Riyadh Walls – Jumuah (16 June 2023)
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The importance of faith in the Christian community and the Holy Spirit is discussed, as well as the need for people to acknowledge and value their own rights and values. The discussion touches on the "light of the people of Easter" and the "light of the people of glory" that have been badly can't, as well as the "light of the people of Islam" and the "light of the people of Easter" that have been badly can't. The segment also covers various news stories and events related to Islam, including a brief advertisement for a woman named Missy.
AI: Summary ©
Hello Xena
Warwick mandala
a one?
If everybody can just stand up and come forward make the gaps in
between the so forth the length of an arm so that we can accommodate
the brothers that are still coming in today is a public holiday?
Ultimate *
all the below so Milani ministry Tanya rajim Bismillah R Rahman r
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa o Solly what will suddenly masala turn water Sleeman
le Callie Bhima kami Ameerul MBE mermell mousseline
I shall do Allah Allah Allah Allah Who will you solve the pain?
I shall do Anessa udana whenever you know what all demon our
Habibollah Muhammadan rasul Allah, her term will be even more serene
SallAllahu wasallam whether Ricardo had an OBE I mean, what
the he was a habit to he Laboriel May I mean
I'm about to see him in a cinema Alikum warahmatu Allahi wa
call Hello tomato to Isla if he could tell me he loves us but
either way we learn him in a show you Tanya regime.
Willa Willa deadfall, la Hindi nurse ba ba boom ba ba
la who demands Mira will be your own wa Salam wa tinware my said
you do you've got ofii has small law he cathedra
well the young Sologne Allah Who me young sudo
in hola hola Kawi Yun ice is. So the colada Lima
tomato Muslimeen Surah Al Hajj
verse number 14.
We are not yet by the 10
most holiest days for us in the year,
the 10 days of the ledger. We are about to enter that.
And although I've chosen to speak
on a verse from Surah to Hajj
in the Holy Quran, my topic is not about Hajj.
And I'm going to change the format of this priesthood but slightly
in the sense that I'm going to be translating
some of the terminologies that are used
for our other faith communities out there because this is a
message not just for us.
This is a message for all faith communities, in this country and
in the world.
Because what we are facing now Gematria Muslimeen is the greatest
existential threat
to faith communities.
Verse number 14, of Senator Hatch
we Almighty God, Allah subhanho wa taala.
Yes, God Almighty, the God who saved Noah and his family from the
great flood.
And who saved Abraham, from the fire of Nimrod.
And you saved Moses and the children of Israel, from Pharaoh
and his army.
The one
through whose power
and will
Jesus the Messiah,
the Son of Mary, perform great miracles
and the God of Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
who took him on that night,
from Masjidul haram
by the Kaaba in Mecca
to Masjid Al Aqsa to the first mosque built by Adam Adam Alayhis
Salam, and expanded by Solomon Sulaiman alayhi salam, in which he
laid the prophets as he said in the Hadith for a toonie feature,
Marathi middle Gambia and I saw myself in a group of the prophets
for either Hannity salah, among to whom and when the time for prayer
came, I led them
his last and final messenger
Muhammad the son of Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
So I hope that the other faith communities, particularly the
Christian community, and the Jewish community can find some
in what I am speaking about today.
Tomato Muslimeen
respected viewers of Hillel TV and all recipients of this message
Almighty God the God of Abraham
because our faith is worth Mila to Ibrahim, Khan, Sadat Allah, Allah
say to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Allah, say, O Muhammad,
that God has spoken the truth for Debbie Romilda to Ibrahim Hanifa
and follow the pure way of Abraham.
The pure way of of Toshi of dude
of belief in the indivisible Divine unity of
and worship Him and Him alone and associate no partners in that
He says in his final revelation, after revealing the Torah to Moses
on Mount Sinai, What tool do you see Nene imagine that Allah even
swears by Mount Sinai in the Quran. Such a great mountain it is
on which revealed that great book of his the Torah
and the Psalms, there's a board he revealed to dilute to the prophet
David peace be upon him and the Injeel that you revealed
to smbd Meriam to Jesus, the son of Mary
la salatu salam.
And then in this revelation,
the final revelation, the Holy Quran,
which God Almighty Allah to Allah revealed via Gabriel Gibreel Ali
salam to our beloved Prophet Muhammad fatale Anam Salah to
Robbie cerametallic, over 23 years in Surah tahajjud verse number 40.
He says,
Well Lola def Allah hiddenness
I've done the Arabic I'm gonna move on to the English
most important thing is that people must get the message.
He says, and if it wasn't for the fact
that God Almighty Allah Tala
repels the aggression of some people by means of others.
Destruction would have surely claimed monasteries, churches,
synagogues, and mosques, in which God's name is often mentioned.
And God will certainly support those who support him. Indeed, God
is all powerful, Exalted in Might
suck Hola Hola, Dima.
Indeed, God, Almighty Allah Allah has spoken the truth.
Tomato Muslimeen
Enough is enough.
So new cars for new
Cornella Cornella.
Your Terrier 10
Key fire key fire
will like us we can't go anymore.
We have now reached an impasse.
We have now reached a gridlock. We can't we literally can't go
any further.
What is being presented to us now?
And what has been presented and is being implemented
in other countries?
Allah it's absolutely frightening.
And not frightening in the sense that we are scared of Allah Allah
Allah, Allah Allah. We fear nobody but God.
Woman has she Allahu Allah, who will follow Jimmy caminho
and the one who fears God alone. God makes the entire creation fear
that person.
