is the reason why the surah was revealed.
Allow us even though we're in a semi
of the kuffaar Qureshi.
The Prophet sallallahu sallam was coming into was leaving the
Masjid. He was leaving machine to haram and allow us was
intermingling through bourbon.
Bourbon is the door of the people of SAMSA
that will have their own doors,
the main
the main tributaries of kurush.
so there was a majilis of the cooperation in the masjid.
inositol haram by the Kaaba.
And they saw the prophets Allah salah, leaving the often his
and they saw a house even where lsmu entering
and he saw him they saw Him speaking to Muhammad Sallallahu
wasallam Salah to rob yourself.
And so they want you to know what did you speak with Muhammad?
Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam for Karla, the Likkle obter
SallAllahu Sallam were can cut to fear. Even on the rasool Allah he
says I mean Khadija
Alleman duggleby He says, that allows him to know we're in a
semi, he said of the prophets, Allah Salam Delica, who will
he is cut off.
In fact, there's another rewire
when he said
they're all for in hurrah, June up to leave him alone because he is a
man that is cut off la Kybella who he's got no sons to carry his
In other words, he will be forgotten. Don't worry about it.
It's like you saying Don't worry about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa salam
because he is cut off, but it happened.
Abdullah had just passed away.
And I'm saying most probably Abdullah because Kasim Kasim, the
prophets, eldest son, who was just about to walk when he passed away.
He was by that age, Abdullah his second
died before the end of the period of weaning, but cause him died
before the birth or before he received his prophethood
Where is Abdullah he died after the prophets Allah sent and
received his prophet that was probably Abdullah
and we know that all three
Those first two calls him and Abdullah were from Khadija De La
And we know that Ibrahim was from Maria and
Maria that was gifted to him by Alma Corpus Christi from Egypt.
But all three of them died
or three of them passed away. So he was mocking Mohamed Salah Sam
he was insulting Mohamed Salah Salah thing to worry about him
he won't be you won't be remembered. Because he's got no
he's got no sons to carry his name.
And so Allah subhanaw taala sent down the surah in a Shirley AKA,
indeed the One who insults you who want to talk he is the one that
will be cut off and he will be forgotten about
how many times is the name of Muhammad mentioned in the world
There is no name that is given more to human beings on planet
earth than the name Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam how many times does the Hidalgo have
how many times as the comigo
and every time
the name of Muhammad is mentioned, how many times what
we have elevated your remembrance of Muhammad Salah Sangha, that's
what it means. ala carte Illa De Luca Cruden Madikeri never ever.
What they say, when Allah says we have elevated your remembrance, it
is as if Allah is saying that never am I mentioned O Muhammad
Sallallahu Sallam accepted you are mentioned when I mentioned
in lower the crew.
And of course this is in the Columbia shahada, Allah ilaha
illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
and nobody can touch that bacame you know when we sin Salawat onto
our beloved Prophet salallahu Salam, O Allah, they say he
benefits from it, but he doesn't need it.
It doesn't elevate his position, the more Salawat we put on him, in
fact, in fact, in fact, in fact, in fact, he benefits from it. But
we are the ones that are benefiting from the Salawat that
we put on him man Salla Allahu Allahu, Allahu Allah, He
will put one sanitation on me. Allah puts 10 salutations on them.
We are benefiting.
From that salad we need to make salat wa salam ala he was sending
Lima Allahumma Salli ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali say you didn't know
Muhammad was Herbie you a vertical salah.
Solu Allah he was sending me to sleep.
We are in need of those Salawat we are in need
sending salutations choices, blessings, peace and mercy and
salutations upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sangha. But
anybody that says anything ill of Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and know that Allah
Allah is not just going to cut them off.
He's going to cut them off from all goodness, he's going to cut
him off from remembrance nobody will remember them
no good will come to them or come off them
and they will get a declaration of war.
Unfortunately, not from the home of Muhammad Salah Salem because we
don't even have an army.
Allah Subhana Allah fix our condition.
