Riyadh Walls – Jumuah (4 Aug 2023)
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The segment discusses the importance of freedom and the use of words like "war" and "The" to describe actions or events. The importance of not taking a life without it being in return for the life is emphasized, as it is used to describe actions or events. The segment also touches on the context of the statement that Allah has purchased from the believers, the loss of human life, and the "medallion" that only fully develops in an adult from the age of 25. The segment also mentions various news stories and events related to Islam, including a woman named Amina and K relevanceia, a woman named Kourla, and a woman named Kourla who is a doctor.
AI: Summary ©
Ultimate loser Milani ministry Tanya rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR
Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa also li what was a limo Surah 10 with the Sleeman
nearly a colony be more commie me real. Be Immerman more saline. I
shall do Allah Allah Allah Allah Who will you solve him? Well I
shall do Anessa udana when a beginner all demon will have even
a Mohammedan rasool Allah for term will be even more saline.
Salah Lahoma wa Sallim wa Barik Allah has an A B yield. I mean,
well, Lee he also has Bertie Hill her resume I mean, my bad
rubbish rally Saudi where you see really Emery wa Halal aka the
Tamil the Cerney of Coco Kohli tomato scimitar Sidama Alikum
warahmatu Allahi wa barakato
called Allah wa to botica with Isla if he could help you he loves
his brother would have been he may not show you Tanya regime.
In Allah Hirsch thought Amina me Nina foster home will
be Anello who
you call T Luna FISA de la vie for Jaco to Luna when
we're done I lay here
How can fit ora T will in G well for a
while Quran,
Woman Oh, Brd him in Allah
for stabby Shiro will be be recommen lady by to be without
Lika who will for those who allow the sort of Kamala loving
to Black Muslim in Surah Tober
verse 111
It is agreed by most
of the aroma of Alison, Noel, Gemma that Surah Tober
was revealed in one go, these differences of opinion.
But the context in which it was revealed, is unanimously agreed
And that is the expedition of taboo.
The ninth year of the Hegira the last expedition
of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were
actually no fighting even took place.
But what it did was, it revealed
the Munna filkin
Because our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW son was going to face
the Byzantines army. So he had to get he had to put together
the biggest possible army to face that army.
And so alliances need to be made.
And hypocrisy was revealed. He managed to gather 30,000 troops.
But when they got to the area of taboo, there was no Byzantine army
and they returned back to
return back to Medina.
And so it needs to be understood in this context.
Surah Toba and especially this verse,
that it was revealed, pertaining
to the encouragement of the believers to prepare to give up
to pay the ultimate price,
as they say,
if you looked it up in the Cambridge dictionary, means to
literally and they use this in the context of war,
that the soldiers paid the ultimate price for freedom.
They went to war.
And they're either killed or were killed.
So this verse which is verse 111, Allah subhanaw taala.
He speaks about
the purchase
of the believers,
of themselves and they will,
this is ultimate or Budimir.
This is the relationship between a lab will be
between the servant between the slave of Allah
and His Creator and Sustainer Allah subhanahu wa taala
Allah so Allah wanted to Allah says, in Allah hush Torah
that indeed Allah has bought
mineral more meaning from the believers. But true believers May
Allah make us of the true believers
in Allah hashtag nominal movement in foster home.
He's bought from them themselves, literally they souls
the bodies
the minds,
the their entire being
and their wealth, their material possessions.
And what do they get in return? Be Anello my agenda.
But in return, Allah subhanaw taala will guarantee them
Paradise. Allah make us of them I mean.
Then Allah subhanaw taala in the context of the preparation for
in this case, the Battle of taboo in the ninth year of the injury,
Allah speaks about the ultimate price that the servant has to pay
So if we consider it in the context of master and slave in the
time of slavery,
the master or the slave
and everything that the slave even possessed, the master could do
with it, what he pleased
and so when it comes to this idea of Abu dia for a believer,
this is the truest form of freedom.
That a believer in actual fact, the only form of freedom
that a person can attain in this world, is to be the slave of
This is ultimate freedom and the dunya we're talking about.
To be to be the slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the only
And if a person frees themselves from that servitude
for the Creator, Allah subhanaw taala, then they become slaves to
their own whims and fancies, lusts and desires.
And to the oppression and suppression of men.
We spoke about this, I think last month, or in the month of June.
I think I quoted Alexis de Tocqueville,
who took part in the French Revolution. But what made him
different from
the other revolutionaries is that he was a staunch Catholic,
believed in God.
