Riyadh Walls – Jumuah 15 February 20191440
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The transcript describes the story of the Al Qaeda, which was not a Rasool and was not a Rasool, and was given the task of taking Bani Israel into the Promised Land and denied permission to go to the nightingale area. The journey is a long, painful journey, including a woman who was given the task of taking Bani Israel into the Shaytani regime and was denied permission to go to the nightingale area. The journey is about a woman who was given the task of taking Bani Israel into the Promised Land and was denied permission to go to the nightingale area. The story is about a woman who was given the task of taking Bani Israel into the Shaytani rule and was denied permission to go to the nightingale area. The journey is about a woman who was in distress and was not in control of the world, and the story is about a woman who was given the task of taking Bani Israel
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of the builder himedia show you turn the Ragini Bismillah R Rahman
r Rahim
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Salatu was Salam or solid 10 with the Sleeman yearly a corny be
more Palmy me real Gambia Imam Al mursaleen
what I shall do Illa Illa Allah Who will you saw your screen?
what I shall do under say your dinner when a beginner while the
mana or hobby burner Muhammadan rasul Allah
her term will be evil mursaleen
Salah Houma wa Sallim wa Barik la isla hadn't be yelled. I mean,
while early he also Huberty he got really mad I mean
uh, my bad
Gemma to slim in a certain way alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
call Hello to Baraka which either Vicki Toby Hill as you spider or
the villa him in a show you Tony regime
what kulana Casa La come in
your Russa Lima Noosa b2b For ADEQ will
occur fee her the hill help como como ella tune well the Corolla
so the Kola who loves him
Surah Hood, verse number 120 Allah Subhan Allah Allah says, what
could you learn Acoustasonic
and for all of them we have narrated to you of the news or of
the stories of the messengers,
man who sell b2b For ADEQ in order that we might make your heart
wager a coffee had the hill Hawk, and in the stories come to you the
truth will more ever tune and an admonishment was the crawl in
mumineen as and as a reminder for the believers.
Hamlet for the past few weeks we have
been looking for ways and means
whereby we can find that is the karma.
We can find that steadfastness in our hearts
to remain on the straight path of Allah subhanho wa taala. Last week
we spoke about Allah is m Thurl.
About the similitudes and the examples that Allah makes in the
And is Allah subhanaw taala describes the true believers.
Allah Tala make use of them in the mail McMinnville, Allah Xena
either look here Allah Who would you let Kulu boom, well either
toliet la him to the tomb Iman where Allah be him. You tell what
karoun Without any doubt in nama adatta hustle accosted anything
that comes after that is without any exception. Indeed the true
believers without any exception, they are those that when the name
of Allah is taken, their hearts tremble.
And when the verses of Allah recited to them, they increase in
faith, and they put the trust in the Lord.
In this time of Phaeton, in this time of darkness, in this time of
confusion, if anything, we need Allah subhanaw taala to help us
increase our iman and for our hearts to be steadfast on the
straight path of Allah subhanaw taala.
So today insha Allah to Allah, we are going to go to one of those
It's almost one of dialysis in this verse, mean under a rustle
of the news, never umber news information
of a Rasul of the messengers that came before in particular, one
messenger in particular, and that is nabi Musa alayhis salam,
because truly in the story of Nabi Musa,
and not just any story of Nabi Musa,
but a particular story of Nabi Musa with al Qaeda with al Qaeda
in Surah Kahf.
So little curve that we recite every Juma
in that circle curve, we have the story of Musa malvinder Musa with
al Qaeda
and I'll say their means greenery. Why because as in the Hadith of
the prophets, Allah Salah
either jealous or Allah federal law, that if he sat on a piece of
dry grass, can imagine grass that has literally Protomen that it's
so brittle that if you just put your hand over, it turns into
dust, that if you sat under federal law of the dry grass, if
two deer Ah, it will become green. And that's we got his LACOB al
Qaeda, al Qaeda.
And truly when I was going through the story, I thought to myself,
in a time of confusion, this is probably one of the best stories
to narrate, in order to find the truth beat, that steadfastness in
our hearts, because even the messenger of Allah Musa alayhis
salam is confused in the story.
