Riyadh Walls – Fajr Talk Moulana Masrur Rylands (17 September 2023)
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The speakers discuss the importance of giving advice to individuals in various fields to grow their knowledge and avoid falling into a sin. They stress the need to practice these practices and stay in a state of humility to grow one's knowledge. The segment emphasizes the importance of avoiding going back to a past sin and not seeking forgiveness. The segment also emphasizes the need for individuals to pursue their interests and pursue their dreams and to be aware of their actions to avoid unnecessary risk.
The speakers discuss the importance of giving advice to individuals in various fields to grow their knowledge and avoid falling into a sin. They stress the need to practice these practices and stay in a state of humility to grow one's knowledge. The segment emphasizes the importance of avoiding going back to a past sin and not seeking forgiveness. The segment also emphasizes the need for individuals to pursue their interests and pursue their dreams and to be aware of their actions to avoid unnecessary risk.
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So Allah Allah see them from Rwanda,
of the praising Allah subhanaw taala and singing salutations upon
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says you Hello.
So, the reason I said something we've emphasized when we mentioned
his biography in Ramadan, was that when you're receiving advice from
an expert in a certain field,
our ears are open out, we give Him our focus and our attention
because we know what we're about to receive is advice. That perhaps
one of these advices will take me 10 years of experience, trial and
error before I reach this knowledge.
So what he's about to give us is obviously an advice of an expert.
So he says, You have
Oh slave of Allah. What to do with Obata me mean Allah He to other
fee coolibah
for in Allah to Allah but Nederburg la have gone to Allah or
to boo Illa Allah He Jamia and Johan mock me Moon Allah Allah.
Allah Allah in Allah, but there will be no Your humble Matata
heading. According to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in Nila Kula
have been yo Mr. Bynum Abba. The very first advice from amongst all
the advices is about to give us in the book is this is a slave of
Allah seek Toba from Allah subhanaw taala in every situation.
Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala has encouraged you to do so. In
the verse when he says what to do in Allah hegemony. And see and
Tubu is plural addressing addressing more than one
individual also 100 analysis or two in Allahu Jami and all of you
seek repentance to Allah subhanaw taala a you help me know believers
Allah come to flee home, perhaps you will be successful. And Allah
Subhana Allah says, in Allah help with the web, you know you have
been with Toto hearing Allah subhanaw taala loves those who
turned to him regularly in repentance, and he loves those who
purify themselves. And the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
with the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said in the last step for
Allah philleo Musa in Allah I seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw
taala 70 times a day 77 times every single every single day. So,
regularly turning in repentance to Allah subhanaw taala scholars have
discussed this for two scenarios. Number one,
perhaps the person is
addicted to a particular sentence. He finds himself constantly
falling into a sin. So they say even if you find yourself
committing a sin 100 times a day, ensure that you turn back to Allah
subhanaw taala 100 times a day. There should never be a time where
I committed a sin. And then I make Toba and I made intention. I'm not
going back to that. And then I happen to fall into the sin again.
And then perhaps I made another Toba and by the third time
according to the sun, I just give up. This is just me. They say you
should never reach that point given the verse but Allah subhanaw
taala says in Allah, you have to put the worm the worm is someone
Allah subhanaw taala could have said in Allah who would
be someone who returns to the web is someone who regularly turns
back to Allah subhanaw taala. So given that they say that even if
the person commits the same sin more than once, in a particular
day, all he should do is ensure that he turns back to Allah
subhanaw taala more than once, because if he's consistent on
this, Allah subhanaw taala will cease sincerity in wanting to
redeem himself from the sin. And Allah subhanaw taala will then
assist him to read himself from the sin. The second person, the
second person this applies to is someone who didn't turn back to
the self, he should still regulated repent to Allah subhanaw
taala at collecting rethinking, remembering his sin, this allows
us to be the two things this allows us to be constantly in a
state of humility. And secondly, it allows us not to fall into that
sin again. It should never be that I committed a particular sin on a
particular date. And I turned back to in Allah to Allah in
repentance, and I never thought of the sin again and I never
seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala ever again after
that one day of seeking forgiveness, that should never be
the case. In fact, it will never be the case it's almost guaranteed
that you will fall back into the sin again. If not that, then some
other type of sin of
About a disease of the heart of some self righteousness. So
the person who committed the sin sometimes becomes the biggest
critic of others falling into this. And that's only on account
of him not regularly turning better Allah subhanaw taala. So,
then he continues and he won't continue for long, don't worry. So
he continues and he says so, the first advice is turn to Allah
subhanaw taala and Toba in every situation could be worked in every
situation you find yourself in turn back to Allah subhanaw taala
in repentance and do so regularly. Then this is in errata Tober if
you truly want over, if you really want to turn away from Santa never
to return to them, if you really want Allah subhanaw taala to
accept you tilbyr
For him, but he like an alerta Hulu I mean at the factory to La
Curatola, then I'm going to tell you what to do. If you sincerely
want Toba then it's necessary that you ensure that you are never free
of de facto of thinking to Allah Henrique your entire life. What do
you mean by thinking thinking of your affairs thinking of the way
you do things, thinking of your mannerisms, checking yourself in
fact the section that highlights this under is Maha Sabha knifes
keeping myself into account. Right? So the fact Korea
reflecting and thinking is what he intends day by is thinking of your
own self watch my own character like what's my own and his
mannerisms like when I live together I say anything now that
you know could have been out. Sometimes we don't intended but
through joke, we will find someone sometimes we don't intended but
because for whatever reason. We might offend someone or we might
say this is my hospital nurse you constantly keeping yourself in
check and questioning your actions. This if you want to if
you truly want to but you have to ensure that you are never free
from thinking to latch on like your entire life over you face
your actions in your
certified female Santa Ana fina herring. So think and contemplate
on what you did during the day. For intimate data attend if you
find obedience in your flesh, Quran Allah Allah, thank Allah
subhanaw taala for it. We're in what the amount of Satan and if
you found that you might have earned you the you have you fallen
into sin. For what big enough second Allah Dalek. Then rebuke
yourself and scold yourself for this was stuck for the last hour
to be lay and then seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw
taala and turn to him. He didn't first say seek forgiveness and
turn to him. He first said what Biff Nuff said.