And he believed in morality, prescribed by God.
And so he was the one that said, you cannot
have liberty without morality.
And you cannot have morality without faith.
You cannot have liberty without morality, and you cannot have
morality without faith.
And in terms of what I'm speaking about, now, about true freedom,
this is what we believe.
That in order to be truly free,
free of the material trappings of this world,
free of the dangers of the evil temptations of the lowest self and
the invitations of shaitan.
And the misguidance of our whims and fancies, to be free of that.
We have to be the slaves of Allah.
We have to submit and surrender to Allah subhanho wa taala.
And so we are prepared to make these sacrifices.
And what do we get into here after Allahu Akbar
added to the arriba, Dr. Salia hyena Myrna,
what was going on Sammy, I will tell people I have prepared of
for my pious service Allah make us of them into here after that which
no eye has ever seen, and that which no ear has ever heard, and
that which no heart is ever imagined.
So this is the promise that Allah subhanaw taala makes
if we are prepared to give up
if we are prepared to do everything,
if we are prepared to strive and struggle for everything,
that which pleases Allah subhanaw taala this is all that Allah wants
from us on this dunya
and is it so difficult? Well, Allah is not difficult. There is
not a thing that Allah tells us not to do, except that it is to
save us from detriment.
And there is not a thing that he tells us to do, except that it's
in order for us to attain benefit in this life and more important in
the hereafter. It's almost wanted to Allah says
and in fact, in actual fact, this particular verse, If you take what
comes before it, he also speaks about the ultimate price
Fighting has been prescribed for you in the context of war. In the
context of, of war.
Fighting has been prescribed for you but it is disliked by you.
Whoa is the biller?
Who is frightening.
War is frightening.
Whoa, whoa is not an easy thing.
So fighting has been prescribed for you, but it's disliked for
Well, I certain Takahashi and will who will.
But it might be that you dislike something, and it's good for you.
Well, I sent to hippo che and we were showing the code. And it
might be that you love something but it's bad for you. And what's
the bottom line? I call this the butter pod. And this we have to
apply to everything that Allah tells us to do, as well as telling
us to stay away from everything, all the commandments and all the
This is the principle what comes at the end. Well, Allahu Allah,
Allah to Allah. And Allah knows and you don't know.
People don't like to be told that.
But see Allah to Kenny for me for tle.
This is, this is this is the ultimate submission and surrender,
to accept that we don't know. Allah knows better. And that's why
we obey Him. And that's why we are His slaves and his servants.
Because He created us, He knows our weaknesses and our faults, and
he knows what's best for us.
Are you more knowledgeable? Or is Allah
Allahu Akbar. That's a rhetorical question if there ever was one
or two only moon Allah hubby dini. Do you want to teach God your
religion? Walla?
Walla will be cliche in I believe,
do you want to teach Allah your religion?
And Allah knows everything in the heavens and on earth. And Allah
has knowledge of all things. Allahu Akbar,
Allah Hola. So this is the better
it's better for some people. It's sweet for others. Allah make it
sweet for us.
And Allah knows and you don't know
when we say it Subhanallah every time we make our Salah in
dualistic in masala tea. We're new Sookie? Well, Maria, well my
Marathi Villa here are
indeed my prayer and my sacrifice my life and my death
is for Allah subhanaw taala because
I think so.
Because that is something that I was just one day sitting and it
popped into my head.
In masala tea when you Tsukuba Maha
Alameen luxury,
he has no partner will be delicate or mutual,
will be delicate, or mere two and with that I have been commanded.
Well, elemental Muslimeen and I am of those who submit and surrender
to Allah.
Allah is told me to do it.
We hear and we obey.
Allah has told me to stay away from it. Some yeah I know what
we hear and we obey.
Allah subhanaw taala in country continues.
What is always wanted to Allah say Allah has purchased from the
themselves and they wealth.
Everything we do, we first have to ask ourselves the question. This
is the interpretation of Taqwa
of Allah consciousness. Before I do anything, before I say
before I transact in anything,
before I make a decision as to how to treat my spouse or how to raise
my children, how to engage with my neighbor, or with my fellow
workers, or my employees or employers, or any aspect of my
life, I asked myself the question, Is Allah going to be pleased? This
is what it translates into the darker dunya one mafia, Yama Lika
Nuptse Farsi. Nia for laserLine FC to cure Dhaka AXA Amani for Nadira
to Minca you're simply where your family favorite lady Amina dunya,
Mafia, your Allah you being pleased with me is more important
to me. Then everything that is in the heavens and on earth, is what
the poet says.
