Riyadh Walls – Fajr Talk Only (6 April ’24)
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The physical objective of fasting is the ability to achieve and overwhelm the physical body through the use of foods and channels of shaper, avoiding clutter in one's routine, and fulfilling obligations and rewarding actions to achieve spiritual dimensions. Network data shows that achieving physical dimensions is key to achieving healthy health and avoiding alcohol consumption is crucial to achieving spiritual dimensions. The success of achieving goals and focusing on actual experiences is crucial to achieving spiritual dimensions. The segment ends with a discussion of Thai network data and a presentation about network data.
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Don't be
He was happy. Hanukkah and Milena in Loma Linda in the canton Alamo
Hakeem BSC memory failure.
We continue with terracotta Anna was reading from the section of
section on fasting
and we will conclude the section on fasting if Neela tomorrow,
So the author Rahim Allah Allah He continues and he says why not
alone and Maqsood are so me and our workers rule How
come when?
What is the objective? What's the objective of hostile?
So we know the ultimate objective of fasting as Allah subhanaw taala
mentions in Quran is that we can Taqwa consciousness of Allah
subhanaw taala. The objective of fasting that is discussing is what
is the physical objective of pasta.
And the there's no reason that he's going to discuss the physical
objective of fasting,
except that obviously has a connection and correlation their
relationship to the ultimate objective of fasting or the
spiritual objective of us.
In other words, that the physical objective of fasting paves the way
to achieve the spiritual objective of fasting. So what is the
physical objective of fasting, he says, the physical objective of
fasting is Al Hawa orchestral Hawa, the physical objective of
fasting is hunger,
and to break
to break the Hawa, the desire,
because through hunger, through the through the experience of
and through the breaking of the power of the desire
at a loss allows it opens the path for us to build
for either Doofy artilleryman, either to Baffert and Harry Elana
Aisha II had the herget shanwa, to have a career to have, I mean, I
love that about which we love to have about Africa. So, by us, by
fasting being, it's obligatory upon us to abstain from food and
drink from fajr.
By doing so, fasting allows us the first step to achieve or to open
the door to achieve that goal. However, we can undo that
when it comes to marketing. So he says, for either do fear until
either if we are going to fill out stomachs
with breakfast that we missed, and lunch that we missed
alongside of supper, at the time of mockery, what's happening,
we are strengthening the nurse because it becomes becomes more
If I have to wait for the meal, and have everything prepared, so I
we fasting so we don't have breakfast, we don't have lunch,
but I have my supper and more than my supper prepared for mercury.
What you're doing is you are only strengthening the nafs because it
becomes more enjoyable that led to her what Allah what Allah
to what
the Gnostics extrapolation in postponing the meal a bit, and
then having everything and more at the time of at the time of
So then we are humbler the obligation is met, we fulfilled
the obligation of asking what was compulsory upon us? Did we
Did we benefit spiritually from our first we could potentially be
undoing what the entire day of force
allowed us to commence with meaning the path towards Taqwa. So
he says follow for song. The spirit of sonar, or fasting or Su
and the secret of film is that the Eiffel gua allottee here was sat
in a shape on Phil Cody eluxury.
When we eat, especially when we overeat,
allow the channels of shape on
to open up
if we are in
If we eat,
if we over eat and we eat exists, and we are
very particular about what I want and oatmeal, and then we are
allowing the pathways of fate on to, to open up
and for Shavon to lead us towards a chute, to all vices and to all
evil Wahlen jasola Like that elaborate clean, so we won't
achieve the spirit of fasting, the secret of fasting except through
blocking these channels of shaper.
And we will not be able to block the channels of shaytaan except it
really was eating less well who are cooler clutter who latika and
a cooler? Cooler how cool la la, la la la mia. And it's not being
unreasonable at all he says, So what should you do? You should eat
your normal supper that you would have had if you were not fasting?