But it's frightening in the sense that we know and we've been
speaking about this in this masjid
for a long, long time,
about the trials and tribulations
about the Phaeton
kitchen lady Muslim like a dark night,
which I experienced ONCE UPON A TIME IN Somaliland in her Giza,
when there was no electricity at night,
and at the beginning, in the end of a lunar month, when there is no
if I walked to the masjid to the mosque,
in the morning for the dawn prayer for Salah to Fudger, I could
hardly see my hand in front of my face.
And then I realized what the Prophet was speaking about, that
there will come a time
when the believers
will be so ignorant of the religion, so ignorant of God,
so ignorant of his commandments
and the way in the life of his prophet and final messenger
that they will not be able to distinguish between right and
Good and bad truth and evil.
And so, the frightening thing is, who of us
are going to survive this?
And who of us are not? That is the frightening thing. That is the
thing that that we should be worried about?
Because what's going to become manifest now in this trial, and
tell us the tsunamis. Yeah, we already in it.
We've been speaking
about it for a long time for two g will fit for two rocky Kuba the
trial will come.
The next trial will make the previous trial seem insignificant
and what is the purpose of a trial?
Live learning Hasib Vanessa, you are your
hula, you've done well
for the 11 Hola Hola, Tina Sadako will the alamin they'll catch up.
So Blanca booth.
And if
this man can think that they're gonna say we believe,
and they just going to be left alone. And indeed We tested those
who came before them in order that Allah might make manifest that he
might expose, in order that God Almighty might expose who are
those who have fulfilled the covenant with him and who are
those who have broken and belied the covenant with him.
And in verse number 11 2011, Hola Hola, Dena Avenue.
When he Allah Manila
in order that Allah might make known and might make manifest who
are those who have truly believed, and who are those who are
hypocrites, in the eyes of God Almighty, Allah, Allah, Allah,
Allah said normal
said nobody
who he believed to be the greatest person to have walked the face of
this earth, the second greatest, the second greatest person to have
walked the face of this earth after the prophets and messengers
of Almighty God Allah Tala.
After setting Abu Bakr said no but can we consider him to be the
best? After the Gambia, after the Prophets and Messengers after
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, ala Radi Allahu Baraka wa
Taala and who
say Dharma
of wonder the Prophet sallallahu Sallam once said to him,
your Alma, theological
Alma, you are the light of the people of paradise located and
have been badly cannot.
If they are to being a prophet after me it would have been
Yet Omar
feared Allah feared God Almighty so much that he believed that the
fire of * had only been created for him.
And he was always hustling for the
for the 70 year man, the one who had the 70 names of the hypocrites
of Medina, he kept wanting to know is my name on the list
is my name on the list?
But he was not allowed to tell anybody.
And then in the Khilafah
in the success session of Cigna Abu Bakr during his reign as
Khilafah I shouldn't say rain, we don't look at
Khilafah as a sovereignity it is only the representation of the one
and only civility the serenity of God, Allah subhanaw taala but
during the time of Satan Abu Bakr, he still was bothering for the
phone. Have you found my name amongst the 17 hypocrites of
Medina. You refuse to tell him eventually when he became the
Khalifa? He said Bill, I
will have you found my name amongst the 17 Hypocrites. He said
yeah Miramont meaning ma de la antamina haChinuch T Mobile
sharena Bill gender.
He said. He said oh Commander of the Faithful.
The nicknames the nickname of Abu Bakr was khalifa to Rasulullah
khalifa to rasool Allah, the successor of the Messenger of God,
said Muhammad the chosen new nickname for him because they
couldn't call him khalifa to khalifa T Rasulillah, the
successor of the successor of Muhammad Salah son of the
Messenger of God, so he got the nickname Commander of the Faithful
Oh Commander of the Faithful.
Yeah, I mean,
I seek refuge in Almighty God from what you are saying.
You are the 10 people that have been promised Jana. Here the 10
people that have been promised paradise.
How can you be hypocrite
So, tomato Muslimeen let us not be too sure of ourselves. May Allah
save us? Allah save
our children.
Well, no, that should be
that should be the one
that should be the one. The title
not just of this talk of this movement.
have this pushback
The title should be save our children.
Save our children. Yeah Allah
so what do you mean
we can't Colossian Bella has been other sales zuba
Arabic beautiful language, mashallah Bulava says zuba.
You know, the, when the flood comes through the word he through
the valley in the desert, it reaches the top of, of the valley
or the banks of where that water is normally channeled. And if it
goes over, it floods the plane, it floods the plane colors. But let's
say the Zubur the plane is flooded.
The plane is flooded.
We can't anymore.
We've reached an impasse, we've reached a gridlock. As I said
before, this is the greatest existential, existential threat to
faith communities.
People have different moralities can coexist.
But you cannot have two opposing moralities.
For one people.
What did I say?
I see people of different modalities can coexist. But two
opposing modalities cannot exist for people it's like matter and
When they come together,
they will destroy themselves.
When they come together, they will destroy themselves. Now
this whole
LGBT queue alphabet soup
that we are drowning in
we need to dot the i's and cross the T's. We need to actually take
a breath take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
What is actually happening here?
if we are going
to allow
conventional morality to be done away with
and I'll come back to that conventional morality, what is
conventional conventional morality has been around for 1000s of
years. I mean in terms of Scripture, because that's what
they refer to. When they say conventional morality. They
speaking about what we would call Islamic, Judeo Christian values.