Oh ye who owns all the souls
whether we are going to sell it to Allah or not, Allah owns it
This is an opportunity Allahu Akbar to make the intention at UCR
Allah we have sold our souls and our wealth and our positions to
He says fillet sell enough car man to hockey
While there is no goal, greater for any soul, than attaining the
pleasure of Allah, for Nadira to Minca, simply where your money so
just one gaze
of your pleasure, one divine gaze of your pleasure your Allah Ya
suply Oh ye to whom or from whom I asked all my needs, what your
Emily and you in whom I place all my hopes on eladia Mina dunya
mafia is greater and better and more valuable to me than the dunya
and everything in it.
May Allah allow us to attain that station yalla that is knifes and
moto Ma,
Ra the attend Marthy pleased with whatever Allah has put out for it.
And Allah is in turn pleased with it.
Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers themselves and their
And in return, Allah will grant in paradise.
They fight in the path of Allah. When I speak about the ultimate
sacrifice here, in the context of wall Surah Tober revealed
concerning the expedition of taboo
they fight in the path of Allah, they kill and they are killed in
the context of, of war, please, this is not a call to pay arms
less than evil, he should interpret it as such. He's
speaking about the context of the verse pertaining to Surah Tober
pertaining to the expedition of, of taboo.
And by the way, if there is a religion
that has rules of engagement in warfare, wala heat is Islam.
There is no religion
that has stringent rules of engagement. Like the deen of
Allah subhanaw taala says we're caught you Luffy Sebelius Allah He
in Allah Allah deen and fight in the way of Allah, those who fight
you. It's not permissible to target civilians
in Islam, mainly in what we call mezzanine
versus Makati lean.
In terms of definition,
it's not permissible. even Allah says, Allah Ji is the person
that's going about maybe there's a guy on a bicycle, he's delivering
a pizza or like these mashallah are brothers from Malawi and
Tanzania on the little scooters. You know, he's just going about
doing his business.
In the context of war, it's not even permissible to target such a
person, even though he is an able male
of military age.
The Prophet said Salah Salem, LA,
different Walla, walla Shifen, do not kill children, or woman or old
or even the man that is going about doing his work to earn his
keep. Unless of course it is worth that is aiding the military effort
the army of the muslimeen we speaking about the rules of
Subhan Allah Alhamdulillah Allah and Islam. Oh, praise and thanks
to you solely to Allah for the favor of Islam. And in our favor,
it is for us.
Work done either you have gone.
So this promise of Jana.
This promise of Jana is a true promise from Allah.
Whether the believer
even never sees the battlefield, that's not what it's about the
battlefield here. The context of war here would be the ultimate
that the believer would have to pay
the ultimate entity
that the believer would have to give to his creator and sustain
Allah subhanaw taala is his life
is his life.
In fact, I was in the context of war.
I was thinking about
the First World War
my great grandmother's brother.
And this is not a memorial service. I'm just making mention
of this. Just so that we understand that this is a
universal principle.
And this is something that has been happening
In the world.
Unfortunately, in some instances since the time that Kaabil killed
Habil when Cain killed Abel
Allah subhanaw taala says about that woman Angelica Lika
and who Mankato enough sun big enough sin, oh facade in fill out.
fucka anima patella nursing Amelia woman for anima Archaea NASA Jamia
the first murder that took place when Cain killed Abel Kaabil
killed her.
Honestly, because of this, we have written and this law hasn't been
the sanctity of life Allahu Akbar,
life is sacred.
That whoever takes a life
without it being in return for a life, in other words,
outside of the context of key sauce,
when somebody has committed murder, and they are brought
before the cardi, and the cardi, founds them, finds them guilty,
and then they are executed as a result because the family doesn't
want to accept compensation do as we call it in, in the Sharia,
then that's the life for a life. Well, a cornfield Kizashi higher
tune, and Allah says there is life in debt.
Because when a person witnesses, disaster when a person with this
as an execution, fear is driven into their hearts, to even think
about touching to hear another person's body, little and taking
their lives. So this life in that. So outside of that context,
whoever takes the life man cotton and I've seen betrayed enough's,
without it being in return for the taking of a life, oh for certain
fill out, causing and spreading mischief on the earth. It is as if
they have killed the whole of mankind to take one life unjustly.
It says if they've killed the whole of mankind, woman, yeah. And
whoever saves a life.
It is as if they have saved the lives of the whole of mankind.
Allahu Akbar, this is how sacred life is in this Deen of Islam.
And it's only when we are being fought.
If we are being driven out of our homes, or being fought in our
then Allah subhanaw taala has given us the divine permission
to fight those who fight us. But otherwise, lay in her coma.
Lavanila Dena, let me
welcome you could you come in dare come into the room.
Sam is very clear, as clear as the sun in the middle of the sky on a
cloudless day.
What is almost all of Allah say, Allah doesn't prohibit you
concerning those who don't fight you in your religion, and don't
drive you up from your homes to act kindly and justly towards
As long as we have been fought in our religion, and as long as we're
not being driven out of our homes,
we are at peace, no problem.
So I was pondering over in fact, I was scratching through a box and I
found this because Medallia This was given
In fact, in the First World War, 9 million,
9 million soldiers died. In the 9 million use. Imagine that 9
million soldiers died in the first world war at the Battle of the
Somme, in France. 20,000 British soldiers died in the first day.
Imagine that 20,000 In the first day. This is the plot that my
my great great grandmother received when her son was killed
in a topples in France. He was gassed by the Germans, and it's
written here. He died for freedom. And honor. You know, we hear this
all the time. You know, I don't know, the Americans put on top of
the prison in Guantanamo Bay. honorbound. What does that mean?
What does that mean? They died for freedom.
You see, in Islam,
Doesn't matter what it is
from making a cup of tea for your wife. If you can make tea for
hours Shala
to giving up one's life on the battlefield
everything that we do one more
Bula meclizine
There is no freedom there is no honor. There is no sacrifice
unless it is for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada
I just want to dialysis warmer or mural they have not been ordered.
They have not been told us the believers Allah make us a true
believers. They have not been told to do anything they have not been
commanded to anything except that they practice this deen the
submission and surrender to Allah subhanho wa Taala morally sin
sincerely for the sake of Allah and for his sake alone.
So geometric mean
this time that we are living in
we have to make a serious decision
as to who we have sold our souls and opposition's
because everyone
and our beloved Prophet says in a hadith recorded in Sahih Muslim,
Carnaby Salah Salem could see us do everyone is going forward for a
year, Neff several selling themselves, everyone's going
forward selling themselves
for more
Oh Moo hoo ha. And through that sale, they are either freeing
in this world and attaining paradise in the hereafter. Oh more
people are destroying themselves in this life and the hereafter
This is the question that we have to ask ourselves everybody's
selling themselves
every one is selling themselves
either to Allah
everything that we are doing in the Salah tea window Sookie mama
Oh mama yet Turkey the shave burner? Well, Ian, for cada hasura
Medina ever take shape on as an ally ever sells their souls to the
by listening to his wounds, by listening to his evil temptations
and invitations.
Then they have experienced the ultimate loss loss in this world
because they are enslaved
to the lusts and desires and to the evil invitations and
temptations of the lower selves and the shaytaan and in the
hereafter because they have been entered humiliated to the knees
into the five gentlemen Allama jitna Mina na Allama Ajit nomina
na Allahumma jitna Mina nor
Shabbat Muslim in
my last bit of advice firstly to myself it's always firstly to
myself my tongue is closer to my heart than any of your hearts
this message
I see a lot of gray in the
in the gym ah but I also see some youth or Hamdulillah this is one
especially for you guys for the young people
a Shabaab who show up to
you is a portion of madness of insanity whatever Prophet Muhammad
Salah Salah and not the type of insanity whereby a person you know
is not blameworthy because Rufio Columbu and the pin has been
lifted from three people you know the name of a circus unless you
known Hatter Jakob and fury wire
is the child had Diablo until they reach puberty. So whether for a
person that sleeping until they awake
so for example, you overslept for Fudger and you didn't press the
snooze button, you didn't hear the the oven or the alarm, you
overslept. Like there is no there is no blame on that person. It was
just stand up take a do and make solid
the person that forgets until they remember
the person he literally he said to himself who is in 10 minutes I
must quickly take with you and inshallah gonna make us an on time
happy to understand why it was sold out in Woodstock.
Look after your your Salah and especially the middle salah of a
saloon they agree this is solid Lhasa
and stand up to Allah in obedience.
But then maybe he got a phone call. And then he got busy with
something and He completely forgot me in the other window.
For McGraw be remembered
there's no blame on him on him. So the one who is sleeping until they
awake, the one who forgets until they remember
the one who is mad the one who is insane until they regain the
sanity, and the one who is a pre pubescent child until they reach
The pin has been lifted from these four.
So this type of insanity that the prophet is speaking about salah
Salem for the youth here is not that type of insanity. It just
means that because he says a brochure, it's a branch of
insanity, meaning that with all those desires, and with all the
hormones and things that are happening, that it's a very
challenging time of their lives. And that's why they need guidance
from from us. It is said in neurology that the frontal lobe
only fully develops in an adult from the age of 25.
And in men, sometimes only by the age of 40.
So we have to be there for our children.
The children are being exposed to ideologies that could potentially
take them out of Islam.
Here I'm giving a talk about you know, in no solidarity when you
Sookie Well, Maria, and many of our youth are even starting to
doubt about the truth of Islam,
let alone thinking as to whether they are going to be good Muslims
or not.
But I have a word of encouragement for our youth. I have a word of
encouragement for our youth. Over and above everything that I've
said that the rest of us are going to do our utmost best to
accomplish. This one is for everyone, but especially for the
youth. Karla Rasulullah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
But the Al Islam OHare been
What's the hurry been come up for two ballyhoura
Islam began as something strange.
in Makkah, this was strange. There were 360 idols in and around the
Kaaba Muhammad sasami saying La ilaha illallah
Islam began as something strange.
The world was filled with the darkness of paganism
and it will come back it will return meaning in the end of time
as something strange again the world is filling with the darkness
of paganism
for to Berlin hora, so bless it be the strangers
if you are at your college or your university
and you feel totally out.
You feel totally marginalized because you are holding on to that
indestructible rope of Allah the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of a
Nabi Yun Mustafa Anam Salah
if you're the if you are the one that is out
and if you feel out the know that you are blessed by ALLAH SubhanA
wa Taala hola Martha Brittany Yamakawa Balclutha bit Cubana
Allah Tala attic, O Allah Alterna of the hearts make our hearts
on your deen Oh turn of the hearts make our hearts steadfast on your
obedience to motto slimming just to do justice to the verse. Allah
subhanaw taala then says what then Allah Tala T will injeel This is a
true promise binding on him in the Torah and in the gospel and in the
Quran, and whose promise is truer than Allah's, so rejoice in the
exchange you have made with him. This is truly the ultimate
This is truly the ultimate triumph. May Allah make it easy
for all of us working with Dhawan and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil
Alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Hello Dave Salam
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
europea Are you stood Are you gonna be able to fertilize the
Nubian fields and Obinna? That'll be a fun video region Kuru before
rich Kuruman Europe the UK national Rama Homina welcome Mina
zuka Hogberg will help them in your book will help but I'm early
in your career buena Illa phobic here I need your help take your
Kabir on behalf your latte from yourself who have been Vemma
Jirachi Hill Nakajima in Isla conditioning
Well, I showed you what the ILA in long long
ridurre coffee, Murphy her family cannot see cars see her with Nia
fillet Sally Neff car murder to
cure Dakka Aqsa ammonia for another two min que
la Yamuna dunya Murphy here
well I should say you didn't know when we you know, we're happy when
Mohammed and Rasulullah but
we're not so hello
Johanna Fila. How could you heard you?
Bella, become early he Kashia deja vu Gemma Lee Altherma Jamil he saw
it he saw lo de sala de la Huya ILM and Houda muhabba Tina's woman
now had a kill hammer. Hammer but I do fear hamata is Islam. You are
for Rasul Aqeedah
Illa Aliah Salah till Quran is smart humeri Illa Karla Homolka
Anna Tamara casman fee kita Abby Hill Aziz? Below him in a shaytani
of virgin in Allah Hirsch thought Amina meaning Fusa home
the agenda you call it Luna fees for your
Torah T well in God well Quran Woman Oh Furby demon Allah for
stabbing she'll be better economy lady by tumby weather Lika who
will follow those who allow the
worker the call and maybe use Allah Allah Who He will sell them
Karuna see you have to do Ferber urine enough so for more
Oh Mubarak Wuhan
Allahu Caliban Kulu Kulu Bunner Allah Allahu
Allah taught how to become a
winner madrasa to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Kulu
fear Habib Al Mustafa Al de Rula Yabla wisdom Buddha unes with Dr.
Angela Jamboard.