So if Musa can be confused, how can we not be confused? And
there's some great fervor, some great benefits, some great morals,
and lessons to be learned from the story like all the stories in the
Quran, Mr. Ratan Lee will above that we have revealed the stories
to you what is I was gonna say in Surah Yusuf at the end of Surah
Yusuf and I bought a ton as a moral and as a lesson for who
everybody will l Burb for old al Babu ulal Bab, Al Bab, the plural
of lube, look meaning to call like an apple. If you want to get to
its core, you have to peel away at the exterior of the apple.
So that's what we're going to do today. We're not just going to
look at the the outward narrative of the story, but we're going to
go for the for the loop. We're going to go for the core, where we
find the morals and the lessons and the benefits from this great
So first of all, who is allocators?
Ben agilus Kalani in his fadhel diary, the greatest commentary on
sorry, all Buhari,
he narrates a name and this is the most correct. Also, according to
Alabama Novi, they differ in terms of the noon that his name was
balliang EB numeral can or Milliken Omala can.
And according to Alabama, now, we'll be doing in noon without the
noon Ballia, Ibnu, Malka, that was his name. His lockup was Al Qaeda.
And we've explained why his name was Al Qaeda because if he sat on
that dry patch of grass, it would it would become lusciously green,
and that his cornea according to the most authentic reports was
Ebola Abbas Abu Abbas, Allahu Allah, Allahu Allah. None of these
things are mentioned in the story except that he is Abdul min Ariba
dinner, that he is a servant of Our servants. To Allah ma didn't
go and debate Okay, was he
a Nebby?
Or was he just a really a Friend of Allah subhanaw taala. Of course
every Nabhi is a Willie.
And even some Allah go to the extent that no, he was a Melech
mineral Malaika that he was an angel. But that is considered to
be by some argument to be completely false and incorrect.
Hello, Anna.
But the German war the overwhelming majority of the
scholars are of the opinion that al Qaeda was an OB not a Rasool is
a difference. Now be Musa, Nabi Yun, Marcel, Nabi Yun Musa, why do
we say that? Because Kulu Rasool in NaVi Yun well as a culinary and
Rasulullah because every messenger is a prophet, but not every
prophet is a messenger is the owner of the Gambia, as in the
Hadith 124,000.
They were all revealed to Allah so Allah Allah gave them way,
but only those that were commanded to propagate that message.
They are called Russell, if I let a van, Do this, don't do that.
Believe in this, don't believe in that. Worship Allah in this way,
do not worship Him in that way.
The Russell they received why but they were commanded to go to the
people and then give over that message of ALLAH Kamisha area
of the legal rulings
coming from the revelation of Allah subhanho wa taala. So nobody
says that
that al Qaeda was a Rasul but that he was Nabil min Ambia. Allah He
received revelation I mean, it goes through the verses inshallah
to Allah and it will become clearer for you as
We go through them being delighted. So we're going to see a
little calf
chapter number 18.
And we start at verse number 60. Where it's called a Musa algebra,
I'm not sure upon the regime where the character Khurana first
started Billa if you're going to read the Quran, then seek refuge
in Allah from the
shaytani regime from the Shaytaan, The Accursed our will to be lamina
chatango regime, what is called a Musa li Fatah who and call to mind
is a was called, but this is me, always call call to mind.
And what isn't sort of a call to mind because this is not a fairy
tale. This actually happened and it's almost one of ours is called
to mind. Something that took place
is what is called a Mussolini Fatah who when Musa Moses peace be
upon him Musa alayhis salam when he said to his Fatah,
his, his young right hand man, which in the end, this story of al
Qaeda, can be found.
In the hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, Salah Salem
reported by both Ali Muhammad Buhari and Alima Muslim, quite a
lengthy, lengthy Hadith pertaining to the story of of al Qaeda. And
we don't have time to go through the Hadith lengthier Hadith. I
will mention what I have read what I have learned, I will mention as
we go through the Tafseer of this particular story in the Quran.
