Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 31 August 20181439

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The speakers discuss the importance of Islam, including the use of shiny glass and the use of a hammer to avoid becoming a criminal. They also discuss the use of haka Jihadi as a signal of faith and the need to be more conscious of Islam in daily life. The speakers emphasize the importance of facing the Kaaba and not letting people in, as well as the need for people to be aware of their emotions and acceptance. They also mention the importance of facing the Kaaba and not letting people in.
AI: Summary ©
All the builder he ministerial Tanya rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa will suddenly what will suddenly Musala 10 Water Sleeman
yearly economy be my call me me real MBA, you are Mr. Mill
what I shall do Allah Allah Allah Allah who will be your Salehi.
what I shall do under say your dinner whenever you know our
Haldimand our Habibollah Muhammadan Rasulullah
Turmel Ambia evil mursaleen
SallAllahu Allah wa Sallim wa Barik Allah has in a big yield. I
mean what Lee he also has Bertie he Lord really may I mean, a MOBA
too much Muslim in a certain way alikoum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
God Allah to Baraka with the ILF he Kitabi Hill argies But other
arrows below him in a show you Tanya regime.
Cada NeuroTracker Luba wotja, HC F is
a felon Well, Leon Kubelet and tada for when we were joeholka
Shahpura Masjidul haram. Why to Macoun tomb for well who would you
have come shutaura in the Levine who took Kitab Ala Moana and I
will hop on the robin warm Allahu Bihar feeling I'm Malou
so the Kola who loving
Alhamdulillah from Alhamdulillah.
I'm sure and I see Alhamdulillah there are some brothers here that
will unhedged this year.
And I'm sure there are some brothers who may be on Hajj last
or anytime before that and they will be inshallah they are
brothers here that will be on Hajj sometime in the future be in the
And we always want to try and harvest the lessons of hedge
because hedges
is not a
journey that we take only in the physical realm.
Hajj is not just a journey that lasts for
five or six days.
And in some of our minds for the duration of our stay in Morocco,
Medina five or six weeks.
But indeed, Hajj, which means in Arabic, I'll cast
Hajj means I'll cost which is the goal.
Because Hajj is ultimately a journey to Allah in this life.
In preparation for our journey to Allah in the Hereafter, full stop
in the story.
It's a pre run for death. That's why we take a hustle and we put on
a coffin. The only differences when we die somebody else does it
for us. When we don't hatch we do it ourselves.
We take a whistle we put on a cover and then we stand or walk
off a cliff or walk often on the plane of alpha like we are to
stand on the musher Fussa hotel cover in the grandest courtroom
amendment hacking Malala in front of the highest judge on the day of
your piano. And that's why when you look at Surah to Hajj, the
first verse of Surah to Hajj is about what
it's about Yama Kiama uns Takara bekam in nuzzles Allah to say it,
show you the LG Chem. O mankind.
Be mindful of your Lord. Be careful for your Lord. Why because
Taqwa mean
Taqwa comes from the word shield with higher because a person that
has Taqwa is a person that shields themselves from Alysse
before they do anything or say anything or go anywhere or even
think anything, they ask themselves the question is Allah
going to be pleased? The answer is yes. Bismillah if the answer is
no, a stop for Allah may Allah forgive me for even thinking about
it in the first place.
And Salah last one meta analysis. Here you will nurse oh man Kane,
Dakota back home.
Be mindful of your Lord. shield yourself from your loads
indeed the shaking of the hour is most severe,
first verse of suited to Hajj doesn't speak about tawaf sorry.
Or out of almost deliver Amina speaks about yo Kiana
i because that's what Hajj is all about getting ready to meet Allah,
a pre run for the minor and the major piano. Minor Qiyamah being
just in my major piano being resurrection, as a beloved Prophet
salallahu Salam says is a multiple of them for Comet chiamato. If
mankind passes away, then his judgment is established. When he
dies, that's the minor judgment. And when he stands up on the
Mattia, for the resurrection, that will be the that will be the major
key or maybe in the Lightoller.