Ship Chicama de new to Dan for your call a DA could loop in the
cradle hunter in October
hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa shadow La Ilaha illa Allah Who are
you Salehi under say you don't want to be in a wild Iman. Oh have
you been to Mohammad Rasool Allah ha Turman MBA will mursaleen and
my bad Maria Johan Muslim who will see come whenever I will have
better color
for the call Allah
To Allah vikita Vilas he is
gonna show you, Tanya regime. Yeah. Are you headed Adina? I'm
gonna talk en la vaca to party, Willa to move to LA one to Muslim
Moon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, tequila. Hi Suma come
to very senior at Al Hassan atta Tamara wahala Kenya Serbia Hello
Can Hassanein work still about hola Amina Salatu was Salam ala
Muhammad in table coulby with
Danny where she will not enable Saudi will do in Allahu La Monica
to you so Lunarlon Nabi
sallallahu alayhi wa salam Tasneem
Allah Masha Allah Muhammad Ali Mohammed Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim
barbaric Allah Muhammad wa ala Muhammad, Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim,
Phil Alameen in Dhaka Hamid on Majeed, what are the Allahumma
annual qualifier Rashid, Abu Bakr, Muhammad, Ali Hassan
once you've been operating? Well, I'd say there's a Huberty. Motyka
Yahama Rahami, Allah Maricel Islam are well Muslimeen what can we
tell happy with Jean
Alana 31 and a few Philistine philosopher for certain with
difficult orbia way Jeanine era Bill Alameen alongside one another
Mr. Dafina frequently mckern Allah Mahara masjid, Saman, a DISA Hi
Anna al happy dean of volley mean al Majid Amin,
Allah Masumoto Donna or Hamilton among Muslim in the Rama take
grammatically or hamara I mean, Allah in Allah admirable admirable
but it is in Korba while you're in her and in fascia, even Hmong
curry will bury you either come to Allah come to that karoun como la
salata come your hammer Kamala welcome Assad?
dammit to summit with
Muhammad Rasulullah Salallahu Salam is still a teddy do a
thorough job of common law.
Heels in line shoulder touching shoulder close all the gaps
please make sure that your stuffs are straight for indeed Allah
doesn't look at the crooked soft
a long
in nasaga to witness okay, what
will be the
Bismil manual Rahman Rafi Alhamdulillah here on Bella Mia
Rama and you're rocking murdy Kiyomi Dean yeah cannot do it.
Yeah Can isteri do not sit autonomous stalking Serato leadin
an amateur RNA him. While realm of Dolby I named him one of dawn on
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
Jha and also the law he was
what I ain't done nothing yet. The whole Luna fee dean of Georgia.
For some beer Beer. Hamdi Baker was still
in now who's gonna tell ya
Cemil blah hoodie man, have you done
hello all
Bismillah Rockman Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen are
Rockman you Rashi murdy Kiyomi D
young cannot be doing Yeah Can a stereo Do you not see it
autonomous docking Serato leadin an amateur RNA him realm of Dolby
I know him one of dawn on me I mean
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
been nurse Maddie King either
means Sharon was was Ilhan
a lady was three Soufeel sudo in
MENA Jean T one
hola hola como
Cemil Baja Neiman Hamidah
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.
Immune is just an announcement. They will be a peer our program
tonight after my trip here at Michigan SUNY.
After Missouri
it is called Muharram recital program. Friday the fourth of
August Masha the Sunni chromosome. They will be five qualities.
Karima Jai DeFries
share Sousa he'll come out in
quarry sand quarry, Abdul Rahman Rita and Cory Mohamed Taha Ali.
They will be facilities for ladies as well. And donations are
welcomed. That will be the recital program from after maghrib.
Tonight, Kamala Harris said I'm
so not 100 100 100 But Alameen wa salatu salam ala Masha, Colombia
Nabina Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam were on early he was herb he a Jew
Allahumma Yahaya yaka younger hermetic in history so many other
beginner stages, or select lenasia woonona Kala were not taking the
Illa fusina whether it hadn't been healthy, Katara Fatah in in Europe
Allahu mushroom Madonna our Hamilton Hamilton Muslimeen Allama
fildena The Nova Nova khalfan sar Tina were to offend Omar Al Abrar
Allahumma in earnest Allah curry Dhaka well Jana when are all
becoming soft latika. Wamena now bureaucratic or hamara Amin
Subhana Rapi kharab Eliza Tia Maria see phone Sarah mana Harlan
mursaleen well handled in Europe Bella army
Well, as you could
see, Sam was with us