Otherwise you could have sent an army
we could have sent an army but we have no army
a declaration of war from who then
it takes a ration of war from Allah.
Allahu Akbar, where he lives
Colin EBU Salah Salem con Allah Tala, nada legally and then to
If it makes an enemy of a friend of mine, I declare the wall a
wall. Bill. I declare the wall meaning a Wolfram Allah.
I declare war upon that person's
tomato. I'm assuming we know what happened out of India will lay up
to this day. I don't even know what they said. I am not going to
drink poison and expect somebody else to die.
Don't poison your ears, in your minds with anything that is said.
derogatory about Allah about Muhammad, or about the deen of
Even some
Muslims that go and search on these Islamophobic websites to see
what are they saying about the Muslims Wallahi Allah will deal
with it.
We need to stand up. And whatever reaction there has been
in terms of boycotting, we stand for that.
If we can't run con con put together an army then
at least we can, we can boycott and we can have our voices heard.
And we can stand up for Rasulullah he Salalah said Not that he needs
standing up but we need to stand up for ourselves.
But indeed Allah subhana wa Tada will deal.
I think
tomato Muslimeen
if we are going to reconnect ourselves with Allah,
if we are going to change our condition,
we are going to see the help of Allah coming in ways and forms
that we couldn't have imagined.
But we're going to have to trust him.
And we are going to have to be of his own earlier what is an island
Well, why while the bachelor party he will morally superior to Allah
they say the Willie the friend of Allah is the One who knows Allah
as he is. And he's pleased with Elijah are deemed to be law. I am
pleased with Allah is my Creator and Sustainer mobili Islami Dina
and with Islam was my religion of you, Mohammed, Salah Salem, Nubian
Rasulillah. And with Muhammad Salah Salem was a prophet in the
messenger. It's one thing to say you're a Muslim, but it's another
thing to say Alhamdulillah I'm a Muslim. I'm pleased to be a
that they don't my parents are Muslim and I'm just Muslim because
of them.
I was gonna tell them make us of those that are grateful for being
And that we stand up for the deen of Islam.
And that we defend our deen
and we defend the name of Allah and we defend the name of his
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And if we live true to that, and Ireland Biller, having certainty
in that, and we're all
trying our utmost to be the most obedient servants that we can
possibly be, and morally superior reberty to be the sincerest that
we can possibly be in our worship of Him Allah subhanho wa Taala
following the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah
then we're going to see the help of Allah subhanaw taala coming
when Allah subhanaw taala guide and protect us all. Now Allah
subhanaw taala keep us steadfast on this EULA, Thomas takim Illa
Jannetty name Dawa and Anil Hamdulillah dinarobin wa salam
alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
all work
I should
I should
I should why
Hi yada
find your nose
B roll Are you stood Are you gonna be of
your IBM of original Kuru before reach kuruva your A B? Will you be
thinner shall Rama Homina Homina
de buena ILAHA big aluminum tick Jacobi rhombi Celtic he alati from
basaltic of Bina Bhima Jarrah twin mythologies in Nikka Isla
Coalition for de
totally mana Edom. Tomoko Tadiran Moto G Acaba, who Elon needs me to
name or CO welcome of Luma Moon Tribune, here Do I need to worry
no more Helium 10 Me Why should you unnecessary you do not want to
be you know, all demon our hobby burner. Mohammad Rasool Allah, but
we're not so hello OMA cashify Luma or Tjahaja field I have heard
you heard he had a terrible European Bella Bella, become a
cache of a deja vu Gemma Lee. I'll do my god who he saw it he saw He
saw Allah Allah. Allah Who Yeah. Who the habit in it woman now had
a kill hammer in
Islam you were harassing Aqeedah in a assertive Quran. It's not
romantic. Carlo Mowlana Tamara Kosmo vikita Bill Aziz bIllahi min
ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah hir rahman Rahim in Tyne Kalka without
Farsan linear optic one how in sha Allah who will
Sadako Allah Allah
Ilam Nakane
and Rasulullah
sallallahu I knew he was sending them
a Kumbhakarna to Allah. Allah Tang Soo falcata Nasir Allah
in the law how you do if you're
in hola Hello Pippa Kula Cohen in Kung Fu
first of all did Elena
I believe.