We have common values.
Especially when it comes to
the prohibition
of sexual deviancy, what we believe and nobody's going to
change that belief.
By because we have it in our Scripture.
And that scripture, la MOBA Delaney Kelly Murthy, it can be
exchanged with the words of God.
And as we believe the Quran is protected by God, protected by
Allah subhanaw taala in nomina, Zelina zikr we're in Allahu Allah
have you done, we have revealed this revelation and we are
and we are the protectors They have
much wisdom in respected viewers.
If we are just to speak about one particular letter
in the alphabet soup,
the letter G, which they refer to as being K K, you know, I went to
Sweet Valley Primary School in Berkeley, it was Berkeley.
And in our anthem we used to sing chattering children on the
highway. school bell is ringing through the morning, a Gailey. We
laughter, as they call Sweet Valley we are here. With gaming
gaming, happy Gailey meant happy, none of that's gone now because
you can't be gay anymore. That means something else.
The rainbow, according to the Bible was a sign of God's promise
and covenant
after the flood, that you wouldn't destroy Matt destroy mankind with
a flood again.
The rainbow is gone. Even the zebra crossing is gone has been
replaced by the rainbow.
Let me let me let me let me just get straight to the point here.
I'm going to warn you, it's a public holiday and I'm going to go
over my time and I know especially the brothers that need to go to
the toilet. Feel free to stand up and come back in Sharla. Don't be
ashamed. Don't be a
I grew up
in a white, English liberal society, I was born into a white
English liberal society.
My grandmother's first cousin was openly gay.
My mother's first cousin was openly gay. I went to a primary
school where they were to openly gay teachers. And I went to a high
school where there was one openly gay teacher and one openly
bisexual teacher.
Nobody arrested.
Nobody persecuted them.
But at no time ever, did they try and impose the lifestyle on
anybody else?
And therefore, and if they believed, because this is the
biggest problem, and I need to share this with you,
because if they believe
because this
is one of one of two things
a gay person, they've got two options basically, let me put you
let me quote you a book written by Madison and Kirk, two gay
They wrote a book called after the ball.
This was basically a book that was written for the gay community to
basically in inverted commas, clean up the act,
and present an acceptable portrait of themselves, to the community,
to the broader community to become more acceptable.
And so they arrived here
in this book, after the ball,
he says once a youth has confronted his gayness, look, I'm
not attributing this to all gay people.
I'm speaking from a gay academics perspective, and to in particular
Metzen and Kirk off to the ball.
Not painting everybody with the same brush. But this is what this
was the this was the advice to the gay community then said once a
youth has confronted his gayness, he has two choices. He can number
one, accept the received values of conventional morality and hate
Or number two step outside the conventional way of looking at
things begin to think for himself and form his own values. Realize
that Judeo Christian and including that Islam, because we believe
that Islam is the origin of Judaism and Christianity, that's
our belief. It's our belief. We don't impose that on anybody else.
Because we follow the faith of Abraham and the law in the way of
Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.
So he said, Number Two Step outside the conventional way of
looking at things begin to think for himself and form his own
values. Realize that Judeo Christian prejudice against
homosexuality is arbitrary, absurd and evil.
And by rejecting it, replace his self hatred with self esteem.
In other words,
like for example, the uncle that drinks too much
or the auntie that Gamble's too much, I mean, they know that
drinking too much, but only is bad for them. But coming from
conventional morality, it's a sin.
But you won't see the uncle, you know, trying to teach that to the
small children in the family, how to drink too much.
And if anybody says, you know, Uncle, you shouldn't drink, nobody
calls them an alcohol phobe.
Or if it tells the auntie, Auntie don't gamble,
they don't call her. They don't call them a gambling phone.
You see what is happening here. And this is where this whole thing
of tolerance
has completely been twisted and misconstrued. It's a fraud. It's a
fraud. We're not saying there isn't intolerance or even violence
against people committed against people of the LGBT community know
what happens? It happens.
But generally speaking, and I've said this the other day, for as
long as I've been in this community, I've never heard of an
incident where somebody from this community who proclaims to be gay
has ever been attacked, or persecuted.
Maybe ostracized. And that, you know, depends on the individual
and the family.
But what's happening now, is not just this is not about human
This is not about gay rights.
Everybody's so called human rights are protected in the constitution
of South Africa. This is about us accepting gay morality.
This is about us doing away with all conventional morality,
and then having it taught to our children in the school.
This is what the Bella, the basic education law amendment is,
is basically wanting to implement it hasn't been implemented yet I
believe public participation has come to a close.
But it still needs to debate it in, in Parliament. And I want
parliament to think very, very carefully about what is going on
and what they are doing.
Very, very carefully.
this can spell absolute disaster for us as a nation.
Absolute devastating disaster.
You see, this idea of conventional morality that I spoke about
The fact that we believe in God with a capital G, like you see in
the Bible, with a bee in the
Torah, never in Ketuvim of the Hebrew Bible, or the New
Testament, or even some translations of the Quran, you
will see, they will write God with a capital G, the God of Abraham,
the creator, cherish and nourish the sustainer, manager, controller
owner and ruler of every thing and everyone in the heavens and on
Now, this is the God that is mentioned in the Magna Carta
215, the supposin first bill of rights, we will differ with him on
that we will differ with him on that. I know the Quran was
revealed over 1400 years ago, and they were other revelations that
came before that in which the rights
of human beings were enshrined.
But nevertheless, in the Magna Carta, King John
is written here, John, by the grace of God, King of England,
Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy in Aquitaine, etc, etc. Know that
before God, for the health of our soul, for the health of our soul,
it's the Magna Carta.
George Washington 1789. He says,
the propitious smiles of heaven, cannot be expected on a nation. In
other words, you can't expect God to bless a nation that disregards
the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has
ordained. This is conventional morality.
1990 Irish declaration
in the name of the Irish people, we humbly commit our destiny to
Almighty God.
God with a capital G.
We, the people of South Africa, recognize the injustice of our
past, honor those who suffered for justice and freedom in our land.
We remember June 16, two days, the Soweto uprisings 1976 Not so
respect those who have worked to build and develop our country,
etc, etc. At the end, make God with a capital G protect our
people in cosi Siki Leyland, he Africa, Morena berlokasi jabber
say he's so hot CNN said Africa. God bless South Africa, which God
is this.
This is the god
of conventional morality. The one who has given us the criteria of
what is good and evil, what is right and wrong, what is true and
false. This is going out the window.
I'm telling you this is going out the window.
If you would allow me
when we look at
for example, and this just to put in perspective, how important it
is for people of faith based communities
to be bound by the religious laws.
I mean, we know that you must look and female certain harlech There
can be no obedience shown to the creation if it's in the
disobedience of the Creator.
Even if the state tells us to disobey God, we can't disobey Him.
And because the the constitutions of conventional morality are based
on scripture, or based on the
Old Testament and the New Testament and the Quran depending
on which country
originally I'm speaking about.
But now that they throwing out these
which find the, the origins in the Divine,
in the divine code in the Divine Law, now we are actually
we are seeing we've come be coming to an impasse, we actually at the
impasse, we're gonna collide.
And we don't want that
Wallahi BeLight Allah I take the three oaths by Almighty God, this
is a call this is a call to moto massimi. This the call to action,
this call to mobilize is a call to peace.
A call to avoid chaos and mayhem
which we already see unfolding in other parts of the world.
So we have Al Hamdulillah in the Quran. The Almighty makes it very
clear when I can illuminate when it occurred.
To me, when my young Silla Hora Sula, vaca Dolla dolla nabina it's
not for the believing man or the believing woman,
that if God and His Messenger have to create a law that they should
have a say in the day after,
and ever disobeyed God and His Messenger have indeed gone
manifestly astray.
You know, in Truly He is the Alpha dude, he's the old loving God.
Tony gives us laws. He only gives us laws, which are beneficial for
us. Why certain Takahashi Wahidullah commodity that you
dislike something but it's good for you? What are assigned to him?
Bucha you?
And it might be that you love something, but it's bad for you?
Isn't it ah mom and dad brought us up.
Well, this is Robin Alameen. This is the creator of of all the
He created us He knows our weaknesses, He knows our faults.
That's why he's given us boundaries in which to live.
That's the difference between religion and liberalism.
And not true liberty. True freedom is another thing.
But the word liberalism comes from the word labor the Latin word
labor which means to be free.
We as the word religion, anglo-norman word, Religion means
to be bound.
So they they are the antithesis of one another. They're the exact
The one is saying no, the freedom of the individual
to do what they ever want.
This is hedonism.
That the main goal of a human should be to fulfill the pleasures
and the desires. This comes out of the Enlightenment. David Hume, the
Scottish Enlightenment philosopher, when he said that
reason ought only to be the slave of the passions. Reason ought only
to be the slave of the passions.
This is the mantra of the devil
to do whatever you want to do.
Give into your lusts, your desires, your wounds in your
fantasies. This is the antithesis of conventional morality.
and then there's that at the end of the verse will Allahu Allah
move on to element it might be that you dislike something, but
it's good for you. And it might be that you love something, but it's
bad for you. And what's the principal
Wallah? Who your animal into law challenge and God knows and you
don't know
that's what it means to submit and surrender.
And dies of butter pour onto slug, but of hamdulillah with faith,
it's easy.
Because we believe in Him we believe he's a great you will
believe he knows all things.
He knows that which was why even my son says well Ali mama yakun
and he knows that which is what Ali might say your * and he
knows him which will be why Lima Mala Yoku Novello Kana que for
knows that which was he knows that which is he knows that which will
be and he even knows that which will not be and if it had to be
how it would be
put that into check GPT
and see what you get. Yeah, I feel very well. He knows that which is
in the London in the sea will matter school to me
that a single leaf falls from a tree except that he knows about
it. Well the habit in Fetullah metal no
or is there a seed in the darkest depths of the earth without
tipping? Well, no is the any living organism or any dead matter
for that matter? elaphiti Tabby mobian Except that it's in a book
recorded by God
we talking about
when Moses spoke to the Israelites Bani Israel in the desert What did
he say to them? This is actually the declaration of faith of of
Orthodox Jews today Shama Yes
What have you say? Kulu Allahu
Ahad effort
the in your field que je
ne LM
I forget the end of that part. But it's really interesting. When you
look at that concept of Tawheed, of of dude of pure monotheism,
pure monotheism, perfect monotheism.
Say he is God the one and only Paul who Allahu Allahu Samad, the
eternal the absolute law merely the William Hewlett he gets enough
notice he forgotten, William Yokota, who Khufu Anna had, and
none can be likened unto Him.
So when Moses is speaking to the Israelites in the desert, he says
to them, here Israel the Lord is our God the Lord is one and you
shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart and with all your
soul with all your strength. These words which I'm commanding you
today shall be in your heart
a server in your feet ke who donate a lamb, the gum and soft
love to toe most singular of all, concealed and hit also without
bound, there's actually things that we can sit down and talk
about, is actually things that we can sit down and talk about with
instead of arguing and going on and fighting we can and this is a
time where faith communities have to come together.
Then we go on to verse 17. He says, You shall diligently keep
the commandments of the Lord your God and His provisions and
statutes which He has commanded you, you shall do what is right
and good in the sight of the Lord, so that it may go well for you.
And that you may go in and take possession of the good land which
your Lord swore to give your father's swimming bunnies, sorry,
as mentioned in the Quran, or the maca, density catch up Hola, hola,
como, when they were entering the land, with Joshua and Caleb, into
an ultra boycotters into the holy land.
And he says in verse 20, when your sons
when your children ask you in time to come, saying, what do the
provisions and the statutes and the judgments mean, which the Lord
of God has commanded you? Then you shall say to your son, we were
slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt
will lie if this if this law is passed, as well as the hate speech
law, as well as the * trade law, they want to legalize prostitution
now, the bullies are for passing.
* trade, six entertainment, six exposition six education 6666 is
the means.
It's still a nice word.
When the mosquito must be careful, yeah.
he says we were slaves in fear. And why do I say that? Because
Alexis de Tocqueville
who was part of the French Revolution, but he was a Catholic.
He was a believer in his faith. He said, You cannot have liberty
without morality, and you cannot have morality without faith.
If they remove our faith, we lose our morals. If we lose our morals,
we all become slaves.
Like Bani Israel, like the Israelites were slaves to Pharaoh
in Egypt. So he said, we were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt and the
Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand. Moreover, the Lord
provided great and terrible signs and wonders before eyes.
Indeed, what did we read earlier? Indeed, God aids those who ate his
religion, who ate his cause.
Moreover, the Lord provided great terrible signs and wonders before
our eyes against Egypt, Pharaoh and all his household. He brought
us out of there in order to bring us in to give us the land which is
going to afford this. So the Lord commanded us to follow all these
statutes All means all the karma didn't used to say, All means all.
To follow all these statutes, all these laws, to fear the Lord our
God for our own good always and for our survival, as it is today,
and it will be righteousness for us if we are careful to fall
No, oh, this commandment before the Lord our God just as He
commanded us. That's the same concept. This is the same concept.
We whatever, whatever God Allah Allah has commanded us to do what
do we say five times a day Allah and to Sonoma Monica Santa Ana
Bharatiya Jelani when he Quran, Samia Anna, Anna say Jamar,
One more time. We hear and we obey.
We hear and this is a fairy is a fairy tale.
Is this just a culture?
Is this just a story? Like Richard Dawkins, the big atheist, he made
that documentary The story of God it's just a story. He is a
something that we believe so strongly in fact, we are even
willing to die for it.
Do you want to see me we
have Allah by falak
Allah Allah, Allah Allah. So I've got the pillar bull in front of me
And look, I'm not an expert of the law.
We've heard we've seen some clips. I think one lady from the acdp was
explaining to us about the thing that we as faith communities fear
the most is what is comprehensive sexual education, comprehensive
sexual education way and I stand to be corrected. I stand to be
When children at schools primary and high school, I don't know
exactly what they're going to be taught in what standard, but
they're going to be taught all forms of sexuality.
heterosexuality, homosexuality,
bisexuality, they're going to be taught how to masturbate. I
forgive me when I asked you, Murph. But Wallah, we have to, we
have to face these things head on, we have to take the bull
by the horns.
And what makes it even more scary? Again, scary in terms of losing
our children, losing our grandchildren losing
our future generations to this immorality. What's even more scary
is that as a parent, if you don't send your child to school or even
homeschool them and implement this curriculum, you can be sent to
jail for 12 months.
This I'm not trying to create any you know pandemonium here, this is
this is a wake up call. This is still gonna be debated in
Parliament. So we are just sending a friendly warning
that the politicians must act in the best interest of the people of
this country
how are they going to teach
our children about homosexuality? Please explain to me please
somebody tell me how they're going to teach. What a man does to a man
in an home in a homosexual act.
You know, I pulled it up here.
Is it in Hebrew? This is Leviticus, Leviticus 18 Verse 20.
Verse zahar Lord teach curve Muscovy is SHA tau Eva he.
The translation of you shall not lie with a male as with a woman,
it's an abomination.
Who's speaking here, God.
Allah with a capital G. The same one mentioned in our preamble of
our Constitution in cosi killelea He Africa, God bless Africa could
see and Africa
and for the Christians who follow the New Testament only Jude verse
Jude chapter one, verse seven, Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and
actually they were five cities Sodom, Gomorrah, at Domaine,
zippo, and Zahara, all five of them were destroyed.
Why would they destroy it? Because of sexual deviancy mainly because
of homosexuality.
I mean, the Canaanites used to idol worship, sacrifice the
children practice all sorts of sexual deviancy, homosexuality.
Even busy ality with animals economic Kamala
was for that reason? That's why I say this is like the rise of the
Canaanites Abraham
versus the Canaanites, who you're gonna be with
whose team you're going to join? On whose side you're going to be
with Abraham or the Canaanites? That's what it boils down to.
So how is the teacher going to teach our children? My children
all finished school, but we've got grandchildren? How are they going
to teach them about homosexuality?
Now, I don't know if it's because of my Irish blood, but I love
poetry. So I wrote a little poem, to make it a little bit more
understandable. Can I share that poem with you? Would you allow me
the teacher says, gather around children from all over the nation.
Now is the time for six education.
That could be a cause for some consternation.
But now it is written in our legislation. So let me continue
with my explanation. Quite simply, it's all about a little
stimulation via the old orifice of man's constipation.
But teacher, sir,
but teach us says one of the children, but teacher so what
about God's revelation?
in which it's described as a sin, an abomination
and a cause of social and moral degradation? Yet you teach it with
tyrannical indoctrination?
And in the end,
in total devastation all because of your sickness, education?
has these people lost their minds?
And Jamar will lie when you see where this is coming from.
will lie when you see when we see where this is coming from? Well,
it'll make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.
It will give it will bring a cold chill down your spine.
This is coming from the father of the sexual revolution. Dr. Alfred
a homosexual, in fact, he was bisexuals Maddie get agreement
with his wife, you can have as many partners as you want, and
I'll have as many male partners as I want.
And he was a *. In fact, he employed multiple pedophiles
to and he gave them stopwatches and he collected data on the
sexuality of children from the ages of two months to the ages of
15 years. It's in the research.
Judith Raisman, who passed away in 2021, whose daughter was molested
and eventually died from the trauma.
She wrote several books look her up Judith Raisman.
And there's a documentary on YouTube called the Kinsey syndrome
watch it.
It is very disturbing, but we need to know where this is coming from.
This is coming from Kinsey Kinsey was an up till today.
According to Michael Bidwell, whose history advisor to the LGBT
Legacy Project and multiple publications approaching 50 years
of writing and activism.
He says that Alfred Kinsey was all Stonewall.
He says there was a time when one out of every two Americans Gallup
polled knew Alfred Kinsey his name, and two gay men, lesbians
and bicycles. He was a living hero. And what it Kinsey say this
is now in he wrote two books that in 48, the sexual behavior of the
human male
and 9052 or 53 sexual behavior of the human female, he writes 69% of
men frequent prostitutes, this is a fraud, total fraud. He took like
the worst of society 25% of his people that he interviewed 18,000
interviews were prison mates
and the others were exhibitionist and * offenders and pedophiles.
He was in contact with one * that ballistic 317 boys
and a Nazi * in Germany who killed the girl that he raped.
He even went so far as to try and get the diaries of Aleister
Crowley the filler might, the filler might not fill my means in
to wool, and you know what was the mantra?
Thou shall wilt what thou shall will what ever thy wilt
thou shalt well whatever thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Because you do whatever you want,
whenever satisfies your desire that to be the whole of the law,
is that isn't compatible with
As with conventional morality, is that compatible with God's law?
Tomatoes I mean, I know I've run out of time.
He said 85% of men have premarital *. 50% commit adultery. came to
37% of homosexuals in 1948. It was absolute rubbish.
He said woman this is
a statistic he did have white women. He falsely claimed 0% are
harmed by *.
He said 50% of premarital * 26% commit
and 50% Desire adultery.
87% of pregnant single women
have abortions and 25 of percent of wives ever but it was rubbish.
It's been totally debunked. And 100 got some good news for you.
The Kinsey Institute which was started with seed money from Hugh
*, they say Kinsey was the father of the sexual revolution
and Hugh Hefner was his pamphleteer.
And you know, who funded you know, who funded the research of Kinsey,
the Rockefeller Foundation?
They eventually pulled out. But today I see 193 rainbow flags
flying around the center in New York.
What is going on? Yeah.
And then, and this is this is the most scary for us as parents and
grandparents and for our future generations. He said children can
benefit from sixth with adults, and even insist children need
early explicit
* education.
And he said specifically, yes, sexual education. Children need
early explicit sexual sexual education. At this time, all of
these things were illegal.
And he said children need *, hatred and
homosexual acts to them.
Allah do
you see what's happening in America?
Do you see? You see what's happening? Do you see the books
that are really being the pictures in the books that have been taught
to the children? Do you see the drag queen Story Hour? Have you
seen that? men dressed up in fishnet stockings in G strings
telling stories to children? Have you seen it?
Have you seen in Canada, a man with huge prosthetic * in a
miniskirt, teaching a woodwind class
Christian pupils being suspended for the beliefs.
Have you seen
a man being jailed and fined 50,000 Canadian dollars for trying
to stop his daughter's transgender reassignment surgery.
And we have a very similar bill of rights to Canada.
America, this seems to be more freedom of speech, and the
conservatives are pushing back. The Conservatives are pushing
back. We'll jump to see me I don't know about you. But from today,
I'm also pushing back.
No advocating for violence, or damage of anybody's property
against anyone or any institution or anything. We want to go back to
the status quo, the acceptable status quo we
people can do what they want in the privacy of their own homes.
They can follow their own morality, nobody's going to bother
them. Nobody's going to persecute them. Nobody's going to harm them.
Nobody's going to interfere with them. But leave us alone.
And by God, leave our children alone.
You show me show me.
Show me a man of any decency that will allow his children or
grandchildren to be exposed to this fourth, well, let's face
it is obscene. It is vulgar, it is offensive. If that's how they want
to live, God will judge them. We don't even hate them.
Hate the sinner Hate the sin, not the sinner, Hate the sin.
Not the sinner. This is what we've been taught. This is what this is
what Luke said to the people to his people not What did he say to
his people? He said Indeed that which you do I detest he didn't
say to test you. He said that what you do I detest
so tomato slimmin When
need to speak to people from other faith communities. We are not
tired of this. We are tired of this proselytizing and Willis
Willies, we
remember I said that we were about to drop the ball. We're about to
drop the ball. Okay, so NAS kicked the ball. And NAS ran for the
board with NASA kicked the ball too far. So as NASA was trying to
catch the ball, he saw he wasn't gonna catch it. So he flicked it
to the back. And who came who came up the center. Don't go up from
dispatch, Danny sherbert.
And Danny caught the ball and he ran and he scored and hamdulillah
are united Alma council have given out a statement that they're
calling for a national boycott of Woolworths a national boycott.
We're going to make an example of Uber's we're not going to take
this anymore. We are not going to integrate can we can live we can
with people have different modalities, but you're not going
to impose their morality on us. This is the bottom line. You're
not going to impose the morality on us.
Six trade, six education, six entertainment, six exhibitions.
You know, in Sweden, there is a private Federation that even went
to the Swedish government to ask to have six as a sport.
Wallah, they rejected it. They rejected it now they rejected it
now, Shri Krishna Allah and Allah and the leg.
And this is exactly what shaytaan once. That's exactly what the
devil wants. Because this is how
faith is removed from people.
This is how
people are corrupted through sexual deviancy. That's how we
believe that's how the Jews believe that other Christians
Too much Muslimeen.
I want to leave you with one verse
from the Holy Quran
where Allah subhanaw taala says
Allah the Newari Duna and tishie Alpha Aisha tofield, Adina Manu
indeed those who want to spread
for Hashem immorality amongst the believers, they will be punished
in this life and the next.
But also the dollar safe. I don't want to die this is yeah, you
would have been Amanullah to who to shaitan Oh, those of you who
believe don't follow the path the footsteps of Satan will tell you
who to shape on a new yellow marble fascia you will move to
indeed those who follow the footsteps of Satan
who goes to all immorality and wickedness
he said them let them know that he surely puts all to immorality and
wickedness had it not been for Allah's grace and mercy upon you.
None of you would ever have been purified we want to be pure.
Ask anybody who has ever worked with a Muslim or a Jew
or even visited a Muslim or a Jew when you go into the toilet body
you find a stingy bottle. We love purity
purity on our bodies we can't pray unless our bodies are clean
unless we have a front and the back is both clean the place if
you're praying on his clean
and most of all, we want to keep our hearts pure and clean. So when
you stand in front of God and the Day of Judgment your Malayan foul
man whenever noon the day when Wilson children we have no use to
anybody eliminate hola herpes toping saline except for the one
that comes to God with a clean sound in pure heart
it's either that you Macula Muslimeen or we have to pick up
eggs and hit for the mountains
or is the government when it's a possible or they're gonna sit up
concentration camps for us?
I mean, I know we Muslims, at least we made this a million. Come
on with you. Are they gonna put a million people or they're gonna
lock them up? 12 months at a time? Because no, I can tell you from
the Muslim community. I went to answer from you. Are you gonna
Are you gonna allow the teachers in school to teach your children
about homosexuality? Are you gonna allow them
otherwise like I say, tomorrow we have to. So you're telling us a
man yet Maria.
is gonna come a time when excellent is he who takes his
family and goes to the mountain
who takes his sheep and goes to the mountain Jaeger juvie Dini
even and fitna, he escaped with his religion from the trial and
May Allah Quran for our government, I believe I believe
we're not going to pass this bill. I'm giving him the benefit of the
doubt. I believe that that more conventional conventional morality
will prevail
and common sense along with that
will prevail. And the bill will not be passed along with the bill
to legalize prostitution along with this hate speech ball which
will stop me and every priest and and rabbi in the churches and
synagogues and all imams in the massage from even explaining any
of the verses have not and the people of Sodom Gomorrah will only
be able to recite it and not say anything about it. Can you imagine
it? Can you imagine it? Are they going to take us back to the days
of persecution? Because there will be persecution?
The persecution of the VOC we spoke about it the other day.
How any Muslim that was caught propagating the religion or
practicing it in the open how they were tortured in the dungeon at
the castle in Cape Town, drag to gallows you hung on a cross broken
from head to toe and then hung to death.
They're going to persecute people of faith in South Africa
to try
to come a try.
And as for Steven hookless who tried to humiliate our sister
Sister Shamima from pajama party
Shamima dolly Sally
tried to humiliate a calling the mum part of the week.
Amanda is somebody who has good news since
Steven Crowder Stacy kreutzmann para
thing before you speak
too much I'm assuming
it just make dua on this day and inshallah you know for me, I don't
know about you. June is no longer pride man. How can you be proud of
sin of an abomination? God goes in abomination. How can you be proud
of an abomination? This is no longer Pride Month, this is youth
month. How's that June inshallah going to be the month for the
youth? We're going to think especially in June, we're going to
think about how are we going to save our children and bring our
children up in a beautiful, pure and clean way with conventional
morality that is pleasing to the Almighty, Allah subhanaw taala
guide and protect us all that was wanted to bring some some sanity
to our leaders and to our community and save us from this
absolutely. devastation that could possibly afflict us and our nation
will accrue Dhawan and Al Hamdulillah bit Alameen wa salam
Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Masuda Sunni in collaboration Mustafa Khan will be hosting Kira
our program starting off tomorrow but Islamia tonight insha Allah
please make dua for you both passed away in the week he used to
be the car God at Masjid a Sunni for many years Allah grunting
hypericin genital Fritos army
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
what is
a shadow
that was
fine yada
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
europea Are you still are you gonna
be of the New
Year Oh pm BM of original Kuru before rich Kuru winner Europe via
mobile UB Kenosha Rama Homina Homina What are you gonna have
back? We'll have them in your head book haha
And that in your career buena Illa hoppecke. Here I remember I'll
take your Sabir on basaltic yellow tea from the old to Fina Bhima
Geraci hit nakaji in Kerala condition in Kaduna.
Well I shall do a
not totally mana is contaminated Iran for dual motor Jacoba who in
anatomy tonight more i NACA welcome of lumen tebboune Yet
Allah Helium 10 Me Why should you unnecessary you don't know when a
beginner while Zeeman our hobby burner Mohammed and Rasulullah
Bella Karissa Amana, we're not so hot on our cashify Luma
you heard you had to clean Bella Bella, become early Kesha for deja
vu Gemma de alguma Jimmy up sol de sala de Sala Nicola who yeah lemon
who the MaHA pettiness woman Ah ha ha Aiken Hana in Biographia hamata
Islami Rasul Aqeedah you know only a certain key ROM is Merona
Mowlana Tabata customers vikita Behala Aziz Badawy to be learned
him in a shaytani regime
when hola deaf Allah He knows about the humbug now who may or
will be Salah tune when I said you to use cut off he has Mala he
Kathy Iran when a young saloon Allah AMI Willie unsewn Allahumma
Yong Soo In Allah Allah Kalia and Aziz will cut an abuse on Allah
Allah wa Salam
10 When
it comes to your auto configure to hero fella use the Jabra fenosa
German or would you become Winona kala Honda Yamaha Honda Honda
madrasa Mohammed in some law they will send me a cooler feel happy
will Mustafa Al be reliable with Dimboola Yun says But Dan will
come out to Dan while you're cool or you could live in your
own work in tow
and hamdulillah here Rabbil Alameen wa ala Illa who will you
saw the screen what should I do under say you didn't know when to
be you know what are the men or what have you been a Muhammad and
Rasulullah Herten will MBA you will mostly I'm a bad for you
Hello Muslim we will see coming up see I know the numerator will not
be tecoma to Allah authority for kadakkal Allah Tala vikita
Abdulazeez but I don't want to be law him in a shaytani regime. Here
are your Lavina talkin la haka to Kati Morton. illa Anta Muslim Moon
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, it tequila Hi Suma con
el Hassan attom Hua wahala Canossa Bihu Lukin Hassanein worked
through I bought hola manos. Salatu was Salam ala Allah says
you were Habibi Toby. Muhammad in temple
y avec la but anyway she felt you were not eligible Saudi was in
Allah how Amana Ekata who you saw Lunarlon Nebby Yeah, you
sold Salam o Allah he was sending me to sliema Allahumma Salli ala
Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Kumar Selita Allah Abraham Ibrahim
barbaric Allah Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Kumar Barak Tada Ibrahim
Ibrahim Al Al Amin in Mohammed Majeed, what are the Allahumma and
Coronavirus shooting Abu Bakr Muhammad was known but it hasn't
been answered early after you've been operating inside the Sahara.
Alumni Service Level well Muslimeen Allah Allah Azza Islam
Muslim in turn happy with Dean, Allah was 31 and I will study if
enough equally makan Allah Masha Medina or Hamilton Hamilton Muslim
grammatically Yeah, I mean, I bought Allah in Allah yeah
well yeah and her Anil fracture you will carry will Buffy you
either comme la la come to that karoun como in nosological
Muhammad Kula welcome Asana?
La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Mysto Teddy Lou Thurber Kamala
Allahu Akbar
Bismillah Roschmann Rafi Al Hamdulillah
he'll update me on Roschmann yo Rahim. Murgia Kiyomi Dean, you
cannot boy young kind of staring Do you not see it all tongue was
stuck in Serato Latina and antenna RNA him volume of Dolby RNA him
one of door knocking
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim could you holy curfew Rouen, Abu Duma,
Darboux dune
to Mojave Donna Buddha will be Dum Dum went to Mojave dune Amma
Buddha Lokhande. Newcomb wanneer de Allah
some yield law Hooni man have you done
a law
hola Ong
B Smith Daniel Ross Manuel Rahim hamdulillah de Bella al Amin AR
Rahman Al Rahim murder Kiyomi de yr cannot boudoir young can a
staring you do not see it all one was stuck in soon all told Latina
and RNA him lighting him of Dolby I named him one of baldly. I mean,
this mid downhill Roschmann your Rahim called whom Allahu Allah has
solid Lamido Allah mula when a miracle Lahore KUVO and I heard
somebody Allahu
sit down aleikum wa rahmatullah wa Rahmatullah.
Allahumma and to sit down let me consider them to volunteer their
god with the Quran, Samia.
Veronica Robina Elkin, Massoud,
Quwata illa. Builder Hillary and all the Robina vollum fusina
illimitable fildena Water Hamden and Hakuna in the middle Holocene
Allah Maharlika to Okinawa they can never know where they can see
it for some of Allah sitting in Mohammed interview me early was
off to a vertical Salim Subhana Allah because Allah Azza Tiama is
even harder and more sunny in our hamdulillah here.
was everything
we need to
know them
there's no other way it's evil