Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 7 February 20201441
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Hey I'm gonna show you Tanya virgin
well Tux urban Allah have or feelin
in nama you a funeral home.
Leominster Shaw Sufi Hill Abbasov
what call it to Allah?
Allah seven Mala Mia Khalifa de usoda
in Allah Azza season, Luna DICOM
Yoma outdoor rd was summer word.
We're borrowers who
will call the Tyler Walla
Cafaro more IgG and
we'll call it Allah
Wallah 711 Or your frog
well you shouldn't guna used to be my lamb your
fella Serban know whom be Mufasa Tim Minella
well a
boon led
Soto cola loving
tomato Muslimeen
at the end of last week's football
we alluded
to something
that is now taking place on the global stage
a virus known as the
has now spread to 21 different countries.
But he's mostly concentrated in the Wuhan province
of the whoo hand city of the Hubei province in China.
The live statistics
and this is from welldone meter.
You can look it up,
ask move to Google.
And just well don't meet the Wuhan Corona virus outbreak last updated
February the seventh. That's today. Nine GMT. Its Greenwich
Meridian time.
It's 11 o'clock for us. So far 31,524 cases of which 4825 15% are
in a critical condition. So far 658 deaths
and 1659 that have recovered.
There's something that they speak about that is the R O rate.
The R O rate is basically the rate of infection change. The rate of
infection was initially thought to be between 2.5 and three
it's called the transmission rate our number of newly infected
people from a single case.
So on January 23, it was thought to be between 1.4 and 2.5.
And then it went up to 3.6 and four
but now
the ARO rate is as high as 4.8
that on average one person is infecting four people and that's
why we are shocked every time we read the news. We see like the
numbers of infections have quadrupled
almost quadrupled because of the of the rate of infection is being
so high
for SARS, and we're speaking about the revenue services other
influenza breakout
for SARS, it was two
for SARS it was
it was two
fatality rate for SARS was 10% and for MERS the other great influenza
It was 34%.
But it's also important for us to
do a comparison and that is to say that every year, an estimated
292 650,000 People die in the world due to complications from
seasonal influenza from seasonal flu.
This figure corresponds to 795 to 1781 deaths per day due to
seasonal flu
due to seasonal flu.
So from the outset, I want to make something very clear.
Just like we find seasonally, many people become ill because of the
seasonal flu
and you will find that because of complications. Some of them are
In actual fact, they found that 80% of fatalities so far of the
Coronavirus are taking place in people over the age of 60 80% of
fatalities. 80% of the deaths are taking place in people over the
age of 60.
So, just like the seasonal influenza can kill people with
that have chronic illnesses
that have high blood pressure that have diabetes, this is what the
doctors are saying that likewise in this Coronavirus, like in the
SARS virus like in the MERS virus
that these are the first people that are likely to die in such an
So like in the seasonal influenza, if one of
my or your family last summer Allah Allah forbid had to be
hospitalized because of the flu the normal flu because of some
complications we make dua for them.
Hola Mara bananas adorable ishi and Tisha de la Shiva in LA she
felt she felt and La you
make dua for that Asana to Allah grant him Shiva min could leader
Allah we make dua for all of
us wanted to Allah grant him, Shiva.
And for all those that have been infected by this virus, whether
they be on the cruise ship is a cruise ship, where they say that
over 60 people are now infected some way out there on the ocean,
or whether it be in the city of Wuhan, which is the center, the
epicenter of this outbreak,
or whether it be somebody in England or America wanted to heal
the sick.
So my talk is not and does not have anything to do with whether
people are getting sick or not. Or whether they are dying from the
sickness or not. To make that very clear. For the sick we make dua
and remember if it is an evil person that got sick,
and dies as a result, that could be a punishment from Allah.
If it is a heedless and reckless and careless person.
This could be a wake up call for them from Allah. But for the
believer, when the believer gets sick, Allahu Akbar
like when our beloved prophet Sallallahu Sallam went to?
And he said to a Young Messiah it came for Hi looky, how are you?
So she said,
Hello. She said, I've got the fever. May Allah not bless the
In other words, she cursed the fever.