But what Timo first you don't agree on is that this Fatah, this
young man is none other than you shall be noon, you shall in
English, Joshua, peace be upon him. The one who after the demise
of the NABI Musa alayhis salaam passed away, he was the one that
was given the task of taking Bani Israel into the promised land, you
shall be known Joshua.
And the time of the story is the time where Allah subhanaw taala
actually prohibited Nabi Musa.
Whenever he Musa said to Bani Israel, that they must go and
fight the people, the inhabitants of the Promised Land,
the Canaanites and the Philistines
and they said, is hub I'm Tara Booker, what car dealer
in Hoonah car Dune, they said you Moses, now you go, you go and your
Lord and you go fight them. We are going to we are going to sit here
and wait. We're not gonna go and fight. And it was during that time
when Allah subhanaw taala prohibited them and cause them to
dwell in the desert around the area according to University of
meridian of Meridian around the area of Medina and
cause them to dwell around in the desert for for 40 years at Hoonah
fill out
and it was during that time that Nabi Musa alayhis salam went with
you shall be known
on this journey too much MALBA harangue, much MALBA harangue is
the meeting point of the two seas, the Suez Canal, or the Suez the
Gulf of Suez, not the Suez Canal of one, the Gulf of Suez
collegiate swears, war, collegial Acaba, and the Gulf of Aqaba, they
meet at a point. In fact, if you look on the map today, that point
has a little peninsula and they call it or assume Mohammed,
Mohammed but that is Majima Al Baqarah. And if you look on a
Google map today, you can go look at it in sha Allah, Allah, and
imagine the context and the place and the time when the story
actually took place.
How it came about that they went to this place, it's called a Musa
de facto law about a blue image by Albania um, dia, Hakuba. And when
Moses said to his servant, I will not cease traveling abroad.
Abroad Abra doesn't mean traveling abroad means that I will not stop
doing this otherwise in person is sitting and they say Allah Akbar,
Allahu La abre Hokkaido In other words, I will not see sitting I
will remain sitting.
Or if he says La opera, who miss Sheehan means I will not cease
walking. In this case that's going to be Musa means. La opera has a
blue a Muslim, a much milder hernia, oh Ambia Hakuba
and call to mind when Musa said to His servant, I will continue to go
I will continue to walk until I arrive at the meeting point of the
two seas
even if it takes me Hakuba
Now Hakuba according to Morpha city in some of them proceedings
say it means 80 years.
So Mujahid said it means 70 years majority of the student numbers
and some of the city and state means a lifetime. So, what Musa is
saying is that I am going to continue on this journey until I
find that place that why is nothing Musa so intent on finding
this place?
Well, it comes from
the background of this particular story. And this part of the Hadith
I'm going to, I'm going to read to you
that our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah salem said that Musa got up
to deliver a speech before the children of Israel, and he was
asked who is the most learned person among the people Musa
replied I am.
So Allah rebuked him because he did not refer the knowledge to
Allah. So Allah revealed to him at the junction of the two seas,
there is a servant of ours who is more learned than you.
Musa Oz, oh my Lord, how can I meet him? Allah say, take a fish,
put it in a vessel, and then sit out and when you lose the fish,
you will find him. So Musa took a fish put it in a vessel and said
out along with his servant, you shall be noon peace be upon him
till they reached a rock on which they both lay down their heads and
slipped, the fish moved vigorously in the vessel and got out of it
and made its way into the sea. And they it took its way.
Allah stopped the flow of the water on both sides of the way
created by the fish, and so that it became like a groove. When Musa
got up, his companion forgot to tell him about the fish. And so
they carried on the journey during the rest of the day in the whole
night. The next morning, Musa said to his young servant, bring us our
morning meal, truly, we have suffered much fatigue in this our
journey. Let's go back to the verses.
So after Nabi Musa had posed that, that question, or that Christian
had been posted every Musa who is the most Leonard
of us, and Abu Musa said, I am Allah subhanaw taala wanted to
discipline him. And that's why he said, he must now go to the the
meeting, he must take a fish, and he must go to the meeting of the
meeting place of the two seas, the Gulf of Suez of Suez and the Gulf
of Aqaba.
And at the place where he loses the fish, that is where he will
this person who is more learned than him. So verse number 61, for
nama Bala Majima Albania Hema, and when they reach the point of the
meeting of the two C's
Mercia Eliphalet is naming they both forgot Jota Houma they forgot
they fish
for Tucker, the Sabina and Phil Buhari Sarada. And it took a
course or a path into the signature thorough ban. Literally,
if you take a stone and you roll it on the ground, it makes a
groove. So literally the fish. In fact, in the Tafseer of this
particular story, the fish was Malmo meaning it was already this
fish with longtime did this fish was a salted fish. In somebody's
wire, this fish were even being fried.
And it was in this basket made of
of palm leafs was in a woven basket made of palm leafs and that
when they got to the meeting place of the two seas and they both lay
down to sleep. And at this place, there was a spring called Angel
in the one revives Hadith, in Sahih. Muslim there was a spring
called Angel higher the spring of life. And any thing that this
water touched would come alive according to the three wire.
And so the water when it fell onto the fish, the fish by the Kandra
by the power and grace of Allah subhanaw taala came alive and made
a way along the sand into the water. And this is soroban that is
the groove that the by the Grace of Allah and by His power that the
fish made its way into the water and then swam away.
when you shall be known when he woke up is literally saw the fish
swimming away. It was too late. It was too late. But he failed. He
didn't wake up Nabi Musa at the time, and in the morning when they
got up, he forgot to tell him that comes down in the next verse.
phenom majha was when they passed that point
where they were resting by the rock by the soccer. phenom magia
was a colony for Tao. Musa said to his his servant, you shall be
known. Tina hada Anna, this is not the next morning by the way. Let's
Now according to the Hadith, this is now the next morning said bring
our morning meal, meaning the fish. naka de la Akina means
suffering ohada And NASA he said no colors. You know, in the
beginning you said I'm going to walk. I'm going to walk it just
shows you you know sometimes we start off so you know zealously
that we're going to achieve something but we mustn't forget
our capabilities. We mustn't forget our limitations. mustn't
forget our limitation Rahimullah and run out of a hat Belfer
Walker, founder of beloved prophets ism says that mercy be to
the man who knows his limitations and stops at them. So here they'll
be Mrs. Kelly saying hello us, you know, Luca della Kena means
suffering ahava NASA NASA been exhaustion. He said colors in this
journey now. I'm kaput, I'm finished. You know. Let's rest
here and let us let us have a meal this is now the next morning after
they had in traveled from the place of the rock where they lost
the fish. They had traveled most of the day in the night.
Carla Ara ater is Awhina Illa Sokka so you shall be known turns
to Nabi Musa and says Did you see when we resting by the rock when
you retire to the rock?
For in Nina Cetyl wrote I forgot the fish in other words, I forgot
what happened to the fish.
Wilma and Sammy who Illa shaytaan who and of Cora and none caused me
to forget except sale fun.
What data the sebelah who filled barrage I Jabba and took a course
into the sea. Amazingly, when he woke up he saw the fish swimming
away. Allahu Akbar.
So what is gonna be Musa? Answer Karla Valley comma, hakuna
nebulae. This is what we wanted. This is what you're looking for.
Because it was told to him that you will find this person that is
more learned than you. We will you find him.
You will find him at the place where you lost a fish.
This is exactly what you wanted. So it's not even time to you know,
to scold yuusha you know for for losing the fish or for not telling
you about the fish. He says no hellos.
Then only come Hakuna nebulae for Tanda. So they returned. I said
Hema, casal saw Kasasa a bit dicta. They literally that's where
the word comes from. to follow the footsteps. A kisser is a story.
But it literally means Kasasa means like following the footsteps
in the desert. Maybe you lost your camel, you want to find the camel,
so you follow the footsteps. Processor a bit deeper footstep
off the footstep until it takes you exactly to the place of the
camel. And this is where the word pizza comes from following the
events of a particular story event of the event but Ditka with fine
for what Judah Abdon Minjerribah dinner and so when they got to the
place where they had lost the fish, what did they find? I've
done many bad you know, they found a servant of Our servants.
Day now who Rahama Tamina andina, who we had given mercy from Us no
mercy in the Quran has a general meaning and it has a specific
meaning. The general meaning is, is mercy and can take on various
different forms of the favours and of the grace and forgiveness of
Allah subhanho wa Taala for everyone. But when it comes to,
when it comes to the Gambia, it means Naboo
like in the verse
where Allah subhanaw taala speaks about the statement of the Kufa
where they were saying and this is in
this is in surah azucar off.
This is in Surah zulauf verse number 31 Will call you Lola
Newsela. The Quran Allah Allah Raja the mineral Korea Tanea of
They said if only this Quran was revealed to a great person in one
of the two villages or towns or cities.
Because what is he referring what are they referring to? They're
referring to McCants live in Makkah, they was the original
album they're referring to is Al Walid Ibn Nobuhiro, the father of
Sedna, Khalid al Walid Primavera and the leader of Saki
If, in PA if which is the tribe in PA? If was the Ottawa, Ottawa or
were to even know Mr. Rudin a soccer fee? So they saying if only
this Quran was revealed to one of these two great men of these two
great places, then we might have believed, you know, just an excuse
for not believing.
And so Allah subhanaw taala answers them, a homeopathic
Simona, Rama tropic, do they? Are they the ones that distribute
the Mercy of your Lord? Meaning are they the ones who decide whom
Allah makes a profit and who he doesn't make a profit. So Rama
here means a Naboo prophethood
but it's not just that the entire Seok when you look at the whole
story, from beginning to end. That is why you will understand why the
majority of scholars LGM who they say that al Qaeda indeed was a
prophet, not a messenger, but a prophet of Allah subhana wa Taala
receiving revelation from Allah.
For what Judah Abba Meribah Dena so they found the servant of Our
servants. I'll tell you now who rahmatan who we gave Rama meaning
Naboo we gave him prophethood Minang dinner from us. We're
Mila Duna Elma and we taught him from us a certain knowledge the
ALMA called us, Aladdin Mala do ne Allah, Allah Dooney In other
words, secret knowledge, knowledge direct from Allah subhanaw taala
from early middle Velib from the world of the unseen that Allah
subhanaw taala taught to hit the this is not the the knowledge of
Arkham a via Hiriya This is not of the outward legal rulings that are
given to the messengers. Do this Don't do that. Believe like this,
don't believe like that, etc, etc. This is called a Lorraine Mala
Dooney and this was given to to al Qaeda
called Allahu Musa * Tebbe Oka, Isla and to Alemany mimma are
limited with the look at the other. Look at the other look at
the etiquette of the student. And the teacher.
Allah sent him Allah sent Nabi Musa is disciplining him and he
mostly said I'm the most Leonard because he Oh, but Allah subhanaw
taala wanted to to show him that no matter how much you know
you know some people know a little some people know a lot. Some
people know a vast amount will folk who couldn't be there any
minute Alim and above everyone that knows is the All Knowing
and in comparison, even the knowledge of hitters because there
was just Abdon Yom
Kippur was just a servant of Allah that did what he was told.
Nabi Musa alayhis salam is a servant of Allah that did what he
was told.
And in comparison to the knowledge of Allah, Allah.
In fact, we're going to, we're going to see a beautiful muscle in
the story in the Hadith in the explanation of the story. What
happened when they climbed in the boat? When they climbed in the
boat, we'll just we'll leave it for there for now inshallah Tada.
So maybe Musa asks him look at the other of the etiquette, he says,
May I follow you that you might teach me from what you have been
taught? Of upright knowledge?
asking for permission.
You know, Allah sent me you must teach me
how let me Okay. May I follow you?
Color in the kalam dasa T Amaya Saba rock, he said, learn what
Haruna Felicity burn, this is the particle of negation for the
future, that you will never ever, ever, ever be able to persevere
with me.
Because how the magic has happened. And we're not talking
about Madonna Tsakhia here we're not talking about them as a heap
of a fit here. You know, these are two completely contrary different
schools of thought here. The one is outward legal rulings, and the
other one johani Minella in the LA Duni is from the knowledge that is
hidden from the entire mankind directly from Allah subhanaw taala
of things which we see all around us all the time that we are amazed
by and we are confused by but Allah subhanaw taala knows why.
But Allah subhanaw taala knows why I tell us on a dialysis. Wilma
Yeah, Linwood, you know the Rebecca Illa who and nobody knows
the soldiers of Allah except him. How many times in your life has
something negative
have happened and then afterwards you have said Hamdulillah you
know, if that thing didn't happen to me, you know that other thing
could have happened.
And this is Milena and Mila. Dooney. Only Allah knows why. Only
Allah knows why
will kill you for display to Allah Allah to hit to be here hombre
he said how can you have patience for what you can never encompass
of knowledge? In other words, you're never going to be able to
understand what I'm doing. Never
call us attention to me in sha Allah Who sobre he says no
inshallah you will find me of those who are persevering with
Allah I'll see you I'm looking for confidence and I will not disobey
any command that you give to me anything that you do I want
Carla for any tobacco any fella personally and he
then he gives him the condition.
It gives him the condition he says if you're going to fall if you're
going to become my student, then don't ask me about anything.
Had the data come in who Decra until I make mention otherwise
until I explained it to you. Why did it
finally Tala call and so they sit out had either October 5 Safina T
Hara ca
until they embarked on a ship they set out. And then they embarked on
a boat
Karaca Aha. What did he do? He taught open hidden tow a plank if
you like, out of the boat.
Immediately Nabi Musa says Carla doctorly
che and MRR. You said did you? Did you damage this boat? Did you tear
the plank of the boat in order to drown its people? You have
certainly done a grave thing. You couldn't even not even the first
one could he? Because this is having to be in Mosul.
This is this is the most highly Salam, the receiver of the 10
commandments the receiver of the Torah. If Allah Javon do this,
don't do that this is lawful that is prohibited. This is right that
is wrong.
That's his Madhab did he's on a completely different method.
Allah Allah Akula inoculum dasa T sobre did not tell you that you
never ever going to be able to persevere with me
that we must immediately you realize this holiday to acne says
you know don't hold me blameworthy.
Let to give me Bina B minor C to about that which I forgot. Because
he you know, he made a promise that he
he won't
he won't disappoint him you won't question him.
He says Don't hold me blameworthy about that which I forgot who
allowed to return him in Amarillo Sora and do naughty Anila to
return you don't punish me you know by
by breaking this relationship now and then me not being able to
learn from you.
In other words, do not cover me in my matter with difficulty. Forgive
me in other words, fan Tanaka had either lucky or hola for Katella
and they come to this is now he couldn't keep quiet about the
tearing up of a plank of a boat.
Then they move on. From Takahata either Lakia Ali Felice name they
both found this gulaman this boy for khatola. In the explanation in
the Hadith, he literally he smashed him over his head could
smash this boy over his head and he died
for Katana and he killed him call it a total turnoff since the key
term behind enough sin la casa de SHA shape and look arises Have you
kill the pure soul? Well, no, we're not. We have our soil Asha.
Alamosa, Alicia the 10 commandments in the Quran. Wala
Tatula NAFSA Lety haram Allahu Allah Bill Huck, don't take the
life of any person except injustice. In other words, a life
for a life choices. A content enough since the year 10 The
kitten dividing us have you taken a life?
The kitten toy rootin for you button, an innocent life besides
enough sin without this life having taken another life, when
the boy is innocent, he hasn't killed anybody hasn't hurt
This is the madhhab of Nabi Musa, Lakota, che and nohcra Indeed you
have brought a deplorable thing
called Allah. Allah in the calendar sta T Amaya sobre.
Kedah answer didn't tell you that you will never ever be able to
have patience with me. You might be Muslim in our time is up
I'm going to leave you in suspense and inshallah we will continue
next week otherwise you're not going to do justice to the story.
We still want to extract all of our it all the benefits all the
lessons all the morals, and inshallah Tada we will continue
next week well this story is a very important story especially
for the time that we are living in and in the place that we are
in this darkness and in this difficulty and this fit and these
trials and tribulations that we are experiencing, that this story,
inshallah will help us to focus on who is in control who is harmed
because somehow it will hurt when we're done Bill Cohn, who is the
creator of the heavens in the earth, who is the controller of
its affairs, he the one is the Arada che and Colella who put in
for your Kuhn he if he wants a matter to be, he just says to it
be entities so Inshallah, for that steadfastness in our hearts, let
leave it till next week I leave you in the protection of Allah
subhanaw taala will ask you to Dawa and and 100 laudable Alameen
wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
a shadow
honey is showing
Hi Jana
Hi Jana
Hi I'm Jana.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
europea sectarian Are you a booster Are you a banana your
Obeah as of Thursday is the new banana your BM with original crew
before rich Kuru banana era be Alamelu we can assure Rama Han
Manawa mana Are you gonna hug Buck will hug them and your handbook.
Well how about Emily new Korea buena ILAHA ja Lehmann beheld tick
Jacobi and on behalf pick your teeth from big ol quick ol to
finna be Majora to be Hilma cardies in Crimea militia in
Cadiz. Well, I shall do a
lot more. Yemen be dunya hoschton ACARA who tool ml l mo to T above
10 While Caboose and duchal Amel Why should I do unnecessary you
dinner whenever you know what I'll zoom in our Habib ana Muhammadan
rasul Allah, but Allah azza wa jal Amana also Hello ma cashify Luma
which I had a filter your haircut you heard you had a tear Julio
Kane, Bella Bella hola become de Kashia deja vu Gemma de or alguma
Jamil Hassan Ali he saw lo Allah He were early he saw La La Kola,
Ahuja ilm, Al Huda Mohabbatein nessa him Wilma now have a kill
hammer him, but I do fear hometel Islamic Rasul Aqeedah in ASRT
Quran is Maroma ulama kala who Mowlana Tabata, Cosmo Viki
Derby law Z's by their own bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim well
could learn acusa Allah come in,
irreducibly man who's a b2b for ADEQ we're just a Kofi had ill
hubco My words are to the crawl mean. So the Kola hole of him
from Asuna yeah Jota lava Delilah Handelman World War Aloha the
Tarik pericle Is the karma.
Tarik beat test beetle Kulu Allah Sirata Allah he'll musta came
while he had fatahna hurdle Quran while he had the Quran Nell cosas
I will cost us a lengthy
Allah at Casa eyeliner Allah to Casa Elena vikita Billa Ebara 10
Lil l Burb Fernanda beluga the hill yet had the energy to test
between and delay to Allah will turn a call Mr. Keman Bill isti
karma Allah Sirata Hill Mr. Hakim Illa Jannetty nerim Are you
becoming Hoonah kala Hoonah Omar Adorama Hana Hana madrasa to
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yaku Luffy al Habib Al
Mustafa Al Bill Rula blur with Dimboola Yun sir with Dr. Nula
Yarmuth ml machine to come out Medina to Dan while you're cool a
coup lupini the Mahato worker it'll hook in a tow boom
Alhamdulillah hero Bill Alameen wa shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah Who
will you saw him? But I shall do unnecessary. You don't know when a
beginner was even our Habiba Muhammad Rasulullah her term will
be evil mursaleen I'm about for you holy Muslim moon. We'll see
come when FCM was in the beta will be Takala to Allah to RT forgot to
call Allah Allah vikita Bill Aziz, but are there also bIllahi min ash
shaytani R rajim? Yeah, you Hello, Dina Takuma haka, Ducati want to
move to
the moon? Okay, the caller Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam it tequila hyphema Conte sejahtera Hassan tiempo ha ha La
Condesa Julio Kane has an invoke theory wherever the more you know
Salatu was Salam ala seedy Wahhabi, we will Nickleby Muhammad
in tubal Kulu we were they were Yeah, well I have fitted but then
he was Shiva. Yeah, well, no reliable sorry. We'll do Yeah, in
Mala Mala ukata who you saw Luna and unabIe. Here you hold the deen
Manu Solu Allah he was sending me to sliema Allah masala Allah
Muhammad Allah and Muhammad Allah Allah Ibrahim on early Ibrahim,
well barik ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Kamal Baraka Allah
Ibrahim. While early Ibrahima Filomena indica Hamid and Majeed
what are the Allahumma annual qualifier Rashid in Abu Bakr Well,
Mr. Weissman well Ali, Al Hassan when her saying that he will
remain well answered Lee, have you been auto hitting one sir, if you
saw Huberty he urged marine bureaucratically or hamara. Amin,
Allah Maricel Islam Muslim in while you were falling kilometer
you're happy with Dean Alamo city one and a few Philistine officials
across certain Europe Alameen Alonso the one unofficial Johanna
Boreham, sumatriptan a man, almost 31 and Phil Yemen where he bought
them off including makan Allama Soto masa, Kodama Muira Bill
Alameen, Allah in Allah Maru belatedly will son will eat in
Cordoba warrior in her annual fascia you will Moon curry will
bury here are the comme la la come to the karoun como de la sala
tickle Muhammad, Allah wa Kim is Salah?