Then we go further down.
In surah, Hajj, roundabout, the middle of Surah tahajjud. We find
the last one that Allah speaking about
a very interesting concept women a nursing Miyamoto, Allah Allah have
and they have mankind that worship Allah on the edge.
They are of mankind that worship Allah on the edge. And we know the
famous Hadith in a halal about you in Al haram evasion. That which is
lawful is clear that which is unlawful is clear.
Whereby nahama O'Meara wish to be heard and between those two they
are doubtful areas. La ya la Mahana. Kathy Ramona, Nurse not
many people know of these doubtful areas. For many taco Shabbat fucka
this Sabra, Amin de Weldy whoever stays away from doubtful areas,
has saved the religion and they honor woman walk artificial Bahat
walk I feel haram but to ever falls into doubtful areas has
fallen into haram into that which is prohibited. Kyra you're a hotel
hammer. Like a man that takes his sheep to graze at the border of
another man's land.
Almost allowing up to a year Taffy almost allowing the sheep to go
over the border into that man's land. Allah we're in an equally
Milliken hammer. Indeed for every king there are borders or
boundaries, Allah in the hammer Allah He Maha Remo, indeed the
boundaries of Allah are his prohibitions. So right, we go on
pre run for death,
pre run for resurrection. But now we have to come back.
And if we have been living on the edge of Allah's borders, we now
need to move well within those borders tilaka huddled Allah for
Allah Takara booga these are the boundaries that Allah has said
Don't come near to them, but till kappa doodoo life Allah dua these
are the boundaries that Allah said do not transgress them.
So now we need to move away from the edge we need to change our
lives. We need to be more careful and mindful of Allah subhanho wa
we need to be more conscious of him in our daily lives.
And then we find the last verse of Surah to Hajj
is a command
what Jaya he do filet haka jihadi
and the word jihad here and we know Jihad has a military
connotation. There's a spiritual connotation has a physical
But here it's used generally.
Well, Jay Do filet haka jihadi meaning to make effort
and you can ask anybody that's been on Hajj you know, once you
have come from us deliver
and you have propelled to geometrical acaba. And then you
have walked to the Kaaba to make to offer the father and then you
must make the site
and after the first or second shot of the site between sofa and Mira,
the knees start to feel like jelly, but you have to continue.
You have to keep making effort. And this is so symbolic of when we
come back from Hajj with her he do feel like haka God, which Allah
subhanaw taala expresses emphatically in the last verse of
Surah Al Hajj, go look it up and make effort this is perpetually
into the future, until only removes you from this world. Where
J do filet haka jihadi, make a true effort, meaning a sincere
in order to keep up the preparation for our meeting with
Allah in order to keep well and clear of the boundaries and the
prohibitions of Allah subhanaw taala who want you to burn come,
he has chosen you.
Allah Allah has chosen us. Allah is the one that has guided us.
That is why the people of Ghana when they intergender May Allah
make us of them? I mean, we'll call it will Hamdulillah he lady
had originally had Wilma Hakuna Linda
Dear Lola and Hidin, Allah
and they will say
what will they say?
All Praise and thanks is due solely to Allah who has guided us
to this. And we would not have been guided if Allah didn't guide
us towards Allah That is chosen us, for Iman for Islam and we
realize that when we go on hajj when we see the rest of the Ummah
and we feel the connection
to Cori jail and what Allah Cooley domine Yachty naman, Khalifa,
ginormous Lea shadow Manaphy Ana Han, they will come on foot and on
every means of transport. They will come from every distant
ravine and valley that they might testify and be witness to the
favor of Allah on them.
Would you tobacco? Allah has chosen us for Deen Allah has
chosen us to be Muslim in Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
Alhamdulillah Allah geometry Islam will cover Byham in Yama. Oh
praise and thanks to solely to Allah for the favor of Islam and
enough favorite is for us.
Military OB come Ibrahim the religion of your father Abraham
Wilma, John Alexander didn't even have Raj Mila to become Ibrahim
look at this Panola
What shall he do Fila haka jihadi would you Tabacum well Murgia
Allah Allah confit Dini mean ha Raj. The no excuses. There is no
excuses for living
the correct way.
There's no excuses for not living within the boundaries of Allah
subhanaw taala set for us. He says it here
and make effort in the way of Allah a true effort. He has chosen
He has blessed you with his deen and he hasn't made any part of
this religion. Not difficult. The word difficult is not used here.
He says we're Murgia Allah Allah confit. Dinniman hemorrhage.
He hasn't made any part of this religion. uncomfortable for you.
There's nothing in this Deen that we should find discomfort in,
in terms of the things that we are told to do, and in terms of the
things that we are told to stay away from.
Because if we truly believe that Allah subhanaw taala
that he has knowledge of all things, and that he knows what's
better for us.
Then we will all swallow that bitter pill happily. What is the
butter Paul? As I've called it, the butter Paul. What is the
butter Paul? Or Eisah? And Takahashi?
I saw and Tucker who Shayan well, who who look up what I say unto
him. Bucha and Hua Shan will look them wala Huya Allah mu one two
minute Alamo. It might be that you dislike something but it's good
for you. And it might be that you love something, but it's bad for
you. What's the bottom line? And Allah knows and you don't know.
That's the beautiful
and so hamdulillah
every time a person goes on Hajj doesn't matter who you are. Even
if you've been on Hajj 50 times, or five times the only ones
Subhanallah each Hajj is unique
and has unique lessons.
And most people will only go on Hajj once. In fact, if you look in
terms of the numbers of the Muslims, we are about 2 billion
Muslims. This year in Macomb we're only about 2 million. I got the
figures for first 1.9 And then I got other figures that were 2.3
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, but I mean, that is like one in a in
1001 in 1000 we are over 2 billion and people have been saying we are
1.6 billion for the last 20 years.
We must be at least 2 billion. So there is many that will never even
go for Hajj.
There was some that will only go once and they will some that will
go every year depending on what Allah subhanaw taala writes for
them, but every Hajj is unique.
And there's something that I observed on this particular Hajj
and you listen for me.
And this is why I have chosen this verse from from suitable Bacara go
look it up at home and think about it.
Verse 144,
of sudipto Bacara Allah Subhan Allah Allah says, cada Nara, Taka
Luba wotja He Kofi summer Philando Lian Nica Kybella 10 Turda for
well Li Wei Jia haka. shutaura al Masjid Al haram.
Indeed, Allah subhanaw taala says, we see the turning of your face to
the heavens
And so indeed, we shall grant to you a Qibla a direction of pray
that is pleasing to you.
We know that our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam
initially had to pray towards Bethel McKinnis
towards Jerusalem,
towards Masjid Al Aqsa.
And then after the hijab,
summary Wyatt 16 months after the hijab, in summary why at 17 months
after the Hegira Allah subhanaw taala revealed this verse, and
according to the folk aha, this is the first abrogation that takes
place in the Quran. The first abrogation other words the Qibla
is now being abrogated. Allah subhanaw taala is making the Kaaba
the new Tipler I'll Qibla to Narcissa and Masjid Al Aqsa, el
que bulletin Ullman suka
al Kibler to Ullman suka. It is the abrogated Jerusalem Masjid
Luxor becomes the abrogated the blood direction of prayer and the
Kaaba becomes the abrogating the new direction of prayer, the first
nurse to take place in the Holy Quran 16 or 17 months after the
Hegira. Now, for those of you who have been to Madina, Munawwara you
would have probably have visited Masjidul Qibla chain.
But that is not where our beloved prophet Sallallahu Sallam
performed the first Salah facing the Kaaba. In fact, he performed
it in Masjid nibbly somebody wired, say it was Salah to
somebody Wyatt's it was a lot of the last. The strongest opinion is
that it was solid classes.
But there was a man that traveled after performing some art classes,
with our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah some and the Sahaba in
Masjid nibbly with a new Qibla complete Salah that he then
journey to Masjid Keba
to Masjid people. And somebody wired say that he got there only
at Fudger and they were in Neurocore.
They were bowing, they were in RUCO and he shouted through the
door of the Masjid. I be witness that Allah has revealed the
changing of the Qibla towards the Kaaba. And so the Imam and the
Jamar turned around whilst in ruku. And that's why it's called
Mochizuki blockchain.
That's why it's called Mochizuki bluffing, he was on his way to
Kiba phone, he was on his way to Cuba and he passed by him this
Masjid machine okay blockchain and that is why it is called the
masjid of the two Tribulus because they were praying towards
towards Betamax this towards much lochsa And during the salah when
the man put his head through the door and bore witness to the
changing of the Qibla they turned around in the Salah.
The thing that I was really pondering over this year
is how and he always wanted to Allah says it says farewell Leon
Nica Kybella Tantra will grant you a Qibla that is pleasing to you.
Because the Beloved Prophet SAW Selim was praying towards
Jerusalem but he was looking to the summer hoping that Allah
subhanaw taala would grant him the Qibla of Al Caban Masha Rafa
so that's one of dialysis we will grant you indeed that Qibla which
is pleasing to you, for only what you had to shutaura Masjid Al
haram said turn your face to the machine haram and Makoto Makara
Allah wa Heisler? Kuntum for Walu would you have come shutaura And
wherever you might be, wherever you might be, then turn your faces
towards it in prayer in the technical meaning of prayer,
what is the technical meaning of prayer the technical definition of
Salah the Iboga tune on Hara Curtin was second thing to be
talking to Bharati with the team will be too slim. It's an
expression of movements and stillness says that begin with
Allahu Akbar and end with a salam Wa alaykum wa Rahmatullah so that
because the word Salah also means dua, wa salam, O Allah him a
Odorheiu gnome in the Quran, or saldi Allah him as we pray on
them, it means pray for them. So Salah also means linguistically it
means dua, but technically I've just given you the definition,
that expression of movements and stillness is beginning with Allahu
Akbar to beautifuly haram and ending with a Salam or Aleikum, wa
Rahmatullah. Be shallow in terms of salsa with specific conditions.
So wherever we might be in the
world and we want to make this technical Salah this expression of
movements and stillness is to raka for Virgin for a car for door for
a car for ourselves through the car Format ribbon for acabo for
Aisha or any Sana Salah for that matter.
Then we should face al Khattab and masa Rafa in muckety muck aroma.
Only difference is a sunnah Salah you do not have to face the Kaaba
for example you could make some masala whilst in a car
in a train
in a plane that is flying in a completely different direction to
the Qibla you can make a sunnah a sunnah Salah to face the the Qibla
to face the Kaaba is not a rockin for the for the Sunnah Salah for
the final Salah is what needs to when it's to face the the Kaaba
and Imam Shafi is very strict that you must face the exact direction
of the,
of the Kaaba, whereas the other schools of thought, especially Abu
Hanifa, between the East and the West.
So the thing that I was pondering on sitting in the heart I'm
looking at the Kaaba
that Subhanallah ever you all in the world. This is the place that
you're facing, the unification of the ummah of Mohamed Salah Salem
in worshipping. And that's why the Kaaba is the symbol of Tawheed
symbol of Tawheed we don't say Bucha ALLAH because ALLAH lives in
the house. No yeah he McCann Mala through Fiza man, I just want to
tell is not affected by space or by time no confined by spatial by
time because he's the creator of all space in all time. They say
commit leisure what was available to you, nothing can be likened
unto Him. And He is all hearing and all sing.
But we face that.
Oh well abating in oh well abating with the early nurse indeed the
first house placed on Earth for mankind to worship Allah.
Lady B Baca is in Bucha. In fact, daca is the place in which the
Kaaba is built, cannot be built anywhere else. That's why when it
was destroyed in the flood, Allah subhanaw taala says, what is the
what Nellie Ibrahima McConnell bait and call to mind when we
showed Abraham the place of the house that is Bucha and Bucha is
way in the middle of Makkah.
And so doesn't matter wherever you are in the world, we face this
Qibla this direction of prayer.
We face the Kaaba but not asked you.
When you get to Makkah.
And if maybe you are given the honor and allowed to go inside the
Kaaba with you pray?
What direction do you face?
So ever you are in the world, wherever you are in the world,
South Pole North Pole. I mean you can if you're on the South and
North Pole, you have a choice of you know which way you're going to
go to the to the Kaaba. In fact, when I was in Hydra mode many
years ago, there was a debate amongst the scholars as to if
you're in Canada, do you go that way over the globe, or this way
over the globe? Facing the facing the carbon anyway, we must face
the carbon anyway on the world. You must face the Kaaba. But when
you are inside the Kaaba, you face everywhere else.
Have you ever thought about it?
You own the world? You face the Kaaba. But if they opened the door
of the Kaaba for you and allow you to go inside the Kaaba to pray to
for example, salata nephila, which direction are you going to face,
you can face any way you like.
And this is so important that when we journey on this journey of Hajj
that we don't have this fantasy that
I'm only going to be holy, in the holy places. I'm only going to be
mindful and conscious of Allah. Why because I'm by the Kaaba is if
ALLAH can only see me by the Kaaba, as if Allah is only more
aware of what I'm doing by the Kaaba.
And that when I journey back home again, then it's business as
You see, why is it called? Al haram?
You will often people you will hear people translating the word
Haram as sanctuary. Why is it the sanctuary? Why is it sacred?
Because it's forbidden.
It's forbidden. It's a Forbidden City. That's the right word to
use. It's a Forbidden City. We are forbidden if you go you can look
it up. See all the things
Things that one is forbidden from doing. If you're in the Haram of
Baca, or even in the Haram of Medina, for that matter. It's a
haram. Al Haramain is shady fame
to forbidden cities. Ashura haram. Why are they called? Do we just
call them the sacred months? No, the other forbidden months, we are
forbidden from doing certain things in those months.
In fact, evening, Jerry Lee agree. They were not allowed to fight in
those months. And then even the time of when our beloved Prophet
Muhammad Salah Salem came, they were not allowed to fight in those
And then what happened afterwards, according to the Jamaat, according
to the majority of Scholars is that was abrogated, but still they
are forbidden months for that thirdly, mu C in unphysical. Allah
says when he speaks about a national haram in the Quran, he
says at the end Do not oppress yourselves they in
and that's why when one goes on Hajj one is doing it in the sacred
months, in the most sacred of places,
sacred months forbidden months in the Forbidden City. So we are more
careful, we are more mindful of Allah subhanho wa taala. And what
this is supposed to do to us is supposed to rejuvenate that
consciousness of ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada, refreshment.
Because remember, we haven't been commanded to worship Allah
subhanaw taala except for one reason, except for one reason.
Also, Natalia says it very clearly in the Quran. Yeah. Are you a
nurse your booty Rebecca, Olivia. Well, levena mean publikum lolicon
O mankind.
worship your Lord who created you and those who came before you, in
order that you might be conscious and mindful of your Creator.
So every time we make Salah, we enter into a state of haram.
That's a forbidden state. While you're making Salah you are
forbidden from eating, drinking, talking
other than the altcar of the of the Salah, but you cannot have a
conversation. If you're near. If you say something
with a knee of Kitab with a NEO of addressing somebody else in your
mouths, then your Salah is null and void. So you're in a state of
Iran. That's why the first Takbeer is called to Kabira to a haram.
When you say Allahu Akbar, you are now in a forbidden state.
forbidden from doing certain things until you say a Salam
aleikum wa rahmatullah then you're out of your home again.
Likewise, in the month of Ramadan, could you barely Kumasi I'm Kemal
kuchibhotla Levina main company comme la Lagune tekun Fasting has
been prescribed for you just like it was prescribed on those that
came before you, in order that you might be conscious and mindful of
Allah. In the Hadith for either Cornejo somewhere had to come. So
if you need your fasting on a particular day, for your
fourthwall is hub, then let them not engage in any obscenity or
vulgarity or any confrontation or argumentation. We're in Saba, who
had an O cartella, who failed to call in Nimue. On saw immune and
if anybody insults the fasting person or wants to fight with a
fasting person, then let them say I am fasting.
So fasting also is a forbidden state that we are in. We are
forbidden from eating, drinking, having intimate relations with one
spouse between the forbidden state. I mean salah, a forbidden
state in CRM, a forbidden state hunch, which is a combination of
all the Riba that
hajj is a combination of Salah and cm we have the first
10 days of the ledger, which the first nine except for our for the
Hajaj the Hajaj do not fast when they are on an alpha but the first
eight days for the Hajaj very great for them to to fast, praying
the Haram getting 100,000 salam for every Salah mashallah fasting
inshallah so to be multiplied by Allah sadaqa to be multiplied by
Allah subhanaw taala and then we go and stand on on Arafa Java.
And this is all about in this state of haram. When we go into a
haram Allahumma Indianoil hijo haram to be healing later Allah
again, going into a forbidden state cannot cut my hair to my
nails. So many things we cannot do. So in that forbidden state, we
become more conscious and mindful of Allah.
But now we have to go home.
Allah doesn't just see us
The Kaaba will Allah in machico one Muslim for at number two
for sama wotja Hola to Allah belongs the Eastern the West. So
wherever you turn, you will find the countenance of Allah subhanho
wa Taala wherever you turn the technical Salah yes we have to
face the Kaaba. But according to you have an ibis? Will Allah Hill
machine to well Marguerite where was this revealed? This was
revealed when Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed will call up or
Bukom with your only a steady blue comb, and your Lord has said,
Pray to Me make dua to me request of me, and I will answer your
requests. So they want you to know where
where do we pray to Allah? In which direction do we make dua to
Allah. And so this verse was revealed that's one of the one of
the rewired with regards to the Tafseer of this verse, the other
rewired as well. But one rewire with regard to the Tafseer of this
verse, that Allah subhanaw taala then revealed when they wanted to
know where do we make dua, in which direction do we make dua?
Well, Allah Hill machinery to one
to Allah belongs the east and the west. So whether we are living by
the Kaaba, Are We Living in the furthest tip of, of African
continent, we're living on the north or the south pole, we're
living in Timbuktu or New York or Sydney or Perth, wherever the case
might be. We have to be conscious and mindful of Allah subhanho wa
taala. I think this is the most important lesson for the judge
is that when we returned from this journey?
In actual fact, that's a contradiction in terms.
Because Arafa is the first day of the rest of our lives.
And the beautiful part is that if we do slip up, if we do make a
if we do, make an error,
sin, disobey Allah,
does it mean all is lost, and we have to go back and stand out over
again, apply to soak in, in the hope that the mighty creditors.
Why because we felt that we spoiled our hunch after leaving
Arafa Koyomi when a debt to Omaha tuna, and he's a big worry for the
for Judge. When had you Well, I'm your football and we have Socata
gym in Dooby Koyomi. When added to the person who performs Hajj,
without any obscenity of our guarantee,
without any transgression or corruption, they will exit from
this since like the day when the mothers gave birth to them.
We leave alpha with a clean slate, Allahu Akbar like a newborn baby.
So now what happens when you make a mistake? Could lupini Adama
Walker it will help in a tug of war. All of mankind makes
mistakes. And the best of those who make mistakes are those that
repent and return to Allah subhanaw taala. So we just need to
remember that consciousness. What about the person that never gets
the opportunity to go for Hajj? Does anyone have a human
opportunity to be conscious and mindful of Allah, a burden, a
burden? In actual fact, the people that live right by the Kaaba, I
believe there is a great test on them.
A great test on them, or even those that go every year. There is
a great test on them because what happens if they take it for
And that maybe they're not so conscious of Allah where they come
from? And now because they're going to Makkah every year, they
take it for granted and they're not even conscious of Allah by the
What about those people? May Allah Allah make us of them? I mean,
tomato Muslimeen My time is up.
I leave you
with some words that I wrote last year for the Hajaj which I think
sums up what I'm speaking about.
It's a little poem
and it goes like this AsSalamu alaikum O guests of Allah. To you
I say fear Manila. Remember all the smiles you brought? Remember
all the lessons taught? Maca is your home my friend, and abode of
peace until the end, round and round the house you went. A
spiritual flow from above was sent as brothers and sisters solidly
bound, glorifying the Creator. In a single sound. Gathered we work
from every pot, like veins connected to a single heart,
rejuvenated, we now return, being conscious of him, our highest
concern, expressing our love for every pure soul, for that will be
gathered. That's the ultimate goal. The day of the call we are
those who have loved come and rest in my shade for my love that
you've loved. For indeed for that love that you've loved one another
I love you my servants for your loved for no other and now return
as a new baby born purified of sin, without any scorn
waiting for the day went to Him we shall go for an accepted Hajj we
shall reap what we sow. So let us continue to So of all gains,
preparing our garden that forever remains. I love you oh Muslim for
the sake of Allah, I'll meet you in Jannah in sha Allah wa salam
aleikum wa rahmatullah.
Sit on Wiley kumara Khattala here
Hi Jana
Hi Jana
hi Jana?
hamdulillah here are Bill Alameen rub your Obeah Sutter Are you
still are you been here because of the new fields and Obinna your OBM
of original Kuru before rich koruba era bei lemon who you will
be kina Sharma Homina Homina are gonna hop back on your checkbook.
We'll have Bammel in your Caribbean Illa Hogberg. Here ally
member health take your career on behalf PICCHIO Latif on behalf
click Alt have been the majority Himachal Pradesh in Kerala
coalition in Kaduna, what I shall do are the ILA in long long, Yemen
be dunya who struggle with Rahul and moto turbo Titan? Cobra
newclimate What should I do Anessa you don't want to be you know,
we're all human No, have you been a Muhammad Rasool Allah but Allah
Rizal our adult Amana wanna Salama waka shalom, which I had a
Philippi haka jihadi had a terrible Yaqeen Bella Bella Allah
become a legal cashier for deja vu Gemma Lee alguma Jimmy ofhis Ali
he is solo Allahu alayhi salam ala Kola, Ahuja ILM alHuda Lahab
button nessa Wilma Nahata Alan Akel Hannah in battle for Yahama
and Islamic Rasul Aqeedah. Inner Circle Curam is tomorrow Mary Isla
Mercado Humala, Anna Tabata, Cosmo Viki Toby Hill Aziz, are there
also bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Cada Nura Terkel, Luba
wotja hiccoughs if Elena one Lian Nica Kybella tem Tara for Wen li
YJ healthcare shutaura the Masjid Al haram well hi Suma can tune for
one new word you have come shutaura So the colada what is the
sofern Illa markethill Makara Rama what is the honey? l Caraval?