But Kimball Huxley again. And Allah subhanaw taala say you death
and the beginner Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam
mean colletion
call Allah Walcot calling maybe you Salalah alayhi wa sallam call
Allah Tala min LEE Well Ian forgot to Hubel
furnace Allah to Allah and John Medina is stim your own l cola for
your tibia Runa
been Hoonah kala Hana.
Hana when Emma Terrassa to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Jaco Luffy al Habib Al Mustafa Al hablar with Dimboola
Yun sir but de Yan hula mood
to come at Edina to Dan while your call a doula who live in your
own website
Phil Alameen Illa Illa who will you solve your pain? Should you
Anessa you didn't want to be in our housing when our Habibollah
Muhammad Rasulullah for terminal MBA it will set in my bad for you
will see come whenever nipa
call Allah if he could tell me he'll as he's been learned he may
not show you Tanya regime.
Yeah you will Latina Amritapuri la Honda Ducati
Illa Muslim Moon
Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam tequila
to be a singer at Al Hassan atom Hua wahala kina. So before Lupin
Salatu was Salam ala either say Ed Wahhabi talebi were hammered in
here well as a journey where she will noodle above Saudi will do in
Allah Hamanaka to in saloon ala Nabi.
sallallahu alayhi wa salim Tasneem Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad,
Muhammad Kamal Salah and Abraham Ibrahim robotic Allah Muhammad,
Muhammad Kamal Baraka Allah Ibrahim early Ibrahima Filomena in
Yokohama. Majeed, what are the Allahumma I didn't qualify Rashid
in Abu Bakr Muhammad Ali Hassan Well, nine were answered early
Otto you've been hearing on Saturday so Huberty, would you
mind grammatically? Yeah. I mean, Alomar isn't Islam when Muslim in
well, I'll be following him. Tell me Tell me with Dean along with
Saudi Quan. And if you follow steamer Phyllis Acosta neuropil
alameen Allah Mahara Masjid Al Aqsa when ad Sahaja Yoga crumble
acromion ayat Allah in Allah you will actually have central eater
he didn't even have an infection you will remove it we'll
look into the cruel como de la sala Muhammad Allah Welcome to
Still Teddy Do you have any more
a law at law
it's Bill Donohue Brockman your Rahim Al Hamdulillah
me rush Manuel rushing you Kiyomi de Yong will do it yeah tennis
staring you know syrup on stuffing Serato Latina and anti na him
ID him on the
we switch the Walkman you've Rahi in
applying Kanika was out for selenia Rob Baker one how in Shani
aka who will
somebody Allah Honeyman. Hamidah
Allah hola
hola all
be switched down here. Al Rahim Al Hamdulillah
I mean, all Rockman Rahim Allah Kiyomi Dean, you cannot judge
In history, if you didn't see your autonomous stepping Sirata Latina
and RNA him, viral him of doing they're either him one of dawn on
Miss Smith Dunhill Rockman your Rahim colo wha wha hoo. I had
Allahu sama la mia lidoda Muna Bella Mia culpa who go for one
semi Allahu naman Hamidah
Allah hola
hola como
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Sudan where I
still feel a lot of demons still futile a lot of people still have
a lot of them into water I'm gonna Villa Illa Illa who will for your
mana to
feel lighter in no who who were to wobble right. It's not 100 100
long sunny ala Sayidina Muhammad, Allah Sydenham Muhammad in ROSS
Harvey Wilburton Selim Allahumma. And to Silla willing to walk to
the Angela anybody Crom Samia,
Veronica Robina or
your automatic or hamara Allama
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Masumoto Donna What are Hamilton Hamilton Muslimeen
from Aurora I mean, so the handle of the current bill
Bill hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen