Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 19 April 20191440
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The Good Friday for Islam is recognized as the holy month for religion, and the COVID-19 pandemic has caused devastating economic and social impacts, including causing uncertainty and fears for future pandemics. The virus has also caused uncertainty and fears for future pandemics, with many speakers discussing the potential for future pandemics.
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Is a Good Friday for us at hamdulillah yomo. Juma the day of
Gemma of each Dima, of coming together in the house of Allah
remembering Allah, praising Allah worshiping ALLAH SubhanA Huhtala.
Every Friday is a Good Friday for us.
But in as far as our brethren in humanity, our brothers and sisters
in humanity,
from the Christian faith, they call it Good Friday for a
different reason.
For they believe that this was the day that
nabina ASA Ali Salam,
that Jesus Christ peace be upon him and yes, we believe him to be
the Christ. Kristus in Greek, Messiah, in Hebrew, mercy
in Arabic, who will mercy Alberto Maria, he is the Messiah, the Son
of Mary, and the Messiah purely meaning the anointed one, the one
chosen by Allah subhanahu wa taala.
And they believe that he was crucified on this day,
and that He died for their sins.
And the day salvation lies purely in believing in that,
and that's what they call grace.
But I want to know, where does this come from?
This Dawa, this propagation,
the so called gospel,
because we know that there is a certain nubby unary salad Salam,
he received al Injeel, from Allah subhanaw taala the gospel.
But is the gospel of Jesus, a very solid Salem and this gospel of
salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ? Is it the one in the
same? That's the question I would like to pose to us today in the
light Allah.
So as we begin every week, let's start from the Holy Quran. What
does Allah subhanaw taala say about this specific event?
Call Allah Tabata Kota Allah if he Kitabi collages brotherhoods
bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim.
We'll call him in cottonelle merci Seminarium
rasool Allah, wa Matata Lu hula salah.
bIllahi min Kim in
Qatar Liu who you're keen rasool Allah, Allah
Allahu Allahu alayhi wa can Allah Aziz and Hakima So doc, hola hola.
I'm quoting from Surah Nisa,
verse 157, and 158.
The last one that Allah says, And they word referring to, to who to
the Jews, Allah hood
and they word that we killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary the
messenger of God
well market Allahu wa masala boo, but they killed him not
nor did they crucify him, but it was made to appear. So if you go
into the top see if if you go into the Tafseer of Alabama Tabari
alone, you will see all the different aquatic all the
different opinions of what it means that it was made to appear.
So they killed him not nor did they crucify him, but it was made
to appear. So bottom line is we believe that he wasn't crucified.
That's the bottom line. But I'm not going to spend two days
talking about all the Fila fat binary lemma inner between our
scholars about what that exactly means was a Judas that was hanging
there. Was it somebody else Allahu Allah, may Allah and Allah Allah
knows that which we do not know. But the bottom line is
My Allah whom behave in Ireland, they have no certain knowledge
about this, that they killed him or crucified Him in the tibia as
on except speculation. Why? Why speculation because they were no
At that hour when he was taken by the Roman soldiers, I'm quoting
from the New Testament, they all forsook him and fled. The old
deserted Him, they all ran away. So they were no eyewitnesses.
While Mark kata knew who Yochanan they killed him, not with
certainty, they have no certainty about the fact that they killed
him about the fact that they crucified Him. So whether it was
somebody else that
was made to look like Jesus because it does come in even in
the Jewish Scriptures that it looks like Jesus but it doesn't
sound like Jesus. Well, certainly not when, what they quote him as
saying on the cross in Hebrew ilaha illallah Messiah botany, but
Hebrew for Allah, Allah Lima taarak 20 Oh God, oh God, why hast
thou forsaken me? That cannot be the words of a Nebby of Allah.
Because a prophet of Allah would never attribute oppression to
for seeking a prophet of Allah impossible.
And as we believe that maybe Risa
when he asked Allah subhanho wa taala, to remove this from him,
even as the Christians quote themselves in the New Testament,
that he went into the garden of Gethsemane, and he went a little
further, this is in Matthew, and he fell on his face.
If you go into the Bible, I'm including the Old and New
Testaments, you will find prophets and saints of God of Allah
subhanho wa Taala more than 50 times falling on the faces in
prayer Subhanallah as we fall on our faces 17 times a day times two
of one times 217 raka times to sujood gives us 34 times a day, we
as the owner of Mohamed salah, Allah Allah wa salam are falling
on our faces 34 times a day.
Well, Mercato Lu who Yochanan bar Rafa hula who Elaine but Allah
subhanaw taala took him up. Let's save them. I mean, even as they
quote, oh, my father and father Abba. Abba, in Hebrew is only a
term of endearment for God for Allah. It's not speaking about the
paternal father, ask any Jew, ask any Hebrew expert, if other means
father in the paternal sense when it is being uttered by nobility
silence Salam,
O my Father, let this cup pass from me not as I will, but this
die will Allahu Akbar, submission of your will to the will of God.
What is that in Arabic, we call that Islam.
And that's why he's disciples, also, Muslim moon. Want to get one
thing clear here.
When we speak about Islam,
we speak about an immutable faith. That is unchanged since the time
of our father Adam Alayhis Salam. And we also speak about a law and
the way that has evolved over time since the time of nabina, the
first messenger
right up until the combination completion and perfection of that
law and that way, with the final messenger Muhammad Abdullah
Abdullah Salah Torah.
So La Ilaha illa Allah, I've mentioned this before, this refers
to the immutable faith, the unchangeable Aqeedah that there is
none worthy of worship besides Allah. No Rasulullah for his time,
when he couldn't join them in kimchi, rotten woman Agia. And for
all of we've made for you for each and every single one of you, we've
made for you along the way. So time I've never you know, he
represented the law on the way so who's believed in Allah, Allah,
Allah, Allah and believed in the more and the way of no rasool
Allah, then they would have been the Muslim of their time, they
would have been the Muslim ummah of their time. Same with me, bro
Hey Manny, salaam, La ilaha illa Allah Ibrahim rasool Allah, La la
la la la this shows represents the immutable the unchangeable faith
in the Oneness of Allah. Ibrahim Rasulullah. He represents the law
and the way of his time. And the covenant that he took with Allah
and circumcision for the first time. He represents for his time,
the law in the way so anybody who would have believed and followed
Ibrahim alayhis salam, he would have been of the muslimeen of his
time, likewise should not be Musa Musa alayhis salam Rafi receives
the Torah from Allah subhanaw taala. He now represents the law
in the way so ever believes in Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Musa
rasool Allah, he would be of the muslimeen of his time.
Robin our Jana Muslim Nene laka I mean, Maria Tina, or methan Muslim
Tilak Allah and people still want to talk about Islam that it
started in Arabia in the seventh century. No, but he What does he
say? Oh Allah make us my self and my son is Marian Robina. Regina
Muslim any luck of the building the the Kaaba rebuilding the
Kaaba. After it was destroyed in the flood. Allah showed him the
place of the house with Bo Brahim, a mechanical bait and call to mind
when we showed Abraham the place of the house. So I
Abraham and Ishmael Ibrahim Ismail Allahu wa salam, they rebuild the
Kaaba. And then they make that to Allah make us those who are
submitting and surrendering to you. Mostly mainly luck will mean
Zuri Athena and from our progeny
Oh methan Muslim atta luck, a Muslim nation a nation that
submits answering this to you. What arena Munna siquiera elaphiti
and show us how our rights and obligations
so we have from the be Brahim after Allah subhanaw taala blessed
him with his mareel Allah gave him his heart and from his heart
Yaqoob and from Jakob they are spot the 12 from which we get Bani
Israel, Israel being the nickname of Yaqoob, Israel, meaning
Abdullah, the servant of God.
So tomato Muslimeen Islam has always been there.
Islam is the immutable faith, but the law and the way has evolved,
completed and perfected with the last and final messenger Muhammad
Rasool Allah is Allah and just before him, there is a Salam. If
you were in the time of Nabi Risa, and you said La ilaha illallah or
ISA rasool Allah, in terms of your belief, that you believed in the
terrain and the Divine unity of Allah subhanaw taala, as indicated
till this day in the Dilek declaration of faith, the Shama of
the Jews, they say Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu Adonai effort
here, oh, Israel, this is the quoting who Musa Moses here, oh
Israel, meaning the children of Israel.
Shama you Salah and Shama and summer, Arabic and Hebrew, a
sister languages here is smart, Shema Yisrael, Adonai, Eloheinu,
adenoid asset here of Israel that your Lord God is one God is that
what does that sound like? 100 cool, who Allah who had a shirt,
you know, as a bagel, so that bagel, one bagel, it's got a
heard, say he is God, the One and Only
Gela fear Allah. So that faith is immutable, that faith hasn't
changed. When he recently said, I'm came to bring them back onto
the straight path of Allah, and to put back the rule, to put back the
spirit of worship into the rituals. Why? Because the rituals
have become void of spirituality, if we're just going through the
motions, but they were breaking all the laws and committing all
the wrongs. So we came to restore that.
And so when I was one of Dallas speaks about the ISA or the you
Salam, and he speaks about the how're ye in the disciples in the
Quran? What does he say? What is Callery Cebu Mariam, Lil Howard
ina min Ansari il Allah, Colin Howard a union Agnew and Salah and
Billa was Heather B Anna, muesli, moon
and call to mind when Jesus the son of Mary said to the disciples,
who are my helpers calling to God. The disciples said, We are your
helpers according to God, we believe in God. I'm translating
Allah as God here for the specific purpose of us. Learning how to
address our Christian brothers and sisters in humanity that we might
establish as almost volatile. Allah commands us Kalia al Kitab
to ILO Illa Kelly Martin Sawa in banana webinar que se O People of
the Book come that has come to common terms between us and new
Allah, Buddha illallah, that we worship none but God, Allah
subhanho wa taala, the God of Abraham.
So Allah subhanaw taala specifically says here,
when it's called a seven year old, however, in a man I'm sorry, Illa
Allah, and when Jesus the son of Mary said to the disciples, Who am
I help according to God? Who am I help was calling to Allah, the
disciples said, We are your helpers, calling to God, we
believe in God, and we are submitting and surrendering to
But how is that translated into Arabic language? Because that's a
big problem with us. When we speak English in our Dawa we often leave
words like Islam, and Muslim and Muslim when I'm translated. And so
to the Christian or the Jew that we are inviting. It doesn't make
sense to them. Yeah, let's want to call it specifically says that the
disciples who says Peter and James and Jude and Barnabas and John and
Steven elaphiti,
which had to be another Muslim on and be a witness that we are
mostly moon, meaning that we are submitting and surrendering to the
Oneness of Allah subhana wa Tada. So, this is Islam. And this is
what it means to be a Muslim. If you want to be a Muslim Now, then
you have to say La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu
Time for isa isa Rasulullah. Time of Musa Musa Rasulullah Tama
Ibrahim Ibrahim Rasulullah tema have no have no holosuite Allah
but now in order to be a Muslim you have to say Muhammad Rasul
Allah. You have to follow the way and the law of Muhammad Rasul
Allah that was given to him by Allah subhanaw taala and the way
the Sunnah, the law coming from the Quran and the Sunnah the says
she writen woman Hijjah the law and the way
that Allah subhanaw taala when he was standing in our face in Le O
Matic, Mel to the convener come to attempt to ally Camilla Mati, what
are the political Islam Medina, on this day I have perfected your
religion for you,
and completed my favor upon you, and chosen for you as your way of
life. total submission. I didn't say Islam because I'm speaking
English now. So we must translate everything and chosen for you as
your way of life, total submission and surrender to Allah ie Islam.