So the Prophet saw some said to her, you have led to Seville Oh
Messiah, don't curse the fever
10 feet
10 feet l kyrou. hubbers compass al Hadith
say Don't curse the fever. Because indeed the fever will expiate you
from sins.
Just like the fire purifies the middle of its impurities.
So for a believer when they get sick, this is an expansion of
So we're not going to look into
who's dying and why they are dying. That is
between them and Allah subhanho wa Taala for the believer in sha
Allah Allah grant him shahada, or the medium of the shahada I mean
I want to focus on something else today.
I want to focus on the boomerang.
Another boomerang.
In Australia, Aboriginal people of Australia use the boomerang for
The amazing thing about the boomerang I remember when I was
10 or 11 years old, I had a boomerang I went and threw it out
there in the park and
somebody called me or something and I looked away and the thing
almost hit me on the head is it came back. I'll never forget that
You throw it out. And the harder you throw it out, the Hardy comes
back faster it comes back.
The Harshad comes back.
And so Allah subhanaw taala has created a sunnah
in this universe, soon that Allah
will digitally soon assuming that delay, delay, well then digitally
shouldn't delay
the order of Allah
and also on a dialysis you will never find a replacement for that
You will never find in exchange for that order.
And what is the Sunnah of Allah?
In fact, I say it every Friday and remember
in the Al Arabiya
Well, Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,
sheets that come
to Dan,
do whatever you like. What you do, will be done unto you.
You can't get away from it.
So if you give out good you get back good. But if you give out
evil, if you give out volume, job oppression
then that is exactly what's going to come back to you.
And this is what I want us to focus on today.
We started to hook up with some verses from the Quran. Allah says
literally means don't think
Tokyo Alamo
is for emphasis. Don't you dare think for one second, in other
the first verse.
Allah Subhana Allah says
Allah Subhan Allah
Allah feelin I'm in my yard.
This is Surah Ibrahim,
verse number 42 Surah Ibrahim, verse number 42.
Now we've spoken in previous quarter we've spoken about how we
should think about Allah. How should we think about Allah, we
should have the best thoughts as believers.
As believers, we must it is absolutely necessary for us to
have the best thoughts about Allah.
Allah subhanaw taala says dialysis an angry Lavanya abitibi I am to
my servant as they think of me in vanilla Bo Hi Ron fella who are in
gonna be a Sharon fella.
If they think good of me, then they will have good if they think
bad, they will have bad
so you must always have the best thoughts about Allah.
And we should never display in the Mercy of Allah we spoke about that
when we did our series of talks and Tober live talk on October
Rahmatullah. Do not display in the Mercy of Allah.
So matter how things are in the world for us as an ummah, we
should never lose hope.
Because we know the hill
in his land,
is his land, but in his hand is what I want to say, lies the
entire affair.
In the hands of Allah lies the entire affair of everyone and
everything, big or small, a topic or subatomic
in the macrocosm the microcosm,
well, who couldn't be in Cadiz and he has power over all things.
So nothing can happen.
Big or small,
out there in space,
write down in the smallest particle.
That is, bodies.
Nothing can happen. Nothing can come into being nothing can go out
as being coming to existence go out of existence.
It will be called or even Allah he will cutter Wakita Have you been
Allah He
was he that at the NECA
nama coluna Alicia in it now and
couldn't wait for your call without any exception in
a doctor hacer la casa without any exception if we want something to
happen we say to be entities
so nothing can happen out side the control of Allah subhanahu wa Tada
and hints I'll have about two months ago.
Will Allah
fulfill you? Will Allah
Flee to Allah subhanho wa Taala
because you cannot escape from Allah.
So see to Allah.
We ask Allah Subhan Allah Allah Allah Khomeini Ozu beauty
will be more ansata will be more alpha t community
will be coming.
Oh Allah, I seek refuge in Your pleasure from your anger. And I
seek refuge in Your forgiveness from your punishment, and I seek
in You from you.
So Flee to Allah subhana wa Taala must have the best thoughts about
Allah. We must not become despondent and lose hope in Allah,
we must just make sure that we are repenting and returning to Allah
and we are making our connection ever stronger with Allah.
That when the time comes, we can be of those to whom Allah subhanaw
taala has promised the victory of Allah
subhanaw taala sees the people around him verse 42 Do not think
for one second
that Allah is unaware when Allah
Don't think for one second that Allah is unaware of what the
oppressors are doing.
Any oppression that's taking place
that oppressor is throwing out the boomerang
one Hadith
Illa Sam summer for
a look take set oppression and he puts it on the cloud.
In other rewire to Saudi
sharara. It goes into the summer like it sparks goes
and don'ts one Attalla keeps it there and then I was one of the
one Hadith the Prophet Salah Salem narrates it almost all the time.
This is
Le unserer No.
I will give victory to the oppressed person after a while.
And especially if the Muslim is making to
Allah, Allah there's nothing more powerful. There is nothing more
powerful in terms of cause and effect. Listen to what I'm telling
you today. And I say to myself, firstly, beware. Beware of
Muslims, with ease in your family or in your business or in any
aspect of your life.
There is nothing more powerful in terms of cause and effect
then the cause
of the oppressor, to have the effect of destruction upon
themselves. Nothing more powerful, no sin.
No words, no action
that has more powerful that has a more powerful effect than the
cause of the dua of the oppressed person on the oppressors.
And our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has made it very
clear he said
Beware of the dua of the oppressed person.
Because it is guaranteed to be answered by
somebody who is waiting
for laser be Dooney ha
feature, even if the person is a disbeliever. So if a disbeliever
is oppressed, and the disbeliever makes dua, on the oppressor
then still there is no hijab there is no veil between the dua of that
person, even though that there are disbelievers.
And Allah subhanaw taala. In somebody who is
in some narrations In summary, Wyatt, la Khufu on him, he will
have to answer for his disbelief like also in the rewired knowledge
Dawa Timothe Lumi Mr. Jabba
when O'Connor forsaken? Oh well okay.
For for Judo, and NFC
says the dua of the oppressed person is answered by Allah, even
if the oppressed person is a fragile,
a transgressor.
Somebody who disobeyed Allah
for food jewelry, who LFC that transgression will be on him. In
other words, the disbeliever will have to answer for his disbelief
and the transgressor will have to answer for his transgression. But
as long as he or her
as long as he or she, as long as they are being oppressed.
They need to answer answered by Allah Subhana
Allah a Volvo Volvo Malibu Luma tune yomo Kiana the profits it's a
solemn that Fulham oppression is darkness
on the day of PR.
Her famous hydrous petite narrated by renowned Muslim visa Hey,
Carla Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call Allah to Allah. He
haram to volna FC was to
be enough como Harada Maha Rama
deed I have prohibited myself from oppression says Allah, Allah is
prohibiting himself from oppressing anyone or anything. In
fact, Allah subhanaw taala goes so far as to say in the Holy Quran,
in Allah la el Lemo. Miss carnivora. Allah doesn't
oppressive activity.
If you take an atom to be the smallest building block of the
universe, otherwise, you can say at the sub atomic level, you can
say the quark
that is now
sort of the furthest that we've got to say this even further than
that, Allahu Allah, I just know about the quark secret the atom,
which is presumed to be more than 99% space at the nucleus of the
atom of the nucleons, the protons and the neutrons surrounded by a
field of electrons. Right.
Now in subatomic physics, you then go one step further, and you speak
about them as head drones, that every proton and if the neutron is
a Hadron, which is made up of three quarks that are sewn
and that's also Natalia when he speaks about the common origin of
the universe. What does he say? Hola me.
For Takahama don't the disbelievers see that the heavens
and the earth was sewn together in the singularity until we unstitch
Allahu Akbar. This is over 1400 years ago.
Now what they've done is they build two Hadron colliders, one in
Brookhaven, California and one in Switzerland.
What they do in this hadron collider is they take gold
particles, which is a high end of protons and neutrons and they
accelerate them at such a speed, and then they collide them. And at
that collision, what they're trying to do is to recreate the
scenario of the Big Bang, more than a trillion degrees Celsius is
given off, which so called in inverted commas, melts the strong
nuclear force, the gluons that hold those three clocks of each
hand drawn that are sewn together, and then and stitches them
together, taking the micro photograph at the moment of
collision. And it literally looks like millions of threads that have
been on many threads, however, threads many threads that have
been thrown out in a 360 degree direction.