Masha Rafa Illa Aina toward Jaya fair hotel affordable low to the
burner. How the * masala lava Jana under heavy Rolla litharge
deed touch dde mommy email email Nina. Well, let me
When it hdwd Nayla Taqwa Lila he has a version for in Hassan Isla
de Luca, lower jedna Allah admin kuliah rebirth amaron ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tiana vikita Bill Azeez viajeros bIllahi min ash shaytani
R Rajim yeah Johanna shortbow Dora back home and let the Halacha come
while lady Nermeen Kamala Kamala Alaikum taco or Oh to become in
Hoonah que la Hana mama Dada Kumar Hana Hana madrasa to Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yaku Luffy al Habib Al Mustafa Al
Purulia blur with Dimboola user with the jambalaya mode ml machine
to come out to dinner to Dan while you're cooler a bar could lupini
Adam Mahato on work little hotter in a tow boom
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Shula Illa Allah Allahu Allah you
saw the Hain ye shall do unnecessary you didn't know
whenever you know while the minute What have you been a Muhammad
Rasulullah her term will Ambia he will mursaleen my bad for you will
Muslim Moon will see common FCL mas inhibitor olumba Takala Allah
Allah authority for kadakkal Allah Allah fie Kitab al Aziz, bad
brother bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Here you had ADINA, I'm
gonna talk Allah haka, Ducati. Well attimo tuna illa Anta Muslim
Moon Okada kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it
tequila Hi toma couldn't
tell Hasina tempura waka La Condesa Holyoake in Hassanein what
zero arriba Allah may not Salatu was Salam ala UD Wahhabi Bucha
Nickleby Muhammad into boo boo boo well I'm Phil Abba Danny when she
failure when order Allah Saudi well Delia in Allah homolytic FW
Soluna ala Nabi un Latina Amanu Sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima,
Allah Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad masala to Allah
Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim well Baraka Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Kamal
Baraka Allah Ibrahim Ali Ali Ibrahim Phil al Amin indica Hamid
Majeed are the Allahumma annual Coronavirus Eugene, Abu Bakr,
Muhammad Ali, Al Hassan Well, everybody will explain why
uncertainty early after you've been hearing well, I'd say this
Huberty a German barometer Dr. hamre I mean alum ISIL Islam I
mean, while we fondly call him a tale hockey with Dean Alonso
there's one in st Philistine of because the hospital near Abdullah
Al Amin Alamosa, Declan enough to share with you how to become
smarter to know a man almost with one another mustafina frequently
makan alumna someone with a bit academic Mirabella Alameen Allah
in the law yet Moodle will actually accent Eater is in Cuba
when her annual fascia it will monkey will belly no Kamala Allah
come to the karoun como la salata Camilla hammock Kamala Joaquin
are a lot of certain misto tells you to terrazzo certain color
suits for for comfort in atmosphere to soften minimum
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen r
Rahmani Raheem II Malik Kiyomi Dean Yucca or Buddha young kind of
stirring. Dino sit all Tottenham's stopping stepping Serato levena
Anantha I know him well, you will have to be either him or me
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem and her coma Dugu thought or had does or
to Moodle McCall be? Kana sofa Tyler Munna McCullough so fatahna
moon can No no talamona Animalia tiene la Tara one Jehane for
metadata one
thing from
neola ed 19 Green Hola Hola, como.
soy meal Allahu Neuman. Hamid
Allahu Akbar.
All about v. Smith Daniel Rothman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil
Alameen r Rahmani Rafi Murli. Kiyomi deen is young cannot or
Boudewijn young can a staring Do you not see all tall starting
Serato levena an untimely him? Why real love though behind him one on
me knee pain
Bismillah w rochman You're watching alumna Shura Hello Cal
sada rock while Donna Cal with
a lady called Wawa Hold on Come on over and now like I think crock
for in rural city you saw run in mama I lost three you straw for
either for all the telephone suburb where a lot of bigger four
Oh verb
Allahu Akbar
Sunil law Honeyman. Hamidah
hola hola como
hola como
hola hola
hola hola
Salam aleikum wa Rahmatullah Wa alaykum wa Rahmatullah
Mr. Who's gonna steal food alone is still a futile law.
allow men to sit down and consider them tomorrow together God crumbs
Americana waltz on the front of Roberto la crema. fibrotic Yahama