That's what it means. And this is how we have to engage. We are
calling them back. We are calling the Jews and the Christians back
to the origin of their faith from which they faith has now deviated
the original faith of la ilaha illa Allah now being perfected
culminated and completed with Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam and that's why our beloved prophet Salah Salem makes
it very clear his messily well method MBA in comedy commercial
theologian, Banner beaten for axon who works
for John ilium ODI Lebanon in Visalia for Jelena co2 funa.
Holder. Yeah, gebouw Nila yaku loon handler with the attorney he
levena Carla sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for an Albena were Anahata
Munna being sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says the likeness of
me. And the likeness of the prophets who came before me is the
likeness of a man who built a house, built it well and makes it
beautiful, except for one missing brick in the corner of the house.
Look at the humility except for one missing brick in the corner of
the house. Then he made the people go around the house, being amazed
by the house, saying, When is this brick going to be placed? He then
said, I am the brick, and I am the seal of the prophets sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam he didn't say I'm a big boulder that's gonna come
demolish the other house to build a new house.
Said No, I'm just the last brick before him the second last brick
so before in the third last brick before in the fourth last brick
Zakaria going all the way back to Illa abena.
Allah He was Salatu was Salam on them on all the prophets in
Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala be the choices salutations
blessings and peace me.
So this is the deen of Islam Gemma Tomasi. So when we are speaking
about Isa, we are speaking about one of the hola Assam one of the
mightiest messengers of Allah one of the five who had the greatest
resolve, No, Allah Islam the Prophet Noah, peace be upon him.
Ibrahim on a Salam Abraham peace be upon him, Musa Moses on a Sudan
peace be upon him, or Isa Jesus peace be upon him and they'll be
you know Muhammad Hydra salatu salam ala they are called kulula
hasm The five mightiest prophets and messengers of Allah subhanaw
taala, who had the greatest resolve and perseverance in
fulfilling the service and duty to Allah and to mankind to whom Allah
subhanaw taala symptom
but you are Muslim in
if we see, and we don't say this with any hatred in our hearts, we
don't even say this when they need dislike in our hearts for the
people themselves. Yes for the ideology. We detest any ideology
that associates partners in the worship of Allah subhanaw taala.
But the people themselves we must have Shabaka we must have Chaka in
our hearts, we must have compassion and mercy in our
hearts. In other words, we must have empathy for them in the sense
that we must love for them what we love for ourselves, the truth ing
moto Muslimeen for 18 years of my life, I did not know the truth
Alhamdulillah Allah guided me to the truth. So how would it be that
I wouldn't want others who come from the same ideology or from the
same background? Wouldn't I love for them to also find the truth?
Wasn't that the main aim? Wasn't that the main mission wasn't that
the main purpose of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu was
to save people
to rescue them from what might become of them if they die in the
state. So Jamal muslimin we need to like we spoke a few weeks ago,
getting our priorities straight and doing the work that we all
have been designated
and assigned by Allah to do to carry the flag of Allah illAllah
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu.
So when we address them, we address them in that fashion, an
not just an invitation, but with wisdom and good speech or LSVT Big
Bill Hikmah will know where is it till Hasina, which didn't hum
bility here so called towards the path of your load with wisdom and
good speech and debate with him that which is best. And when I say
debate as a lack of a better translation, I'm not speaking
about the type of debate that we see today. On stage we it becomes
us versus them like a competition. And this one is trying to outdo
that one. And to make this one look like a fool and to embarrass
that one and belittle this one. No, nothing good comes out of
that. But I'm speaking about dialogue, pure dialogue. Tylo comm
Illa Kelly, Martin Silva in Benin, our let's come to common terms.
Let's analyze even in the Old Testament, it is very clear Come
let us reason. Come let us reason. Remember the TOG Rafi who
in the Torah there is guidance and light. You telling me all that
guidance and night was extinguished? Now? You heard the
phone call Kenny Manuel Dari? Yes, they corrupted the text.
They took things out of context.
And they even added things in by themselves for Whalen in Lithuania
to Brunello Kitabi ID him from Morocco Luna Herman and de la sol
will be to them who write the book with their own hands and they say
this is from God leash to be feminine kalila in order that they
might trade with it for a miserable price for way too long.
mimma Ketubot ad him way too long member exe boo. So we'll be to
that which they write and won't be to that which they have earned. So
yes, it has been corrupted, things have been editing things have been
taken out. Context has been corrupted and tampered with. But
if you go through the Old Testament you will still find in
Isaiah 4546 I am God and there are none else but me sound familiar?
And Allah hula Illa Hola, Anna. I am God and the analysis of BS in
the Quran. So we need to call them back to the original his the
original Torah is gone. The original Injeel is gone and in
between the original Cebu is gone, which is given to an ABI Dawood
Ali salaam, but we have the Quran, which is what the Bohemian what is
Mohammed Elmo, Haman, if you go to a factory, and you have a
production line,
who is the last person before the things are packaged? The last
person in the production line before the item is packaged the
quality controller? Exactly, that's what the Quran is. The
fourth con, the criterion, the differentiator between top and
bottom between truth and falsehood. So the Quran tells us
what of the previous scriptures is true. And what of the previous
scriptures is false. While more Haim in an IDE, it acts as a
quality controller, it's sifts, it serves between that which is true,
and that which is false. So here we have a verse that Allah
subhanaw taala is telling us that indeed, the idea that Jesus was
crucified is false.