So tomato Muslimeen whether you take the atom or the clock, or
something that is even smaller than the clock. In our last one,
the dialysis myth carnivora he's speaking about the smallest
building block of the universe that Allah doesn't even know press
in the La La YUV limo Miss Carla. Allah doesn't oppress o'clock.
or an atom or even a mustard seed or a grain of sand?
What about a human being
made up of trillions of atoms
it's almost one that to Allah.
He despises vollum oppression,
to buy.
And I have prohibited amongst you in other words for you to oppress
each other, for a lot of elements, so do not oppress.
And so when somebody does oppress
Allah Subhan, Allah has given a weapon to the oppressor. Even the
disbelieving, oppressed Allah
even the disbelieving oppressed, Allah has given them a weapon.
And that is a DUA, a prayer that they make the oppressor that the
poet says love towards the man either contempt
for the full moon Baba who Ilana dummy
Well, Muslim woman Debbie Hoon here.
Why in Allah He limped
the poet says, Do not oppress, Do not oppress if you cannot pay the
consequences of your oppression. Because the consequences of
oppression will end up in bitter regret.
Your eyes go to sleep at night, as the oppressor says the
your eyes go to sleep at night, whilst the oppressed person is
awake, making to our own and the eye of Allah never sleeps.
The eye of Allah never sleeps. So whether it is the two hours of the
over the last 100 years,
it's now 2020
Balfour Declaration was 1920
with a B, the two eyes of the Palestinians, or the two eyes of
the people of Italy, 400 or 500,000, as we speak of fleeing
for their lives
as the Syrian regime bombs, the province of Idlib to smithereens
or whether it was the two R's of
I don't know if you saw that documentary called
Fahrenheit 911
Fahrenheit 911
dot documentary made about the invasion of Iraq post 911.
And they had been they had been in a raid, the Americans bombed a
neighborhood and many innocent civilians were killed. And one
woman lost a whole family and she lifted up
oh Allah destroy their houses. Oh, will it take revenge on them?
Well, lady that
has been carried somewhere on the cloud. Or it's up in the summer
like sharara like stocks, it's coming down. It's coming down.
It's coming down llama Hala, cannot escape.
Hence the ayah
Allah subhanaw taala says Allah Subhan Allah rasool Allah. Don't
think for one second that Allah will break his promise to His
messengers in Allah RZ soon venti calm indeed Allah is almighty
most capable of taking retribution, most capable of
taking revenge.
And of all the people
that Allah subhanaw taala hastens to take revenge on behalf
of the oppressed people of this world, like the oppressed people
that I alluded to, at the end of last week's quote,
the Uighur people of we Gulistan.
We Gulistan, which is also known as East Turkistan
Turkistan. The greater Turkistan comprising countries such as
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan,
Uzbekistan, we Gulistan Kyrgyzstan
if I left any out
because Pakistan, I said, was Becky Stan, Turkmenistan and also
northern Afghanistan, where you find the Tajiks, Uzbeks of
northern Afghanistan.
This makes up the greater toolkit.
And we Gulistan, which is the
The shinjang Province
of Western China, which was annexed during the
dynasty in the 1880s. And then incorporated into the Republic of
China in 1912, and the People's Republic of China in 1948 to 1949.
And up till now, what they've been doing is repopulating the region
with the Han Chinese from China itself, populating with Western
with the Han Chinese, they've literally demolished entire
And as I mentioned last week,
they've imprisoned between one and 3 million Uighur Muslims.
In fact, 100 January, know last month, they started closing down
some of these reeducation facilities.
Nothing to do with re education is a relative term indoctrination,
trying to literally
make these people abandon the faith of Islam, by all means
So they locked up, let's say at least 1 million Muslims destroyed,
closed down misogyny. They are some of misogyny that are standing
empty, because they destroyed
the suburbs with the Uighur Muslims used to live in Jinja.
Allah doesn't sleep tomatoes.
If you remember, in the beginning of this goodbye, said it's got
nothing to do with the people getting sick or even died.
The matter is with Allah subhanaw taala. And we make dua that most
wanted to Allah grant Shiva to the sick.