And it's not unreasonable? He's not saying it to date and
cooperator. Are you saying eat your supper that you usually have
had if you have one plate
what is discouraging is having more than what you would usually
have on account of waiting the entire day so you spoil yourself
So I'm not either Gemma Americana yet colada Houghton ulama Kenny
Kulu Leyland Fallon yen, so many so if you are going to add to your
supper to your usual meal,
your breakfast and supper and new sweet
sweets and savories and all of these things in addition to what
you usually have, meaning you're going to overeat for Lanyon disown
me is fasting will be of no benefit, meaning is fasting will
be of no benefit spiritually.
Of course, in terms of the obligation, we fulfill the
obligation and this reward in that we have to differentiate between
these two things.
That when an action is executed correctly is rewarding. This
reward the info, fulfilling the Command of Allah subhanaw taala
and then the action in and of itself holds the reward when we've
performed partial setup that's wajib upon us to perform. So by
performing Fajr Salah we relieved ourselves from that obligation, we
are in the obedience secondary Fajr Salah in and of itself has as
reward so hamdullah we've achieved that that's not missed. But this
is spiritual dimension to our iPad as well that allows us to grow
so when he's speaking about Lanyon to be so mean he doesn't mean
you're fasting was null and void and you're fasting was worthless
on a spiritual dimension is
Bellman an edible the proper etiquette is a lie you know I've
been in a hurry.
The ideal situation is that you do not you are not excessive in
sleeping during the day had been due I will attach so that you may
experience hunger and thirst
sleeping during the day is not the issue that's not is not saying
sleeping during the day is an issue. What he's saying is if you
do not sleep, you can experience the hunger and thirst and becoming
comfortable with the experience of hunger and thirst
and going with that feeling for a long time
is the objective
Why is such a dark phone call you will feel that the channels to
shutdown slowly weakening for years for and America called Blue
and is hot becomes pure through that wire steady Mefi lady
hippodrome in Pattaya Allah hit the head due to who but overall,
you will find that your tahajjud and your overall your account and
your bad becomes easy.
Very difficult to perform better focus in terms of mentally as well
as physically when you want if we over it. So the opposite is also
true. If we listen our intake then we have better strings for for for
Associaton Willa, Houma Allah Toby. So the Chapin doesn't form
this barrier over our hearts. Fernando la isla Mallacoota summer
while a Latin so again, Leila to listen to what you sing Laylatul
Qadr I bow to nanny Leila Atleti and Kashi foofy has shaken Minal
and all its virtues and everything that happens. He's highlighting
that en Kashi fulfill hashtag in mineral Mallacoota. The in the
meanings of the heaven and earth is something that opens up on the
night of Leila Takata.
Woman Jalla Vina called behavior being assaulted
He told me not
to is going to allow a covering over his heart. And that covering
is done through excessive eating. Misled Muffaletta letter Amina
Amina of food for Hua Sama, Mr. Zhu in whatever is happening on
that night you avail from that?
Again you do on that night could still be
accepted you I read on that network study be accepted what
he's speaking about your spiritual experiences that we should
but through excessive eating he says you will be Maju you will be
completely veiled from everything
that happens on that night. Woman Alpha either whoever leaves the
stomach, empty philosophy Valley cholera.
So, someone says okay, I'm going to eat less, I'm going to have my
supper, I'm not going to increase yonder. He says Okay, so you've
achieved the first goal lie actually there. Luckily, just by
doing that you are not lifting the veil. From your you've only
achieved the first goal the second goal is what my lambda follow him
to whom in real life after having achieved the first goal, which is
listening our intake and how much we consume in you have to ensure
that you complete focus and interest is directed to Allah
subhanaw taala whether Luca who will Amarula who that is the
one map that was the clue. And the starting point for that is
listening, our food, our intake team.
So then you mentioned at the last point that we will conclude on the
last point tomorrow we have network data which will also bring
us to the end of the chapter in Thai, which is nice because it's
the last Sunday in the month of Ramadan. But we make
that Allah Subhana Allah, Allah subhanaw taala has guided us to
these x loads of 100 that is guided us to perform these acts.
We pray that Allah subhanaw taala allows us to experience the
spiritual dimensions of this acts as well. So now hang on a minute
from the banana minnows and aloha Anna said no Muhammad
SubhanA wa COVID Lanza tam is Hakuna manana and sending our
hamdulillah Me