And that, indeed, they did not kill him with certainty. It was
only speculation, as we know, they were no eyewitnesses. At that
hour, they all forsook Him and, and fled his closest companions,
his disciples. So where does this idea come from? And not just the
historical fact that they are claiming? They're claiming it to
be an historical fact that he was crucified? We are saying no, the
Quran says otherwise. But the idea as part of a doctrine, believing
that He died for mankind's sins, where does this come from? It
never came from the actual propagation of Jesus himself. If
you go to the, what they call the regulator Bible, we only the words
of Jesus are, are quoted. You never ever see him saying, I am
God worship me. You never, ever seen saying that I'm the begotten
Son of God. You never ever see him saying that I am one in three with
And I was born to Allah confirmed confirms this as complete and
utter blasphemy which a prophet of Allah would certainly not ever
mention. Look at the cover on Medina Kalu in Allah fairly Sedef
indeed, they have disbelieved those that say that God is three
in one.
Well, the kaffir Alladhina Kalu in nulla, who will merci hablo Mariam
indeed they have disbelieved those that say that the Messiah, Jesus,
the son of many that He is God. They have disbelieved. actual
fact, when we go through the Gospels, we find completely other
statements where he says, for example, in Matthew, He says, When
the man came to him and asked him, oh, good master, tell me of
something that will grant me eternal life. In other words, tell
me what I can do to go to heaven.
So Jesus answers him, says to him,
Why call us thou me good? I'm quoting from the New King James
Version, you know that old English? Why call us thou me good?
There is only one who is good and that is God. And if he was God,
why didn't you say then in there? Yes, I'm good because I am God.
And we never said that. In fact, he said, The Father is greater
than I, The Father is greater than all of my own self, I can do
nothing. Even Peter testifies, he says, Jesus of Nazareth, a man
attested to by God through whom God worked great wonders and
Of course, because all the miracles that were ever performed
by any of the prophets were only performed through the leave and
permission and power of Allah subhanho wa Taala whether it was
Nabi Musa alayhis salam splitting the Red Sea, and whether it was
gonna be Soloman commanding the spirits, and the birds and the
jinn, whatever the case might be, or whether it was to be recited
salaam, healing the blind and the lepers and fashioning a bird out
of clay and breathing life into it all through the leave and
permission and power of Allah as an element of persuasion that the
people of his time I believe in His message.
This is how he spoke of my own self, I can do nothing.
So where does this idea come from tomato Muslim.
And I want to first underline a effect in Christianity. Today,
modern day Christianity was from whatever denomination you might
be, except for some fringe denominations, that would have
completely totally conflicting viewpoints. But the general
consensus amongst the main denominations of Christianity, is
that the crucifixion what was supposed to have happened?
What was
what was supposed to have happened on this Friday, as they call Good
That this is actually the bedrock of mainstream Christianity. And
I'm going to quote to you
I'm going to quote to you from Paul and why Paul, in fact, he's,
he's the main guy in this whole conspiracy.
You know, remember gurbles, the head propagandist of Hitler? What
did he say? He said, the bigger the lie, the more people will
believe it. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
And because when you really, and most of my research I can tell you
about Paul is done or has been done by Christian scholars
where they have really studied the Gospels, and studied the letters
of Paul because the New Testament is made up of 27 books, of which
14, Hebrews this difference of opinion, of which 14 are
attributed to Paul, who was Paul, Paul, his name was Saul.
He was born in Tarsus in Greece.
And Paul was a soul at that time, he was a persecutor of Christians.
He was like your modern day version of the CIA, or MI six, or
KGB or Mossad, for that matter, but they're getting there was like
a spy, for the, for the syndrome, the head rabbis and for the Roman
government. So he would basically tell on the Christians, where they
were, he would Sofala who said Afrikaans, I was correct, pimper
Let me say, a pimp Furla. He tells the the Roman authorities exactly
where the Christians are, and then the Christians would be captured
and then they would be they would be killed. So he was a Greek
persecutor of Christians, until as he claims and you can find the
three versions of the story in the book of Acts, where Paul speaks
about his vision. Now, Paul wasn't a disciple. Please don't get
confused. Paul was not one of the 12. Paul never met Jesus in his
life. Paul never met Jesus in his entire life. But Paul, when he was
on his way to Damascus, on the road to Damascus, he claims to
have had a vision of Jesus.
And this was when he was a when he was so when he was a persecutor of
Christians. And he relates this vision in three different places.
One of the three narrations, he says that he saw a light and you
heard a voice, and the people around him saw the light but they
didn't hear the voice. In the other narration. He says that they
heard the voice but they didn't see the light. And in the third
narration, he doesn't say that they saw the light or even heard
Let the voice so three conflicting narrations of the story. And in
this vision of Christ, he says that Jesus is saying to him, oh,
Paul, why does thou persecute me? Why do you? Why does thou kick
against the pricks? And the Why are you fighting me? Why are you
fighting my message? And it is then in there that Paul says he
gave himself to this new faith over to this new faith, but what
faith? What faith? Is he preaching here? What gospel? Is he saying
that he has now received here?
Because now he wants to join for the lack of a better term, the
Jewish church, the Jewish Christian church in Jerusalem, of
the of the disciples, who was headed by who his half brother
James, why do I say half brother? You know, we don't have a Joseph.
We don't have a Joseph the carpenter in our narrative. But
does that mean that we say that it's impossible for them to have
been a Joseph, even the Catholic Church who believes obviously in
the existence of a Joseph the carpenter that was purchased to
marry but they believe that the marriage was never consummated? If
that's what they say, We don't have a problem. Because we like
they also believe in the perpetual virginity of of Maryam of Mary,
that that was never ever Allah Tala created maybe Risa without
the intervention of a father, and she is a lover all Batool the
Virgin maiden she remained so for the rest of her life. So as to
whether she was betrothed and got married to Joseph, Allahu Allah,
Allah knows best. It's not something that we have a problem
with. And the fact that he already had children like James and Jude,
which are considered to be the half brothers of, of Jesus. So
when Nabi recited Salam burapha Hula who Elaine, Allah subhanaw
taala took him up. And James became who he became the head of
that so called church temple, as Muslims who would say mosque why,
because Masjid Luxa is machine Luxa it has never changed. In
fact, if you look, and you can research this, the most authentic
and the strongest opinion about machine lochsa Is that it was
built by KNBR the militia 40 years as comes in Bukhari, between the
Kaaba and machine luxol. First we had them built the Kaaba in Mecca,
and 40 years later, comes Anabaena Houma, or Verona centers into
profits the last 40 years in between the two. He then built
machine lochsa in Jerusalem. And then the Kaaba was destroyed in
the flood and rebuilt by Ibrahim and is married it was Saddam, and
then Masjid Al Aqsa was only renovated and expanded in the time
of who nebula Sulaiman. So there's no temple of Solomon, Solomon
didn't worship in the temple. Maybe someday man, one of the
mightiest messengers of Allah subhanaw taala worshiped with the
Masjid Al Aqsa. So that's why this whole argument about you know, was
the Satanic Temple of Salah and what would you do for temple, if
you're talking about a surah the Glass Palace, that Allah subhanaw
taala gave to Nabil Sulaiman as an idea as a medical which was used
as an element of persuasion for Bill keys to come into the dean of
la ilaha illallah and that is gone that is destroyed the sir. The
Tsar has gone the palace but but should Luxor is Masjid Al Aqsa,
maybe the masjid in actual fact. What you see as Masjid Luxor or
masjid or Omar is actually referred to as the masala of Omar
because the whole mount is Masjid Al Aqsa, we get confused, we see
the competence chakra we see the dome of the rock that is not
Masjid Al Aqsa, no, it is on Masjid Al Aqsa, that grand mount,
which has been around since the time of Nabi Adam who built it and
then expanded and renovated by the viola Sulaiman Alehissalaam. So
let us not get confused about about Masjid lochsa. Nevertheless,
it was from Jerusalem, where the new message which had been brought
by Nabil recently salaam, that his disciples were now going out and
spreading this message, bringing the Jews back onto the straight
path if you like.
And Paul wanted to join this group,
but they didn't want anything to do with him.
In actual fact,
they had resisted until Barnabas convinced them one of the
disciples and Barnabas went to Antioch and he went and fetched
Paul, who was Sol now Paul is now converted, and they brought him
from Antioch all the way to to Jerusalem.
And he was inducted into the service of the new coal
And then he went out to the Jews and the Gentiles as you will hear,
spreading the message. But then something changed. And they
started hearing back in Jerusalem that the message that Paul is
preaching is not the message that we are preaching.
Because the message that they were preaching is the continuation of
the Mosaic law. They were preaching Tawheed that is not
worthy of worship besides the Almighty God, Allah subhanho wa
taala. And he was preaching something else. He was preaching
this trinity, he was preaching the Sonship of God, and he was
preaching salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Now I want
to share something with you that you might not have ever heard
before. And for me, this is the greatest proof that what Paul was
which is basically mainstream Christianity today is a made up
religion. I take you to
I take you to Corinthians
chapter one, verse 15,
where he speaks about
this salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ as being the
bedrock of Christianity. He says, Now if Christ be preached,
that He rose from the dead, how say among you, that there is no
resurrection of the dead. But if there is no resurrection of the
dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen,
then our preaching is in vain. And your faith is also in vain. You
see that? That's the bedrock of Christianity. If he has, if he
wasn't crucified, and he did not rise from the dead, then your
preaching is in vain and your faith is in and there's no
Christianity. Right? Okay. Where did he get this from?
I take you to Galatians.
Where he admits very clearly, and I'm because of limited time, I'm
not going to read I'm going to quote, not at verbatim but the
meaning they are from my memory, where he very clearly says, The
Gospel that I preach to you. Listen carefully. I have not
received of any man, nor ever I've been taught by anyone, except by
revelation from Jesus Christ. Listen carefully, what does he
say? This new gospel, Trinity sonship of God.
Jesus dying on the cross, for the sins of mankind, rising from the
dead, sea, this which I preach to you, I have not received from any
man. In other words, I didn't get it from James. I didn't get it
from Jude. I didn't get it from Peter. I didn't get it from
Barnabas. I didn't get it from John of Zebedee. I didn't get it
from Stephen. I didn't get it from anyone. Nor have I been taught by
Where did he get it from? If he's preaching the gospel of Jesus?
Shouldn't he get it? If he never met Jesus, then where's the next
best place?
from the, from the disciples of Jesus, from the disciples, but
he's saying I didn't get it from any of them. In other words, this
is not what they believed. This is not what they taught. This is not
what they preached. I'm making it up.
I did not receive it of any man, nor was I taught by anyone except
via Revelation, Revelation, Paul, are you a prophet? Do you receive
revelation? Right? Where are your signs? We are your wonders. And
even if he had one dozen signs, by the way, in Deuteronomy, very
clearly, in the Old Testament, that if any prophet or dreamer of
dreams are poor, wasn't a prophet, we know that, but he was a dreamer
of dreams. That's how he claimed to have come into the fold through
a dream through a vision, calls to worship gods other than God, then
He shall be killed, his penalty will be death, even if he has one
dozen signs. And here Paul is calling to a completely different
Akida have completely different belief system. And he has no one
does, and he has no signs. I mean, I don't use myself as an example.
But can you imagine if any Imam here in Cape Town had to stand up
on the Jumaa on the member, and he had to say to the Muslims, and
listen, Muslims, everything that we as an ummah have been believing
for the last 1400 years. You know, throw it away, throw it away.
Mohamed came to me in a vision, and he told me that this is your
new religion. What will happen to him?
That's what I do when you lose myself in this example. How would
you be I don't think can make it out of here alive.
This is what Paul is doing. Just I have not received this. I mean,
it's like saying, you know, I didn't get Islam from the tabby
Tiberian who got it from the terbutaline who got it from the
Sahaba who got it from
On Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah, who got it from salatu salam from
Jaipur era Sana who got it from Allah Wizzy. Salud. He's got no
chain of narration. He just making it up. Now listen to this.
He says, but being the Crafty fella, as I am, I'm quoting, you
can go check it out. There is a there is a website called the
Bible hub. Just go and do any search of any of the words that
you remember I'm saying and you will find it he says being the
Crafty fella that I am. It could feel a coupon cassette. I'm
telling you. That's exactly what he says. He says I caught you with
Guile, g u i l e, meaning chicory. I tricked you. And how did you
trick them? Well, he tells us in another place, I think this is
where he says that to the Jew I became as a Jew in order that I
might win some of them. And to the non Jew, I became a non Jew that I
might win some of them. And to one who follows the law. I'm like one
who follows the law even though I don't follow the law he puts in
brackets to win some of them. And to the one who doesn't follow the
law. I am one who doesn't follow the law. I am all things to all
men that I might win some of them.
What does that sound like?
100 monographic
all things to all men that I might win some of them you see, Paul's
argument was this listen, I'm giving them an easy way out. No
works. No works. You don't have to follow the law. In fact, he says
the law is a curse, and there's no time to speak about that. But
inshallah maybe on another occasion, he says the law is a
curse. He preaches exactly the opposite of what Nabil recently
said, of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him preached He, Jesus
Christ, Salah like all the Gambia before me said, I have not come to
destroy the Prophet. This is an Ibiza. This is what the Christians
quote him was saying, I have not come to destroy the prophets. Just
like our beloved Prophet Muhammad tell us he said I'm ill and the
last brick and the last brick. He didn't say I'm coming to destroy
the house. Now I'm coming to complete the house. Jesus said
exactly the same thing is Ali Salam. He said, I have not come to
destroy the prophets, nor to abolish the law, but to fulfill
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but not one dot stroke or
apostrophe will pass away from the law until all is fulfilled, which
is what, which is the revelation of the Holy Quran to Muhammad
Sallallahu sallam. So I said, I have many things to say into the
he says to His disciples, but he cannot bear them now. But when he
the Spirit of truth, I mean, we are all body and spirit. What
spirit is he speaking about the Holy Ghost now, in look, the Holy
Ghost already appeared to marry isn't talking about the Holy
Ghost, the Holy Ghost is
a real help to those who is speaking about them. And tell me
I've asked Christians up to this day, tell me one new thing that
the Holy Ghost brought in 2000 years, they haven't been able to
tell me anything, not even one word. So it is speaking about but
when he the spirit of truth come, He will guide you into all things,
everything you shall hear, he shall speak and he will tell you
of things to come.
Who is this? Young team member this smooth? Mohammed, you will
come off to me i Rasul a messenger of Allah, His name will be Ahmed
Mohamed Salah. So why, why Spirit of Truth? Show me in history. Any
man who by His arch enemies, always claimed that he was a
Saudi? I mean, that he was the truthful, the trustworthy show me
in history. Only Mohamed Salah Salem, by his arch enemies, when
he correctly is the emperor of Byzantium, when he asked Abu
Sufian is he ever told a lie?
What did Abu Sufian answer? He said, No, he's never told a lie.
And that was when I was Sophia and was a disbeliever a polytheist.
And we should check.
So indeed, Mohammed is the Spirit of Truth, everything you shall
hear he shall speak what is that? The Quran and he will tell you
things to come. Many things lead to coma. Sahaja the Zulu GBL and
americinn Nowadays I'm quoting this because Subhan Allah is
happening in front of our eyes. The eye will will not comes in
Mohamed Salah Salem, until the mountains are moved from the
places. Go to Makkah. Where's Jable Have you Kobus
the king's palace is on top of it. Well, half of it is gone. Where's
Jebel Ahmed there's a whole new project to the Hilton fame on the
Conrad has gone Where's Tjapukai Quan? Or are you currently a
tongue twister? Gone that mountain is gone they building new hotels
on top of it and then the Prophet saw some says is a writer marketer
boy jet cover inner
will be now have new other awesome jiba for cadaver Letsa
if you see maca was homes through its mountains and you see the
of Makkah being higher than its mountains, then the hour is nigh.
In actual fact, in actual fact, if you translate this directly for
Kedah Avila Tisa, it literally means the clock has cost its
shadow. The clock has cast its shadow. It's very sad after
maghrib salah, instead of standing and making dua in front of the
Kaaba and remembering Allah, people are turning around and
looking at the laser light show on top of the PSA on top of the clock
And he will tell you of things to come.
Jesus Ali Salam Nabi SallAllahu sallam, he was telling of the
coming of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, the complete and the
perfect and the combinator of la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad
Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam as for Paul, Allah
You know, there's a word for him in Afrikaans, my chronicity
he says, listen to this one. If the glory of God has a bounded
through my lie, then why am I still judged as a sinner? prati
Que le never converts. I've got the easy way. They must just
believe and they go straight to heaven. Is there gonna be some
preached? No. Faith works and grace. Paul only preached grace,
you must just believe commerce. Just come to church on a Sunday.
Just re acknowledge your belief in the salvation of the blood of
Jesus Christ and call us clean slate start ascending from Monday.
And with all due respect, not all Christians, not all Christians
have this, this ideology. Many Christians still follow the 10
commandments many Christians still follow the laws of the Old
Testament like Jesus, Allison Amna. nebi Salah Salem preached,
but many of them today, if not, the overwhelming majority of them
today are following this Pauline doctrine of just doing whatever
you like. And why is he saying, if the glory of God has abounded
through my lie, what he's saying this easy way that I've made up
this new religion, which is so easy, just believe in you saved?
If I'm getting all the converts, if I'm getting all these people
coming to the faith, what are you complaining about? Even though I
am lying, even though I am lying. So unfortunately, this belief
about this Friday being good Friday as in the crucifixion,
of Jesus Christ, well Cthulhu Rama soluble weather can should be at
home. So that's one of the analysis. They killed him not nor
did they crucify him, it is one of Paul's lies. And that's why
Christianity today should actually be called poly entity. Because in
off in the common error, meaning often a B, so after the birth of
the visa as they claim
325 was the first council of churches with Constantine who was
a pagan emperor, although they say that in 316, he had a vision of
Christ on the battlefield, and he became a Christian. But remember,
he was a politician. And he had an empire filled with pagans and
Christians. And he needed a doctrine that would bring the two
together. And that's why he chose Pollyanna city, at that Council of
Nicaea, which is in Anatolia in Turkey today. There was a great
you could say, enough difference of opinion between two main
schools, the one school was the school of the UN Athanasios,
efficacious nation's, the bishop of Alexandria.
And the other one was Arias who came from Libya. And as a nation,
he was the one that was promoting the doctrine of Paul and areas, he
was promoting the Unitarian doctrine, where his argument was,
how can you say that Jesus of God, when, before Jesus was he was not?
That was the argument that he used at this. But nevertheless,
Constantine chose the doctrine of Paul and his 14 letters were
included into the New Testament and added to the Bible, and that
became the first Holy Roman Catholic Church Catholic meaning
universal, it became the first Christian church, and which is the
largest still to this day, based on what based on the falsehood and
the lies which he admits by himself of this individual called
Paul, so no disrespect.
We need to speak the truth with wisdom and good speech. And we
need to invite our Jewish and Christian brethren in humanity
back to the original message of la ilaha illa Allah Minh letter
Ibrahima Hanifa. Khalsa duckula For tibia Romilda. Ibrahim Hanifa
say that God has spoken the truth and follow I was wanting to know
speaking to to Muhammad sallahu wa salam and say
Hello the pure way of Abraham what purity is that? Hanif and coming
from the word hand, which means I will mail to turn away from the
worship of everyone and everything besides Allah and completed and
perfected with the law and the way of Muhammad, Allah Allah Allah
Allah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so
weird that was them. And with that good speech, let us insha Allah,
fulfill our duty and share this message, share this information,
plant the seeds. Remember, we are not duty bound to make anybody
believe. That's why Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Rasulullah the
best of all creation couldn't even get his own uncle to believe in
the colada demon. When I came in Allah Demacia you do not guide him
you love but Allah guides whom it pleases Him to God. Let's just
give over the message and we try our best and to Allah believe the
rest Allahumma adrenal haka Hakan, was open Atiba Oh Allah make us or
show us the truth of the truth and make us follow as they have. Well,
Arenal bow Tila bottle and what Zuken HT Nava and always show us
the full suit of the falsehood and make us abstain as they have more
accurate data and and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam Wa
alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Oh, yes. Chicken. Okay, so inshallah Tada Laila tune Baraka,
which is on Saturday night Inshallah, we will gather here in
the masjid just for a short talk after maghrib Inshallah, just for
a short talk, and in fact, I want to prepare you with one word, with
one word is the one Hadith on which there is no dispute, which
is an authentic hadith, about the 15th Night of Shabbat is the night
in which Allah subhanaw taala looks at his creation and forgives
everybody except for the one associating partners in his
worship Allah Mushrik while Moshe and he was the Messiah hang the
one who has Schachner, the one who has had our the one who has
immunity, whether it be with your relatives, whether it be with
another Muslim, inshallah to Allah. This is in preparation for
Ramadan because how can we go fasting Ramadan? How can we ensure
that Allah Allah be filling up the tank of iman, repairing the shield
of Taqwa and yet we are breaking ties with our relatives and we
have anger and hatred in our hearts for another Muslim, which
is basically going to render our Ramadan literally fruitless, so
inshallah preparing for all those of you who might have had a
difference with insha Allah make your near to reconcile and make
peace before the 15th day of Ramadan that you might receive the
Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala and prepare ourselves for the first
thing of the month of Ramadan Raja Dhawan and handler Bill Alameen so
that's why they come rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
a shadow
a shadow
Hi I'm Jana
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
Arabiya set turbo boost to reopener, your bill of 30 zeros
and Obinna, your a BM of original Kuru before rich Kuru bunna your
Obeah Allah ml who you will be Kenosha Rama Homina Homina
aurizona Hogback will help them on your checkbook or herba ml in your
curry buena Illa Hubdoc. Here I remember how quick Jacobi Ron
beheld thick yellow tea from behind kick oil to VENA Bhima
Jarrah to be hidden makadi in Kerala coalition in Kadir what I
shall do Allah Illa Lor SallAllahu ADRA Wilma Giardia well he his
Sahadi well gee Bella was here Sally Rodham was done and Sal is a
hero another was sell cola che into small hamburger Surya for no
agenda the lady wanted the Surma then from how you roll up be your
juicer pathania Well I shall do unnecessary you don't know
whenever you know while demon our hobby burner Mohammad Rasool
Allah, but Allah azza wa jal Amana when Allah subhanaw taala Kashia
phenomena, Fila haka, jihadi Hatha Julio tiene Bella, become de
cashoffer deja vu Gemini he had OMA Jimmy, he saw He saw new Allah
he will levy Salah la Kola, who Ya I know men who the MaHA Bettina
Well mana Island ATL Hana
Yama tell Islam you are harassing Aqeedah Illa ne sera till Quran is
Maroma ulama kala who Maulana Tabata Kosmo V Kitab al Aziz, by
their own Billa bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim.