But let's take
let's take the moral of the story. The Chinese government locked up
between one and 3 million Muslims. And now Allah has locked up the
entire People's Republic of China. We're
not talking about the flu. We're not talking about the days we're
talking about the lockdown.
But two weeks ago, was the week ago they said 56 million people
were on lockdown. And then I heard subsequent to that, that it had
spread to all 71 provinces of China.
I was reading an article
they were actually counting
which is carrot in front of me.
Counting the number of airlines that are not flying to China
anymore. North America, American Airlines United Airlines, Delta
Air Canada, Asia and Oceania Asia or Nepal, Cathay Pacific, Cathay
dragon Japan Airlines Korean a Singapore Airlines silk a Qantas a
New Zealand European Middle East Air France British Airways Virgin
Atlantic Lufthansa Turkish Airlines, Etihad Emirates Qatar
Airways fin a KLM Iberia
tassa allah how confident Am I
don't think for one second that Allah is aware of what your
in your fear only oming Tuska Sophie love Asad. Allah is only
delaying the punishment for a day when the eyes will be bulging out
or to fear for Allah subhanaw taala the date of your Makia
but for now,
those who have a little bit of humility in their hearts and maybe
that's why they are starting to close down some of these
facilities. Allah Allah I don't know what Allah I don't know. But
I think this is significant. This is significant enough for us to
speak about this and to know Jamar to Muslimeen if you have ever
thought for one second in your life, that Allah subhanho wa Taala
does not care for his believers then make Toba for having ever had
that thought.
And let us not ever become despondent that has never ever
lose hope. But let us become of the dakini
in artha Lila, but it moves us at Bani Israel. This earth belongs to
Allah you need to have a you shall mean everybody he will allow to
inherit this earth from His servants. Whoever he pleases when
people tune in with the kin and the final victory will be for
those who shield themselves from the displeasure of Allah subhanaw
taala Tala Tala makers have done with Turkey. Now last one Tala
Chinese government to close down all these detention facilities and
to free the Uighur Muslims for them to go back to the
neighborhoods and rebuild those neighborhoods that they destroyed
and for to allow them to practice their religion in peace and in
freedom. That is for the Chinese government for the Chinese people.
They didn't show low tide I was trying to tell him like lift this
villa from them and from the world may Allah subhanaw taala protect
and guide us all
Justin an announcement for you is a request to make dua
for my mother that's what my mother but this is the message
from whom
Ibrahim Karim currently in hospital and some are more current
under treatment in hospitals when the toilet grant them and all of
our SIP Shiva and Camila min colada me
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Hi yada
hi Jana
hamdulillah Europe Bella Isla me in
Europe via sector are you booster Are you gonna Europe bales of the
new fields in Obinna European with original Kuru before rich Kuru
banana, you're a big lemon who you will be pinochle Rama Homina
Homina aurizona Hubdoc will help them and your handbook will help
the MLA in your curry buena Illa hookbait here I remember Celtic
here copy from the Celtic Yellow team from the Celtic bolt have
been Bhima Jarrah to be healed makadi in either condition in
Cardiff. Well, I showed you a
of lemon is contaminated urine
for full moutarde Jacoba who Ilana Jamie tenemos que el mas lumen
Debbie one year Giroux La Quwata illa Helium 10 me? Why should you
unnecessary you don't know when to be in a while Zeeman our Habiba
now Mohammad Rasool Allah, well as a result
we're not so Halima
will cash shuffle Volmer
or Jaha Fila haka jihadi had a terrible yaki Bella colada become
li Kashia deja vu Gemma de alguma Jamil is Ali he Salu either he
will early Salam aleikum wa Huya
In this woman had a kill Hannah.
Romantic Islam you were for Rosson. Aqeedah Illa Aina yes
edited Quran
is smell May Allah Mercado Molana Tabarka smooth fie Kitabi Hilah
Aziz, by the rules will be law him in a shaytani R rajim.
Willa tuck seven nulla have often an AMA yet metal volley moon in
nama your funeral home Leominster Schmersal field of assault. We'll
call it Tyler will attack Subhan Allah ma Khalifa heusler Imola ice
zum zum TOCOM Yama
are they were somewhat wheelbarrows who
will call the Terra Walla
Walla Walla tassa.