I'm Jana Sudan
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so I told you
tarrazu Southern Halal so, so for comfort in metta SUTA Sufi mentor
member salah, heels in line shoulder touching shoulder close
all the gaps and please make sure that all cell phones are on silent
or switched off
is there enough space
Alomar Sunoco fan of any of those you know a lot of the
lignosulfonate are with
although qabbani
Honey famously
in no sorta Do you want to say
Bismillah R Rahman you're watching Alhamdulillah here on Bella Mia on
ramen, you'll Rafi murli Kiyomi Dean young cannot read boudoir
young kind of staring Dino see it all on steppin Serato ladina and
Antisana him loyal MK Dobby are they him one of them on me again
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Sabir small Biechele Allah Allah de Hala
Kafir. So, while learning cada Rafa Harada Well let me ask Raja
Mara * who who's an aqua? So no choreographer
in sha Allah in La Jolla, Ala Moana, Rama
when we are see Raquel in new Surah further care enough for it
Zik raw, so yes the karumi Yaksha waiata Gen Naboo have a sha Allah
the Oslon Kubo from Yamo to fee here are the F la Harmon Tezak was
that charisma Rob be he false on bail to see ronelle Higher dunya
Well, fear are too high you call in feel sorrowful Hola, Sophie
Ibrahim Musa Oh Allahu Akbar
some your ball Who do you mind Hamidah
Allah all Akbar
Allah Akbar
Allahu Akbar.
All Anquan Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil
Alameen are Raj Manuel Brahimi murli Kiani Dean, you cannot be
doing a young kind of standing. Do you not see an autonomous stopping
soon Alton Latina and untidy him while you will move though the
either him one up on knee pain
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. Adakah Hadith all of our Shia
Would you eat in Hoshyar? I mean that to know Seba to also learn
out on Hermia to score me 19 earlier. Lisa home bomb on en la
mujer donde la use me know whether you have an emu Jew will juvie OMA
eating, are you sad? Are you hot all the fi Jannetty nania.
Tomorrow fee, the fee Hi, giardia V household model for what
acquirable mobu. What am I requirements for? Was are all be
universals. For now yawns Oh 911 Even he came for holy accounts.
Were in a summer you can follow Fiat or LNG barely came for no see
but were ill out of the cave or salty had further good in
demo that good? Let's stay him below. So in theory in tow Allah
Give out for your zebu law who neither but
in Elaina Yabba home from in Naina haisa Whom Allahu Akbar
somebody Allahu Nieman Hamidah.
Along Akbar
Allahu Akbar
Allah Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar
wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.
said Mr. Kuhn warahmatu law said Mr. Allen Kumar off not too long.
Still feel a lot of feminists still viewed a lot all the time
there's still a lot of women to Ulladulla Illa Illa who will hire
a woman or two really? When I sort of October to a mobile ferati know
what Oberheim it's not manorhamilton masala Cindy
Muhammad, Allah Allah said number how many watts Have you a vertical
sending Malama into Salam? Women consider metabolic heterogeneity
with the Quran. So me I know what Otto Unohana Khurana were elected
last year.