And why did he say that? For the next line that is about this. And
honestly, this is a secret. And this is this should be written in
gold and this is something we shouldn't forget. Because he says
My question is why did he proceed? The seeking of Toba and
forgiveness with the mindset and the inward state in terms of
rebuke yourself and scold yourself first, and then seek forgiveness
and Toba? Why did he Why did he
put it in that sequence? For him now who will learn Julissa Allah.
For anyone who learned Majuli sama Allah He and fatten will mean
magic listen to what be houfy Enough sector, you will not find a
situation where you are in communication with Allah subhanaw
taala according to Allah subhanaw taala making dua for certain
things, you will not find the situation more beneficial. A dua
that is more readily accepted and answered. There then when you find
yourself in a state of mind and state of heart where you are
humbled and and genuinely disgusted by your actions.
If I am truly disappointed in my actions, and I truly feel humbled
by my actions, and I truly feel almost humiliated, how could I
have done you know something of that nature, you see is that state
of mind and heart is the moment where Allah subhanaw taala accepts
you to readily accepts you will not find the situation more
beneficial to someone else. Some other scholars said the same
meaning but he phrased it differently.
And he was specifically speaking about the risk. You said my fucka
Alec Miss LUFA Correct. He said they will be there is no situation
that guarantees your provisions better than the situation when you
are truly humbled and poor in front of Allah subhanaw taala when
you can be
feel poor and broken in front of Allah subhanaw taala guarantee
that you will be reciprocated with what you are asking for. But if
I'm asking a non Muslim Toba and I'm asking for my need well my
mind might be the my mind might not be the mouth might be the
mouth may not be the Oh my mind and heart easy, but I don't really
feel in need. Can you imagine when you're begging someone for
something because this person is the only person in a particular
field and they can offer you some advice or some opportunity? You
genuinely feel in it? Please offer me this I'll guarantee you. I'll
you know, this is this is the state of mind and heart that
you're supposed to be in when asked Allah subhanaw taala even if
your mind and heart is present in your DUA, in what you're asking
for, but you don't feel in need.
Then most likely Allah subhanaw taala won't readily accept the DA.
So he says, for inner who lemma? Allah there's no situation where
you are asking Allah subhanaw taala more beneficial to you than
that situation when you are rebuking yourself.
While you're asking ALLAH SubhanA wa Allah to work with her and
confetti. Do not
rebuke yourself or do not make SCP rebuking yourself. Are you seeking
Toba? While you are smiling and laughing?
Bella with rebuke can scold yourself while Antimo didn't scold
yourself or blame yourself while you are truthful in what you are
saying Moodle hit on the local boosa that it's visible on your
face that you that you are satisfied with what you did has
been called Behati said and Moon Caslen really you are broken and
humbled before Allah subhanaw taala ins off witnesses last
night. So he says for Infanta that, if you can get into that,
you will do that. But the but the electron law who will use any
federal Allah will turn you your grief into happiness, or be duly
eyes, and your humiliation into an abyss little Metamora and it will
turn your darkness into light. But will hijab Akasha and you will
remove the whatever veils they are on account of sin. You will remove
the veils and allow you to allow your cash flow allow you to
experience it and closeness to him Subhanallah
so we pray that Allah subhanaw taala grants us a target and NASA
Allah subhanaw taala makes us amongst those who constantly and
regularly return to him in repentance and that Allah subhanaw
taala accepts this one 100 I came in from didn't know how benign I
mean I was on the low on that signal from Madonna and he was on
the Rhine lawn mountain fuchun Antigua was again to Finland.
I mean,
there has
been no so how not to become belongs the town mayor scicluna
sedan Milan Selena