We'll call him in cottonelle. Merci. Hi, Sabina. Maruyama rasool
Allah Who Amal kata Lu Who am I Salah boo hoo, Anakin should be
alone. We're in the levena Stella foofy he left Isha came in man to
humble him in an electable oven. Wilma kata Lu Yaquina burapha Hula
Hoop la Willa Kern Allahu Aziz and Hakima so the Kola hula team for
your hotel affordable enough you had a love Buddha Anessa famous
Gulia Tina will see more him Martina another all if wanna feel
insomnia and NESARA and narrow the home and nurture a new ger home
what I normally do home where another home a little Huck.
walkathon, Allah Tabata Quwata Allah, Allah Subhanallah bakeable
hikma Well, now we're editing hacer una de l'homme bility he
arson will katawa cada kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam mesothelioma Senator Lambie I mean cobbly comers any Raju in
beneventan vajrasana YG Melo 5g Watch mela Illa Modi Allah
Benetint visa for Jada Nursia tupuna Hola. Hola. Yo Kowloon
Hello woody I turd in Lebanon for Carlos Allah Allahu alayhi wa
sallam for an Albena will Anahata will never be in for inshallah
Huhtala na Sol Allah to Allah Elijah Elena Mina Medina steamier
en el cola for your tebboune nerve center when Hakuna dua 10 il Allah
He Tyler are all to be come in Hoonah que la Hana Wilma Akuma
Hana Hana madrasa to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yaku
Luffy al Habibollah Mustafa Al be Rula blur wisdom Bula Yun ser with
Dr. Nullah mode ml machine to come out to Dan why your call a door
could loop in yada Mahato on worker it will hotter in October
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Chateau La Ilaha illa Allah Allah
Who will you saw him? Well I shall do Anessa you didn't know what to
be you know what I was even I will have you been a Muhammad Rasool
Allah her terminal Gambia even more serene and my bad for you
honey Muslim Moon we'll see come on FCL mas inhibitor I wouldn't be
talking Allah Allah Allah authority for Kottakkal Allah Tala
Nikita Vilas is where there was bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim.
Yeah, you Hala Dena amo Takala haka, Ducati. Walter Mouton. illa
Anta Muslim Moon Wakata kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam it tequila hyphema Conte were activated Seattle Hassan
Tamara wahala Canossa Hello Can Hassanein work through arriba de
la mina Salatu was Salam ala see the Wahhabi we will know the kalbi
Muhammad in tubal Kulu Viva
la Vida anniversary.
You thought you were northern Saudi? Well Delia in hola hola
Mila. Ekata who you saw Luna Allah Nebby Yeah, you heard Adina Amanu
Sallu Allah He was a limiter sliema Allahumma Salli ala
Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Kamal Salah Tada Ibrahim while Ernie
Ibrahim robotic Allah Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Kamal Baraka Ali
Ibrahim while early Ibrahima Filomena in NACA, Hamid and Majid,
what are the Allahumma and qualify Rashi Deen Abu Bakr Omar Osman
well Ali, or Anil Has anyone heard? Anybody will her name well
answered yeah he after you've been hearing well answer it so Huberty
ng Marine, we rock matricaria Amara Hamid Allah marizanne Islam
Muslim in what are the Masonic economy they'll have to deal all
of a sudden one and a few Philistine have because the
Herceptin Euro bill Alameen Allah Mahara Masjid the LOC Saman ad
Sahaja Yoga krummenacher Amin, Allah one Saudi Cardona fish,
halibut Hamsa Mara to Norman olam city one Anna Phil Yemen Wolfie
Libya with equally makan Allah wa salam with aka Damn omiana Blood
Amina about Allah in Allah yo moto Bill Adly well your son will eat
in Cordoba while you're in her annual fracture you will Moon
curry will barely hear the cupola and you'll come to the karoun humo
de la sala de como Hama, Camila la que masala.
Como la Gama to Samoa to a lot
in La La Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is
still attached to tarrazu SOTL Halal so, so forth for comfort in
atmosphere to soften into man of Salah heels in line shoulder
touching shoulder close all the gaps
please make sure that else all cell phones are on silent or
switched off
Allah Akbar
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen On Rosh
manual Rashi Minardi Kiyomi Dean, you cannot Buddhu a young kind of
stony didn't see it all total Mustafi co your auto Latina and
untidy him lawyer realm of Dubai him one of dawn on me
de F la Harmon Zanka weather Kairos small Rob b He false on
bail to zero and L higher dunya well fear or two Hi Ru Paul in
love feel so hopeful Gula Sophie Ybarra Hema wa Musa Allahu Akbar
semi Allah honeymoon Hamidah
Allah all ACOEM
Allah hola hola
hola all Agbo
Bismillah hir rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen of
Rahmani Raheem II MADI Kiyomi de Chien.
A young cannot produce a young kind of staring Dino see it all
tall Mustafi so you're all tall, Latina and untidy him while you're
in love, though we are hiding him when I'm on knee pain.
Bismillah R Rahman Euro
call our old OB Rob been Maliki
it in me shot really was swear sin can
levy you was sui Soufeel so don't in
mineral gene anyone
Allahu Akbar
somebody of law who the man Hamidah
Allah Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
Allah Allah
Sudan mwah aleikum wa rahmatullah
said Mr. de Coulomb What if not more, Mr. Fuller a lot of the
minister the funeral lot of the minister a lot of them into
Oberheim Allah de la ilaha illa who will who will carry on one or
two but when I said who do Batool mo Virata you know who who are too
well right. So not 100 Rama Lama Surya Allah so Allah Muhammad wa
ala Sayyidina Muhammad who was Herbie he will vertical Selim
Allahumma Anta Sinha, worming cos salam to Bharatiya they'll
generally when he Crom semi auto on off of Ronica Robina where la
calle merci Allahumma I didn't know when we're gonna deliver but
I didn't know ball till about