Wear your buena you've made up Bella Mia falou Fela taxa nombe
Mufasa T Minella either
sokola hola
the affordable affordable eyeliner
a nursing of vana biller
call Allah Allah Hadith and could you see an app DB in Ghana BFI
Iran fellow who were in one Nebia shotgun fella
Elena and nursing have been nebula
what I learned not not Rahmatullahi jealousy or Allah
for inner Maya
To Kuno is TJ
for kadakkal Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam takoda will tell
the inner home was to Jabba will Oba Hain well okay Annika if
you're on what
financial Allah Tala
Are you for each one and
he will give me Stan Aloma furniture and homey out of behind
Nestle Allah Tala you fit
for the call Allah Tala in order Lila UD Suha me show me everybody
with Cuba tequila
winner madrasa to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Phil
Habibollah Mustafa Al hablar with them Bula Yun sir with de Yan hula
your mood
to Dan while you're cool. Could lupini Adam Mahato war cradle
hunter in October
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa ala Ilaha illa Allah Who will you
saw you should do Anessa you don't know when to be you know walls
even though what have you been a Muhammad Rasulullah cotton will
Ambia evil mousseline Amma bad for you holy Muslim Moon we'll see
come when FC el mas nipa I want to be Takala to Allah wa talathi for
Coca Cola low tide if he kita Aziz bIllahi min ash shaytani regime?
Yeah, you handed in top
to Muslim Moon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
were called
in Hassanein what Allah means Salatu was Salam ala Nabina
Muhammad in Tupelo, Colombia.
She fell in love with Saudi Arabia Yeah, in Hola Hola. Hola, Erica,
who you saw Lunarlon Nebby Yeah, you know some new Allah he was
sending me to slim on
Allah Masha Allah Muhammad Ali Mohamed, Salah Tala Ibrahim
Ibrahim, Muhammad Ali Mohammed
Ibrahim on early Ibrahim Al Philomena in Naka, Hamid and Majid
what are the hola hola en el qualify Rashid, Abu Bakr, Muhammad
Ali, Hassan when Husayn when he felt that he will her name what
you've been hearing one side so Huberty Jemaine grammatically are
from Iraq I mean, Allah marizanne Islam or when Muslim in Allah
Mizel Islam or when Muslim in Allah muslim Islam or when Muslim
in or are looking for the caliber to hack the word Deen Allah
Subhana Allah Philistine
almost 31 and a few Philistine
offices across certain Europe Bill Alameen
Hola Mahara Masjidul add Sahar Jana ja Chroma Crummey
for enormous looming,
Allah Mr. Gibb Tao with a mother who mean Allah volley mean
also the one on Officine
Allah Missouri cuando Muslim enough he will get his stand
alone as soon as one
Muslim enough he couldn't even occur.
Allah monsoon. Kodama home Europa Amina rebels Allah in Allah your
an infection you will carry with you into the karoun como la salatu
cambiar Hama Kamala la que masala
I shouldn't
I shouldn't
assume Hi Jana Sadegh?
Kills shoulder to shoulder close all the gaps please make sure that
you will sell cells on site
this video
Rothman you're watching Maliki
is your
gender stereotyping is Dino cero tal Mr.
Serato Ludhiana Ananda Island him via remote Dobby either him or me
for either
well good research
does what I thought I'll hide
off on my palm autumn be he one
some yummy all
Allah as well
this will burn you're rushing and having to
rush man yo
D just
didn't see it all stopping, sir all
tunnel Ludhiana
to the island my hands on me
is it a
in our unbecoming Doha in
the room
No no no
oh lemme Alberto
yet oh boy ha ha hola bom bom bom bom bom bom bom
along a couple
hola hola
Hola Hola como
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah on
Sudan where it was too long on
I still feel a lot of the ministers a lot of the ministers
do a lot
more to me
some point
it was hard
to sell women because
they can receive CC CC but a whole
lot more openness
to share she she she
well one more
Aloha mushy
mushy colada
Allah machine turned
on camera Allama Ruben our cup.
what's up
What's up
wasn't a phone